Saturday, 16 April 2016

Active Placebos used as deceits

As I see it, the ‘active’ placebo effect – where some bodily response “tells you” that the drug is “working” such as a dry throat, is known to have a greater result than say a sugar pill alone.
Drug companies also utilize this in their “real medicines”.
I have the distinct impression that drug companies often set up their trial parameters in such a way as to distort the results – So the placebo is inactive and the trial drug – say fluoxetine (prozac) is adulterated with active extras that ‘tell the subject that the drug is working’.
There are a whole range of tricks that clever people routinely do to sell what otherwise would be less wanted or unwanted or indeed criminal to purvey.
The key things I see are that data – to have any scientific credibility – must be open – and that the trials really need to be independent of the drug company influence – which is a trillion dollar distortion field. How could it NOT be?
Our modern society is built on ‘getting’ while avoiding being ‘got from’. And is no basis for whole or healthy anything – nor one in which healing or reintegrating modalities and perspectives can grow and fruit. This calls on a profound ‘paradigm’ shift in our core self definitions as to who we are and what life is for.
If the foundation is corrupt – everything built upon it – no matter how well intentioned – follows suit).
One can petition inherently corrupt institutions to deliver fairness or just and honest service and communication – and fight the lack of this in law to some degree – and there are ways of doing this that share true witness rather than pursue a merely private agenda – but the desire and willingness to uncover a true foundation is discerning what truly resonates your integrity rather than handing all power over to experts – who may be worthy advisers to your informed decision.
Is sickness an absence of drugs? Is pre-emptive sacrifice for the sake of ‘reducing risk’ of fear-mongered conditions – the true cause of which are not investigated or published – a worthy or sane response?
If power and wealth is so disproportionately distributed, it belies that the vast majority want to give it away – or rather use ‘others’ as their protector and guide rather than awaken their own responsibilities. And those riding the wave encourage it and and are encouraged – even demanded – to persist. How insane can insane get before it can no longer mask as sanity – and therefore attract allegiance? They say everyone has their breaking point – but dissociation can fragment into less and less consciousness operating more and more regulated ‘existence’ – perhaps without ever breaking ranks to question its ‘reality’.

The 'Editorial" of the article responded with

A revolutionary approach to testing new drugs is not to use a placebo at all. Who wants to know if something is better than nothing? What you want to know is whether it is better than the best treatment currently available. This is what a wonderful patient oriented research clinic in Italy called Mario Negri does. For more details search for it on this site. It does something else even more radical and even more patient and community minded – it doesn’t take out any patents on the beneficial new molecules it finds.It makes them available to treat people. Utopian? Yes but also feasible. It has been going 60 years.

I further respond:

Firstly placebo is not 'nothing' and the belief it is, 'nothings' the power or agency of Mind. The effects that are known to arise as a result of placebo are far ranging and indicate a link between expectations and brain and body function at the cellular level. Indeed psycho-emotional effect on the body are far reaching - and yet this is what 'traditional science' is dead set on denying - not least by defining everything in material organic terms that the 'person' or subjective response mechanism - is merely subjected to, imprinted or programmed by.
The 'best treatment currently available' is a highly contentious and debatable term. Medical history is littered with the best treatment available that is invariably invalidated by the superseding methods with the idea of 'progress' implicit.

My sense is that there is a significant underlay of unaddressed (read avoided and masked) relational issues - (psycho-emotional) that have cultural and social reinforcements leading to breakdowns of communication and functionality resulting in many patterns of 'dis ease' reflecting and embodying the relational issue.

As a brief pre-amble, consider that unresolved separation trauma is pushed or denied to the 'subconscious and unconscious' or denial habit and denied but active, and much of this is dumped in the body - being unable to move and find acceptance as communication. This essentially sets up a jack in the box of feared or negative threats and outcomes that mask themselves in all kinds of avoidance and displacement patterns - including sickness and susceptibility to sickness. This perspective is likely to trigger defensive rage in those who equate awakening responsibility with blame and penalty. Who find protection from deeper fears by which a propensity for guilt calls their integrity and validity into question. But with this temporary reprieve comes subjection to the 'power' that provides the protection.

When symptoms arise we are trained to fear something has gone wrong and to project the negative expectation forward and seek help to avoid that projection. This is the power of the mind-training of a fundamental distrust of self and Life - in short a communication breakdown of 'separation trauma' re-enacting itself.

One easy to observe experiment is to purposefully align with choosing to act on joyous choices that will inevitably open a truly joyous or unified sense of life and wellbeing - into which the separation-belief pattern interjects itself as a loss of power, worth, relationship, inspiration and perspective. Upon this 'death' is raised a power born of sacrifice that demands a joyless obedience masked perhaps in forms of kindness or mitigated from exposure of its underlying pain - and the hate or rage or fear that is associated there.
None of this has any real cultural understanding in a jack whose persona is manipulated, conformed and coerced to fit an inhuman sense of life - arbited by an elitism to which one cannot possibly engage in communication with - let alone challenge. For everything has been repackaged into complex financial or medical 'instruments' that are traded in a system that is rigged from behind the scenes to make sure clarity or indeed sanity cannot occur - and any instances that cannot be subverted to serve the existing model, will be walled out, demonised and invalidated.

So there is a basis for doing 'nothing' not even taking a placebo, when symptoms arise - in outward terms - while bringing a genuine willingness to notice, acknowledge and open to the symptoms - not just as presenting to initial interpretation - but as a result of an intimate defenceless communication. For there are 'layers' or facets of relational 'dis ease' that come up to be undone and released - simply by truly listening and living from the result of a real communication - that may include taking advices of any kind arising within that communication. And here there is a 'both/and' quality rather than an 'either/or' mind of invalidation and denial.

I don't suggest this is many people's current responsibility to live up to - in fact I don't have a sense of living up to so much as responsibility to align truly or honestly rather than being deceived by conditioned reactions that prevented me checking in to find out.

The dangers in the redefining of drug trials into terms of existing and distorted or filtered narratives of 'best treatment' will mean that bad things can be promoted as excellence relative to worse, and be sanctified by a 'focus on patients'. I see a reversal approach in yet another step that outsources our Life in pacts that draw us into ever deeper dependencies and indebtedness. Mario Negri may have all the best intentions but the principle expounded astounds me.

While in the field of psychological dysfunction - the principles embodied in the Open Dialogue approach (youtube) are what I would call revolutionary - or indeed open a truly evolutionary culture for attending health needs. The power relationship in psychiatry is of course different from medicine generally - but both are state protected and state sponsored - where the line between the Corporate Medical Establishment and the State is no clearer than the Banking sector - or for that matter the military industrial complex.

Statins are part of a mindset of engineering a revenue stream of power and influence - and the protection of that narrative to evidences dismissed as anecdotal or non-clinical is fraudulent or at best the addiction to a model in which one's reputation and status in society depends.

Too big too fail is becoming part of an increasing insane system that cannot or will not accept radical revisions. Being sick, impoverished and warring has become essential for the Economy that is poised to bring in a new world order where sickness and war will of course be eradicated. Well they wont. They will be much more deeply suppressed and channelled into regulatory sacrifice.

Utopia and dystopia go hand in hand when the invalidation of what is here is fuelling the assertion of a power that promises a better future. We can only really evolve what is here and what we have or we operate from a mis take that appeals because it hides what we don't want to know or feel.

I am not opposed to any modality of health care so much as open to a unified and integrative approach. What is best treatment for one may be toxic for another. Mere aggregates do not serve the individual situation and classification and diagnosis may no less serve the professionals anxiety appeasement to be able to seem to have answer rather than including "I/we do not know" as a valid and honest feedback to a request for help. Then working for the State or indeed under its dictates as arises in cancer treatments allowed or else... (UK) means one is not paid for or serving the patient's needs excepting as defined and determined by the State - (which is not so separate from pharmaceuticals and allied lobbies such as food processing industries).

Who cares what anyone thinks?

I was not able to get the main comment to accept at the page titled
Beware of 'What British Muslims Really Think?' on Al Jazeera

I don't focus on Muslims any more than anyone else in addressing what I see as the issue that moved me to write.

"Correctness" of form operates personal or political power as a kind of thought control. But - as an old saying runs - "who is changed against their will is of the same opinion still". It is behaviour that is 'controlled by systems of incentive and penalty, and what can pass off as obedient alignment can thus hide in the form of being correct or acceptable and accorded respect.

What a 'man thinketh in his heart' may be undercurrent to surface or allowed 'consciousness'  - but is always active as the communication of current focus and acceptance. No one escapes their purpose.

So "what we really think" may not even be what we present to ourselves to mask or hide deeper and intolerable sense of rage in self hatred or fear - and so is it to the world that we also mask - and mask ourselves in. The masquerade of a struggle of powers to mask from, deny or distort communication, is itself an order of thinking that runs deeper than many who 'walk the world in armature' will ever imagine. But is reflected in our world because to mask something is not really to escape it - so much as to create a private 'mind' that automatically seeks and finds validation and reinforcement - that is - it operates to survive and prevail AS private and apart from and 'over and against others'.

The nature of an emergency of assertive imposture of control over mind leads to the loss of functionality of mind as a focus and channel of communication. Thoughts instead of opening and multiplying a scope of creative communication, become locked doors, brick walls and prisons - along with magic keys of promised escape from such 'prison'.

Definitions and beliefs that are no longer aligning true with who you feel and know yourself to be thus become as if sealed or locked in by 'personal' and group persona identities. So much so that issues can no longer be addressed without being subverted to the 'clash of personal identities' in which all sides of conflict operate to protect conflict as the source and determiner of perceived power. While calling on one's 'justifying script'.

How we obviously are defining ourself in relation to consciousness, power and identity is often a reversal of the true order - as a private assertion of self seeking external validation - and thus invoking and feeding external 'power' that undermines or invalidate inner freedom to receive and imagine and create real relationships that bring and share riches of many kinds and qualities.

The mind that is not aligned in the heart of what is consciously felt and known in true presence is often seen as a deceiver - and with good reason - for it is used to justify a false or masked sense of self - that has taken something of the true but set it in a private context of its own unquestioned thinking.

True willing is aligned within - not conformed without - though of course there is a parental role in the guiding of children to their own inner integrity of listening, feeling and knowing. Adults should not be encouraged to be passive dependants on state or any other institution. The desire for parental power can become a destructive obstruction to the development of consciousness whilst taking on 'controls' it cannot meet - and thus become overwhelmed and vulnerable to negative inlfuence.

When anything of the inner is turned to weapon, it loses its true or whole meaning to serve as mask of power.
But when turning to the inner within a true willingness for communication and relationship, is to pause from 'weapon' and discern the issues beneath the 'personality conflict' - and uncover the beliefs and definitions these issues embody. These have been laid down over millennia and have to be undone step by step. Perfect solutions allow no step to be taken, but one good step leads to another and perspectives shift. If God were a static perfection - there would be no unfolding or evolving of conciousness as to its true nature. True transcendence embraces all apparently opposing polarities, accepting that which is resonant to a true sense of one's own being without having to justify that by invalidating others.

It is not the words that make the man or woman - but the deeds that communicate the presence - or indeed the lack of Soul.
Words and concepts are currencies that can become adulterated through misuse and false worship - for they are not the thing they point to. They can conceal toxic debt in complex instruments of persuasion. Finding a true currency of exchange, communication and relationship has to start from the extension of true presence - which is naturally receptive and discerning of the willingness in the other - such as is present to join with in mutually honouring terms or strengthen by not joining in false currency. Trust has to be grown in a mutual honouring. Power can only 'trust' conditioned obedience.

Paranoia and fear does not allow inner receptivity for fear paints reality in sharp contrasts according to the fragment of Self each is identified with protecting and this polarizing of conflicted identity is an open invitation to a shadow third party manipulation and dominance.

The narrative reality is not truth, but the stories we tell that either align true, or mis-alignment we think we want more than truth - and so believe at expense of knowing and feeling within. Truth is not determined by thinking, but its recognition inspires thought and action of alignment - as we freely accept.

But what I feel and know within is not for me to ascribe and assert true of anyone else - though I can meet others of a like willingness. But - for the sake of making a point - if I should seem to conform others to believe the same it will also be they who manipulate me so that they do not have to awaken responsibility of thought - for this is where power is given so as to use others to get it back-handedly. There is always a pay-off for whatever we believe - even unconsciously - or it would not be running. But closer re-evaluation will find much that we took to be true is not - and much of what we took to be symptom of disease or disorder is a true messenger unrecognized. If we assert our own identity, we deny and deprive the joy of being identified in love - be that in any of the innate or true qualities of Life. Asserted 'love' in the form of learned behaviours can only mimic and mask towards gaining acceptance.

What do we really feel about our thought? This may be too simple to ask - but if we feel fear in the fruits - then there is fear in the roots. I see Humanity as a great diversity of experience and perspectives that hold potential for war of conflicted 'power' or for sharing power in which war is not waged against the living - so much as embodying a unifying willingness for Life; giving as we in truth would receive - rather than as un-checked thinking would react.

"What do I really think"? Well in time, every kind of thought has some representation - but that does not mean they gain acceptance as that from which I live, or keep it if they teach me to choose better. That is the choice by which I align with unified purpose in Life. Our fruits communicate regardless the forms may deceive. If 'Caesar' insists on controlling the narrative - then of course 'Caesar' is given his due. But giving unto God that which is due means honouring Creation - Life - and discerning it beneath the distortions of personal and cultural masking. These words don't have to be your words for your feeling of the meaning to be true of you. Life is not forced on us against our true will - though is certainly seems to be when we have conflicted purpose within it. Life is a gift only recognized in giving likewise - not because you should... or Else! But because you are truly moved to freely accept - perhaps after learning what does not work!

The idea of making thought conform usurps love's function of freely choosing to cooperate and share in a greater sense of joining. We all have our 'reasons' as to why we withhold our blessing or withdraw our presence - and this thinking runs mostly un-checked. Does fear in fact protect us from loss, harm or corruption, or does it blind us to guidance in Life that helps to heal these deeply imprinted ways of thinking and seeing? When the baby is thrown out with the bath water there is no real attending to the living. Ideas are easy to play in - but consequences can be very painful and all idea accepted and lived as true desire - has consequence. This is not incentive and threat. Sowing and reaping is in every choice we make and every thought we accept by living as if it is true.

A commenter said: Who cares what Muslims think.

Once you can judge what others think, you can invalidate them. Once they are defined thus they can be forced to 'correct' or forcibly treated by a self-righteous duty! 

Because you 'care' to judge a category used to identify a group of diverse people, you embody such exclusivity or 'elitism'. If you had said 'who cares what anyone thinks' you may have uttered something wise.

I care that you know you have a choice as to where you get your thinking from. When everyone aligns with elitism, power trickles up to evaporate. The loss of consciousness on Earth is disguised by clever thinking - as is the usurpation and evaporation of wealth.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Guardians keep the EU Spinning

The Guardian view on Mr Corbyn’s newfound enthusiasm for Europe:
a mark of more mature leadership (sic)

'Mature' meaning adapted to align with the status quo - or 'reflecting popular opinion'?
What a strange use of the term.
The EU is a curious carrot and stick - and the carrot of centrally planned collectivism seems sweet to Corbyn when it comes to 'rights' given out by the EU State. But the stick is that the Corporate Cartels and globalists who draft and assert such as TTIP (which is not a trade agreement so much as a transfer of power to the Corporate sector and the 'banksterism' that effectively controls the worlds money supply and has just about everyone indebted or under and undue degree of dependence and thus limitation of freedom to act.

The role of the State is unquestioned by the Left - who presume to engineer fairer society via statute - but are led down the rabbi hole to a mad party.
Meanwhile the dominant Corporates infiltrate and in effect become the State and engineer society to pay for its own destruction whilst such predators strip out more wealth as they break open and expose any remaining assets.
The Corporate/State is lawlessness given power to remake the law in its own image. The issue of sovereignty of Will is that of our willing consent. National Sovereignty is believed to be dead or about to be discarded for 'regionalism' in which the power behind the Globalist State sets the terms by which you 'live'. You will have no real voice - excepting in sideshows of no matter. You will learn what not to question. You will 'mature' as an obedient citizen or be 'treated for your disorder.
I joined Labour just to vote Corbyn for his refreshing absence of spin-sickness. But polarising against the 'Tories' is an absurd posture in relation to what is actually being done to us, under our noses, using our own money and manipulating our own sense of 'free will' to support it - by Tweedledee and Tweedledum who really ought to look up from their quarrel and unite in a common humanity that withholds allegiance from such inhumanities as are masked with carrot and stick diversion.
I am all for sharing - but as I understand the term - coercive force is not the agency of sharing - but of extortion and control - perhaps more 'fairly' under good-cop but the bad cop is the underside that works the same agenda.
Communication - honourably engaged - affords an honest outcome that serves a sense of all voices heard. Our parliament conforms to the outer formalities of honour but honest communication is the first casualty of warring behind such masking.
Whatever system of governance we adopt or accept it NEEDs genuine communication to Be Governance. Mere top-down dictate is out-of-touch and seeks to use 'control' to replace messy human communication and dialogue, and becomes ever more unreal as a mask of managing and controlling perceptions that have no grounding in  anything real  and so power for its own sake hollows our our culture and our capacity for Life on Earth - whilst providing dreams for electric sheep.

The Tories wont get their EU ticket for corporate plunder without the state religion and the Socialists wont get their EU ticket for society ruled by a system of 'State Decreed Rights' without discovering the State gives them none to escape being farmed and managed by corporate plunder. The State will reign in such plunder once 'national identities' have been erased. The State will make, change, enforce, ignore or any law for any reason or none - because nothing and no one will have any capacity to challenge it or hold it in check. It only operates as a 'state' that embodies agenda of the power lobbies behind it. The idea that each polarity has to get rid of the other, is what prevents an alliance in common Humanity - and market follow suit. Selling common 'market' to force political subordination to an unelected technocratic 'state' is a conspiracy fact!
Yeah, and with the UK on the outside looking in, having to follow all the regulations if we want to be a trading partner but having no input in deciding those regulations!

Please read up on the TTIP - drafted and forcibly injected by faceless technocrats - except it is being shoehorned in by guile and stealth.
If you really believe that the actors who play out roles to manage popular perception have any real power you are mistaken.
Globalism has been and is inexorably insinuating and imposing itself through very disciplined and subtly designed manipulations. Perhaps you would prefer to be 'in' a totalitarian collective so as to 'have a voice'. I prefer to have a voice from a sense of free willingness that is more than open to mutual benefits and shared initiatives - but not to being tricked and forced into legal servitude and impoverishment under state religion - for so it is.

Out we get TTIP foisted on us too. Do you seriously imagine we'll get access to US markets etc without TTIP?

TTIP is one raft of an unchecked corporate lawlessness - for they are neither accountable or responsible to any power - yet claim the rights of 'persons' when it suits. This is one reason to want global governance - but not in a form or under the jurisdiction of inhuman and destructive 'outsourcing of costs' as pain, poverty, misery and destruction. And this for the 'hit' of power and privilege of an elitism at everyone else's expense.
Humanity is not threatened by 'climate change' but by pervasive deceit and corruption. You get access according to your allowed rank or status in usefulness and conformity to the power that can limit your access if you don't play the game.
I say that game is not worth the candle - and so I suggest a crash course in radical re-education as to what and who we truly are - and no longer trust  corrupted institutions that predate upon us instead of joining in a shared purpose. I know they SAY words that sound well-intentioned but we are at best being abandoned by those who don't know how to come out and say they don't know - and so sell their Souls to spinning lies by which to play out roles in a dream that is already turned to nightmare - and there is nothing to check this 'race to the bottom' from pretenders and well wishing.

Shadow power rules by the division with whatever you are currently defining yourself against. A true presence manifests through what you are wholly aligned in and for.
Vote FOR Sovereignty of Will. Watch the power of fear being leveraged to invoke your fears, shames and inadequacies. learn about the deceiver and how it does not truly belong in you, as your voice. Don't take the bait. Put it behind you by wholly embracing life in what you are - not in conflicted sense of what you fear to be.

Drawn from the Panama Hat?

Botched Panama Papers Leak Has Unintended Consequences for the Elite
Daily Bell Editorial

One of the possibilities arising from ability to hack or surveil others is to set up 'leaks' in order to further political agenda. It appears initially that for all the bulk of info - this is such a psyop by which everyone with hidden or obscured assets has been told they can be 'outed' and the mob primed to legally force such transparency. While this may seem good up to a point, having all transactions made transparent to power that is itself opaque and unaccountable is totalitarian.

#1 Comment:

The idea that toppling the idol (identity mythology) reveals the truth is only realised by a desire for truth. Desire for vengeance or indeed reinstatement as a subtler mythological variation on the theme is otherwise automatic - because the desire for truth is not part of any world-given 'identity'.
I sense the 'witchhunt will be used to shoehorn forcing transparency of assets on citizens and businesses alike - though in practice the law seems to work or be applied differently to citizens than transnationals.

Corporate entities and legal tax avoidance are both defined by law. And it is there that more truly aligned definitions need to replace automatically destructive outcomes - as a result of elitist and exceptionalist cartel creation.

#2 Comment

Soros is involved in funding of such, as in funding of so much else. Hatred is obviously fuelling the bipartisan illusion of US politics - and some incite and fund it. But hating the person is always reflecting something personal in the hater - whereas hating the falsity or illegitimacy of a deceit or a false notion, is natural to a love of truth.
Many hate anything that does not conform to or support the world as they imagine and want it to be - but that is to be so self-centred as to wish to have absolute power over all others. This is normal for an imaginary rage-driven agenda - and billions who engage it are the botnet for a cold light to manipulate such reaction to serve its agenda through your 'free' choices.

#3 Comment

"...such individuals are suffering from a serious mental disorder
in need of medication..."

Please! Note how without knowing it, you are aware of the 'treatment' the state metes out to what it defines as 'a medical' disorder.

If people act in a disorderly way, there are already existing laws and procedures that pertain.

To take on the 'mindset of state coercion' in such a manner is to reveal its thought is your own.

Relational issues are psycho-emotional and have physical consequences. They are not physical diseases requiring Transglobal pharmaceuticals to provide 'treatment' for. - especially under the coercion of the state and overriding the willing consent of the other-defined 'sick' citizen. But if a citizen breaks the law - then his liberty may be checked and the matter brought to trial. That is where the balance for liberty in society is served by the state. In a justice system serving the balance of willingness for liberty at other's expense is coercion or deceit is it not?

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Better than Nothing?

Further in the thread of commentary I blogged recently HERE

 Editorial 12 Apr 2016

A revolutionary approach to testing new drugs is not to use a placebo at all. Who wants to know if something is better than nothing? What you want to know is whether it is better than the best treatment currently available. This is what a wonderful patient oriented research clinic in Italy called Mario Negri does. For more details search for it on this site. It does something else even more radical and even more patient and community minded – it doesn’t take out any patents on the beneficial new molecules it finds.It makes them available to treat people. Utopian? Yes but also feasible. It has been going 60 years.

Firstly placebo is not 'nothing' and the belief it is 'nothings' the power or agency of Mind. The effects that are known to arise as a result of placebo are far ranging and indicate a link between expectations and brain and body function at the cellular level. Indeed psycho-emotional effect on the body are far reaching - and yet this is what 'traditional science' is dead set on denying - not least by defining everything in material organic terms that the 'person' or subjective response mechanism - is merely subjected to, imprinted or programmed by.
The 'best treatment currently available' is a highly contentious and debatable term. Medical history is littered with the best treatment available that is invariably invalidated by the superseding methods with the idea of 'progress' implicit.

My sense is that there is a significant underlay of unaddressed (read avoided and masked) relational issues - (psycho-emotional) that have cultural and social reinforcements leading to breakdowns of communication and functionality resulting in many patterns of 'dis ease' reflecting and embodying the relational issue.

As a brief pre-amble, consider that unresolved separation trauma is pushed or denied to the 'subconscious and unconscious' or denial habit and denied but active, and much of this is dumped in the body - being unable to move and find acceptance as communication. This essentially sets up a jack in the box of feared or negative threats and outcomes that mask themselves in all kinds of avoidance and displacement patterns - including sickness and susceptibility to sickness. This perspective is likely to trigger defensive rage in those who equate awakening responsibility with blame and penalty. Who find protection from deeper fears by which a propensity for guilt calls their integrity and validity into question. But with this temporary reprieve comes subjection to the 'power' that provides the protection.

When symptoms arise we are trained to fear something has gone wrong and to project the negative expectation forward and seek help to avoid that projection. This is the power of the mind-training of a fundamental distrust of self and Life - in short a communication breakdown of 'separation trauma' re-enacting itself.

One easy to observe experiment is to purposefully align with choosing to act on joyous choices that will inevitably open a truly joyous or unified sense of life and wellbeing - into which the separation-belief pattern interjects itself as a loss of power, worth, relationship, inspiration and perspective. Upon this 'death' is raised a power born of sacrifice that demands a joyless obedience masked perhaps in forms of kindness or mitigated from exposure of its underlying pain - and the hate or rage or fear that is associated there.
None of this has any real cultural understanding in a jack whose persona is manipulated, conformed and coerced to fit an inhuman sense of life - arbited by an elitism to which one cannot possibly engage in communication with - let alone challenge. For everything has been repackaged into complex financial or medical 'instruments' that are traded in a system that is rigged from behind the scenes to make sure clarity or indeed sanity cannot occur - and any instances that cannot be subverted to serve the existing model, will be walled out, demonised and invalidated.

So there is a basis for doing 'nothing' not even taking a placebo, when symptoms arise - in outward terms - while bringing a genuine willingness to notice, acknowledge and open to the symptoms - not just as presenting to initial interpretation - but as a result of an intimate defenceless communication. For there are 'layers' or facets of relational 'dis ease' that come up to be undone and released - simply by truly listening and living from the result of a real communication - that may include taking advices of any kind arising within that communication. And here there is a 'both/and' quality rather than an 'either/or' mind of invalidation and denial.

I don't suggest this is many people's current responsibility to live up to - in fact I don't have a sense of living up to so much as responsibility to align truly or honestly rather than being deceived by conditioned reactions that prevented me checking in to find out.

The dangers in the redefining of drug trials into terms of existing and distorted or filtered narratives of 'best treatment' will mean that bad things can be promoted as excellence relative to worse, and be sanctified by a 'focus on patients'. I see a reversal approach in yet another step that outsources our Life in pacts that draw us into ever deeper dependencies and indebtedness. Mario Negri may have all the best intentions but the principle expounded astounds me.

While in the field of psychological dysfunction - the principles embodied in the Open Dialogue approach (youtube) are what I would call revolutionary - or indeed open a truly evolutionary culture for attending health needs. The power relationship in psychiatry is of course different from medicine generally - but both are state protected and state sponsored - where the line between the Corporate Medical Establishment and the State is no clearer than the Banking sector - or for that matter the military industrial complex.

Statins are part of a mindset of engineering a revenue stream of power and influence - and the protection of that narrative to evidences dismissed as anecdotal or non-clinical is fraudulent or at best the addiction to a model in which one's reputation and status in society depends.

Too big too fail is becoming part of an increasing insane system that cannot or will not accept radical revisions. Being sick, impoverished and warring has become essential for the Economy that is poised to bring in a new world order where sickness and war will of course be eradicated. Well they wont. They will be much more deeply suppressed and channelled into regulatory sacrifice.

Utopia and dystopia go hand in hand when the invalidation of what is here is fuelling the assertion of a power that promises a better future. We can only really evolve what is here and what we have or we operate from a mis take that appeals because it hides what we don't want to know or feel.

I am not opposed to any modality of health care so much as open to a unified and integrative approach. What is best treatment for one may be toxic for another. Mere aggregates do not serve the individual situation and classification and diagnosis may no less serve the professionals anxiety appeasement to be able to seem to have answer rather than including "I/we do not know" as a valid and honest feedback to a request for help. Then working for the State or indeed under its dictates as arises in cancer treatments allowed or else... (UK) means one is not paid for or serving the patient's needs excepting as defined and determined by the State - (which is not so separate from pharmaceuticals and allied lobbies such as food processing industries).

Memesis or memetically sealed consciousness

Do Memes Exist - or are they Fictions?
(More comment into the thought about thought). The link above is to the comment stream in which these responses arise:

 #1 Beam me up Scottie!
Caroline says:
Quite a few years ago I started reading a book by Susan Blackmore. In the opening pages she made the startling pronouncement that humans are distinguished from animals in their ability to mimic/imitate, which animals lack (according to her). I kept reading for another page or so but it bothered me so much I finally closed the book and threw it away. I saw no reason to waste time on someone who spouts off on things she has clearly never investigated. Couldn’t help wondering how many similar statements were carelessly thrown around in her little book.
As an informational portal it held no value for you, so – of course – you put it behind you. But noticing what bothers me can open a deeper quality of insight than the story on the page. And perspective upon something uncovered within myself means I truly put something behind me rather than meeting it again (or meting it out again), and again because the insight wants to ‘come home’.

Isn’t it so that we are each in the specific and unique configuration of who we are currently accepting ourselves to be – and learning from it? Perhaps learning is an eventual outcome of transformation and I should rather say ‘experiencing the fruit of it’.

I wondered at your quote of Susan Blackmore’s and came up with my own offering:

Humans (currently) distinguish themselves by differentiating in thought from the Life that lives them, as all within and around them. What they think, becomes their unique perspective within a presumption of a disconnected sense of power-struggle that operates in absence of Felt Connection.

This sense of disconnected thought begets itself as the idea of un-feeling memes.
A wish-fulfilment for idea of acquired immunity, untroubled by relational communication from the unfit. Vax them with memes to undermine capacity for receptivity and response!
Automata to be bio-technically upgraded or replaced with AI upgrades.
Beam me up Scottie!

#2 Subconscious Associative Routines

There is an aspect of mind running subconscious that receives impressions of association and retains them. In its positive effect it  leaves attention free to enjoy and embrace the physical reality experience without having to attend every detail of its basic orientation, and so it holds certain aspects or fundamental routines in place as an autonomous conditioning - triggered by association - as a conditioned sense of thought and reality-response. In its negative sense it will just as readily hold and respond with negative conditionings reinforcing and witnessing to a sense of fearful, invalid and threatened self - that is then auto-masking with all kinds of social and personal habit pattern.
Once a pathway of association is imprinted by repeated act of attention and reaction it runs as  part of 'who you are - and may seem to have a will of its own if you seek to change because it won't conform or communicate to coercive or conforming thinking that seeks to invalidate or override it, but rather to a new set of conscious thoughts and responses from a fresh decision - which is an outcome of a true process of communication and not a rebranded makeover of trying to persist in the same behaviour that brings that same unsatisfactory outcome.

As to what is 'in our lives'; Infinite possibility - at least for each within the range of current probability available, and that is not random or happenstance so much as outcomes arising from the use to which we put our mind. I posit you that Everything imaginable already exists as a timeless and infinite Idea - but that the unfolding experiencing of being and discovering it is a freedom of focus and attention in which the individual expressions of the Idea that recognizes Itself through extension as relational communication -  is love creating. Now it wont seem like love creating through the lens of the idea of focusing in and identifying with... who you are not. For each of us is a unique vibrational presence that recognizes itself -  and enlivens - along the lines and in the particular frequencies that are relevant and resonant to the themes we are exploring as this focus of experience.
What is not given attention, but disregard, fades from non use. While what is - even as a 'negative' attention -is strengthened and reinforced resulting in a negative outcome.

Consciousness responsibility involves re-wakening as consciousness - the true presence of you - from which and as which to accept only what is aligned with the true of you - as an act of true self love. Clearly a habit-pattern is already running of a range of conditionings that effectively run as a place-holder or overlay of strategies of coping with a negatively or fearfully defined sense of self - for we all meet lovelessness coming into the human conditioning that then covers over a direct feeling and knowing of being for a complex and convoluted masking of social demand.

Because, truly, one is not IN or OF the world, but consciousness in which the experience of the world is held in focus, one man be someone who has never had the past that is not being lived from now. For the personality structure is not a fixed or abiding 'you' but a construct of definitions, feelings thoughts and behaviours through which you participate in shared being. It is a SENSE of disconnection arising from identifying exclusively with the personality structure. This occurs as readily from attempting to conform or coerce it either by inflation or limitation.
The simple key is to choose to use what is in our consciousness and experience of the world to serve a truly positive or re-integrative outcome. Simple but so easily overlooked or neglected in an already running reaction taken as 'self'.

So the willingness to pause and listen or feel for true desire is not to conform to any structure of idea as to how or what love or you should be - but open to what you are being within a willingness of more clearly aligning with what is moving in you.  The fear and hatred of fighting believed evil keeps this willingness in such denial as to cage or kill it.

#3 Casting Santa or Satan

The implication that we have no choice whether or not to have Santa in our lives is false, & would be frightening if true.

Santa or or indeed Satan has the roles and functions you give it for you. Imagination grounded in integrity is not a runaway train crash. Who you are not can play a very clear role in the recognition and acceptance of who you are. When the forms of Life are mimicked and manipulated as if they are life - they become false presents that may look glamorous or powerful but are hollow packaging, and gripping so tight to the mask that it becomes you does not add depth but renders everything superficial. The apparent escape from depths in which fears lie hidden plays out as the power to assert and define everything cause-less - so as to remove or conceal all evidences that point back to the feared exposure in which such 'power' is 'lost' to a true account.

To persist in what we don't want as if we do want it is to actively deny our self for the sake of a perceived and believed gain - or to avoid a perceived or believed loss. Perception and belief have to be held to true account or the runaway train crash continues. As long as we are trying to steer out of a skid we have no traction - but the moment we steer into it - a reconnection with the road restores a sense of knowing how to meet the condition and respond with it rather than overriding it and losing communication. The principle here is sound but living this willingness consistently is perhaps the remit of the new epoch - for those who are focusing in such probability. The runaway imagination of action-reaction without true acceptance for consciousness may be a default choice for those who feel more aligned with persisting in a dream of power over Life - or indeed the escape from life that a withholding of living presence paints it as.

#4 Behind the Memes
Roger Nadal says:

I think a Google Images search of Susan Blackmore tells you everything you need to know about the agenda behind “memes.”

Although I feel the agenda behind the idea of memes - I have my own - so I can use them - if I want - to serve my agenda. Language is not frozen.
Top down memes are injected and even astroturfed into the collective narrative of those who suckle unmindfully. True grass root ideas and movements are subverted to serve power agenda. But that's someone else's agenda - not mine. I'm living my life - not theirs.
If unloving agenda comes into my life - its my opportunity to use it to locate and address the correspondence - which is a nice term that means both a message and a resonance of frequency.
I love language that opens many facets at once within what it is to behold existence.
Language reflects and generates the mind that uses it. So use it on purpose to hold meanings that serve your joy in life - or abuse yourself and wonder what hit you!

Michael Burns says:
...Query: could you say, gives us one of your best personal memes?
I don't have my own 'memes' I have my own purpose.
Far from the idea of self forming, self existing, self replicating ideas, I feel for the movement of being in which and of which everything is - and so I look and listen there, rather than run in loops of seemingly autonomous thinking. Movement is a time and notion word - but I mean the threshold of the movement of desire and attention. Do I therefore write anything - or am I moved and willing to embody what moves me? Insofar as the words I use are chosen or accepted to feel attuned to the meaning felt - its all poesy.
If I joined in the idea of memes it would be as a way into reflecting something of the nature of consciousness as an observation rather than as 'more thinking'. The 'me-meme' thinks its thought is consciousness, while it operates to usurp and deny consciousness. This pattern is readily observable in others... perhaps as a device of not noticing that we are not really beholding others but running a thinking that self-reinforces or 'me-memes' without really hearing, seeing or feeling anything.
That thinking is invoked to rationalise such thinking  and justify the withholding and withdrawal of presence from communication is instead of reflecting to the heart's knowing.
In computing terms its a loop - and in processing a task, a hang, but its conflicted thought can crash or demand a force quit or reboot. But where in computing terms the operator intervenes, in awakening is a noticing or rising of awareness that is not thinking - but observing and feeling thought. This is upstream - and if the term 'me' is used here, it refers to prior and pervading qualities to whatever is 'going on' - simply because they are your current experience of existence itself rather than identifiction within a model. Existence itself is both and. No matter what levels or dimensions - there is always another in which the others are embraced. From certain perspectives existence looks like a mathematical al geometry or meming of unfolding idea - but that is one facet of an Infinite Crystal - and so it doesn't need denial - but nor does it merit exclusivity - unless of course you are moved in your desire to explore that perspective experience for your own reasons - and to do that you have to temporarily deny others. Your experience is yours because it is your gift to the whole - but from denial perspectives it will seem your experience is of denial and coercion - being run by robot thinking that seems more real that you are. Now that is not so far removed from Earth experience today is it? Some sort of loveless machine thinking that has no feeling for anything and only mimics emotionality as manipulative ploy. It feeling my be rage against a sense of lost perfection that life inherently brings to the worship of dead concept.
I see Consciousness as the Projection and Reflection of Idea - and so whatever is held in the focus of an energy of desire and intent is automatically and instantly reflected. The idea of receiving different from what is given, is the idea of a gap in which time replaces or 'frames' eternity, and in the gap a sense of self in power to fragment negatively or segregatively, as a forgetting in which true power is lost to the gap. While an illusion of power as the sense of separation from Life fulfils itself in death or 'power over Life'. However, you get prompts to check in that you are in fact one with your choice because separation from Life is not actual - or there would be no basis upon which to have the experience. Thoughts never leave the mind that thinks them but the attempt to get rid of or deny judged thought by putting it OUT - is actually the way to KEEP them. Hence the 'autonomy' of feeding the very situation that you believe you are escaping. It runs indefinitely through whatever form-changes until there is a breakdown in capacity to believe it.
The belief in the need to escape in form is denying the rising of perspective. Everything depends on the perspective from which it is perceived or beheld or created. Then add to the mix that consciousness shift perspective billions of times per second and that the illusion of changing in graduated steps is just one facet of representing the idea of experiencing the nature of creation in slow motion - so to speak... where in truth every instant is a perfect creation - but to feel this is not within the mind of the gap in its power to judge all things to confirm itself.
Therefore I don't seek for myself but open within relationship - because the former is the loss of power to truly feel and know Life here and now. Not to think about life or think about now.
It isn't more or better thinking, its the release of thinking in shift to feeling. Then if thinking serves, it is given. But it isn't accorded the role of running the show! Nor the burden.

Collectivism as individualistic propaganda

When a waking individuality defied the Corporate Sell, The Corporate then sold “individualism” as identity-reinforcement. The video documentary series: “The Century of the Self” by Adam Curtis is worth following for this thread. (Freely online).

A false individualism sells the idea one is free and self-defined while framing apparent choices to mere forms of differentiation that are simply part of the divide and rule of ‘identity politics’. A false identity is “thinking” based – without the visceral creative transformative Life within it.

Indivisible and individual were once synonymous – you cannot be divided or split into parts. But the belief that you can and HAVE been – is the false or split fragmented sense of a Humpty Dumpty world.

We can align with ‘all the King’s men’ if we want – but will never make or regain wholeness from any point outside the relationship of our true Indivisibility.

You may align AGAINST all the King’s men if you want, there’s a ‘helluva drama going on’ and yet martyrdom awaits a god who never comes.

Or you can walk out of any thinking – any framing of meanings and get down quiet in the silence of no reinforcement for your little identity what-so-ever – to be moved anew in a fresh perspective – that – without taking thought – is neither for or against – but WITH what is real in everyone and everything – because that’s where you are coming from.

And then in some unguarded moment, reactions trigger a mind of ‘for and against’ and division rules in place of simple presence knowing right relation. For when coming from a place of self-judgement – one meets the same measure everywhere – without recognizing their part in it.

Because hiding or outsourcing your part, so as to minimise your conflicted pain, is how you assert a sense of private individual authority and seek to validate it upon the world and conform it to reflect what? A justified sense of grievance? Is rage the power that runs the world? or is terror the compression that keeps Humpty in pieces when he could otherwise embrace his peace?

It is good to let feelings rise and move that are denied – to a true acceptance. But important to pause their public or open expression – for until you Know where you are coming from, the deceiver can take you without your realizing until after you have woken from the spell to see the hurt and hurting re-enacted and guilt on your mind.

Family can be a quality of Relationship – not coercion. Don’t be deceived by the concept or the form when it is hollow! Without Feeling awareness – there is no possibility of recognition. The capacity to identify in fragmented and distorted thought has tragic consequence while the identity runs.

Are hate and envy bedfellows? Do we hate ‘power’ because we want it?

Are we not humiliated and enraged in our impotence?
Is that what it seems or can it be imagined and perceived differently?

The vax-pharm runs a mind that is off the rails and so derails our world to run in its imaging. I don’t know about you – but I cannot feel myself at all in those tracks and I feel to reach out to others to say – “there is a choice in this much deeper than seems” – because I am grateful to all that reached or reaches to me in embrace of Life – amidst the split-mind in its fascination with disease, destruction and death.

If medical pharma cant run an open honest shop – should it be running at all? But here’s the rub – there is an extraordinary investment of fear and guilt hidden within the belief and supply of “Power to Intervene, Suppress and Manage Symptoms”. And Vax has ‘generated’ this halo of foundational sacred science that is a kingpin in the new version of the old religion of power and sacrifice that took over before science had hardly a chance to draw breath.

Freethinking? Try it! Open communication? If you are not peer previewed and published in the institutionalism of clinical data you are auto-invalidated – ie: a non-elite. You are done for and if you dissent you will be done to. Monoculture is clearly superior to natures profligate diversity – and anyway its the only way we can pretend any sense of control – by denying everything else than our own brand of truth.

But beneath the changing forms of fear-religion that must coerce against exposure by denying the messenger symptoms of out-of-true, is the cult of sacrifice of Individuality – of joy in wholeness – to a Minotaur that rages in its maze – where it has been hidden; to a priesthood that rules in the name loveless image of the god of ‘The Law’; to a blind arrogance that re-defines truth to set its own crown – and none must laugh at Humpty – for demanding sacrifice to guilt is the secret of power over – and without it… Life restores to Joy. How can this be – when Herod smites so?
I cant tell you but you have to live your life for yourself – true to to yourself and understand within the step you take and not in rehearsal before.

This post received a flattering response to which I replied:

I prefer to see a co-creation or synchronicity in which we meet – and yet in a stirring that doesn’t fit into words and doesn’t need to.

Just as you can discern the ‘weapon’ in your words at times – and thus be free to choose another way to say it – I can feel the separation of specialness – and whilst I celebrate uniqueness of being in all – I don’t feel to embody or attain the idea of an ‘elite-ist’.
As for exploration of worlds – well perhaps instead of trying to fit anything into any kind of plan – you could simply allow and follow what you are attracted to, truly energized, excited or enlivened by and interested and passionate in – in any moment that a choice arises.

It is what you believe in your heart that creates your experience – regardless what the mind presents. Conflicting beliefs and purposes bring a conflicted world. You might say that what I believe makes no difference, but to see a call for help where before I only saw an attack is a huge difference and draws an entirely different response. But I don’t ‘do’ belief from the outside in – as if they can be added to me by taking thought for myself. I release beliefs to what might be called a silence or void of self-assertion and listen and feel for the Life that rises of Itself to a true receptivity – for an instant of such ‘Life’ is so rich in Informational energy that if I lived to be a million I would not be able to write or act it all out and of course nor would I want to. However, as Neil Young sang “I see you give more than I can take, well I’ll only harvest some”. So I only need to know what I need to know, when I need to know it, and go with what resonates (there’s the joy recognition thing), and live this sense of unfolding – because it’s more about where I am coming from than where I’m going. If desire and imagination move me with the sense of inspiration to act then if I then don’t believe I can do it – the whole thing stagnates or constipates and no more inspiration can come in because I’m not listening truly to what I have – or I’d act on it.

The thing about these knots or logjams is to accept them as teaching learning opportunities rather than defining as failures or obstructions.

Blake access a wisdom that is available no less to you, but the nature of the receptive and expressive channel of communication may be less self-aware in you at this time in your life. But in your opening or letting of That Thou Art in Heaven to be right where you are – you will of course access a richness of being and wisdom to live it – if you remember to ask within rather than presume you have it – that will express in the unique way that might share vibrational resonances with all kinds of energetic connections – yet be recognisably Michael Burns. However – this is already unfolding as your life and if anything is ‘missing’ it is your conscious appreciation of it – which grows presence as mind is released from trying to manage or ‘control’ Reality – which it is not designed or capable of fulfilling – but it can generate great burden of suffering in the attempt and become ‘negatively polarised’ as a result. Generating a sense of disconnection from Life and as they say – the rest is history.
Well met!

(Note I made another comment into this page blogged HERE)

Conflicting mindshare, False stats and side effect by design

Companies clash over statin side effects. Which is lying? By Jerome Burne

My main comment to the article above:

Waking up to treachery and deceit by which such suffering is doled out and suckled on as 'help', is disturbing - and the apparent inability to simply correct the error adds to this sense of powerlessness. Because no one is able to publicly come out without meeting blanking, ridicule or invalidation, and denial in ways that cause many to withhold natural and needful communication because it can attract penalty from vested power interests.

But we educate ourselves, grow in vigilance and discernment and withdraw allegiance from dodgy, deceitful or destructive agenda  while truing up from a clearer sense of purpose and more conscious communication. For  communication is feared or there would not be such distortions and censorship (whether actively imposed on media and other institutions or self-imposed within a tacitly communicated fear of crossing the line and attracting financial sanction, legal suits or other kinds of penalty. But allowing for personal compromise to silence those who should report and witness for society at large there is still a very destructive corporate pharmocracy that has only been insinuating itself more insidiously into our thinking since Thomas S. Szasz coined the term back in 1960.
Behind the FORMS of the world we think we know is a power agenda of very clever but unfeeling mentality. The idea of deceiver is not new  but the technological reach of destructive agenda in all of our expanded abilities is global  as is the prize for those who take idea out of living context and force it on the living or force the living to conform and suffer it. I dont really see profit as the motive  but the ownership of market  which is mindshare and indeed mindcontrol or social engineering. Power corrupts  it goes to the head and loses the heart  unless clearly held in real relationship of transparency and accountability. Ive ranted on here  I meant to recommend the perspectives and work of Stephanie Seneff, note the film Stain Nation, and indeed You Must Be Nuts  and to remember that hatred is also toxic  and so research and grow in health from the ground up  because the top-down has been compromised, and corrupted. We give power to external agencies to make symptoms go away or mitigate them while persisting the same freedom to live out-of-true and outsource the costs and consequence until it comes home. There is no blame in my saying this because we do not know what we do when our OWN thinking is compromised and protected from anything that seems to threaten our world.

David Bailey (to the article):

I guess this leaves one interesting question. How did researchers come up with evidence that statin side effects and placebo side effects were approximately equal? These were sufficient to fool Ben Goldacre -normally a severe critic of the drug industry.

... Nowadays, when drugs are approved even if they only have marginal value, is it possible that placebos are concocted to produce a small amount of the very problem the drug is supposed to cure/prevent!

My response:

As I see it, the active placebo effect  where some bodily response "tells you" that the drug is working such as a dry throat, is known to have a greater result than say a sugar pill alone. Drug companies also utilize this in their "real medicines".

I have the distinct impression that drug companies often set up their trial parameters in such a way as to distort the results  So the placebo used may be inactive and the trial drug  say fluoxetine (prozac) is adulterated with active extras that "tell" the subject that the drug is "working".

There are a whole range of tricks that clever people routinely do to sell what otherwise would be less wanted, unwanted or indeed criminal to purvey.

The key points I see are that data, to have any scientific credibility, must be open, and that the trials really need to be independent of the drug company influence - which is a trillion dollar distortion field. How could it NOT be?

Our modern society is built on "getting" while avoiding being "got from". And is no basis for whole or healthy anything  nor one in which healing or reintegrating modalities and perspectives can grow and fruit. This calls on a profound paradigm shift in our core self definitions as to who we are and what life is for.

If the foundation is corrupt - everything built upon it - no matter how well intentioned  follows suit.

One can petition inherently corrupt institutions to deliver fairness or just and honest service and communication  and fight the lack of this in law to some degree - and there are ways of doing this that share true witness rather than pursue a merely private agenda  but the desire and willingness to uncover a true foundation is discerning what truly resonates your integrity rather than handing all power over to experts - who may yet be worthy advisers to your informed decision.

Is sickness an absence of drugs? Is pre-emptive sacrifice for the sake of reducing risk of fear-mongered conditions - the true causes of which are not investigated or published, a worthy or sane response?

If power and wealth is so disproportionately distributed, it belies that the vast majority want to give it away - or rather use others as their protector and guide rather than awaken their own responsibilities. And those riding the wave encourage it and and are encouraged  even demanded  to persist. How insane can insane get before it can no longer mask as sanity - and therefore attract allegiance? They say everyone has their breaking point - but dissociation can fragment into less and less consciousness operating more and more regulated existence - perhaps without ever breaking ranks to question its reality.

("Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker" is a worthy perspective upon the psychopharma drug approach and its consequences that has relevance to the broader pharma practices and underlying social beliefs that support them).

Self-evidencing mind-traps

Henry wrote a clear and considered post in the meme discussion thread HERE

I joined with him in appreciation and wrote:

Well said and a pleasure to read.

A desire to assert and believe ‘self-evident’ ideas or ‘authoritatively provided’ ideas as the escape from (or mitigation of) a fractured or split sense of self, is a defence that encodes fractured meanings upon such ideas by virtue of the use to which they are being put.

And so the words another uses may seem to be the same words you use – but embody meanings that subvert or render meaningless - as ‘fractured meaning’ - and offer ‘witness’ to a disparate and conflicting world while unaware of calling forth or perpetuating conflict by intending to escape it.

I hold that we always automatically seek pleasure and avoid pain as we each define our self and function to be, in relation to any event. Experience of separation trauma, ‘imprints’ a sense of self that persists until and unless such definitions are brought into awareness rather than denied and protected from exposure by functions of survival. Hence rage asserts a survival force amidst a sense of entrapment and threat that is not wrong to feel, so much as mis-identified and thus misdirected.

Finding – indeed imagining ways to approach that invite a process of communication rather than trigger the defensive ‘attack’ or withdrawal, is of course a willingness to notice and align our own mind to communication rather than attack.

Can mind fear or attack itself? The belief we are divided within and against our self is such a fear and our experience of our world offers reinforcement for the definition we are holding dear – even though everything else in us may seem to be operating to mitigate or escape the pain of it – and thus seem righteous, necessary or compulsive.

Communication is natural or already moving, but willingness for communication has been ‘captured’ by a survival mode that has no antecedent to trust communication – having been hurt AT the level of love that is Communication in a way it cannot bear and will not allow to re-open.

The evils that we ‘love’ to hate in others are our perception of others choosing a lesser pain or terror amidst insanely framed choice, of the mind that ‘knows not what it does’. One cannot reason with a mind inflamed – but one can embody or extend presence of sanity to the one who may thus more easily recognize their own willingness from the fearful or tyrannous thinking they took as their own.

I only dropped in to write the first line – but the sense of joining with you brought more forth. That is also an important factor; opening relationship brings forth fresh inspiration and perspective from which to live. Judging ‘others’ uses relationships to re-enact and reinforce past conditioning. Not that that is ‘wrong’ or blameful, but that when we see and own this in-act, we are instantly free to align with where we are and who we are… Unless we don’t see when we define such freedom as the beginning of a long and painful difficult process of ‘working on our blocks…

But we meet (the fruit of) where we are coming from.

There may be need to create or discover stepping stones of transition in releasing fear of loss and pain as ‘guide and protector’, to embrace a native or original communion and communication within being. But the context of any such processes or paths is presence in action – in relationship, whatever the apparent forms of the act. Choosing for our joy – with integrity – and without demanding fixed outcomes. For the act derives its authorship and authority from its purpose, and true or unified purpose is not serving a conflicted and conflicting fear and guilt agenda by attempting to overcome it or eradicate it.

The way out of a mind-trap is to see that you are not in it. Noticing mind-trap is the discerning of false or self contradicting ‘meanings’ – which no longer ‘operate’ as accepted currency because they are ‘seen through’ rather than used to ‘see through’.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Mind as having a virus or being the virus

John Rappoport wrote a piece on 'memes':
    Do memes exist? Or are they fictions?by Jon Rappoport

This page has elicited numerous perspectives from me - and here are two that pick up on the idea of mind as being a virus or having a virus. One is to the comment of another and one to the general theme after further reflection.


medicinehorse179 says: Try Richard Brodies’ “Virus of the Mind ~ the New Science of Memes”. And, you MIGHT have a choice to keep Santa out of your life, but you can NEVER get Santa out of your mind. Your mind is now permanently imbued – infected – with the Santa Claus meme….You HAD TO write that!
And, “images, mottos, slogans, ideas, styles, behaviors” were ALL invented before 1975 – they can’t possibly be memes, because they pre-date the creation of memes….

I haven't read virus of the mind - but the idea of a loss of presence in which a parasitic, alien or destructive intent works its own agenda as 'my thoughts' is aptly inferred by the defence against such attack. You can see this pattern in the war against terror - cancer - or indeed anything - because the seemingly justified attack is the propagation and persistence of the seed idea it presumes to 'eradicate'.

This is the trick my which a mind splits to war within itself - and power struggle undermines or distorts all communication in asserting and enforcing a will - that is in fact the denial of true willing, for it does not communicate within and as a balanced outcome of free association - but coercively conforms to a rigid or fixed sense of self and life that imprints forcefully as identity in concept - or indeed in self image that then resists and seeks to control and exploit change - in terms of the fixed sense of self and its reality experience.

While the uncovering of the force of feeling associated with hidden fear and masked rage can serve awakening to a living presence of free willing acceptance and restored communication, it is closely associated with being triggered to attack, deny, withdraw and hide.
The triggering is not the 'evil' so much as the original imprint of survival amidst a framework of confusion or partial and incomplete understanding. The identifying against and in fear of evil (within) by hating it (without), is an en-trance to the focusing in conflicted sense of self/reality and the lens through which to engage physical experience in exclusive terms.

My sense is that the latter came first as the desire to focus in a specific idea/experience by disregarding alternate 'reality perspectives' and that confusion of identity arose within the conditioning feedback of such exclusivity - where the personal sense through which we extend and experience our Soul in this way - becomes imprinted with the urge for power over, rather than balanced cooperation with, along with its attendant experience of denial, deprivation and pain of exclusion that becomes the validation of such power to a dissociated sense of disconnect from any real relationship.

This is off at a tangent no doubt from the virus idea of wolf malware running in in the sheep's clothing - and I don't say this to mean 'sheepie' - but as the currency of forms of accepted communication. I feel it is the sleeping in the FORM of communication that invites and perhaps necessitates the wolf to wake up the flock from 'sheepiedom' to flocks of free and true association.

Pests reveal where the breaches or compromise is. If one addresses the FORM of the pest without the underlying correspondences, then that FORM of pest control becomes the perfect hiding place for the parasitic intent to operate through - and it may not think itself such to operate personal or private agenda at the EXPENSE of the whole, of integrity, or genuine communication.

So the net-bot operates a collective of compromised individual nodes within a larger relationship - of a controlled collectivism, and once set up to run code 'unconsciously' or as undercurrent reality denied conscious acceptance - aligns to undercurrent power in any triggered event.

Sweeping the moneylender out of your template consciousness is not a political act but a reclaiming of true presence and purpose. And rage of illegitimacy is appropriately serving this turnabout within by fully feeling it - but not propagating hate that masks the underlying hurt - or pain will recycle itself in ignorance and arrogance of reactive conditioning.

Speaking truth to power is a political act that can only come from the capacity to receive and extend presence - for all else is a presentation seeking validation - be that seeking to regain lost power or lost love. Both are part of our human conditioning and both are sought in ways that operate against fulfilment and become co-fused with each other in self-destructive negative definition.

Freedom truly resides in the power to accept idea and run it while it serves the movement of your focussing desire. If the idea is actively manifesting in your reality, it is serving some purpose for you or you wouldn't give it the time of another moment. Communication acquires layers of coded pain in attempt to attract a sympathetic outcome or ward off a sense of violation.

Discernment is a quality of communication that is both native, simple and direct - but denied by the masking of and attempt to escape pain - in whatever form of identity that takes in each of us.
Our core beliefs and definitions are not on our sleeve but hidden because they are conflicting or fearful to uncover. So we create or discover 'permission slips' that work for us as a way of getting in touch with what we already knew but didn't allow, acknowledge or act from as our true self.

The more light, the more that which hides is revealed - and comes up not to damn us but to be undone or healed. But the 'light' of cold analysis is an unloving light. If you feel, you will simply know - but to truly feel, the thinking must be paused from running that 'tells you how to feel'.

Pausing the triggered reaction opens a space in which another perspective can 'voice' for you - if you are even a little willing to listen there. THAT is the issue. Finding willingness and recognizing your own life amidst emotion-backed thinking that was made to keep it hidden - for reasons that don't apply now - because - your willingness has found you.



The increasingly common perception that humans are a virus on the Earth is part of the engine for 'population control'. The virus idea is itself a mask over the idea of an oppositional and violating evil. But whereas Religion started out with the recognition that wholeness was sanctity, the corruption of the idea of a lack of wholeness in conflicted purpose to 'sinner-hood' transferred to organic sin of germs that could then be eradicated  but of course the honeymoon wears off but the scam remains. The scam is in our own thinking - for it is false thinking that deceives and operates destructively - not humanity as such.

Addressing our thinking is of course what the scam refuses to allow - and we all play a part in it while operating from a conflicted sense of self that seeks to prevail over the 'shadow' or scapegoat others. While such roles are in place, no communication is possible - so communication must occur within our own consciousness - as a deeper honesty than we would otherwise allow - because we too have refused to allow or open feelings and thought that is deeply distressing and triggering to strategies of escape that may not be honouring of others and from a clearer perspective, not honouring of ourselves. Without extending and sharing in honour, we carry self-hate and cynicism - that poisons our lives and leads to seeking validation in self-righteous reaction that conveniently hides our own part.

The scam is always a blame game. True responsibility is always a perspective of clearing the air and stepping forth in fresh willingness. Taking on responsibilities that are not ours and then trying to live up to it prevents us living that which forever is ours. The ability to respond is the ability to feel and know, recognize and accept. That which operates to block or distort communication is that which has to be recognized and released to see clearly how to be - in any given moment.

Pride comes before a fall - but the fall - embraced in willingness for truth - transforms humiliation for a true humbling that under-stands the true power of Life and aligns with it rather than presuming to speak for it! Tripping over is part of learning to walk. In this metaphor, learning to prove one will never walk is the insistence of guilt and blame as the guide for thinking.
Without allegiance, the feelings of such take on a different purpose. It feels like shit - but also reveals hidden information that in time becomes a living sense of acceptance for being exactly who we are - as a always unfolding and evolving recognition of Life - rather than its 'controller'. Not that control is missing - but is a balancing function within wholeness rather than a presumption to coerce effects as if outside the Flow.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Meme: Linguistic redistribution

John Rappoport wrote a piece on 'memes':
Do memes exist? Or are they fictions?by Jon Rappoport

I wrote various segments into considering this idea. This is the first.

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Linguistic redistribution:

Szatz asked; does mental illness exist - and his answer was no. A relational conflict is not an organic illness residing in the body or brain of one individual - though the State can and does assert and impose 'treatment' on such peoples whose 'reality' does not fit, or who are induced to fit to a pathological 'reality' in order to 'treat' themselves. That doesn't mean there are not relational conflicts where communication breaks down and leaks out in behaviours including 'phyicalised' conditions that are then experienced without understanding their call, and their context.

The idea of autonomy or 'self-existing, self-creating, self-directing', is the idea of a thought separate from Mind or an individual separate from its relation. A 'me' of self-concept whose image is asserted to protect against loss of face, and loss of power, functions as differentiation within awareness that is consciousness of Existence through self-differentiation. Generating from conception; feeling, and perception, as experience of existence within All That Is - within the fact of being integral to All That Is - as an individuation of Infinity.

The idea of self is the same as the idea of god or soul, mind or spirit - it is the First before time and space from which all else derives as the embodiment of Self as self.
But Self without an object cannot know or feel or experience itself existing and does not will to be alone but goes forth and multiplies as the sharing of the knowing of being that IS expansion, creation, and evolution of Idea.

The idea in mind goes forth and multiplies - not because it has power in itself - but because You give it power of energy and attention - which is love. You therefore also give it meaning in terms of the purpose it serves you - and thus agree or choose to be bound by your own power along the lines of your own thought. Logic is not applied or 'added' to mind but inherent as it.

To be curious and to play in ideas of separation, is an 'as if' perspective. "What if I was different than I Am", and believe it with such force as to generate an experience unlike Full Open Communication"? And so 'creating' distortions that operate a limiting as a segregative sense of self - over and against the Fully Open Conscious Communication. Such idea then 'goes forth and multiplies' limitation, lack, conflict and threat in the name of a god of specialness, set apart and judging over.

The god that asserts itself and lords it over is not the First - but a derivative from an adulterated currency of Idea. However, it has all the power and meaning we give it - regardless of any form it takes. "An idea that is self-replicating' is simply a variation of "Look what you made me do!" - which is the victim play of a hidden mind in serious engagement in its own sense of self in conflict.

The reversal of Consciousness - where effects operate in place of true Cause, is giving power - the power of your acceptance of Will - to that which limits, denies and kills the Will.
How far down the rabbit hole of crazy is it your 'defined joy' to accept and endure?

Thank God for Richard Dawkins! It is remarkable that certain maggots can be used to cleanly and completely remove dead tissue in wounds that would otherwise be extremely open to infection.
There is much in the 'spiritual' bandwagon that 'adds' or overlays magical beliefs of association that may have roots in actual relational intimacies - but which pass on as currency of merely wishful and therefore weak, ineffective and divided thinking - which is very effective as false currency of adulterating and usurping the true relational felt quality of shared being.

So I see the linguistic construct of memes as part of the movement to invalidate or get rid of Consciousness excepting as conforms with the god who lords it by judging and asserting its judgement true - or in vernacular terms, 'controlling the narrative'. Fighting over the control of the narrative is always the pyramid of power - for power is upstream and here you get to look at mind-control because what is going on - in the Idea of Separation running 'as if' with great force - is... mind control. But who is fooling who?

In cartoons the characters can run off a cliff and don't have any problem until they look down.
The force of the imprinting of the separate self sense is a fragmentation that will not stop until there is a pause in which to notice or stir as a wakening of original being. There is a grace to the quality of such existence that is unspeakable.

But to anyone who now recognizes another foundation than conditioned self-survival thinking at the very core of their being - there is now a freedom to renew or rediscover the world and all abilities in it, to serve a fresh purpose - for the hateful that was hidden is 'outed' and recognized to NOT be who you are. This may be soon covered over in the reaction to the habitual momentum of conditionings that have not been not recognised and re-aligned with who you are - but the nature of the device of 'covering over'. itself becomes uncovered because you have a basis on which to challenge and question the belonging of such devices as your choice now.

The movement of mind-control includes its reactive shadow. It takes two to tango, and the idea, counter idea and transcendence is usurped by going upstream to 'win' rather than a true transcendent embrace of all perspectives as a result of true hearing and speaking. Full and open communication is NOT mind control - but the opening - to a mind-control perspective - of all the 'evils' it seeks to kill or hide.

But the rewakening of original being rises from another 'place' and brings another perspective within the same situation. Meanings are not set in stone - but nor is manipulating or rebranding the same old power trip to seem superior or knowing, amidst sown confusion, meaningful or honest.

The 'idea whose time has come' is not a specific form, being timeless it can use all forms for restoring true communication. The idea of conflict is always associating forms with asserted meanings that are not true - in order to play the game of judge and having the last word as your private mind.

The movement of a re-integrative Consciousness is not in separate individuals - for there is no such thing. Right relation is a creative dance of feeling and knowing yourself in relation to the other - not a mono-cultured homogeneity. This is feeling. Not emotionalism of suppression of true feeling but a quality of being, without which life is flat, featureless and may as well be a bunch of memes running in software loops on some machine that have no belonging in a Living Earth while so militantly denying Her Life. Our Life.

Upstream thinks its thinking is creative - incepting 'memes' and downstream takes the pain. If You Really Are First - then nothing can ever contradict you. Any alignment with original being brings this realisation Home. So contradiction means 'against your word'. Self-contradiction goes forth and memefies a war of cause on effect in which effects seem to fight back with a will of their own!

Wake up in a true idea that is truly shared. It's time is willingness, not circumstance. Has a time of willingness come? It's not just an idea - it is a living active call and receptivity to the movement of being - and faking or mimicking it becomes a self-betrayal that serves to not feel good. But at least you can still feel and move with acceptance of feeling to align more truly with who you know you are - without having to first define the form it takes, rather than persist a language of 'mindcontrol' by which to justify your denial in terms that deny your involvement in it. This 'anti-creative' power is using your own power against your Self while playing victor over victim and can only operate when we are not in our right mind; out of communication in dissociation believed real.