Saturday, 13 June 2020

Everything is getting very messy

Regardless the comment system - everything is getting very messy - and that is why I seek to hold for perspectives on the mess rather than (engage) already struggles as to what it is and therefore how to treat it.

I feel for Intelligence at the heart that embraces and reflects the whole - but is usurped or overriden (masked over) by a 'central 'intelligence' agency (or control system stuck in fight-flight response).
And so your voice is part of the whole - but what I pick up is your pain of frustration in reaction.

Your answer 'Above' is somewhat vague. Did you mean in heaven ;-)
I looked above in comments and could look for an hour or more to see if I can find what you meant.

I had a very sore carbuncle (rage-betrayal unexpressed) as a teen that made me sort of dangerous to come near because I would be ultra sensitive to anything that even MIGHT touch it (me). As an adult I can ask did life (parents etc) betray me, or did I set it up in 'terms and conditions' that could not but be 'broken' or left unsupported? Terms and conditions of a nurture and a nature in a unique but recognisable pattern.
As an adult I can learn to choose to nurture what aligns with my nature, but we are born into cultural conflicts that set us against ourself in ways that may not be revealed - but instead reinforced.

Messiness can entangle time and attention in secondary or derivative spin-offs that effectively prevent communication from completing or fulfilling its function. Tuning in to the strongest signal is lost when we tune in to the greatest noise. Life is communication and exchange but is open to temporary holding of conflicting functions that effect a choice to refuse true function in favour of a personal private agenda set over the right of others. There's the rub!

I don't use 'phones' as a computing interface but on an old Mac the commenting mostly works - and notifications come in ok (though sometimes to junk). Since the change here I often cannot post - perhaps because too long since I opened the page (took a cookie) or perhaps because I post x no of times per time period from the same IP and Browser config - but if I reload the page or open the same page in a new browser, I can usually post ok. Occasionally a post is held for approval - but is then approved.
I recommend using a multiple clipboard utility. I don't know much about phone and pad apps except they condition everyone to a much more limited interface of lockdown app spaces and functions running in a lockstepped system that serves proprietary intent to make the user the asset and utility. Not unlike the global 'medical (sic) system.

If you recognised the distortions that operate in the mind of the lack-driven and the fearful, (all of us in different ways), you might be more willing to risk fear of exposure to such a sense, in allowing real questions, because a distorted science cannot lead to true and workable outcomes - regardless how many can be engineered into 'consensus'. The mask that seems to keep the evil at bay - locks it within and feeds it in the dark.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Questioning Everything

Perhaps we have miscommunication as a result of our definitions.
That living cells produce and indeed expel viruses - as we call those assigned pathogenic causation, or 'exosomes' as biologists call the exact same activity when not associated with disease but as part of various cellular functions and symbiotic cell communication - is not in doubt.

It is what they are flagged or assigned to do or threaten to do that is in question.

The claim for the virus as the pathogenic cause of infectious disease is supposed to be scientifically verified by Koch's postulates - which in full are a bit more involved than as set out in the article. That's the proof, but when life does not fit an invested model the model is protected. 'Too big to fail!'. And in your case I suggest too big to question.
The idea of one virus causing one disease, works a cover story for any and all toxic exposures, along with underlying malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, and immune suppressing medications and procedures, drug habits or chronic strain of persistent stress. It also works a leverage of the fear in the population for both captive revenue streams and social engineering agenda.

So no I am not saying there are no viruses, but I am saying the focus on their assumed pathogenicity works a medical industrial complex as a state of war on biological processes that are PART OF natural immune function.
Without susceptibility - you cannot 'catch' anything.
But the billions of research dollars are NEVER targeted in understanding and serving health but always as war on sickness in the name of health care.

So this is a systemic inversion or reversal that is symptomatic of the same mindset OG political readers are very familiar with as doublespeak.
'You health is our paramount concern'
No it is not. But a concept of 'collective protection' from modelled or asserted risk factors, to which the living are sacrificed or must comply is very much concerned with meeting its quota of sacrifice so that the priest-elites can forfend the end of their world.

If instead of raving at what clearly to you is a world gone mad, you asked real questions or set out your case, you might at least find out what the counter arguments are and why people choose to align in them instead of the pharmaceutical model - or after 'reset' the bio-tech model.

As far CIA agent coming out?
Makes a change from the A.I bot accusations!
I discriminate between questioning everything (in the heart) and being paranoid about everything (fear-minded heightened sensitivity to see shadows in everyone and everything.

Why so binary in good v evil dungroaning?
Where is the spirit of science?
Evaluate feedback to ask better questions and get new feedback.
Who knows who is going to suddenly turn into a seeming troll?
I cant be living like that. I am what I am and grow in the capacity to rest in what I accept as a result of my own journey. I don't tell you what to think. But I invite questioning our thought if it frames us in conflict rather than shutting down our mind or our world so as to maintain control.

The Cloning of Reality

If you step back for physics and open to psychics you will find some basis for your friend's perception.

Hollowed out people become an expression of that to which they have subjected their will. But without self-awarenss of what they are embodying - because they get their reality from it. (Cognitive dissonance). If you are truly resting in wholeness, then there are no holes or hollows into which doubts and fears mask over in cloned replica of a truly living presence.

I am not at all suggesting that you abandon physics! But that the way physics has been framed and used to mask off and mask out the psychic is itself a substitution of Natural Philosophy in all its branches for a template technologism running private possession and control (marketising and weaponising) under the masking ideal of human benefit and progress.

We are thus currently culturally embraced in a masking (psychic) template of filtering that mainstreams surface realities as invisible structuring of our perceptions and responses.

If you can see that we are a psycho-physical process or expression of life, then you can look at the frames of mind through which we are 'seeing'. When everyone gets stuck in the same pace, they call it reality.

Or if everyone locksteps in the same mindset, they all become clones of that mindset.
You cannot escape just how unreal our human world is becoming - excepting by compliance in its masking evasion of reality.
The lack of a true presence becomes an ungrounded presentation, in which derivatives of derivative spin into grotesque parody of artificial or cloned personality fragments.
So I invite uncovering and centring in true presence - as you recognise yourself and life to be - rather than become entangled in false presentations that operate as strategy of survival for those who have lost awareness of presence and relationship for a 'conflict management system'.

I found it ironic that your “Jesus, not you, too…!” is assigned as a private bubble-think rather that a direct recognition of the Christ in another (for what else in life would the term mean than true or truly shared recognition?).

Perception is not a neutral scientific instrument, but a set of filtering rules by which to frame and focus a search result. Our deeper 'programming language' is image and symbol. The imagination works with and through the results of its own feedback. Without an active imagination, we would have no modelling by which to engage in and explore 'physics'. But by taking the model as the reality, we run off with and suffer a false inheritance or cloned reality that will inevitably break down to reveal an unreality. Yet that is the point of its release from its status as fact or reality - and the condition in which the presence of a true order restores as an inclusive embrace - rather than an exclusive attempt to possess or control.

Different people have different ways of seeing, and the key that I seek is where we can find a diversity of freely cooperating workability in the meeting of needs and the sharing or support for inspired endeavour.
The 'new world order' has the stamp of seeking to clone people to conform and comply to insight by force of threat. This is destructive and reflects in the hollow 'will-lessness' of its agencies.
There has to be another way than assigning guilt as power over life and engaging in mass sacrifice for a 'mask of virtue' over the very thing we are supposed to be eradicating or escaping.

Related post #2
in response to:

Well I just answered your question in another reply on this page this morning and posted up as

What I think is what I accept in my heart to run for the purpose in my heart.

What can be said out to a social acceptance or understanding will have to have at least some fit with the current set of filtered desire. But those filters are not the Real World, so much as a current complex of perspectives that extend the past into the future over a largely masked or discarded presence.

So what I choose to accept in thought and live from, matters to me in the living and is the measure of my giving and receiving.
The phrase garbage in; garbage out also refers to allowing thought to run that does not truly belong or serve integral function or wholeness of being. IE: I can make trouble out of anything and give myself a hard time.

Alien thoughts therefore reflect an alien experience of reality while seeming to speak our own mind. This is another way of saying 'seeing through a glass darkly'. But calling to free attention from engagement in conflict is to look AT the thought that frames our perception and auto-responds as to a reiteration or reinforcement of the framing thought is a way of giving what we would receive - whether or not anyone is listening.

If people already think and believe they 'know' what something is then they react accordingly. No less with aliens - or anything experienced in our head that we react to as our reality.

My point is not to mess your head, but to rest the mind in the heart, such that the idea 'you are in your head' can expand and in a sense fall into a presence that is wordless.
Then you can notice when you are triggered to re-assert the head of control and be curious as to what the beliefs are that in a sense set you up to lose your peace. Interior awareness is looking in and out at the same time. Curiously fixation of models is a dissociation that seems to fixate out there but cannot see or hear anything else.

Some degree of loosening judgements has to occur to let any light in at all. There is a sense in which judgement makes us aliens to our Self - strangers in a strange world and locked into a mask of isolation and distance that cannot be allowed to come off. But in the normalisation of a world of judgement - the light of wholeness is feared, demonised and our fear projected onto (and attacked). This is so solidified as to seem physically self existing - excepting in any instant of transcendence of a recognition, appreciation or gratitude for being. But as if the moment is airbrushed away, 'normal service resumes by 'thinking'.

Aliens, Reptilians and Psychopaths

I response to

I meant the terms 'aliens', 'reptilians' and 'psychopaths' are all serving a very similar function. I see now that I did not make that clear.

Perhaps 'facebook friends' means pretend friends and so are not worthy of respect? If you came across me talking about your opinions in a derogatory way on another forum, you would rightly not feel respected.

But insofar as I see that narrative identity is being ‘controlled’ by manipulative deceit as part of a ‘destroy to remake new’ strategy, I agree with you in principle, but see a much larger time frame for the emergence of this than neo-liberalism or any other political masking over a broad spectrum subjection to systemic technologism.

The development of responses to such social controls are not so obvious to judge because we judge through our own filters, and we do not live their lives. But insofar as this merely develops the mask, it represents no direct consciousness, but more the logical but reactive unfolding of accepted framing or founding ideas. Mad premises logically result in mad outcomes.

The very nature of manipulation is the leveraging of guilt, fear, sympathies and antipathies to operate an incentivised surface reality, or front end while regarding the back end as the code base to profile and call on as controls.

On some level we all know what is going on, not as an articulation of the mind, but as a recognition of NOT being met in the heart and therefore NOT being the conditions for releasing of masking defences or social camouflage that has un underlay masking of our self to our self - without which we could not maintain the basis from which to meet our daily requirements. If our life as we can accept living it depends on NOT seeing or feeling something, then we learn to ‘see’ something else by which to map out what we are not ready or willing to face.

No one can live another's life. But this in truth is a basis for respect for the being of another and compassion for their own place within a wholeness of being - rather than a sympathy for our personal projections and identifications. Part of our modern thinking is the wish to eradicate hate or the hateful. this means that the means for doing this become special moral dispensations and unchallengeably operate as a consolidation of monopolising hate - under the aegis of saving the world or remaking a world without war, racism, and every other form of identified grievance that is subverted or weaponised to a control mentality of the mask rather than addressed in the heart.

- -

The mask is not who or what we are - but is who we are subconsciously habituated to identify by reaction. The belief that the mask protects from fear is the belief that locks fear in, to operate as censoring interjection between you and yourself, you and your relations, you and your source and nature of existence.

This ability to deny, limit, and cover over our own being is the capacity to effectively render ourselves unconscious or oblivious - relative to mapped out 'no go areas' that expand as our sense of awareness of freedom to be contracts. In this sense what we give to fear we take from love - but while love is read or taken as a manipulative or contractual outcome, it operates as the masking over fear - such as a disarming smile.

Covering a conflict can seem a loving protection and attending conflicted thought and feeling in love’s honesty can seem like giving hate a voice. These seemings operate a reversal by our reacting to them as true.

So  waking to the mask is the capacity to recognise that the narrative self is not who we are - but is something we have made - with our world and drawn from our past. The idea that ‘me’ as the residual investment in the mask, can remake my own mask from a higher place of insight as leverage is where insight is prostituted to the old wine bottle mind. But we learn by practice, not as a requirement for perfection.

The mind of masking is ‘divide and rule’. It is never going to unify and heal a split allegiance of conflicted purpose - but will seek to do so as possession and control - for that is the grasping at life that must then fears to lose what it thinks to have caught, or the mind of casting out of fears, that is forever on guard and defended against their coming back in.

In this sketch I offer a way of looking at consciousness without investing in narratives of guilt and manipulation of fear,. Fear that is the conflict rising from not knowing who we are - and from trying to be what on some level we know we are not - or we would rest in being and not be at war with our self - which must then express as mistimed and mistaken relational experience.

i cannot make another's choices for them - and in all sanity - nor would I want to. But if I attempt to, I will offer a role for others to use me to play out for their own script or masking, so as to generate patterns of resonant entanglement in what is not true.

That we can set up a pattern of dissonance with its own inertial fulcrum is an individual and collective counterpoint of opposition to transparency and accountability by which to persist an experience of separation from the direct movement or flow of our felt being.

Not unlike an eddy in a river.

While we are identified in knots that set us as a problem to untangle or cut off from - we forget that which set us in the polarised sense of opposition, and the more we seek to oppose it, the more lockdown and hollow we become until the patterning itself disintegrates as a structure.

My sense of these times is of an exponential acceleration in which the rate of change becomes the incapacity to maintain personal or social cohesion as a control mask. Fitting humanity into a smart-coffin is the dream of control at any price, but the question 'what for?' belongs to the heart of living, not to a checked box of incentivised conflict-avoiding 'correctness'.

Perhaps we need to recognise the hatred in our heart from a capacity to move or evolve it without hurting others or ourselves. It dos not mean we have no capacity, recognition or deserving of recognition in love. It means hurt and betrayed love set in denial of acceptance or expression. Often by affecting sympathies masking as concern.

But the nature of the experience of acceptance is of releasing and being released - even if one step or moment at a time. Coming back into a quality of felt being from which to live, from a conflicted and self-reinforcing sense of pain in struggle and isolation.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

you can have the experience of being set over another or subjected beneath them

in response to themes in:

Jon Rapport includes mindcontrol aspects to reactive identities relative to world events.

If you only look at one side of an equation or agreement then you can have the experience of being set over another or subjected beneath them.

The sales pitch is then 'they are deceiving you' - and this is then passed off as true currency but it propagates the authority problem - as if your authorship is contestable.

We can paint realities but to be more than a bubble, we have to uncover and share resonances - for under the nature of form and structure of mental or physical expression are resonances - and dissonances.

The capacity to identify in dissonance as a jamming signal to true resonance is the 'matrix' of masked realities, such the internalised and invisible beliefs and definitions, filter and distort our experience.

The nature of Mind is giving and receiving, and the nature of a split mind reverses this (locally) as intent to get rid or what it denies in itself - and by casting out, locks in, behind the mask or an isolated sense of self - distanced or bubbled from Consciousness - in lockdown to conflicts by which it maintains both its jamming signal, and the capacity to false flag its own denied or masked intention to others.

The nature of creative imagination is a unique expression of  a unique perspective that is always a relational field.
There is no self isolation but the experience of blocking and locking down our own Creative extension under fear given power.
But while fear is assigned the status of believed and accepted truth - we cannot see our acceptance of this as an agreement to 'dance' with everyone else involved. Including as victim or perpetrator.

The individuation of an Indivisibility is a unique expression of All That Is. The idea of Individual is like the original idea of an atom - as the irreducible un-dividable whole. That is why I can recognise you in love and why I can interact with my world at all! But dissonances and imbalances are inherent to an expansion of growth as perspectives that live and die into each other, for life never was in the 'thing itself'.
Creation is already a movement of being. The set of mind in idol or idea is a snapshot seeking reinforcement. Backwards!
releasing the investment in conflict allows awareness of living movement to stir as our own willingness to share in it as being truly moved, rather than 'trying' to put Humpty together again.

If we talk to others as sheeple in need of waking up, they are already prompted to serve the role we give them - and whatever they do that does not reinforce our version of them, will be interpreted in the light of our diagnosis and treatment.
To be an individual - meet only unique individual expressions of an Indivisibility - that in concept only - can we map and model and thereby give expression to facets of the More of Who We Are.
Creating mythic or narrative representations will always have evil and opposition built in somewhere - which will always subvert a dream of self-specialness to a nightmare, in which the central character is always the protagonist for the unfolding meanings of the script. That this can be ingeniously complexified to mask out toxic debts and conflicts so as to buy time in which to avoid the inevitable reckoning or just account of a true equation. Invested identities are where our possessions and emotional investments seem to possess and dictate us. Including investment in world view, institutions or leader and experts. But the spirit or true informing purpose is not in the Thing itself. Nor in what we take to be our self.

An artist IS an instrument. We each have a unique and direct covenant with our Creator - and the resonance of such alignment is joy in freedom to be.

The Light is coming! Close your eyes everyone!

So you do call 'aliens' psychopaths?
Its a tricky thing to name the shadow that shape-shifts.
The names then operate a way of hiding it.
Mask it out - and lock it in.
Diagnosis can determine a basis for treatments that can then lose the patient while 'killing the disease'.

Dog eat dog is not a new 'philosophy' - but the fight flight or freeze response is the reptilian brain that can be triggered to operate without self-doubt - and without any higher conscious direction or guidance. Indeed 'psychopathically'.

An alien will operates an alienated and alienating mind and world - exactly as being put on the Big Stage as fear, hiding in control, masking as virtue, running as hate, lockstepping in structures that lockdown free movement, to release locked up charge into permitted new behaviour patterns.

The retreat into a virtue set over the ridiculed is the bubble of defence against its own disclosure in lack of love or substance.

Now I am not saying there are ETs involved in the hollowing out and denial of human consciousness while it cancels itself out. But if there are - would they be what we think in any case?

How much of our thinking is already a structure of old lockstepping agreements to see the world THIS way or NOT that way?

But what I feel is for a workability of shared resonance rather than a conformity to an identikit.

If there is Humankind - let it be revealed!
The 'othering' mind is already operating the pattern above as its normal.
Why take it to an even deeper dissociation?
Because a pattern replicates of its own inertial fulcrum?

I am not drawn to Icke, not least because "They are lying to you" is his claim to be your true guide. This is the same as with Flat earthers.
As if the truth that shows us we are free is 'they are lying to you' as an endless soap drama of rabbit holes in which to get 'meaningfully lost'. (sic)

So am I deceiving myself?
If we (each or any) set the mind against itself then we merely persist the deceit that what we truly are can split up as war and act out whatever conflicts find alignment and triggering in your relations and world. Or perhaps act them out vicariously from a bubble of private judgements.

If you have facebook friends who you deride behind their backs then you may be normal for facebook. But you are not your avatar and can be yourself instead of playing a mask. But if a facebook world coagulated in the mask - any true presence from outside it virtual representation might be feared and demonised as alien by the identity investment.
You send messengers and they are killed or denied, until the light starts to dawn on the masquerade.

'"The Light is coming! The Light is coming! Close your eyes everyone! Close your eyes! The Light is coming!"

However it is not that light comes to illuminate a sick parody of life - but that the feel of the light opens the capacity to see past the masking of fear to the heart. Perhaps to a heart set in confusion and hate and made stranger to itself. The capacity to recognise ourself in another may be to offer the release we cannot otherwise know in ourselves.

Who know not what they do

/Do you Brexiter’s realise that you just just the CIA’s useful idiots ?/

And you are not?

If you align in anything for your own reasons - regardless appearances - no one else can judge you - excepting they project their motives onto you and attack them there (or flatter in praise as the case may be).

The life you choose to live is yours. You cannot live such a world but you play all kinds of parts or roles in all sorts of narratives.

the very fact that you USE the term brexit without 'quotes' and employ the term 'brexiteers' as a virtue signalling pejorative belies your claim.

I don't throw back at you - but reflect that the framing of the mind is often subtly operating to a sense of personal gratification. Not at all subtle once seen, but the way fear hides or masks itself as control. As a personal bubble of control within the framing of a mind-set by fears that are not least set up by self-inflation taken as true.

If we identify our own part in something loveless and false to self and others - then our choices become an opportunity to align with whatever qualities we now recognise and reinforce - even if the signal is surrounded by noise.

If you want to try and discern the 'operation' you have to learn to look at what you are trained to not see. But really the living desire is to free ourselves of parasitic or life-denying baggage - that grows heavier the more we try to get rid of it.
So I join with you in desire to be free of destructive deceits - and recognise your path is set by your own choices, for your own reasons, no doubt coming from your own history.
The enemy of your enemy is not thereby your friend, excepting you resonate in a shared love. Your enemy carries a part of you that belongs to you - not to them. The fear that runs as already true is given power OF truth.
Grievance costs sovereignty of will - as if our true desire cannot be fulfilled or even allowed to speak our heart - until the grievance is settled, the debt paid and the self vindicated. What would a debt amnesty be if expanded from the financial to the psychic-emotional?
Few look at the psychic emotional conflict - because we are generally embodying them. The phrase useful idiot represented the idea of a conditioned reactive identity that 'knows not what it does'.
The key to release of the negative loop is to the free and willing recognition of our current choice - or inherited pattern of choice - such as to NOW be free to re-evaluate from who we truly accept ourselves to be.
There is no coercion in this and the acts of its expression are qualitatively different than any quantitative easing or strategy of manipulation.
Intelligence without the Heart's recognition is a mind reactive spin to its own fear or pain of loss. Yes we live and suffer and die in a world given to manipulative deceits - but that is not wholly true and therefore not whole as truth.

A classic CIA mentality is the fear that the 'enemy' can or will attack you and so you must learn the arts or science of attack so as to defend against it.
This the development and funding -often by stealth and lies - of every kind of inhuman expression of destructive intent.. That attracts, nurtures, protects and and becomes a host for the attraction to such intent.
In this sense the virus RUNS the lab - and we are all lab rats.Including useful tools. But I identify fear as the contagion and love as the conditions in which it finds no host. And I add that masking in the form of love is the preferred host or useful idiot through which to operate unseen.

Therefor do not set or define forms of love that others must conform or comply to or else be denigrated, invalidated and ridiculed or denied.
Any moment of a resonant recognition is at once formless and yet finds reflection or synchronicity in life's expression (the world).
Growing in the willingness to recognise, is releasing the tyranny of a form driven reality - such that a true Movement can know itself alive.

a terrible and damning sense of self and life

Best to state it in terms of your ownership than argue a story.
Best also not to believe just because it is plausible - or not.

But look at the accounts of many on lockdownsceptics who are being persecuted and sacked for saying the 'wrong thing' or not saying the right thing.
Covid operates a compression by which to shape the charge of accepted and endorsed release.
If it isnt a 4th Industrial Revolution Global Reich - (I dont mean German) what is it?
If you don't 'give the knee' you are threatened with receiving it socially, financially or physically. Is this the 'saving vaccine' for release to a new normal?

There is that in our mind which will want to kill or deny others rather than die.
This is a terrible and damning sense of self and life.
How can those who accept such a life NOT be blanked, hollow and driven puppets of a blind groupthink?
Orwell also showed this - but he did not show more than this.
Jesus showed more than this - but the self-damning cannot see or hear.
I am not speaking of blind belief or magical association here - but simply a perspective greater than the mind of judgement and the measure of its own giving and receiving. Intuition of Life is of a quality of recognition. Is there a way of yielding to truth as our being - as the living one in all - simply by laying down the mind of judgement to a recognition I do no know - but desire the peace of knowing? The release of a self-damning mind is much misunderstood in a world that seeks cast it onto others as if to get rid of it.

As for our world, the venoms and toxins are being drawn out.
We may or may not use overt words and terms such as 'love', but without the quality of its connecting or resonant presence, guidance and support, fear operates a 'god' of lockdown in isolation and distance - EXCEPT as lockstep demands or endorses. The 'necessary 'lie' by which a masked and bubbled lie is permitted to live in the world of its making.

You may not want to hear anything of love because the impulse to the sword is strong. But see if it is not turned against you and those you think to protect.
Fear's choice is made in darkness and so does it represent a true consent?
The willingness to change our mind is a change of heart. Not a rebranding of the mind in its own spin.
The heart has NO voice but that we listen there and uncover a true movement.
That which claims to speak for the heart but cannot see or hear another's call is deceived and deceiving.
Opposing a dissonance is NOT the same as aligning in true resonance. How to be with such dissonance without being shaped by it?
One living connecting breath at a time.
Insofar as I feel a "No!", I need that to be a 'Yes!' to life, but not just my bubble set in lockstep with other bubbles. But to a greater field or quality of being than any personal sense of capacity to define, judge or control. I don't doubt that the mind-habit of control will persist. But that is not where I choose to give allegiance now. I am listening for truth now. There is no truth in a world (made of) lies. That needs to become freeing.