Saturday, 18 April 2020

Belief in the virus as pathogenic CAUSAL AGENT beggars belief

in response to: 

I think living cells produce viruses (exosomes) as extracellular communication and exchange in response to strain, shock and toxic challenge.
The belief that the virus is pathogenic CAUSAL AGENT - beggars belief.
(There are some parallels here with blaming firemen for the fire and cholesterol etc)
While association is NOT proof of causation, the USE and RESORT to false association, by smear and insinuation is prevalent in attacking or denying anything of substance when one has none as a way to persist a convenient, face saving or prosecution avoiding lie.

So the device of looking for a scapegoat or false flag onto which to redirect unwanted attention or feared exposure, is a mental extension of the survival kit of the body's fear response or fight and flight - which includes ingenious ways to hide toxic debt to flatten any curveball of retribution.

But as well as losing clinical expertise in nursing through such episodes of sickness that may have complex contexts as well as simple toxic exposure, we have the resort to trained technicians applying drug protocols that seek to suppress and block symptoms without a full understanding of underlying cause as remote controlled 'standard of care' or regulated actions whereby regardless the result to the one in need, or rendered needy, your arse is covered.

But here's the sinister part that wont go away; In efforts to replace the body's immune response, we not only attack and undermine it by all means and any, we do so in lab cultures and 'passaged' (through) a range of animal cultures, such that our 'purified' or 'isolated' virus - originally taken from the body of the diseased, is now mixed with indiscriminate and often indeterminate genetic and other matter (such as prions) and injected - along with compounds of aluminium, formaldehyde etc that attack the body and thus 'promote and immune response'.
What could possibly go right?

But it gets much worse. The multi-decade recognition of the undesirability of negative perceptions and reactions resulting from such practices has led to switching away from the animal testing phases - of development and research - to the new biogenic immunisation methods.

I recently learns of this from 'Fear of the Invisible' regarding the complete failure to FIND the AIDS virus (HIV) and the switch to the reconstitution of what it must be, from the reverse engineering of viral code fragments, and the splicing of a cloned 'virus' material, that is then used in whatever to 'prove' the cause of AIDS is viral and as the basis for research and development of an army of drug blocking and suppressing leverage - to flatten the curve of the 'viral disease'.

The genetic defining and cloning and splicing industry is all set up and ready to go as the way to manually write and inject code that is intended to edit our DNA - ostensibly for our own good - rather than indiscriminately set off random mutations that become part of the human genetic expression by default of finding a matching set of hooks and eyes. (IE: SV40 as a simian virus that is part of many people's genetic code as a result of polio vaccines.

The hidden history of polio - as with AIDS - would reveal it repeats itself with covid19.
Come on Toto - pull that curtain away!
But no one will seek and find what would undo what he thinks his self and world to be.
Nor hear the messenger.

Investment in the Virus Myth is too big to be allowed to fail. Quite apart from the ongoing sacrifice to such a model, is the denial of a true biological scientific understanding, appreciation and significance of the body, of the life and of its seamless exchange with the physical realm that we assign as 'dead stuff in space'.

If there is a key to immunity in simple terms, it is perfect resonance. There are deeper energetic fields of organisation than DNA computing. But the nature of a Myth is to provide a backstory of asserted or presumed 'Cause' by which to set the stage for its dramatic casting out as emotionally invested narrative experience.

It isn't a denial of viral expression and function, that I call to consider, but the narratives in which we cast it - and for why. Wuhan, N.Italy, Central Spain all had toxic air pollution. The most reliable way to produce virus is to poison the cells. Transference is an extremely hit and miss, unreliable and expensive procedure.

Follow the money - and thus the means and the motive to distort the narrative.
Virology has a gold rush going on as I speak. While the life support is being shut down.
Go figure!I think living cells produce viruses (exosomes) as extracellular communication and exchange in response to strain, shock and toxic challenge.
The belief that the virus is pathogenic CAUSAL AGENT - beggars belief.
(There are some parallels here with blaming firemen for the fire and cholesterol etc)
While association is NOT proof of causation, the USE and RESORT to false association, by smear and insinuation is prevalent in attacking or denying anything of substance when one has none as a way to persist a convenient, face saving or prosecution avoiding lie.

So the device of looking for a scapegoat or false flag onto which to redirect unwanted attention or feared exposure, is a mental extension of the survival kit of the body's fear response or fight and flight - which includes ingenious ways to hide toxic debt to flatten any curveball of retribution.

But as well as losing clinical expertise in nursing through such episodes of sickness that may have complex contexts as well as simple toxic exposure, we have the resort to trained technicians applying drug protocols that seek to suppress and block symptoms without a full understanding of underlying cause as remote controlled 'standard of care' or regulated actions whereby regardless the result to the one in need, or rendered needy, your arse is covered.

But here's the sinister part that wont go away; In efforts to replace the body's immune response, we not only attack and undermine it by all means and any, we do so in lab cultures and 'passaged' (through) a range of animal cultures, such that our 'purified' or 'isolated' virus - originally taken from the body of the diseased, is now mixed with indiscriminate and often indeterminate genetic and other matter (such as prions) and injected - along with compounds of aluminium, formaldehyde etc that attack the body and thus 'promote and immune response'.
What could possibly go right?

But it gets much worse. The multi-decade recognition of the undesirability of negative perceptions and reactions resulting from such practices has led to switching away from the animal testing phases - of development and research - to the new biogenic immunisation methods.

I recently learns of this from 'Fear of the Invisible' regarding the complete failure to FIND the AIDS virus (HIV) and the switch to the reconstitution of what it must be, from the reverse engineering of viral code fragments, and the splicing of a cloned 'virus' material, that is then used in whatever to 'prove' the cause of AIDS is viral and as the basis for research and development of an army of drug blocking and suppressing leverage - to flatten the curve of the 'viral disease'.

The genetic defining and cloning and splicing industry is all set up and ready to go as the way to manually write and inject code that is intended to edit our DNA - ostensibly for our own good - rather than indiscriminately set off random mutations that become part of the human genetic expression by default of finding a matching set of hooks and eyes. (IE: SV40 as a simian virus that is part of many people's genetic code as a result of polio vaccines.

The hidden history of polio - as with AIDS - would reveal it repeats itself with covid19.
Come on Toto - pull that curtain away!
But no one will seek and find what would undo what he thinks his self and world to be.
Nor hear the messenger.

Investment in the Virus Myth is too big to be allowed to fail. Quite apart from the ongoing sacrifice to such a model, is the denial of a true biological scientific understanding, appreciation and significance of the body, of the life and of its seamless exchange with the physical realm that we assign as 'dead stuff in space'.

If there is a key to immunity in simple terms, it is perfect resonance. There are deeper energetic fields of organisation than DNA computing. But the nature of a Myth is to provide a backstory of asserted or presumed 'Cause' by which to set the stage for its dramatic casting out as emotionally invested narrative experience.

It isn't a denial of viral expression and function, that I call to consider, but the narratives in which we cast it - and for why. Wuhan, N.Italy, Central Spain all had toxic air pollution. The most reliable way to produce virus is to poison the cells. Transference is an extremely hit and miss, unreliable and expensive procedure.

Follow the money - and thus the means and the motive to distort the narrative.
Virology has a gold rush going on as I speak. While the life support is being shut down.

Go figure!

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Merkel tells Feary Stories to the Children

Context- from comment linked above:
A key variable the government was looking at, she said, is the so-called reproduction factor of the virus — the number of people an infected person passes the virus on to.
That factor currently stands at about 1, she said, meaning that one person gets infected by every newly infected person. If that factor rose even to 1.1, the German health care system would reach capacity by October, she said.
If it were allowed to rise to 1.2 — so out of five infected people one infects not one but two additional people — that limit is reached by July.
“With 1.3,” Ms. Merkel continued, “we have reached the limit of our health care system by June.”
“So you can see how small our leeway is,” she said, “the entire development rests on having a number of infections that we can keep track of and trace.”

So much wool being pulled here.
But just to ask - if the population is naturally becoming normalised to carrying this set of RNA instructions (viral information) as part of its toolbox , then there are ever fewer opportunities to 'infect'.

So Merkel is treating the 'children' to a fairy story by which to impose, mandate and effectively 'chip' in track and trace - on the back of Viral Feary story the like of which the world has never known.
To be sure, deaths are happening every day. There is nothing new about this as part of the conditions for life. Or to the annual peaks and troughs.

As long as we let ourselves be diverted into the complex of fears (and virtue signalling cover for) reactions of the pretext, we cannot see it AS a pretext. Without extreme leverage of fear and coercion, and its  technological  'saviour', Humankind would never consent to be centrally and globally tracked, traced, under arbitrary rules, definitions and 'diagnosed' social 'threat' status, under which we have no voice or right of engagement - than such rulemakers program us into.

But 'Satan has a Job' to do.

After being brought to poverty, you may find work in 'security' but only until robotic drones and remote immobilising devices are built in.
Just because the conditions being enacted are insane, does not mean they can be dismissed and escaped. Uncovering sanity is different from being baited into insane diversionary battles.

A love of image and form in structure or a love of truth without which all forms are hollow and meaningless. By all means make your choice, for by it is your willingness and consent made binding. The Sales pitch does every trick in the book to get you to sign off. Truth is not bought or sold, but shared in and given expression as love of life. What you truly possess, you can love. What you seek to possess and control without love, possesses you.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Whatever the pretext, this is about power

For a saner and scientific restorative within the current model I re-endorse
Read the not very long overview points at the top of the page.
I would paste them here but there are other points I feel moved to add.

Whatever the pretext, this is about power - or perhaps more accurately what we are giving power to - ie fear and control running on narratives that cannot be questioned without penalty. When animals feel cornered they become dangerous, people can become vicious, blind and heartless.
The media blitzkrieg has been globally orchestrated along with key other institutions being drilled into lockstep. Without appropriate 'incentivisation' or fear and control, people would not behave as they did and do in promoting this, or failing to speak against it. Fear can be of many things but justify itself through aligning in strategies of self-survival that abandon wholeness and others while using a cover story for retreat. I remind everyone that the global financial system is crashing and being flagged to pandemic. Logic would expect to see a total redistribution of wealth and power without a voice in which to address what happened or how. However logic runs on currently known variables and life, being alive may always have a joker in the pack.

Fears that prove well founded call on a wholeness of being to respond appropriately and proportionately. But this presupposes a degree of responsibility for consciousness that is abnegated when fear is used to leverage as a demand for control, as in; "Cry Wolf!" and; "Kill the Wolf!"

A corrupt social and economic system is in its loss of connections and balances within wholeness TO blind structures of control. Social engineering, PR, propaganda and advertising all seek to manipulate perceptions so as to essentially program outcomes and this has structured us in a 'post truth' era of a technocratic sealed unit - no user access allowed.

Jonathon Sumption's R4 interview made fundamental points that our human society (Civilisation) is being willingly sacrificed to a control structure under worship of fear. (My paraphrasing of his meaning). We have and are responsible for our decisions - not experts who may - or may not - be competent advisers within the limits of their field according to their integrity and that of their institutional or corporate endeavour.

Fear driven controls are fear set in structure and do fear. They persist it by shifting problems into false solutions that ensure's a mind of control set over a managed and ostensibly 'protected' fear, into a future that progressively locks down health and function under a demonisation of life, as risk to be eradicated or only officially controlled.

I endeavour to articulate much that is denied by the current structuring of thought, and risk being un-understandable to the active 'operating system' - which is characterised by an inability to THINK in the full and true sense of the word, because a full and true sense of life in its current predicament would reveal a much more disturbing situation than the fear-porn being pumped into the minds of those who choose to suckle there. But unlike manipulations of fear and hate, the actual situation is real, and can be addressed where it is, one step at a time.

The arrogance or hubris of human thinking given self-inflation is without limit. But it is also simply a dissociated state of misidentification that can be corrected. In Economic terms a correction is where the market is forced to represent something actual.

On a sinking ship, 'insiders' to the acts that scupper it, seek higher berths and access to lifeboats and wouldn't want to panic the other passengers - unless to confine to quarters while effecting their own 'salvation' and perhaps straight into some other war by which to deny being brought to account.

Globalism may be seen in different ways - but a significant facet is a Financial and Corporate monopolism running the illusion of free markets and global humanitarian agenda. The power to effect global controls and enforce them is not really in any national or single corporate entity - though there are those who are effectively upstream and can and do control the flow of credit, energy, trade, travel and food supply. If it moves or exchanges - it is being brought into a 'system' ostensibly to protect the system as our only or necessary protection. I am not warning - this is here! And has been unfolding in plain sight through my life (a child of the 50's).

Fighting the structure or system feeds futility, but standing in integrity gives truth and life its due - instead of giving allegiance and loyalty to blind systems under mind-blinding reversals of logic normalised as currency. War has been declared and 'you are the virus on the Planet'. Chronos begins to eat his own children. The system has turned upon the very life it was initially set up to protect.
There is no hiding place from truth - but WHO would want to fear truth, but invested and persistent illusion? So yes! - we all feel terror striking at our heart because death and pain of loss have come up through the covering lid set over them, and the 'Barbarians are at the gates! '.

Fear as lockdown or blind panic is not the Call to Live - but to War! The Call to Joy is the call to wholeness of being which also embraces THAT others are terrified and reacting to masked shadows against which they feel powerless. No one can make another learn against their will, and the attempt to violate the will must result in a backlash or opposite reaction - no matter how ingeniously or ruthlessly a 'curve' of rising consciousness is flattened. (Buying time by stealing the lives of others).

While the fear is flagged to 'the virus' - rather than for example, the power given the 'Media', the remedy is needed in sharing a true and honest account. Even though active forces of fear and control work to deny or distort this to achieve eradication by lockstep. What might immunity from goose-stepping thuggery be? Easter Rose over a dead Church - but then it is always real relationship that consecrates - and not structures given pontificatory ritual to a dead god. But it remains that fear of looking upon the 'Cross' cannot look past its narrative control.

Many with some consciousness of the corruption of our institutions are more afraid of the 'powers that be', this private-public partnership of deregulated plunder by which we become farmed assets, lab rats or discards. But fear must become a resource of deeper connection to Life - if indeed we love life, MORE than clinging to old structures that pass off as a way to flatten the curve of meeting. Of course this is very challenging and all of us are on our 'leading edge' whatever it looks like to others - at least in any moment of a willingness to seek and find the peace or sanity of being in which questions can form that uncover answers we can recognise as practical steps.

Bring responsibility back to where it belongs and live what is ours. I did not say or mean blame but the capacity to recognise, release and grow or learn from mistakes. 'Saving the World' is killing it. Blind spots of virtue signalling are where we are most vulnerable to being 'infected'.
Because we hate to own what fear has made us. Yet that simple honesty works a release to a Sovereign will that we cannot 'crown' ourselves with in self-isolation - as if to take on the 'robes' that pass off as legitimate.

Living biology is showing us  a better analogy for One in All and All in the One, than a walled in/out City State. Cellular communication is an innate symbiosis of a motion in balanced disequilibrium of inner and outer conditions. How do we discern the balance points? By locating the still centre to which and through which all forces interact. This brings an expanding and embracing perspective.

Fear of Life demands contraction, limitation and allocation of resource to maintain its sense of control. A set of brakes is a very useful device. But we can learn to drive more smoothly, less wastefully in relational respect - and in challenging conditions keep an actual traction on the road - or wisely choose to delay the journey. Intelligence is common sense. But is commonly trained to survive under all kinds of fear and control or guilt and blame scenarios.

'Be compassionate. Be kind. Be safe' (Seen on a shop door)

Monday, 13 April 2020

Why are we accepting Tyranny?

I took your question into my heart and slept on it.

I may not express answer in a way that meets your question, but I have taken the journey of my own.
Living our own question is a way of knowing our own will and allowing its revealing to us in recognition and integration that connects us in life rather than dividing to separate.

In being brought to the uncovering of deeper fears we are unmasked of the mind in which they hid.

We operate to a large extent under narrative identity taken from and  set over and against the judged and feared 'other' and world.

This 'self' operates as a set of filters and distortions within a collective set of ideas to which it is dependent, subordinate or downstream. If your identity is heavily invested, your investment will be heavily protected as yourself.

This is a social and personal masking reality. It is reality in terms of experience but not in terms of truth. Opening to truth is often disturbing and humiliating UNTIL an acceptance aligns both a peace and a natural (unaffected) humility.

In that sense everyone makes their own reality - but as a set of mutually agreed definitions that rarely enter an awareness that is predicated on them and by them - and so they are invisible set of socially reinforced protections against uncovering or being exposed in a humiliating and damning loss of face,
Not only to others from whom we have taken shared identity, but to ourselves.
The undermining of our sense of self and world is a sense of being trapped within appearances that used to work for us but somehow have changed or been changed to leave old ways of thinking obsolete or impotent. Scrabbling to make a new mask amidst a rising of such disturbance is the imposition of knowing lies by which to regain a sense of control and solidity over fear of loss.

The underlying purpose of the mask is to hide.
Both to hide from and to hide in or behind,
The mind of the ability to hide is ingenious and VERY fast.
We will not get in front of a deceit that is already framing even the intent to overcome it.
But the intent to do so can run as a script by which to seem virtuous or right by the stated intent.

An example:
Stage hypnosis: A man accepts suggestion that he is allergic to a substance - which he is not.
The allergic reaction occurs as a rash,
On being asked about it a backstory for its occurrence is immediately offered in response.

The masking pressure of the need to pass off as acceptable - is part of survival - but deeper than that - represents an underlying will to co-create our lives together, but expressed through the filters and demands of already active beliefs.

Just for myself I noticed how so many with whom I once felt part of a movement for cultural renewal with, have all fragmented and changed in so many ways as to be its own version of a tower of babel.
However in that experience is a deeper recognition of humanity as a love set in fear, is of a different order of connection than of transactional manipulations toward getting what we want.

Fear operates denial that then seeks reinforcement by seeking and finding alliances, armouring and disguises that can seem to be much deeper, stronger or real than they are while conditions support their playing out.

What seems to be one thing was merely a narrative device that reveals itself as many things aligned in temporary common cause. When Cause is flagged outside ourself it serves to hide or divert from trouble at home, or to be used as justification and leverage over self-doubt and division - such as to override and deny a voice to questions not given freedom to be asked and given answer.

All the above is relating to the censor and control of the Movement of being that is Cause within which we know - and share - existence, which is not IN time, but gives us our timing. The true of will is not coerced or coercive, and yet our first conscious experience of creative freedom was interpreted as separation from which we have not healed.

I may seek to communicate or join with others in desire to heal, but only to the extent that there is a shared willingness that synchronises the timings of different thought systems to resonant alignment.
Persisting in what does not and can not work is the means by which to deny our own consciousness. This includes taking on a war that cannot be won, because at back of all appearances we war on our self.

Aligning in what IS supported in the movement of being is not coercive, burdensome and depleting, but this is found in willingness to listen there despite the 'call to war'. True witness grow the basis for true with-ness, and truth valued and given its due, is true worth-ship BECAUSE it is shared.

Our minds are trained to operate from ideals to which an 'unworthy' sense of life must be forced to fit or to be sacrificed to compliance under. the underlying 'archetypes' of such ideals are past conditionings running as ancient scripts - and indeed 'ancient gods' albeit in modern complexes of masking.

Terror is the root of tyranny and strikes at the heart of all who walk the world in body, locked down, self-isolate and seeking autonomy from the life that moves THROUGH them.

The fundamental 'cost' of invested identity in narrative self-possession and authoritative control is a lock-in that sets defence against the Field of its own sustenance and support by demonising agencies of communication. This is a 'death trap' and yet is enacted over and over and yet over again, by the very nature of  a framing pattern of self-opposition or resistance - such that a flowing or flowering  is always cut off to start again like a stutter seeking narrative continuity by editing the spaces in which it is not - but which are the Source of all That Is.

I am not proscribing thought or behaviour - but inviting alignment with the true of your being - regardless the scream or seduction of the story. Being with what is - as it is - must pause from or be willing to release assertions and presumptions by which we censor, filter and limit communication to support our story. Or hold others to our own ideas and ideas and judge them in the measure we tolerate ourself.

So while the 'virus' is a cover story and a pretext, it is also a terror symbol through which deeper terrors are communicated. I haven't sought to tease any of the strands apart here - but guilt for being human has been induced particularly via the Green (surrogate) religion as the meme of humans are the 'virus on the Planet', coupled with overpopulation is destroying and despoiling the Earth, coupled with fossil fuels and industrial economies will set the world on fire! AND drown us all - while aligning in these ideas is presented as 'anti Capitalism.

Everything we set ourselves against - works through our blind spot to achieve its agenda by deceit.
This is a current humanly operating device of plausible deniability for scripts that are otherwise unthinkable - and so we set them up 'unthinkingly' as trained habit reactions that seem to have a life of their own.

A core recognition that I have to return to over and over again is where am I giving attention, and for what active purpose?

What does it matter to be 'right' if the result is a negatively reinforcing death spiral?
Does death prove love weak or false?
Or does 'love to hate' in fear of love project itself on Life as defiance?

Perhaps some might recognise that without love, we are nothing - whatever else may seem to be gained.
But the mask and illusion of love is turning to hate and fear - because love is not what we DO to produce a commodity, but what we are and have in common - even if  in terms of  broken, and betrayed love,

The Principalities of this world operate the kill switch for Civilisation as we have known it, but where is their inheritance? If they feed on our fear are they not also our pet 'terror symbol'?

Orwell posited Room 101 as a targeted terror to the recipient's deepest fears.
And to confront fear in its own framing is to be destroyed or deceived - for the result could as well have been a zealous and ruthless follower of Big Brother as a broken and betrayed love.

This is why a Spiritual teacher has been posited as necessary in freeing the mind of its own self-referncing loop. But I do not flag or assign this Teacher to any particular agency or person - but to the quality of being that Immediately responds to any moment of a true willingness to learn. But disregards the mind of the attempt to become what it is not, at odds with itself and set in its own image.
As such it is in our right mind as the discernment that cuts through the noise to find the signal, as distinct from judgments that join in noise by which to make narratives of possession and control, that may start out with promises but which cannot be kept.

Everyone is finding according to what they are looking for.
That love is protected by fear is the territory of releasing all that doesn't belong.
As the reverse of its covering over in what we invested and armoured in - instead.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Life Is Communication

Just to note in this little health thread, toxicity is the other side of nutrition - and toxicity can and does produce conditions assigned as infectious disease.

Because our body is within our field of awareness and responsive to our thought and experience, it is also sustained or toxified by the use to which our mind is put as the purpose we accept and align in.

A sense of self-conflict is a lack of wholeness - and a lack of health (fear of loss) seeking OUTSIDE itself, can only reinforce its starting point.

For this reason trying to prop us a conflicted foundation with externals leads exactly to the world we suffer by unconscious exchange of false premises in need of reinforcement - and therefore control.

The idea of 'fixing' a broken system has developed All the king’s horses and all the king’s men engaging in futility as a 'War on Truth' but presented as the mind-frame of 'War on the demonised and falsely flagged cause'. For without such 'war' self-seperating isolation from the Field of Awareness - which is Light and Communication of being - would be over - or rather - awakened from in the recognition that self-isolation was never true - but had all the truth and power we gave it - who are one with truth.

Locking down in a limiting and limited frame of self isolating separation in conflict that drives the seeking of control as the basis of life.
The healing of a false foundation is in looking on it as it is, and recognising it is not life - FROM the always already Communication Of Life that is  you are.

All genetically coded communication and instruction runs within the unique correspondence of its 'operating system'. There are commonalities that connect all living things but as unique expressions of the whole in the many and the many in the whole. Hierarchy of context is not that of control. We stand under life because we receive it. Communication is a giving and receiving both. Maintaining the flow and integrity of the channel is the balancing of inner and outer as one.

The attempt to Do our being is getting in our own way, and the replacement of communioned qualities of being with behaviours by which to judge and be judged.
The mind of judgement substituting for the heart of discernment. A self-separating control - and subjection, for the navigating of the balance points of all that you are.

Love has no way to translate into the old wine bottles of judgement - excepting to serve the illumination of the choice being made and its contrast with the experience of being-at-one in the peace or joy of any unselfconscious movement of our being - where we neglect or forget to 'get in our own way'.

I write this on Easter Monday in a time where the Church is dead. But in truth the Living Church is consecrated in any and every relationship where two or more gather in a Field of unified and unifying purpose - such is the natural impulse and movement of love's desire to know and share itself as One in Many - and Many in One.

The release of a world of fear, pain, struggle and loss, is to the renewal of the mind - as a more integrated capacity to align in willingness for workability - instead of sacrificing a 'fallen sense of unworthy life' to an ideal - or idol.

Repeating patterns of futility with ever increasing death and taxes, is at some point a call to re-evaluate the foundation, premises and predicates from which all else automatically follows.

Can we stop a virus?
Is a variation of 'can we deny life is Communication?'.
Blocking, denying and then substituting for communication with false witness is within the realm of our capacity to use the mind to limit itself, and to give life to dead narratives that operate a masking of make-up on a corpse, no one dare remove.
But do we WANT this.

True desire can be covered over but never lost, because it is of our being - which we did not create - but stand under, and appreciate. What we truly want is the field of alignment of thought and purpose as decision. But by focusing in the frame of what we do NOT want - and fear - we are negatively polarising under a dissociated sense of protecting or fixing all that remains of a positive identity taken from chaos and conflict or pain of loss - which is then cast out, denied and defended against as our salvation.

The breakdown of the masking reality is the revisiting of 'separation trauma' from the gift of a new perspective - if we find and are found in willingness to receive and accept truth we do not manufacture. The only 'block' to letting Life into its Own is the willingness to persist an allegiance in futility of a self convicted conflict cast out and attacked. Is it not better we are mistaken; than proved 'right' by misery, masked in a self-vindication that has NO peace in it?
A self-hating humanity gives only to get rid of - seeing others and world and body as somewhere to dump unpaid toxic debt, that it may persist.

Give only as in truth, you would receive.
Truth is Alive!
As the resonance of our willingness to receive and align in extension, rather than a self isolating lockdown of control given power.