My offering at this moment is that support for our masking persona is in a sense being withdrawn - hence the survival drive to shut down the light and reset control as a defining and containing structure to which life is locked down, distanced, masked and defended against healing. (Perceived as fear of pain of loss of face, & loss of self)
The forms this takes in any of us are shifting and various, with multiple domains of resonant or reinforcing identities at different levels. Narrative identity can only perceive what it believes it must see to survive. That is the function it was invoked to fulfil as protection WITHIN self conflicted illusion.
As I write this I have the image of the breaking of the condition of the womb, or veil - of boundary as a separating identity, to the restoration of boundary as the medium of an always already Communioned Communication.
Truth is resonant and congruent alignment in our self and Self. That this gives tangible and visible forms of reflection, sharing and exchange is not to be defined by those forms.
But such is the sleep of habit that takes symbol or ideas as the Thing Itself, to which we adapted or normalised as 'reality'.
Justice - Just Is - might be seen as the nature of an equals sign, because no matter what you take from or push onto one side will become the balancing of the other. The capacity of complex systems to operate 'out of balance' is always part of a greater balancing act.
But if intent to contain or mask conflict in structures of compartmentalisation becomes 'top heavy' it will in its moment - flip.
Reset was also used for a spring mechanism, such as way of storing kinetic energy - like a jack in the box!
The ability to push down and forget what lies beneath, gives a seemingly new arena in which to explore Soul themes, or live a life as if a stranger in a strange land.
These are not mutually exclusive, but only one knows the purpose of its direction, the other reacts in a maze that sets or resets it in estrangement. Until Soul connection wakes conscious purpose.
The Apocalypse or Revelation - or even Disclosure, all point to what lies beneath... coming into a previously compartmentalised or conditioned awareness.
Yet we each and together remain creators of meaning - either in alignment of coherence of being or in conflicted means by which to en-trance to a casting out in projection of shadows. Shadows concealed - by - the very act of focusing our thought. The active ignorance of thinking to know, in place of a knowing that aligns thought.
We get a head of our Self.
Self illusion must seek social reinforcement - even if imaginary or creatively channelling qualities that are 'non local'. Such as to generate a narrative of support or justification as a prequel or context that masks over, augments or replaces the Already Given Context of a Self that has no 'other' - and so is hidden by the 'othering' of projected image of enemy, threats out of a past invoked to support awareness of existence given to fear.
Working out of karma can be made into an endless carrot and stick. Such as ego makes of any movement of reconciliation and release, if given allegiance.
The idea of Mercy is of a different order. That cannot be conceived by the mind of its own thinking. Truth has never been corrupted. False inheritance never broke a true Inherence.
But in the minds that wanted their own judgement to prevail over all else.
Covert ID.