(responded to the main article)
My Reply to Researcher
I lament the lack of care and discipline relative to use of language. I can only assume this reflects ongoing immersion in weaponised language that is not automatically neutralised of its payload.
When responding to a call to war, the narratives are selected for impact and not for truth.
The more embedded in any established social identity, the more the expression will be conformed to social expectations.
Thanks for pointing out core facts that have not changed, while all the polarised and polarising spinoffs work to keep them hidden.
Researcher Reply to me;
Right. And you can see (and hear that) that through the sound bites promoted and repeated ad nauseam. They are also specifically choosing words and language that has a negative effect on our DNA. Since speaking the words aloud can cause profound epigenetic changes. Their use of dualism and simplistic thinking I find intensely annoying.
My Reply to Researcher:
We have acquired or inherited ‘meaning structures’ as we learn to perceive and adapt to a human world that is already a masking over fear, hiding of guilt and shame, distancing from threat of exposure, and lockstep alliance in mutual or social alliance of reinforcement.
So there is a fractal aspect to a reiterating pattern that reveals the lie and the father of it, as we are willing to see and own, rather than protect by keeping secret.
I choose to feel the meaning of the words I hear, read, think, speak or write as a willingness of redeeming to original meaning – or territory of felt qualities in life.
So I hold that the words of others will not affect me excepting I am already join in resonant alignment of shared learning/conditioning – and even then they are showing me aspects of my thought that were otherwise hidden, internalised, normal, unconscious, if I look at my own reaction, instead of using my reaction for tension-release or fantasy gratification.
So I don’t choose to give them my attention and emotional reaction, or look INTO their suggestions, but I may look at them to see what runs beneath – such as an inducement to guilt, fear, division by which to then install a back door through which to run the hack. Though in my terms that would be MY default habit or choice to use ‘them’ as my excuse for co-creating an outcome that I can blame on ‘them’ so as to evade responsibility and assign its pain externally as ‘distanced, masked’ and dependent on externalised controls, saviours, enemies or scapegoats
I can question the meanings being assigned or given to anything and bring them to awareness. The fear signal is being ramped up to recruit or reset for ‘control’ but this is not where I am giving my attention.
I question genetic dogma, and see living water as being a vehicle of information and communication in resonant patterning that supports not just survival, but the complex of our explorative experience as limitation, division, conflict, pain and loss.
The mind serves the purpose given it. If this is protecting from knowing or facing unresolved conflict and fear, it will provide the means to seem to know something else. So while it is blind to love and life, it is ingenious with regard to fear and threat in evasion, that operates pre-emptively so as to filter or mask out what is associated with its own denials. Which it projects onto others as a basis to attack their own shadow ‘externally’.
Researcher in Reply to me
It’s a script. Their words are not even reflective of their own reality. If there’s nothing genuine then why bother? Do you study a pile of dog shit for meaning? It’s not a reflection of you, your thoughts, or a path to enlightenment. It’s just something that should be avoided so you don’t have to clean your shoe from constantly stepping in it and dragging it around with you, then taking it home.
My reply to Researcher
I responded to your expression of annoyance which indicated you still assigned meanings to the meaningless. So I reminded you that all meaning extends from wholeness as recognition, whereas scripted 'meanings' operate a symbolic substitution of a mind in fear and division or split dissociation.
I am in agreement with your view in terms of not even looking into the meaninglessness as if to find meaning there. But to look at the script or story and recognise the thought beneath it, is the opportunity to recognize and release from our own field AND as our projection onto another living one.
But their words are reflective of an invested identity being given realty to. That it is untrue is not to say it is not serving purpose or function for them, and if I react IN its frame instead of recognising the frame, I must be using it also.
In truth you cant bring ego home with you for it is the condition of a conviction of homelessness that will avoid feared truth as demonic shit or contagion and destruction of its masking reality.
You can see scripted minds that make a world of lies. Can you also see the judgement in your own script that blocks the extension of love's awareness by holding a narrative investment?
Everything is offering a reflection or feedback to me, but the basis for noticing, abiding in or giving focus to is a reintegrative transparency or self-honesty of awareness. You must have noticed that the mind in script has no awareness of its scripted condition. As in slavery enacted as if freedom, and freedom feared and avoided as hateful by association with the worst kind of shit.
I have no private thoughts, but the mask of a wish to make secret.
But WHO told you you were naked?
If I would keep the mask then I will think and see in the mask.
If I would release the mask, then I will notice the thoughts of the mask as a script that is either nothing to me, or is revealed as a means for bringing loves to awareness now. If I have conflicted desires, then I need pause the script of conflict and notice my own act - or else the conflict will be set in a scripted world as if conditions have to change before I can be at peace. This is backwards and assigns all true Causal thought to a scripted world.
'They' are a representative personae for the wish to protect and persist the mask as self set in fear of pain and loss.
'We' may be more contractually aligned and involved in this than we think, because conflict is the means by which a masking diversion from intimate awareness operates a diversionary script.
Apparent conflicts do not determine your state of being. Self Acceptance gives, as in truth is received. Self judgements are 'self-othering. We cast out or script what we seek to get rid of in our self, as if to distance from, mask over and deny or attack it.
That our World Script is being revealed is the disintegration of the mask AS reality. The word mask here can be used for invested and believed self, or ego. That misidentification can run as a mind habit is an unwatched mind. That unwatched mind can generate scripts of lack, deprivation, disconnection and the attempt to GET for a sense of lack, is a fear of nakedness set against truth as a mask over illegitimacy fearing disclosure.
We have all learned to see a masking world as the people in the story - including the Emperor, learned to 'see' the New Robes. The child represents innocent perception. Most on hearing this story identify with the child and not the Emperor. Its always easy to see other's scripts or egos. In fact seeing what is 'wrong' with someone is a learned focus by which to always distance as the basis from which to then consider joining in part as a 'contractual' representation of a relational recognition and exchange.
The situation of our world is one where incorporated contractual meanings are set as laws that call on rights of protection for life, to be assigned to mercantile contracts masking as reality.
Awareness of the Script is within awareness of Sovereign Will, and not within the Scripted for getting. Such a will is one, not fragmented not reassembled in silico by All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.
Prior to a script of fragmentation, Life is already unconflicted, but it is not life as we think to know a self and world, framed in fear of pain of loss, as a means to avoid treading in it or allowing it to get back in.