The nature of a masking reality experience
I started writing into the theme of a comment:
But decided to post here for those with interest or resonance in the framing of consciousness to its experience of self and world.(The linked page focuses in questioning predicates of the genetic dogma or model of life as genetic structural determinism).
I appreciate the gist of this and your last long posted reply as putting forth a positive framework rather than simply saying x,y, z doesn't exist.
I see the pattern of cover story for persisting in self-illusion (set as conflict with Source-Nature) as a mythic (narrative) self-image cast in -and thus casting out archetypes of Separation trauma to a self-dissociation of grievance set in fear-conflicted, pain of loss.
Lies by which we live are thus the masking of fear, pain and loss within the family, social & cultural 'consciences' of belonging - as existential survival in terms of a dissociation that can also be framed as an addiction to the masking personae as the means to get perceived needs or get away and get rid of perceived threats. As a getting mechanism it masks in forms of social manipulations that operate a collective but generally tacit set of rules and filters by which to maintain separation within appearances of limited 'joining'.
Maintaining face or control has a private or inner masking against looking within, and a public face of seeking reinforcement, acceptance or vindication.
All the above is usually considered intellectually as if operating in terms of rational concepts but the most part is pre-verbal developments of learning, acquisition and inherited adaptations that constitute our respective and collective sense of self and world as experience and exploration of idea through experience.
Therefore I see the patterns of beliefs and behaviours in the world running for the most part covert to the casting of identities acting out a self-reinforcing or compelling experience of the currently active 'beliefs' running as structurally framing rules and filters of attention and intention as meanings given acceptance.
Casting out or projecting is a distortion of what mind is and does as the extension of Idea - which is Creative unfolding and expansion of qualitative appreciation in all it parts whole. Projecting to get and get rid of is the 'extension' of the mind of conflicted dissonance, by which to perceive instead of know. To exchange the intimate intuitive Participation of being, for a world of false appearances seeming real to which we give our reality as to an image that we love because we made it, but that cannot love us because it we made it for getting or boosting a sense of self-lack set into defences of masking limitations and imitations of a love framed in pain of rejection, abandonment, treachery and betrayal. Intelligence as ingenuity dedicated to artifice set over and against fear of total overwhelm is a cover story by which to buy time against the Inevitable - for illusions are temporary appearances of substitution for reality, given 'life' by our reactions - such as being phished by image and forms that do not represent the meanings we assumed true.
Our models of life and world are for most part representing the mindset of predictive control. rather than the unfolding and extension and thus participation in Meaning - that is qualitatively integral and innate to being, yet hidden or masked over by the wish or attempt to grasp, possess and define or control.
Gene genie is trapped by the wish to rule its own world.
Not unlike the Prodigal Son.
But the willingness to release a false inheritance for a true inherence as a servant or extension of a true will, is not a regression or stamping out of all we have lived, but its refinement and repurposing to a reintegrative expansion of a living.
"Behold I make all things new!" as the living moment.
Stamping the grievance of a past on the present into a future forever like itself is a decision that can never rest fulfilled, because Presence is not as presented, but that we insist by acting out.
The true nature of thought is masked over by doublethink of self contra-dictions by which we think to think alone, apart and besieged by fears set in ever shifting threats. This is the word we give our embodiment yet live as if subject to being externally or physically defined and determined. Because we want -or believe we need what that gives us.
Nike's comment:
How does the System cover up the fact that our body is harmed by factors that are mainly attributable to those who are in power?
How is the fact that our organism is harmed by conditions and situations generating hatred, envy, worries, fears, annoyances, sorrows and soul sufferings covered up?
How is the fact that our body is harmed by conditions and situations that force us to overexert ourselves physically, overexert ourselves intellectually, not sleep for 8 hours at night, have a restless night’s sleep, not have enough food, eat poor quality food, drink water contaminated with chemicals, metals and minerals, breathe polluted air, be exposed to noise pollution, be exposed to light pollution, be exposed to the elements and be exposed to shock thermal?
How is the fact that our body is harmed by synthetic chemicals that are toxic, used in industry, in agriculture and animal husbandry, in food processing, and in the production of drugs and vaccines, covered up?
How is the fact that our body is harmed by artificial electromagnetic radiation, which is unnatural, covered up?
How is the fact that our body is harmed by some of the investigative medical procedures, some of the medical therapy procedures, and some of the tissue replacement medical procedures masked?
The answer is simple:
1) Some so-called Medical Faculties are created, in which some so-called doctors and some so-called pharmacists are trained.
2) At the same time, the population is trained by teachers, journalists and television people to believe that these so-called doctors and pharmacists created by the System are very intelligent and honest, which is why they fully know how things are with health and disease and are sincerely concerned with healing the sick and keeping people healthy.
3) After which, these so-called doctors and pharmacists created by the System blame the ruination of people’s health on some so-called bacteria, on some so-called viruses, on some so-called genes of heredity and on an alleged permanent abuse of salt, sugar and fats that almost all people would be guilty of.