Friday, 20 November 2020

Comments into a Masking Inversion



I'm beginning to believe that 10,000 years ago all the clever people left in a space vessel and left the morons on Earth. And now here we are without leadership or hope!!

Well thats just a sci fi version of the Fall.

Except the moronic is the result of the tricksy thinking by which to hijack the living inheritance so as to go forth and multiply as a mind virus that interjects fear and control to 

Socially distance from innate Intimacy of being to lockdown in a masking over a body of lack, shame and guilt.  

Intimacy is where nothing is withheld or denied.

But WHO told you you were naked?

While that Bible phrase has become specifically topical - I take its question as the gift of the Holy Spirit - from the very first fall into self-illusion, from which and by which to discern the truth as we are moved to seek. We are never left comfortless if we truly question the framing of our thought, for the heart can be covered over or masked in betrayals, that are rooted in fear made real by unwatched reaction.


Joe Smith Harry

It's simpler than that. Just read up on Mouse Utopia.

When you eliminate mortality for creatures with defective genes, those defective genes rapidly spread through the population until none of the young are able to function because they all have too many defective genes.

And then it all collapses.

I think complete collapse, where no more young are born and the old die off until the population drops to zero, takes about six generations in mice. Humans have been at this for at least four.

What makes it worse is that the post-war welfare state paid the stupid to breed at the expense of the smart. Which means a lot more stupid kids and a lot less smart kids.

Amazingly abstract thinking here.

When who, exactly, eliminates mortality, how exactly?

I see a human lab rat park emerging as the idea of social engineering or 'incentivised controls'  - including socialist ideologies, as the collective capture of 'rat lab' by abstract and inhuman system thinking, arising from anal fear and control issues of perfectionism who must then hate life and world as it is and seek to stamp it into the 'ideal' of a fantasy they think has been robbed their right to rule it so.

The elites did not have any use for educated working people and so they are miseducated misdirected and pharmed for sickness.

So degrading the stock has become the eugenic method!

The very thing the argument was originally set against.

Smart people repackage toxic debt and induce fools to buy or suck it up.

The outsourcing of toxic consequence to the manipulated and misguided is the means to use others as pharmakoi or 'sin-eaters'.

Intelligence is always working, and for some an insanity represents a strategy to evade greater terror. The generation of the mask against further fear of pain of loss is partly nature and partly nurture - in that we use whatever works and is to hand. If you were of the 'moron class' background, you would learn the survival available in those parameters, which include all manner of social and cultural expectations and conditioning.

Polarised breakdowns of communication are where intelligence is so patterned as to block its own function - as a house divided.

Mortality is only the final factor. Degradation of our quality of living will express as loss of workability and what doesn't truly fit life is effectively limited by its unworkability. Ingenious thinking can and does engage in propping up a false or conflicted model or ideal as if to conserve what it takes as its core identification. But a true account is always having to be defended against, attacked and suppressed or repackaged as an evil to be stamped out and cancelled.

The fact that can be observed and tried for its fruits is that what you resist, persists, (with all the force of attention given it). This resistance can then become invisibly structured as a social and cultural construct as as to have learned NOT to see what you do not want to own as your experience, but cast out as a reason to never look or abide. The denial is still active, but the denier becomes as one who knows not what they do. The experience of being denied CAN and generally will elicit and equal and opposite reaction if attempt at communication are also denied.

Use it or lose it, is also the fact that what we do not choose to use, fades with non use. This offers a non destructive opportunity to fade the thought you do not want, and grow and strengthen the thought you recognise and align truly in - as the quality of your joy in being. The desire and intent that become your consciousness is then integral and within the living rather than a disembodied and dissociated sense of inadequate possession and control (set as if in opposition to life as it actually is).

The reset idea - for all its ingenuity is loveless, and not more than the 'haves', consolidating as a kind of cartel-collectivism in fear of dispossession masked in the lure and fantasy of control of other humans and life in ways that seem to open a new epoch in which (they) shall 'be as gods'.

A true reset is a true and just account - for what doesn't work runs as a burden  of strain and sacrifice of struggle in fear pain and loss, accepted as reality and adapted to as the attempt to get others to pay so that you can keep the life it gives you. Fear of truth renders its messengers 'demonic' or threat or vector of contagion to be stamped out.

We have arrived at our starting place, perhaps to know it for the first time and thus save ourselves the recycling of the same error, as if THIS TIME, it will work. That is indeed one definition of 'stupid'; to persist in what doesn't work over and over as if wanting it to work will pay off.


Sir John Oldcastle > Alice Dobie

Black Death, 42% of the entire population died.

In the Americas mostly before the beginnings of colonising Europeans, the figure may be closer to 95%.

King James 1st (might have the number wrong) took it as a gift of God.

Read Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong is a 1995 book by James W. Loewen, a sociologist. It critically examines twelve popular American high school history textbooks and concludes that the textbook authors propagate false, Eurocentric and mythologized views of American history.

(Its an engaging and open discovery - not a revisionist polemic).

The history written by victors also applies to what narratives are accepted to cover trauma. The virological cover story is in my view just that; a cover story.

re-opening trauma can induce psychosis (look around you), but willingness to heal has to find the way of re-integrating denied experience that is no less active for being lidded over by narrative dictate. It simply manifests in more insidious forms that are dissociated from true context.

Toxic conditions are not all technological or Promethean guilt. Volcanic activity and dust or debris from what we call 'Space' are always ongoing and can also be associated with energetic conditions that might be called growth spurts, natural resets, or extinction events through which a fundamental shift occurs.

If we cannot negotiate change consciously, we oblige crises to 'do it for us'.

The technological control freak thinks to orchestrate a manual reset?

Does it think that if it destroys the life it judges against and hates, that Life will come into the world to bless and crown THEIR new world image?

I am not without some understanding for a sense of despair in waking others to true needs, but I see this is the result of what we are looking with and through. If we have not accepted for ourselves what we are pushing or seeking to persuade in others, then we meet the reflection of our own conflicted communication - but interpret it as an infection to stamp out. 

We generally interpret through learned and acquired conditioning, that in effect reiterates the past into the future by stamping over true presence.


Tim W to kingkevin3

Why don't you explain to Christine how her grandfather died of a disease that doesn't exist?

binra  to Tim W

You cannot die from a disease that doesn't exist but truth can be masked by false theory or misguiding diversion. Especially when disclosure would cost money, status or liberty, and the cover story not only hides toxic liability but sets the basis of further mind and market capture.


lms2 Harry

I'm beginning to think that the world is run by lizard people who hate humans.

It makes more sense than the absolute bllx our so-called leaders are trying to foist on us.

Read a bit on the primitive or reptilian brain. Such as The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce.

Human self hate is pervasive and generally unowned, so as to leak into all our relationships, likewise the fear that runs beneath.

Keeping a lid over unresolved trauma - to provide the experience of temporary security (oxymoron alert!), is locking into the fight flight response. This has its right place, but is hardly the full field or our awareness and participation!

So in a sense the guardians become guards and predators - and we are back at the archetype of the Parent eating its own children. “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner)

Terror driven narratives dissociate. The hollow and dissociated are driven to impose a directive that in the frame they set has no Reason, and in the frame of biosecurity technocratic subjection, delivers us to evil, under insane premises and chasing false profits.

There is a case to say that terrifying and overwhelming aliens COULD be a plausible plot line for why the leadership class collapses to the knee of abject compliance. But the representation can be symbol for the nature of unnamed fear of an overwhelming alien will. I use the term alien here as 'other'. To set up an oppositional will to God of true self  in CONCEPT opens the experience of living through the modelling mind AS IF made real. Alienation of Life becomes the experience of alienation by Life, and the Other or Opposite to Life (in concept) is death as the stamping out or undermining of the capacity to support such a life. As we judge so are we judged.

While there's perhaps more than you can chew. The gist is of our dispossession under fear and division that operates as a drive to possess and control that NEVER truly can, and so it can never have enough 'control' or 'wealth'. 

You can see 'temptation' under 'so-called leadership bllx' as the re-offering of old scripts to the freedom to choose not to use them. Thanks! - But no thanks.

From a recognition of Life we may then give a witness that is not simply a polarised reaction, by which resonant patterns communicate (regardless the masking in space and time) as like begets like.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Destructive Circular Reasoning Running False Assumptions



“The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus, which was isolated on 7 January 2020……On 12 January 2020, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus for countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.”

If they didn’t isolate the virus, then what in the world did they “isolate”??

Read carefully. They did NOT isolate anything but probed matter taken from a few patients to identify tiny fragments of genetic code that they then applied computer modelling to 'reconstitute' to a 'definition' of the supposed whole virus.

The virus is thus a mental construct represented by a genetic definition.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men put WHO they decided Humpty Dumpty is, together. But never isolated or found Humpty, because Humpty is a false flag of a presumed attacker associated with crapped out lungs in a 'cluster' of Wuhan Smog victims.

Note clearly that the running of a false narrative over an actual event can assign feared agency or motive to imaginary forces such as to magnify the fear as the basis for reactions that are agency and do have effects, but which are likely to be interpreted through the shock or fear narrative as even further evidence of attack.

The article shows that what is tested for in PCR can be any number of shared genetic sequence and is not specific to one pathogenic virus. It also shows that there is no evidence of causation - ie this soup of genetic pathogen was not bale to 'infect' or be cultured in human cells. (The basis for such assertion of infection is in any case one of observing degradation or adverse change in a cell culture after first starving and poisoning it and then adding the 'viral soup' of some filtering but not pure isolate. healthy cells cannot be used to culture 'virus' they have to be 'conditioned ' first').

The basic trick is that of circular reasoning:

Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with. The components of a circular argument are often logically valid because if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.

Circular reasoning is a form of fallacy or deceit in which the writer or speaker makes an argument based on a claim that is already believed.

IE: You must not question The Science because it is the truth.

However the basis of the original assumption must be demonstrably true - otherwise all that is based upon, built from and invested in it, is false. This is I think, the simple truth beneath insanely invested illusions that must war truth to seem to live while we sleep.

The virological field being one facet of a house of cards.

Not that biology is invalid, but that pathology is a weaponised and marketised bastard of biological science. 

(The next may be more complex to ponder).

The basis idea of terrain theory as it comes to me to summarise is that the total environment is expressing as the condition in every unique case. This includes both nutrient or support for life and toxin or block to function - including psychic-emotional chemistry. The whole is expressing through the part.

Fear is inherent to invested illusion, and can distort, fragment and render life (you) meaningless.

Fear contracts and shuts down many functions to a 'fight or flight mode' of solution set in the physical body, and is heightened in its sense of 'enemy and threat' to corresponding reaction. 

The transfer of our psychic conflict onto physical conditions, interjects a narrative framing to colour the experience of any actual or perceived threat in learned patterns of pain or loss, as a means of displacing or externalising unresolved inner conflict that is not recognised or given attention in its own terms. And so just 'happens' without conscious responsibility and is made real BY reaction.

This then operates a human world of assigned meanings that are not really there - excepting the invested need for them to be 'real' is charged and operated by the unreadiness and unwillingness to recognise and release the attempt to solve our own issues by imposing on a world made as defence from what fear made - and still runs as invested currency of a social order.

Pathogen theory is based on the belief that there is something 'Out there' that is intending to kill us. If you managed to follow the above, you may see that unresolved conflicts - we can also call denied self, has been 'externalised' to our world and attacked by the establishing of defences set against it masked in narratives of self-saving justification - and self-limitation or identity as narrative dictate (programmed mind).

The narrative dictate or 'judge' set over and apart from life, selects always to reject, and does not recognise its act of rejection as running a denial script or indeed alien-ating agenda that intends to stamp out and deny - and thus sets up the experience of being stamped out and denied.

Waking from the bubble of control to the underlying paranoia that it effectively masks and feeds upon, is disturbing.

But it is a stepping stone and not a true destination.

Running of false assumptions, as if they are built-in meanings, is an 'unquestioned life' - which some Greek philosopher once said 'was not worth living', but I would say has not as yet uncovered truly living worth by its extension to others.

'Amnesty' is an idea of a shared willingness to release debt. (Not to repackage toxic debt int new instruments of control). 

The true purpose of Law is to hold for and restore the conditions for Life - and human law is predicated in recognition and appreciation of life (Not its substitution).

Coming 'back' into our true and full presence is the desired outcome beneath whatever 'means' we may have adopted and aligned in - and that presence is already here for us to recognise and accept, indicates it is our conditions that set our agenda, and our lockdown and masking in such conditions as an inviolate 'identity' that life must fit to, or fail in abandonment, rejection and betrayal.

We all have conditions that set us up to fail. Perhaps from giving priority to old grievance that become cherished for what they seem to give us - or what we have thus become.

The linkage between conditions and conditioning - is a self reinforcing or circular reasoning that programs response according to meanings assigned.

You then are the assigner of meanings, but under fear, the extension of whole meaning is blocked to only select what we THINK will feed us or support our life, and unlike a living cell, we can learn to move toward the toxin and away from the nutrient, through the acquired construct of 'thinking' running on mis-taken or mis-guided assumption.

The virus - or any other posited agent of threat - may be said to not exist, but its belief has all the life given it, and yet cannot share in or extend and reflect life, and so works the sacrifice of life to an idol that seems to give power of protection, only to render blind, hollow and powerless under the mindset of 'control' raised to replace a God of love.


Commenter to the article:

Okay but SOMETHING is going around and making people sick (I just recovered myself). With wierd and unique symptoms such as loss of taste and smell, blood clots, etc. So what could be causing this?

Just look at records for death and disease cycles that peak every winter.

Where have you been this year?

The symptoms are not unique to 'covid' but are stamped in the charge of covid-reaction.

Fear driven to seek protection latches onto a narrative through which it then interprets. You've been framed.

If you owned your question you could grow in conscious ability by determining to follow the questioning and find out where it takes you as your own discovery.

Or you can look for a 'ready made answer' to serve the same masking function as the narrative it replaces.

Can you come up with other causes of respiratory clearance symptoms? (toxic pollutions?)

Or circulatory problems? (locked indoors?)

There are doubtless innumerable cofactors such as lack of vitamin D (no T-cells)

Or lack of vit B1 (beri beri symptoms)

One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them can be an apparently unifying narrative in terms of attracting priority of attention, funding and sacrifice to control set as 'protection' that you can entrance yourself to a loss of true will in giving preference to a false.

Now we have a the coronation of a biotech reich that intends replacing human genetics to serve its own image of 'security'. If you have no real question, you have no basis from which to notice the false as false, such as to release identity in it and uncover the true.

When I say a real question, I mean it rises from your core rather than posits in concept.

Desire is fundamental to alignment of purpose.

What could be causing this fixation in focus upon death and disaster but the desire to replace the responsibility for consciousness life with a newsfeed that feeds on its audience?


Commenter to a thread on exacting vengeance on the perpetrators:

Did 1 million Iraqis get a fair trial, before Operation Shock N Awe?

Course not.

So why on earth should you give this bunch one?

Perhaps because you are the power to choose not to replicate the thing you hate?

Hate can blindly seek its discharge without caring who or what consequence.

Establishing the truth is different from manufacturing on under vengeance.

One version of a 'reset' is to seed the Terror as a new cycle of blind righteous masking psychopathy.

I don't blame you for your feelings - I simply don't think feelings are the basis for determining reality.

Someone was scapegoated and sacked recently for stating that gender is more than feelings.

The worship of selected feelings works the golem.

But the capacity to feel is our true Inheritance.

Unless and until checked and disarmed, the engine of destruction feeds upon polarised emotional reactivity, while playing third party from the shadows of plausible deniability and layers of disposable 'assets' such as ideologies, politicians, corporations, industry sectors or at the bottom line - take everything down with them. What else could it be BUT a 'god' of vengeance?

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Stamping out is cancel culture


Well said Malcolm.

If you should be defrocked, or retire from doing as much and as little as possible for the patient, you could do worse than "A History of Medical Beliefs and Practices - perhaps subtitled 'Toward the Discovery of Medicine'.

The evil that knows not what it does brings about what it does not expect.

So at another level altogether from the Fat Controllers, I see a reset from a society of suppressed symptoms to a realignment within life from a fresh appreciation of who and what we are.

I rightly or wrongly sense a desperation in the collapse into last resort.

But the nature of the beast is to accuse its very act in others.

The boil comes to the surface to burst, but more importantly to release its underlying conflict of hurt and hate set in rage, masked under suppression, that feeds the thing it purports to protect from.

There are opportunistic manipulations associated with destructive processes, but there is also a blind irrational and self-destructive hatred, that is like an iceberg, pre-verbal, masked over and deeply inhibited from open expression, because it is itself hellishly hateful to feel directly, and elicits the reaction to suppress and cast out by all and any means as an overriding priority.

Instead of mandating the hating of designated 'haters' (the new cancel culture underlying narrative dictatorship that includes and extends beyond covidity), we would do well to own that we are not only loving caring and compassionate, but carry pain that is encapsulated but nonetheless active in our frame of thought, perception and response.

'Unconscious bias' - yes - but blaming guilt of mind-leverage? No.

'Common Purpose' - yes - but by coercion and deceit? - No.

That freedom of communication can align in healing outcomes is the measure of trust and faith extended to it. No one wants communication to open their 'Room 101' and so without any overt conspiracy, everyone sells out on the truth that heals to evade their greatest fears - which Orwell chose his own picture for dramatic effect.

The truth that heals is the revealing of perspective that  a genuine willingness to communicate, relate, enquire and listen, uncovers through such willingness.

The idea of codifying this onto or into tablets and global biosecurity systems, is the result of the attempt to control life rather than share the gift of living it.

To a controlled and managed sense of 'security' LIFE itself is Threat - excepting in very specific conditionalities. 

I am told that one who is on a ventilator - having breath manually managed and taken from their own responsibility, cannot just be unhooked, but has to be weaned back into accepting and taking up responsibility. Perhaps not everyone wants to live if their conditions cannot be met. But conditioning can operate a lockdown in any mind unable or unwilling to question its own conditioning. Old dogs with old tricks may not want to survive a 'New World' in which our bodies, our children, reproductive, social and economic choices and biological environment - are all corporately owned and 'controlled'.

But while I am alive, I choose to embrace life - including the hate-sickness of a collective insanity that seeks to 'cancel' life under the guise of weaponised 'feelings' that usurp and block our very capacity to feel and know and share in living. 

I also note that there is the politics of outrageous demands that operates a kind of terrorism of the mind, so as to unsettle the 'rival' or 'target' and enable the 'deal' that is eventually consented to - within the framing fear of terrible loss, to an outcome set by the bully, than would never have been arrived at by open and honouring negotiation. This 'post truth politic' is increasingly the  signature characteristic of the bollocks being purveyed under pain of stick or lust for carrots (that may simply defer  or mitigate the stick and offer no carrot at all).

There is no 'way out' of a 'devil's pact' but simple repentance or release of our investment now - come what may. The words I chose don't matter. Their meaning is in the active willingness of a true re-evaluation rather than persisting in self-conflicted illusion as if there is and can be nothing else BUT as MY Terms and Conditions dictate.

Therefore everything in the mind's emotional reinforcement and physical experience is set against such disclosure. And cannot and will not hear or see what its function is to 'make you safe' from re-living. A change of heart is a new context, and not the projections of the old onto the new.

If we fight our own defences - they become auto-immune disease in the body politic.

The attempt to stamp out, seeds another cycle. The idea of stamping out from a template is a Newtonian version of creation, and hacking DNA is the attempt to mess with our own source code AS IF a separate leverage set apart from and over an unworthy life that does not meet our conditions. Who will 'win' such a war but a reset to persist the same futility over and over until something truly moves us to be recognised, accepted and lived, rather than being stamped on.


"That policy seems to have worked quite well. I for one am glad that the anti-vaccinationists weren’t listened to and a terrible disease has been eradicated. Am I wrong?"

'Seems' is the truth of what you wrote.

Are you wrong to believe as you do?

No - you have been told by trusted authorities what seems easy to accept.

History as a justification for an ongoing set of belief that supports a current directive, is more than hindsight by which to exonerate or validate the victors.

It is evident to me that many will accept anything to mask out their fears even when such devices become the very agency of what they fear. You can follow your own question and evaluate your findings for yourself. But if you will only look at the mainstreamed account, you will only look for reassurance of what you do not want to really look at yet.

The history of Leicester's successful revolt against mandatory smallpox vaccines is a very relevant and unsung example of courage for our own times.

Everything is backwards.

Covbollox and the invested establishment identity 

There are various levels to this larger contextual scenario in terms of invested identity.

As Talk Radio’s Julia noted, those who are part of the establishment are unwilling for the most part to even question or openly question the framing of the deceit, and so will express their position in terms of what they have to see, think or believe - or profess to believe - as their own survival within an established identity.

Many of the general public have no less investment in the medical establishment as their protector against disease and death, along with the NHS and bodies such as WHO as the effective monopoly of expertise and provision of protection.

‘Covbollox’ represents the ‘long grass’ of persistent entanglement in details, that could matter, if they were allowed to be part of a consistent and logical and practical view, rather than the tactic of evasion and obfusaction in time and resource consuming diversion. No one is really listening, in the arena of corporate politics (to anything except strategic analysis of all communication as personal reinforcement... or threat)

The unwillingness to allow any questions that are not within the establishment narrative is where the blatant conspiracy of deceit operates through the blind eye given to no-go areas that are protected by pejorative 'cancel' terms such as antivaxxer, denialist, Icke, conspiracy theorists and etc. The weaponisation of language as the means to deny a voice is the denial of the capacity to illuminate the nature of the deceits such as to reveal it as a masking agenda, by which to be kept in the dark, in conflict, in dependency, and under a mind of control - as distinct from freedom to love and to be ourselves - free of deceit and conflict agenda.

No science is required to recognise the framing of blatant propaganda set in terror campaign, to establish the 'attack' that attracts the guilt for NOT aligning in compliance with the 'defence' that is the actual attack or leverage upon the minds, reactions and redistribution of rights, wealth and control.

Deceit is a weaponisation of language set in the FORM of communication which may be 'boosted' by an injection of 'the science' (sic) or any other known trick in the dark art of persuasive or hypnotic ju-jitsu. ie: unsettle your target by any means possible - ie: through appealing to their sympathies or pet hates and fears.

'They' can be anyone, including ourselves, in aligning with deceit weaponised over truth shared. This is a deeper matter than the current version of its application, but the Hidden Hand (of a negatively defined sense of self and life) is not IN the 'pathogens' such as Soros or Gates, Bankster class, MSM, WEF or any number of fronts that operates as if many - but THROUGH them by our own allegiances and support that for the most part are our alignments in a 'fallen nature' that is profiled, targeted and used against us while feeding our established sense of freedom, status, or protection.

That deep fear is being invoked as the means to protect from fear is for many, the recognition that insanity rules, and consequently a call to question from outside the 'established normal' as to the true nature of what is happening, and who and what we are.

Normal - is a meaningless reference for the establishing of order - excepting to those who would train and condition to a stockholm syndrome of feeling loved by the temporary desisting of inflicted pain, denial and guilted penalty while actively protecting and making sacrifice of self and others to our persecutor.

The way out of a mind trap is not to enter it by emotionally reactive investment.

Having entered its net, all struggle within its frame reinforces the trap.

The inducements to react are suggestions and a mind trap is a form of hypnosis.

The ability to pause the reaction so as to allow a true question or curiosity to move is making way for 'life' to come in to a fear-bound reactive strategy that can give priority to fantasy over a true relational appreciation. The human imagination can MODEL its own reality and inhabit or limit to its models as if they are fact. This goes much deeper than Ferguson et al - yet the signature pattern reveals the nature of the roots by its fruits.

I cannot change The World by leverage - and I suggest that even those who think they can will find what they do not expect - for every action generates reaction that will reveal us to ourselves in a harvest we may not recognise as our own denials coming 'home' to roost.

I can awaken to and accept where my responsibility is - and release where it ISNT.

The latter is where we can take on guilt that does NOT belong to us as a sense of lack, inadequacy and failure. To own and face what is truly ours is always unmasking our mind of its attempt to hide or keep hidden towards a reconciliation or resolution that transforms us - and our capacity to recognise and relate to others and our world without the dictate of a masking of 

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

The mind virus of toxic debt set in guilt and fear

You may be better to use terrain theory to contextualise what you may believe you are saying but which will not be received.

Psycho-pathological anthropomorphism is the miraculous capacity of mind-extending or projecting meanings - that are self-attacking contradictory or insane, as a means to construct a world from doublethink as if a unity - set in and of itself - rather than inhering or inheriting its qualities directly - or miraculously - as in unself-conscious joy that need take no thought for itself.

The mind-virus underpins the way we see ourselves, each other and our world. 

Interpreting all things to a dogmatically held masking narrative by which we think to aggrandise, save or protect our 'self'.

This is obvious to that the humans are the virus being 'controlled' - and inducement to fear and guilt is the underling directive backed by coercion and threat, under masking in 'concern' that conceal an immediate outrage if openly challenged.

The love that turns to hate is not love, but the masking over a hate that cannot abide itself.

I will not say there is no hate, toxic thinking or evil, but that these are derivatives of a profound mis-identification, running headless - or rather running ahead without any real relational connection to its terrain - and therefore pathological or limiting and destructive to life.

The belief that any virus is in and of itself 'cause' is false.

But as a cover story or mask over toxic debt is deemed too big to fail and so is always fed with more sacrifice rather than released to allow a true re-evaluation.

Our model or narrative filters, distorts or determines what we perceive and sets the range of our response.

Usurping the Reset 

A cartel monopolism has corrupted capitalism from the outset. It is a kind of corporate socialism that is overtly associated with Fascism, but can and does operate any and many faces or fronts - such as to exercise controlling interests through any and every vector of influence.

Part of its ability to set up polarised narrative identities, is the funding, and promoting of its own ‘opposition’.

Thus arenas of contained or open conflict feed a hidden third party.

The underlying pattern of such corruption is within us, even if manifesting as a world to which we are subjected.

The masking of grievance coupled in fear of pain of loss, presents the face of control, set in the judgements from which an identity is maintained.

To suppress corruption at the level of symptoms without addressing the underlying causes within us, is to persist in masking corruption in ever more insidious deceits of control - such as ‘the great reset’.

Corruption is firstly a false currency of identification. Evil is derivative.

The quickness to first accuse in the other, or to pre-empt their own frame of defence is a ‘woke’ facade of fear and guilt driven grievance that has all the power given it by fear, guilt and vengeance.

But awakening is the gift of noticing within the moment of the gift of a freely and naturally or spontaneously shared existence, and no personal claim at all.

The willingness to align in the grace of our being has to be desired despite the lock-down to a fear-defined sense of personal claim set over and against a life betrayed under self-illusory deceits - given priority.

My token MP would not see or read anything addressed him, nor grasp this if he did, but I can expand my sense of natural desire to root for his waking up to his true need in the way that he can begin to recognise, despite the seemingly overwhelming and inescapable sense of self, life and world that locks him in a masking necessity of conformity and compliance - even to lose the little that he hath.

However, what you write from your heart - you are extending as a gift of witness and communication regardless whether another accepts the gift now or later. What we give we strengthen in our selves. What we choose NOT to give, fades from non use. The idea of communication as leverage and weapon turns our own mind against itself (us). And so I write this in the spirit of a gift shared, to your freedom to alight in what resonates true for where you are now and what is relevant for who you are accepting yourself to be.

There is a 'reset' underway that the woke mask seeks to usurp and control.

Self-illusion yields to truth as a result of its own internal conflicts going forth and multiplying to the point of insanity and collapse. In which case we will not do more than persist the same themes under magical 'redefinitions' of leveraged 'incentive' unless we uncover them to a true resolution in the foundation of our being - which is a gift that knows itself in the sharing and cannot see in the idea of possession and control taken for a self set over and apart in judgement.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Conflict Managed masking as a new narrative solution

My opening comment is to the article.

The underlying patterning I see is of invested identities that manage conflicts under narrative masking which becomes unwieldy, over burdened, hollow, tired, stale, sacrificial and self-destructive and so we come to the compression back to Source , which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant and helpful to who we now recognise ourselves to be.

Any process of legal disclosures is avoided where bringing into the open has more danger to a systemic corruption, and so behind the scenes, deals are brokered along with non disclosure.
The show must go on
But alas in terms of keeping face and legitimacy of control such as to hold the legal framework that protects them against a collective immune response, and sets societal protectors against the messengers of perspectives that would offer healing rather than sacrificial and destructive ways to buy more time against a true reckoning or just account.

JuraCalling to me:

The complete first paragraph is five lines long yet only one sentence. The terminology and phrases are very difficult to understand.

“manage conflicts under narrative masking?”

In the context of the pandemic, what is the conflict they re managing ?

What is the  narrative masking? Do you just mean that they re telling lies, ie  false narrative?

“becoming sacrificial and self-destructive?”

Who or what is ?

“we come to the compression back to Source   which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant”

Can you explain that a little clearer please.

“helpful to who we now recognise ourselves to be”.

What does that refer to ?

My reply to JuraCalling:

My words mean exactly what they say.

I said "manage conflicts under narrative masking ?"

Your inner conflict is masked over by your narrative identity. But unless you notice that, you will act out the mask as if your self. For what you invest in as your protection becomes your self.

(I used 'you' - but not to single 'you' out so much as to indicate a statement you can personally verify. But if you merely 'think about' you will not observe your thought process.

The pan-ic-demic is replicating these symbols as our literal experience.
You can more easily observe cognitive dissonance in others - if you are not under the spell of having reacted to fear and thus emotionally investing identity in its frame.

All narratives operate a self-reinforcement to the underlying beliefs or believed fears' running as perception-response or conditioned behaviours.
That we can align in narratives that truly reflect who and what we are is where we have sanity and coherence and a basis for trust and communication. But the truth is never IN the narrative any more than it is IN the Map or Model of reality.

I said "becoming sacrificial and self-destructive ?"

Lies defended as truth demand the sacrifice of truth. Does this need explaining?
However, the usurping of the mind is not recognised as such in those who ‘know not what they do’ – (cognitive dissonance).

I said  ”we come to the compression back to Source – which we may experience as fear and pain of loss in direct proportion to identifications that are no longer supportable, supported or relevant’‘

The Universe Breathes – as cycles within cycles or rather spirals.
But in specific to what I wrote is the expansion of founding ideas that go forth and multiply or are developed along the lines of their interacting themes. When conflicts are held in Mind as part of following multiple themes, they can be ‘partitioned’ or spaced out to buy time in which to explore the experience.
This can be taken in terms of individually or collectively (I don’t mean collectivism). But we are always both AND … (more).

The going forth for experience is lived and in its time and timing is harvested or rendered to its essence - truth is not lost. In human terms we are brought to the focus of having to do more with less and cannot afford the drain of a conflict management mind an so aligning with our lives rather than with the mask, we release what does not really matter to stand clearly in what does. I could put this as who you now accept and recognise yourself to be, for under the identification within imaged concepts, we sought to live the experience of what our signature characteristics, and formative experience, set us in.

The inability to read what I write is not the choice of word and phrase, so much as the non-communication between who we think we are, and who we are. If 'who you are' could reach you without your consent, you would not be able to live your experience, and so you have to freely WANT to listen in the heart more than following the thinking by which to engage a private or partitioned sense of a mind, that may join in the idea of aligning with others to mask in conflict - or - to join in recognition in which the masking falls away or is rendered transparent to the truth of who you are with.

The latter identifies truly - thank you for your questions.
The former invests in masking segregations that lead to competing and conflicting interests. The human experience is the balance and the imbalance - or else balance would be locked on and no freedom would be shared.

The lockdown idea is an attempt to lock on an imposed balance against feared change. Nothing could be more imbalanced! yet within the attempt to make it so is the fear that drives it. Locking in narrative meanings so as to make them 'sacred' or beyond question is the same deal. Terms and conditions asserted as non negotiable under fear or threat of utter disconnection, loss of face or exclusion.
We can read the inner by its accusation onto 'others'.
But we cannot use that as a weapon (without suffering the same measure). Only as a way to access our own unconscious.

I write towards recognising what runs beneath - as a whole and not as another layer of conflict management. So it will not have any support or ammunition for the 'war' - unless your sense of standing in and for life has moved from gaining power by whatever means, to aligning in the power of life from a sane or unconflicted foundation - which will never be arrived at as a result of our own thinking. For that is the basis by which a conflicted foundation is interjected - like a moneylender in the Template, setting a bias on meaning, and establishing it as 'normal' currency.

Running with a false inheritance is a temporary illusion or misidentification. Our debts come home to roost, and what we pay or deny in our self to have what we think we want of need can be completely put out of mind - but into our world.
denials need above all else to meet the light of acceptance. Those parts of ourself that are denied are often framed as threat to our bubble and meet with persistent ongoing denial. Big Brother is also an archetype within us - and yet the word within can be misinterpreted while masking against our projections so as to present a seeming face of unity or self-control over a hidden fear of shame, humiliation or loss of control to what is truly felt - but denied acceptance and movement of being.

The disintegration of a masking narrative identity is a reliving of exposure to 'ancient' or archetypal fears, separation trauma - that never really went away, but were successfully lidded over, at time, for a time in the ever shifting game of musical chairs in which no one wants to lose, and so each seeks their 'salvation' according to where they find support and reinforcement for protection in terms of fears that are largely pre-verbally acquired and not within the realm of our rational thought. Hence, no matter what understandings about this contraction and consolidation to a core of 'control' - it holds much more disturbance than can be rationally explained away, and yet we mostly want to cling to this because rationality is part of our learned sense of filtering or mitigating chaos so as to hold some sort of order over it.

But the true nature of order is discerned within what seems chaotic and this is the call to open and listen more deeply or directly to what is - as it is - instead of defending identity in rationalising that can become insanely irrational - as in 'making us safe' and the whole breakdown of communication and trust to manipulative delusions given priority over any process of communication.

This is arriving at our starting place to know it for the first time - to use TS Elliot's phrase. Or at least is uncovering the original error by which Innocence of being or awareness itself, was lost (or rather, masked over).

Reply to Binra

"Lies defended as truth demand the sacrifice of truth. Does this need explaining? However, the usurping of the mind is not recognised as such in those who know not what they do (cognitive dissonance)".

I think you mean a lie is a lie.

know not what they do is about not understanding the seriousness of the actions you may be carrying out and not realising the consequences. The quote is from the Bible. It has no relationship to cognitive dissonance if you know what cognitive dissonance is.

The rest is all a bit weighed down with 1990s new age self help quotes and tropes that don t relate to anything or even each other. It s OK in small doses if it s placed in a much larger does of plain English..

My Reply to JuraCalling

No - I mean that a lie identified in, and masked over - set against truth, is 'sin'.
Cognitive dissonance is a modern word for a spiritual death that knows not what it is but thinks it does.

I am not seeking or interested in your marks 'teacher' .
The waking from the dead is for those who choose from a new recognition.

'Even as you do unto the least (but not excluding any) you do unto Me'.

You can think about this as long as you want but until you are willing to release your thinking mind and drop to the heart you act out the judge (set over life and others).

A lie is not always a lie. If I was hiding you from thugs who had no legitimacy under the Law. and was asked if I had seen you, and said no , in order to protect you then I would be aligning in the truth of my heart.

Truth is always true but lies can mask as truth and tempt us to deny our truth and that of others. Peter denied Jesus, under fear that shut down his mind until he heard the cocks crowing the dawn and remembered. This was a great gift that found its time and timing. Not a cause to judge and blame Peter! Fear shuts down the mind such as to know not what we do.
But under a fear-driven survival we do whatever it takes to survive in the masking that fear set us in. The mask demands support and protection as an attempt to protect ourself that cannot really work, but only delay by covering over in diversion, obfuscation and distraction. All about a sense of control that was not needed until fear redefined us in a broken sense of life.
When we are in our joy, armouring falls away by itself.
Because you can categorise everything to blanket judgement such as new age or self-help you can successfully hide what you do not want to hear yet.
If ever the need for truth is as the drowning man s need for air look to where your judgements or rule out what you thought to use to make your masking more solid.
There is a time for all things under the Sun.

JuraCalling in Reply to Binra
Sin is a subjective notion. A lie being a lie is a fact. Keep simple things simple. Trying to make everything profound for the sake of it drowns everything.

Cognitive dissonance is a modern word for a spiritual death

It's a two-word phrase that resides within the realms of Psychology. Spirituality again is a subjective notion and can only be speculated about at best. Cognitive Dissonance refers to the anguish experienced when you can t prioritise one of two or more held beliefs that contradict one another.

"I am not seeking or interested in your marks teacher".

Just as well really. But, for the record, I asked to clarify something you said. That's not teaching, it's wanting to learn.

"Even as you do unto the least (but not excluding any) you do unto Me. You can think about this as long as you want but until you are willing to release your thinking mind and drop to the heart you act out the judge".

See- you re doing it again. It s as though you throw words into a tumble dryer and pull them out randomly to put in sentences.

A lie is not always a lie.

It is. If it were otherwise it wouldn't be called one.

If I was hiding you from thugs who had no legitimacy under the Law. and was asked if I had seen you, and said no , in order to protect you then I would be aligning in the truth of my heart.

Yes, you'd also have told a lie. I think you're trying to talk about a moral dilemma.

Because you can categorise everything to blanket judgement such as new age or self-help you can successfully hide what you do not want to hear yet.

All i want to hear is plain English.

"If ever the need for truth is as the drowning man's need for air look to where your judgements or rule out what you thought to use to make your masking more solid. There is a time for all things under the Sun".

I'll name that tune in 12.

Namaste (or something else mystical)

Mr reply to JuraCalling:

I am assigning 'sin' to the act of giving power and priority to 'subjective notion' when it actively denies relational truth - which is not 'objective' so much as transcendent or upstream to the mental level. But is the basis of a workable objective appreciation of shared experience. All true communication has a communion element. You can honour this or you can mask over it with speculative opinions so as to 'escape' the committent of a real relationship.

When you are ready or willing to receive, you are already in the act of extension. You are only alone in a false concept of freedom to be what you are not.

You say:

"Cognitive Dissonance refers to the anguish experienced when you cant prioritise one of two or more held beliefs that contradict one another"
What you conceive and believe yourself to be you is belief - the contradiction is with reality - at the conceptual level.

In any moment you may notice that you had thought you were what you were thinking to be, but you are the observer of the thought and the space or awareness of which the thought arises within (and which never really leaves the mind that thought it). 'One-mind' is not monopoly lordship, but the already nature of mind as the extension of resonant recognition. This is already the case and waits on acceptance, Nothing need change for truth to be itself, but our awareness of truth depends on willingness to accept and extend it as the condition that we 'broke' as the split mind of withholding or denial. Thus, releasing the conditions of a masking exclusion undoes the 'social distance' of judgements locking down a mind in its driven subjected 'object identification' under fear, pain and loss.

You said:

"The rest is all a bit weighed down with 1990s new age self help quotes and tropes that don't relate to anything or even each other. Its OK in small doses if its placed in a much larger does of plain English..".

I said 'teacher'.
Jesus is attributed the quote: "Even as you do unto the least..." which speaks to the heart of every relationship - but not to masking illusions. Are you calling the Bible a tumble dryer? ;-)
Anything can be called a lie. You don't need a teacher to see that!
Context is the determiner. You 'see' the reinforcement of the framing you are operating from. We all do. To know or be conscious of our purpose is to live our truth, as distinct from an overlay or bias set upon it that cannot truly be lived and shared because it isn't who we are, but can be a way to recognise who we are not, and so choose to disinvest from propping up defences that no longer make sense to who we are now revealed to be.
I would have no dilemma in following my heart. Who worships the form or letter above the spirit of the law is blind to truth and so is unable to recognise truth. Nor can it be told. The 'poor in spirit' inherit the Kingdom from the honesty of recognition that they are poor in Spirit and need truth beyond the mere forms of 'social correctness'. The self-inflated run off with a false inheritance, defended against fear of repossession.
Calling people names such as 'conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, Icke followers, denialists' and etc, are devices against relational communication. Are you only here to troll disinfo or can you understand how such blanket judgements operate? I do not assign blame but extend the invitation to simply notice how the mind works in act - and not as 'speculation'.
'Namaste' is very ordinary in its native culture - but at its root holds the same recognition:
'Even as you do unto your 'brothers', you do unto 'Me' - where 'Me' is the unconditional embrace of your Life.

But the recognition of respect for life, and for the golden rule, opens a way to recognise yourself in others, rather than use them to dump your stuff on, as if to get rid of it and become 'more' as a result of making them 'less'.