I'm beginning to believe that 10,000 years ago all the clever people left in a space vessel and left the morons on Earth. And now here we are without leadership or hope!!
Well thats just a sci fi version of the Fall.
Except the moronic is the result of the tricksy thinking by which to hijack the living inheritance so as to go forth and multiply as a mind virus that interjects fear and control to
Socially distance from innate Intimacy of being to lockdown in a masking over a body of lack, shame and guilt.
Intimacy is where nothing is withheld or denied.
But WHO told you you were naked?
While that Bible phrase has become specifically topical - I take its question as the gift of the Holy Spirit - from the very first fall into self-illusion, from which and by which to discern the truth as we are moved to seek. We are never left comfortless if we truly question the framing of our thought, for the heart can be covered over or masked in betrayals, that are rooted in fear made real by unwatched reaction.
Joe Smith Harry
It's simpler than that. Just read up on Mouse Utopia.
When you eliminate mortality for creatures with defective genes, those defective genes rapidly spread through the population until none of the young are able to function because they all have too many defective genes.
And then it all collapses.
I think complete collapse, where no more young are born and the old die off until the population drops to zero, takes about six generations in mice. Humans have been at this for at least four.
What makes it worse is that the post-war welfare state paid the stupid to breed at the expense of the smart. Which means a lot more stupid kids and a lot less smart kids.
Amazingly abstract thinking here.
When who, exactly, eliminates mortality, how exactly?
I see a human lab rat park emerging as the idea of social engineering or 'incentivised controls' - including socialist ideologies, as the collective capture of 'rat lab' by abstract and inhuman system thinking, arising from anal fear and control issues of perfectionism who must then hate life and world as it is and seek to stamp it into the 'ideal' of a fantasy they think has been robbed their right to rule it so.
The elites did not have any use for educated working people and so they are miseducated misdirected and pharmed for sickness.
So degrading the stock has become the eugenic method!
The very thing the argument was originally set against.
Smart people repackage toxic debt and induce fools to buy or suck it up.
The outsourcing of toxic consequence to the manipulated and misguided is the means to use others as pharmakoi or 'sin-eaters'.
Intelligence is always working, and for some an insanity represents a strategy to evade greater terror. The generation of the mask against further fear of pain of loss is partly nature and partly nurture - in that we use whatever works and is to hand. If you were of the 'moron class' background, you would learn the survival available in those parameters, which include all manner of social and cultural expectations and conditioning.
Polarised breakdowns of communication are where intelligence is so patterned as to block its own function - as a house divided.
Mortality is only the final factor. Degradation of our quality of living will express as loss of workability and what doesn't truly fit life is effectively limited by its unworkability. Ingenious thinking can and does engage in propping up a false or conflicted model or ideal as if to conserve what it takes as its core identification. But a true account is always having to be defended against, attacked and suppressed or repackaged as an evil to be stamped out and cancelled.
The fact that can be observed and tried for its fruits is that what you resist, persists, (with all the force of attention given it). This resistance can then become invisibly structured as a social and cultural construct as as to have learned NOT to see what you do not want to own as your experience, but cast out as a reason to never look or abide. The denial is still active, but the denier becomes as one who knows not what they do. The experience of being denied CAN and generally will elicit and equal and opposite reaction if attempt at communication are also denied.
Use it or lose it, is also the fact that what we do not choose to use, fades with non use. This offers a non destructive opportunity to fade the thought you do not want, and grow and strengthen the thought you recognise and align truly in - as the quality of your joy in being. The desire and intent that become your consciousness is then integral and within the living rather than a disembodied and dissociated sense of inadequate possession and control (set as if in opposition to life as it actually is).
The reset idea - for all its ingenuity is loveless, and not more than the 'haves', consolidating as a kind of cartel-collectivism in fear of dispossession masked in the lure and fantasy of control of other humans and life in ways that seem to open a new epoch in which (they) shall 'be as gods'.
A true reset is a true and just account - for what doesn't work runs as a burden of strain and sacrifice of struggle in fear pain and loss, accepted as reality and adapted to as the attempt to get others to pay so that you can keep the life it gives you. Fear of truth renders its messengers 'demonic' or threat or vector of contagion to be stamped out.
We have arrived at our starting place, perhaps to know it for the first time and thus save ourselves the recycling of the same error, as if THIS TIME, it will work. That is indeed one definition of 'stupid'; to persist in what doesn't work over and over as if wanting it to work will pay off.
Sir John Oldcastle > Alice Dobie
Black Death, 42% of the entire population died.
In the Americas mostly before the beginnings of colonising Europeans, the figure may be closer to 95%.
King James 1st (might have the number wrong) took it as a gift of God.
Read Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong is a 1995 book by James W. Loewen, a sociologist. It critically examines twelve popular American high school history textbooks and concludes that the textbook authors propagate false, Eurocentric and mythologized views of American history.
(Its an engaging and open discovery - not a revisionist polemic).
The history written by victors also applies to what narratives are accepted to cover trauma. The virological cover story is in my view just that; a cover story.
re-opening trauma can induce psychosis (look around you), but willingness to heal has to find the way of re-integrating denied experience that is no less active for being lidded over by narrative dictate. It simply manifests in more insidious forms that are dissociated from true context.
Toxic conditions are not all technological or Promethean guilt. Volcanic activity and dust or debris from what we call 'Space' are always ongoing and can also be associated with energetic conditions that might be called growth spurts, natural resets, or extinction events through which a fundamental shift occurs.
If we cannot negotiate change consciously, we oblige crises to 'do it for us'.
The technological control freak thinks to orchestrate a manual reset?
Does it think that if it destroys the life it judges against and hates, that Life will come into the world to bless and crown THEIR new world image?
I am not without some understanding for a sense of despair in waking others to true needs, but I see this is the result of what we are looking with and through. If we have not accepted for ourselves what we are pushing or seeking to persuade in others, then we meet the reflection of our own conflicted communication - but interpret it as an infection to stamp out.
We generally interpret through learned and acquired conditioning, that in effect reiterates the past into the future by stamping over true presence.
Tim W to kingkevin3
Why don't you explain to Christine how her grandfather died of a disease that doesn't exist?
binra to Tim W
You cannot die from a disease that doesn't exist but truth can be masked by false theory or misguiding diversion. Especially when disclosure would cost money, status or liberty, and the cover story not only hides toxic liability but sets the basis of further mind and market capture.
lms2 Harry
I'm beginning to think that the world is run by lizard people who hate humans.
It makes more sense than the absolute bllx our so-called leaders are trying to foist on us.
Read a bit on the primitive or reptilian brain. Such as The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce.
Human self hate is pervasive and generally unowned, so as to leak into all our relationships, likewise the fear that runs beneath.
Keeping a lid over unresolved trauma - to provide the experience of temporary security (oxymoron alert!), is locking into the fight flight response. This has its right place, but is hardly the full field or our awareness and participation!
So in a sense the guardians become guards and predators - and we are back at the archetype of the Parent eating its own children. “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner)
Terror driven narratives dissociate. The hollow and dissociated are driven to impose a directive that in the frame they set has no Reason, and in the frame of biosecurity technocratic subjection, delivers us to evil, under insane premises and chasing false profits.
There is a case to say that terrifying and overwhelming aliens COULD be a plausible plot line for why the leadership class collapses to the knee of abject compliance. But the representation can be symbol for the nature of unnamed fear of an overwhelming alien will. I use the term alien here as 'other'. To set up an oppositional will to God of true self in CONCEPT opens the experience of living through the modelling mind AS IF made real. Alienation of Life becomes the experience of alienation by Life, and the Other or Opposite to Life (in concept) is death as the stamping out or undermining of the capacity to support such a life. As we judge so are we judged.
While there's perhaps more than you can chew. The gist is of our dispossession under fear and division that operates as a drive to possess and control that NEVER truly can, and so it can never have enough 'control' or 'wealth'.
You can see 'temptation' under 'so-called leadership bllx' as the re-offering of old scripts to the freedom to choose not to use them. Thanks! - But no thanks.
From a recognition of Life we may then give a witness that is not simply a polarised reaction, by which resonant patterns communicate (regardless the masking in space and time) as like begets like.