The reality of 'covid' is the core propaganda for what it then does as an accepted identification or narrative structure. One way to limit a mind capture is to bracket a term as 'to be revealed' or as a set of currently conflicted probabilities not to be identified or acted from as conclusive. This allows to mind to remain open. Any emotional reaction needs to be also within the brackets or else will bracket the mind to invest from emotional reaction instead of a truly felt or resonant awareness of conscious acceptance. This doesn't deny feelings, but denies them automatic access to acting out. Nor deny thoughts as if to even look at the unthinkable is contagious or actively threatening our life.
That the bait has been taken results in invested reactions, that are harvested and shaped to the purpose of the agenda that 'covid' is a symptom of.
There is no talking to a covid believer except to the framing of the world it gives them.
The lockdown is as the split of mind.
Dissociation re-frames the reality-experience of the believer.
If you knew you believed it, it would no longer function as an 'escaped' identity.
But the tyrannous nature of the belief is evident by its fruits.
The most fundamental primer on this that may not seem to mean anything, is A Course in Miracles. For it is not addressed to the changing of the world, or to the handle of control upon our world, but to the one who is in the habit and adaptation of such but stirred, moved or opening of awareness to the willingness and desire to question a masked and normalised insanity.
No one questions the reality of their own experience while its identity is lived as 'real'.
The key is not to destroy an unreality or even engage with a lie, but to recognise it has all the 'reality' or life and meaning that you give to it. What you give attention to is the meaning you both seek and give acceptance to.
Notice that the capacity of a mind to become subject to its own thought, is the same core pattern as of being hacked, phished, hijacked, reframed, infected, enslaved, hypnotised, usurped.
You think your thinking validated you. But it runs a self reinforcement of whatever you are currently willing to accept and run.
There is freedom to explore and experience the unfolding of your own thought, but what is peculiar to a sense of private or segregative thinking runs from the thoughts of division as rules that cannot be questioned without bringing the underlying conflict to question. And so the conflict constantly shifts in form to maintain itself in active and reactive expressions of an inertial fulcrum set seemingly separate from the flow of being - as like to an eddy in a river.
The patterning of life is in the nature of energy in motion as the patterning of life in expression - which is not contra to its underlying matrix of bio, chemical, and physical support but all of the same existence.
The capacity of any system or cell to maintain its integrity is the balancing of an inner and outer aspect of reality from which the fulcrum or centre holds function within the whole as an integrality of all that is.
Balance is a function within imbalance. The two are of one underlying nature but can become set in a feedback patterns of resonant resistance,
A self-reinforcing loop can block terrain awareness to the reframe of balancing within the whole, to a control model of past conditioning running within the parameters of a limiting and depleting realm of support - which again reinforces the structure of control over the innate balancing of relational being. The structure becomes a death process rather than a patterning out of a living will, by conforming the will to a self destructive or self-sacrificing dictate of survival at all costs on its own terms.
That the psychic realm of our own responsibility for will is unique is a signature of Creation, but the notion that it is is set special, over and apart from all else is the discarding and subjugation of all else to a private or peculiar 'thinking' that gains a 'world' but loses whole.
Being delivered (by our own current choices) to an evil is not to a thing or destination so much as to a 'backwards' relative to our true desire and fulfilment - and therefore to the condition for waking or expanding from a private and peculiar fixation to the field of awareness of which and in which we are spontaneously realigned from a grounded center, and released from a reactive resonance to a past that is only here because we are reiterating its patten upon an unrecognised presence as a usurping mind of the belief it is alone, apart, lacking, vulnerable, threatened and attacked.
The belief sets the experience, and the wish to control experience by leveraging effects is the mis-applied desire by which a mind becomes victim to its own partialities, not least be reacting against their loss as a source of grievance, offence and counter attack.
The virus-idea is a development of the idea of psycho-pathy or split and conflicted will, projecting out as attack and defence, where the attack is a psychic investment and the defence is a physical action.
The baiting of a contagion fear is to initiate defences in its framing. It is the defence that gives reality to the narrative, and maintains the narrative covering of a projected and escaped attack on our self; escaped only in the sense of scapegoated.
Invested identity in the established order, will effectively self-censor the willingness to question it. This is not evil, so much as the habituated yielding of our mind to what seems to be our authority, sustenance and support for identity. It is the habit that delivers to evils.
And the honesty of recognition of evils that calls the habit and its invested identifications to question. Tolerance for pain is not merely physically rendered in terms of attack upon the body, but psychic and spiritual - as in self-betrayal.
The 'self' of weaponised victimhood trains its perception to seek and see only a projection of guilt and unworthiness to be 'saved, corrected or denied and eradicated for a greater good that all such errors are blocking or denying.
This mindset is the projection of our own accusation and attack on ourself, repackaged as an export that offers 'personal salvation' under a collective narrative by the act of selling it, asserting it and defending it. As long as guilt can be accused in the 'other' under collective self-righteousness, it can be delayed and its true reckoning forfended.
The collective piling of toxic debt is the inverse to our responsibility for living our freedom.
That we are so quick to give freedom to tyranny of any kind, is merely the witness to that we only thought we were free, but have now been exposed as running on habits of identity that were supported as experience but now are revealed as misplaced trust or mis-taken identity.
Freedom of being is knowing the thought and purpose in which you are actively aligned and accepting. If you cannot allow yourself to know what you do, it is because you are actively choosing to know something else, and this will always mask as a promise of victory, while resetting in the premise of victim to a scapegoated illusion, that can only come back more heavily reinforced by the force of denial as the world you are choosing as yourself.
Release and be released remains a true reset of the debt-driven enslavement - and yes this must seem meaningless of death to an identity entrained in a meaningless death cult that would destroy to create its own image and crown a deceit as 'lord'.
The function of illusion is to replace truth in the mind.
Truth is the condition in which illusion is revealed as untruth.
And the wish for such function reintegrated within true desire.
All that is true is refined, accepted and shared.
All that has no existence in shared reality, is of itself no longer pulled in or pushed away.
This is the underlying condition of immunity to deceit that is available as an attunement of a resonant peace of being, that cometh when ye thinketh not - because taking thought for ourself operates a reality distortion field, while yielding thought to an integrity of being, restores to wholeness as this very instant lived, shared in and appreciated for being.
Releasing into an already truth is not for a manual encapsulation to a predetermined 'truth'. As if the only function of the Creative is to feed our illusions and sacrifice and die under their demands.
Encapsulated thinking has lost resonant communication with all that embraces and sustains it - and so deems it a nothingness, alien, other, threat.