When they found various code fragments in 4 Wuhanese patient's lung fluid, they recognised patterns also in other coronvirus (I don't know if they looked for part matches with other viruses). They took these parts as pieces of Humpty Dumpty and used existing coronvirus sequences to fill in the gaps and defined this computer stitched composite as Sars-cov2 - then without any real science to assume so, declared covid-19 to be the disease caused by sars-cov2.
So while the PCR can discover even a tiny or molecular sample of a target IF the test is sensitively and rigorously undertaken (the result of which has NOTHING to do with diagnosis or contagion), it will only find what it is primed to detect.
However because almost all of you HAVE emotionally invested in the reaction to a covid19 nightmare, the settling to 'normal' with statistical data and its various shenanigans can keep you IN the Virus, instead of looking to see what it is all based on.
If global media lockstep Inc had not blitzkrieged the 'discovery' as a WHO telling us we were naked - defenceless - and doomed to lose our loved ones - perhaps by infecting them with deadly contagion! No one would have noticed anything unusual. But they DID and it IS, and as a result loved one will die and almost everyone's financial status is being degraded - along with the denial of most basic human rights.
It could be proposed that the covid psyop is a necessary redefining and reiteration of a controlled narrative amidst a world in which a consciousness is growing as to a lack of substance - not just with regard the the vaccine and pharmaceutical model, but across the spectrum of a corporately invested scientific model - which includes awareness of fundamental and systemic corruptions.
Too big to fail means - everyone and everything else has to 'fail' to support the 'model'.
The choice of the term 'vaccine hesitancy' is itself propaganda - as is the death stats use of the term 'vaccine preventable diseases'. I have it that UK and US and perhaps other developed nations have iatrogenic disease as our third leading cause of death. But you don't easily find such information.
The man-made bit of both AGW and Infection status works a guilt and fear leverage on the minds of the people. Environmentalism is trained to self-hate the human virus.The AGW has the same fundamental objectives as are being tolled out as progressive and repeated lockdowns – to recondition people to guilt for existence, to be paid for by sacrifices by which to ‘save’ the system, but which can never be paid off.
You can offset pollution to some degree with vit B and C – I have seen studies that support this.
You may NEED to have respiratory ‘disease’ to detox.
Vit D is very active in immune support. T-cells are not even activated if D levels are too low.
Go figure, your ‘health care’ system pharms you for sickness. OR thse facts would not just be published and ignored but part of a collective education.
Protecting the fear does not do more than mask and suppress the symptoms. This can be great as a temporary intervention in which to centre or regroup.
The focus on pathology discards actual immunity and substitutes it ongoing and repeated 'boosting' as the meaning for immunity. Likewise with a collective adaptation.
They ignore health as irrelevant - and something to bring INTO the parameters of medical oversight - often from Day 1 in many countries with vaccinations. (Vacca = cow).
But also with the shift from clinical cionditions to risk factors uncovered by blood tests and biomarkers, that trigger medications that in many bring on toxic effects called 'side effects' when recognised but treated with further medications for the most part as development of disease, aging and a body that is inadequate, weak and full of faulty genes.
The fear that you are weak and unsupported feed you to the fear that doesn't rest through and heal in a good or cleansed heart, but freaks out and runs for the magic pills - that MUST be powerful because they have all these 'side' effects.
If you are on such a regimen it may be wise to educate and find support in weaning from them. I am not suggesting anything but a process of re-education - led by you and guided by such advisors and support as you discern or discriminate to truly serve your well being.
These are not true statements.
Smallpox was increased by vaccinations, but disappeared worldwide or so diminished as to no longer merit diagnosis, regardless whether vaccine programs were run or not. Polio was very similar in some respects to covid as an umbrella diagnosis that covered heavy metal toxic damage - firstly for herbicides in the sugar cane industry - with the big 'wave' associated primarily with DDT - which is not banned in the 'third' world. The changing of diagnostic parameters assigned what had been coined polio to other medical definitions.
You may be invested in your beliefs but if you research honestly you will be disturbed, but in time better off with a more truly aligned appreciation of what really makes us ill. No one will see what they are unwilling to accept. I am not seeking to deny your right to your beliefs.
Once the Virus has been set as the new Ideal – every kind of opinion can bask in its glory.
I have seen studies where different variants are classified. However, I also see a virus that tells us in advance what it is going to do….
HIV is now recognised to not cause AIDS. There is deep controversy as to whether such a retrovirus exists, quite apart from whether it is 'a' cause of AIDS. Again asymptomatic (healthy) people triggering PCR positives are 'infected' (by voodoo?).
However AIDS is an umbrella term for a dysfunctional and weak immune function - such that diseases that normally don't have any severer clinical significance for the 99% can be fatal.
Researching the AIDS controversy would offer a lot of perspective on current events. There is a lot online but 'Fear of the Invisible' By Janine Roberts is a good read.
The pathogenic assignment to notional entities is one narrative approach to a set of symptoms. But once in the mind as official or 'settled science', the testing can generate 'hidden or latent infections threatening to wipe us all out - and thus generating otherwise unimaginable funding and control under a War set against evils. Not a few HIV test positives committed suicide on being told they had an incurable and fatal disease which deadly drugs could delay but they had to act Now!
The Media version of history is not usually challenging the established channels of wealth and power
Gates is a part of a much larger network of influence but his organisation is in a PPP with facets of the British Government - as with BBC as with so much else.
Gates is used as a person of influence or key opinion leader and so becomes a personal focus for faceless networks of fronted organisations.
Melinda seems like his handler?
The overall effect is in the disproportionate distribution of wealth being used as a similarly overwhelming leverage or corruption.
If Mark Carney can openly state that business not complying in Green New deal with go bankrupt (lose access to credit), then lockstepped corporates may be under threats or privy to sweeteners that are protected by non disclosure 'agreements'.
'Why buy tank divisions, weapons and fighter aircraft, when you can buy congressmen?
Where IS authority in our times?
Is it in our politicians, their handlers? The lobbies that they are representing? The World banking system - open and hidden?
The ability to choke back life support is a means of control. Who is upstream? And what or who can you not openly challenge without losing reputation and career.
Is there power IN the world?
or is it all fear driven control seeking power?
Establish medical dependency for sickness management at ever tighter controls. Degrade immunity while fight the war against 'whatever'. Degrade consciousness, and continue the experimental hacking of the human (and other) genetic coding for innovative advances that can be weaponised and marketised. Degrade ability to procreate.
The use of stealth can let fear work what the weapons do not need to actually effect. Covid is such an example. Using our minds against us such that we effectively destroy ourselves, and set up the imperatives for protection and control.
Vaccines keep virus fear fed and funded, while seeming to protect. But consider the actual 'threat' of covid (from the perspective of anyone who has researched outside the BBC & Guardian et al), and the stated admissions that the new cov vaccines are not expected to stop infection but only minimise or mitigate symptoms (?). If you are not hypnotised you will not follow the directives. Yet if you are they will seem to make sense.
Vaccines offer a trojan means to insert materials or agents that would otherwise not gain access, and this is necessarily true of incidental contaminants, and innately true of toxic adjuvants, preservatives, and possibly unexpected or unintended consequences.
If the vaccine drive is FOR public health and wants public trust - bring ALL OF IT into the open as transparent and accountable science. Take away immunity for adverse reactions, and make risks and benefits freely available.
What chance of that?
Note vaccines are not just a specific drive for a specific outcome, and need to be properly evaluated in terms of all outcomes of disease and death. Blocking one statistic to spill over into other datasets can be sold as progress, but it is another form of concealed toxic debt - within an uncorrected and corrupt system.
Do you think the covid cultists believe their own spin?
I wonder if they have to act it out as IF they really believed it, because otherwise their face would break and the masking fall away.
It isn't enough to invoke the label hysteria as if that answers anything.
Triggering deeper aspects of our collective psyche uncovers archetypal patterning or structuring within our consciousness. While what we took to be our world or 'consciousness' disintegrates.
With Diana - normality or continuity resumed after a few days or weeks.
The phrase, 'the Beast rises from the Deep', suggests to me the revealing of what lies beneath, the exposing and undoing of an unconsciousness to which we have been subconsciously identified in.
The rationalisations are NOT Reason as sanity, but the ingenious use of the mind in cover story seeking 'narrative continuity'.
Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Primer Suspects?
Unlockdown Comments 2020/10/24
Yes but also the true or precise provenance of the original from which the primer sequences are selected is unclear and I would claim unreproducible. (Different versions of the RT-PCR test use different primers or short code sequences supposed to be unique to the original 'novel' virus).
Some commentary on this lack of clarity is given by Dr Tom Cowen
So without an actual whole virus, identified and cultured, so as to sequence its genetic makeup - we could be reading the goats entrails - or rather the re-consitution of fragments found in a Wuhan patient's vial matters via computer assisted program (weaving with selected coronaviral genomes for continuity) - is NOT a proven discovery of a whole virus. Nor was it ever claimed to be proven as cause of any disease (legal foresight there), and so what we are priming with and seeking for - even with all the known issues of artefacts and false positives - is ... WHO knows what.
I understand that in ancient times only a priest could read the goat's entrails.
The ability to define and declare disease vectors, along with diagnostic and testing parameters and mutate thee at will - sounds more like the virus in mind to be vigilant against.
Only what 'Simon Says' must be obeyed. Install your obedience chip by playing along, for a 'normal' is anything to which we become conditioned. Killing other people can be made 'normal'. there IS no love in the mask of virtue, and this is revealing itself as fear set in control seeking to remain hidden.
And WHO told you you were naked? - sayeth the Lord.
The study of pathology is not seeking to understand health any more than current 'climatologists' seek to understand climate. The framing of pathogenesis operates a negative set.
Biologists can and do uncover a more symbiotic realm of Communication and synergy, but the new wine does not fit into the old wine bottle of fear and leverage - except as can be marketised and weaponised to serve the established funding channels and agencies.
That 'immunity' or simply 'health' or life is equipped and able to meet challenges has an extension into our conscious acceptance of responsibility.
The wish to evade responsibility and 'get away with it' for as long as possible is part of fear of life and healing as loss of right to persist in an 'abnormal' or unnatural pattern of behaviour, taken as if it is life, freedom or control, and imposed upon the body, and the body corporate (world), through the mutually aligning of negative self definition and masking narrative identity.
Why do they lie?
Because they have been doing so with impunity for so long that they belive theirs is the right to tell you what you are to think and do.
And for the most part the Many have willingly gone along with what they believe to be power of protection - that absolves them from a core responsibility for their own consciousness, their own life and their own consequences.
I appreciate everyone's willingness on behalf of a truly human future as distinct from systemic subjection to bio-tech control.
Look up Dr Tom Cowan's recent vid talk. (If you are interested).
After a science 101 and a breakdown of studies that do not show substance for their claims, he offers a short simple overview of the body's defences or detoxification strategies. He puts T-cells as the third line of defence.
If you are only concerned with a compromised or undermined health, then you might be forgiven for thinking they are the first.
There are known treatments for 'massive infection' that are effectively walled out and not used. High dose Intravenous Vit C being but one of them.
Listening to Yeadon (Good man) retelling the virus story last night made me aware that homeopathy is denied as an option because it cant be accounted for - which is not altogether true, but exactly HOW a packet of non-living genetic code fragments has a capacity to 'hijack' a living cell, reproduce itself and mutate so as to evade antibodies - is frankly, a fairy story - albeit with tragic consequences.
That new toxic exposures initiate new challenges to adaptive survival drives the pattern of disease, along with lack of support (nutrition and morale).
That we generally aggravate this immune response by trying to suppress or eradicate it is why if the full account were known, the developed countries would likely be found to suffer iatrogenic disease as the main cause of death rather than as the third most recorded. (US and UK).
The idea that we suffer more from our defences or reactions than the event itself - as a result of fear and control agenda COULD BE an Awakening to the Life we forgot and discarded as a result of invoking and masking under a 'god' of control.
Any toxic fear or triggering of fear as attack, brings up old trauma patterns. This is below the threshold of a rational mind. When Cowan says we can become sick as a result of delusional perception and reaction he might recognise that all of us have deeper fear of a nature that is hidden until triggered and which our thinking mind has no relationship with but was made to mask over.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Ivor Cummings on Triggernometry
Ivor Cummings on Triggernometry
If it 'doesnt makes sense' to our current thinking - what can we imagine that would makes sense of it?
Construct hypothesis - and then test them out.
Qui Bono?
WHO benefits?
I love the way you dropped in 'Genuine Conspiracy theorists'!
Even if it was unintended.
Cancel culture is an active edict - culture - as we knew it - is being deconstructed.
There IS no way to understand it from the framing of our current mindset.
Ivor is a lovely guy - we watch him.
But he hung in with the Corporate compliance and covered his ass.
No blame. I want him on the side of the Human Being.
For all our faults we have the capacity to love - and take ourselves lightly.
The targeting of the human 'virus' for eradication so as to raise a new biotech order is the loveless and Godless result of systems thinking.
The Neo-Marxist attribution of a guilted or infected humanity as a systemic disease in which there are no individuals - only products of an (engineered) environment, is the willing self sacrifice of our individuality - our humanity - for a masking identity in narrative led groupthink.
You didn't join the dots with Covid because you still hang onto the belief that it is a medical issue.
If you looked at the history of the medical monopoly you would find that the only really novel thing about thsi round was the drilled orchestration of lockstep to lockdown.
NO science required to know that shutting down our life support system at the very least will render us hugely indebted to those who supply the helicopter money - while running a humongous wealth redistribution scam as part of funding and fuelling a hitech systemic control system straight out of all the predictive programming we have been suckling on as entertainment.
The problem with con theory is in giving power away and losing reason to paranoia.
But even the history we are allowed to access shows without doubt the capacity for some to organise and effect unthinkable (to us) inhumanity on fellow beings - who are of course framed and defined as enemies or the state, or obstacles to the glorious revolution that brings a new dawn for humankind, or simply as vermin and cockroaches.
Ivor doesn't know how to go there because he knows that reason is basis for sane living - and yet we are not sane - and we do have 'unconscious' patterns of trauma that can be and are triggered and active in ways we don't WANT to see - and so we all wear masking narratives to keep some sense of distance from what sickens or enrages or dispirits us.
The key I see is uncovering Common Purpose that Life innately Is - and not usurping it with engineered mind-control that masks in virtue it clearly cannot embody.
We share a common spark and that can be fiery or fun both.
Joy in life is truly common purpose - and a true embrace of diversity.
Giving acceptance to the mask of science, or expertise, or philanthropy, paramount caring and concern, is a way of inviting deceit into our heart and home.
@Mark O'Neill Thankyou for looking within. More I could not ask.
Willingness to see is part of the capacity to notice.
Fig leaves were symbolically assigned to genital shame - but I understand the fig leaf was associated with a priest class and fig leaf thinking with covering over a nakedness of 'not knowing' as if a sense of self-lack - and loss of face. I don't seek to impose on the mind of others, but to expand the range of relevant and resonant recognitions. For we are here with such a priest class who have become so identified with their role as to deny the Messenger, so as to keep their flock 'on message'.
The underlying patterns do not change so much as shape-shift with the times.
I would add that beneath the dreadful and denied reality of many levels of masking defences is a simple clear being.
the story of the Emperor's new robes is in the theme of self aggrandisement gone terribly wrong, ultimately released by a childlike innocence. Curiosity can be trained out of us but really it is simply masked over as a means of surviving, adapting and blending in a human world in which "do as I say and not as I do" operates to split a young mind - along with our propensity as children to take on the condition of our parents and others close to us as part of ourselves. And so all kinds of fears and shames or conflicts are tacitly communicated without any consciousness of them at all.
But as I prompted above we can be curious as to what underlies the patterns of behaviour in our self, our family and our society or world. It is not all dreadful, and the capacity to make new choices as a result of reintegrating parts of ourself are a source of compassion or wisdom that cant be unlearned, because we have lived the 'territory'. But nor can it be taught to those who are in their own unfolding of experience.
Yet culture CAN hold a wisdom tradition that is in some way there to become relevant to any whose life brings them to need it because the mask cracks, or the sense of self and world is deeply challenged.
I'd like to also note that when we look out on all this current madness, we are also looking within, in a way that is not obvious - and certainly not a blame agenda.
That is my take on the 'Beast rising from the Deep' as a general theme; the revealing to the surface mind and world of what lies beneath. People with vast resources or very tricky minds may be able to redirect the narrative for a while, but it cannot stray too far from workability without disintegrating to a reset or reconnect. the idea of controlling this is as insanely ignorant and arrogant as can be imagined. Yet here we are. It is said that evil serves a greater Good unknowing perhaps also by our willingness to recognise and release what we viscerally recognise we do not want to nurture or strengthen in ourselves and others by making it the focus of our attention.
Thinking is a miraculous activity, but what passes as thinking is often a conditioned response.
The strange thing for us is that we can believe we are trapped in our own thoughts! And through this in whatever those thoughts defines us to be!
Predictive programming can set the expectations to preset acceptance of something absurd and unbelievable, as a new normal!
While 'They' can seem to be active in this, it is also obvious we can get into our own feedback loops of self defeating thought, but perhaps less obvious that the same mind will as readily operate a new self-reinforcing positive loop. Not as a 'feelgood' add on - but as a result of opening a true place to live from and persistently choosing a new behaviour in place of old learned habits.
There are some kinds of traps that operate by the attempt to escape them. 'Defeating the virus' being an example. Eradicating evil being another.
This is not to say we are all doomed under evil viruses, but that our definition and approach doom us to suffer our own defences while mistreating the messengers we say we are seeking to to kill, but really only mask over.
Reclaim the Internet?
A key fact; We do not own or have any real control over the Internet or the services and software it runs on - down to the cables infrastructure and supply chain.
We may in theory have had the choice not to use it, but now the internet has enabled lockdown, and we no longer have the right to walk out and associate - excepting we comply.
The explication or outsourcing of agency is the lure of technology, systems and conditioned 'thinking' as replacement for presence.
To reclaim true presence is not a matter of 'doing' anything so much as releasing the doings of machine-thinking running as if our mind, our world and our maker.
I agree with Awordinyourear's comment above but see the Tower of Babel as the whole thing I just mentioned of which the internet is an outpicturing of the attempt to make a world in our own image.
The self-will is inherently segregative and divisive, and yet can lock down a split mind in self-serving survival patterns that mask as apparently common purpose that in truth are revealed to be a mind set without substance or foundation and therefore unshared.
The successful illusion of life operates AS IF communication and sharing is occurring while actually defending the bubble against 'otherness'. Such is the world of mortal sense and yet our truly Common Sense is of a different order.
The ability to speak in tongues makes perfect sense as the ability to discern and share in the Holy Spirit - no matter what the background or education of the ones we meet. Communication as shared willingness rather than weaponised self reinforcement and control.
We each have our own pattern of denials, and yet we all share a spark of the same Life.
We see another's errors in place of our own, or affect or use our own to engage or manipulate the sympathy of others.
But until the tower comes down (is revealed as baseless) we persist in addressing a sense of self-lack in external terms.
Insofar as we can reclaim a true sovereignty of being, we must recognise and release the thoughts, cherished feelings and actions that discard truth for a false sense of joining in hate.
Attacking the evils seen in others and world can present itself as a means to offset, atone or overcome it.
Jesus still shows another way, but fear cannot hear it.
I am not 'selling' Jesus, but pointing to Living Way that is within you but discarded by the act of becoming a stranger to yourself.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
A mind set in rebellion to being
The mind can set itself in judgements and react to its own reflections as a self-conditioning feedback loop.
Necessity, to what exactly?
The willingness to question our experience or reality-experience, is the capacity to re-cognise or know again, the underlying edifice or structure of belief that gave rise to such a world.
Intuition of life is not a construct so much as a communication, a resonance, a recognition of coherence and alignment of being and experience.
The capacity of human freedom to climb into its own constructs and models of leveraging the expression or behaviours of life, is the freedom to experience fear as death within life so as to receive life through its lens of judgement, rule and filtering distortions.
To hold thought in mind, and yet rebel against our own thought is a split mind of division set in contest for primacy in agreement to quarrel. What we give focus to, becomes what we live focus from, and vice versa.
The nature of mind can be humanly agreed to be set in the terms of good and bad, right and wrong, as the basis of a god of judgement set over and apart from the living and secretly running as rebellion of the mind set over and against the living heart of knowing, recognising and feeling life alive.
There is a chicken and egg moment now, because the chaos of psychic emotional conflict that induces the lockdown to the mind of ruled distantiation, and masking narrative defences, is result of the decision to resist, deny or block the experience from awareness - which then partitions a split mind from it denied experience to run AS IF a thing unto itself.
What we resist, persists.
For the underlying purpose keeps the feared or hated outcome in mind while focusing on and identifying in the means to overcome or escape as a 'necessity' unto such purpose.
While we are set in escaping our own denials - denials that are further denied our awareness by the nature of our masking protections, and the defending of the mask against disclosure - we meet the experience of what we are seeking to evade by seeing it as something else. A masking world set against exposure in truth as if death or unending and invalidating pain of humiliation. Reason cannot enter while our predicates run unquestioned, unseen and assigned to the machinations and motives of others or simply a s a world of evil threat and death against which to invoke power by limiting, sacrificing and denying the living so as to protect the dead structures of controls running blind.
What we resist, persists, but what we choose not to use, fades from non use.
There is a 'mindset' of conflict running hidden yet in the open that we have learned to normalise as if a second nature set over and apart from our first nature by the framing of truth in illusions given priority.
No one can change what they are actively disowning as a normalised attempt to escape, overcome, mask over or cast out and deny. Yet here is another call for vigilance, because an 'unconscious bias' can be reframed to the mind of guilt, blame and leverage - even in the moment of its rising to a light of acceptance in which to move, change or reintegrate to life. Big Brother's Boot, is the 'control mind' by which 'room 101' is projected to everyone and everything thing else, as intent to possess control over fear.
Life is already a movement, a whole and a resurrection, but to the mind that seeks to give life to image and form and body as things in themselves, is life mis-taken and subjected to death.
A conditional love, is set to only give permission to be That you are, when its conditions are met. A tyranny of rules that may run invisible to their conditioned compliance as the way life is, the way the world works, the nature of a born existence. Necessity set against pain, fear and loss unto death.
The intuition of life is life. Life remains the capacity to ask and receive answer, to look and see with the new eyes of a fresh wonder. Harnessing our heart's knowing for war and masked agenda is the way to bury life in lies while we are alive.
Questioning the masking mind of its claim to necessity, is the willingness to pause in life and listen in - here and now - beneath the think of conditioned identity. Aligning and abiding in the true resonance is acceptance and expression of a revealed integrality of being in place of the mask of conditioned thinking.
Herein is the compassion for all that is. If we have it not for our own mind and 'person' we have it not to share in and grow by the sharing.
An honest self-acceptance as a working basis for change is the only love that can undo the masking in false virtues, seeming real by the frame of what they are set against.
Self-honesty is noticing and recognition. The mind of 'rebellion' will seek to frame the New Wine in the same old bottles of fear, guilt and control. But this is because it runs as a machine-mind of acquired habit, set in ancient hate and forever reiterating its mind as your existence.
That even a moment cannot be grasped is not death, but life as love in expression. But what we give energy and attention to is the focus of our desire. Garbage in; garbage out, also means accept and predicate in a true appreciation for a true result.
Are we free to accept or leave thoughts unused?
But if we accept and identify in any belief, will we not then protect our investment?
The trick of identifying negatively - as NOT a hated, rejected or invalidated Other, operates a negatively polarised agenda. To carry this off needs to reach a fully justified alignment and acceptance in hatred, so as to invoke the power of unity. But it can never be whole, free of conflict or one with itself or anything that lives - and so is driven by necessity to seek to GET what its own framing denies it - as if at the hand of an Other.
Our world of relations is infinitely more than anything our mind has made because it embodies infinite potentials to finite or locked down 'meanings'. Stepping through such boundary conditions does not have to contest the order so much as encompass a greater order. Such is a truly qualitative and expansive growth of perspective, and compassion is presence of felt relationship instead of presentations of 'paramount concern' by which to mask over coercive intent.
Help from outside our masquerade
The RIGHT vs LEFT paradigm is an ILLUSION - WhatsHerFace
I read a Seth book once where he recounts serving the rehabilitation of those who die but are so polarised in identity that they cannot escape their own circular spin, hence the extension of Help.