Thursday, 28 July 2022

Sin as an attack on love, masking as authority

I wrote a few comments into

 That I appreciated writing.

This one prompted inclusion here:


Self-illusion is not a sin - for imagination can and does serve life.
But if self-illusion is given persistent priority over relational integrity it can rightly be called sin, for it must attack and undermine the witness for truth, and reap a destructive outcome.
That its wages is a world framed in death is the nature of an inversion or reversal.
That it rests on error is hidden and protected by every distortion and corruption of truth set as fear of disclosure to a self-convicted damnation.
The concept of sin as attack on love, was lost to attempts to manipulate by fear and threat as a result of no longer embodying a natural authority of love's extension and recognition, such as to seek control to cover for an inability and unwillingness to communicate.
The culture of blame or attack is so deeply set as to seek to run in stealth mode.
And seek the trappings of perceived authority in which to mask a dis-possesion of faculty and function in a frame of specialness by which to judge, denigrate and exclude.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

God of our own image?

in response to the themes in:


I don't have to claim, justify or apologise for what I accept as that by which I live.

But I see that false claim cannot pass off as true unless masking in or as truth.

So an image of God is made, but we are not an image even if we can be phished by our image to mis take identity– that then projects a backstory for its support.

Mind is creative, and yet what we think, can be set out of accord with reality, as a private self-illusion or a clique of mutually self-reinforcing social masking.

The Idea of Creator in our own image is a reflection of our current sense of self.

So for many in the current era, the backstory is billions of years of random mutations that operate as survival and replication because it did - to date. I find that a curious mythic construct!

The problem of evil is generally projected away from a self that cannot abide or tolerate it, so to project blame as 'getting rid' of guilt as if to cast it out and destroy it. This is what is projected ONTO God as Retribution for guilt as sin. Many now blame genes, germs and psychopathogenic biology - that is to blame a sense of our own affliction on an external attacker or persecutor, so as to 'prove' God absent or 'Other' to a subjective sense of victim, set in frailty and littleness. 'Sickness as defence against truth" uses the body as its mask & witness. We can see the same with war or famine - for the pain of loss is grievous - so how can truth then be anything but cruel, blind or utterly indifferent to the love that you are - but must deny, suppress and adapt to a world of threat, pain and death?

The key is that we experience according to what we believe we are, and much of our belief is set by fears or conflicts before we learned to self reflect or articulate as consciousness of self, and thus as the framing we learned to think in.

It doesn't matter what anyone claims to believe, but what they demonstrate as thought world and deed bears witness is what is actually believed, but often 'unconscious' to masking beliefs that pass off as conscious! But are defences against direct awareness.

As far as I am aware a claim for the existence of God is not being used to mandate manipulative biological experimentation on the mass of the human population, so what's your grievance with what anyone says they believe? Perhaps you see religion as a virus to be eradicated? But see the exact same corruptions apply no less to science! What is the active purpose, is more to the fact than what is presented or claimed. Obviously claiming to believe anything can be a mask over self-conflict or to mask conflicts running beneath social pretences.

The proof is in the pudding.

Whatever we believe or step forward in as accepted decision, needs to be grounded in reality to be free of self-deceits that always conflict, and which manipulate our 'reality' to 'get rid of' the conflict. I suggest the problem is not in the symbols, so much as what purpose they are serving or being used for. The purpose that we are accepting and embodying or expressing is always our own responsibility, yet we are trained to old patterns of reaction that run subconscious– in our place! If true awareness was not already the presence of life, we could never release errors of thought to re-cognise truth. There would be no escape from destructive sel-illusion - made real in the minds of its believers. Ideas of God can be seen as reflecting a development of consciousness. The release of an external imposition on life opens the way for acceptance of Inherence in place of a mis-taken or false inheritance. But passes through an existential meaninglessness masking in hollow manipulations. 'Bottoming out' for the Prodigal Son?

The attempt to escape the Mind of which we are is undone at its inception. Like the 'virus' of hack and hijack, its only reality is what we gave it from the mind that wanted it to be true.



in response to the themes in:


I didn't address your assertion directly - but the mutating of masking illusions runs Self-evasion as 'control' and indeed as 'self survival' under existential threat set in the frame of right of claim to power. Where power is defined as set apart and over the subjugated. This theme is active in primitive religion set by ancient terrors. It is active as our reptilian or primitive brain, and it can and does 'possess' our mind as both compelling and ingenious in its strategy as in its masking defences. By identifying against the 'Other' you lose your own freedom to the notion you must fight for it rather than side with it. You could say IT did this to you as an evil power, but then you are lost to being 'right' but cursed. Is that not a signature characteristic that knows no race or religion but ABUSES them as boosters to a nurtured grievance seeking vengeance and vindication?

Monday, 25 July 2022

On the fear or belief in contagion

in response to the themes in:


Glad to see GNM given a mention.
Searching anything with GNM will currently bring some associated information.

I note Szasz records cases of 'malingering' not just as skiving or work evasion, but as a strategy of escaping an unbearable or intolerable situation. Note that in A Course in Miracles it states 'sickness is a defence against the truth' - before dismissing this, consider that fear of truth underlies a demonising projection of fear onto awareness, such as to seek and find ways to limit, distance, mask and attack the messengers of truth - that are perceived as 'threats' to a temporary sense of security that requires constant boosters of social masking reinforcement.

Another angle arises from my experience of Family Constellation therapy. The Family (or systemic) Field is a relational integrity that holds a record of trauma, exclusions, denials, or abuses that are taken on my children - who have no capacity to differentiate their own boundaries and 'take on' conflicts that belong to other living or dead members, such as to 'share their fate'. This can and does include sickness and death.
Information uncovered in constellation work can be deep in terms of emotional intensity, but also open perspectives for realigning responsibility, releasing what does not belong to us and coming back into 'right place'.

You also didn't mention 'mass hysteria' - I don't like the name! - but many accounts exist that document what can also be seen as a mass nocebo effect - in which a fear is given authority to run unchecked.
Likewise hypnotists have enabled the expectation of a burn (using a cold object) to bring up a blister. Placebo is also shown to operate biological effects.

The realm of mind-control is extremely disturbing to look at as it includes deliberately breaking the minds of children - even through generations. But such is the 'mass psychosis' of our times that the intention to induce disease condition in the susceptible IS being actively effected using the techniques garnered from breaking the minds of 'insurgents', prisoners, or other targets.
The bottom line is that fear is contagious, as is demonstrable by the setting of memes and astroturfed PR to go viral. But fear is only give such power by denial that dissociates, masks over, and projects OUT to others, world or body - that is ANYWHERE ELSE - but intolerable conflict or overwhelm.

Toxic industrial by products are also the effects of 'normalised' social conflict that becomes profit or progress for its own sake.

Realigning in wholeness of being allows releasing of conflicted identity running 'protected' as a mindset of control set against fear or pain of loss (that reiterates conflict by the very attempt to defend against it, fix it, eradicate it or repackage and sell it to the manipulatable).

Thanks for the article!