Tuesday, 21 February 2023

From out of a forced regenesis set in fraud & futility

in response to the themes in:




Curiously after not commenting a prompt to invite a reframe of your perspective I 'bumped into the to me new- but long standing scandal of LNT theory with regard to radiation toxicity. Linear Non-threshold as the idea of 'no safe dose' and all doses cumulative. Just the ticket for a bio-insecurity state of life-denial posing as protection by distorted or inflated risk set as fear management.
Dr Edward Calabrese appears to be the chief whistle blower in false science that misrepresents from the ground up - in a pattern that is of course characteristic of our times.
Firstly seeking Nobel to prove gene the dogmatic or religiously held conviction of mutagenesis as a result of background radiations. Muller bombarded fruit flies with 100 -200 million times background radiation to seek mutations that could be seen as inherited traits - in those few not killed or sterilised. (By contrast I can imagine an Emoto experiement of directing appreciation to fruit flies as an invitation to share in it - I wonder if this would access the actual 'mechanism' of evolution as unfolding of rich qualities of life instead of as linear 'progress' that by definition kills its own father as an drive to become that is undone even as it rises to fall away from attempts to grasp it.
Muller believed he'd found mutagenic proofs (in the same false grasp) to bolster the dominant 'thinking' that would kill the Father to recast genesis in the image of the machine operator, the Scientist attended by his technological extensions.
Results of these flawed experiments gave the LNT premise that became the basis for radiation protocols as well as to feed the idea of accumulative exposures as a cause of cancer.
For both personal gain, narrative manipulations of political and emotional bias – and later the marketisation and weaponisation of fear to bolster biogenetic theory, funding and development into narratives of captive control that extend to casting nuclear power in a demonic light under impossible regulatory constraints as a rival to energy cartel monopoly.

I confess to an anti nuclear stance through my life as a result of the demonic legacy it carries as well as the sense of 'Chernobyls'. However I have previously read things abour A bomb survivors and the thriving of life in the Chernobyl nature reserve that opened a willingness to question if the world is in fact as we are led to believe within shock-horror that may have true facets that are distorted to gain function for dark or private agenda. Private Keep Out – DANGER! (radioactive sign).
Not to throw the baby out with the bathwater but that hormesis is the nature of nature to up-regulate as a result of stress or challenge. Adapatation - principally via bacterial symbiosis - is the nature of life to the challenges it generates out of its own 'themes' or explorations. But life as embodiment of qualities that hold the one (of unifying resonant harmonics) in the Many as the Many in one. Both at once.
Our human conditioning is set in past experience as a present framework that runs far deeper than what we call conscious as a mere mapping schemata in which to think we are as we think it is.
So belief set in and by fear or shock can hold all the energy of the convictions set or shaped in the 'consciousness' by the trauma. Nocebo is not just superficial self-negative beliefs but a deep conviction unlidded by a diagnosis, a medical 'test' or a news 'story'.
Our capacity for dissociation is not simply FROM a presumed normal of relationship, but as a split from a true Father, Nature or Source to a grasp at becoming forever set in futility of a drive to become what we already are from a conviction set by guilted fear, conflicted hate and the self-protective recoil to a masking protection that casts out away from a split off self to 'save itself' against an Everything cast in demonic fear & threat thereby.

There is another facet in all this that is not evident as the basis for our common or mutually reinforced experience of a physical reality as an exclusively external self-existing 'think-thing'.
For the 'Dissociation', 'Separation' or Fall' runs a device by which experience seems to be projected out as a reality defining and subjecting from Out There.
Giving and receiving are one in truth however masked or passed off. False with-ness receives not a love it actively withholds even when extended in truth.
Giving fear as a mask over conflict seeking or demanding defences boosters, will meet a conflicted and self-reinforcing 'reality-reflection'.
Somewhere in our acquired and inherited strategies and responses are choices running as driven compulsions that dictate or violate as a sense of powerlessness to fear that reached to horror or terror, associated with disgust and hate.
Attempts to DO love as a weapon or power over fear, mask in false virtues that block the awareness as the movement of our being whole.
From which to be truly moved rather than reactively defined.
Such moments of connected presence have practical application as life, but not as hostage to a victimhood seeking power in the measure that it was set by and accepted.
Judge not, because we cant be apart from or set over (but to self-illusions given priority over true).
This is a negative way of saying 'abide with', keep the way open or watch and pray!
That we fall asleep to the world is hardly surprising. And yet is used to blame as if a failure or betrayal. Forgiveness releases judgement to our true presence - not to a pretence.
The body as a limit is temporary, but to use body for communication of life releases the masking armour of a past or future that is not here, now.
No one can add to what they have and are by taking thought for themselves, but yielding to our source and nature aligns within all That we truly are - beyond any think we can thing.
Self-hate runs hidden, but its revealing can be a call to release from our experience - if it be your will.
Of course it feels shit! But that cant be THE focus. Seeking to know what love is, does not presume to already know the way - but trusts to recognise truth revealing. Of course.