Artificial 'reality' as a playground?
If you take the idea of a representative substitute - 'reality' to play in with a hidden back-door immunity, that has to have rich tactile props & backstory, built in to reflect your thematic framework for experiencing - where do you arrive? (But your starting place)
There is a teaching that you never left the Mind of God - nor ever could.
But you can think that you not only can, but have.
Guilt for playing arises from the dissonance of being out of your right or whole mind. By lockdown guilted fear distances you from a Source now feared as loss of invested & protected 'self' illusion.
Love denied or cast 'treacherous' is now sought externally in idols, ideals, experiences that invoke on the idol for a hit of a feeling of life - already gone. There is no peace in it.
But what we give sets the measure of our receiving - or Garbage in; garbage out - to use a vernacular for poor results.
The desire for love or power is not wrong, but when cast out by a sense of self-lack it generates an entangled 'fruit' of driven behaviours masking as a means for getting who we are by using others to get from, and being used.
The 'world' made by forgetting can be released of the wish to be what we are not and blessed by serving a new purpose for giving and receiving one - as a unity of aligned spirit, instead of lockstepping to groupthink in forms of shifting meanings that are treacherous to their maker.
Imagination is a realm of personal experience within the energy and attention we give it. But if we become phished by image and form that promise but cannot deliver anything but a means to rob us of a true inherence in exchange for running off in a false inheritance then we need set the genie back in the bottle by summoning not a wish to be phished, by aligning in willingness for what is here, now as a gift to receive, extend gratitude for and share in.
in response to the themes in: