Friday, 20 September 2013

Papal Bull?

The Pope says you do not have to believe to go to Heaven.

What is conscience? The voice of guilt? Apparently so for many. Choosing within the mind in guilt does not open the eyes to Heaven - to a unitive and shared reality.
The inner guidance that discerns the true resonance of your being is the voice for truth. Of course only honesty can discern it. Sooner or later, we all come to a point of being worn out of all the other options... and then the voice for truth reveals what we truly want.
A Pope does not give anything you do not give him first. And anything he or anyone says will not have effect unless it is something you are opening to or believing in your own heart already.
Believing in the heart is different from conceptual camouflage. Anyone can make a mask and invest it with belief - but our experience is the fruit of what we each believes in our heart - which words cannot really contain but only point toward.
Denying the heart is the mind's attempt to protect itself. Wake up to that it does not speak the truth of You.
A true Spirit of helpfulness cannot work as 'divide and rule' and so is truly unifying. The harmony of true relations is 'Heaven'. But to uncover this in one's own awareness must first be true to oneself.
Sacrificing for 'others' is another way of using them for disguised attempts to feel better within a false framework of identity. It is pointless to 'try' to be what you are not as if what you are is unworthy. If you exist you are worthy of existing or else you wouldn't exist! Love's awareness is the 'birthright' of all.

Live and let live?

Comments to an article and comment on issues around the agenda of over population.

The identification with ego-centricity, with self-concept is the ultimate killer. Self righteous arrogance and callousness that deal not with living realities - but as a righteous opinionator and manipulator upon their world, upon relations seen 'out there'. In such wise the ideas/beliefs given allegiance program our perceptions and therefore our reactions.

So much of what is dysfunctional in the world is a reflection of a breakdown of communication within each our own mind and therefore our society. The practical opportunity of my message is that you can use it to reflect back to your own legitimate curiosity and challenge the 'programming' of a fearful and manipulative tyranny from in you have become deceived into accepting as your protection.

Aid initiatives can become subverted to corruptions, but the kindness of strangers is also like the touch of God - in terms of a validation of your core being - when YOU are the one whose need is great. But we have forgotten what giving really is in our corrupted 'giving to get'.

Giving is not primarily material, but is an unwithheld presence. Scarcities that are ultimately self-imposed give rise to the fearful conflicts and breakdowns and loss of vision to correct them.

If we use interpretations of the world to justify a lovelessness within, then we are making a choice and our world will reflect that choice to us.

Fear is a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it is a choice. Good intentions pave the way to hell because they are a mask upon a hidden agenda. Know thy self and uncover an integrity in which to align with the life in all.

Attend to that which is really here to be attended to and stop worrying!

You'll make yourself sick in focussing on negatives as if to make a positive for yourself against it. The world your mind makes is not so! Unless you WANT it so and then you can make it real to you by giving it. What you give is what you get back, so what ARE we believing and reinforcing? Don't fall for the scam that says you can get one over your world or your brother. It always ends in tears.

One may program the mind with belief but that same one can change their mind. One can insist that one's genes or one's upbringing 'did it to you' but that is the choice to NOT have a choice.

EVERY one within the focus of a physical consciousness is going to release it in transition that we call death. But the experience of is rich with opportunity for expressing and sharing Life - even within such limitations.

The rigidities of mind are reflected in its world, as a brittle ageing stuckness of unresolvable layers of conflicted fear and guilt. And quite naturally this is sloughed off. Fixing attention on the externals and seeking to resolve there what is actually at cause level and not merely symptom is such a rigidity to be released. It is not death we fear, but renewal. The mind gets stuck in its own trap. Change can be gracefully allowed or one can kick and scream. We all choose, but one can choose not to know this, if it is too fearful. So what is called for in a crisis, is calm, because without at least a moment's calm, reaction simply replicates the program that hides both the problem AND the answer.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

There's no success like failure - and failure's no success at all

Watch the moment when Great British Bake Off presenter Mel Giedroyc inspired a biscuit blunder in the crucial final moments of Tuesday's show.

This clip offers a great metaphor for ungrounded or wishful government interventions.

Supporting what doesn't work and cannot work and then being unable to withdraw without seeming to be the cause of collapse!

Of course it isn't only governments who enact this pattern. Our financial 'rulers' set up similar scams but usually make it seem like someone else is responsible - and buy up cheap assets.

But closer to home, our own mentality indulges vanities or wishful thinking that leads to lifestyles or relationships that cant work and will never work - and likewise seek to keep the appearances together until time runs out.

The politics (actions that express and define our society) of today seems so much focussed on 'keeping appearances together', such as to be a war on our own mind - where what is actually going on cannot be addressed or even acknowledged, and any attempt at communication is subverted into polarized denial device such that persons and 'blame' get to dominate as the maintenance of the delusion of the status quo and the entertainment-distractions of self-righteous opinion.

It is perhaps a matter of how much we have invested in the appearances of something that lacks integrity or true worth.
There is actually a great freedom in not having to keep it all up any more. "I cant do it" is a simple and liberating honesty that - accepted - lets the chips or indeed the biscuits - fall where they may while resuming a Real Life. Everyone has one and is one - but its back in a closet because it doesn't look like an Emperor's outfit.

Maybe one has to do the utmost while a ship is going down until baling out or making rafts is no longer possible. But essentially what we invest in - where we give value - will become foundational to all that comes after.

Hard to credit that this 'bake-off' isn't a set up. The implanted pathetic one for whom the audience cringes at their somewhat sadistically written scripted presentation. But life also imitates art and a nation of telly-tubbies rises to mimic the culture that is quite deliberately fed them - or does a desire for unconsciousness demand to be fed one way or another?

There's no market for anything sane - what does that say about the mind that manipulates what once was a vehicle or focus of exchange of Goods and Services. (Capitalized to draw attention to that life is good and service to life serves all).

One might claim life is not good and that if you don't serve only yourself - no one else will. Such is the power of our investment in ideas. We really don't have to set up a life or world that fails. We simply need to re-visit the definitions and ideas we are already investing in that are not honestly working for our life, our world - without blame - so as to let go of what does not work and can not work - and bring our willingness to what is already working - and cooperate with that!

Humiliation goes with the territory here. If we cant release a self-specialness then we cant embrace the native integrity of our being. A mindset of blame, shame and guilt absolutely forbids any real engagement with problem or solution , and which cannot be effected by 'divide and rule' mentality. But if that is almost all one has ever known, how could I get this message across? I say 'almost' - because no one is totally without some stirring or moment of being seen, accepted, honoured or embraced in a quality that demanded nothing of them and let them be themselves.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Concept Carpets & Blinds

This came up in an article on scientists suggesting that meteorites and amino acids gave rise to life on Earth : Scientists find cosmic factory for building blocks of life

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The thing about the concept of life is... that there is no life in it! But You that is Life can give it all the life you Are.

"Concept carpets and blinds" is a shop in Aylsham. It is also an apt phrase for the apparent division and splitting off of consciousness through a lens darkly. Looking for answers inside the mechanism of such reflection is perhaps an effective device for not letting down the D fences in conscious awareness to that there is no thing 'in and of itself' - and there is no one 'in and of themselves'.

The mind has an 'as if' capacity by which it can experience 'as if' it were a thing in an of itself, but cannot make that true. Yet the fragmented Universe of an amnesiac orphaned consciousness appears to be a problem or a riddle to solve.

What is Life and what am I? When no concept or definition is imaged and worshipped (identified with and defended) as if it were ITSELF reality, then is our personal NOT knowing becomes the condition in which ITS Inherent knowing 'comes back online' to our awareness.

Meanwhile a life lived in concept works to deny the Living unless it can exploit or use it to reinforce or validate the concept. But our self and reality image or concept can expand and transform if we are willing to suspend our belief and allegiance to anything that we discern as fundamentally dishonest - IF we are willing to pause long enough from blind assumptions and reactions, to test it in the heart.

That there is a desire to 'account for' or 'explain' organic and material existence without a Creator is to some degree an understandable reaction to historical experience - but it still fundamentally offers a 'Luciferian' script of cutting off consciousness from Creation - albeit the consciousness in the scientific model is so limited and well hidden that it almost seems as if reality could actually be a wholly material fact (with no awareness of it actually existing!) Oh - apart from this 'special intelligence' that just 'happens' to be so specially defining and discovering all things unto its own 'reason'.

Self revelation IS the Nature of reality - but when reality is substituted by concept the law operates to reflect the nature of the concept - hence 'divide and rule' as a paradigm of apparently conflicting polarities has reflected us back to ourselves.

Now a self-concept of modernity adapts to fit a mechanism-universe and just look and see how it is operating in every walk and arena of our living to replace relationships with contractual transactions.

IDEA is creative - in that it focuses and limits awareness of what is Universally Presencing Itself in and along specific lines. But it doesn't actually 'create' in ultimate terms because that Always and already Is.

As a direct expression of that Life we are creative of a unique 'experience' or perspective of reality. But as a concept, we sleep in a 'template' of programmed reaction amidst 'accepted definition-meanings' - while Infinite Life is 'reduced' to such tiny and almost lifeless experiment of mind-control. But it is not affected. We but limit our awareness and appreciation of All That Is.

Perhaps the Idea that Life is Already Everywhere might make the expressions of its qualities less of a riddle - even in amino soup.

The building blocks of life's manifestation are implicit in all that is. Existence is God's 'fingerprint' - but of an implicit Consciousness from which no one or thing has ever actually separated from for even an instant. (Though one can play within that Idea).

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Comment #2 (in response to


The chances of a living organism being created by random collisions are less than one over the number of photons in the universe.

Mathematically, any chance, no matter how astronomically insignificant, may account for the instance of such astronomical insignificance. For its Fact comes as the fruit that proves the seed. But if appreciation of the Fact is reduced to a minimal mechanical rendering - then expect a 'random blind, mechanical dice-God!

Looking in the past and 'out there' for the seed or source of life has absolutely zero chance of success - and that is its appeal. 'Seek and do NOT find' is the job-description of a sense of self-separateneness. Oh I know we find all sorts of things that goad as with a carrot on a stick to feel vindicated... for a while. And the human condition (ing) beats us like a stick to seek some mitigation for the pain of such existence as knows no abiding peace or fulfilment - but in distraction of unconsciousness, substitutes a pale replica that fails under any honest scrutiny. And so honesty cannot be trusted, and 'righteousness' substitutes its judgements and mutual definitions in place of reality discerned- and shared.

Computer software can emulate hardware such that 'alien' software can run within that emulated environment. I suggest our apparently physical body-mind is itself a construct within an order of Creation of which its own little virtual mind in its virtual operating system will never know.

But beneath it is the Only Thing Really going on. The thing is that the emulated or virtual self regards its existence as exclusive, self-existing and endangered and we have come to identify THAT as our protection/connection and therefore our life. Not unlike those who now become addictively identified with an online persona.

"The only thing to fear is fear itself" but this means fear is a deception that blocks, distorts and manipulates vision and divides us from our selves and from each other - and is a caution to be vigilant. Or it would be an absurd statement

There is no 'chance' involved in that you are existence itself; that one existence is in all, as all are in existence. And that what you give out, you get back. No 'chance' involved, because these are already true. Apart from these, everything changes. Even change changes, which 'births' the unchanging in an eternal seamless circle.

Nothing personal in this ramble - simply sparked off by pondering probabilities.
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Comment #3 in response to: AndrewStreet

"The fact that there is a reality beyond which the physical organs of sense perceive is surely why we have science in the first place?"
Yes, science is a discipline of a 'mind' that is inferred and presumed to exist but not actually verifiable to scientific proofs. Is there ANY mind at all - whether God or self or other - in the Universe it purports to reveal? Is that the same as saying there is ONLY mind? - albeit operating at different vibrational frequencies of its own 'Thought'.

The desire or curiosity to know - and in specific to know what life is, what the world that it seems to occur within is and what its purpose or function is... WAS once within the scientific exploration and energetically is still in some seed-sense a motivator. But Science split off from anything that could not be empirically measured and verified by simply disregarding it, while focussing on the high-yield crop of discovery and society-changing utility of focussing exclusively on what can be currently validated empirically.

And so they know an awful lot about an awful little. e.g: A little 'knowledge' about germs brought reactions that have set up the raft for a whole new web of immuno-related breakdowns.

I'm not anti curiosity or anti freedom to think and feel and discover - but when implicit polarities of a wholeness are denied by a pattern of stuck-ness, it's time for a breakthrough from a fresh perspective. Though one may seek to express perspective in thoughts - it is not just more thinking to weave into the old mode. It is a vehicle of shared realisation.

The key to the discovery and integration with non-physical aspects of reality is in the shift from thinking to discernment. The former is associated with manipulative intent of a self-separateness, the latter with an honesty or congruency of being.

All of us engage in non-physical reality in all kinds of ways as a matter of course - but generally unconsciously or tacitly - while the play of an egocentric identification is acted out that uses the props available to 'strut its stuff!'

'Pure Science' was held to be ego-less, but the true-centred is of a wholeness of being, rather than an exclusive and rejecting, reactive 'self-seeking'.

Comment #3A

 AndrewStreet responded:

I think I am a little more on the 'nuts and bolts' side of things, although I did once study philosophy, which was entertaining and recreational by turns, but perhaps ultimately mostly just words.

On the subject of the actual article I found it interesting to have a look at the Wikipedia entry on abiogenesis and use that as a starting point for exploring the current thoughts and theories. I am not religious, nor do I have a spiritual take on the universe - call this a limitation, it just happens to be what I am - so I do look to evidence-based science rather than religious/metaphysical explanations for the origin of biological life etc.

I get this feeling that ever since humans have been around we have tended to assume an external consciousness in the universe, because that's how it feels, because we are conscious and don't - or didn't - reallly have any rational explanation for it. Neuroscience tells us that it's a product of our brains, but not everybody will be happy with that idea.


What is the point of human imagination if we can't have our fictions, after all?

Well thank you for an honourable reply!

I suppose words serve either an opening to the noticing of the processes of cognition/perception or are the play of fictions within a virtual mind. I sometimes coin the term justifictions for the mind's employment as the justifying fiction for the identifications of an otherwise naked intent - one which clearly involves some sense of dissonance or conflict - or else there would be no call to make stories to justify and account for the identity asserted.

Religion spirituality whatever - if used as an identification are just variations on the theme of using external associations and social definitions. This is what I mean by identifying in or with concept. Doesn't matter what is used to mask the idol - it aint alive - even if it uses the symbols and forms of our highest concepts of life. However, it matters in that what we identify and energise in belief and by reaction will define and colour our experience such as to either limit or open to the qualities of life - such as are innate rather than manufactured.

Your willingness to extend honour to me regardless of your dissent is tangible. I don't care what people think they think or think they believe - for it is by our fruits that we are known - and these always reveal something of the character of what a man or woman holds in their heart - even if they've never much thought about it.

I also feel for an evidence or fruits based way - but unlike material science - requires the willingness to disengage thinking habits and observe. That is, one is the questioner and one's life is the experiment and the outcomes are transformational rather than add-ons.

The 'birth' into a limited consciousness is a kind of forgetting. It is as if all the inner lights go out and this personal sense thinking becomes a focussing that covers over the pristine feeling-awareness of vibration! colour! sound! I think you get the picture - our consciousness grows the world-concept along with the self-concept.

Concept carpets and blinds - as I keep saying on this page - but it also carves out experience.

Don't underestimate the proclivity of the apparently external environs to provide frameworks of experience. At the physical density, one sees habitats inherently inviting calling or inviting life explorations as well as life fitting its environment.

The reason we cannot hardly begin to communicate with our reality is because we have this arrogant little mind that thinks it can lord it over all else. Though there is a hierarchical series of relations in Creation nothing 'lords it' over anything else.

Out of sync, out of step and out of our (true) minds - but what a ride it's been!

I-magi-nation is perhaps our most fundamental asset - not in a role of escapism - but as the portal to fresh ways of seeing anything and everything. If you cannot imagine it then you cannot yet perceive it. This is why believing IS seeing and what we see is our belief - no matter how mutually reinforced it may be as true it is belief. But do we notice that? Not generally. Too full of a belief in our own 'independent life'. Now there's an oxymoron.

Darwin shows there is but one life, but the anti-God brigade interpret it to suit their agenda.

Dawkins and the like are useful to eat away the rotten flesh of merely magical beliefs of no foundation. For if one cannot communicate and embody the process of realisation, even truths become personal fictions. But who can truly bear the stark powerlessness of conscious existence without ANY thought to make some sense of personal reality, excepting they who yield its reactivity to an abiding at rest that needs take no thought to be.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits" (~Grandad)

I feel more for participance than entertainment - but that is a seed within it - so if I have offered anything of any enjoyment then life has occurred on planet Earth as an instant of conscious participance. And why not!
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Comment #4 (simply into the polarization mentality of design v evolution)

Design is presumed to imply a separate designer and indeed time and space. The first is a fallacy of the separation consciousness and the latter are both part of the design.
Where we most likely would not meet is that I don't predicate Consciousness in organic existence but the reverse.
The idea of a separate perceiver is just as much a fallacy as the separate designer - yet clearly they serve some currency of exchange at some level of consciousness.
Note that design can introduce the idea of random into itself. Computer generated drumbeats are too perfect to feel alive and so more sophisticated versions introduced very tiny and subtle mis-timings. You get the principle? If you were to design a world-experience to live through, you would very quickly tire of the predictable. Call it an evolutionary dead end!
In dance, there may be step sequences - but the WAY you get there is the life of it. This is the uncovering and yielding into a movement that is spontaneous - even if one has trained for years.
When an issue polarizes - ie Creation/Evolution it indicates a breakdown of the receptivity to the polarities of vibrational existence. The way out of impasse is to love thine enemy. That is to use the apparently opposing polarities to deepen one's own perspective.
If you designed a drama in order to access emotional experience - would the passion that was felt be accidental? It is all you - and doesn't leave your mind - and yet a willingness to engage it as if real can access any and every kind of experience.
The mechanical theories support a mentality that makes the world we see. Whatever is held true is foundational to the culture of individuals and their societies.
Truth does not get involved in this personal sense of definition - but when our conceptual reality cracks is when we realize it was in fact a vanity and deception.
To seek to define reality in mechanical terms is absurdly insane - that is; a dislocation of thinking from its relational context.
I'm not saying it might not be exciting for those who want it. Or that it is sinful. Just that it is a trick of the mind that serves the design or purpose called forth in the mind. (One could look up defence mechanisms to see a range of designed illusory realities).
Idea-belief-definitions are the template level of the design of our experience. There are personal aspects to this, family and cultural aspects and planetary and universal aspects to this.
But there is no mind, separate and apart from ANY of it ever - anywhere. Hence the idea of all pervading Consciousness or Spirit as the Prime Radiant expression of Infinite Mind. (Which was then projected onto and associated with traits of our own conditioned consciousness.
Prometheus thought he'd stolen a bit of Light and has had a tummy ache ever since! I jest here - but cannot exaggerate the distorting effect of guilt and fear on consciousness. Hence the design of a defence psychology of isolation in a fearful world.
Now what if all the props (Universe) are actually neutral until we give them meaning? In this sense we create our reality-experience within frameworks of probability, but can as it were reprogram or redefine anything if we have a sense of value in doing so.
A crisis becomes an opportunity - why? Because mind is not fixed - despite any appearances and reflections to the contrary. The desire to limit it is part of the human design; an intentional forgetting.
As we uncover the more of what we are so science and insight will expand our horizons. We are not alone. But that which wants to be isolated, designs its experience so as to protect from being breached. Yet reality is an interpenetrating vibrational fusion of no separate parts. Eggs are meant to crack when the time is right. Our perspective of reality grows with us. But the embyonic perspective is also valid to its level.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

NSA: One Ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them?

The mythos or story beneath the Lord of the Rings postulated a very similar abuse of power and technology - albeit in symbolic terms. One Ring to rule all the others.
On the discovery that the guidance, skill and support of Sauron had been all along but a feigned kindness over an intent to control, open war broke out. Most 'power ring' wielders were absorbed to become simply agencies of control and domination while a few hid them.

While not presuming to swallow a 'fairy story', such stories nevertheless serve as vehicles of transmitting insights or cultural wisdom. For there is nothing new under the sun in it's principle, if not its form of expression.

My own contribution is to call attention not to the worldly expressions (regarding secrecy, privacy and control) in themselves - but to see that they are embodiment of a mindset of deception IN WHICH WE ALL HAVE A SHARE. It is inevitable that a pervasive mentality of control seeks to extend itself via new technology - using the veil of helpfulness, free goodies and promises of a better world for all. But we CAN recognize the agenda beneath the mask because it is our own REFLECTION. And we CAN change our mind - or rather the active purpose of our desire and intent.

In the Tolkien story, it transpires that one of the little folk of no apparent consequence - with no great store of a 'will to power' becomes the active symbol of the relinquishment of that 'will to power'.

While there are 'battles' of competing and conflicting interests in the world, there is also the dimension of our own personal will; that is, our thinking, our masks of secrecy and deception and a hidden intent which both calls these into existence and maintains their justification for employment.

Put simply it is the intent or wish to prevail over another, and over life, at the other's expense. This mindset has received a sort of sanctification in modern thought as 'genetic' programming at the heart (sic) of Life. But a moment's pause reveals that we embody it as a parasite upon our own Life - in terms of person, relations, and planet.

The issues of control and trust are as ever at the very root of human consciousness. To uncover the root to reveal a different foundation is not unlike the 'journey to Mordor'. Not where one would otherwise choose to bring focus to. But one might say that the darkness is coming after us whether we yield, hide or flee - ANYWAY. So to reconsider everything in the light of the thinking (beliefs and definitions) that embody it - as a direct observation in one's own daily living is in some sense to wake up from the compulsive or mesmeric fascinations of the Big Screen of the World.

Whatever the World Is - can not be known about but through the filters of our mutual definitions and beliefs. I am saying that Consciousness - in its truly active nature sets up the experience we are having and yet is inseparable from the World that is in a sense, dreamed real.
The technology of our day is reflecting the releasing of the apparent separations of our personal or human consciousness from its true Nature and Source.

Not everything about this Global Convergence of technologies is evil or dangerous, but the crisis that it opens in our midst is that of having to accept responsibility (not blame) for our thoughts - for our consciousness and for those aspects of what we called or rendered unconscious, to be accepted and integrated.

It is a fairy story indeed to think that one could hide from truly Living Communications within Concepts kept secret from All That Is. Truth will out!
But a mentality of manipulation and control will subvert this in any-which-way it can - so as to persist as your own.

Secrets are ultimately that which we are trying to keep from ourselves. Control at home is served by setting up a 'foreign agenda'. That's why we don't look within and simply see the deception de-cloaked.

But the recent events reflect that in fact this de-cloaking IS occurring in our conscious awareness.
"Just say No" to being part of the 'botnet' of intent to wield fear and division in an attempt to control in our Name.
As the ad says "Because you're worth it!".