Thursday, 18 June 2020

Masking over a gold rush of profiteering funded by fear to make a killing

'Covid-19 vaccines ...  developed at warp speed.

This statement is masking the fact that a gold rush of profiteering is effectively funded by fear to make a killing.
Every word counts.
Remove the masking over loveless (hatefully blind) agenda.
This is one little but not inconsequential detail in the (loveless) global manipulation of fear and the leveraging of guilt for NOT complying with the pre-framed 'solution' to the cultivated fear-driven conflict.
"Everything is Backwards!".

The mind of 'backwards' is a social masking that is being literally reiterated and reenacted by the covid reset - for it is all about a top-down centrally planned and orchestrated reset of life on Earth.
Nothing in biology is top-down-centrally planned coercion - but the triggering of the reptilian survival brain reflex sets such an override as narrative dictate - such that all else (wholeness in all its life-expression) is put on hold.

We have this programming of conditioned reaction as a core structuring of our mind. You could see it as a psychopathy that operates under narrative dissociations. But the answer is not the eradication or attack on the part of the mind that is set in such act, but the restoration of the field of connection and communication by which it can be disengaged or released from active service.

Responsibility for fear cannot arise within the mind of fear. Instead a mind (of) control limits, denies and focuses a filtered or masked expression of life. A true Reset knows Rest as the peace of a heart restored.
The attempt to usurp the true function of life is a mind turned upon itself - projecting out upon the 'other'.
There is fundamental change occurring IN ANY CASE - and the attempt to manage change from a systemic basis is the persistence of the old and false foundation that masks in virtue by setting itself as the 'answer' to conflict, while engaging attack as self-justifying claim to power derived FROM fear, from evil, and from hate that projects it own guilt to 'other' so as to attack and deny and limit Expression, Symptoms, and a world of 'others'.
The attraction to judgement and blame is the mind that refuses to re-evaluate and release blocks to awareness of love as wholeness (of) being alive. And acceptance of false answer projects ALL the psychic-emotional toxicity to the frame of the 'answer'. A problem truly addressed, reveals the answer. A problem set into displacement and dissociation, generates problems as if to hide or obscure the question - and seem to be an answer. While this can use scientific discoveries to mask in, it remains magical accounting that simply redistributes toxicity away from self, and thus the issue then is 'who decides' and 'who pays'. Power struggle is founded in magical or masking thinking - given power, by attempt to hide and limit feared self-conflicts (beliefs and patterns of relational conflict within ourselves).


in response to the comment by Thomas Turk

If it is a bioweapon, it is either a dud, or was a very specific and limited trial using a synergy of factors to proof of concept.
The bioweapon I see is the narrative deceit by which to install a trojan of biological toxicity and immune dysregulation, such as to conflict with naturally occurring immune function (such as respiratory disease in response to breathing toxic air), and to frame the result as a contagious infection calling for more trojan interjection...

Death by all causes reveals a 'bad flu' year - even if all of the massaged and manipulated statistics are allowed to stand at face value. The INTENTION to weaponise biology is a variant of the intention to weaponise communication or indeed 'mind'. The FACT is that life, biology and mind are in essence processes OF communication that have a core symbiosis.
It is very possible to project our OWN fearful imagination to a perceived and believed 'enemy' and seek and develop every means to attack it there - and thus kill, degrade and destroy our selves, our world, our life support, our cognitive capacity. This is what is being seriously engaged as 'answer' in the heavily defended belief that attack and denial are salvation from attack and denial. That this is being effected as a systemic denial and attack on life is the result of generations of effort to counter and eradicate evils - that exempts itself as the necessary evil - or the 'new normal'.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Many adopt binary positions in polarised identity seeking self vindication 

(On commentary to the remarks in the interview on failure to fulfil Koch's postulates)

You are right that many adopt binary positions that become polarised identities as if self-vindication of being right is the goal rather than correcting the problem.
The first issue I put to you is of the power to frame or define a condition or event in terms of a threat that can then be escalated - not least by shifting and expanding the definitions.

The first psyop is a 'novel' form of a familiar virus that is postulated as a threat for which we have NO defences, assigned to a region in China and fed with a multitude of narratives - most of which are the exact same propaganda as used in previous extortion episodes.

The defining of this virus - claimed to be discovered but not at all proved or claimed (by the virus hunters) to be The Cause of disease symptoms, in an extremely polluted region, in which respiratory disease is rife, was taken from a very few patients and 'isolated' without actually isolating, such that RNA sequences taken from such matters as can be any number of things, are spliced together to clone an 'isolated' genetic definition for SARS-Cov-2.

Then RT-PCR tests which replicate sampled genetic code multiple times and are NOT at all fit as diagnostic tools, were used in all kinds of varying protocols to all kinds of deaths giving all kinds of results.
But also the governments of lockstepping or fear-directed politicians rolled out emergency laws that effectively allowed almost anyone to assign covid19 to almost anything, while actively encouraging or incentivising such procedures.

Now you or any mr Public talks about Covid19 - wtf are you talking about? How can you know? How can anyone know - and what can we discern from the mess being played out?

Respiratory disease happens and has cyclic occurrence that may be broadly compared - but deaths from this are usually from complications arising from multiple factors of which a cold or flu can bring on the breakdown of function and death - usually via pneumonia - which is a very common end of life for the very old as their 'way out'. So death WITH covid is an unreliable statistic for covid-assigned deaths, and death by all causes remains an overall base line figure.

Then the fear and procedures ramped up and instituted under fear have to be included as a factor of 'death associated with covid' as effectively deaths resulting from treatments - including various drug protocols and ventilators within an inhuman denial of relational trust or love.
That fear is contagious is so evident as to require no 'study'. The propagandising of fear of contagion is VASTLY exaggerated and possibly not occurring at all by any of the mechanisms of a 'pathogenic enemy' against which the whole of pharmaceutical and the vaccine industry is set upon 'fighting' or 'protecting us from'.
I also add that deaths resulting from lockdown are not deaths by covid, that there are specific interferences of flu vax antibodies with covid antibodies, and that the splicing of such viruses is known to be carried out as 'gain of function' research - bio-weapons.
However, the fact remains that the primary way for alien genetic material to 'invade or hijack' our biology is by injection - completely bypassing all natural defences as a trojan horse - intended or otherwise.
So the idea that there is one virus causing one highly contagious and dangerous disease, is just that! - an idea! But while the mind of the public operates under the narrative framing of the 'covid' anything intelligent perspectives are closed down or ruled out.

As to the virus as CAUSE - it is simply proven that toxicity and even strain of fear-chemistry as a toxicity - induces viral response from our cells - which operate symbiotically UNLESS functionally compromised in terms of nutrition and toxicity. So natural immune functions CAN become disease conditions that we can die from. And under our modern medical interventions that promise to provide or boost immunity, we are undermining and rendering it dysfunctional to result in immune-defficient and auto-immune degradations and death.

There is a deeper pattern in consciousness, that is operating in that fear of truth seeks control of narrative. Or  that feared truth invoked cover stories. Invested identity in cover stories is the identity in 'control' that utterly depends on fear to stay fuelled and funded and given allegiance.

And so inane narrative constructs are bandied about as mainstreamed scientific parlance - to which mr public presumes not to be able to understand or do more than take an opinion - within the incentivised system of 'threats, fears and controls' operating mission creep over the Human Spirit given in willing sacrifice to Fear as Protector. It's a very old 'religion'.

The fact that definitions can be made up and adjusted on the fly means the game is rigged'.
I put it to you that it is broadly accepted now that HIV is not the cause of aids and is not infectious.
Such was the fear of HIV=AIDS that many on being 'tested positive - but symptomless - killed themselves.
Others were sickened and killed by drugs that were touted as their only hope.
The power to diagnose is the power to judge life and death over another. But you do not HAVE to give power to any advisor.

"I am not a scientist but it is the right and duty of every citizen to look and see what the scientists have said and to analyse it for themselves and to draw common sense conclusions. We are all perfectly capable of doing that and there's no particular reason why the scientific nature of the problem should mean we have to resign our liberty into the hands of scientists. We all have critical faculties and it's rather important, in a moment of national panic, that we should maintain them". 

Jonathon Sumption. Former Supreme Court Justice: ‘
This is what a police state is like’ -The Spectator

PS: Antibody tests once meant immunity - but since Aids Inc - can mean infection or latent infection. All the while NOT being uniquely specific - in this case to SARS-Cov-2 presumed to cause the disease Covid-19, which is now an infection status - rather than any actual clinical condition - generated by highly specialised priesthoods and used by highly trained business operators under highly trained control agenda.

Medical science has largely been subverted and captured by Pharmaceutically trained and framed virology - that is now 'upgrading' itself to bio-tech. The whole thing is a pack of cards that cannot allow any light and so is addicted to always piling on more darkness. The medical arm is one part of the whole thing - which is in fact the denial of wholeness operating in shifting patterns that are currently lockstepping for survival of control at any cost (to others).

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

The Fear Merchants 

The Fear Merchants (a short preview clip of a work in progress by Forrest Maready

Fear and control are archetypes of an ancient hate and terror. They operate both sides of a false currency or indeed mis-taken inheritance.
The true 'Church' is founded upon the extension of recognition of a real relationship - a true currency of recognition and exchange.
Such recognition is the gift of the Holy Spirit - or the renewing of our mind - that the mind of fear and control will always substitute for as a sense of personal possession and control - set against an often hidden sense of self-lack.
When we deny and hide a fear it denies and hides us in the attempt to lock it down and cast it out.
To buy into our own 'repackaged debts' and denials as complex instruments of deceits by which to buy time in diversion and delay, is to use time as a means to deny the Timeless, and to use the body as a means to block or break communication. But such are breakdowns OF Communication physicalised from a split mind of lockdown under fear, set in a sense of lack seeking control, lockstepped against contagion by messengers of truth FEARED.
The undoing of the blocks to awareness of love are hidden in the world from a time when we WANTED to distance the hatred from love-as-victim. But this gives power to guilt and hate while locking down love as weakness.
The systemisation of guilt and hate as a control society masking as protections of control over feared chaos of pain and loss is the lockdown into fear, pain and loss as the usurping of a feared God - Truth or Reality. Even in 'retribution' the ego usurps - for that is the invocation of the mind that be-lives itself split from and rejected, denied or abandoned and betrayed by its own Life, Self and Being (as a result of the belief we have done these things).

Responsibility for our consciousness begins with recognising we are not alone. Not that there are 'others' - but that there is a Place in Us where we are not separate from the movement of being. This can be the grace of noticing ANYTHING! No one knows what they have staked their survival on not knowing - but the prompt and stirring of a true knowing is the Contextual Field in which we see from a new place - and yet as a recognition of qualities that the mind of the world cover'd over.

Love does not 'control', love commands its own - and is never coercive.
The opening in true willingness to communication accepts the outcome of an honouring honesty of being because the heart is the alignment of purpose and desire in truth - and not a result of a-tempt to bias or control or manufacture an outcome for private agenda - including if set 'against evils' as if to signal or mask in virtue' .
The answer to fear is upstream to its effects. The assigning of cause to symptoms is a mind-trick that generates a Reversal of effects as causal, and diverts attention to conflicts in displacement.

Recognising the reversal is the opportunity to choose not to use it. But it is defended by fear and the progeny of fear. It becomes a learning to recognise the voice for fear as false  - for it DOES the thing it premises to save from. And this recognising the voice for love as the resonance and recognition of truth shared - into which the mind-habit of possession and control will interject unless a new choice is willingly accepted in place of an old reaction. While the territory can be fearful, the truth is never coercive and has a quality and feel of peace that the masking in form cannot know or share.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

We sleep that 'They' live

That dissenting voices are given exposure in arenas that can be used as smear by association is part of the way censorship works against freedom to share.
If you cant hide a fallacy in virtue - hide its exposure by association in vice.

For this reason it is wise to consider that when ANY ideas are thus publicly associated with smear or invalidating contexts - to NOT immediately obey the conditioning mind, but look there BECAUSE the 'fear agenda' says (effectively) STOP! KEEP OUT! DANGER!

This pattern is being globally enacted. And to a large extent it works - but at huge cost.

While such taboos or boundary conditions are not to be trivialised - because our fears ARE real to us unless and until reevaluated or resolved to practical outcomes, the infant is MEANT to want to explore beyond the parameters of a childhood protection when our willingness to explore grows new levels of responsibility. It is life to grow, expand and integrate discovery.

The infantilising and retarding of the population by 'parents' who have no real sense of who we are, is where the 'parent' feeds upon the life of the child to maintain their illusion of who they are and what their world is, because if they were truly in their own lives - they would recognise other lives and share in life.

I see no Jove to overturn a mad Chronos, unless the 'younger' is the capacity to live from an expanded level of responsibility despite or because of persecutions and deceits that seek to lock down the mind and suppress expression - as if we are the pathogenic viral reaction that must be eradicated or reduced to manageable symptoms.

But the virus runs the medical system.
Lunatics run the asylum.
Foxes run the henhouse.

If everything is backwards, perhaps our headset has been configured to it as a 'normal' - in which case we need those 'sunglasses' in the film 'They Live'
(coronavirus version of short clips from the movie).

Coming from a new place is coming from a true presence

Anna M
I heard the expression that if something is too stupid to be stupid, then it is something else. It’s not that they didn’t consider that quarantining the world would be devastating economically. It’s that this was another benefit that they wanted.
Something very sinister is afoot.

War is not regarded as war when waged on the ignorant and unworthy, but as a reset and restructure of controls brought into every arena of life by which to keep them ignorant and ensure unworthiness cannot interfere with an elite or exceptional claim to power.
What then are the values of such an elitism for which all else is sacrificed to obtain?
There are none that are not set in hate and fear as temporary escape from negative outcomes by suppression of symptoms (true messengers or feedback) over which to enact fantasies of self-illusion fed by self-denial and the likewise denial of others.

There is nothing really hidden in these  props and agendas excepting Orwellian masking.
In terms of the system as a whole, it represents an extreme contraction and self limiting denial as the generator of condition by which to consolidate a sense of control over an increasingly unsustainable complex of lies.

Orwell saw no way out, or had chosen to offer only the problem without a redeeming context.
The systemic nature of fearism is of projecting itself into anything that offers a masking escape.
And giving meaning to the judgements or diagnosis - so as to divert focus to an arena set away from where the fear arises, belongs and can ultimately be faced and resolved.

The use of the mind to mask in a lie as a self protection is the establishing of a false sense of self - and world from which to live. While we can accommodate conflicts by setting them in time and space, we expand the many elements as a lifetime, a civilisation, and era. But the development of dissonance depletion and debt  initiates a compression that is running out of time and space such that conflicts can no longer be masked away, and there is nowhere else to retreat to in self-evasions posing as discovery and success. In a healthy lifecycle, this is where the experience of the cycle of expansion is refined to its seed essence as the qualities of life lived. Such that the unique patterns of who we have been are gift to a future out-breath of expansion.

The prioritising of qualitative meaning for the realignment or release of quantitative structures is the gift of a compression as a restoring and reintegration to truth as shared and felt qualities of being - given workable and practical expression. But mind invested and defended in hollow structures of asserted and defended 'meanings' that are masked in rather than than lived, cannot see or recognise what its investment denies - and only sees threat in the messengers of a truth that embraces and provides stability as a balancing point within a dynamic system, instead of self-denial and sacrifice to a blind system set as defence that became fear of life, hatred of fear, and attack of hate in the 'other' - or attack of the 'other'.

We have 'othered our life' in the attempt to posses and control it. but only the persistence in act effects the self-isolating incapacity to see, hear and feel the qualities of life in the ordinary moment.  While it is possible to kick and scream all the way home. Many find this exhausting and self-harming, and are brought to re-evaluate the mind and their lives so as to release what no longer matters and see with new willingness and simple presence. It can be that simply aligning in a truly felt appreciation of life, opens healing as a new chapter of a life that had seemed closed.
If we can mask in a lie to save ourself as kids and as strategies by which to cope as adults - we have a basis for compassion for others in misidentifications seeking reinforcement - instead of the polarising reaction of the masking persona of entanglement in life as struggle to become or regain who we are. From which perspectives can arise as insights and choices that were previously masked out by reaction.

Coming from a new place is coming from a true presence. If I have invested in a masking presentation, no amount of ingenuity can repackage its debts and denials into a genuine opening to relationship from which communication rises as a mutuality of exploring trust that must be founded in a balancing of receptive and expressive communication, or be set and assigned in a structure or system of fixed values that life cannot and does not limit itself to. And so sets up the potential for betrayals or denials and debts to replace meanings accepted as foundational.