Thursday, 27 May 2021

True Word or The War of the Words?

 I saw the title but this article sits firmly on the fence.

Redeeming the Word is THE basis for a redeemed world. The twisting of reality is only the distorting of perceptions of That Which Is Real - such as to declare darkness the new standard. (Old Microsoft joke). You stand in your word and live by it, or you don't stand at all and are 'lived' by exchange of Soul Awareness for acquired immune deficiency syndrome - as a conditioning that DOES the thing its sets to boost against. Doublethink of narrative distortions to cover self-contradiction results from seeking to alloy or co-fuse love and fear, such that each becomes an expression of the other, as a mask over the Word behind our word, or the Meaning of which all meaning derives. That the 'coming out' party for a Covert ID, reveals cover stories made of rabbit holes, in which to earnestly be lost and lost again, is a self-revealing resulting from the breakdown of association with empiric reality, AS IF a self-referencing model can attack Reality, and win - as a dedication to prioritising self-illusion at all and any cost. The wages of sin is death. But only as the reward or result of such a self-conviction set over truth - and true desire. Covid is essentially a mind-control 'war' on relational honesty, whose underpinnings have been nurtured and specialised by those whose perceived and believed self-interests are most aligned in distancing, masking over, to mask in self-righteous attack. Protecting the lies that we are habituated or conditioned to believe are protecting us. ...'Too big to fail' means too heavily invested in. So where the Model is revealed wrong in its basis, rather than align in Science of a love of truth, cover it by augmenting and extending the Model to provide narrative cover for the gross empiric discrepancies, along with obfuscations and diversions of fig-leaves and thorns by which to deter real questioning. AND ... set the New World Order in a place where truth can never violate the determination to set control over life as safety set in lack, fear, pain, loss and death. How can a Child of Love become convicted by hate? By loving a loveless thinking as if our own separate covert id. Anything we give attention to and persist in is valued or loved. But as a partiality our light is withheld or withdrawn from wholeness as if to separate good from ill - but according to a presumptive right to judge reality and accept it is so! The territory of which all mappings ultimately refer to but can never more than re-present in image and concept is inviolate. To be still of our own thinking id, is thus to allow that which identifies truly to move as a whole - of our own true inherence - in place of and in correction of a false inheritance. That is to say, all that is true or worthy in our partial and distorted beliefs and perception or experience is accepted and given through us. The false or unreal, never had any true existence apart from what we gave or give it as part of our gift of experience. However, invested self illusion is not an object to our thinking to invalidate and lord over, but the basis of exactly such a 'mindset'. Truth is NOT at war with illusion. But temptation to judge will bait the mind to division, conflict, and attempts to manage and control as if a closed system set in lack and fear. That fear of exposure (disclosure) is set as our foundation in the world is what we believe we have 'made' of love - as Separation trauma. This is an insanity of self-contradiction given allegiance and protection, but is therefore ours to release from service as a result of re-evaluation old choices made in confusion, in the light of a recognition and acceptance of relational integrity that reintegrates, heals and redeems to a truly shared appreciation and gratitude for being that shines of itself and in its own Nature on the just and the unjust alike. This is a light of discernment within Life. To be truly moved is to be unselfconsciously at one. This a matter of perspective and alignment. We cannot perfect a prison world to gain validation for a sense of denied or unsupported self image, and by extension our modelling of reality, running as if the terms and conditions to which Life and reality must sacrifice and give worship! But we can notice an incongruent and conflicting mind and result, such as to pause it from running, and re-evaluate its rightful and working belonging to who we now know ourself to be. Not as a construct - but AS the very field of awareness that is the power and grace of noticing!

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Addiction to the 'dynamic' of conflict runs a mind AS IF against its will

in response to the themes in the above article.

Running fearful dispiriting narratives without real critical context is a bot-net for Fear PR ™.

Fascination with evil and addiction to the 'dynamic' of conflict runs a mind AS IF against its will.

Much of the world we think real is a hypnotic suggestion or psyop of invested self-illusion.

People do not die of ‘covid’ but from the reactions generated by invested belief running as auto-reactions that tap into themes that elicit sympathetic alignment as true.

How much you love truth may be how willing you are to align in what love bestows rather than persist the struggle of conflicting 'truths' as an identity trap.

Conflicted identity projects its conflict OUTSIDE a sense of control that masks over and masks out. 

Hiding from truth is not only fearful, but fear demonises truth to justify attack. But what we make of love or truth is invested and protected definitions or narratives that hide a fear of losing a control that ONLY the mask needs.

The deeper intuitive understanding that what we make is not Creation or Reality - but an augmented private variant within collective themes, can hold the heart in Presence while the mind and its interpretive distortion shout or bait to find a way to reset itself as your guide and protector.

The nature of attack on God is vain and God is not mocked, but the wish and belief of its achievement is a source of horror and terror that an 'oppositional mind' cannot tolerate, and so it denies its own predicament by casting out conflict to false flags, diversion and obfuscation. This can also be seen as a device in Mind by which to generate the physical experience of separation from All That Is, as a psychic emulation made tangible.

The impulse to eradicate or destroy 'evil' is the self-hating judgement that perpetuates the attempt to get rid of thought externally. This gives an externalise representation of unrecognised hate hurt and denial that is then suffered grievously with a deeper narrative dictate.

No matter how deeply we think to understand our world, we will be diverted if understanding is equated with defining to predict and control. True understanding is appreciation shared.

While not exclusively so, my post aligns with A Course in Miracles.

There is always another way to see this or any other situation.

With fear and grievance as the guide we will see wrongly. or gather only the witnesses to conviction in guilt that usurps love to set love in pain and death and sacrifice while driven to protect 'even the little that ye hath'.

The mind is not evil, but when allowed to run ahead of the heart, will dissociate to conflict that if not immediately resolved, becomes the basis for protected cover stories that deliver us to evil.

We do not know the power and nature of Spirit in aligning wholeness and function as Life, but from a mind of division seek to regain it on our own terms and conditions, as if the sole representatives of a dead or absent Spirit.

The way in which denial conflicts are revealed will seem to be the horror of the reliving of ancient fear the mind was set to forever look AWAY from. Looking within is then releasing the mind set of looking out AS IF thinking is a private and locked down mind set in distancing from what it frames in fear and projects away as self protection. The result of looking within is release of conflict to connected being - no words can speak of.

Freedom to delay in conflict as if THIS TIME something will save or win or change it to love or power restored, is freedom to ignore the Call to Life while attending the Call to War or defence.

That this generates a habit consciousness is not to say the habit can in TRUTH wag the dog. Its all a matter of noticing, caring and active alignment or acceptance as decision or outcome. So a dispirited and impotent sense of self-disqualification can look on the Call to Life from a conviction in self-specialness of guilt, unworthiness, inadequacy and powerlessness.

Guilt and fear run together. Any narrative that feeds them may mask as concern, warning or coercive correction, while doing the thing it seeks to evade or avert. NOTICING THIS is the opportunity of releasing auto-investment to allow a consciously connected choice or indeed presence from which to live. Blame will always actively undermine true awakening responsibility as freedom.

Receive Identity from That which knows you truly, not from reactive triggered past experience seeking to reset ignorance under narrative distortion AS IF its way delivers freedom.