Saturday, 8 April 2023

Perpetual Cognitive Dissonance

 in response to the themes in:

Perpetual Cognitive Dissonance



Maintaining a belonging within our primary environment or family is a survival need.

We make a mask of adaptive learning as our focus in our physical experience and socially adaptive world.

The mask then adapts and learns other families/groups, institutions, and social rituals.

A well adapted ego of its world.

Continuity of the mask is the survival of the personality or mindset that 'makes you safe' in terms of conflicts held within but suppressed - masked over or masked out.

Breakdown of the masking adjustments and alignments of our personal face of control will unmask or reveal conflicts that may not be recognised as self, but cast out to forms of exclusion or violation - so as to boost masking defences, which feeds the problem as a means to repackage it for a diminished sense of self set in relative security.

At some point the process of self-evasion becomes self-destruction, with crisis as opportunity to reintegrate to wholeness of being or progressively dis-integrate to a denial of consciousness seeking escape from conflict.

The complex of defences against reliving or owning our own conflicts are set in core beliefs and definitions that cannot be seen until they are released. Experience is then an opportunity to double-down in persistence of a believed reality or self, or to release invested identity to a recognition that it dissonance and un-fulfilment is a pattern of meaninglessness or futility that we truly and directly do not want to persist in - as in an abusive 'relationship' except we have such capacity within our self - for reasons that once paid off or still carry a pay-off but are recognised too costly or no longer applicable.

The world that we meet is the world of meanings that we give or extend it - even if we are unaware of our thoughts or depreciating of our feelings.

The felt need for casting evil seems to protect - as long as you stay 'good and well defended' against its invasion!

The psychiatric way denies the mind's validity as a way to manage the conflict - and normalise it as 'natural' or even caring and loving to sacrifice individuality to a collectively managed guilt - masked as risk modelling.

But both are polarities of a predictive mind-control, running as substitution for felt presence. Feeling-awareness, as distinct from emotionally reactive blocks to feeling - is our capacity to abide our self and life. This is the territory of willingness to heal - even if the desire to live has no word but a refusal or release of what does not truly belong now.

Presence is never past or future. But can seem to be denied by both feeding each other.

The deeper emotional context in the room


 in response to the themes in:


Its often hard to find water of truth in today's dessert of lies, so pointing people to what you think is water, for them to decide for themselves, is a worthwhile endeavor, even if many refuse to even look.

Seems I'm more optimistic than you, based on my take on Milgram experiments -- ~1/3 retain critical thinking skills and ~2/3 bend to perceived authority, with about half of this 2/3 susceptible to influence by the critical thinkers.


By sharing worth, we strengthen and grow it, so of course give as you would (in truth) receive.
Beneath our mind and world of errors omissions & lies is a felt quality of existence that our thinking cant get hold of, but can set in symbols, ideals or models of exploration and experience - as a sense of self-becoming. Representations or symbols are not 'true or false' so much as fit for purpose or not. But taking them as reality itself sets a lie and the father of it, for now the idol or the model tells us what we must think. This is coercive experience of limitation. Yes we can assign the dissonance to past, to others, to faulty, weak and susceptible bodies, or treacherous minds but the primary error is a mis-taken identity, phished by our own image and thought.
So it isn't that I am pessimistic or cynical, but that an addict has to 'bottom out' before he or she can 'look within' to find what was feared or hated to be true (of self) was never so. There is another basis for living in the world we map and model or uncover to wonder at and wander in, but it cannot be given or taught to those who are insistent that they already know, and that life is set in emotionally invested judgements set too big to fail.
Context is everything, and despite our posturing of independence we have a primary conditioning of belonging for survival, and rejection as loss of self and life. So if everyone else acts to a 'reality' we don't see, we may mask in it while seeking further evidences as to what is happening. This can then become a 'face' to maintain against an experience of social conflict. Many are content to lead their own life in the role of follower that uses others who are set up or disposed to take the lead - while it suits them, but to reverse roles as the take-down or subjugation of a leader when they don't lead where followers want to go.
The desire for unconsciousness or a bubble of protected self and life from raw conflicts, adjusts and adapts within the limitations such evasions  inherently impose. As a path of depletion and diminishing returns, set in rigidifying structures - or strictures.
The nature of deep fear set in conflicts of emotional pain can set a life to choose suicide (overtly or covertly as giving up the will to live under official channels) rather than move through pain to a deeper joy or wholeness of being.
So I am moved to align in the call to renewal in life that can yet reach to any whose love for life finds them despite, regardless or because of an (dissociating) insanity set in fear of pain, loss or humiliation.

Friday, 7 April 2023

Addressing fundamental errors in our active, running and protected beliefs


 in response to the themes in this comment in it themes at

What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccines have provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to answer this question

Much evidence indicates there is wide variation across batches (eg, the 3 non-overlapping toxicity tests done on US population in 2021, without their knowledge, as observed in VAERS database by Paardekooper). And to keep such variations -- and other useful details, like what you note -- from distracting us from holding the guilty accountable in a timely manner, we need to take the criminals down quickly by staying focused on the basic, fundamental egregious flaws in mRNA technology first (rest would come next).

Is important to act quickly as the evildoers are moving all human vaccines to mRNA, without proper testing -- when all are unsafe, as explained by Dr Bhakdi in Refs. But sadly, it seems MDs/attorneys are unwilling to fight such crimes with the long-established and very solid immunological principles noted by Dr Bhakdi. Expect this approach is off-limits, per those pulling the strings from behind the curtain, hence distractions galore.


I (at first) thought (john) was giving focus to the fraud of the sealed system of 'ascended science' running as the playbook or manual of mRNA technology aka Global Gold Rush.
So while I don't doubt a spanner in the works, or wrench in the gears, i don't accept 'science' just because billions of dollars are focuses in framed and directed and often dark/defence 'research'. Specifically toward the establishing/imposing of a global bio-security state - that actually means globally enforced bio-insecurity status.

The guilt is part of an extreme dissonance that is intolerable to bear and so there is a need to discharge or dump it out. Manipulators work emotional energies from a cold calculating dissociation set in 'right or claim to power'.

The need I align with is the correction of the error, which calls for truly addressing rather than engaging in false-flag diversion or displacement to masking deceits or cover stories.

The fundamental errors are in our active, running and protected beliefs - yet to most of us, these are accepted and operating as IF self-evident reality in which we have staked an invested identity for some level of payoff.

In principle, lies are being given power or priority over feared disclosure as being without worth, validity or substance.
In this sense the Emperor's New Robes are constantly re-woven as the mind of the means to 'see' them. For we are all stakeholders in social masking defences, dependencies and of ideas set in conflict for ascendency.

The defence I see being played out is to run every kind of conflicting polarity of emotional reaction and investment, so as to effectively undermine capacity to tell real from unreal. In this context I am obliged to seek a discernment within life - as a felt or intuitive honesty or self-responsibility for my own experience.
This can also be recognised in terms of energy and presence prior to thinking that can then be evaluated for it relevance and resonance to a desire to heal or correct errors that persist in patterns  of fear pain and loss as the 'new solution' - which always dictates terms of prioritising an emotionally framed reaction without pausing or even stopping to check in at the heart - in a grounded presence of a capacity to recognise anomalies that invoke genuine question of native curiosity - rather than combative questioning of a need to be right over hated or feared wrongs or indeed evils (intolerable outcomes).
I write into the overall - and underlying themes - and just happened to have alighted in a part of your comment that served this particular reflection.
To check an active ongoing harm is indeed needed. But without grounded perspective we can waste efforts in tragic misdirection.
I trust that you are where you need to be in your own determinations. Our purpose aligns our thought, perception and outcomes.

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Vaccine Risks or Benefits - Beneath the appearances


in response to the themes in:

 amidwesterndoctor's substack article:

What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccines have provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to answer this question.



People have to operate within or at the edges of their current belief system.
there are loads of things in supermarkets I no longer regard as food, which shrinks it to a specific few items.
I don't subscribe to the pathological medical model - including nano agents hacking cells to make more nano agents to go forth and multiply - migrate and mutate as they go - without any characteristic of a living agency.
This since before the covid operation, for medicine is the Trojan horse of our times and the most popular way to die (unofficially - I mean who dies from chemo?)
BUT - our beliefs serve purpose for us or they would fall off.
It is that facet of the medical market and modelling that I feel more significant than the behaviours that automatically follow.

I read a v good piece recently. I'll quote a bit of:

"The present medical profession is sadly hampered because of its own beliefs. Often it operates as a framework in which poor health and disease are not only accepted as normal, but the concepts behind them strengthened. Here you have again, as in psychoanalysis, a hide-and-seek arrangement in which both doctor and patient take part. (See Chapter Two.)
Both believe they need the other, of course. Behind this is the psychic pattern of beliefs in which the patient often assigns to the doctor the powers of knowledge and wisdom that his beliefs have taught him he does not have. Knowing otherwise, the patient still wants to consider the doctor omnipotent.
Upon the patient a doctor often assigns and projects his own feelings of helplessness against which he combats. The interactions continue with the patient trying to please the doctor, and at best merely changing from one group of symptoms to another. Far too often the doctor shares the patient's unshakable belief in poor health and disease.
Not only this, but the medical profession often provides blueprints for diseases, and the patient too often tries them on for size. This is not to say that the medical profession often is not of great aid and benefit, but within the value system in which it operates much of its positive influence is negated.
Because they are held in such high esteem, the suggestions given by doctors are paid particular attention. The patient's emotional condition is such that he or she readily accepts statements made under such circumstances less critically than usual.
The naming and labelling of "diseases" is a harmful practice that to a large extent denies the innate mobility and ever-changing quality of the psyche as expressed in flesh. You are told that you have "something." Out of the blue "it" has attacked you, and your most intimate organs, perhaps. You are usually told that your emotions or beliefs or system of values have nothing to do with the unfortunate circumstances that beset you."

(This is from The Nature of Personal reality by Jane Roberts)
I don't put it to be agreed with or believed but to reflect and consider your own questions or observations.

If the belief in vaccine protection is strong enough NOT having it becomes dangerous.
Of course the intervention may be dangerous but as notable with covax, believers are grateful to be saved more severe symptoms.
This invites asking what the believed protection is actually protecting.
Fear of the unknown generally receives the deepest fears from our earliest experience - before we developed conscious articulation or reflection. Like Orwell's Room 101. Many may choose death or madness as escape from terror set in naked defencelessness to pain of loss.
"And WHO told you you were naked?" - said the Lord.
Masking solutions repackage the problem so as to redistribute psychic energies. IE Blaming gives a relief or feel-good release - but the conflict itself is not addressed - only a narrative shaping of responsibility. As we escape responsibility so we pile up 'treasures' of conflicts pushed out to others, to world and to a past that all stamp us into conditioned responses - robots.

BTW we are never looking at an isolated anomaly. The patterns are within our psyche, so we start to see that we 'do this' or are framed to see and react by beliefs and definitions running as perceived or even self-evident reality. IE Anyone who won't take covid "vaccine" must be insane, is not hard  to find examples of - even now.

As psyop is in my humble opinion the nature of the beast, the most fundamental issue is a regaining of integrity by which to become either immune, or actively learning from susceptibilities that reveal themselves, for there is the experience from which to ask better questions, grow and learn of life - which is joyful because it is reintegrating who we truly are instead of doubling down in what we thought or even greatly feared to be - but are not.

What came to mind re an article on RFK jr's candidacy

in response to the themes in:

 (I'm not going into political issues here - but as always - to themes I feel running beneath and within our times and such issues).

 I hold personal desires & appreciations that could be called my stake in the issues and energies in play. But I also have an intuitive sense of a reintegrative process that is not all about me - or even my 'best thinking'. This reality Is beneath our stake in a segregative sense of conflicted identity. We are being obliged to face or meet our denials or lose face to a life we do not 'possess & control'.

The term captured opposition can apply to anyone with a stake in the established order, for who questions the hand that feeds or supports who they accept & believe themselves to be.
Virologists are the last to question a virus model for hacking cells, replicating itself as a cell product to hack other cells and also travel beyond the body to others, while mutating all the while as if to 'survive' - though no qualification for a living entity exists.
Not because of established fact, but because it is an established and invested idea - considered too big/costly to fail - and not merely in economic terms. The 'authority & credibility of the institution of science is at stake!' Therefore we lose science by saving The Science.

However this also applies to the climate-guilt agenda as part of the same bio-guilt projected to viruses or bad genes, so the issues are not primarily in the narrative leveraging of any of the securitised & weaponised agenda running as a defence system for a shadow or masked governance set in conflict management as war on life, but masking as survival - set in the masking of defences - that reflect our most deeply invested self-illusions.

Writing this here will be buried in comments of controversy - yet such is the nature of a still small voice. It is not itself engaged in the 'war' but holds the recognition of life as the gift of it.

The breakdown of a masking identity can induce psychosis or suicidal depression of hatred in despair. There is a transitional process to maintaining a continuity of consciousness through the shift to a qualitative presence from a survival-based object-reality. It calls for abiding with and through the difficult or the disturbing, to the point of a recognition within life as distinct from judgements set over and apart from life - that lockdown into a physically conditioned set of perceptions and response-range. Structure becomes stricture that loses adaptive resilience to no longer serve life-in-expression.
RFK jr is likely well aware of what can be openly criticised and at what cost within the 'thinking of the world' that is effectively aligned in the current order. He refrains from ideal positions that would polarise so as to seek lawful basis to verify safety & efficacy of vaccine & etc rather than campaign against them, or else would polarise all those who still seek or believe their protection against association with a movement of bringing such poison for profit to account.
But he doesn't dissociate from or exclude people who hold vaccines as nothing but poison for profit or gain of function for dark agenda.
Symbolic meaning can be very powerful in affect, both positive and negative.
Truth or Spirit of life is not 'out there' to be made idol as an abnegation of self-responsibility.
Not does attacking negative idols confer the virtue and quality of truth!
But finding where we are to stand in whatever arises in life is a call to a discernment of truth, in place of a reaction set in a past that is not here - unless we stamp it on our present by masking defences running dark to make us safe...

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

What is a healthy mental function?

 in response to the themes in:

"Finding Mental Health"



Yes what is mental health & to whom exactly?

the language is framed in anti-psychism yet runs the psyop of controls given to fake solutions, cover stories or lies that redistribute psychic energy as blame or virtue credits, that needs conflict and sickness to persist as the system of supply & demand.

I don't use the terms as framed but what is a healthy mental function? Not control!

if we address our own thought, feelings and imagination from a decision to align as or in an integrity of being - not of thought or emotional identification but simply being. Not in conflict or control but opening to what is as it is or reveals itself to be. Then thoughts feelings and imagery all serve something that I am at one with being - as the living of life and not as framed by fear-based thinking masking as solutions of self-medicating or self-augmenting diversions.

if you read this you can pars a lot of the issues projected onto our Big Movie World - as it increasing operates to anyone without a grounded reference point in their being.

We don't have to predictively control. We need to know what we need to know when we need to know it. But we can experience getting in our own way so as to generate every kind of block that effectively demands priority to then give you your life back - but look at where that leads!

There are deep disturbances within our sense of self and world, and these demand as much self-honesty as we can allow or self-deceits can feed on them to be reset or boosted to a deeper sense of disconnection from our own life, from each other and from our world - not the hyper-net of what if - but our lived experience now.