Sunday, 31 July 2022

Beneath a Cover Story runs a Toxic Burden of Debt

in response to the themes in:



 What is apparent at our mental and social expression is that we attack our self & each other.
A mind at war with itself extends as a society of victim & victimisers or war as the underlying nature of lack & threat driven behaviours.
Attack is usually masked in personal and social rules or norms as moral justification to the maintaining of order against fear of pain of loss.
Beneath its acting out on the body is the idea of sacrifice where separation (splitting off from or 'distancing' is equated with salvation, and so what is denied or attacked has to 'pay the price'.
War-mind of a struggle for power can be thus seen as seeking the means to evade feared pain of loss by the means to offset or divert it 'away from self to the to Othered.
The structuring of society under fear that masks as love as part of its strategy of concealment and manipulation, is then a collective but unconscious agreement as to 'who pays' in terms of social narratives that establish blame as the means to set social credit against. That these are a flux of conflicting identities is evident, but pursuit of monetary profits in disregard for the lives of others is  seen as a way to stand over them, so that others are induced to pay for elitist or exclusive privileges or social permissions of status, wealth & influence.

Most of which runs unconscious to a social masking as  accumulated compound debt or unresolved conflict that operates not just through generations, but across time & space through the law or nature of resonance.

My intent in sketching this overview is to invite a deeper consideration than merely external subjection to material circumstances, while not disregarding the synchronicities arising - both positive and negative. The first attack is on our self, but is hidden by the belief and the wish to push cause of lack, fear, pain and loss OUTSIDE and thus seek answer in external terms. Some of this is a result of unwittingly taking on the conflicts of others at a stage of development in which lack we lack self-differentiation.  But then driven to seek strategy of survival within such a relational distortion.

As with so called germs, susceptibility to disease from toxic exposure is variable, and the underlying resonances to influence will always be individual within collective patterns that again are largely unconscious or operating as subconscious conditionings of which we are in a sense trained to ride on (and be ridden by) as a 'given reality' that is of course a masking manipulation and not a basis for true appreciation of anything.

The concept of immunity at body level is absurd yet compulsive to a sense of seeking protection.
But at the level of Spirit has value as the embodiment of unified purpose that embraces to discern within all that is present, rather than compelled by judgements that set up exclusions that become toxic to or undermining of support for life.

Insofar as body can realign to health or functional integrity, despite accumulated burdens of disease, emotional or psychic conflict, and social exclusions - including fatal or negative diagnosis and prognosis by 'authorities', is outside the reach of the mind of manipulative possession and control, and so for many, doesn't exist for them. Exceptionalism is then projected to potentials and examples that we cannot or will not match, but that may yet seed in us the recognition that there is more than we know, or better, we do not really know and have accepted misguidance as a social 'reality' or normal.
Attempts to unify over against fear and threat can never be whole.
Fear of wholeness is protected by controls set in fear and guilt that will seek to limit, undermine or sabotage the restoring of wholeness, health and wellbeing as the embodiment of joy in life.
Toxic debts persist in ever shifting forms of repackaging, in a composite of blind man's buff meets pass the parcel in a game of musical chairs.