Is Credible Media Both Anti-State and Anti-War?
Above is an editorial that touches on the recent survey in which the mainstream media are reckoned to be negatively viewed by about half it readership. I don't know about the dwindling focus that even subscribes to its attempt to dictate the narrative rather than practice journalism.
In the Daily Bell context I wrote:
For me the credibility is not in any preconceived stance - but in the
extension and honouring of a genuine willingness of communication and
In consciousness and in society - the balance points
need to be held to keep the space open for a healthy diversity. The idea
of centralised 'top-down' control has had its epoch. The force of such
denial and suppression of Life is a death force when identified with
The 'global agenda' may believe itself nearly victorious - but it can only see what its own Life denying thought dictates.
prepare for wtshtf CHAOS agenda may be shifting power from people to
corrupted forms of governance that corporations milk in true socialist
fashion while the bottom feeders get free-market freedom to race to the
The mind's attempt to get Life into stone tablets or indeed
ideological premises is a conforming and limiting movement. There are
times to limit and conform our impulses - but not to set such moments
out of context and apply without discernment.
Perhaps we live in the
breaking of the wave and the only option is how we relate to that
process of change. Mapping control types seek better boats or
strongholds or places of refuge but a surfer needs to be the
relationship with the wave as it moves through them.
My feeling is
that the world as we know it is not as we think and that the wave is
breaking through us in a way that effects the breakdown of control in
the sense of a sense of private power over Life. Much of our illusion is
'made real' to us by reinforcements of tacit or overt agreements, as
well as the subconscious responses of deeply imprinted conditioning. If
we have no capacity to feel and know and act outside the box of our
conditionings then as conditions of support are no longer available, the
core beliefs and definitions one actually lives by are exposed - be
that personal or corporate. Humiliating - for humankind I do not doubt.
Humbling" Perhaps. Ultimately Life is what we make of it by our chosen
response - regardless the outer condition. We forget that and run on
auto pilot, many levels deep... until its time for a Refresh - or
perhaps just time to fade into the lifelessness of no desire for the
experience of Existence.
Anti-war is also war. To be wholly FOR
something as one's freely accepted or chosen path, is not to actively
deny any other possible choice by giving it negative charge of
invalidation AS a choice. Being 'against' something 'negative' is a
trick-device to keep it in secret while purporting to get rid of it.
Temporarily expedient at times, but the 'secret' of subconsciously
repressed or unconsciously denied Life is a shadow 'jack in the box'
that runs our lives while we 'live on the surface reality that
substitutes a guilted and fearful existence for Life, lived, known, felt
and shared.
The hatred of 'being controlled' is accepted over
against deeper fear of losing control to terror, rage and powerlessness.
An honest perspective cannot continue to pretend the surface reality is
not breaking down - and that there are ancient conditionings that it
was originally made to keep out or suppress. The Currency of our
conceptual framework is as bankrupt as the fiat money system. Indeed it
is a direct Reflection. What then is true worth, truly shared value and a
basis for a grounded Sanity of being? Old words don't have any power
unless they are truly lived and exemplified. Because all of them have
been debased, corrupted and rendered meaningless by what they have been
used FOR.
Purpose is foundational. I am attracted to finding fresh
ways to witness to Life, simply because I feel Life within me - and as a
result become more aware of lifelessness in terms of all that
undermines, invalidates and conforms Life to a loveless agenda - often
in the name of love. So this means I read the world - and the Media at a
deeper level than surface reaction - for I am also reading my own
thought and response as part of the otherwise hidden context in which
any ideas run.
Credibility is a matter of establishing and growing a
relationship of mutual trust. Not a technique of assertive targeted
Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Injecting a fear agenda into the young
Flu Vaccines and the Ascent of Allopathy
The arena of biology is fast becoming the crisis point or choice that will perhaps be the determining factor in world we experience ourselves to be. As ever subtler means are developed, of capturing, manipulating, controlling, farming or indeed culling or killing others - and Life on Earth generally - the quality of and capacity for Life on Earth is progressively degraded. Because such 'mentality' can assert narratives of 'progress' for an ever smaller dominant group, loss of Life - of Consciousness can proceed with hardly being noticed or able to find articulation within the Mentality. Indeed Everything is simply redefined and redistributed in ways that more deeply in-debt or entrap the captive fragmented consciousness in complex narratives of struggle and sacrifice of joy and freedom to externally dictated demands of conforming necessities - even in apparent oppositional identity.
I have come to the conclusion that beneath the appearances of gaining control through pretence to empower or protect, is hateful and vengefully destructive intent, that operates in extremely complex and subtle deceits that our thinking cannot unravel or counter because it is predicated in narrative identity provided or subverted by such Life-denying intent.
The fruits of hate cannot be indefinitely camouflaged, or hidden by diversionary device. But can operate out in plain sight behind culturally agreed definitions that are not open to question or challenge - not least because they have been made foundational to so much else that then came after.
Scientific Enquiry is not inherently a 'command and control' mentality - but is a subset of a desire to uncover, explore, know and share. The subversion of Science follows the same pattern as the subversion of any cultural inspiration - because our undercurrent identity in denied emotional acceptance and expression is not recognized and is denied or defended against rather than itself being uncovered, explored, known and brought to a true communication.
Forced vaccinations, along with adulteration of our air, water, food and medicine supply, impose an environment of chemical, viral, and bio-tech mutated genetic toxicity upon our physical body and brain. They operate an externally enforced coercion of a captive consciousness within which an increasingly dis-functional and degraded capacity to feel and know and communicate. It appears to be a War on Life and Consciousness from OUT there.
Anything one then does within such a framed narrative feeds the idea of externally imposed power and a split off captive victim whose undercurrent psyche carries shame, terror and rage. This is very active in the world. We do not recognize the power of denied consciousness to subvert and sabotage our lives, but tend to project and personify it upon others - and feel justified in hate and righteous rage in opposing the perceived and believed evil.
The mind can be used to magic away such evil - by all sorts of tricks. But none of them truly do more than temporarily cover it by asserting a fragmented and coercive world and identity.
BECAUSE of such mind in act - one cannot communicate the ruse to those who believe it works to protect them from evil. They simply equate bringing their mind or world into question with exposure to (and subjection to) evil outcome.
Perhaps evil is too emotive a term but it spells 'live' backwards.
Jesus says "Resist ye not evil". However he was extremely vigilant in recognizing any such intent in himself, his friends or fellow man and immediately divesting of it. THEN he could feel or discern the true will within any situation and relate and share a unified and unifying perspective. (Rather than react in ITS terms).
The idea of repenting and setting a direction is a simple and instant correction, that was subverted to an endlessly sacrificial process of teaching and learning futility.
There's no big deal to an honesty of being that 'gets it' - and has already dropped the crap and adopted a true course. But it wont happen under the belief that 'I am shit" that drops or invalidates our true desire in then proceeding to find ways for making 'living in shit' more bearable.
The attempt to inject fear agenda into the young operates in all kinds of ways. For the young have the experience of coming into a world that violates and assaults them under the guise of love and protection.
Big Pharma,
Beneath appearance is actual intent
In alternatives to the mainstream news cartel are many perspectives on geopolitics but often falling into reactive narratives based on the same mentality that is being criticized or hated. This was one such.
Beneath appearance is actual intent
While partial truths can be glimpsed as some layers of illusion are revealed, the nature of the imprint of power and terror in our whole body-mind is in fact 'our mind', and there is a sense in which the deceiver is never in any outward form but is 'divide and rule' operating within us - using our own thoughts.
You are not your thoughts - but you are aware of them - and can feel them as to whether they are truly aligned with the core signature vibration that is intimately recognizably you.
It will not take more than a moment to notice that you are profoundly identified with your thoughts, and that such thinking operates a sense of control over what are effectively denied or avoided emotional energy and expression.
Being identified in self concept - in the idea and image of oneself, is inherently a power struggle, a war, a conflicted state of being. Defending against change. This reflects to us as our perception and experience of world. Much of what we feel and think and believe is pushed unconscious - with a front face or presentation of a surface persona - that hides all that is pushed back and down.
The world can be used to recognize the denied self and bring it into true alignment - if that is the underlying desire. But in the persistence of the attempt to prevail as power over one's world', others or Life itself, is the world treacherous and set against you.
I'd thought I was going to write here that key corporate and financial powers funded the rise of the Bolsheviks and Nazis and Maoists and that there are many complexities involved because deceit, along with power born of (and operating) terror is its primary means of gaining power by invalidating and inducing others to give them it. This whole thing is an insanity - and while it is in us we live as if within it.
Power - in this worldly sense - is of a false image, an adulterated sense of the way of light in truth, and a corrupted sense of self - and it cares not what form it masks itself in excepting its own purpose is achieved.
The parasite uses - and uses up - its host. Its victory is over Life and that... is death. For it is the refusal and denial of Creation as it Moves - and when all that would move is conformed and controlled, there is no life - but a mentalism of a mask with nothing left to feed from.
It is mind-breaking to awaken from a false surface persona - but that is the condition in which true heart opening needs to be engaged - right where we are - not in feeding a subtler version of the lie that absorbs the forms of spirituality in exchange for the living relationship.
At different levels, are different perspectives. The outer rings believe they are defending or preserving the good against evil - or accepting the lesser evil. The inner rings believe they are attaining privilege and power. But at the core is a wholly destructive and deceitful intent.
Disengaging from hate agenda is not possible while believing oneself to be fighting it. Self-righteousness is a mask over un-owned self. If you are more in the mask than in your true feelings then as the mask is stripped away - you will not recognize yourself. Only compassion can embrace the negative aspects and bring healing.
Vengeance wants nothing to do with healing. It wants to hurt back and glory in victory of a private self-validation. And if it cant win - then no one shall...
Beneath appearance is actual intent
While partial truths can be glimpsed as some layers of illusion are revealed, the nature of the imprint of power and terror in our whole body-mind is in fact 'our mind', and there is a sense in which the deceiver is never in any outward form but is 'divide and rule' operating within us - using our own thoughts.
You are not your thoughts - but you are aware of them - and can feel them as to whether they are truly aligned with the core signature vibration that is intimately recognizably you.
It will not take more than a moment to notice that you are profoundly identified with your thoughts, and that such thinking operates a sense of control over what are effectively denied or avoided emotional energy and expression.
Being identified in self concept - in the idea and image of oneself, is inherently a power struggle, a war, a conflicted state of being. Defending against change. This reflects to us as our perception and experience of world. Much of what we feel and think and believe is pushed unconscious - with a front face or presentation of a surface persona - that hides all that is pushed back and down.
The world can be used to recognize the denied self and bring it into true alignment - if that is the underlying desire. But in the persistence of the attempt to prevail as power over one's world', others or Life itself, is the world treacherous and set against you.
I'd thought I was going to write here that key corporate and financial powers funded the rise of the Bolsheviks and Nazis and Maoists and that there are many complexities involved because deceit, along with power born of (and operating) terror is its primary means of gaining power by invalidating and inducing others to give them it. This whole thing is an insanity - and while it is in us we live as if within it.
Power - in this worldly sense - is of a false image, an adulterated sense of the way of light in truth, and a corrupted sense of self - and it cares not what form it masks itself in excepting its own purpose is achieved.
The parasite uses - and uses up - its host. Its victory is over Life and that... is death. For it is the refusal and denial of Creation as it Moves - and when all that would move is conformed and controlled, there is no life - but a mentalism of a mask with nothing left to feed from.
It is mind-breaking to awaken from a false surface persona - but that is the condition in which true heart opening needs to be engaged - right where we are - not in feeding a subtler version of the lie that absorbs the forms of spirituality in exchange for the living relationship.
At different levels, are different perspectives. The outer rings believe they are defending or preserving the good against evil - or accepting the lesser evil. The inner rings believe they are attaining privilege and power. But at the core is a wholly destructive and deceitful intent.
Disengaging from hate agenda is not possible while believing oneself to be fighting it. Self-righteousness is a mask over un-owned self. If you are more in the mask than in your true feelings then as the mask is stripped away - you will not recognize yourself. Only compassion can embrace the negative aspects and bring healing.
Vengeance wants nothing to do with healing. It wants to hurt back and glory in victory of a private self-validation. And if it cant win - then no one shall...
Beyond dialectic ; Is man-made global warming a red herring?
Binra writes: "The title of this web page is an example of 'framing'"
(Why do so many Americans doubt that global warming is real?)
It's certainly an example of "framing" as you say, where the term "framing" has been introduced by so called "social scientists" during the past 30 years, Before that though it had a different name. It was called the "Hegelian Dialectic" and was based on the work of a German philosopher of science named Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in the 1800s.
The essence of Hegel's argument was that the discourse be based on only two extremes (the Earth is being destroyed by human action vs. the Earth is not being destroyed by human action). This concept was later developed by Karl Popper (who only recently passed in 1994) as what we now know of as the "scientific method".
Popper's contribution was what we call "the null hypothesis" and he proposed that any hypothesis that couldn't be "falsified" (proven incorrect) was not a scientific hypothesis. For that advance on Hegel's basic work, he was awarded a Nobel Prize.
The Hegelian Dialectic is too easy to subvert, which is why Popper's solution was so well received. Hegel's philosophy is easily abused by people who simply change the goal posts to make their point. Hegel allows you to change your argument; Popper doesn't. You have a hypothesis that says increased CO2 will cause a proportional and predictive increase in average global temperature. Popper would tell you the null hypothesis is that average global temperature varies "naturally" or is random; it is not influenced by human produced carbon dioxide.
Our observations over the past 18 years and 9 months are that carbon dioxide has increased and average global temperature has not. This supports the "null hypothesis" and denies the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hypothesis. For this reason, scientists who adhere to Karl Popper's philosophy of science reject the AGW hypothesis.
Believers in the AGW hypothesis don't reject it based on this evidence. They continue to lobby political organizations to take steps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions without regard to evidence.
That isn't scientific as we currently understand the term, which is why so called "deniers" are very concerned about the plans of "warmists" to tax everyone on the planet for carbon dioxide emissions; there's no scientific basis for it.
I observe that patterns of denial operate within and upon consciousness, as a segregative and separating or splitting off 'that which is being denied' - such as guilt, fear, rage, inadequacy, shame, powerlessness (and beneath these even positive attraction and desire associated with the previous list) - and the denying or 'controlling' mind of surface presentation.
Any such 'solution' operates the 'power' to judge and redefine ones experienced reality into terms that allow the 'power' of a coercive sense of control, to persist/survive.
The morass of complexity of this 'magical' attempt to define/explain reality is itself full of the accumulated emotional charge of millennia of layering of such denials and fragmentations - and the mind associated with 'control' is lost within its own narratives of inherited conditions that it false believes it is free of and free to attain mastery over Life.
The love of truth is not Itself a method or technique - but a quality of recognition that may indeed begin with a recognition of falsity, and evils or destructive, dysfunctional and futile or self-defeating act or thought.
Self-contra diction is in-congruency and an incongruency is a dissonance that is open to narratives of inner conflict that then frames our approach to our relational experience - our world.
My primary discernment of the Climate change idea is running upon the human guilt and fear (and rage) that is the same as it ever was but wearing different clothes.
Un-owned (denied) emotional charge attracts and is open to manipulative intent. It gives power to manipulative (loveless or oppositional intent to that which aligns truly with one's Life - as opposed to falsely derived self concept).
The immediate sense I receive in meeting such intent is of a loss of relationship or communication to assertive denials and persuasive coercions and threats. So regardless at first if there is a man made element and indeed a forecastable trend to be discerned or linked to events we can influence - the WAY in which it is being conducted is a sort of Chicken Licken/Foxy Loxy deceit - with which I want no part - excepting as now to reflect or witness to - from a perspective that is not merely reactive nor accepting the narrative that is being leveraged and propagated by agendas I do not share or opportunists who don't care for true relation or communication.
And so such issues become a reflection by which to become more deeply aligned with what I feel truly aligned with and supportive of - and to disassociate with what I do not.
The manipulator doesn't care that carbon dioxide isn't proven to relate to global warming once a VERY LOUD "consensual" ASSERTION has imprinted the association to allow leverage thereby, not least because it operates an overwhelming capacity to propagate and protect its 'narrative' against question or challenge.
There are many other such examples that belie what passes as Science, as a subversion to human corruptions, consciously or as a victim of deceits.
So many other points - but the key point is to be willing to question and challenge our own thinking and experience when the reflections indicate that we have lost our honesty in presuming to war FOR truth rather than rest in it. The 'fight against evil' is one of the primary deceits by which one's own denied correspondence is kept hidden - and given power - by the mask of righteousness that then blindly rides roughshod over the living.
Believers are troubled to find their 'very important truth' that
Overrides Everything Else, is not being believed or agreed with and so
they seek to assert their 'truth' upon the unwilling - who may have any
number of reasons as to why they don't share the asserted truth. This
includes the way it is being purveyed and the kind of agendas that are
coming up through it.
That humans are operating self destructively and also destroying or at least significantly degrading Earth Life - is a worthy issue that the Red Herring of GW is successfully usurping for a corporate carbon austerity fascism - masking as a collective necessity.
Sowing dissension and conflict is PART OF the device that works destruction and yet fools think they are fighting for Good against Evil.
There is no real UNDERSTANDING of the nature of EMOTIONALLY driven MENTALITY. Such mentality is in the illusion of freedom and control and fighting reinforces such identity theft.
That humans are operating self destructively and also destroying or at least significantly degrading Earth Life - is a worthy issue that the Red Herring of GW is successfully usurping for a corporate carbon austerity fascism - masking as a collective necessity.
Sowing dissension and conflict is PART OF the device that works destruction and yet fools think they are fighting for Good against Evil.
There is no real UNDERSTANDING of the nature of EMOTIONALLY driven MENTALITY. Such mentality is in the illusion of freedom and control and fighting reinforces such identity theft.
and... the first post of mine into this page:
“95% certainty"
I wonder if scientism is a form of humourless blindness.
From where I stand the more of such % 'science' is propagandised the more self-invalidating it announces itself in plain sight!
However, I don't require anyone stand with me to be 100% certain that I am listening within to the a current discernment of this moment and indeed movement of being. Nor does my 100% for me detract from anyone else's freedom to be any percent aligned with their own choice.
For whatever the data, and however that is then interpreted, one is accepting or not accepting according to choices made.
When this is brought to awareness, it will operate reintegratively - to a harmony within a wholeness of embrace and appreciation.
But when attention is forced into specific focus, awareness of wholeness is sacrificed for an assertive and coercively defined will or self - and a segregative agenda is enacted that operates division and rule, over and through conflict.
I don't have any studies or papers - but the Perspective of observation is readily available and any moment in which a willingness to see arises, serves perfectly to verify what I say here.
The title of this web page is an example of 'framing' so as to induce the unwitting reader into an asserted presumption by which a true perspective is masked or hidden.
Certainty is not the domain of science. It cannot and never will find it while it is purports to be science of a mind divorced from its true Field of Consciousness.
Reproducibility is supposed to make science fact - but the desire to make fact is called a wish or indeed a lie - and any lie calls upon more such 'facts' to support or hide its true status.
It isn't merely climate change augmented by human effects going on - but changes in the Field of Consciousness in which the Idea of Humanity is invited to evolve that are accelerating and intensifying.
The jamming signal by which an exploration/experiment in separation has been conducted is being rendered ineffective.
Why do so many scientists doubt that consciousness is real? - or subordinate or invalidate it in 'consciously (sic) focussing exclusively without!
and to my red herring remark:
And so 'problems' are 'solved' by methods that suppress the form while propagating their agenda.
Insane thinking leads to insane perceptions, justifications and reactions. One cannot reason with an insane thinker until they have some glimmer of recognition of their insanity.
Rather than projecting it onto everyone and everything OUT THERE. If we are not realigned with a true sanity then our best intentions will be subverted by agenda we are not even aware of.
Hell bent on destruction - but at least there is a ninety something percent consensus in believing 'we' are right!
Mutually Agreed Distraction.
I wonder if scientism is a form of humourless blindness.
From where I stand the more of such % 'science' is propagandised the more self-invalidating it announces itself in plain sight!
However, I don't require anyone stand with me to be 100% certain that I am listening within to the a current discernment of this moment and indeed movement of being. Nor does my 100% for me detract from anyone else's freedom to be any percent aligned with their own choice.
For whatever the data, and however that is then interpreted, one is accepting or not accepting according to choices made.
When this is brought to awareness, it will operate reintegratively - to a harmony within a wholeness of embrace and appreciation.
But when attention is forced into specific focus, awareness of wholeness is sacrificed for an assertive and coercively defined will or self - and a segregative agenda is enacted that operates division and rule, over and through conflict.
I don't have any studies or papers - but the Perspective of observation is readily available and any moment in which a willingness to see arises, serves perfectly to verify what I say here.
The title of this web page is an example of 'framing' so as to induce the unwitting reader into an asserted presumption by which a true perspective is masked or hidden.
Certainty is not the domain of science. It cannot and never will find it while it is purports to be science of a mind divorced from its true Field of Consciousness.
Reproducibility is supposed to make science fact - but the desire to make fact is called a wish or indeed a lie - and any lie calls upon more such 'facts' to support or hide its true status.
It isn't merely climate change augmented by human effects going on - but changes in the Field of Consciousness in which the Idea of Humanity is invited to evolve that are accelerating and intensifying.
The jamming signal by which an exploration/experiment in separation has been conducted is being rendered ineffective.
Why do so many scientists doubt that consciousness is real? - or subordinate or invalidate it in 'consciously (sic) focussing exclusively without!
and to my red herring remark:
I would put it much stronger than that. There are issues arising from an insane identification of humankind and its agendas that are much more destructive than the GW scenarios. And because 'trouble at home' is hidden by diversionary tactic of trouble OUT THERE - almost no one is looking at what and where the core problem is - and if they do - and somehow find some way to articulate it - almost no one is willing to listen - because it is the direction of associations we are conditioned most to avoid, and undermines the persona we have so much investment in as a way of denying what we most hate or deny in ourselves.odin2 to binra
Exactly. The myth of AGW is distracting from and sucking resources away from real environmental problems.
And so 'problems' are 'solved' by methods that suppress the form while propagating their agenda.
Insane thinking leads to insane perceptions, justifications and reactions. One cannot reason with an insane thinker until they have some glimmer of recognition of their insanity.
Rather than projecting it onto everyone and everything OUT THERE. If we are not realigned with a true sanity then our best intentions will be subverted by agenda we are not even aware of.
Hell bent on destruction - but at least there is a ninety something percent consensus in believing 'we' are right!
Mutually Agreed Distraction.
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