Sylvain June 9, 2017 at 7:16 am
As with the pharmaceutical industry, the fundamental reason for the distribution of neuroleptics by psychiatrists is economic.
1) Income
Prescribing neuroleptics takes a maximum of 1/4 hour per patient.
_ A psychotherapy session a minimum of 3/4 hour per patient.
By prescribing neuroleptics, the psychiatrist triple his income.
2) Social demand
By prescribing neuroleptics, the psychiatrist effectively solves a social problem in 70% of cases in the short term. This is the one and only thing the society asks of him.
3) Dependence
After some months of treatment, if the person stops gradually, the “relapse” rate is doubled for 18 months (Wunderink, 2007). If the person stops suddenly, the relapse rate is 75% in only 3 weeks.
By the neuroleptics, the psychiatrist is assured to retain a customer for many years. The legislation on forced and compulsory treatments plays exactly the same role.
The psychiatrist acts exactly like a street dealer and the state, instead of repressing the dealer, forces the drug addict to consume his toxic.
Addiction is not an undesirable effect for the psychiatrist: it is the very purpose of treatment.
Thus the question of neuroleptics is far from being exclusively scientific: it is above all an economic, political and social question.
The economic and political structure tends to define and frame perceived self interest so as to result in mind-share/market capture - and all of that is a form of mind control. The ideas generally under the heading of mind-control range from social engineering, PR, and narrative control - through to extremes such as MKUltra via the fragmentation of personality to program triggerable responses of otherwise suppressed or unconscious personality. In any case the nature of the control is coercive deceit.
Socialisation includes mind-control in all manner of ways - as part of induction and adaptation to a society predicated upon it as the means of the suppression of the feeling being and the limiting of consciousness to forms of substitution for genuine presence - and diversion from the inherent dissonance of a conflicted sense that becomes 'unconscious' while leaking out as undercurrent communication.
Coercion and deceit are part of the masking persona with which we become identified as our thinking - our core beliefs and accepted self-definitions which predicate our economic, political and social structures.
So an inability to maintain the mask of a kind of a mind-control already operating meets the energetics of guilted fear that operates a self-reinforcing negative. Now this is as true for the psychiatrist as the politician as the corporate, as the banker as the one whose life 'falls apart' or whose 'reality breaks down' or whose psychic-emotional conflicts overwhelm their capacity to manage their lives on their current basis.
However, mental illness - in the sense of psychic-emotional conflict - is crystallized in society AS society, AS an imposition of economic and political order. So waking up in self-responsibility from the prison of blame and shame is in one way or another stepping out of what seems a support network - even when it supports the sickness rather than the uncovering of health. This as true for a psychiatrist who loses the capacity to operate self-certainties of their own role, worth, world and meaning.
So I appreciate that what we see are the simple outcomes of the variables involved - and that while honesty of being is associated with penalty, sacrifice and loss it wont be taken up by directing more blame-hate at those whose perceptions confirm their beliefs - nor those who accept hurting or failing others is just part of the way power works.
So beneath the social realities are conflicted and conflicting unconscious beliefs that fragment our personae individually and collectively.
I see the demand for unconsciousness and the denial of consciousness as one event displaced to a fragmentation. They say 'be careful what you wish for' because you might get what you thought you wanted... and then wish to escape it.
But I say turn the wish or the pain of a wish denied - to a present willingness, a present receptivity to the movement of a true desire - which is recognized and felt directly as a sense of true connected being.
Who is not addicted to their own thinking? But socially acceptable addiction is invisible within its culture bubble. Awareness of the thinking rather than living as if in its bubble reality - grows the trust in an innate capacity to feel or discern a true resonance and join with what does, while releasing what does not - and bring curiosity to choices made or habits accepted that we say we do not want or that we recognize as being associated with painful consequence. Because there is more to uncover about what we actually believe beneath the masking defences beliefs inherently operate as part of bringing you the experience their perspective.
I articulate as words may but I could also say, "and an evil spell fell upon the minds of all who listened and believed they heard and received something new, something more and something special to this new sense of themself - such that they no longer remembered who they were - but through a distortion and no longer recognized themselves or each other in a world of their own personal sense of power - and the reflection of the use of such power in opposition, adversity, loss of support, betrayal, abandonment, malevolence and threat of pain, loss and death. Sometimes the righteous defender overrides the desperate but distorted attempt to regain a sense of selfworth, power or validity. But we all know the story - that seems to run itself and force us to play out its script - because we live its parts - however we mask or focus within some and hide (or hide in) others.
I feel the call to a culture of true support for being amidst an 'insane world'. So living that - anyway and in any way - is living from being - such as we are graced to notice, to accept and welcome by acting or embodying who we are - instead of struggling with who we are not. But of course we meet the insanity rather than operate over its suppression - and this is where the difference between my sense of self and reality - is recognizably out of true - though that knowing comes from a different sense of self than my thinking. But for me the device of hiding the insanity beneath the false flag of an evil ‘out there’ was not available though intensely felt - because something had woken in my life - as truly living - that I did not want to lose - even though I could not abide it or ‘handle it’ or fully accept and integrate it - all at once.
So I not only did not seek official ‘help’, for I did not want to be ‘put back’ into what I was before - nor did it occur to me to consider ‘medication’ - though for some time I was ‘unmanned’ (rendered helpless) by terror rising from loss of mind-control.
But the ‘path’ that grew from a core recognition, grew in responsibility for fear in many of its forms of dysfunction - and over many years this ripened to a capacity to truly receive - and therfore share - in love. I’m not saying ‘happy ever after’ so much as Letting Life in and being aligned, guided and supported in being. And that this - whatever it may seem - is never a private outcome but is part of growing willingness in the world.
A community bus service calls in at all the various locations so that everyone has access. I see the same in our paths of development (intrapersonally) and relationally (interpersonally). For in love and truth these are two facets of one. But in my fear of withdrawal of support, I meet the ‘rejection’ or the ‘abandonment’ or even the ‘killer’ personality fragment of a match for something I am initially unaware of carrying. Of course they have their own scripts and shadow selves and the whole thing runs by reaction - such as to call on suppression and distanciation to limit the effects - while charging up the ‘engine’ of its expression beneath an assertive narrative identity/reality.
Different people need different approaches at different times of their life. Of myself I have said - looking back that “I was a hard nut to crack” - or that “it took whatever it took to bring me through to this present of feeling being - for although I clothe the meanings in words the gist is the meaning that is felt when the mind is a follower - not a leader. True desire is purposed on unified fulfilment - that attracts and aligns without coercion as an unfolding of fulfilment. Why waith for something to happen before you live the moment you have and are - even though it may contain elements of challenge and transformation or expansion to who you currently accept yourself to be.