Saturday, 1 May 2021

Cast in the mask of a rulebound and covert identity BY the act of 'saving' a self apart.

 Natural is not separate, but true to nature or living principle.

Our mind 'thinks' itself separate, and perceives a fragmented or broken (fallen) nature to which it adapts as if to an external, alien will or realm of 'otherness'.
That it seeks and finds allies, props and witnesses is its 'survival' within a mind it casts out to receive in like kind.
Contractual agreements can become invisible tacit social rules and filters by which to seem to rule out or cast out conflicts so as to seem to escape by distancing, lockdown and masking.

What runs beneath is the basis from which all else proceeds. When proceedings are intended to hide what runs beneath, we live the result of sharing in such an intent, until we release the cover story to a willingness to reevaluate what we thought or reacted to as true, trustworthy or real.
But we are thus cast in the mask of such a rulebound and covert or hidden identity BY the act of 'saving' a self apart.
I find A Course in Miracles speaks to and illuminates what is going on in the 'mind that makes such a world', in such a way as to recognise it is not Who I am or what I truly want. But while it lies hidden I 'see it as an insane world that baits me to react in its own frame of fully believed deceits. For we are convinced and convicted by fear-backed thinking that has all the pain of loss compounded by defences that reinforce fear, as threat, attack and pain of deep conflict in a heart that becomes victim, armoured, masked over hidden, denied, 'made safe'.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Something Demonic-Satanic?  


Where is their humanity though would you or I do this to our fellow man?

There has to be something demonic satanic.

Fear of truth, demonises to mask over its denial.

Masking narratives operate plausible deniability as self justification.

If you see this event has been long in the planning, you can also appreciate much was already in place when 'China caught a cold'.

What narratives are people operating from?

Insider narratives will be fed as if privileged information serving some sort of worthy or necessary cause or duty. Mainstream narratives are mind-management.

Fear/threat, distancing/dissociation lockstepped denial, masking virtue in gaslighting reversals - its all demonic or satanic - but as a reiteration of a much tighter noose than was already normalised social masking.

We have no real sense of what we have already lost, as we are set up to lose even the little that we hath.

What do we truly Have and Be?

What SHALL we release as false or worthless?

What shall we align in as our true desire?

These questions are not self-reinforcing compliance to a mindtrap made real - for by reaction can fear make real, to the minds of its believers.

Fear of loss runs AS IF protection, by holding a fixation in masking over fear, pain and loss set as virtue,

Love of life lived and shared, is lost to a fixation in fear and control, set in separatenesses seeking social reinforcement, that of course reinforces fear of losing even the little that they hath.

Never mind what 'will be lost' - look at what is willingly abandoned and sacrificed even under the fear of the threat of 'losing'!

If the process is that of revealing or a self-disclosure, then invested self illusion finds no place to stand and is thus seeking to double down in weaponised and marketised cover ID, acted out upon the body to lock down the mind.

Live this day well!

Virus theory undone - Shedding fears - (added to)


Dr Stefan Lanka has just performed lab tests of the procedures use to confirm viral infection - but using a control of no 'infected' or disease sample.

This control has never knowingly been done - or published. Those who seek to understand to basis by which viruses are believed to operate will already know that the sample from a sick patient is added to prepared cell-culture, whose preparation includes starving and poisoning before adding the 'infected material'. So Stefan did not add such material, but shows the exactly same cytopathic effect (cell death) as is claimed to prove viral infection.

(An very readable book as a general background to what is behind the scenes as virology is 'Fear of the Invisible' by Janine Roberts).

With regard to exosomal (extracellular) communication, such as has been observed in some instances, there may be other guiding and aligning organising fields at work that embody both memory and functional adaptation, that can hardly be assigned to a packet of protein wrapped cell detritus. But that Communication is the FACT, is to me demonstrated by the result of rules, masks and filters that shape our perception and experience.

The links to 'shedding' indicate that toxicity can communicate physically. I also add that fear communicates atmospherically, or energetically. Much of what we call our life and world is limited to a surface appearance, socially reinforced, that is masked over what runs beneath and set to protect the mask against such fear. I add that the masking defence sets the fear that it is premised or promising to protect.

By reaction can we make our fear real.

So the idea and fear of shedding of vaxxed GM viral contagion needs to be paused from permission to run in our heart and mind as true - else already invested fear of virus as contagion, combines with fear of GM evils, and malign or mad agenda, to operate a reiteration of the core program of sickness as defence against truth of Life, feared.

The uncovering of a true appreciation, requires a release of the false. But the capacity of our mind to invest in fear as a false basis from which to distance or dissociate, lockdown or deny and mask over as both hiding from AND masking In substitution for a true relationship, runs almost automatically as a learned adaptation to a world set in thought reversal. Such as to not be able to reach those who have in a sense taken the bait and are running with it for their very lives!

Uncovering lies and deceit can be disturbing, sometimes extremely so, for we are part of this world as it is part of us. So the willingness to research, ask and find answer, needs to be rooted in a desire for healing, peace, or reintegration of conflicting elements to a greater embrace. Else we think 'waking' is into ever deeper nightmare come true as the drama that feeds and validates a peaking of 'must DO or else', which then troughs to 'passive subjection' under narrative dictates as 'judgements set irrevocable' - also called 'the world'.

A Course in Miracles is not for getting a better handle on the 'world', but speaks to the devices, tricks and deceits of the mind that makes a masking 'reality' over a an Innocence of being that is timeless, boundless, and never truly absent, broken, crucified or denied - save that the Creative, given to fear, makes un-reality as division and rule, set in a Separation trauma that compounds itself in the attempt to escape, overcome or regain what was lost.

If we are afraid, regardless rational arguments against its premise, then there are active beliefs to uncover, rather than override, that are part of a complex of fears that then effectively program our reactions. Many are getting GM-vaxxed for fear of loss of social mobility, family access, employer compliance, social belonging etc. This is revealing the fears that are very strongly held.

A while back I strangely allowed by car radio to access BBC R4! Expecting to turn it back to the Aux setting immediately, I remained because its content felt very apt to real commentary on what is going on covidly, then it transpired it was the author answering questions on his book 'Never Let Me Go'. So I then bought and read it as an intuitive sketch of something parallel or like to a seeming world... that isn't as it seems - and yet is normalised. No spoilers here.

I don't think a mindcontrol health warning is needed for this one - though I came in part way through...

Stepping beyond fear-defences is both a grace and a process of willingness over time.

I see the Reintegrative Spirit as the undoing of the mind that thought its own thought had separated or been separated from the heart of God. We may not all use the term 'God' but we all recognise gratitude at heart.

Fears are being revealed that were hidden, and will seem to reiterate or reenact their basis for reaction.

The willingness to choose to not listen or consent, is part of letting in Perspective the fear automatically denies.

Even if that willingness seems small against something overwhelming. Challenging a boundary condition is knocking on the door of a Greater Relationship, rather than the ego breaking free of its (self-imposed) limitations. Our Intuition of Life is as loud as our willingness to hear and give embodiment. But re-assembling fragments of sampled insight to generate an insilico modelling of a 'whole' to then sell"! to a starved and poisoned world, persists the same addictive pattern with the potentials for healing. Life is always already whole and so attempt to sell or push an answer wehaven't really accepted and integrated can mask in virtues it has not let in, or accepted for itself, and so must assert to mask over doubts kept hidden by lack of love - whatever form it takes.


Opposing Views On COVID19: Dr. Mercola Versus Dr. Kamil

They share the view of pathogenic causation.

Good cop or bad cop? (narrative capture).

Have a quick look at Lanka's control study on the process by which a virus is 'proved' - ie Cytopathic effect.

The 'sampled' matter presumed to be infected/contagious is added to cell culture that has first been starved, and then toxified. The cell death/aberrations are then 'proof' of infection (!). The control study has never been published or know to have been done in which NOTHING is added to such 'prepared' cell culture - until now.

Though Lanka also ran a sample where RNA from a lab quality yeast was added.

Guess the result?

Or give a few minutes to find out.

Invested identity in fear and its 'defences and solutions' is never willing to question its own premise. Love of truth aligns truly because it is recognised and appreciated true,. Conflicted identity seeks to make truth support its attempt to prevail over sense of pathologically feared, hated and denied self-projections. Hence truth is the first 'casualty' of war - by usurpation and denial - not IN truth.

Whatever has been assigned to 'flu' and presumed to be virally caused/transmitted happened again under novel diagnosis and unfit for purpose testing  - both of which are essentially modelled and variable in their parameters.

But Communication - is the Nature of Existence and Being, and so the idea of contagion belongs in the psychic emotional expression of 'pathogenic intent'. Fear is not only the surface attention but part of the boundary structure of a sense of self individuation, taken out or denied its Self sustenance and direction.

Psychopathy in this sense is a dissociative reaction to fear of death of self as pain of loss.

This gives identity set over and against a terrain of threat, such as to seek independent autonomy. Terrain theory shares symbiotic function and belonging as the Field of which we are - rather than as an oppositional mind set in conflicting views.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

How is This Possible?



Bang on. God…how did we ever end up here? I keep asking myself, how the fuck is this possible?

'We' speaks for identity/reality in common.

'End up' signifies a final conclusion or last judgement.

Here is masked over by endless questioning the one thing that cannot know.

But asking how something could Be, opens the way to questioning its credentials.

You have covid as an open example of a nothing set up as a simulation whose REACTION demands sacrifice of everything.

Yet the attempt to escape and overcome or defend IS the 'problem' by which to reinforce or reset a mind-capture, by which to NOT end up exposed to invalidity and lack of substance, by the funding and support for the right to keep asking all the wrong questions of all the wrong experts.

The way out of an impossible situation is to recognise one is not in it.

A mistaken identity, is phished by reaction, to an identity theft, that then runs until the dissociation from reality is revealed as its discontinuity of status as fact.

The mind defines and models its reality from its own thought and resulting experience. We have come to 'live in our model' at cost of real relationships. Hence we result in a 'world' of transhumanism, or systemic technocracy under an artificial, alien or outsourced intelligence.

Addictive models run until they bottom out.

What do you get out of it?

Because without some hidden payoff, we would release a meaningless and futile   persistence in self-limitation and pain of loss.

The mind does not know How anything exists (at all)!

Insofar as Mind is Knowing it is transparent to a resonance, and recognition of That Everything Is - as it is. This is not a mental dissociation from which only false and insane outcomes are generated. It is implicit in 'Be still and know'. Traditionally 'be still and know God', but the abuse of virtues by masking deceit has devalued the word.

If you find yourself watching a movie that is unworthy of your investment of attention, walk out, turn off, and restore your mind to a truly aligned relational expression. Or else you invite it into your heart and mind as valid. Now you have to 'get rid of it' as if it violated you or piggybacked on old violation fears.

War on Evil!

That will do it - this time it will work.

Eradicating evil makes War Holy, 

Hate is vindicated, to enforce a destruction by which to Bilder-Back Better.

We arrive at our starting place

To know it for the first time.

Releasing a false foundation is the result of recognising lack of substance.

Everything in the 'ego-system' is aligned to prevent exposure to such awareness.

How is it possible to not know who you are?

Something 'else' has to creep into the foundation while you are not looking.


May Hem

Meet allies at A Stand in the Park, 10 to 11am in a park near you. Wear yellow clothing.

We need to unite and meet together. This movement started in Australia and has spread worldwide.

Please share:

I meet fellow human beings, who are willing to relate as human beings rather than corporately run ‘human’ assets or proxies.

We need real relationship both giving and receiving.

This is the core energy source that deceit must prey on to seem to have existence and power over life.

Give only as you would in truth receive, is no less true in reversal. Receive only as you would in truth pass on. Many received childhood experience we do not choose to pass on to our own children. Nor do I choose to dump shit on others just because some of it came to me. This is an ongoing ‘rehabilitation or re-education’, not a telling anyone else what to do or not do. But that we are beings of choice is lost in emotional reactions given our own consent.



I think you will find that capitalism will be the death of us all.

The use of money to make money from money is lacking true relational foundation and so steals from (denies) the true as a self-illusion of a world at cost of Soul. The pattern long predates ‘Capitalism’ which became materialism given technological worship.

Narrative ‘identity’ mutates as ever shifting evasions of relational honesty – not least under cover story of ‘war on threat, enemy, whateverism’.

But where we look to find ourselves remains the power and freedom of our own decision. While we use bogeymen and terror symbol to placeholder what we are NOT, they continue to give us the booster shot as an ‘identity reinforcement’.

All that is born shall come to die, but our appreciation of life can be limited to a locked down sense of dissociation in a body of lies, masking as truths that change with the wind. Struggle within competing truths as if one should prevail is ‘divide and rule’ OUT truth – which simply Is.

The power of decision is my own

Moneycircus said (in a thread of conversation):

Theodore Roszak is more relevant than ever.

“At the time the computer was gaining visibility on the social scene in the late 1940s there was a breakthrough in biology: the discovery of DNA… Researchers took the cybernetics information-transfer technology as a model for DNA. We now know that may not be adequate… Out of that came the image of DNA as a bio-computer and all of this lent credibility to DNA as an information processing mechanism. As we know DNA is the secret of life, it was like saying information is the secret of life.

“This is exactly what happened in the seventeenth century when scientists were looking for a model of the universe and they came up with the clock: we live in a clockwork universe and God is the great watchmaker in the sky.

“As of the 1950s it was as if the Great Watchmaker became the Great Cosmic Programmer and it became conventional for people to talk of their thinking as being programmed… This is nothing but an image or a paradigm or a model and it might not be adequate.”

And as of Apr 20201, The Guardian is still pushing this broken analogy: The clockwork universe: is free will an illusion?

In a way, one can see 'don't let truth get in the way of a good story'.

The mind can seek in the line of its own image, definition and thought, as an exclusive focus or if you like protected narrative or covert ID. It then has the experience of it Garbage in; garbage out, or sowing and reaping, by reaction to 'AS IF' in priority set over 'AS IS'. This is a mind of dissociation, alienation, conflict, isolation all framed as a problem of painful or deadly consequence, that hijacks and replicates by the very means of its 'solutions'. 

What is not apparent from such a sketch is the nature of the 'minds of many' operating social reinforcement or 'contagion' for memes or beliefs given 'salvatory' value, or inherited as implicit structure from a past that assigned such value.

The Mind asked 'what am I?' from a capacity to doubt the Self-Knowing that Existence Is, from a sense of lack, limit and conflicting differentiations. This 'mind' is split not only to levels and compartmentalised partitions, but as fragmented and shifting entanglements of charge separation and reaction. Be aware, I am still talking within Story here - but of a reintegrative movement.

Invested narrative identity is a result of value given and can as well be given as fixations set in horror, and subsequent attempts to mask over, deny, distance and lockdown as a salvation from a negatively defined motivating force, taken as a 'god' or substrate and Source of self and reality. Hence a hidden Death Cult.

My offering is an invitation to know the act you are living as your now, so as to choose to stay tuned in such thought, word, perception and response, or live the freedom to tune OUT from fixation in conflict, to the knowledge of Existence, which always precedes any 'mind-processing', and cannot BE processed or possessed and controlled, weaponised or marketised, organised or edited. Even an instant of such an alignment is the realignment of the mind in the heart as a more coherent and connected perception and appreciation of relational being.

It is also free willing. The idea of coercion is the idea of conflict. Translating from pathogen theory to terrain theory, is the redeeming of what is true in our experience to true qualities of being. Reintegrative healing of the root and source of a mind that thinks it thinks alone, and thinks that it is what its thinking 'creates' - set against what Is. Such are invested self illusions seeking 'cover story' to buy time against Life and Truth Feared.

Transforming identity set in fear, pain, guilt and hate is one step of willingness at a time, and inherently operates within relationships of a greater embracing truth that our actively running narrative masks over and masks out. It is never more than noticing freedom and aligning truly, rather than persist in the bait of a mindset of reaction. For by what we give energy and attention to, do we set value as currency of thought, perception and response. In this way, we are the decision maker; not the baited habit of old choices running as if autonomous hijackers of love and life. 

PS: My inspirational reading on this day - immediately after posting the above is the same theme, expressed in a particular language to the same recognition:

The power of decision is my own.
No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision.
No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him.
No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants.
And no one dies without his own consent.
Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose.
Here is your world, complete in all details.
Here is its whole reality for you.
And it is only here salvation is.
You may believe that this position is extreme, and too inclusive to be true.
Yet can truth have exceptions?
If you have the gift of everything, can loss be real?
Can pain be part of peace, or grief of joy?
Can fear and sickness enter in a mind where love and perfect holiness abide?
Truth must be all-inclusive, if it be the truth at all.
Accept no opposites and no exceptions, for to do so is to contradict the truth entirely. Salvation is the recognition that the truth is true, and nothing else is true.
This you have heard before, but may not yet accept both parts of it.
Without the first, the second has no meaning.
But without the second, is the first no longer true.
Truth cannot have an opposite.
This can not be too often said and thought about.
For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false.
And truth has lost its meaning.
Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false.
This is the simplest of distinctions, yet the most obscure.
But not because it is a difficult distinction to perceive.
It is concealed behind a vast array of choices that do not appear to be entirely your own.

And thus the truth appears to have some aspects that belie consistency, but do not seem to be but contradictions introduced by you.
As God created you, you must remain unchangeable, with transitory states by definition false.
And that includes all shifts in feeling, alterations in conditions of the body and the mind; in all awareness and in all response.
This is the all-inclusiveness which sets the truth apart from falsehood, and the false kept separate from the truth, as what it is.
Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance?
God made it not.
Of this you can be sure.
What can He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind that lives within a body that must die?
You but accuse Him of insanity, to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality.
He is not mad.
Yet only madness makes a world like this.
To think that God made chaos, contradicts His Will, invented opposites to truth, and suf- fers death to triumph over life; all this is arrogance.
Humility would see at once these things are not of Him.
And can you see what God created not?
To think you can is merely to believe you can perceive what God willed not to be.
And what could be more arrogant than this?
Let us today be truly humble, and accept what we have made as what it is.
The power of decision is our own.
Decide but to accept your rightful place as co-creator of the universe, and all you think you made will disappear.
What rises to awareness then will be all that there ever was, eternally as it is now.
And it will take the place of self-deceptions made but to usurp the altar to the Father and the Son.
Today we practice true humility, abandoning the false pretense by which the ego seeks to prove it arrogant.
Only the ego can be arrogant.
But truth is humble in acknowledging its mightiness, its changelessness and its eternal wholeness, all-encompassing, God's perfect gift to His beloved Son.
We lay aside the arrogance which says that we are sinners, guilty and afraid, ashamed of what we are; and lift our hearts in true humility instead to Him Who has created us immaculate, like to Himself in power and in love.
The power of decision is our own.
And we accept of Him that which we are, and humbly recognize the Son of God.
To recognize God's Son implies as well that all self-concepts have been laid aside, and recognized as false.
Their arrogance has been perceived.
And in humility the radiance of God's Son, his gentleness, his perfect sinlessness, his Father's Love, his right to Heaven and release from hell, are joyously accepted as our own.

Now do we join in glad acknowledgment that lies are false, and only truth is true.
We think of truth alone as we arise, and spend five minutes practicing its ways, encour- aging our frightened minds with this:

  •  The power of decision is my own.

  •  This day I will accept myself as what my Father's Will created me to be.

  •  Then will we wait in silence, giving up all self-deceptions, as we humbly ask our Self that He reveal Himself to us.
    And He Who never left will come again to our awareness, grateful to restore His home to God, as it was meant to be.

    In patience wait for Him throughout the day, and hourly invite Him with the words with which the day began, concluding it with this same invitation to your Self.
    God's Voice will answer, for He speaks for you and for your Father.
    He will substitute the peace of God for all your frantic thoughts, the truth of God for self- deceptions, and God's Son for your illusions of yourself.

( A Course in Miracles - Lesson 152)

Monday, 26 April 2021


#1 Competing Theories

les online

during the 37 minutes i sat watching this video i was badgered by the thought “has Lockdown Skeptics taken over this site ? is this Lockdown Skeptics #2 site ?”

it impresses that it should’ve been titled “The Germ Theory Fights Back Against the Encroachments of Terrain theory. Salvo 1…”

if you accept any of the germ theory premises, you’re fighting on THEIR terrain…

Narrative filters operate mostly without consciousness. And so those whose identity experience is through such filters HAS to either interpret everything to their model, ignore it, or question their model/image/ self.

While there's a war going on, there is no time to pause and quaestion and no sense of being able to afford truth that reveals a weakness that can lose support or be attacked.

Truth remains quietly ignored.

That any invested identity is brought to question will of course be seen as threat and meet attack, denial, ridicule etc.

The thing is not to be seen to be right, but to become aligned with truth in a way that can find common elements that are supportive of the conditions in which conscious communication can occur.

So Knut and others in the virological narrative, will still be seeking to unmask or counter weaponised lies, which are of a different order in terms of destructive intent.

You can and do experience the world as US v Them, but even so, how would 'They' manipulate and deceive if not through our ignorances?

So is there a practical sense in which we are at war with ourselves because we do not WANT to question our own fear or grievance-backed judgements?

Germ theory seems to make more sense to our psychic entanglements than cellular symbiosis. But even here can a mind split off and become psychopathic or is that an expression within the Terrain?

Resonance as the underlying patterning of domains offers a way to move on from impact theology that predicates a self and world of power struggle set under death.

I'm not aligned with germ theory/pathogenic causation and contagion, but I am resonant with Life as Communication and that includes memory, and so the disintegration of cells for recycle, or elimination may well carry information.

I quote the following quite often as I resonate with it:

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

My sense is that Life IS Communication - but that our own experience has split from experience AS Life, to experience OF life in the world, in image and form, and as reflection of self as an object model, in a realm of objects, such that we are dissociated, alienated and locked down within a 'world' we are not aware of having 'made' by filters and rules set by judgements or narrative identity.

The intent to weaponise Communication is the premise and pattern of a Covert ID, or masked agenda.

But WHO told you you were naked? sayeth the Light of Communication to a mind set in masking against exposure under fear of pain and loss?

#2 - Identity Conflict


After this “non-binary, gender-fluid, non-passing, non-

dysphoric, gay, sometimes-transman” spoke to a “Ho-

locaust survivor,” he/she/it is certain that Covid is the

“extension of Nazi regime”. Who can help her/him/it?

Identifying from association with or disassociation from is a self assertive presentation. We are free to give in the measure of our acceptance but unless we accept that which identifies us perfectly, we accept limited and conflicted 'identities' that inherently interact with the perceived and asserted identities of others.

The idea of making ourself in our own image is not a new one, but is the freedom of engaging self-illusion. If we give priority to invested illusion over true relationship, we recognise neither others or self. Nor the Life that is always already the Gift of awareness of existence as shared or relational being.

Part of what occurs from judgements is a shadow of denied self set against the chosen or lighted focus of attention. It is the nature for denials to seek light of acceptance, and so we attract what we deny into our lives, but often as externalised aspects of others and world that we do not WANT to recognise within ourself. We also deny the love that is the nature and spontaneity of wholeness in relational expression and alignment, and this also seeks our acceptance, and yet both denied love and denied fears are seen as threat and consequently not seen at all, but judged against, walled out, masked over and distanced.

Alienated or fragmented minds have lost Contextual Groundedness, such as to be driven to seek to recreate Life as the justification for the persistence of a 'self-separateness' or segregative withholding and withdrawal for love and life - except its terms and conditions are met. 

The desire for truth may seek outside itself until the futility of such a self-denying act becomes obvious. Releasing identity conflict allows who we are to be resumed in awareness. Truth shows you that you are free. There is no making sense of that in the frame of a world made to hide in.

#3 Capture of the Good

Masking in the image, the form, the associations of the Good, is the attempt to hide the doubt and fear that one is not.

Seeking panacea for inner relational conflicts in external situations, events therapies, ideologies, drugs or people, will bring the patterns of unresolved psychic issues into the arena of the relationship.

Seeking to use something Good as a means to get a fix is the same thing, because we subordinate a natural blessing to serve a hole in our life and become a getter in place of giving and receiving life.

We never did, could or have captured Goodness in order to possess and control, but only a substitution taken from Living Context as our own Prodigal dissociation.

But in Biblical terms, to directly behold and recognise Good! is not a judgement of degrees or alternatives but a perfectly resonant recognition.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Negative Expectations as self-fulfilled measure of worth.

As you give so shall you receive.

As a man thinks, so shall he perceive.

By the measure we set are we given.

Garbage in; garbage out.

Living Idea is already alive.

If we embody dead thinking, we 'meet' a dead world, or rather a masked and dissociated attempt to set terms and conditions on Life - that then condition us in our own measure.

Note the novel V for vendettus was 'unknown' as so automatically assumed maximal fear.

We could just as easily expected a novel change to restore awareness of the miracle of Life. Not in concept but here now - exactly as we are. For an unknown is an opportunity to learn of Life anew. Where what we think to know is a past stamped on our face.

Addicts will persist in seeking outside themselves for what can never actually substitute for connected love of life - as it is. We are diverse in our particular strategies, but the underlying issue is a sense of self lack, masked over and denied in the attempt to reinforce or 'save' the mask at cost of our lives.

The hidden mind or Covert ID is masked over, But in the disintegration of the mask are all the underlying fears and denial exposed. Fear of lack seeks boosting aggrandisement, but fear of Infinity seeks to lockdown in littleness and sickness where truth cannot enter, so your face is saved from total loss by sacrifice.

There is a reset for those who want ignorance doubled down.

I don't know that anyone truly wants this, but while it is chosen, it choice is hidden, to operate as being denied, deprived, deceived, and abandoned.

Will you abandon your Brother and world because it failed to give you what you demanded of it?

Give as you would receive.

How does that work when all your reactions are set in fear, horror, disgust, derision or inadequacy and powerlessness?

It works to not give until you have truly received.

And so not to invest in or indulge our mind's scripting of judgement on others as Others, with the measure we would give to ourself if it were our own self we see and meet.

The key takeaway is to find the way to give something worthy of appreciation regardless appearances - if only for a moment that breaks the isolation of a mind set in its own conviction. Judge and be judged applies no less to release and be released.

What does that mean?

It means releasing the meanings we set and hold everyone else to, so as to be free to learn of them - and our world anew.

Freedom to learn or indeed release false thinking, is not at the body level.

No one can take this away from you but your own decision to believe your own conviction is final and irrevocable. Grievance and fear do that.

Aspirational development meets the blocks to unfolding fulfilment. Until they are recognised as stepping stones. Very little of what I write is addressed to body level thinking where body is assigned autonomy by a mind that distances and masks in the limiting, so as to then cast out its inner conflict 'externally'.

Elitism generates toxic shit, and repackages by redefinition to dump out to a sacrificial willingness to eat it. I don't mean elite excellence, but self-specialness operating exclusively or as a self-exceptionalism.