Thursday, 15 October 2020

Covidian Cult comments


(on the nature of mind capture or mind control)

Self specialness operates an exclusive exceptionalism or clique. But it also tempts others with such to induce dependency and compliance.
The drive to self-specialness is the sense of self-lack in shame, inadequacy, grievance and vengeance.
A sense of self-lack rises from doubt and division and so those who have developed the weaponised form of overriding their own heart and mind by a driven compulsion, apply their own psychology to infect and capture others in fear that seeks false protections, envy that drives malice, and vengeance that seeks an uses all means as valid in regaining power from that which denies them, masking armour over what would expose them.

Basically I set a deceiver in the nature of self-conflict – and self-inflation sets up the mark to be taken down.
I see the USA as an asset and before that the british empire as an asset that could effectively be nudged, framed and led into deceits, indebtedness and powerlessness.

(To a provocative post insinuating OffGuardian as a far right recruitment scam).

Any issue with any controversy can generate polarised and invested identity.
So what?
If you want to engage in controversy and conflict to get a sense of self – you already are.
If you get tired of that you start looking and listening to your own censor or emotional bias – and thus open the freedom to not be censored or biased by reaction.

For whatever reasons there were a few places that openly challenged and questioned the covid narrative from the outset and this site was one.

You can speculate or imagine why this may be and read into it whatever you want but you are making use of the freedom to comment for your own reasons – which we can also ask ‘interesting questions’ about.

The phrase ‘far right’ is being reframed from what it used to mean.
Frankly I don’t give a shit what wing you are flapping at any given time. I appreciate any extension of human worth. State AND Corporation are in ‘public private partnership’ but we know that effective monopolies capture the regulators, the Media, key institutions and opinion leaders and operate through multi threaded ‘fronting’ organisations to ‘come out’ as the 4th Reich Industrial revolution from a position that merely announces itself – for the coup in that sense was bloodless. If not in its restructuring pogroms programs.

When what it is to be human is targeted for some sort of pharmed lobotomy or genetic lab rat status, I appreciate all willingness to the truth of what it is the be human – as distinct from a mind-captured polarised identity.

The internet is not owned by me, nor are browsers or the sites I use. I have no direct control over any of it. But while I choose to participate I have the freedom to choose to use it for the purpose that inspires me. As human beings we have significant differences that pull in different directions but in the context of what is effectively an alien agenda, I see a call to give priority to the principle of communication as a basis for relational sanity.
This isn’t just words, but our demonstration.

Propagandists are using ‘far right’ and so I see it is devalued as a term unless clearly qualified. Totalitarian control doesn’t care what ‘front’ it uses to get and keep control.
But it studies what its perceived threats and rivals say and do to reuse it as ammunition and as masking. So as to predict the terms we might want to use and grab them first.

#3 (on the AGW agenda)

If you look at the carbon regulatory structure in place and rolling out as part of your permission to move, transact or access services, you may see it has completely succeeded in effecting regulatory capture, as has the WHO, as have other fronts for the same ability to redefine and choke life support.
Whatever else the ‘controller class’ may be, they are determined and active in setting narratives of predictive programming, instigating movements and subverting or weaponising them.
the underlying ‘engine’ is a guilt and fear driven compulsion, which I suggest is their signature in our own reactions.
If you caught a glimpse of the vast resources available to your ‘survival response’, they far surpass the tiny hiding place of a self justification in limiting and managing conflict. For it generates such an experience.

The virus offers the symbol of the hijacking of the self to a fear and control mentality that then replicates and communicates as contagion.

But the part played by ‘virus’ is the poisoning of communication such to to induce a willing receptivity to a trojan horse by which to bring down Troy from within.

This same act or event could be an education in faith and vigilance against deceit. But that is up to each of us to accept or align in as our choice.
The toolbox of deceit is only to mask in the forms and appearances of virtue – or of true qualities of being. By reaction, we make fear the basis of belief. In this sense our modelling mind of capacity to predict, becomes a trap into which we ‘fall’ by a self-conditioning process of ever diminishing returns at ever greater cost.

(on the AGW agenda)
Paul didn’t say climate change though he may have meant it. If I give him the benefit of doubt I will read ‘toxic debt, toxic industrial pollutions’, and add my own of the toxic thinking that sets it up and persists in ‘control mindset’ under cover story, or narrative diversions that operate as masking over dissonance..

However, I see guilt as fundamental to diversion from awakening responsibility.
The cultivation of the environmental identity as a self-hating, blame directing self righteousness has the same pattern of mind control that dumps toxins on the lives of others and upon the body of the Earth by inducing them to sacrifice for the persistence of the control mindset.

Climate change or in our human terms extreme weather, can be catastrophic, so you need to discriminate the AGW guilt element from the cycles of natural systems finding equilibrium under constantly changing conditions.

There is a basis for the dissonance that becomes guilted fear in being out of true with your own being. But the leveraging of minds or of our own spiritual denial by guilt.

To presume to know how long the Earth will need to regenerate is based on current ignorances. The willingness to align in wholeness and health is the key, not the intent or attempt to make others do so.

Eternity is timeless and is not IN this world nor can be brought into the world, but what we take to be real can be rendered transparent to a truth that is always already true. The uncovering of the truth may unfold through the mistaken grasp and identity in the false. False identities are not ‘punished’ but revealed false or without foundation or substance.

(on the control agenda)

'They' are not to be subject to the rules under which 'we' are intended to internalise and become embodiments of as living tools, human sacrifice or lab rats.

'We' are to be 'made safe'. Leveraging of outcome and experience is to be 'deregulated' or rather the residual obstructions to the fantasy of being as gods are to be removed. See my comment slightly above this on why I don't presume the weaponising of environmental guilt under the AGW did fail.

But I suppose we all have the ability to engage in 'opining' while they are active in ways we don't see because we are for the most part focused in narrative driven identity running the programming they set up. You could say, they run the fairground and we take the ride.

Anyone got any good ideas? 

(The question of the title was asked)

When squeezed down without hardly any room to move, distil the very essence of who you are and what you love (they are the same ;-). be who you are anyway and any way you can. Not to 'get the bastards!' or save the world, but just because.

You don't need a special permission or reason to be yourself - but at times the medium of expression can be extremely constrained.

I love singing and dancing and sharing in living music - but I love the joy of it as freedom. I don't want the external forms if they become so contrived, compliant or correct as to be a cage for joy to die in its own parody. Joy can fly, and alight where it will. Just open the cage and stay open. Holding a channel for inspiration 'just because' is not complicated, but you have to be worth it, and that means you have to share that to have it.

Distilling down to the core essence is akin to the process of becoming seed for a new cycle. The eye of the needle allows all the riches you can share in, because the true quality of anything doesn't need a lot of show to be the expression of.

Older people may have already practised doing more with less.

Change is the only certainty in a world of change, but the attempt to control it comes back in our face, sooner or later and there's a lesson to take to heart.

The Big Change is in motion, but big plans make God laugh!

Modelling the future and then climbing into the model so as to give it more push, is called cognitive dissonance. If you don't find your life there, don't get on that bus. If you are on that bus, I don't know you can get off now - its a huge shift to make, back into the world of the living.

I wandered a bit there - but life is a dance not a destination.

Align True 


Yes - AS we love Life - instead of a fake and hollow version masked in 'virtue' so as to seem to have it, we recognise that fear of self-conflict covered over and masked in narrative continuity and control IS NOT OUR FRIEND - or protector. It's thoughts are not witnessing to the Living, but to a split off sense of disconnection that is being replicated in our time for us to recognise for what it is - and therefore no longer use for what it is not. It is not a true foundation from which to know ourselves, each other and the living world we share in.

In truth we can only Be who and what we are (created to be) but in 'being-afraid' we are giving our awareness of being to the mind of fear.

In some sense we have a collective 'bottoming out' experience of the pattern of addiction - in which the capacity to abide in the false direction and result is coming to awareness as increasing unbearable. The willingness to look directly AT or upon the foundation of a convictions and beliefs that are running the attempt to live all by ourself is the turning point. But to look at or notice our thought and emotion, is to pause from 'running it' by reaction - such that IT seems to run us.

That is how we give power or priority of value away from our true desire to mis-taken fear running as if The Truth.

The mis-taken identity can be seen as 'normalised' and socially reinforced at many levels. But the key is simply to align in what identifies us and our relationships truly - now and in every moment of noticing - and indeed grow willingness for noticing, because while we are certain in our self-convicting judgements we are too busy in their dictate to notice anything that is truly Present!


Ah - there never was a way back. But there is an uncovering of truth from benath masking self-illusion - no matter how terrible they seem.If everyone is looking to see if everyone else is aligning in or expressing truth that they are otherwise unwilling or unready to own and know and align in for themselves, then even if others came out so to speak, would that really give permission to accept and step into your life? Or only to follow in the outer appearances unchanged?

The voice for fear is different from a clear and present danger. It works via the mind of 'what if'.

And operates as if it has become 'As Is!' - not least by an extreme emotional reaction.


The underlying leverage of the fear-mind is through guilt arising from wanting YOUR judgement to have priority over truth. Well did you get what you 'deserve' of what you in fact ask for? A world in which;

 “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".  ~(Michael Ellner)

If we look through a mind that puts truth behind it, we see nothing as it truly is.

You deserve love's awareness now. But to put this first, you must put the fear-mind of the 'deceiver' behind you, or 'reverse the reversal'.

Of course the mind that made illusion offers to get you out - that is how the mindtrap 'works'.

Insofar as you have un resolved debt in Life - you have unfinished business, but a true reckoning releases the insanity that grows from trying to protect illusions form truth (which is simply true and not at war with a 'something else' called illusion masking off as IF true).

The mind of judgement - that we assigned to God - is the mindset of 'lording it over unworthiness' or perceived and believed guilt in self and other and world.

It may start out as a 'New World Order' but true order rises from wholeness.

Insofar as you have a 'lord', it gives the choice to run your private sense of lockdown and control - as the 'self-will', or willingly align in the Giver of Life in which and in whom you are integrally part of the whole rather than a 'lead role in a cage'.

Running an insanity will sooner or later question the foundations of our thinking, but on the way it will question everything ELSE, so as to find the answers that support its right to lockdown the mind in a split and 'distanced' identity.


When each stage in the trick is effected it is replaced by the next - so as to seem to have changed - or be on a new footing.

In some way the change that is most needed is in hearts and minds - as one - and not merely an external change that permits return to unconsciousness.

So your answer may be simple in that it is your version of 'making the bad things go away' so you can get your life back.

BJ and co are doing what they are told. Which could be 'hold position at all costs until the cavalry comes into force'. They do tell us what they are doing - but always through forms of reversal.

So if you don't give the knee you are kneeled on and choked - in one way or another. that may not see a choice, but our true choice is always between truth and self-illusion - and not merely 'which self-illusion?' with the good cop bad cop incentive to either crack or fold to the nice man who gives you a break from hurting and speaks sympathetically to your wish to be free of pain.


The underlying principle is of mind-capture, such as to accept and align in freedom as something granted you by external authority.

This has some application at the level of the body. And if you limit your self (lockdown) as the body, then it tells you what you are, what to do and how to feel.

Freeing from mind capture, needs first to notice it.

The controling aspect of mind-capture is set to deny you awareness of what runs beneath - because that is the reason for your invoking it.

Ancient hates and fears in archetypal patternings run beneath seemingly familiar experience. Do they come up to be undone or healed?

The ancient way is of limited sacrifice to evade total sacrifice - but there IS no way to partially sacrifice truth of wholeness - and so the corruption works through the part that THINKS it is a whole - autonomous or 'self-willed'. 

Recognising the patterns operates a different mind to falling into ever more complex rabbit holes of diversion - that initially seemed to promise an answer.

Predictive programming can be carried out by the population upon themselves by repeated authoritative suggestions, so as to use the 'bot-net' to generate the sacrifice to the programmer's 'reality'.

But where you attune to and what you attune through remains your freedom - even if you package your choices in plausible deniability or one part not knowing what your other part does.


That is a simple but key point. We don't always know what people are hiding or why they are hiding it but that they are not in the Right Mind - or connected heart and mind - is absolutely evident to anyone who is alive, present and open to communication and relationship.

Because we don't know the what or why, we project our own fears and fear-derived motives onto them and react as IF we know.

We may also be 'played' by others when we set such beliefs real by reaction.

I cannot deal with Chris Witty and chum's fear for them, but I can hold for an integrity of being that remains there for them, should they choose to face and release fear's tyranny instead of seeking -Stockholm-syndrome like', to adapt within a dis-integrity set in priority or power.

Control runs beneath a world of war, no matter what it 'masks in'.

The masking of 'war on life' as a 4th industrial revolution (bio security state under global mandate) is dependent on what the germ theory epitomises. ALL the attention and funding assigned to the 'pathogen' and war on evils assigned thereby. NONE to the 'Terrain' or total environment AS IT IS in each specific case.

Narratives operate a mythic structure of self-reinforcement - cast out in meanings woven or subsumed to story.

In a sense we step into our own movie by investing emotional reaction that locksteps with others in protecting the movie against disclosure as a masking over or camera obscura.

And WHO told you you were naked - sayeth the Lord?....


Good to see the basic leverage being revealed.

Unless people take their attention from the movie (of personal reaction and invested identity), to the programming at mind level, they effectively are choosing the movie as it is programming them to.

Schopenhauer explained 38 tricks by which to 'win an argument' without actually debating the issue - ie by 'dirty tricks'. He hoped by publishing this, the ability of tricksters would be limited and more real communication might result in a more honest outcome.

Marketing soon found that the 38 tricks were very saleable to those who wanted to learn dirty tricks so as to use them.

The 'self-will' ONLY sees what can be marketised and weaponised. It runs as a possession and control mandate. Everything you seek to use against it will be absorbed and repurposed to be used against you.

Strategies of surviving trauma, operate as split off personality set in maintaining and protecting the split as its salvation. So it can devote a lifetime to learning about its predicament - as a way to persist in it under the mask of understanding.

A crash course in re-education on the nature of deceit? 

Whose worry and fear are you seeking to minimise? Why not dispel?

Are you suggesting the corp-media-gov are successful in minimising any chance of being taken seriously in respect to 'the science'?

Or that they were successful in hijacking our minds by hiding their payload in a trojan horse?

My heart didn't open to receive the trojan in the first place.

Logic serves whatever it is predicated upon. 

Perhaps it is time for everyone to receive a crash course in re-education on the nature of deceit?

We have one now.

I don't belittle the pains of the divisions this brings up in family and friend, and society in pieces, but if someone doesn't hold for the heart of reason, we all become headless chickens. Not believing another's narrative of choices' doesn't mean not loving them and accepting their freedom to make choices, and in time, better choices. 

If I push on anyone to save them in ‘my world’, I get pushed back into my world and perhaps a closed door in my face. But that may serve better feedback than being appeased or complied with 'for the sake of peace'.

Like wise thos in the 'authorities' may recognise that those who clearly and unequivocally say 'No!' are offering real feedback to serve a better choice, as distinct from dancing puppets of compliance who confirm the madness of the deluded by serving their own agenda and not because they actually trust and appreciate such 'paramount concerns'.

A lot of this is pre-rational. The rational can only come in when there is a release of the grip of the fear. in my opinion ;-)

A house divided cannot stand 

A house divided cannot stand.

Choose one and let the other go.

But first learn to recognise one from the other for a mind in reversal can love to hate and hate to love.

Yet only in one choice can we be whole - the other 'choice' is impossible as we cannot in truth deny the being we do not create - and so the choice for conflicted illusion is indeed the realm of two powers seeming to war in the mind.

But truth simply is.

The Mind and the Heart of God are one - and we are created in like kind regardless the mind-set in its own spin.

Yes the heart knows when the mind goes forth in true witness - for what is given and received are one.

By your giving do you set the measure of your receiving.

Love is the willingness to be with what is, and recognise truth.

No one IS the self they think they are and seek to save, and so a real relationship saves us from our illusions. 

The way we use symbols and words can vary, and so miscommunications can arise from attachment to symbols made idol. But in the living of who we are is the fruits by which we are known, rather than the thinking by which we think to know.

To be truly known is not really IN the world - so much as truth that shines upon the world. The attempt to DO love or make true, generates a hollowness that masks in 'virtue' and yet knows not what it does - being a self set in lack as the attempt to save itself by getting.

I write to illuminate qualities of experience that may invite relationship instead of polarised reaction in anyone that alights in reading.

Terror is the 'god' or power set in jealousy, rage, and destruction - which can run hot and cold.

But whatever we accept as our origin, author, father, or source, will structure the pattern of our own emulation - and so a self born of fear will assign power to coercion, rather than recognising and accepting love as the power of a true embrace. Until we let love in, we live out an experience of substitution that is actively defended against love, as fear of total sacrifice, and so wholeness is limited or split off as a realm of personal control. In mind - that elicits the allegiance of the heart of it could not be sustained.

Where your heart is, there your treasure is - and so waking up to the nature of deceits is the freedom to withdraw allegiance of ongoing energy and attention of support.

'Resist ye not evil' said Jesus.

For what you resist, persists.

But what you leave unchosen and unused, fades from non use. Such is the power of love - through us. You are right that we cannot have this alone or of ourself alone.

The willingness to extend love is the condition of receiving and sharing in. Not as an imposed condition, but because this is the nature of love, giving and receiving as one, through the experience of relational exchange or communication. 

Thankyou for your willingness to share your perspective.

Defeating the Virus (is the virus) 


'Defeating the virus'

is not rational or meaningful proposition

but setting a meme

War on cancer never was about healing cancer.

Healing cancer is heresy!

Why were Lynn Thyer and David Noakes extradited to a French prison?

or if you don't want to research that much watch 'cancer is a serious business' for the gist of the way things (do not) work.

War on 'Anything' is made to protect the war lobby of whatever means are employed - funded or mandated to 'save us'.

Iatrogenic disease may be the biggest or most popular means of leaving this world, but officially heart disease and cancer push death by medicine to third place in UK/US and perhaps other 'developed' countries.

The opportunity to reset to a new cooperation within the natural - regardless of what was normal, includes re-education with regard to everything. But first, the opening of a new basis from which to evaluate anything - instead of some version of 'war on whatever'.

Death by medicine extends to death resulting from withholding medicines, and even drinking water or companionship.

While there are dependencies that may have to be released gradually, the focus of a pathological system of funded fear driven 'medical' intervention, is a racket. 

people are pharmed for sickness - while there is a shakedown of change from the NHS or insurance, to be discards, 'useless eaters' or non viable businesses, for not qualifying under genetic control.


You were called to clap for the replacement of the NHS with the CHS.

The same is occurring throughout the body politic as a shift to PPP.

But as with US-speak, ‘partner’ means asset. That’s why Putin chooses to use it for the US asset bloc. Monopoly does not partner – except allinace of temporary convenience. THAT is one basis for a prediction that this tower of Babel will also fragment. There is no life in it. It has only the life given in sacrifice to it. That is what fear ‘does’ to those who hide and protect it behind a masking narrative identity.

‘It Lives – We Sleep’.


An independent Cochrane study established that mammograms were a liability and that huge numbers of women have been subjected needlessly as a result to procedures that are sickening, sometimes mutilating, and often fatal.

The fear of 'infection' or latency of disease as a basis to self-deny - even self-attack - is not a new idea.

Why not vaccinate babies against sexually transmitted disease?

There will be some positive to some who do not receive their treatments - along with those who are now manually medically managed and depend on it to live.

Lockdown stats revealed a significant lowering of infant deaths that points very strongly to interrupting the vaccine schedule.

In all matters, use your medical advisor. I am not suggesting treatements or their denial but to look before you leap - or sign away your health to consequences that are well known and in the package insert. 

Just because you WANT to find ammunition against the lockdown policy, be wary of accepting ANY foe to their claim as your friend. (That's one of the ways we are repeatedly hacked, manipulated and delivered unto evil).

A Mind in Reversal 

(I was asked what do I mean by a mind in reversal?)

When we give self-illusion priority and put the heart of honesty and discernment to the background, we set our life in reversal. the law of abundance then operates equally but to multiply lack, conflict and debt - which go forth and multiply because such are the basis for self-illusion or in Prodigal terms 'running off with a mis-taken inheritance taken from a living father. Which was no forbidden or it would not be available as a choice, and yet the choice reveals itself in time and in its timing as giving up everything you both have and are, for a world that costs Soul or truly Felt Awareness That is of God and in God, while the character in the world is locked down in a body, used to distance, separate and house a private mind of judgement and control behind masking not just from others, but from ourselves.

And in this sense the self we think we are or that reacts to the meanings we made as if outside us, and defining us or setting our identity, is not the Soul God created eternal, but a construct or focus within the miscreative use of Mind. that by design hides or knows not what it does, for denial of Wholeness is the basis for and result of a partiality set in self-specialness, arrogance and ignorance.

Creative imagination is not sin, but  persistent priority to invested illusion at cost of truth is sin. And yet as cognitive dissonance, we know not what we do.

Waking to such disturbance calls up all the separation patterns and conflicts that lie hidden within us, yet this is the territory or condition in which we call and are answered, The way of this for each is unique, and yet  we recognise another in our self and our self in an other. Upstream to the split mind is wholeness of being, and the opening of this wholeness to the mind that believed itself apart, conflicted and in fear and pain of loss, is a totally different perspective because it sees from a different foundation within life rather than as if apart, and with life as a felt intimacy. That 'Satan' or the mind of possession and control interjects as the habit of listening there for your thinking, can be as simple as wanting a beauty to never end - and immediately its intimacy or innocence is lost to self-consciousness in place of yielding to self-awareness. We can get in our own way, or fear can block awareness of truth.

Then we invest in masking of control as our 'self' and protect the hidden and masked fear (or protection racket) against the what fear makes in vain of love by masking in the forms of virtue to hide and escape the hate within, and must then hate the truth of love that reveals it a mask or hipocrite, while joining in hate of  the sin accused or perceived in others - so the better to divert awareness and attention from their own. 

Joining in hate masks as if uniting or love but joins only to forge a common identity on the exclusion, denial or death of the Other or the enemy or the threat. This is manipulated by the false alarm and false remedy, for once people join in hate - they regard it as a blessing or virtue. and hate the messengers of truth that would unmask them back to what is being hidden in fear. However a true messenger given welcome never delivers unto fear but always to the freedom to join in love and life as a more aligned choice than the flight or freeze reaction to a contagion of terror.

Love is the truly unified purpose in which fear finds no place and however this manifests in our lives it is in the extension of the recognition of love that another finds a true acceptance for who they are - as they are. No skill in manipulative mind control or techniques for 'impact' shall ever Home us to who we are as unfolding fulfilment that of itself shares or shines into the minds and lives and hearts of others as to their freedom, stirring within them. Regardless the current conditions. For conditions do not determine what happens, the meanings that we extend or give determine our outcome. The mind in reversal give all power away because it wanted to get rid of responsibility. But neither is true. You are responsible for what you accept as your basis for perception and response, and this power remains with you as the capacity to release the meanings you made to limit, lockdown, distance and mask in. 

To control mindset, life is a virus to be eradicated 

Power 'over' or coercive control reveals itself in what is not allowed open discussion or questioning.

This is the corruption of power - not the power of true relational communication, exchange and agreement (which includes agreeing to areas of disagreement).

The belief in open society operates by so crafting the mind as as to automatically avoid the arenas of controversy that has been rigged or weighted to smear, vilify and invalidate the right to speak.

This operates similarly to a slave's training in never daring to look at his or her owner - much less speak when not spoken to.

For many, a sort of contract operated in seemingly open societies in which being effectively owned, managed or controlled came with provision of freedoms and services by which to become always more dependent.

It is the removal of such freedoms under a restructuring that will also mean culling people and consciousness, that reveals the net that has long been in place but for most, relatively loosely.

The systems that we accept and adapt to as collective protection, social or financial order are always attacked and captured by the wish to rig the system to serve private agenda. Part of this is that systems are a way of no longer having to exercise responsibility or bring consciousness present. Learning to operate under systems is internalising habits that allow a kind of sleepwalking or daydreaming - while trusting 'others' to ensure all is working properly.

Mass production and centralisation of systems of mass management may seem efficient on a cash account, but concentrate vast inequalities of access to wealth as leverage. that overrides the rights of others and effectively plunders, assets strips and discards toxic consequence in seeking always more 'control'. Or global monopoly as a systemic undermining and capturing of all apparent checks and balances on which life support depends.

As such it operates a machine intelligence not unlike a 'Terminator' that will not stop until you are dead! Why? Because to a control mindset, life is a virus to be eradicated, and the ideal of its order raised over the corpse. Not unlike the phrase, "Well we lost the patient Doc, but we got the cancer!"

We need structure as part of being human, but as a basis through which to live, not for which to sacrifice our life to. Jesus says it as; "Man was not made for the Law. Law is made for Man".

But to those invested in using Law or systems of regulatory order, as a weapon, he says nothing that can be heard or understood.

We do need a reset, but not into a contraction of living to slavery or worse under a sealed control system with no user access. To be a subject of medical and genetic or psychological experimentation - without consent or right to a human voice or recognised existence is not unthinkable to those who engage in it.

This is not nearly as 'extreme' as it seems for those who are not masked off or insulated from society's underbelly. But masking the mind does not really address an ongoing active issue that only grows in the places we withdraw from, to then suddenly reveal a contagion in the body politic that can no longer hide its intent.

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance

I mostly agree with the definitions offered here even though it seems over the top bringing in comparisons with Nazism or Maoism but…it all starts innocently enough doesn’t it.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump fans would also fall under this definition of cult-like thinking and I say that only to balance this out a little. People who love Trump are completely oblivious to his narcissism.

It seems we’re surrounded by cult-like thinking: The Trump cult, Covidian cult, climate apocalypse green cults, racial cults, leftist language cults…have I missed any?

How do we survive in a world of extremes!? Eventually, one of them will grab a hold of the reins (if we let them) and then we’re big trouble!

There is a death cult and it operates pervasively and systemically by masking in the form of anything and everything.

Did you not notice it has the reins?

The shit has blocked the fan from moving.

Within the social masking you can play out all kinds of fantasy, but what terms like ‘Nazism’ CAN mean when not being invoked just to resort to ultimate smear, is exactly what is going on.

Your comment appears extremely naive or superficial, as if you’ve been asleep through 2020 and have just landed.


Your answer PUT ME to sleep…

“Within the social masking you can play out all kinds of fantasy, but what terms like Nazism CAN mean when not being invoked just to resort to ultimate smear, is exactly what is going on.”

For fuck’s sake… I want to argue but I don’t know what about… In French we call it “nombrllisme” … with a twist on “masturbation mentale”… Anyone remembering clarity?

Guys… You’re not going to be published! Reading your diarhias is a tedious exercise, leaving 6 words of content per paragraph… Such material for the “debunkers” to call us a bunch of twats… Only Aliens missing (wink to Ike)

To Theobolt:

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance.

Ad hom, smear, put-down, no substance.

To aid 'clarification'; It has been often observed and stated that once the term 'nazi' is used in a debate or argument, it is over - for the resort to extreme ad hom is invoked as the means to shut it down.

This is what I mean by terms like 'nazi' used as a smear tactic.

But as 'nazi' was claimed earlier in the thread to be too extreme a term to apply to the current situation, I felt to counter that not only is it not too extreme but is one of the most accurate.

Nazism was the German expression of an international movement that did not stop with the end of WW2, but which no longer made its case openly and so operated instead through fronting organisations 'masked in virtue' and supported by international cartels of financial, political, corporate, scientific and media interests.

You would reveal yourself to be capable of connected thought if you responded to me as myself, rather than as 'Guys'' representing 'You OG readers' (I don't and never claim to). And then in the same sentence appealing for allegiance with OG readers as 'us'' looking like a bunch of twats.

Speak for yourself.

I am not a reader of Icke, but defend his right to his views. Your choice to resort to using him as an extra attempt at smear by association, is your resort to such tactics in place of putting forth a view. The only view you present is the intent to introduce discord and conflict while presenting in terms of 'clarity'.

Such is the lie and the father of it. 

Your will for power to set your master's 'narrative' by hateful deceit is the pattern that I would have others become aware of and vigilant against.

Without human connection, thinking operates under an alien will. Anti-human agenda operate as the presentation or masking in virtues. It does so as a coercive deceit in the minds of the discordant, conflicted and self-hating, who literally know not what they do.

Reptilian brain can 'possess' or override the mammalian brain to directly control frontal lobes to operate without social connection. This approach would yield more fruit than making 'pyschopath' a new term for 'nazi'.

Psycho-pathy can be triggered by fear, leveraged as guilt, focused as hate and rationalised as attack. But the dissociation is by the masking over, locking down and distancing by active denial of human being. Which is the nature of the inner - replicating as the outer expression.

Looking within, is the willingness to observe and challenge the mind-set of beliefs that drive a coercive and loveless agenda - regardless how ingeniously the mind can mask in the targets and checkboxes of currently accepted forms of social virtue.

77 brigade, and its like, shall offer an education in more clearly recognising deceit as deceit, and lack of substance as meaninglessness. For willingness to learn and know the truth shall not be denied. 

To use the revealing of the  'means of deceit and division' as an education in opening to a truly human connection and unifying alignment, is not to engage in its framing. It is to learn to recognise 'framing' or the mind-set masking its bait as IF a communication. This is the sorting out of a true harvest.

Freedom can be set in 'control', but then cannot also know itself whole and free. The alternative is 'relationship' as 'communication'.

Elitism of self-specialness is the mind of judgement set over all else.

But our truly unique qualities are revealed and shared in relational being and not as self-aggrandisement and its inevitable 'fall'.

Do you really think that getting rid of all those who do not live up to your perfect world, will allow you to make it so?

Have you not recognised the deceit of such a frozen image of perfection, worshipped as set over and apart from life in expression?

And that what you have mis-taken as your guide and protector is an alien agenda set over all that lives and all that you truly have and are?

The 'clarity' of a false light is an active and willing ignorance.

But there is no love in its hollow parody of life.

And so it is not who you are.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Meaningless distraction or masking salvation? 

Yes. The apparent skullduggery going on here is stunning, perhaps, unprecedented in scope and scale. It appears the perps modeled a “new” virus into virtual existence via unknown combinations of genome fragments, patented it and everything related to it (like vaccines etc). Then “released” it into the physical world by way of a “flood the zone” fear/ PR campaign to convince the world people are sick and dying from it. All this and it’s only the pretext / distraction / psyop (pick one) to usher in the Great Reset aka a fascist technocratic one world gov. (and all the dystopic elements that entails). Hence my dismay about this debate, as it’s essentially a meaningless distraction with this as a backdrop.

That's a lot said in a nuts hell!

I feel with you but also ask; is one person's meaningless distraction another's believed salvation from what they are either unready to face or unwilling to currently allow, own or look at?

Masking is not just a face-wrap, but the action of a mind split or in recoil from it own fear or feared belief. Not in itself 'wrong', but part of a process of learning.

The crafting of the name 'Great Viral Debate' is a bit like 'Great Barrington Declaration'. No blame - but observation.

Self-aggrandizement seeks reinforcement and impact.

Again - no blame but observation.

Masking as a greater sense of self infers and embodies the lesser. 'I Am That I Am', may be our saving Grace!

Invested illusion, may be difficult to recognise and release, while we WANT what the illusion offers such as to buy in ever more deeply and effectively lock into a path with no way back or out. Protected narratives become attack on truth. This operates self-destruction while clinging to self-illusion.

Evil works its own destruction.

A Faustian pact locking into a masking narrative.

The control mindset is parodying life. There is terror behind the masking that is of course not a bio-virus, but which that is a symbolic representation of.

A mind-hijack and replication of fear's contagion.

To notice it, is to be the freedom to choose not to feed it.

The judgement and blame IS the means or mode of hijack, but are we stamped in its bootprint, or a freedom to step out of a false inheritance by accepting and aligning in a true or already given nature and quality of being.

Freedom to accept must include a capacity to refuse or at least delay acceptance of who and what we are. Mind can be transparent to being or opaque - as a result of engaging its own self-conflict or contradictions past the point of any meaningful outcome. The basis of true meaning is the extension of being truly moved, and not a manufactured artifice demanding sacrifice of truth for a self-specialness set as 'control'.

Pain of isolation is also loss of relational awareness - or life.

It needs to come up for light and breath of connection even if a lid of terror denies movement.

But in ways that allow us to be where we are as a point of connection from which to see. If I need you to be different than you are, you will feel unseen, unmet and judged against, and see and respond accordingly.

As we are all in motion, this is in a sense always messy, and the key is in what is given focus, and for what active purpose.

I may not speak here to a political sense of outrage, which has its place, but I look and feel for meaning that embraces and expands where we currently experience our self to be - as the movement of being rather than attempt to fit the movement of being into a model and make it perform to my own - or anyone's - rules and definitions.

Insofar as we create structure and system, it must serve the life, not demand sacrifice to a dead model that promises to protect from what it effectively delivers. It's a death cult seeking ritual participation for an addiction deemed too big to fail. But WHO tells you you are naked and empty as need to get 'fixed'?

While you can ask a real question you can receive an answer in ike kind.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

I have no interest in telling you what to do

George McFetridge

I get no sense of DOING from you. I’m not being critical, but it strikes me as odd.

That is because everything I write is to the relational context from which all doing proceeds. or indeed the usurpation of such a context and connection resulting from emotionally invested and triggered conditioning or identity.

 The decision to desist from doing is also a conscious choice such as to seek a truly conscious appreciation of what any situation really calls for.

This may seem like delay, but subconscious automatic reaction is predicated to delay any true resolution, as a result of imposing conflict from the past onto the present. The new habit of always listening within as observation of our own thought and feeling - as well as looking out at the world of actions and events and meanings assigned them, is not so much a 'habit' but a discipline of love.

No one in the experience of the body can not act, but they may inhibit, suppress or mask the expression of their communication or action. When what you think, do and say are all of one accord you don't just mask in actions, but are being the extension of who you are.

So my underlying sense of freedom, is to listen, learn and do - or align in the truth of who we are.

The 'mind control' does not want freedom but rules that set identity in freedom to follow a set of rules and conditions that may symbolise or mask as the fight for freedom.

So I am suggesting mind control is not just 'Them' but the mind of the world we effectively model or define and frame in - at cost of a living presence.

Everyone learns to override their true nature under stress, shock or conflicting sense of self. The masking persona never was who we are - but is part of who we are unfolding our experience of being.

In the current mindfuck of an attack upon consciousness and intent to undermine our relational human being, I put my emphasis in reclaiming what it is to be truly human. as the context for whatever we choose to do or not do.

Polarised identity can seem to give a sense of self certainty to mask over fear of chaos. Hate can then mask as virtue under a social or groupthink justification. And yet we will be the last to know.

If you only look out at the world you will be conditioned and framed and directed by it.

I trust you to do what you need to do with what you have and are. I don't have any interest in telling you what to do. And step back from reacting to anyone that presumes to tell me!

Mind control is not the way I operate under, but I don't say I am free of such conditioned triggers so much as rest in my decision to live heart and mind as one - with the mind serving or attending, not leading.

That there is a way of living out of the moment and movement of our being is masked over by demand for censor, accountability and control. While that is our sense of support and protection, it is wise to not simply pretend we don't believe it. But we can question any beliefs that our doing or actions and reactions reveal to be active.

And in the broadest sense I invite and urge a re-education of everything we think we know from the depth of the disturbances that so easily trigger us into proxies for a denial script taken to its logical and insane conclusion.

Because where the disturbance or fear is active, is where the Call to Live is recognised instead of the call of fear seeking its own protection by masking private and segregative agenda in 'virtue' set against vice.

What do you WANT to 'do'?

Can this be separate from who you willingly recognise and accept yourself to be?

In fantasy, yes, but in the moment of any actual relationship, fantasy either evaporates or demands cognitive dissonance as the means to act out upon the bodies and lives of others.

The ability to induce others to WANT war is an old well worn trick that taps into ancient fears, guilt and denials that social masking operates to keep hidden as if that is freedom.

It runs almost on autopilot, rebooting the system every time consciousness starts to reach a critical level. Its a machine mind given human sacrifice. Many saw it develop and predicted its result to become predictive programming for its 'inevitability'.

But we do not HAVE to react from the past we made in anger whatever the forms of our doing. Freedom is in our being. Not in our doing - which will embody who and what we accept as our self. Or 'automatically follow'. The only freedom in that is whether to express or inhibit the action component of the experience, as judge and censor of what can be 'acceptable or justified.

Fear inhibits the extension of love, while magnifying the expression of attack set in grievance as defence. Unless you choose not to enact a script that no longer serves you or the world you love.