Friday, 13 August 2021

Narrative Archetype and Platonic Ideal as Masking Template 

I would like to read more of Lanka in English!

But English isn't a language he thinks in and so doesn't always find fluency.

The idea of materialism or material Causation is the result of a dissociation of awareness from its Field condition as a focus in particular and specific object meanings that became idealised as if a Template of Divine laws somehow separate from the Author or Authority of Original Cause. That which Is, is thus removed from all that is judged by meanings given from within a sense of separateness seeking meaning in ITS terms.

Likewise the realm of Archetypes that underlies ALL narrative or mythic structures that operate symbolic substitution UNLESS a field and feeling awareness of the experiential ground to which symbols point is conscious.

The narrative identity is generally associated with demos, and the discernment and arbitration of rules with the hieros, who take on the role of protecting personal/social order from feared chaos by means of aligning in such laws as a system of hierarchical rule that uses the 'noble lie' of narratives by which to protect the mind from its own chaotic or destructive capacities, that are associated with Separation trauma - rendered 'mythological' or 'unreal' yet no less active as personal and social projections.

Fear of contagion is firstly a fear of Mind, in the dissociating and masked attempt to distance from fear.

That a hated condition is 'cast out' mythically is a means to delay and evade resolving it when the reactions around it are overwhelming to the current consciousness.

Mind can be represented as a Field that is non-physical and thus without dimension of space or time, IN which the expression of a focus in selected AND cast out ideas operates as a boundaried 'cell' within an energetic embrace that is expressed in physicalised terms of tangibility and visibility.

Likewise the spontaneous organisation of what can be called proto-life self-organising structures in the 'waters' above and below, for the physical Universe is around 99% plasma - that we assign as 'Space' and discard, just as biologists have assigned water in our biome as a neutral solvent and discarded its function as the translation of qualitative information to energetic states of 'forming' or matter.

The latest ego-tech targets our bio-field with nanoparticles that are manufactured to interact with manufactured electromagnetic fields and frequency signalling. In a sense we are (collectively) creating the evil or virus or hijacking of our true right and joy in life BY the mind of the attempt to protect FROM evils.

Hence I recognise Jesus in 'Resist ye not evil!' for we become an agent of what we polarise against by hidden contract of giving and receiving identity there.

Align in truth as revealed in being still (of conflict identity feeding) so as to receive identity With All That Is, instead of set over and apart in judgements that WILL come back to us by sometimes extremely devious routes.

Aligning in our being does not require intellectual achievement, but simple presence by which synchronicity is restored to awareness in place of a house divided set on shifting sand.

I also appreciate Lanka's spiritual recognition - which when he attempt to express can sound naive, but is founded in Field recognition of the mind we take to be ourself, in terms of 'biological shock' or Separation trauma. Such a Field is compassionate to the mind that knows not what it is or does (because it discarded Infinity to make object-modelling a focus of exclusivity).

Scripted ego runs beneath masking appearances


(responded to the main article)

My Reply to Researcher

I lament the lack of care and discipline relative to use of language. I can only assume this reflects ongoing immersion in weaponised language that is not automatically neutralised of its payload.

When responding to a call to war, the narratives are selected for impact and not for truth.

The more embedded in any established social identity, the more the expression will be conformed to social expectations.

Thanks for pointing out core facts that have not changed, while all the polarised and polarising spinoffs work to keep them hidden.

Researcher Reply to  me;

Right. And you can see (and hear that) that through the sound bites promoted and repeated ad nauseam. They are also specifically choosing words and language that has a negative effect on our DNA. Since speaking the words aloud can cause profound epigenetic changes. Their use of dualism and simplistic thinking I find intensely annoying.

My Reply to  Researcher:

We have acquired or inherited ‘meaning structures’ as we learn to perceive and adapt to a human world that is already a masking over fear, hiding of guilt and shame, distancing from threat of exposure, and lockstep alliance in mutual or social alliance of reinforcement.

So there is a fractal aspect to a reiterating pattern that reveals the lie and the father of it, as we are willing to see and own, rather than protect by keeping secret.

I choose to feel the meaning of the words I hear, read, think, speak or write as a willingness of redeeming to original meaning – or territory of felt qualities in life.

So I hold that the words of others will not affect me excepting I am already join in resonant alignment of shared learning/conditioning – and even then they are showing me aspects of my thought that were otherwise hidden, internalised, normal, unconscious, if I look at my own reaction, instead of using my reaction for tension-release or fantasy gratification.

So I don’t choose to give them my attention and emotional reaction, or look INTO their suggestions, but I may look at them to see what runs beneath – such as an inducement to guilt, fear, division by which to then install a back door through which to run the hack. Though in my terms that would be MY default habit or choice to use ‘them’ as my excuse for co-creating an outcome that I can blame on ‘them’ so as to evade responsibility and assign its pain externally as ‘distanced, masked’ and dependent on externalised controls, saviours, enemies or scapegoats

I can question the meanings being assigned or given to anything and bring them to awareness. The fear signal is being ramped up to recruit or reset for ‘control’ but this is not where I am giving my attention.

I question genetic dogma, and see living water as being a vehicle of information and communication in resonant patterning that supports not just survival, but the complex of our explorative experience as limitation, division, conflict, pain and loss.

The mind serves the purpose given it. If this is protecting from knowing or facing unresolved conflict and fear, it will provide the means to seem to know something else. So while it is blind to love and life, it is ingenious with regard to fear and threat in evasion, that operates pre-emptively so as to filter or mask out what is associated with its own denials. Which it projects onto others as a basis to attack their own shadow ‘externally’.

Researcher in Reply to  me

It’s a script. Their words are not even reflective of their own reality. If there’s nothing genuine then why bother? Do you study a pile of dog shit for meaning? It’s not a reflection of you, your thoughts, or a path to enlightenment. It’s just something that should be avoided so you don’t have to clean your shoe from constantly stepping in it and dragging it around with you, then taking it home.

My reply to Researcher

I responded to your expression of annoyance which indicated you still assigned meanings to the meaningless.  So I reminded you that all meaning extends from wholeness as recognition, whereas scripted 'meanings' operate a symbolic substitution of a mind in fear and division or split dissociation.

I am in agreement with your view in terms of not even looking into the meaninglessness as if to find meaning there. But to look at the script or story and recognise the thought beneath it, is the opportunity to recognize and release from our own field AND as our projection onto another living one. 

But their words are reflective of an invested identity being given realty to. That it is untrue is not to say it is not serving purpose or function for them, and if I react IN its frame instead of recognising the frame, I must be using it also.

In truth you cant bring ego home with you for it is the condition of a conviction of homelessness that will avoid feared truth as demonic shit or contagion and destruction of its masking reality.

You can see scripted minds that make a world of lies. Can you also see the judgement in your own script that blocks the extension of love's awareness by holding a narrative investment?

Everything is offering a reflection or feedback to me, but the basis for noticing, abiding in or giving focus to is a reintegrative transparency or self-honesty of awareness. You must have noticed that the mind in script has no awareness of its scripted condition. As in slavery enacted as if freedom, and freedom feared and avoided as hateful by association with the worst kind of shit.

I have no private thoughts, but the mask of a wish to make secret.

But WHO told you you were naked?

If I would keep the mask then I will think and see in the mask.

If I would release the mask, then I will notice the thoughts of the mask as a script that is either nothing to me, or is revealed as a means for bringing loves to awareness now. If I have conflicted desires, then I need pause the script of conflict and notice my own act - or else the conflict will be set in a scripted world as if conditions have to change before I can be at peace. This is backwards and assigns all true Causal thought to a scripted world.

'They' are a representative personae for the wish to protect and persist the mask as self set in fear of pain and loss.

'We' may be more contractually aligned and involved in this than we think, because conflict is the means by which a masking diversion from intimate awareness operates a diversionary script.

Apparent conflicts do not determine your state of being. Self Acceptance gives, as in truth is received. Self judgements are 'self-othering. We cast out or script what we seek to get rid of in our self, as if to distance from, mask over and deny or attack it.

That our World Script is being revealed is the disintegration of the mask AS reality. The word mask here can be used for invested and believed self, or ego. That misidentification can run as a mind habit is an unwatched mind. That unwatched mind can generate scripts of lack, deprivation, disconnection and the attempt to GET for a sense of lack, is a fear of nakedness set against truth as a mask over illegitimacy fearing disclosure.

We have all learned to see a masking world as the people in the story - including the Emperor, learned to 'see' the New Robes. The child represents innocent perception. Most on hearing this story identify with the child and not the Emperor. Its always easy to see other's scripts or egos. In fact seeing what is 'wrong' with someone is a learned focus by which to always distance as the basis from which to then consider joining in part as a 'contractual' representation of a relational recognition and exchange.

The situation of our world is one where incorporated contractual meanings are set as laws that call on rights of protection for life, to be assigned to mercantile contracts masking as reality.

Awareness of the Script is within awareness of Sovereign Will, and not within the Scripted for getting. Such a will is one, not fragmented not reassembled in silico by All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.

Prior to a script of fragmentation, Life is already unconflicted, but it is not life as we think to know a self and world, framed in fear of pain of loss, as a means to avoid treading in it or allowing it to get back in.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Pretext does not matter once it has served purpose

The pretext does not matter once it has served purpose.

A social debit system or State of Guilt, apportions debit according to arbitrary rules, as the setting up, maintaining and consolidating of a redistribution of guilt and penalty that is apportioned systemically by the owners or stakeholders in the systems - which are psycho-physical rules and filters.

I don't subscribe to infectious disease feary, but we already have such criminals operating outside the reach of law for insiders to the capture of institutions such as to effectively have immunity or exemption to consequence - as toxic consequences are 'externalised' to 'sin eaters'.

Acting out fantasy upon the body that then locks down the mind in compulsions is not as 'immune' or 'free' as may seem within the framing of fantasy.

The idea of mind control over Self, life and body is a mind set in dissociation given focus and allegiance as a masking substitution of meanings that seem to live outside the mind that made them, and subject, tool and compel it to meaninglessness.

The latest tech is in disrupting EM fields of the innate living communication which is what biology is and does in support of your giving and receiving likewise. Life is Communicated to you, as your freedom to know and be that you are.

By use of EM nanoparticles and field technology, your true strings can be blocked so as to acquire the puppet for private agenda. But the theme is an ancient wish given power as identity in lack, conflict, struggle, pain, loss, grievance,and vengeance.

This is stupid in that we do always unto our Self unknowing. By the very attempt to get for a false self is the basis of support or demand for the false self reinforced.

Truth has a singular quality of being that is.

The peace and wholeness of being cannot be grasped but only yielded to.

Shifting illusions are complex and shifting, such as to regard truth as threat to a seeming existence set in motion or go forth and multiply. If we multiply garbage we get garbage results and can assign shame and blame, but seek to hide it by manipulating results, by fragmenting and manipulating the mind so as to know not what we do, or 'mask as virtue or necessity'.

That we can align to social masking as a personal mask is to believe we are separate in anything we think, feel or do. We can align in the idea of separateness or we can align in the idea of wholeness. From each comes a self and world. But the choice for separateness invokes a past set in attack and grievance that stamps upon the face of lost presence as a hollow sense of lack seeking wholeness in appetites of compulsion or getting mechanism that effects FOR GETTING.

The Gift of Life is for giving and receiving anew.

Pathological possession and control results from fear of pain of loss, made foundation from which to live and set in the mask of virtues, such as power, love, connection and protection.

WHO worships the masking idol knows not but what IT tells them. What we take to be our own thinking is already a systemic control and NOT our Living Thought.

The right to self-exemption is the freedom to accept and give meaning by which to contract to our result. Choosing to contract to mutually agreed fictions does not make them true, but does distort the experience of reality in minds that so choose.

God makes no contract or bargain, being the gift of All in All. But the Covenant of truth is the real relationship that abides beneath all masking distortions, and the witnessing for this according to our willingness to receive it.

But not now!

Cant you see there's a war on!

War demands truth dead, past or in a future that never comes.

It is a mind we elected to protect or hide and so is a choice we can notice and release by choosing not to persist the habit, but listen or discern as a willingness for wholeness of heart and mind at one - rather than as All the king’s horses and all the king’s men seek to manufacture in silico and enforce.

The life arising from the uncarved moment is not of our manufacture. That is part of our recognition of trust as truth - not contract.

Setting true meaning in symbols as representations that then seem to self-exist as corporate entities with rights and duties, is already a machine-mind set in masking Reality. Now we are being revealed unto our self and our Self. We cannot Really be split from Reality, but fear can make its so by reaction.

We can accept an unfolding acceptance and recognition of truth in freedom to release invested illusion. This goes counter to all that we thought we learned as the mind or mask of control set in tyranny and slaves. It will seem to compel and deny for as long as we hold it an option in our own thinking.

It is our own 'thinking' with which we are denied and controlled.

To question our thinking is to question our experience or perception-response that runs as a placeholder for Reality.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Refuse investment by reaction to fear narratives

 Companions in resonance if not round a camp fire...

Fear offers a basis from which to identify in masking distance as a covert identity or private think - as premise of a special or exclusive freedom that actually delivers an illusion of control to the experience of a tyrannous mind - that may at first be hidden but all such dreams turn to nightmare when the fear can no longer be masked over, and is got rid of by attack that generates more fear and denial or limitation and loss of consciousness to dead structure.

The willingness to feel and know is the release of the authoritative assertion we already know in terms of a stamp of past conditioning over the face of a true presence that cannot be recognised or shared in except as tyrannous dictate commands - which is NO recognition at all, but slavery to symbol of the past raised in worship of grievance set as vengeance as right over life set as victim, broken, weak and treacherous.

Choosing to NOT comply or align in false or self-destructive lies, illusions or habits, is holding open now and now, to willingness to listen and receive Presence of heart and mind in which to recognise. live and share in what DOES resonate true of who and what you/we are - according to our current level of willingness to share it.

That we experience fear and love alloyed is part of the human conditioning that seeks to get love or control it, for a private gratification or booster to a sense of self-lack that generates proclivity to fear as the goad to self-inflation or self aggrandisement - that sets up for a Fall or self-revelatory experience of recognition and release of a false for a true.

Here we are.

When fear is recognised as a Call for alignment in recognised true and nothing else, we use it to unify purpose from a true presence instead of seeking to gain leverage against a feared and hated evil that then frames and defines us BY reaction.

The Satanic Deception of an overwhelming inevitability is a Picture of what we each and together have made of what we are. Resist the suggestion that you have to entrance this picture by looking at it, instead of into its lies that are of course targeted to your profile and therefore offering a specific re-education to your willingness to wake FROM a narcissistic identification of thinking to a relational willingness that is of course NOT under our terms of contracts and controls, but Lives, and knows Life in giving and receiving instead of dedications of For Getting.

There is nothing to fear is true in wholly loving. Not a virtue seeking mask of manipulation, but the transparency to a recognition that is a gift of love we cannot manufacture, or achieve, because the already Given cannot be remade in the image of loss but only revealed beneath the masking over fear of loss. No one can release or change what they are actively denying or disowning, and so the fear rises to awareness as an opportunity to choose differently as a more aligned sense of who you are. This reveals a love that is not what we think - and we best be aware of what we think, because we can be phished by thinking, to run a mis-taken or false identity that conflicts our reality and engenders fear, that can then be 'externally solved' as a repackaged version of toxic denials.

Recognise all fear narratives, and the fear that sets and drives the narrative identity.

Then you see it is not who you are and has no place in you. Perhaps through a teasing out of a complex of fears that have become associated with self-protective identifications now brought to curiosity and awareness.

Are you locked down, distanced. masked, immunised and normalised as a body in a world of bodies, each with a separate seeking mind lockstepped to its narrative identity?

To question is not to attack, but to open to greater perspective.

If questioning attacks it seeks nothing but to undermine and deny such a gift perceived as threat by masking its attack as its defence in the image and form of communication.

I could fear letting myself be drawn back into a sense of self and world that I am NOT and do not want, but a sense of self-betrayal rises from disintegrity against a living love of truth. Self-honesty is grown from a deeper trust. Until we can grow trust within our self, we will not let life in for fear of hurt and hurting both, but persist in the devil we know - or thought to know...

Living Aether, Motion, Matter and Mind - The Infinite Intimate 

Living Aether, Motion, Matter and Mind


Calling it 'empty space' is already a distancing separating masking objectification of discard. Infinity is without any gap or discontinuity, beyond conception and yet the already embrace of all that Is.

The understanding of exchange and interchange as material motion is thermodynamic. The recognition of resonance, capacitance and frequency domains is of a different order. We are modelling our sense of reality of both Self and Universe - they cannot be separated from each other but the image or model represents a dead or incoherent dissociation.

The Mind of God is two words to the same meaning; Mind. Our current model and concept of mind is materially bounded, caused and determined. This is a very recent idea. Private thinking sets a masking boundary in psychic & physic terms. It isn't private so much as a domain of temporary dissociation, in resonant lockstep with the same proclivity in others as a way of looking 'out' or perceiving Everything from a frame and lens of definitions that lockdown object meanings as charged differentiations or polarised levels of relative significance.

Releasing the psychic bonds of such meaning structure, changes the rules and filters of local mind, such as to let more of Who and What we, unfold or consciously embrace as Awareness of Existence - which are of course two words of the same meaning.

Awareness is physically represented as embracing space, receptive space, vibrating space. But 'space' as a sense of lack of existence is false, and used to distantiate or dissociate sets meanings from which all else is fragmented.

We are already a perfect expression of a Living Universe, with a focus operating as an augmented reality experience, in which contradictions and negations operate as parameters of identity in experience.

The attempt to deny the Mind is an identifiction in a model reality that promises or seems to give a self-autonomy along the lines of private thinking.

Giving or bringing this 'mind' to presence of awareness is the instant receiving of a more aligned coherence. Withholding persists in the experience and expression of differentiation as charged or polarised conflict. That these two are one in the service of Life is hidden from the mindset within differentiation as the wave is invisible to the particular expression. yet Is the Field of which awareness recognises by giving and receiving meaning as significance within a whole.

I just woke up and looked at the comments here below and let the theme offer a morning meditation. It is not particularly themed to physics as explanation of  all its parts, but as an appreciation that doesn't deny the life of the exploration of physics as empirical discovery by which our subjective models and definitions are expanded or released from a past that no longer serves us - except of course to have brought us here.


Recoil from Infinity can double down in 'modelling' - There seems to be a stuttering of the process of expanding integration, but this is like the experiential (which can seem chaotic to ANY attempt of grasping control)and the Theory - which has the idea of God in its name does it not?

Ideas that Live are as Infinite as the mind they represent. Our concepts are symbolic derivatives that can pattern in likeness of ossify to structures of blind disregard or self-destructive limitation.

True curiosity IS the movement of (our) being itself. In learning to 'see' the emperor's robes, we lose the freedom to be truly moved. Or rather mask it over and think it lost.


The idea of adamantine or infinity particles (what the original word atom pointed to) is at one with fractal of holographic function - that has no 'outside', limit or gap - and yet opens perspective within awareness at Infinity for experience as extension, 'relation', resonant exchange. These ideas are expressed also in sacred geometry. 

Motion is time and space or relational intervals as changing states. We perceive and object reality and assume an object persists in time and moves through space. Not least because we identify subjectively as a persistent continuity of focus IN such a selective reality.

That every instant is a unique total state cannot be worded, and yet the zero-point of such a seeming stasis 'creates' or gives tangibility and visibility to all that is - and is at our own heart or existence, one. Desire is a magnetic vibratory field of attraction and alignment. Our concept of desire may be confused by masking substitution, but Of Sire is of the Father, or true Seed, and so 'Know Thyself' is the going forth and multiplying of living Idea, as Creation itself, for desire calls forth idea that reflects and supports its expression.

I am not primarily talking physic here - excepting as qualities of energy and information that  can be given tangibility and visibility as physically experienced rendering of Infinity through finitude. Like This!

Knowledge has no gap or lack in it. But mind-modelling in symbol and concept took the light as if its own making had replaced a Living Inherence, and 'knowledge' was used to mean something special, hidden, achieved, guarded, possessed and controlled. All of which reveal the signature intent of a mind set in such by a sense of lack of such. The mind of judgement selects to reject, in rules and filters set in giving, that are then received as experience of an exclusive right to light, suffering denial and deprivation or darkness.