Saturday, 26 December 2020

Truth is never threatened



Yes. Truth is never threatened – but our awareness and willing alignment in truth can be temporarily covered over.

Wholeness (of being) extends as the willingness of our receiving and so is always a relational expansion.

The modern idea of the Field given tangible or visible expression by particular relational resonance points to an all pervading quality that gives rise to the appearance of an object model of an imaged rendering of an Infinite Universe.

What the masked off sense of separating fear discards is Everything. But of course Everything is only cast out of the mind of guilt’s conviction that fear is true and truth is made victim or sacrifice to the strut of illusion made ‘real’.

Self-illusion recognised as such is an imagination without substance – for it joins us not with all that Is. But self-illusion protected and given priority over truth is wanting illusion to be real, and so choosing to deny what is First, from which all else follows in like kind.

At some point attack on truth is recognised as self-betrayal. Persisting illusion past such an honesty of being sets the sin of a spiritual death to a world of blind fears set in judgements that will proceed in like kind as conflict, division and struggle within a realm of death.
The truth of self-honesty as the recognition of a self-deceit is then the disturbance through which a free willingness to align true moves from truth, through our being to the gift of a relationship accepted, recognised and appreciated.

Relationship is not a closed system or ‘group-think’ of social masking but a living will.

Give as in truth you would receive.
And thankyou for the moment of reflection here.

Cancelled Masculinity ?

Context is everything.
The ability of a mental structure to set a false context is the 'lie and the father if it' - that is of a wish to imagine a context in place of what is actually here and act from it as if true. This is toxic to our awareness and appreciation of truth. (Truth Is all that is). the lie must project its own intent onto others and world and attack the scapegoat.
The world of human affairs is one of becoming entangled and set in a set of mental constructs that are held in place by acquired habits.
The renewing of our mind (in truth) is the necessary reconnection with the true values that are both felt and shared.
The groupthink of correctness is a mental dissociation that cannot allow a direct and felt relationship.
As such it is a masking identity operating as one who knows not what he does - because without true awareness of the worth and value of anything - he knows not who and what he is. The capacity to recognise a self-destructive habit holds the light of an honesty through which a better choice can be accepted and lived.
This calls for the pausing or resting of the emotionally reactive mind as the willingness to know rather than 'think about' or process according to rules that have become internalised and invisible as a 'normal'.
The working of the sense of self lack and grievance by a mind of deceit is of course the willingness to listen to it.
The polarised reaction of sexual qualities or any other charged conditions, can set off a self-reinforcing breakdown of communication.
The zero-point - an idea rising from electrical and plasma physics - is not an absence or negation but the underlying Point of which , within which, and as which all that is - has and shared the experience of being. Without a pivot Tweedledee cannot even have a fantasy of victory or subjugation in relation to Tweedledum.
Where is the relationship as an active expression?
What is really going on?

the Receptive without the Extension or Projective would not Be.
Nor the other ways about.
Giving and receiving are one in truth for they cannot be truly separate. But what we think to give or think to receive can be as insanely out of true as we are willing to bear - and able to find social reinforcement for. That a 'world' has in a sense gone mad is the 'garbage out' that remains faithful feedback to the 'garbage in'.

Blessed are the poor in Spirit - once they recognise their own lack of giving sets their misery.
Otherwise a mind reacts as being poor in grievance, subjugation, deprivation, denial and a sense of life betrayed.
And once reacting from such a fear or hate - are phished in the image to a distance and a lockdown set in a 'denied and denying will'.
Free willing is not the freedom to act without consequence, but the freedom to align in life as a conscious acceptance - and to know the act as a true participance in Creation - which is not theologically determined or scientifically settled and sealed, but always new. Wonder and appreciation are qualities of recognition.
A sense of self is a sense of freedom and responsibility for inner and outer balance - within a greater Whole.
If the cell or self loses Communication, it runs out of sync and as a sense of disconnection and depletion.
Happy un-Boxing day!

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Post Covid Reversal 


King Canute sought to demonstrate the limits of power - presumably because too many around him assumed that as King he could make everything safe.

The modern iteration is a usurped sovereignty that feeds such magical superstition by using the law as a weapon against the people rather than as the protection for the people of the realm.

Likewise the mind as the means and medium of communication - both within and without - is being set in the use of its own lockdown, dissociation and masking over in magical thinking that of course is spellbound and unable to think or reflect upon its own capture.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner

But pause and consider whether in the haste of reaction to an already invested sense of self and world, we have not merely inverted our frame of reference,

The ability of the mind to 'see' according to predetermined primers or parameters, is then linked with its magnification and replication.

Looking for what is wrong, threatening, unlovely or hateful in any and every situation is a subconscious defence mechanism that runs beneath the surface, from a deeper sense of guilt and fear of exposure to pain and loss. It is part of a selfishness for survival in the human social world - that extended from the physical but in ways that have dissociated and alienated us from the direct presence of life.

Our social world can be seen as a modelling of predicates, parameters and projections.

In my posts I generally seek to invite looking at the mind that makes our world rather than 'thinking' in its program.

The experience of disclosure to ourselves includes a disintegration of our masking in a control reality - which has both inner masking from our being, and social presentations for acceptance and inclusion.

The loss of the illusion of control is seemingly regained by doubling down in a mind that rules out reality of being, so as to operate within a reduced framework of thought.

Take is an an offer or invitation, dressed up as  a Very Persuasive Case.

But If you are not willing to deny yourself More and Even More - then of course.

Stop it and just Be.

Within being are other ways to see than WHO gets to Say What The Rules of The Game Are. And by releasing the tightness of such a mask, are other ways of seeing and being with people ...and Everything.


There are those who HATE the 'conspiring to control outcomes Theory', and who read fiction or watch movies as if their own imagination - in and of which they think, perceive, predict, expect and accept as true.

They HATE such thought because 1. They have been told this is 'Customary Procedure' and 2. It might reveal them to their own imagination and they would no longer be 'safe' in the 'what you are supposed to do to be safe'.

The intelligentsia seed memes as fiction and non faction, as part of groundbaiting the phishing to come.

The Virus needs to be investigated as a dramatic archetype, rather than via Expert Pronouncements over the the goats entrails or tea-leaves of computer modelling analysis of a protoplasmic soup (in which we live and move and have our expression and participation in life itself.


Why does almost everyone use computer modelled graphics of a supposedly identified or isolated object that its 'computer assisted discoverers' made no claim as to being a cause of disease, but which was grafted into an already running narrative as a novel character, whose characteristics were selected or predetermined by the working of an already fearful mindset under pharmaceutical or biological 'protections'?
I understand why a perceived self-interest operates - but in this specific context, why do Lockdown Sceptics persist the propaganda?
If the belief is that people must have breaks in the run of text with colourful and evocative images - are they TEACHING that - ie conditioning that expectation?
There are electron microscopy images of virus or extracellular remains and secretions that are takin out of living context, but these are not proven to fulfil the role in the narrative assigned them.
I invite the words "Computer Generated Image" to be overlaid on all such images, so that the recognition of the mental or mentally assisted processes, underlying the apparent result are kept in mind.
Else a false currency of derivative 'meanings' operates instead of an actual connection - as if thought is taking place. (Rather than a lockdown of thought to its circular reasoning),


Novelism - where only a machined intelligence (sic) writes the Script.

Seriously we are simply talking of deceit. Not deceitism. For every ism there is an anti-ism by which to persist the conceit.

Truth is free of deceit. Hence there is no truth in the world Model through which a manipulative mind plays out its script.

The technologising of insights and behaviours works at a deeper level than a scripted character can recognise - because the mind is framed or identified predicates, presumptions and beliefs that operate 'automatically' as a machine intelligence.

At some level we made such 'thinking' and operate out from it.

One could call it a masking 'reality' - but

WHO told you you were naked? (said the Lord).

Well that is a pointer to a mind of imaginative deceits that CAN freely align in the Creative - as the participation and Extension of a Great Music - or can freely identify in self-image, as a temporary bubble of private meanings - that set up a dissonance of fear by which to maintain the masking bubble as a sense of oppositional defence against the projection of one's own reflection or feedback loop.

That humankind is largely a long way down multiple rabbit holes of self and Self evasion is the feedback of what THEY are doing - regardless the different meanings assigned in the formula.

Even if we allow that WE are doing, this still presumes a self exception for the one who would 'tell it'.

Some of the best quotes come from those who see the truth that they chose not to align in - but would rather possess the insight than yield to the living Source of insight. No blame here. But there is a Pattern in operation that seems protective and yet sets us up for a Fall guy. Over and over again, like a clockwork fruit.

If insight is New Wine then the mind we took to be our own is the old wine bottles.

Until the old habit is put behind a new Choice, it runs behind an illusion of choices - all of which lead nowhere but hold the lure of 'Getting' for our self.


Nor were those who funded and enacted the Bolshevic revolution!

The Banking Corprate Cartel of its day.

The collectivisation of guilted grievance captures the movement for a true and better life to a top down, centrally directed sacrifice.

The technologism of the manipulation of the human mind – which includes it emotional feedback or result, is the dark art of conspiring to defraud another of the right so as to direct them to forsake their own for a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.


Can you remind me which Tor nodes were set up by the CIA?
I cant say whether anything is actually private or secure, or whether such solutions are honey traps, but Tolkien was serious in the prophetic depiction of a Technos that could not be defeated but could be relinquished.

Where is the balance point for where tools serve Man – or Humanity – and where the Man becomes a tool of his own makings?
It isn’t anti tech, but embracing what it is to be human.
Fear and hatred of inner conflict seeks magical ‘solutions’ that become the displacement map for those same fears and hates – but set in the frame of the ‘solution’. So presumed medical solutions for underlying fears and conflicts – frame us in an insane and self destructive attempt to fit Life into the Final Solution…


I know your comment is more wit but fear and hate of life is underneath much of what passes off as real.

Some under such a conviction can project and divert the hate away from a masking sense of control that displaces toxic consequence onto others.

"Now see what you made me do!"

Others become magnets or targets for the hate of others on top of their own - and often end their lives to escape pain.

"Now see what you have made of me!"

Hate and blame are synonyms.

If we release it we are released.

But all that we seek to lay on everyone else has some part of our own mind - that will never leave you - for it contains a denied facet of our wholeness.

The mortal condition is life set in fear of pain of loss even to death.

Recoil against fear sets up the attempt to get rid of it.

This leads to the Great Unconsciousness - which works contra to life as a sense of limitation and overriding will.. Also known as the Adversary or indeed the 'ego'. Its hate aspect works a cynical scorn that takes delight in undermining, breaking and destroying. You can notice this 'voice' in your own mind as that of self-hating.

Peace is part of wholeness of being, but the unconsciousness of life made normal, sets a narrative illusion of peace that is really a restless pattern of shifting evasions, that become more and more unwieldy until something breaks in to violate a peace could only seem to be, as the result of exclusion that we had become wilfully unaware of.

It was the excluded fairy that set the spell of Sleep.

But the mistaken attempt to reverse this is the forced inclusion - as if you must love what you hate and so make the form of love an act of coercion and denial.

Love is the capacity to be with what is and recognise truth here.

The recognition restores the peace.


The ego of self-image set in mask, is a construct set against nakedness to truth

Or more simply you are never what you think.

The idea of an awakening will become weaponised and marketised - by the ego of possession and control.

But awakening is the undoing of the mask to the revealing of the devices that run beneath its appearances.

And so the craziness and ghastly parody of life is coming up to be released.

Therefore it is not the beginning of a process of overcoming or eradicating 'ego' but the timing for the harvest of all that is true to a conscious alignment in truth  rather than a broken or divided will or love made captive to hate.

If it be your will.

The golden rule gives or serves as it would in truth receive. This is not sacrificial or coercive. To recognise our self in others is not sacrificial or coercive.

But to seek to make a system of enforcement for masking in images and behaviours of 'virtue' is sacrificial and coercive. 

Jesus said - they know not what they do.

We call it cognitive dissonance.

The thinking possesses the minds of the thinker to run a bot-net of automata.

Perhaps indeed the Script is already written and our freedom is to witness to truth ... or self-illusion.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

The cock up is believing that evils are not active in others and ourselves

 The cock up is believing that evils are not active in others and ourselves, as the managed narrative that directs them (evils) specifically to selected targets that serve reinforce a false sense of protection, dependency, susceptibility and defencelessness against the power that sets the narrative.

Otherwise known as mind-control, or mind-capture.

Paranoia is no less mind-capture to fear, but the targeting and nurturing of fears and guilts is their leveraging by manipulative deceits.

If you have ever smiled to disarm others, or mask your fears or antipathies to the situation, you understand that an acquired habit of masking true feeling and active intent is part of our social 'normal'. Which extends to the seeking of reinforcement or stroking, in the form of inviting or extending friendship or commonality.

People use each other all the time in ways that are often simply socially invisible as a tacitly understood code. This is always changing in its mores, and not least because it is the vector for propaganda, marketing, PR and advertising. It is all addressed to the mask.

It is all manipulative code running the mind of evasion.

There are heavily invested evasions in society that operate behind criminality, behind multiply fronted obfuscation and cover stories - such as doctored accounts that hide tax liability or malpractice. That this aspect of human behaviour should become derided and ignored as 'conspiracy theory' is as absurd as believing covid is a novel deadly pathogen that must be 'controlled' or ELSE!

But the key is not a rational take on the proposition, but rather to identify the underlying story that is attractive to its host such as to find both receptivity and willing replication and propagation of the narrative as a novel structure through which to virtue signal, and react in identification with its power to protect. The nudge unit knows that this does not operate rationally but by setting an environment from which the target selects, in a society that is increasingly passive in receiving its social narratives from a directed or 'nudged' and manipulated media.

An aversion to 'conspiracy theory' (sic) or planned and executed hateful or callous and loveless agenda, is the repugnance to owning it in our self.

The woke 'phenomena' is an insane PCR-type magnification of the fear of being evil - that MUST hate the haters - wherever they can be unearthed or revealed - because the justified attack on an enemy is its ONLY basis for survival (sic) as a mask (or indeed as a mind-virus).

The way it operates is that those who actively participate in toxic and criminal acts, persist in it, while framing the public mind to hate and attack it. One of these tactics is to be the loudest and first to accuse in others, so as to become associated in the righteous, and part of directing the funding of the investigation.

Another is to actively feed a war on 'whatever' while setting up the Great Crusade to stamp it out, eradicate it or save the world from it. All of these mask in virtue signalling. It is in code and it is bollocks - excepting it shows a trail to what is actually intended and active.

While we consent to be hacked by code that has no power to run without our consent - excepting of course we have already given a blanket consent - such as a blind faith in pharma-medical monopoly. Most were already 'captured revenue stream and mindshare' and so had already taken the baited hook before any critical thinking started.

The phrase 'thinking outside the box' is simply freedom.

We give up freedom for a false sense of security and control.

To a boxed in mind that cant find a way out until it questions its own predicates, which are its own 'experience'.

'Blessed are those who cannot see but still believe' might translate as Blessed are those whose intuition of truth will not let them accept a loveless, meaningless and dispiriting 'reality', and so they stay open as an active willingness without giving worth-ship or conclusion of 'settled science' to anything that boxes in, locks down, dissociates and masks over.

The extension of a blessing is the nature of an inner fulfilment and connection in life. It isn't a 'contagion', but an unselfconscious and natural expression of alignment on our own life, in our own being.

'Good Morning!' is not about the morning, but a shortcut for a good morning to you. But the more hollow our social mask the more embarrassed we are to simply love.

Who loves to hate must hate to love.

Yet the mind of masking over hidden hate, uses the forms and behaviours and wishing of 'love' as the right to moral superiority - including cancelling, defunding, pulling down and destroying anyone and anything that does not comply with 'love' as coercion.

The contradictions would be absurdly and painfully evident to everyone else, but that the fear hides and 'protects' itself.

I don't call for blame, but for a direct curiosity. No one can 'tell' us what we are unwilling to discover in our selves.

freedom from the yoke of the shadow

We cannot spend our lives discussing mean things that have been done to us. We must free ourselves from the yoke of the shadow.

 Freely spent lives include discussion.

But fixation on grievance gives power to the shadow of a past that is not here.

The attempt to regain the Golden Age set the pattern of the King.

I don't know if Humpty related back that far.

But in any case it fits perfectly to the attempt to regain or reset order by force, from a broken perspective.

What if Humpty was neither pushed or fell, but is the archetypal false flag?

What if a phished mind runs of as a mistaken identity?

And what if.... 'what if'... is masking over What Is.

Like the film roll over the light of the projector.

In a movie referencing article, the reference to Plato's Cave comes to mind.

Shackled convictions, re-enact the casting out in wishful remakes of a virtual nightmare.

That will find you.

But what is this?

The Terminator that will not stop until you are dead?

The true of Love that nothing can ultimately stop from releasing its Own?

How we look on our world is the function and meaning we give it.

And receive.

Everything does 'double duty' that comes into the World.

Is it predictive programming?

Is it revealing the device to our freedom to no longer employ it?

The deceiver does not know it deceives because it IS the conviction by which the false is set as true, by which all truth is cast out in fragmented distortions that are not allowed to come Home while a stranger or 'step-parent' usurps the nature of a true inheritance.

Identifying the cast of our life within us cannot be undertaken by the character set by the casting. So there is a 'waking' within the dream that can deeply unsettle and trigger long and deep buried terrors, guilt, rage and frozen impotence. But waking is not for the ' perfecting of the dream, but its release to a direct recognition and appreciation that the 'convict in the cave' is intent on not seeing, for sake of a life set in shadows by the invested identity set in fear of dispossession.

The Call to Wake is as loud as our willingness to hear it.

If we take the ride without active discernment, then we give our lives over to whatever comes in through the back door to use the offer, in resonance with our own wish to block out or escape the fears and pains we WANT to project out away and at a distance, as if to keep resetting a dissociation from who we fear and hate ourselves to be.

This will not release us while we keep repeating it. The Movie says all is being done to you and you must counter or escape an alien will. And so become the embodiment of a loveless and blind reaction, masking in the props and presentations of virtue.

In A Course in Miracles, is stated that The Mind (The Creative) can be used to create Myth - or narrative drama, but that what is thus created has no life or power to receive and extend or create likewise. But is in the theme of the idol or themed ideal set apart and outside the living.

To surround our self with a dead world of image and concept is to then take our self from the meanings we give, to struggle and die in them. But where re receive and accept our self remains our freedom, no matter what fences or defences are set around the treasure.

Utopia is a man made ideal seeking sacrifice for its existence.

Paradise holds for qualities of balance, flow and connection that are not set in time and space so much as aligning time and space to synchronicity. But the use of symbols, image and visions to substitute for a living depth of transparent simplicity, is the phishing of the mind that would grasp the form for itself. This in itself is no sin, but error. The persistence in error generates the guilt, fear and masking over to cast out.

The denial of the Creative generates a closed system of infighting that seeks to usurp it, and in the process forsakes procreative capacity - in mind and in the physical expression of children. The ingenuity of blind and loveless thought has a divine root - misapplied. rather than project this to demonic forces, consider there is a spark of life within that can 'remember home'. Yes. E.T is you. Disclosure is not about Them.

But mythic representations are sketches that can reveal or conceal according to our active purpose.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Why engage with a lie as a having right to response?

 The framing narrative at lockdown sceptic articles (and many other commentators) plays the game of seeking and finding the same excuses for not looking at what is actually occurring.

'Conspiracy' is very simply the survival instinct of self interest in terms of our current and active conflicting self-definitions. That factions form against others is hardly a theory in terms of our own reactions.

As Laura indicated in an early chinwag with Dellingpole; the more invested in the establishment, the less able or willing to bring it, and therefore one's self, to a critical awareness of recognition that serves the release of a faulty misunderstanding and a better outcome for all.

So for all the gathering of perspectives here - the ongoing effect is to propagate and grow a captured opposition and I don't mean that this need be a result of conspiring to overtly or openly agree to such a role - though there are innumerable ways to signify an 'understanding'. I mean a delaying effect to the acceptance of what is, as the masking assertion of narrative led identity.

This is simply how our world operates, I say our world rather than biological or physical processes, because our world is predicated on the virtual modelling of 'what if' - given priority as a 'reality', over what is actually occurring as a whole.

I felt Sean Walsh's article to be one of the more practical to the recognising of a deeper current running beneath appearances. Whether people are ready for seeing this is perhaps how actively invested in conflicting factions and fictions as an ongoing addiction that provides a masking identity of a seeming protection that demands ongoing sacrifice of wholeness.

So if I am critical here it is not of any person but for a critical awareness of ourselves, without which conditioned or learned patterns operate without due oversight or conscious consent as an unwatched mind.

The whole business running on false presumptions, definitions and parameters is from reacting to perceived and believed appearances or communications FIRST and then bringing in a critical awareness that is already framed in what it can even think.

Is there anything in C19 narrative that can be taken as totally established fact?

The power of narrative or myth, is in casting out meanings through which to see and from which to identify. Yes in practical terms, we know that we age and die and we know respiratory diseases can lead to severe complications that can be fatal - as the manner and means of dying. The assertion of virus as THE causation is very heavily invested in, but a mass of fudge and superstition.

When a Model is seen to be the source of personal power and protection (as the established order), then the Model is protected by the sacrifice of truth - which means the denial of the living for the sake of a fear-invested system of relative personal gain or mitigation of pain, that incrementally ratchets it demands not only on others but on our self.

The hollowing out of life in expression to ghastly and absurd parody, reveals the active devices of attempt to hide a lack of substance.

A lack of substance, is also a lack of relational communication. The dissociation of asserted defence only uses the form of communication to block, disrupt and undermine communication to maintain its face of control.

So why engage with it as if it is a living right to response or sharing anything of worth?

Give only unto Caesar what is due - and free the heart from sacrificing into a destructive futility. 'Don't feed the troll' does not mean attack the troll as a means of claiming moral substance (sic). It means aligning and feeding the truly worthy rather than being split of from what truly moves you into factioned, divisive diversions.

Scepticism can be claimed as virtue in a shoal of gullibility, predated on by cynicism, masking as every kind of self-evasion.

But unwillingness to accept anything as true and act upon it, until research and enquiry uncover evidence of confirmation or otherwise, is the responsibility of free will.

Free will can be sacrificed again, again, and over again as a 'normal' of identifying in masks of convenience. And we can bubble together in self-reinforcing group-think of a seemingly superior judgement over outsiders and others.

But is this truly what we want?

Or do temporary expedients grow a mask we not only cant take off - but are so identified with, that it invisibly structures all that follows as a sort of scripted algorithm of logical inevitability?

There is no way 'back'. There never was a way back, but is there a way to release a false sense of possession and control for a relational honesty of our being.

Regardless whether we think to understand about what is now happening in our thinking, the very basis of what we held to be real is changed. The'stakeholders of the establishment are part of the image and not in command, but invested in control as the flipside to fear as a damning chaos of pain and loss.