Thursday, 10 March 2022

Why are Experts used to Mask a Lack of Leadership? (& thus to frame & capture puppets)

in response to the themes in:

The concept of mastering a skill or field of endeavour is quite different from touted or self acclaimed experts. 

Ivan Illich remains relevant to illuminate the false turns that set up the tragic fall.

Clip from 
Part Moon Part Travelling Salesman: Conversations With Ivan Illich 
(David Cayley)
This distinction between liberal and dominant professions was important to Illich. It identified the watershed between a time when professional services were essentially optional and a time when they became virtually mandatory. And this transition was abetted, he went on, by those who sought to professionalize the roles of consumer and client.
Ivan Illich:
Professionals could not have become dominant in society unless people were ready to experience as a lack what the expert imputes to them as a need. It is only during the last twenty years that Comfort and Spock and some Nader pupils teach people how to identify and describe to themselves with almost professional competence the needs which professionals have defined for them. To be ignorant or unconvinced of one’s own needs thus became the unforgivable anti-social act. The good citizen is he who imputes staple needs to himself with such conviction that he drowns out any desire for alternatives, including the renunciation to needs.
(David Cayley)
Part of Illich’s concern with professionalism came from the way in which he saw it substituting for the participatory politics which he hoped to foster. When people begin to think of themselves as clients and consumers, he said, they often cease to think of themselves as citizens, and politics then becomes nothing more than the adjudication of competing claims for professional services.

You can listen to the series as podcast in 5 parts.
& or download the transcript (seek the title in the page)

Unless we zoom out or expand your focus, we suffer the results of the outsourcing our life to a systemic replacement by what we are trained to mask in our own frame of thinking.
The emperor is naked.
But WHO told you you were lacking, susceptible, vulnerable, culpable & in need of a booster?

Let love replace fear - the mind will align to serve rather than run a head

 Let love replace fear - the mind will align to serve rather than run a head

 in response to the themes in: 

My reply below was sparked by the following comment:

Dr Bailey,

One of the big reasons why you "still get questioned with" whataboutisms is that humans' brains "need" stories/explanations for their experiences. It is too much to ask that individuals allow for a vacancy in causal explanations, which is essentially what you are doing. While that works just fine for some of us (myself included), most people will simply not reject an unsupported belief UNLESS a new/alternative belief take its place.

To put it another way, while you have done an amazing job of illustrating how unsubstantiated this mainstream belief is, you haven't yet offered people an acceptable replacement belief. (And yes, I realize that you, and many others in the comments, HAVE actually given bits of alternative explanatory components. I just don't think they are complete enough as a "story" to fill the potential vacancy that would arise if one discards the previous mainstream narrative.) In order for people to give up a narrative, an equal or greater narrative must take its place.

Germ theory (and more so, Viruses themselves) makes such a great story for people because A) It provides a clear mono-causal explanation, and B) It makes a "villain" that can be blamed. (The external locus of control here is quite unfortunate.)

Trust me, the moment you put together a sufficiently strong MONO-CAUSAL "story/explanation" to replace this current mainstream will take off like wildfire. (Unfortunately, there might not be a mono-causal story. And sadly this presents some challenges to human thinking.)

Don't be surprised when very few are able to accept that a long held belief (that they have taken on faith) is actually unsupported and invalid. There is simply too much cognitive disruption for most people to handle.

I thank you for what you are doing. It is incredible.



The psycho-physical nature of existence is the terrain that your questioning infers, and  this is already a split mind of masked inner conflicts that are projected out rather than faced, owned, resolved or healed.
So the pathogenic principle is the projection of unhealed conflict to external associations such as to 'escape' a feared or hated cause within our own mind, by distancing & attacking it in something or someone 'other'.
The triggering of such traumatic or 'survival' conditioning is felt as loss of control, loss of face, loss of self-validity, but is all variants to lack of love. True understanding is a perspective of love and appreciation, but is usurped pathologically to mean 'control'. An invested ID in control runs covert, as if keeping us safe, but it is keeping the underlying cause hidden as protection against knowing what you sought to put out of your own awareness to adapt and survive a sense of self & world as conflict. This is the assigned function of a mind unwilling or unready to accept reality as it is, and thus in conflict with itself, but focused to mask that out so as to get for or get away from a sense of lack of wholeness - lack of love.
There is a single cause of pathological thinking, but its shadows or expressions in a world overmasked with projection are fragmented, multi-levelled and insanely complex - but nonethe less traceable by signature characteristics back to the fallacy or contradictory thinking they represent.
A mind given to possession and control, attempt to defend against a like response as if what it thinks to take for itself will now be taken back, or exposed and suffer retribution. Lies fear exposure, and invoke an ingenious defence to buy time against loss of face etc. To add another layer, we socially mask in mutually reinforcing definitions as tacit agreements such as to collectively support such distancing from a true intimacy of natural presence as 'exposure to lack or shame' and thus social exclusion.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Consummate evil is the intent or action of turning love against itself

 (I have mostly written into twitter lately  )

in response to the themes in:



Separation Trauma is an outcome or result of the 'attack on love'.

“Consummate evil is the intent or action of turning love against itself. That is a presence which most beings, being love, never understand or magnetize. There is no basis of coherence between evil and love, unless love has been denied. The greatest protection you have is to simply be the love that you are. ~ Jeshua (Glenda Green)

The reiteration of unhealed trauma is periodic to periods of masking over, and the process over time allows or makes time for the working out or resolving and reconciling of conflicted themes running as fragmented shifting identities.

Time can waste as well as be wasted (ACIM) refers to the use to which we put our mind - our attention and intention - whenever we recognise and accept freedom to choose - as distinct from illusions of choice that lock into facets of echoes of a hidden or covert conflicted ID.

For to think we know is an active ignorance or judgement set over life truly given and received, but to release its 'self-certainty' to a felt discernment (of synchronicity as communication), gives us what we need to know when we need to know it. (Bashar's definition of abundance).

Pretending the Separation never happened is yet another step of dissociation to a mind in the clear reactions that demonstrate a belief that it did! Yet the willingness to look AT terror symbols - or not recoil - so as to look PAST them is the desire to heal, given priority (if even for an instant) over the self-defences set by terror. Vision will be given - as it was never withheld BUT by a wish to see 'My way' - given power or priority.

What our minds are trained to, under terror, is very different from what love reveals by sharing through us - as we learn to get out of the way - after recognising that that is what we do unto ourself by 'thinking' to know.

I have long felt the (Bible) call to sacrifice our first born son is to recognise and be willing to release a 'thinking' or judgement that is thus our 'precious' as a sense of secret and invisible control set over and against life (LOTR).

Spirit uses what is in our mind (and thus our world) to wake us to the use to which we are giving it. Here is where ancient oaths and hatreds can be recognised and released of allegiance in heart and mind, because Spirit never left its Source, nor the truth of Us as Expression.

"Love waits on welcome, not on time" (ACIM)

But until we acknowledges the desecration of our own devotions, we set love within the mask and not in the extension of the gift or being. Prodigal bottoming out can be seen as a ripening process, but cannot be seen at all by addictions set in futility.

The whole shifts as a whole - our minds cannot understand this in time. Hence the resource of faith beyond appearances to the timeless. We recognise Home by Embrace - that of itself shines or extends.

The mind can set 'processes, methods or paths' by which to GET, but always as a driven sense of lack given power such as to temporarily 'escape' hidden dissonances that effectively drive the 'sense of being in control'.

So learning to rest or pause it as the modeller and predictor and guide for life, allows harnessing it in service of being truly moved, inspired, healed, restored.

The seed willingness may seem weak and small, like Ariadne's thread, in a labyrinth for locking down a chimera, but it carries the quality of a peace from which to discern, rather than be fear-control driven. It is not IN the world of conflicts acting out, but holds a world of recognition and appreciation for being, that invested illusion seeks to replace.

When I recognise that that no longer represents me, I release it to uncover what is.

Can I bear the light?

Only light can recognise and abide the light.

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, remembered gate

When the last of earth left to discover

Is that which was the beginning;

At the source of the longest river

The voice of the hidden waterfall

And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for

But heard, half heard, in the stillness

Between the two waves of the sea.

Quick now, here, now, always--

A condition of complete simplicity

(Costing not less than everything)

And all shall be well and

All manner of things shall be well

When the tongues of flame are in-folded

Into the crowned knot of fire

And the fire and the rose are one.

                Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot