in response to the themes in comments to
Physics is absolutely fine.
Our model is 'broken' or flawed as a result of false evidences accepted real.
Narrative dictates are not set by science, but by invested stakeholders.
This is what is seriously wrong.
Marketisation and weaponisation of theory makes unnatural selections!
False investments repackaged in complex fudge!
Building on the shoulders of giant...mistakes!
Halton Arp established facts contra to defended dogma on red-shift used as a basis for Big Bang theory.
Electric/Plasma Universe paradigm persists in empirical science - while 'The Science' is sacrificing the capacity to question and find out, for a Model serving egoic reinforcement as the presentation of predictive control' - but after the pride comes the fall.
When I first tuned into Big Bang, I thought - its didn't 'happen' long ago, so much as is Now - the 'Only Thing Happening' - so I must be dab smack in the centre of it - as is everyone and everything else. As the Idea is a representative in quantitative terms of the Infinite - into finite expression (wasnt it first from a Belgian theologian?), it can represent the Infinity Point in every energetic expansion TO a polarised system of relationship to the Whole.
But Compression is simultaneous to expansion, while cycles within nature can oscillate or breathe between the poles.
In human terms a period of compression is where self contradictory conflicts can no longer be 'expanded' as time or space, but must be resolved to a compression of time and space. Self-illusions can no longer be supported, so the unworkable is released, while the seed essence of refined experience, is held as the energy/information complex from which a new expansion spontaneously unfolds.
"It's life Jim, but not as we know it!"
(Thought we knew it).
Q: According to you, what's the greatest unsolved mystery in science?
Mystery framed as 'a problem to be solved' sets science in the false frame of 'Saviour' or Solver to a sense of self-evasion masking as a Seeker & finder of problems to be solved, such that underlying conflicts and contradictions can be protected from Disclosure by further research required, needs more funding, and of course HUGE modelling of drsamatic consequence by which to remain in emply or inndeed in control of a mind that has forgotten what a real question Is.
Q: I wonder if it is possible that what we see when we look away from earth is a reflection rather than infinite objects in space? I think about what we are expanding into. It seems there has to be a container of sorts or boundary at some point that holds everything, otherwise what and where is space? How can it be infinite? So many questions and sadly none will be answered in my lifetime.
The expression of 'boundary' conditions is itself the Matrix of Communication.
Looking at boundary as distancing separator or container is a polarised or split perspective.
Surfing the wave is a vehicle of the zero or balance point to the summary of force in motion.
If you delay or defer a decision it can be temporarily held within your 'field' even if not in your current focus of attention and awareness.
The Idea of Universe as reflection is the Ancient or pre-scientific perspective.
Materialism effectively makes the external 'Lord'.
But field effects bridge back to the tangibility of underlying qualities that inform and express quantitatively.
How can you be Infinite?
or to put it another way, edgeless and without measure.
Judge not lest ye be judged, or as you give so shall ye receive, or Garbage in; garbage out!
Q: What if the light that’s travelled to us went through heavy gas clouds slowing its speed from different locations, since they’re so far away we can’t prove it hasn’t?
Its often blocked. 99% (ish) of the physical Universe is plasma. This infers that its electrical field pervades and informs all structure.
Plasma physics incorporates 'resonant effects' as self-organising systems that are not within the thermo-dynamic (closed) modelling.
Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Saturday, 11 June 2022
Expanding Models posing as Universal
Friday, 10 June 2022
The Control Mindset as GoF - Gain of Function
The fundamental GoF is what we may call 'ego' or a masked self-image as control mindset.
That which is, and of its nature unfolds all that is, can be viewed through mindset of distancing and masking denials asserted and defended as survival.
In terms of the current situation, the psyop of the nature of the control mindset is the underlying pathology. There is no pathological intent in the symbiotic whole that life is, so the hack and hijack of apparently endogenous mutations of 'genetic information' are a mythic reflection of the mind that made them, for a split mind must seek its 'survival' in mutually agreed self-reinforcements as its personal & social 'reality'.
The contagion fear is an archetypal fear of retribution or repossession for transgressions buried in the unconscious by such masking. Transgressions can be seen as the wish and belief to think and create in our own image such as to take or steal or break the heart of a love and power that becomes at war with itself or split, fragmented and defended against total loss.
Survival of the sense of self then drives the attempt to regain what was lost and prevent further loss vicariously or externally by manipulating externals onto which such fears or 'solutions' are projected.
The control mindset operates a weaponising and marketising filter to any genuine seeking for truth or for the 'more of who we are' in which a more truly aligned sense of self and world, replaces misdirected futility. So it found 'bacterium' called germs the cause of disease and sought to eradicate our biological matrix of adaptation and life support. In the process developing poisons that generated what was then assigned to 'germs', or when no bacterial suspect could be found, the hypothesis of a virus ran as the belief that persisted support for a pharmaceutical medical monopoly. No virus could be found, so the genetic dogma was generated to bypass any need for empirical verification in favour of arcane elitist definitions that supported the desired outcome for invested Pharmaceutical (medical) model. That this is also deeply flawed merely shunts a compound set of conflicts down the generations as a parasitic or self-cannibalising split mindset and society, acted out upon the body and asserted and defended as a framework of meaning for invested identity, that has lost its true relational context for a conflicted meanings set in blind struggle that renders further unconsciousness as a model or system to which the life is given in sacrifice.
The captured mind cannot question its own making’ that runs as its reality. The freedom to ask a real question is in our being, not in our thinking, so putting aside our own thinking or drama, is the opening to receive answer rather than persist in manufactured ‘solutions’ that merely go forth and multiply a mis taken identity running covert to who we think we are.
Without a relational appreciation for the source and nature of our being, the truth of honest enquiries into the veracity or otherwise of scientific claims to life or reality used as basis for claim to power, will be distorted by our own invested bias.
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
Reflections on Global Catastrophe
in response to the themes in:
Iain Davis
You provide a clear exposition of a situation in terms of conflicting interests, that at the same time appear to operate common purpose through polarised 'identities' or proxies.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum agreed to have a battle.
The notion of a subset of people living the 'control' identity that seems to run behind appearances as 'power over life' or humanly be-lived realities becomes a sense of some sort of Script playing out as a framework in and by which others (mostly) are masked from yet in a significant way masked in. A 'control mindset' running from and within a narrative sense of self-justification as a 'freedom' that is 'compelled' by circumstance to frame its perceptions and choices accordingly. This is always much easier to observe in others - such as to predicate our mind to look for and find fault in others by which to justify the withholding of love (acknowledgement of and honour for being), or the judgements of social distancing, and consequent masking as the false virtue in the claim to moral accusation and attack of 'othering' by which to boost a masking sense of self-illusion.
The 9/11 tipping point as World Staged, is the open declaration of the usurping lie as overt and systemic control. The flip side (there is always a flip side) is the Call for Help is coded as the message to any mind finding itself trapped in conflicting lies vying for 'validation' as if to attain the final judgement that cannot be questioned.
Lies or invested and protected self-illusion by definition usurp the true witness and worship of our Spirit - which I also feel to put as true with-ness and worth-ship - for these are the expression of a coherent and integrative cultural consciousness arising from relationship and communication, rather than pre-emptively imposed as an 'ideal' of what the situation 'should' be or fails to be such as to be judged unworthy from an ideologically 'captured' mindset.
Minding is a verb from which we presume a noun to represent habits of conditioned learning or ability as our 'mind'. The attempt to fix or finally 'solve' a mind set in its own conflicts is a self-destructive futility - yet it runs until recognition stirs as the basis for questioning the 'masking strategy' of a self-adaptation that has run a self-reinforcing loop against the shadows of its own self-image.
For do we not 'see' the intentions and motivations of 'others' through our own? Or rather, compound such assumptions by reacting to them rather than bring our attention present?
It is my witness that the 'Script' of the ego set for 'getting' out of lack generated BY conflict of self (actuality) and image or symbolic representation– brings us each, together and ultimately all, to a 'bottoming out' or flip from lie-based struggle seeking to weaponise life and truth, to an uncovering and sharing in a life aligned for giving and receiving as one. Here is the 'zero-point' energy of an infinite embrace, within or beneath all expression of polarities - that only seems zero or void to a push-pull distortion or action-reactive script.
The term 'awake' like the shadow 'woke' becomes part of a masking in name, image, form and identity that runs as a 'deceiver' until released from service.
I cannot 'settle' in an identification with any 'side' but grow in discerning that which sides with support for living within a worthiness, that is not manufactured.
The house built on lies has no foundation. A world built on lies is self-destructing - or rather disintegrating as a capacity to run covert identity. Hence the 'double down in fear, conflict and war'. What shall be revealed when masking is unveiled? We are never as awake as we think.
A resonant appreciation is of the nature of love without strings attached, there is no other, but there is a rich tapestry of unique perspectives as the realm of life as the relational expression communication or communication of a confluence of interest rather than a conflict or balance of powers.
What is Satan's role in bringing the Job to fruition?
Releasing who I recognise I am not, opens the way for who I am to register as the true movement of the heart. Sometimes gracefully, but also through or despite a mess of conflicting contradictions set in struggle as a masking narrative for self, by which to pass off to others or world, as a coping survival complex of a script given power as guide and protector.
I see the term 'surrogate power' as the nature of a relational agreement, that can become corrupted, such as the mind or system that reverses natural order - as if we can Really be trapped in or destroyed by our own thought - or to put this in another way, create our Reality.
#2 Ian's article posted to Off-Guardian where I also commented:
The thermodynamic model is a closed system.Fabians hold war as the worth & nature of reality as resource competition under increasing scarcity. So also to engineer scarcity as a means of control). So also to engineer masking narratives as means of control
Plasma physics - at all scales is a 'closed/open' system.
What we discarded as Space or vacuum, is an Infinity of self-organising charge-domains.
Prison Planet is appropriate symbol for a mind in lockdown to its object model - or perhaps at the cusp of Childhood's End.
Everything is compressing down to a crossover point.
The need is energetically felt as the refining down to seed essentials.
But acted out in habit as the doubling down in 'identity threat react'.
Contraction is a death or degradation - such as 'reset' thinking in the frame of 'control'.
Compression is essential to living cycles at all scales.
The choice I see, is whether:
-to value a living choice by extending that gift to others and to life, (Yielding up to an expanded perspective).
-to die in chosen self-illusions (giving battle)
-to embrace death as saving from the pain of consciousness as the Call to live, under accumulated burdens. (Giving up).
The freedom to live this experience of unfolding is easily forgot in our emotional identifications and reactions, that are part of our means to navigate or even focus in it.
Boundaried domains within an Open Infinity seems contradictory to concepts as objects, but relational energetic and informational exchange is the very basis of all expression or embodiment.
Boundary as medium of Communication rather than as a lockdown against fear in masking defences internalised as 'normalised habit' of programmed response.