Allow that there is another layer or facet to subliminal programming; namely subliminal prompts to awaken.
All deceits offer an education in the undoing of their device - but only to the decision to wake up.
Reaction within the frame is always NOT looking AT it.
Allow that the mask or persona can start out as a jest or a playing out and dressing up - but when the mask WONT COME OFF! - the nightmare phase kicks in as a struggle to survive within the mask, seeking sustainability of the mask. The mask can be seen as ego, or matrix or false thinking given power. The underlying recognition is key - not the forms of delivery.
Be aware that terror symbols guard the mask against disclosure while guilt of persisting in sin locks you in its substitution for life. Those ‘who know not what they do’ are successfully masking and masked off from love by the mind in its own spin.
For a perspective on my use of 'sin':
"When a fictional aspect of personality is face to face with true existence, such questions arise as: ‘Who am I? How can my projections and inventions be integrated with reality? How can these self- generated factors—unsupported by reality—be made real?’
Existence exposes truth, and it can be a great defender of your own truth if you allow it to shatter that which is not really you. However, if you persist beyond your challenges and revelations to enforce your invented reality with intentional deception, you will enter the world of sin. Sin is a much simpler thing than you may think it is. It is just the force and mischief used to instill and empower invented realities. To the degree that you have made such investments, you have moved away from God.
“In the ways of the world, a great deal of energy is spent on judgement, which is nothing less than competition for dominance among invented realities. Judgment is a cruel, childish game of egos, competing for position. The sly, unspoken intent is that he who succeeds in sustaining a judgment is above judgment. That is not true. The fact is, the ego cannot and will not forgive. Withholding forgiveness is the ego’s assault against life.
Love does not judge. Only the ego judges, and through judgment it will perish. Your love will sustain your immortality, for love knows nothing of judgment." (From Jeshua in 'Love Without End' by Glenda Green).
The word God is not as important here as is love of truth.
Truth is an inner recognition of outer synchronicity. Not a separated form, image, concept - which can so easily phish the unwary as a way of masking off our Inherence with a false inheritance.
Another meaning of apocalypse is a revealing. If we cling to our invested illusions we will resist the revealing of self-creation to a true Self-Awareness. But there is a deeper purpose in the 'compression' back into seed potential.
Follow where you find resonance - and leave what is not for you at this time. Thanks - but no thanks.
There are foundational ways to realign and navigate the 'Shift' - without which we only experience 'Shit'. Thaey have always been true - but as the pressure rises (resistance), the need for a true conductivity becomes our fundamental need - or to put it another way - we are stripped to reveal our fundamental need. The masks of fearful evasions may be intensified but they are seen now as masks.
The function of illusion by definition is to pass off as true. Seeing illusions AS illusions is no longer a basis for identification in acting FROM them as true. This OPENS the way for Life to reach us more directly. Because we are not so heavily engaged in reaction to a past that is not here.
Note to James. Consider releasing emotional incredulity (you can become somewhat repetitive in this) in response to the actions of the un-Reasoned. The presumption of rationale may be correct but everyone operates the strategy of their own survival in the frame or terms of their current identifications or definitions. Nor do any of us let ourself know what we are unwilling or unready to know , yet.
'What would I have to believe to have the experience I am having or repeatedly meeting?' - can be productive. It can also extend compassionately to others who labour perhaps desperately under false belief that is not recognisable as belief because it is their reality EXPERIENCE.
Dissociated personality facets are unReasoned - where Reason is wholeness and Sanity and not merely a rational layer set OVER unreason or chaos of inner conflict - so as to block or lid over what is not allowed to be known or owned - at this timing. However that does not mean we cannot be curious and grow willingness in discovering WHY or what the blocks or inhibitions are supposed to be protecting us FROM - and whether in fact they are now recognised and accepted true - regardless the past that set them in one way of another.
“The stupidity is strong in humans”.
Stupidity is given power by the wish to limit, reject and deny.
And project away from self to 'other'.
Who may be offering a perfect lesson in self-forgiveness.
What if everyone else had already Woke - but left their roles in your Script for your own willingness to awaken - there being no other way than willingness to accept reality as it is rather than through the frame or lens of what we thought we wanted it to be.
I offer this to myself - and not to pick on you.
Releasing judgement to a true discernment includes a willingness to notice how I can frame myself in powerlessness by my own accepted and acted out definitions or core beliefs - invisible and unrecognised to a reactive habit of a world I think I know.