Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Saturday, 28 November 2020
Come into my Parlour...
I thought this article was going to say that the outrage and horror of early release mass vaccine death and degradation would 'wake the sheep'.
I don't know about 'waking' anyone unready and unwilling to accept.
The intent of the 'Control agenda' is to shift dreams without losing continuity of control. Control runs on fear that masks control by assigning responsibility to others and world.
The shift from dreaming to waking is firstly the recognition of the dream as a narrative script operating from core narrative definitions.
If this is plundered as the means to manipulate dreams without losing continuity of control, then the dream actually shifts to a deeper masking in fear, for once taking on 'control', the mind believes it is in competition with God or if your prefer, with reality. This is a mind trap, as all the fears that were believed to be escaped by messing with the source code are not only denied Self seeking acceptance, but a crushing 'reality experience from beneath and all about. Limiting movement of consciousness and expression in life buys 'time' or rather delays the Inevitable - which is fear-projected as death and or damnation. Illusion is inherently a temporary experience, but its pattern can repeat compulsively until there is the willingness to move through fear's acceptance instead of setting identity as the mask of its denial (and projection).
But where the habit to reiterate or participate in such a 'self-segregation' is recognised as meaningless (blue pill moment of a road to nowhere), then the thought, belief and definition that ran our mind as if reality, is released of its purpose as the masking off of a split and oppositional mind.
Any instance of such a release always gifts the whole, because no one in truth actually splits from wholeness, when their mind generates the experience or 'reality' of a dream of life set in lack and loss seeking power of wholeness 'externally' within the projections of its own accepted currency.
The recognition that a dissociated mind is not relationally Current or present as relation, can awaken us to question our own participation rather than the mind that rushes in to establish narrative supremacy or judgement over 'reality'.
So the awakening is not IN the world excepting as the qualities of life truly lived, of themselves, shine upon it and bless those who have no sense of a true Inherence or Inheritance in any life but what fear, pain and loss set them in.
This is not a call to sympathy for 'victims', but the en-compassing and re-integration of all That we are.
Self judgement and self-hatred can only engender a like result no matter how masked in 'virtue'. That we are Creative being is not freedom to dump hate or denial on others and escape the measure of our giving, but it is the freedom to release such a false belief and align in giving as we would in love's honesty receive.
Waking to love is the willingness to extend true witness freely, but our investment in the mask of a false sympathy and concern is the arrogance of the attempt to possess and control love as a weapon and commodity.
All the defences of the mask over fear of disclosure align against love as against an infection, by framing in weakness, conflict and confusion, so as to sign up for 'the Deal of the Epoch'.
'Let the dead bury the dead' by wholly aligning attention in the Living - which includes every opportunity of a shared willingness for life - which we will neither see nor seize if we are set in mind-framing strategies of old habits running invisible to our conditioned reaction.
The key is the discernment of order WITHIN chaos!
Are you not meeting your own narrative mythological masking judgements?
As long as you worship the mask you will deny or forsake your essential humanity.
Yes - other people are 'strange' to you as you to them - but are you a stranger to your Self?
Intelligence uses pattern recognition. The original association of fixed meanings in specific appearances, makes a mind-conditioniing of image and form, that becomes relationally blind because it 'sees' the past, and can react to what it thinks is happening in ways destructive to its own living participance or being.
So the breaking of fixation in a masking Model of reality to the capacity to presently discern and discriminate, is potentially un unfolding of a greater or more inclusive consciousness or focussing of intelligence through you.
I may seem even stranger to you than your alarming bedfellows!
But the key I see is discernment within life - instead of the persistence of a dissociated 'intelligence' set AS IF apart and over life - though there are of course times and places where modelling of potentials is a tool that can save time. But as with taking appearances at face value, we can also be 'phished' into an 'identity theft' under which we set the usurper as the mind in which we think that we are thinking!
I don't find the labels 'stick' anymore.
What is left of the Left?
Where is the right in the Right?
Progressive disease?
Conservation of control?
Yin and Yang are the balanced interplay of polarity as the whole.
A usurping 'mind' thinks to enforce 'order' and engenders chaos.
Once identified in war of 'control set over chaos', how can it ever be escaped, released or actually 'won'?
The key is the discernment of order WITHIN chaos!
But this calls for allowing the true feedback to be brought to awareness, and open to question.
And this experience is disturbing, and for some potentially psychotic.
That 'unconscious material' rises to be released, undone, reconciled or healed, is a 'detoxification' if recognised - however dimly - as such.
If we set our mask against the movement of our being, so as to limit and deny its expression, we may buy 'time' for the mask' under ever more denial repackaged as 'normal'.
Intelligence is indicated in a process of transformative learning that incorporates experience of change and challenge to express from a more integrative and balanced basis. But ingenuity can be set to deny such intelligence under defence of the model, against empirical experience.
How far into madness can you bear?
Do you really need to find out?
Jeremy May
I listened right through and it’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine anger in you, at least briefly. You come across as a naturally jovial guy, but frankly I’m not surprised at you letting off a bit of steam.
I’ve listened to plenty of Ivor’s stuff too and respect his research and message. I share both your frustrations. Why oh why can people not understand the danger we’re in?
Ivor had tears starting to rise in response.
As I commented on youtube, a feeling awareness is not weakness or negative but true witness.
We know the difference between manipulative emotion and self transparency.
"Who told you you were naked?" also applies to 'where did you learn to be ashamed of letting feeling move you?
The attempt to weaponise communication as leverage for possession and control is the loss of it.
We are doing the same with our rational communication, as a result of subordinating it to 'narrative control'. Heart and mind work together as one. But a dissociated and denied sense of each seems to define and deny the other. There are those afraid to think, and others afraid to feel. Perhaps we need to focus on the deeper opportunity rather than try to get through defences that are clearly willing to not hear, nor see, nor listen to what is currently beyond their readiness or willingness to accept?
Perhaps there is no true call to control a virus, of any need or attempt to do so.
But once taking on the role of doing so, how does anyone release the truth that they not only cannot - but never really did? (Not least in view of illegitimate gains and criminal consequence).
It's a self-reinforcing trap.
If public support for the role is active, that can be used it as an energy or food supply. But only to be driven by the role of 'control' masking as power, set against exposure.
The thing about a story; as narrative or mythic picturing out, is whether the game is worth the candle, for as it is given support, it runs the mind of its supporters. Counter stories may seem an answer, but persist and mutate the same theme under a mask of being 'right' - because it opposes and replaces the 'wrong'.
That the mind is afraid of perceived meaninglessness and rushes to fill in its own version, is what sets it in competition with Reality. Apart from the absurdity as a premise, this is as painful a burden as can be imagined, and no one wants to carry the can. And so the redistribution of diverted and externalised blame sets a narrative of evasion as cover story. Denying life rather than losing 'face'.
Infection - Anyone may shine joy and extend love
Marialta in reply to annie:
two words Domestic Terrorism
There is a transnational agenda that operates the Trojan ploy.
So your two words will be invoked as the justification to persecute and deny those who do not yield to the knee by compliance to its dictate.
And children will be turned against their parents.
Deceits go forth to multiply and return with interest.
Garbage in; garbage out.
CivilianNotCovidian in Reply to Marialta:
Absolutely I’ve said this since April when I first saw posters saying “Anyone can spread it. If you go out you can spread it. People will die.” Psychological abuse. Terrorism.
Anyone can shine joy and extend love.
A mind of malice fears, hates and destroys, as if to 'build back better' as an aggressively defended 'masking 'virtue' under which hate devours from within.
Spiritual destruction works the undermining of the capacity to recognise and share love, as the raising of conflict against the potential for a true communication or witness.
The subordination of heart and mind to fear and lack - which engender conflicted purpose, must mask over as a mind 'control'.
"And WHO told you you were naked?"
The term immunity is not IN the body but as the resonant integrity of aligned and unified purpose.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can never build back Humpty again.
Wholeness is innate to awareness of being - or Given in our Creation - as the unselfconscious joy of a life that gives and receives as one.
The Script playing out as a world, is reiterating its hidden foundation:
What the world is to you, is determined by what you give it.
This truth is hidden by the wish to hide our fear - and its cause OUT and away from a masked over sense of control that never ceases to demand sacrifice, and can never BE made safe or truly satisfied.
Vengeance, born of grievance and given allegiance, is a false god, by which we are delivered unto evils, by our own determined conviction.
The grace of the willingness to question our own thinking is the stirring of the capacity to recognise truths that had been discarded, denied and masked over - as if to overcome or escape.
At first we may seek to use insight to persist the old mindset of control, but the self-betrayal of such dishonesty uncovers terrible guilt at the heart of our sense of self. This must not be allowed to tell you who and what you are! The answer to any disintegrity is to release it to an underlying and innate integrity - and not to deliver your will to the mask of its substitution and replacement as hate made 'righteous' and fully justified. That counts as your choice, and as your choose in your heart, so is it given for you to have your experience.
It is not hard to see the call to hate and fear, and is very different to seek and find the call to (love's) honesty. We have to consciously WANT (love's) awareness, over defaulting to an ancient hate, that runs a protection racket by which to protect the blind face set as mind 'control'.
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Pushing the Needle and the Damage Done
its a PPP - that is serving the nation to a corporate and predatory intent.
Lets say at the bare minimum, that is holds the nation as a captured revenue stream.
Medically conditioned identity, operates out of an unquestioned normal - set up over a lifetime, but always mutating under mission creep.
In the intent to overtly recondition you (us), you have the opportunity and the freedom to re-evaluate what is actually being offered and make your decision in the light of an updated or current appreciation, instead of running on normal - or seeking to regain normal under unsettling conditions.
The flu vaccine has no statistical data on it effectiveness on death statistics and such stats as are associated with flu are guesstimated modelling that links to the intent to induce people to buy the flu shot (it is bought and sold as a marketable product).
The ingredients of the flu vaccine may be at least generally researched. There is no scientific basis to categorically claim it to be 'safe' nor real studies that seek to determine if indeed it is safe - not least because the vaccine religion - for such it must be called, must never allow dirty washing of uncovered fact to undermine the 'public trust' which it presumes to engineer!
I have seen studies that state respiratory illness as a whole is not greatly affected by the flu shot, such it is then more likely to occur through other routes such as coronavirus or rhinovirus. It may be associated with worse outcomes of the selected antibody activation on the following year. It may undermine or depress what we call immune function overall - in terms of resilience to change and challenge of all kinds. If you are healthy you may be able to 'afford' incremental deficits', but if you look at the evidence, the antibodies are not in and of themselves immunity, and can themselves react with hopefully unintended consequences as a result of reaction to 'viral infection in the wild' (natural outcomes).
And the toxic shock - without which an antibody would not be formed, may be associated with what are called auto-immune symptoms, cognitive disorders, energy deficits and gut dysbiosis - which is perhaps our life support system, while T-cells are clearly a primary response that can render 'infections' to be mild or without symptoms. T-cells are not activated without adequate levels of vitamin D present. Antibodies are a fall back that I believe also carry a burden and so are not the primary means to serve the rebalancing of function - which may be more about logjams or backlogs of toxic accumulation - including dead and recycled materials from the healthful process of cell death and regeneration.
Narratives appeal to the emotional mind. We can run them, but they carry a burden or cost. Not least our capacity to mask over and obscure what is actually present.
Don't let truth get in the way of a good story! Is often said in jest.
Convergent opportunism can also be seen as a feeding frenzy where appetites lose their constraints under the breakdown of law and order - and reveal themselves for what they are.
And for who we are not - if we care to see.
Pre-crime paranoia and the pre-emptive strike
R Hodgkinson:
- "We will have no idea how virulent the ‘Next Big One’ will be, so we must prepare now for the worst possible future scenario.
Some of what he says aligns with common sense, but still operating from insider bias.
He notes the absence of a virological perspective in the politically corrupted bodies directing - or in his eyes mis-directing responses.
The insider bias of virologism is to me clear in his accentuated red warning.
Pre-crime as the basis for preemptive strikes, is the Hobbesian philosophy of a stark paranoia - mitigated through the parameters of the criminal outcome.
The insidious belief in contagious disease is rooted in regions of the psyche that scientism sought to exclude, lid over and rule out, through the assignment of disease to 'germs' - which originally means 'seeds'.
While the actual isolation and demonstrable proof of specific viral particle of molecular packets of genetic material or debris, as sole cause of specific and reproducible disease is lacking, the invested belief in it is always able to workaround or ignore anomalies by mutating the parameters of 'common sense' to serve the war effort.
To anyone not invested in such drama, the contagion of fear that replicates itself in a storm or cascade of reaction that compounds and spreads the fear - is plain to see and out in the open.
In that sense the 'virus' we mostly fear and believe to be our hidden nemesis, is within the nature of invested conflict itself, as a mind-pathogen. Not a biological 'pathogen'
What then is really occurring as the biological events that we observe, experience and often aggravate, magnify or make worse by our assigned meanings and reaction?
The freedom to truly ask this question would be 'common sense'.
But common misperception aligns a common purpose in error, and no matter how much resource is thrown at such errors, they will only grow an appetite for more.
The drive for control that is generated from seeking to pre-empt catastrophe is perhaps the 'king-maker' in terms of attracting allegiance, funding and support as the dictate of what or who is to be sacrificed. But at least the original idea of 'sovereign' had some sense of holding the realm - which may not be democratic in modern terms but has a concern for the balance of the whole rather than a corruption of competing parts.
The power of fear is all the power we give it. This sentence acknowledges where power seems to be conflicted as a result of giving priority to pre-crime, and its 'remedy', such that presence is denied, and with it the recognition of power at rest - as the balance points of the realm or terrain as a functional expression of our being.
The sovereign will - is not IN elite expertise of any field - including that of manipulating the minds of others. For each sees the 'problem' as the validation of their respective answer.
Nor is it in a corporate think tank of convergent opportunism that always calls forth our base nature to either observe and release or succumb to as a sense of self-reinforcing validation.
It is revealed in true relational communication, and masked by filtering and blocking judgements that select in order to reject or deny.
The scientific framework that seeks to stand apart from and over not just human being, but life and world, has an element of dissociative denial which hijacks the self and replicates a denying technologism against which we seem to have no immunity - because it is idealised and idolised for what seems to be access to such power, set against the hated and the feared.
Pathology - as an inversion of life - needs to be stood on its head, and the interjection of a conditioned nature set in grievance and exclusion, released from service.
Living to avoid and evade fear and conflict is consenting to being externally conditioned as an internal programming that we learn to manipulate as part of the drive to escape loss of control, or loss of 'face'.
Who are you without your 'face'?
A loveless agenda and "what can we do?"
James Dellingpole and Laura Perrins in conversation on and around a covidian leveraging of loveless agenda and "what can we do?"
Monday, 23 November 2020
Brexit the Betrayal?
In the game of football, a feint is used to wrong-foot an opposing player by initially acting in a way as to induce a reaction, but then using their momentum to one's own advantage.
The idea of sovereignty or freedom from faceless bureaucratic regulatory mission creep, has been used as a carrot - along with media blitz of hordes approaching.
Is there more than a turf war over the way in which the population is to be processed?
All identities run upon the same operating system of reaction set in momentum.
But that which identifies us truly is not an operating system, such as our modelling of life and invested identity in its result, seek to replicate and have in a sense usurped.
Even to think in terms of the media fed meme of 'brexit' is to be spellbound to the framing that the naming has been stamped to define. Just as 'covid'.
At some level we do unto ourselves, or indeed unto the 'Me' of truth that war denies in order to have its day, and its day, and its day.... whether masked as diplomacy or in open violence.
Sovereign will is inherited from the 'Gods' whose archetypes became the basis for the refinement of the God idea, as the Source and Nature and Will in All That Is.
The underpinning in what we regard as mythic archetype, remains the expression of a broken Family Constellation - or fragmented Consciousness to masked off and locked down arenas of control' - mutually set against reliving the trauma of Separation.
At the cusp of a new physics that emerges despite the weaponisation and marketisation of a technologism masking as 'science', is the recognition of an integral wholeness of Communication in all (its) parts, as to draw the curtain on the 'Wizard of Oz' - who represents also our own secret or private sense of judgement, control, and masking justifications.
That idols fall and ideals fail is the nature of setting our will in the world of change, rather than aligning in the unfolding of truth as a shared recognition in which everything has already changed. In one we chase our tale, and in the other receive in the measure of our giving.
Desperate times are associated with deeply invested identity. We all have made or acquired deep attachments, and my sense is that no one is immune to change within such identity, and so we are revisiting 'separation trauma, in which archetypal patterns are triggered from the Deep that in their moment undermine and overwhelm our sense of self as relational, as the intensity of overriding need to lid over and reset order with 'what remains'.
Conserving within a closed system is a dying to life under the dictate of structures running as if Authority Itself. Life id not a closed system and our physics is a work in process and not a final solution in determining all but the human judgement and its 'priesthood', insignificant and unworthy, save as tools, or props to vanity.
I read that an original idea of 'progress' as a human achievement was the sacred duty of the first 'Kings' or Phaeroes and etc to regain the Golden Age and set the Land back to a true Order.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
The re-cognition of what was never truly lost or broken, cannot find a welcome in a mind devoted to the war by which to eradicate or overcome the perceived obstructions to wholeness.
A false flag does not make the consequence mere illusion, so much as deny the recognition of the deeper conflict that the false flag was used to hide. There are endless layers of complexity to our human conditioning, but my sense is that Humpty represents the first false flag - which in historical terms may associate with catastrophic past that our minds are trained to be the LID set over, and dream instead of 'millions of years' as a basis for not having to really look there.
Will the Future Belong to the Patriots or the Globalists? (sic)
I wrote the following to the premise, not to the modelling of results.
Shall a future set as the conflict of polarised identity, stamp over living presence, a narrative from a past that is not here?
Using the word 'shall' brings the question from the framework of time to the recognition of decision to persist in stamping an 'old thinking' in never arriving ways, onto the source nature and recognition of living thought.
Presence expands to embrace all that is, was and shall be - without 'doing' anything.
Or rather our awareness of - and as - presence, expands the bubble of identifiction beyond the remit of a locked down distanced, masked and armoured domain - as the re-cognition of life, as communication, in place of communication as weapon or 'spell'.
Can we see a world 'script' masking over truth, so as to contest partial and imagined facets taken out of context and set against each other?
And thus can we see an awakening script for unmasking illusion to the revealing truth?
The willingness to abide a hollow and meaningless self-betrayal is limited because our tolerance for pain is limited, no matter how the mind may spin it into complex packages by which to seem to conceal toxic debts that cannot leave the 'system' but only be redistributed within the mind that thinks it is many, while seeking to regain unity in its own split terms, as a mask of denial by which to cast its conflict out, and away from what is left as its 'self'.
Moralism hides integrity of a true communication.
The nature of true communication is sacrificed to partiality given priority over the whole.
Which abides as the presence of an unfolding creative expression and endeavour, denied us by our own demands, defended as our only protection against fear, of pain and loss.
The hateful is not hard to see, because we have trained our mind to seek and see it.
The presence that must be beneath the mask, may by hidden by wanting the hate to be out there on the others, the world and a past that repeats itself over and over as if now.
Releasing the wind up toy of stored emotional charge to a recognition of presence, is regaining awareness of innate connection, in place of 'battery operated' closed system that forsakes such connection to steal or conserve its charge.
The inducement to sacrifice a living world for a computer system, is fear driven under deceits and diversion, because no one in their right mind would give consent.
Hence the drive to promote and support wrongmindedness, that seeks and sees the hateful and fearful first, and only then allows a 'consciousness' in its framing.
The freedom to explore limitation as experience cannot be denied, but nor can it be more than accepted experience resulting from the wish to see ourselves attacked, deprived, betrayed and broken, as a point of reaction set in righteous claim to separate into 'doing as we were done by'.
The mind is a projector.
But what we choose to give and receive are a sowing and reaping that can only fruit in like kind and measure, no matter the makeover of masking narrative confinement.
Thought goes out, whether to bless or curse, and return in kind.
But while true thoughts connect with the living, double-think 'saves' the dead from waking.
True thought is miraculous.
It is not reactive or even responsive, but rising as the gift of wholeness, through you to your world, your relations, your currently accepted meanings, given and received as if truly current.
The cess-pit beneath our seeming foundation, is become a source for self-righteous vengeance - coming into our very private chambers after we seemed to 'save face' or raise it over and against the hateful in conquest.
The presumption to be free of the evil that one has set ones face against is the generating of the 'cess-pit' as something to be eradicated, lidded over, cancelled, such as to preserve the 'order' that runs above its denial.
Self-revulsion as a concept, can be opined about, but human self-hatred is a hell indeed if not a final fact.
The revealing of us to ourselves can be the dis-illusioning of what we thought to be and truly believed but was never true - even though lived.
or the tarrying in such illusion as the exploiting of its underlying themes of 'getting' for a self set apart from the life it represents.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Many WANT viral-fear to frame their life and world
...with Sweden having 6000 cases in a day, plenty of hospitalizations. It’s not over. We have a lesson to learn. What are we to do next time? There will be a next time, and it will be different.
While I don't care for being lured into the long grass of endless tactical diversion and obfuscation, the stats are framed and defined to deceive. PR is fed into newsfeeds to sow doubt and division against disclosure.
Hospital admissions for any reason that acquire covid test 'positives' (called cases without clinical basis) are shown, but are they including the discharges (or deaths) in the selected dataset?
For whatever reasons there is a very strong and prevalent desire in many, to WANT covid fear to be real and framing or defining and subordinating all else.
This is a psychological example of the generating of a false or inverted religion, in which meaning, authority and funding is acquired from that which denies life - in the 'name' of the drive to defeat, manage or control it.
This is what I mean by negatively polarised - and what I mean by the term 'ego' which is our bubbled masking persona - cast out in a world of personae. It doesn't judge the person as bad (cast out as evil or invalid), but looks beneath the mask.
Discerning the underlying Pattern is not 'yet another war for control' but a basis to reintegrate from a fragmented and frankly futile fight in the long grass of proxy props in which to war over the right to determine truth, rather than determine to align in a discernment of truth.
The discernment is within life and integrally so - with all that is currently active. The determination from a sense of denial and deprivation acts as IF set apart from life and is framed in the drive to regain a sense of lost possession and control - in terms that set personal and collective identity.
Crying 'wolf' can temporarily attract attention and a sense of personal power, when the community rallies to protect Its own. But on a false flag basis of manipulative 'incentivised programming', uses up the trust and cohesion of a true relationship, to a fragmenting factional masquerade over madness that has no basis on which to stand as a coherent consciousness or cultural expression. In the name of a manually controlled 'reset' it seeks solution in even further denial of culture and consciousness to limits that express monopoly of private will set over the whole of a 'life' it thinks to be set apart and over (while hating its underlying sense of subjection as if at the hands of another).
I have no doubt that a variety of pressures have been and are being applied to the Swedish (an all) authorities to conform in the purpose of the 'emergency' as the overt realignment of corporate controls to replace such governance as was aligned in some measure to a principle of wholeness, and humanity as a freedom from which to explore and experience idea and perspective for its shared fruits, rather than for exclusive private gain built on the abandonment and exploitation of others.
The opportunity of a true Reset in Life, is regaining a living and shared recognition of the freedom we traded in for compliance, appeasement and identity under false premises lured by false profits. Health and wholeness is not our manual responsibility, but is given or integral to being at a level that manual interference has masked over and put out of bounds. For fear maps out the limits of allowable thought - as if the voice for integrity of worthiness, validity or virtue.