Saturday, 12 June 2021

The Device of a Setting Terms and Conditions - or Else!

The basis for lockstep of corporate 'support' is at least partly revealed in Mark Carney's ultimatum regarding compliance in the so called Green New Deal; "Those who do not comply WILL go bust!".

The flip side being that those who align with the Economic Hit Man receive all manner of inducements at least in the short term.

The deceit operating as a multi generational and transnational 'entity' in human affairs is the mind of control, set in fears that run as fact - so as to in effect be the personification and systemic embodiment of fear, lack and loss of self in terms of loss of face, loss of control and masking narrative dictate.

So while different personae can seem to be primary agencies or perpetrators, and others as acted upon or coerced victims, the truth of the mask is hidden or diverted from by engagement within the masking of lack of substance. Which is the reactive division of judgements or memes that 'take' in terms of ideas and contextual associations that tap into our fear and hatred of life set as Other.

The alienation of self in mind as body from the Relational Field that Is Life, is ALREADY operative as a Normal of conditioned habit in focussing within a willing sacrifice of Life to the evasion of hated and feared conflict, pain and loss, for the trickle of life set in parody that the mind 'gives' in exchange for compliance.

Attempts to communicate to such a mind as a form of relational embrace will generally be filtered or ruled out of anything BUT the form as 'meaning' in terms of opportunity or threat. The form-based mind is predicated on denial of the Formless Embrace, which is the true support, guidance and aligning wave to our particular part within a whole of which we are integral, and not split off, cast out and locked down in density, as awareness of being, regardless the repackaging of Life as conflict to be denied, dumped out and cast onto Other and World so as to 'save a self' set in lies by which to 'live' on death as a covert identity expressing the belief 'freedom is slavery' under narrative dictate to which love life and the body are sacrificed, and fed upon as victimhood, grievance and attack set as right and power over truth.

The idea of collectivism is the sacrifice of individual integrality to relational wholeness.

It is predicated on guilting the life of individual expression of life as inherently evil, so as to serve as justification for denial, withholding and withdrawal of love, set as special virtue and necessity on behalf of a mind set in justification for attack, destruction and remaking in its own image.

The systemic replacement of human with golem or robot is both perpetrated and queued for as the urge to invoke Unconsciousnesss as a means to escape or overcome life as conflict. The denial of life is death. Victory in death is the ultimate assertion of a private set of mind as judgement. That is the reward that underwrites all promise of a 'better future' operating on the demonisation and denial of a past stamped upon the face of presence, unrecognised.

The world we make in terms of models and narratives, image and face, is an augmented 'reality' or masking set of shifting meanings that operate self-contradiction as circular arguments of polarised identity in judgement. It covers over the Real World of an innocent perception as the recognition of a truly resonant coherence of being.

There is the idea that Nature (as God) punishes sin, but the result of self-illusion give power over life sets its own reward as the negative expression of Law. That Mind goes forth and multiplies as the extending of Thought to the unfolding of Consciousness, is no less a synchronicity than True Word of unified purpose, in the projection of the idea of lack as getting, excepting the negative creation knows not what it does, running within the pretext of denial set in frame of terror.

When Jesus said such things as 'who would save his life shall lose it', he invited intuitive recognition of a deceit by which a mind is held hostage to fear and deceit to operate love's denial, even while the cock's crowing heralds dawn. Until even this is revealed to a dawning recognition of error set in terror. The assignment of sin to error is the insidious means by which to guilt others so as to save our own 'mind' from Disclosure under truth rendered demonic, because the protection of a deceit must project and accuse its own mind upon the natural right of 'others', so as to seem to run in stead of a right minded alignment in wholeness given extension.

The reiteration of the premise and pattern or device of such deceit is moment by moment, in terms of a conditioned reaction, but in terms of its unmasking to true awareness, can be seen as a cycle of expansion and compression, but where contraction is death or the releasing of consciousness for lack of supportive alignment, compression is the seed-forming and activating expression of a new cycle as a shift to expanded perspective from which to be, know and share in Infinite Life, predicated on free willing alignment, recognition, resonance, appreciation, gratitude and love.

Appearances can be deceptive. Phishing runs identity theft.

But a true Presence is never more than a pause of such a mind away from our willing receipt. Against such a free willingness is set every kind of justification to NOT look within, and so the freedom to protect our own subjection runs even as our determination to free itself.

But the mind that made self-illusion is not the means for its undoing and repurpose to truly aligned integrity of being.

A so called materialism operates the lockdown of a mind to facing OUT and away into a masking dissociation. The physical is the gift of visibility and tangibility of being. Wholeness is not established by killing the Messenger, nor by holding hostage under threat.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

False gods and True

The question of ownership is the issue of responsibility and control.

There are different levels of infrastructure that include the financial system on which business depends, must comply with or it will go bust.

The idea of corporate capture cannot be separated from social engineering.

The intent to manipulate others and world given feasibility by concentration of wealth as leverage via backroom deal making, with the front end of narratives for change set in virtue or as salvation from evil threats, that mission crept to its tipping point of exposure as a real and present evil to the underlying life support system that it claims to be caretaking or delivering. Because it is all based on lies.

Deeply embedded lies operate fundamental mind capture such as to prey on fears, weaponise them as sources of funding and sacrifice, to a false god defended by a blind priest class dispensing 'virtue' to the self-hating in exchange for authority to speak in its name.

True God is free of deceit, coercion or conflict, hence a transparency to a true and just account. The true mind never left its Source, but the belief we make or mask ourselves is a false father that must shun and hide from exposure or be dispelled as a trick of the mind. Deeply invested in a masking story is the grasp of a false sense of possession that became a fear of dispossession set against our own being. We became stranger unto our Self. We set an alien agenda of freedom in limit, distance and mask as a private or covert identity in which awareness of truth must be denied even though nothing else is.

The working out of themes of separation all lead to a prodigal homecoming because a false or mis-taken inheritance cannot replace a true Inherence, but it can set a frame for  a love set in fear, pain, loss and death from which no escape is possible BUT repeating and compulsive sacrifice to shifting lies by which to not know the lie by which it 'lives' in your name.

We are already of One that is Communication of an order that cannot be limited, but live as compartmentalised minds tethered to a body set among bodies defined by distances. It is the internet of bodies set as a psychic modelling within an electro-biome that is responsive to the constant communication of a Cosmos seen as objects set in 'space'

The Space we 'nothing' is the Field of which we are.

Resonance is the key to recognition.

The discernment of truth in willingness to release judgement.

And an Internment of judged Things.

Monday, 7 June 2021

The Con Theory

That the con theory can be read as the active mindset in 'sustainability' of lies set against feared truth - is evident to me at least. HOW that actually operates as synchronicity is by no means all consciously planned or intended. Rather the mind is assigned the function of protector and guide relative to the evasion of psych emotional conflicts that are in a sense physicalised or externalised to relationships, situations and events or outcomes. And does so as the establishing of a compartmentalised and locked down focus of attention and awareness we call 'waking or surface consciousness' as a front end to a much greater activity that is sub consciously set over the Source of Life which is the true Unconscious or truly moved sense of living that is suppressed, filtered and denied by a lockdown to a socially reinforced separate self sense.

The release to Media or focus of Media of any information has to take account of the inherent bias of such a 'service' that effectively delivers its readership to narrative manipulations that serve invested interests of survival (sustainable face, model or narrative), in common. The public investment of which is the desire to remain in ignorance within a drama of seeking or unfolding resolutions that serve to keep attention investment running.

The truth of the virological and genetic shenanigans will not be found in the frame of their invested belief. But such drama will obfuscate and divert from the underlying psyop/deceit by which we maintain a locked down, distanced and masking 'consciousness' of a covert identity against the true and felt quality and appreciation for being - which must include genuine feedback to conflicting thoughts, meanings and purposes. Conflict begins at home.

The Novel Means for Determining a Construct as a Discovery

Are you informed as to the non physical means for determining the discovery of a virus or indeed new virus?

The mainstream presumption is that they find a thing and then sequence it. They never find nor have they found a thing or isolated characterisable thing nor have they demonstrated causation of disease unique, specific or otherwise.

They have take samples from one to nine clinical cases of respiratory disease, run such filtering as to refine only the finer particles in the range of presumed viruses but which are still an indeterminate mass of cell debris that are assayed as millions of very short sequences of RNA. Never the whole virus. The software of computer modelling can run to 'realign' these humpty dumpty samples so as to reconstruct whet the virus would have been before breaking up. There are references to other known virus definitions in this process of 'reverse engineering and filling in the gaps. But the other definitions are also derived from the same techniques. As can be expected, the software parameters and samples chosen can output innumerable variants, but more importantly the testing set up by Drostren is based on primers taken from this 'novel determination that have no relevance to any disease inducing agent regardless other parameters of the PCR can be set to produce expedient results.

The formulation of the S-protein for injecting as genetic manipulation may well be where GoF operates, with the 'discovery' of virus and testing then created as the prequel to the novel synthetic protein. If gene therapy is not a huge investment bubble of captured identity and actually works as sold. For another weaponised narrative to be substantiated is the injection of nanoparticular robotics such as to interface with devices and field technology in terms of transhuman or biotech convergence.

We would be well cautioned to pause before ANY narrative runs our thinking as to whether is has true substance and foundation in life and empirical veracity or is effective running as reaction to fears operating as beliefs or wishes of gain set in solving such beliefs or manipulating such beliefs.

It is well known in war that the perception and belief in a greatly superior opposition or overwhelming threat will demoralises and defeat an enemy without ever coming to battle.

I am suggesting here that the contagious virus belief is an ongoing and protected or securitised narrative maintained for hidden control of populace by trojan means, and is a key facet of a PPP in which all public office and trust is effectively captured by a financial and corporate sector.

Bioweapons as toxins that undermine the body's checks and balance to detox and regenerate, are ubiquitous pollutants and exposures that are diverted from by the contagion cover story.

As with Climate fear, Virus fear left all reason to focus on the undermining, limiting and demonisation of Life on Earth by which to institute broad spectrum systemic controls as a technocracy of an essentially split humanity into owners and bio-assets. Yet many would be owners are no less captured assets.

Dr Stefan Lanka ran a control recently that shows CPE (cytopathic effect) occurs regardless of the introduction of so called 'viral isolates'. It being an artefact of the preparation of cell cultures as the testbed for 'infectivity', including starvation and toxification of the cells. Healthy cells could not be 'infected' and so malnutrition and antibiotics prepare ye the way of the virus!

As well as Lanka, Dr Andre Kaufman and Dr Tom Cowan both offer followable understanding of the principles as I have sketched out here. This is not an opinionated identity position of further divergence, but a point of relational and empirical coherence.

There is a deeper layer of psychic or psychological defence that all of this represents, but the anthropomorphic liability of the mind is its projection of its own narratives to its perceived interpretation, taken as reality in place of a current and present relational honesty or indeed innocence.

Securitised Narratives Set in Guilt and Fear

Mind Traps are such that any reference to them becomes a sin excepting to show narrative compliance.

For to not support is seen as supporting hateful attack and thus as one with 'attacker' in sin.

The word 'sacred' implies special or set apart in worth as well as being set above criticism, editing or change.

Something is considered sacred TO an identity or group or person. Identities given power to enforce such dictates are then given special right over others whose right is ignored or actively attacked, as the taking of power from the subjugation of another.

The critical idea in this is of an 'identity' set sacred as a right over and against others and set outside such right or power. But more insidiously, is the setting OF such identity in power as grievance in guilt as holy and forever beyond change.

It is the worship of guilt as source of power that traps any attempt to question its dictates and assertions in smear and accusation of hateful and invalidating sin. SUCH is the power of guilt to deny, invalidate and dispirit the living, and thereby claim the right to realign the 'pieces' that are found after the breaking of Peace.

The correction or undoing of such a reversal is its reversal. To see the witness for Peace in place of conflicting pieces set forever in power struggle, compromise and sacrifice.

For victor today will be victim tomorrow, while both operate in the realm of sin as lack of love given power to kill and deny a shared and loving heart - not least in the name of love framed in victimhood, violation and loss.

The attempt to make anything in our world sacred and thus set outside and apart from change is the mind set apart from Creation itself - as if to make a private creation stand in ITS place or 'build back better' from the broken communication set by fear of loss of self.

Right to Self is universal and must be balanced before it can be shared. Such is the idea of Law as the holding of the conditions to support human life. The Law to BE Law must be Universal in Principle, such that none are set special, outside and above account to the taking of another's right by force, theft or fraud. Elitism is the idea of self specialness set apart from law and life as truth of love. But 'elite' or special abilities can be aligned to the benefit of the whole of which we are all of a peace.

The action reaction acts set against wholeness is the mind by which to rule out awareness OF wholeness and peace. While contesting the rule OVER the pieces that remain as the only life or power left in scarcity such that to NOT take the life of others is to lose one's own. Such is the 'mindset' of a life set by and under denial.

That there Is another way of seeing rests on willingness, not on time and circumstance.

All of what I write speaks to what runs beneath the masking of a world set in conflict.

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Sophie - Admin1

 Jun 5, 2021 8:44 PM

Please reflect that claiming “the Joos” are inventing antisemitism is an absurdly self-defeating argument of the worst kind.

All you are doing is

1.handing the elites the ammunition they are hoping you will give them and

2.betraying your own genuine antisemitism.

False flag thinking is part and parcel of awareness of the way the mind works its own deceit. So to assert that elements within a group identity cannot set up a grievance as a basis of leveraging fear and funding, while suppressing critical opposition, is entirely without substance.

The whole basis and nature of this pinned non-reply statement is the most self-damning thing I have ever read from OG.

It may be a plea to mitigate criticism of anything associated with the Jewish identity, but if so it backfires by actively joining a denial of freedom of thought and speech.

It would be clear enough to ask for reflection on fear, grievance and hate as sources of inflammation, distortion and violence, so as NOT to join in the language or 'operating system' of the 'psycho-pathy' - regardless WHO that is associated with in action or reaction.

Venting or dumping hate may be momentarily relieving to the moment of its expression for its dump, but is not more than currency of reaction lacking consciousness that persists the baiting to a lack of consciousness under boot of war, pain fear and loss. Or as in new normal 'lack of consciousness' redefined 'happy'.

(Admin reply no longer evident)

A principle means to suppress awareness, consciousness and action regarding ‘trouble at home’ is the cultivation or flagging up of threats from others or outside that target and perpetuate conditioning from past experience.

We know that a leadership can and does resort to setting up such threats such as the West running ISIS as proxies.

We have some awareness of psycho-pathy in terms of planning and executing fraud and violence as a means to leverage special rights and privileges for defence and counter attack. And so playing the victim card is another such ruse and is a principle basis for cancel culture, climate fascism and covidian cult worship.

Along with all is the setting of what are now called securitised narratives – which is also the ‘political’ (sic) system in which there are no user accessible parts; a sealed unit, ergo Lock In.

Your last paragraph is as puerile as its accusation to me! A pre-emptive strike on anyone doubting your virtue set over and against a clearly extremist and genocidal view.

I find it very easy to see where people apply generic judgements on a group because of assignment of blame and hate to someone associated of that group.

It happens a lot in comment everywhere and not just to Jewish or Israeli issues.

A current target in UK and elsewhere are anti vaxxers – so called.

Upping the anti-semitic media focus will serve THAT incitement to violence.

However I do not give credibility or attention to a lockstepped puppet Media, nor do I believe something is true because the video goes viral.

Hate and fear are fuel and leverage for manipulators.

It’s a form of worship that gives sacrifice to a god of vengeance, whose rites are dutifully enacted by its followers. Hate elevated to the status of virtue, which then breeds a like reaction to reset the world in trauma by which to shift to another set of narratives.

I think the WW2 psyop included predictive programming for industrially managed genetic control. As it didn’t find support overtly, it did away with out capacity to block it by systems of self-incentivised self-destruction or degradation of consciousness. Almost like they insinuate the movies in our mind and we act it out. like mindless golems or captive bot-net.

Whatever agencies are aligned in manipulative deceits, they operate within a society or culture of funding and support. perhaps because they always play to reinforce self-illusion within our own externalised hopes and fears.

Speak to the issues rather than deal in personal denigration from a presumed moral superiority.

You (OG) have every right to act in holding integrity as you feel it in terms of what you open to and what merely operates parasitically or destructive to integrity.

Its your house, and where you choose not to be abused or used for abuse, you can have a clear process and principle for this.

The set of power in the world is very deeply protected from exposure by all manner of complex diversions. My sense it it is forced to a self-disclosure despite and because of its attempts to evade, obfuscate or shut down communication but also from overreach that can no longer be contained or managed even with the help of an artificial or alien intelligence. (For it is a mass abduction rather than collectivist power).

I appreciate you published my reply and that we are all always learning by living.

Invested Identity as Blind Defence 

I am heartened to see that not everyone following James has diverted to a ditch of virology in which to maintain a psycho pathogenic view of Life Itself.

Lanka may be the most pivotal scientist of the era in my opinion - though I simply extend gratitude to all who are willing to love truth and embody the truth of love. The mindset in war will always deny and sacrifice truth to the dictates of war or a conflicted mind and world.

It doesn't seem conflicted because it can assign or flag the cause of it conflict externally to viruses against which it can mask in virtue.

Cowan's recent take on 'spike' toxin and gain of function's actual remit mirrors my own, and is key to a sense of how the magicians can craft the proteins that will be the fit for the tests that are crafted to fit the recombined virus 'definition' that will be 'discovered' from a convenient cluster assigned appropriate Media attention.

What we give reality to we give power to.

This is our most fundamental responsibility.

James resort reminds me of the groupthink to questioning anthropomorphic climate virology (humans as virus); Cant allow the diversion or give platform to such a dead end in a time of crisis.

Quoting expert testimony brings - "they are paid by Big Oil - just like Big Tobacco". The mind is closed and programmed to run only as invested identity permits.

I don't use 'There is no virus' as do opinionated dumpers int comment threads in exactly the way flat earthers dumped on globalists ;-)

I also go into the mind that is projecting ITS pattern of intent TO the postulated virus. Fear DOES work contagion in the unwary and through very devious pathways of invested 'solutions' in which fear SEEMS to be distanced, locked down or masked over. But is no less active for being denied direct awareness.