Saturday, 12 December 2020

As I see us, we are beings of choice


 "how will the Government create the illusion that the vaccine is working? Will they test fewer people? Increase the number of cycles used in the PCR testing lab to identify fragments of the virus? Or finally admit that the test is unreliable and not to be trusted?

You are catching on. There's nothing new under the Sun here excepting the use of it to crash the global Economy and restructure the narratives by which identity is assigned permission to exist.

The history of the contagious pathological virus part is not as the victors tell it.

Few look under the carpet and those that do and try to speak out are pushed under and out of social acceptance. For the order we live in is built on the lies by which an established order evades its toxic consequence by redistributing the ongoing and persisting effect to the body politic.

A lie is not enough to cover sins. It must be an aggressively active lie. That is it must attack and undermine truth so as to demonise the conditions of its own disclosure.

The original mistake is correctable, but the overlay of masking defences that would kill the truth to save the lie that hides the error are 'too big to fail' or rather, to allow into open awareness. And so rather than release a poor investment that has accrued so much toxic debt as to invoke an existential guilted terror - the persistence of the error compounds toxic guilt as the basis for a New Order.

Life defined as sick, contagious and set in an irrevocable systemic guilt - unless permitted dispensations of temporary immunity and carbon guilt trades allow life to move along proscribed rules.

As I see, we are beings of choice, and in order to be a choice we must know what we are choosing between or it will not be a choice. The uncovering of what we are NOT - but thought to be, is the opening of the recognition of being through not choosing it, and leaving mind open.

That Life is already alive, means that a greater reality doesn't wait on our permission to Be All That it Is, but does wait on acceptance to be revealed and express through us.

We do not recognise our own rules and filters to be blocks to an unfolding fulfilment because they are the expression of old conditioned patterns of fear and control that had a developmental role in bringing us to who we are now able to accept and recognise truly.

You might see this as an alternate offer to reset into tighter controls set against systemic fear. But unlike a virtual 'escape' it brings us awake through the revisiting of experience we did not want to relive - but from a new perspective of aligned and integrative purpose.

That this reaches beyond our current conception is not significant so much as living an active willingness in place of a reactive habit we are no longer so identified in as to run automatically or blind.

How free an agent is Mr Gates?

The use of the 'persona' or poster boy as a key opinion leader is also the pantomime.

"Boo! Hiss! Look behind you!"

Narrative identity runs on story.
It's mythic archetypes are uniquely variable yet recognisable.
The maintaining and manipulation and use of this mind is a similar idea to the Matrix - in terms of a virtual model and matrix of thought and reaction or coded 'reality' in representation - running in place or as masking overlay, as the levers and devices of the Wizard of Oz.

Narratives of shared significance hold for a world view of commonly held values and rules, while private meanings operating against a shared meaning, hide in the masking of a currency of justification. The true and living meaning of life is not imaged, defined and quantified, and the investment in masking identity gains a world to lose awareness of Whole Souled Being, and seek its restoration or regaining in a world of substitution that cannot satisfy.

Gates was born into family networks of wealth and influence, that are associated with seeking and using wealth as leverage of control to serve narratives that define their own clique of identification - set apart and over humanity. How much  someone represents a conscious embodiment of the 'Family' or how much they illustrate a captive expression of its own broken constellations, I leave open. For we see through the same in our own life and mind.

How free an agent is Mr Gates?
How much is his personality a product of mind-control?
I look for relational presence as the revealing of a conscious heart - no matter what the current packaging of the personality, background, and modes of presentation.
For all else is devoid, rulebound and artificially masking with the mind that thinks they hide behind the mask revealed by the need to hide and the manner of their hiding.
If they are already assigned social reinforcement for their presentations, as a result of values such as wealth, and media attention, PR and branding. Then they ride on the value and attention given them.

The advertising blitz of PCs to joe public occurred during a period prior to my interest or use of newspapers or computers - but I used them for packing and other advertising was no less saturating the public mind with PC bundle offers. The story of the emerging effective monopoly of a PC not just on every desk, but in every home is not just of Bill Gates as a ruthless in seeking control, but of that mindset as a 'network' of consolidating 'mindshare' as an underlying global monopolism.

That billionaire clubs operate alongside corporate cartel monopolists and call the tune to which national government and traditional institutions are inducted into and aligned to serve, is the PPP of a 'partnership' of stakeholders who are conformed to the dictate of possession and control as the dictate that trickles down the food chain to a public sold by its political institutions for open and unchecked predation. For it isn't 'money that flows up the reversal of public service, but life energy that provides the means to enact private fantasy writ large.

This is the pattern of our 'ego' or self-imaged, writ large. Which comes back to narrative polarities in archetypal shifting roles. For the 'god' that eats his own children was Saturn or Chronos. Yet the archetype of the Saturnian Golden Age is replicated in the sense of a lost Ideal to a world of violating and chaotic unworthiness to such Ideal.

As long as we live from a sense of denied or deprived life, we embody some form of vengeance seeking retribution, that is coded as an internalised ruleset of judgements running automatically as a 'normal'. 

There are many facets to disclosure and revelation as the resolving or translating of who and what we are to true recognition. My key point is that in recognising my own need to reintegrate and align true is my release of the mask of a mind set in judgements given authority to run unquestioned.

Terrorism can only run with community support - else it is starved to turn in on itself an disintegrate. The hidden correspondences operate a consensual network of which the many are asleep to. As they start to wake, the narratives reset the mask to lid over and divert into displacement. But narratives have all the power or priority we give them, and so in themselves cannot be assigned ultimate cause. Nor even those who cry 'wolf'' or any other ruse to gain attention and direct a captured or manipulated fear as a weapon or market to their own perceived gain or escape from loss. Why not? Because our willingness to choose to give fear driven narratives priority is our part in our loss of peace and true perspective. Fool me once - and lose your reputation. Fool me twice and I am abandoning MY integrity. However the principle is not about blame but of an education in self-honesty - which is aligning in responsibility and integrity of being, rather than sleepwalk in social or persona narratives of masks given control.

Way back, the masks of the then Gods were used in rite and ritual of mystery 'play' that invoked the powers that were felt to move and shape the fates of the world. The adulteration and derivatives of which are acting out on a stage for fools. To take the Word in vain is to use our own word or mind of desire and intention for vanity. The wages of self-illusion given power to oppress and compel us is 'punishment' enough. Stepping out of a dis-integrity allows the restoring of a healing perspective. Persisting in it as the attempt to blame and eradicate the scapegoat for our own attack on ourself - is to persist attack on ourself under illusion we are 'saving the world' or any other diversionary displacement for accepting our own error as a call for correction - not blame, shame and masking over in fig-leaves or indeed the self-agrandisement of acting as if we are robed in what everyone in court is feeding us.

Look not just to where attention is focussed - but to the context of which it speaks or represents.
The scarcity of 'money' sets the scene for its power to corrupt and enslave the mind. Scarcity is the tool of  gaining control. Choking the supply to deny and buy all competition or critical communication so as to lord it over all. Is that true power? Or is that utterly hollowed out by illusion of power to utter deceit and ruin? I cant make another's choices. In the belief I can or should is the masking over a sense of conflict in my own, seeking reinforcement.
If I cannot stand in or abide myself, I will hide it and attack it in others.
A Notional Security system seeks to manage conflict. Is there really a 'Them' or are they our proxy of a collective focus? Oh I know there are agents and agencies in our world that dictate terms, shape outcomes and, are revealing as a global biotechnocratic control system. But if they did not need our support and allegiance or compliance, why would they devote such immense and unprecedented resource to capture our minds?
And if what they want is worthy - why not ask?
'They' are making an offer, and we can see it as an offer - even if framed in terms that set heads they win and tails we lose. This is where the heart's knowing frees the mind from its own thinking - but only if we look away from or disregard the baiting to our reaction.
I cannot tell you what you shall find as the truth of your own uncovering. But wholeness is not represented in the image of the fear of pain of loss of  all that we love and are. Whatever shards we clutch to our breast in blinding fear of total loss, by which to be driven insanely.


Appeal to people's base nature under a socially contrived narrative and they part with their money readily enough.
I don't seek to gainsay you but to look at all sides of an equation.
There is always an equation - however it is presented.

Gates shares your idea of eradicating perceived evils!
Is there any other way of looking at this than as vengeance dictates?
Revolutionary hatred has been induced and shaped as a terror by which to turn against those who thought to wield it. Those who devote their lives to manipulating the world will not be surprised or altogether unprepared for 'pushback' - and are adept at using the would be opponent's own force as a proxy to their own agenda or energy supply to a captive opposition. Not to say they are all powerful, but they have the means to 'make any amount of money' because they make the laws that give them the power to do so via a bought, compromised and trained political class.

The system is so corrupt that no legal process can be allowed to bring disclosure. So why not control the demolition while setting the control part of a house of cards in concrete? As a sort of billionaire's bunker?

First Nature First.
I don't see our true nature as a normal, but conditioning or normal as an acquired or second nature. I see the offer of a Gated Bio-hack as a third nature - or further dissociation and displacement to a managed virtual substitution in exchange for 'protection'. 

Cut off the funding of support and direct it to the life giving.
I'm not talking first of money - but of currency of thought.
Have 'they' set the framing of meanings and ideas that we think with? Or rather think that we are thinking but only along the framing set by narrative identities?
(Along with my own proclivity of willing compliance in what suits me).


Your worship of government betrays your reason.
Lust for control makes the monster and the means of control are sought by those who fear to lose it and can never have enough as well as by those who hate anyone who seems to have it and seeks to bring them down.

So if you are meaning global control acting as a hidden government - then you make more sense. Financial and corporate 'stakeholders' operate at a level that national governments cannot reach or regulate - but are subverted by.

What evidence can you offer to support who THEY are that 'went after Gates' with every tool they possessed until he capitulated?

You are reversing the fact of the breakdown of checks and balances of institutions and regulations and social and cultural mores against an overriding 'control system' wielded by a tyranny that demands obedience or suffer pain of penalty in loss, deprivation or death. I don't see that as governance - hence I call it tyranny.

It relies on working the hate and fear in the minds of the people so as to induce  them to love and protect their own degradation and deprivation as a moral cause of righteous necessity.

I would be surprised to find I was responding to a genuine response here, but I also extend mine to anyone who reads. 
The reversal is a characteristic signature of pre-empting critical opposition by setting the framing as an accusation of one's own act and intention to the other, so as to claim the higher ground against which they can be called 'anti-science or denialists or any of the other such linguistic leverage for shutting down communication.

Friday, 11 December 2020

Pivot to the East?

I do not know to what degree 'China' or its governing identity structure, has independence.

A transnational financial leverage has been active as a hidden leverage through every kind of fronting proxy - including all sides of conflicts.

So the 'pivot to the East' may be the shifting from a hollowed out host to another, as could be argued in various previous 'fallen orders' or revolutions and victories.

Identity structures are never really independent. Action and reaction operate the realm of conflicts, coercions and deceits.

The Western mercantile past in terms of China - including the opium wars - and western mercenary support to crush a Christian inspired Boxer rebellion against a corrupt aristocracy - could echo in the undermining of the West by drug-corruptions, and crushing any moral realignment of human solidarity. But I cant assign this to China - excepting as it can be used or rused into actions and reactions that are set up by a third party.

The 'Intelligence services' that particularly grew from wars that would not have had fuel to burn without Banking and Industrial Cartels, may find more in common - along with such cartel interests, than any 'national' identity - such as to agree together to control their own populations via all kinds of conflict drive narratives. For a corruption and replacement of national security with global security - that targets the mind of the populace as the asset to be moulded and utilised toward an unobstructed 'freedom' to experimental fantasy upon the minds and bodies of  the 'Othered'.

This is the insider-speak of do you want to eat, or be meat?

Entering this framing is to become eaten by a cynical willingness to mask in virtues so as to manipulate the 'meatheads'.

The easy way to show that such is baseless and deluded is to reveal a true humanity by choosing not to present the mask of virtue over hidden manipulative agenda.

Who would use others is willing to be used. If that is 'power' do you truly want it?

Anyone seeking to act with integrity in a world running such masking codes of mainstream manipulation is outnumbered by everything excepting honesty of being.

I see a kind of checkmate playing out, but more as the logical outcome of insane premise running to its conclusion. The agenda of lording it over the subjugated and broken, is also its starting place. The wish to 'be as gods...'.

True workability is an attribute of the Divine.

I see that systemic control kills the very life that true law upholds.

To set up a law or system or identity structure at odds with and set against the Way Life Works, is self-destructive. 'Control' is not what it seemed - but rather a Pandora's box that repackages unresolved conflict into complex instruments of manipulative self-illusion presenting as solutions that push the 'problem' into the future - until time runs out in which to generate evasive manoeuvres.

How many CVD vaccines does it take to save a life?

In comments to a good article from the BMJ

Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full data



Discussion of the side effects of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

How many will be needed to save a single life? Can we even calculate?

Karen Keaveney:

Great question, anyone have an answer?

Zero. Is the obvious answer.

But I see the danger of respiratory infection episodes as primarily in the reactions, treatments (and withholding of effective treatment), along with a context of ongoing undermining of our innate immunity (that can be seen as resulting comorbidity).

But coming back to your question. What is 'saving a life'?

Obviously the prevention of death is a delay but can also be a redistribution of death - as in gaining weeks for one life that may or may not hold a quality of living as a conscious appreciation - with resources that are taken from supporting many who die as a lack of basic needs met.

That's sketching just one qualifying caveat to the emotive phrase of 'saving lives'.

In terms of death by all causes do standard of care treatments save lives?

Can suppressing one set of symptoms and getting a gold star, redistribute to others that are not in the spotlight? Etc and Etc.

I would that we served life and lives rather than seek heroic status and funding as protectors and saviours from evils that thus become the goose that lays the golden egg.

Side effects are a term for effects that are collateral or unintended. But they become also a way of feeding the current Medical model, by being interpreted as disease conditions requiring more products and interventions.

I understand that In UK and US - perhaps also other 'developed nations', iatrogenic illness is officially third in the charts for 'cause of death'.

There's an old joke about the monopolist mentality that may link in here:

Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None, they declare darkness to be the new standard.

The ability to set definitions and parameters is a systemic corruption, of the basis in which a captured revenue stream, thinks.


Stirling Smith:

I don't understand the rush to a vaccine when this virus has a survival rate of over 95%.

It makes a lot of cents for the control group - but if it were just profit I would not be so disturbing. Captured revenue streams are seen as a source of power over life.

Perhaps we do not want to understand the remaining conclusion?

The active intent to genetic possession and control of human beings.

Some may be exempted for services rendered as with the H1N1 vaccine controversy in Germany where a non adjuvanted vaccine was assigned to higher ranking officials.

Blind trust without accountability is the conditions in which corruption hijacks, replicates and spreads contagion.

Is the Vaccine Safe?


The vaccine is what it is.

Lets see it as an offer that is made under very pressured conditions of both carrot and stick.

Though each may perceive potential threats and potential benefits in different ways with different weighting.

I see the context of a decision to be the determiner of the nature of the decision and its results. This is 'terrain theory' applied to our own consciousness.

I do not recognise the offer as being meaningful or aligned with who I recognise and accept myself to be. And so I align in what does, and leave that offer unchosen.

My consent is not given.

How safe is it to engage in acts of self betrayal?

How safe are habit-patterns set in dis-integrity?

I cannot see any basis for any of all of this except to reset a control agenda over a harvest of fear. If this is your call, makes sure it is your call, and not someone else hijacking your vote. The default runs to reinstate the habit at a deeper level.

If you feel a call to NOT be on that ticket, don't fight what you are not choosing.

Align in what you are choosing. Grow what you love, by holding the conditions where love can extend and reflect because such is the nature of love - and not as a mask or a weapon of attempt to manually replicate life, or intervene and suppress life.

We cannot make another choose against their will, and so we can either seek to trick or coerce them to fit with ours, or honour and support their freedom to make their own choices for their own reasons and live their own consequences.

But we are never alone in our choices, because we are never really a locked down, distanced, and masked over private mind. If you truly WANT the persistence of the experience of a mask-made-real, then you will align in whatever immunises you against the messengers of life - because they are threats to the premise of a control agenda suckled on as power and protection.

Learning to see the symptoms for what they truly represent instead of as a cover story of diversion and displacement, is the result of releasing investment in the cover story or 'narrative identity' in an active ongoing willingness to open to recognise what identifies you truly - and through such a self-honesty - your world of relations - without whom you would have no basis for experience at all.

The vaccine is not just a thing in itself to evaluate in relation to a seeming self-in itself.

It is the whole mindset it represents - which to those who seek profits on its premise - is a new world in the image of its maker. But to me reveals an alien agenda - and that can be read on many levels. Fear given power, alienates us from our Self. The alien agenda may be the disclosure of what we took for our mind or self, while our denied Self is masked over and demonised. How do we truly know anything? We have to be true to ourself.

How can a self-evasion recognise its own Good? By the underlying prompt and guidance of an abiding Spirit or Purpose that can be covered over but never truly lost.

What is the active purpose running here - and do I align freely in this, as the basis to stand in receipt of its results because I trust the purpose in my heart?

I see many pre-creating their 'reality' by projecting a fearful imagination. We can hypnotise ourselves while projecting an imagination framed by the manipulators of illusions. But we can notice this and withdraw such 'energetic' consent already given by doubts and fears.

Center and align in the living if in truth you accept the embrace of Life by extending it.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Lockdown - New Tribalism?

Lockdown: The New Tribalism

 Glad to see the underlying 'mindset' being brought to awareness.

The discerning of scapegoating - or the masking over and projection of our own denied fears and conflicts is the point where we choose NOT to choose that path of dishonesty to ourself - and to others.
That we are already normalised to such 'thinking and seeing' may be invisibly structured as 'shared' or mutually reinforcing judgements.
But joining in hate is never truly sharing and is indeed the consent or willing subjection and sacrifice of our living will to fears that are cast in their own image.
That is fear, believed fact and reacted from as true, phishes the mind to a mistaken or stolen identity.
The pattern of the 'pathological virus' reveals' the mind that made it.
Garbage in; garbage out - applies to giving hate and fear (projecting AS IF to get rid of it) while sowing and reaping as aligned integrity extends to grow by sharing.
The nature of Mind or Consciousness is seeding to results or fruits that go forth and multiply. But the giving or projecting of fear works the contagion of a groupthink set against the hated, as the worship of the grievance as the basis from which to generate a mask of seeming virtue. Our 'avatar' within a world repackaged.

The repackaging of toxic debts into complex financial instruments presents as desirable assets works the exact same pattern for all levels of toxic consequence.

Watching the thoughts and emotional response to notice and recognise the pattern is FROM an innocence of being - or if you prefer as a moment of direct recognition of aligned integrity.

For to NOTICE the disintegrity in ourselves in any situation of conflicted response, IS a waking opportunity if not given over to the habit of blaming and denying.
The scapegoat offers a release of mitigation for an intolerable inner conflict of self-hate, and we can see how we 'leak' or take out our own stuff even on our loved ones as a result of trying to resolve conflict alone and apart. Which is always a key belief that conflict has cast us in such a subjection.

I love and am one with A Course in Miracles as one of many reflections to the mind that runs from invisibly internalised fears, that then multiply as our world.
The mind is never alone - even in sharing the belief in separateness as the way to reinforce the mask, maintain the distance and set the set the rules that life must fit within to be accepted.
The drama of a Casting Out of conflicts has something of the nature of attacking our shadow in the other - which of course is a chain reaction. Narrative identity operates mythological archetypes of core separation trauma, that are unhealed and protected from healing when cast out and 'resolved' externally.
The heart of healing is living through the experience without reinvesting identity in recoil. Being With.
I see a collective exposure to underlying hate and fear that can trigger psychotic dissociation.
Being With what is - as a willingness of aligned integrity of being, is not the doing of our personality, but its release to listen for truth now,
Those who have yet to make the Choice, are not ready or willing to accept truth.
For they know not who they are.
Extending the light of a recognition and appreciation for another's being - serves their capacity to notice the tightness of their mask - from a place of innocence not fear.
We don't 'do' this, so much as learn to get out of our own way.

Facing futility, to release it

It would seem to me that the gang in government don't have to listen to anything a kettled public say, but can shift to the next stage of their ratcheting reset to something much worse than feudalism - because there was a two way pact there, whereas a corporate bio-tech asset or liability is to be so owned as to own nothing, and so without consciousness as to recalibrate mere existence as the happiness of the new normal.

The insider gangs are global stakeholders in their own PR. 
Appeals to reason are lost on the insane who are trained in how to speak past anyone anywhere to the public of a collective battery pack, that they need to run their un-human machine intelligence.

I can get some of the ideas if not the lies of leveraging them. But I don't get, jibe or align in lovelessness of the hollow masking concerns, It speaks to me a a dissociation under deep fear.
I don't care to judge their persons. I don't know their circumstances or the narratives they are working under that they may well believe or believe they HAVE to believe to save their own lives or  a larger narrative of forfending or navigating a transition that is set as an offer they cant refuse.

For if any of these converts to the 'reset religion' believed in their heart that any of this is truly worthy or even truly necessary, and not a betrayal of humankind, we would see a genuine relational expression rather than mind-control techniques. We would feel the heart's presence and a quality of statesmanship in those taking difficult or deeply unpopular decisions.

But we see evasion and strategies of obfuscation and lies that make perfect sense if they had a gun to the head and to the heads of their loved ones - even us.

If more of us write in what seems a crazy  response, it is because the PR of controlling the virus in all its novel mutations is complete and utter bollocks - or would be if not operating an insidious agenda of backroom planners who decide a future to which life itself is sacrificed.
Yes, improving the stock... all in a good cause. How can weak, inadequate and unworthy specimens be expected to know or accept what is good for us - when we represent all that they despise and seek to cast out from themselves and eradicate, control or manage?

This is not openly stated, but always leaking through the nature and manner of the actions and the framework of thinking that supports and reinforces them. This is not of course absent as a recognisable pattern of the presumption of the right to judge others and 'make it so', but we generally neither maintain such inclination long enough to commit to it, or have the means to effect it.

Hancock and co are a lost cause. Or rather, they have no real substance or foundation if the background support of Global Financial controllers wasn't scripting their handlers.
They are legally holding positions of entrusted office to represent the people of what is still legally a United Kingdom but under the misrule of 'king covid'.

"One narrative to rule them all and in the darkness bind them",  has a ring of resonance to the nature of the mind-trap.

How many ex-microsoft ceo's does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, he declares darkness to be the new standard. ('normal').

The Stockholm syndrome is the result of despair. 
If we persist in futility we frame ourself in failure and cast our mind in blocks, instead of recognising bollocks and no longer regard it as a currency of meaning in the heart.
And so meaning is in the heart that extends and shares it - rather than in persisting an appeal for sympathy or reason that casts the supplicant to the role offered and accepted.

If I missed something, I am open to listen, reconsider, weigh up and realign in new perspective as a result of new information. I don't tell anyone what to think or do. I bring myself to relationship rather than angle for what I can get out of 'it'.
The idea of human relationship is being replaced now with Al Gore's Rithm and blues.
Resistance is futile?
I agree. But from the other side of the current mind-framing.
Resist ye not evil - said Jesus, because what we resist persists, and frames us in futility.
Let it be meaningless, so as to free the mind to align in sharing the Meaning that relational being is, and does, instead of persisting the futility of a split mind set in M.A.D.
Give unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar, not what is due unto the heart and truth of a Life that extends infinitely beyond a self-limiting lockdown set in fig-leaves made into 'lord covid's new robes'.
There is Disclosure in process. It is deeply unsettling. Fear can become psychotic and destructive. True control is aligned freely in the presence of life and is not coercive, but can be forcefully held. resisting temptation is not a battle of wills, but a persistent valuing of what we truly desire.
If there is a true 'reset' or renewal, it shall be the re-wakening alignment and discipline of true desire. The chaos management of a seeming control is out of order. Making no sense. Unfit for purpose. Its abilities and tools are redeemed by aligning to the true need, instead of to the survival of the 'model' of definition and control.
This cannot be a collective organisation but has to be our own free will, honoured, listened to, discerned and lived from. If we set the 'problem' before all else, we sacrifice all else to be defined by the 'problem'. Problems expand to fill the space available, replicate and mutate.
Fear is a mind-virus. Rest the mind. Live the day, and attend the moment at hand.
Restore perspective. Be vigilant to thought and reaction that robs us of our peace.
If you look for trouble you can always find it, and magnify it to make a 'positive case' for taking offence, withdrawing from relationship and withholding the blessing that we have by giving.
Life is a process of enriching exchange - even at bio-code level. There is no 'monopoly' in life as Expression. But there is a centred wholeness of embracing polarities. 


Derek Reynolds:

Quite so.

'Lets see what a little fear can do. We'll introduce an airborne virus (doesn't have to be real), tell people they must stay home, protect the NHS or whatever, wear masks to 'save lives'.

This will give a basis to judge how many will be compliant and accept further restrictions on movement; dish out a vaccine with whatever we want as adjuvants (useful that nanotechnology stuff), then coerce others by preventing access to essential places, surgery, dentists, essential shopping, travel. Then we will have a record of who to anihilate - the dissenters. The remainder will be slaves to do our bidding - and they will.

This reply is to the theme - not aimed at your person!

The invested identity in fear has to first attack, undermine and deny its own wholeness or truth to join in the mind of the way of creating scenarios that then come back and bite their maker.

So while it can be see that fear is used as a weapon, it can only be used on those who agree to use fear as a weapon.

Seeing that fear is used to manipulate, offers the basis to recognise it gives us nothing that we truly want. But if we vicariously project these roles to others or to shadow powers, are they hidden fantasies being played out under masking imagination?
"Get rid of the hated and feared - the unworthy and undesirables! And set the world to rights!".
Judgement is a two edged sword. It cuts both ways.

All the motives that you posit or assign to 'Them' must also be in your own mind - if not openly owned or recognised as scripts.
I am not saying that scripts held in mutual reinforcement do not run the minds that hold them. But that we can become so dramatically engaged and identified as to act out the masking personae as our choice for life - and die in it.

A lie set as war against the truth does not call for annihilation, but recognition and release in self honesty. Speaking collectively as a generalisation; we have painted ourselves into a corner from which there is no escape. The key is in the capacity to paint or imagine, as invested identity cast out as the wish to 'make it so', and suffering the perceived attack or rejection and abandonment of our self-specialness as an alien encounter that sets 'otherness' in fear against which we attack by holding such a past as the distrust of the present by which our pre-emptive defences are fully self-justified.

Power framed as control over others is a corruption of truth. If we give truth to such a notion we strengthen and share it by teaching it and learning it.
Ideological possession is not just a 'left' out resentment. It also operates as presumed 'right' to judge, attack and deny the lives of others.
If there were not two polarities, there would be no tango.

However, dancing as one together, and recognising the fact, is never going to 
flower through terror and coercion - even if a mimicry of life is acted out by slave-puppets. How shall you escape what you made of yourself and your world? There never was an exit strategy to the desire that regime change be 'The Answer'. 

Fantasy cannot satisfy or fulfil, and so must repeat in ever tightening gyre of depletion, conflict and pain of loss and isolation.
This is not a call for sympathy, but for the honesty of awareness of self-recognition and release.

What is real and what is given reality?
What is the power to give reality and react (conditioned adaptation) to such meanings as if true?
We are integral participance to our own experience and are giving and receiving in like kind. Giving 'Other' the power to block out your fear, is assigning your inner conflicts to 'External power' and then dancing to its bidding! Is this freedom? It seems so when the bad things have gone away, but then they all leak out of what was supposed to be the answer to 'come back with a vengeance' - for what is the attempt to stamp out fear but vengeance?
If we give vengeance to the truth of a direct awareness, we are released of its self-reinforcing vicious loop. One willingness at a time.

To Whom are we exposed when we 'come out' as Human?
The Establishment?
Our Brothers?
Like attracts like. 
'Where are we choosing to think and act from?' is the key to recognising results. A masking manipulation of compliance doesn't want to recognise what is actively denied and reframed. The need is for real connection - so as to grow trust, rather than push information that cannot but increase fear and reinforcement of 'masking defences'.
Judging others, blanks them, to assign roles from our own script.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Inciting 'Democratic' pushback may be the ruse to draw it out and kill it

(Lost context - probably within a Dellingpole youtube comment stream).


 I see this, but I don't see Cameron being allowed to do anything that the underlying power structure does not support, nor do I see Cameron as a statesman or decision maker.

So fear of 'democratic' pushback may be the ruse to draw it out and kill it?
Which is effectively what is going on.

I agree that such a bubble mentality dissociates from reality - and further, that when coagulating around leverage for control, becomes insanely set in attack on reality - which perhaps I should spell Reality - because everyone has their own reality-experience, regardless of whether it aligns in communication and relationship or runs as a whirled of its own spin.

I still feel the packaged 'brexit' was a form of kettling the mind such that even if it made much noise it would have no means to interfere with anything - and could be used to generate counter narratives - ie: framing a democratic expression as 'populism' against a portrayal of 'globalism' on the run.

I understand that democratic decision can be distorted by inducing deep fears, false hopes, and framed solutions targeted to profiled psychology.

Without an educational basis of immunity or resilience to fear as viral attack, democracy is framed in psychological manipulation and once the means of production and supply are effectively monopolised under a corrupted banking system, funding can be assigned without limit - as in covid, or choked off as in covid.

The desire or drive for control seeks to limit a sense of lack or deprivation and regain it in the frame of lost connection , lost love and lost power, so as to seek it among the fragments of broken and conflicting meanings. But the mask of power and the mask of love do not extend the virtues of love or power, and so the mind is fitted to false currency that generates false results that require coercion and deceit to defend against exposure.

Are You Angry?

 (Cannot recall contect)

In effect we have been abandoned or sold out to a narrative or narratives running in the minds of the captured institutions we once felt some measure of protection through.

A fundamental requirement of a revolutionary goal is to learn not to react to the necessary collateral damage, which may be framed in the mind of the revolution as a denialism that must not be reasoned with but must be broken and retrained, restrained or eradicated.

The ego of fear set in control will adapt and subvert the forms of insights that could have served awakening from fear, to weaponise them into a mask of virtue justifying the intensifying of a control agenda against a growing dissonance that can only be evaded by a denial of consciousness.

So yes there is a lie running, to cover for, and confuse those who are intended to be undermined, left behind or normalised.

But not everyone enlisted as a proxy tool to such agenda is altogether willing to operate under coercion and deceit - but cannot openly speak for fear of penalty.

Note that Dellingpole has been friends with some of the people that are now dissociating from a fundamental humanity and he cant really answer that either.

While it is only symbol, I offer that IF an alien intelligence were in a position to terrorise our leaders, institutions to act from terror as such inconceivably insane robots, then we would at least emotionally understand why.

In a teaching I find value in, a seemingly oppositional will against God, love and life is expressed as an 'alien will' - and indeed the intensity of self judgement in self-hate will seek to kill itself under such a will. This may seem very exaggerated within a world made to mask or hide in, and yet leaks through all the time in a love that cannot bear to hate and yet masks over in the wish to love  that actually cannot be love - and this love-hate alloy characterises the human conditioning.

Many I have shared love and life with have become on surface 'lost to me' under the growing spells of identity set in a mask of virtue that knows not what it does, because, the mask is saving them from a direct exposure to what they are not ready or yet willing to openly own in themselves. All forgiveness is ultimately self-release.

So feeling deep disturbance is in one sense a sign of not being so heavily masked over as to deny the discernment of a self honesty within.
The fear of loss of face or control can be intense at times, and yet a decision to meet what is here as best you may and in whatever way you can, will soon learn the need to ground in nature, or centre in presence and open gratitude for each and every true kindness or moment of joy or beauty shared. And even if apparently alone, it is the nature of joy to radiate, as of fear to contract. One extends light unselfconsciously and the other may receive it never knowing where the grace of noticing arose from, by which they released a pattern of 'thinking' that they recognised had no true belonging or meaning to persist in.
Opening free awareness and attention from the grip of fear is the freedom of a native curiosity to ask, and trust the answer is given as we have asked to unfold in a way that meets our need and not our terms and condition.

As for MP's many are being 'answered for' by teams of trained ignorance.
And also using all feedback as data to feed into the program rather than recognise and respond in human fellowship. Are they being 'made safe'?
Hollowed out as tools of a machine agenda?
Let the dead bury the dead - to me follows directly as wholly attend to the living (and to all signs of life in those whose willingness stirs).
Perhaps I might add that we can only extend what we are willing to open and receive in ourselves.
True safety in not in fear and control, but in aligning truly in the heart's decision.

The decision to disinvest in an evil and not engage in its terms is 'resisting temptation' to the point of no longer being 'tempted' to react, so much as present in discernment.

So while I don't suggest passive defeat, I also point beyond the attempt to engage in a war framed in deceit. Jesus is a wayshower.

If we are conflicted we drain in conflict. But unequivocal communication may seem to be conflict - when it may be witnessing to an integrity that ultimately serves the truth of those currently suffering from dis-integrity.

A theme I noted in both our hosts was of being drawn to spiritual resource. regardless the outer forms of our faith in life the territory is moved through as a transformative experience. that is what I see going on, rather than the drama of diversion in a complex mindtrap that can serve to deny or mask out both our disturbance and our heart's revealing, to be 'made safe' under a loveless and hollow narrative dictate - regardless how many checkboxes of masking virtue are ticked.

Extend freedom to have it, That others choose to lose it for 'being made safe' is a masking over of truth that remains uncoverable to a better choice.

The belief that strength is in power set over others is also the belief that life is war and love is a manipulative leverage of illusions that are heretical and treacherous to open to. So don't!

This belief is part of the conditioning of our psyche and world.
The logical outcome of loveless premise  is a breakdown of the capacity to maintain masking deceit.

The power of Life is not IN any one or thing.
Awareness is not really IN the room or IN the objects of attention, and yet is the truth of the room and the experience taken from whatever kind of focus of attention and value is engaged in and shared.

Freedom to be who we are is not waiting on conditions so much as on recognition, acceptance and appreciation - which extends.

Equality is not at the level of a world set in hierarchies of judgement.
But you can recognise another as yourself when judgement falls away.

Nearly all of what is being suckled is a poison teat

 Anti-vax is weaponised language. If you propagate weaponised language it structures your mind.

Nearly all of what is being suckled is a poison teat.

Where do you receive truth from?

What identifies you truly?

Listening to poison, recycling poison and giving energy and attention - which Is love - to poison.

Thanks - but no thanks to poison.

But there is a sense in which the venom is being drawn out.

A lot of hate and fear.

That comes with a tyrannous mind.

Truth may seem stranger than fiction, when we become a stranger to our self.

Fear does that, and adapting to its masking becomes normal.

If there is an opportunity to recognise truth,

let me be awake enough to see with the heart instead of reacting from the fear.

Have a good day.

the nature of consciousness is not what we think it is.

Reality is not what we think it is.

Viruses, bodies and our Cosmos is not what we think it is.

So thinking is in a sense the blocking signal within which as sense of self-lack invokes conflict, sickness and limitation as a booster shot for a sense of  'control' set in private thinking.

the patterns that make up our world are reflections of something 'unconscious'.

While focussing on writing this all kind of other things are put out of mind. The use of focus is freedom unless it becomes habituated and fixated and then what is put out of mind is 'unconscious'.

Expansion into what is already true is a release of a fixation.

Getting 'fixed' will not fix the driving dissonance running beneath the presentations of a masking in control.

This is a controlled demolition going on, and if you cannot move it may be because you are not truly moved?

If you move against, you polarise into paralysis. But don't take my word for it.

Some of what seems against is really FOR, and some of what say it is FOR is actually against. Discernment is from a point that has not already reactively identified 'against'.

Be the truth of who you are and you are not set 'against'.

But what we think, mask in and invest in as our identity is an alloy of love and fear. Maybe it seems all fear, but then the willingness to own and face our fear is love's honesty, and fear becomes transformed and transforming to willingness for truth. Much of what we learned to deny was in protection of a masking identity.

Under which is a lot of hate and fear. Do you still want to be 'made safe'?

Or is there a willingness to listen through that old habit for a better way?

Those who are hanging in With Life are in this willingness no matter what forms it takes. I don't means 'surviving' but in the movement of our being, As distinct from reacting to every kind of mind modelling that is not actually happening, even if being fed to us as if an inevitability.

Soft war Hits Home

The initial period of seeming justification was simply designed to shock and fool us all.
The logical explanation for the unfolding events is some kind of 'soft' war.
Their are many examples of soft war that use financial, social, and all other vectors of leverage - some of which have been 'exported' from Britain  as part of geopolitical agenda which are always also mercantile and financially orchestrating regulatory structures of 'world order' under any and every fronted narrative. Competitive private self interest can and does ally and align in cartels and mutually agreed pacts, deals and agreements that may initially be planned outside any democratic scrutiny - and executed under cover of narrative leveraging of public thought - and more particularly a top down process of ideas to guidelines to regulatory structures to locally enforced global edicts.

If people who don't understand how human consciousness operates and how human society, industry and economics operate, it may be in part because they were mis-educated by design, not just as schooling but through Corporate media influences that essentially compete to capture mindshare of a managed population.

Everyone has some degree of mythic representations for the inner conflicts and judgements 'cast out' as their opinion which is more about identity reinforcement than a desire to discern, understand and appreciate the truth of what we are and what is actually happening as our lives as something we are participating in and not just being done to us.
I don't subscribe to vengeance and retribution as equating with justice or the correction of errors and conflicts inherited from our past, but I still recognise when denials come home to the one who thought to escape negative consequence onto others for private gain.

What lengths will wealthy and influential people go to to protect ill gotten gains against disclosure to dispossession and loss of control and loss of face?
They will go to almost any lengths to escape negative consequence onto others to 'survive in their own terms'.
And the more this applies, the more forward planning is directed to generate the conditions by which they can  continue to effectively operate outside the oversight and accountablity to the law, which as we see includes the capacity to effectively capture the regulators, and other institutional checks and balances to remake law from a new framework of protections, by which the core stakeholders for the usurping order are no longer democratically accountable - period. While technological and narrative controls are so fragmenting, if not atomising of social order under vertical structures of regulation, that the gathering of thought for consciousness or the gathering of people to resist is effectively managed or used as a proxy to further degrade and deny any possible competition to a top down monopoly of control.
The profiling, targetting and leveraging of largely unconscious of denied and masked fear and guilt in the human psyche is the devices  of manipulative deceit.
It is against this that we have to be vigilant and unwilling to be complicit in, supportive of or sacrificing to.
The opportunity is the seeding or renewal of culture as a truly shared and tangibly recognised sense of worth.
The worthlessness of the new world order under any of its fronts is it blind lovelessness - which is compounded by its masking in seeming virtue.
There's nothing new about it excepting its use of developments of technology and consciousness to consolidate the structures of control such as to systemically deny life as free and full expression of inspiration or endeavour, and render joyless, hateful and hollow as a dispossession of our living will as normalised officially as happiness.
Everyone shall be happy to join in hate or else be marked out for readjustment or recycle.

Excepting I am free to choose not to join in hate, and to grow and share and strengthen that decision, as the basis for discerning truth as re integrative, corrective and healing. Recognisably workable and freely aligned in. Fear and guilt would deny this, but to do so require your consent.