We don't 'do' reclaiming innocence. But yield to being present.
Most of our problems are the result of getting in our own way.
Being, is prior to or beneath anything we attribute to our existence.
Hence the 'be still and know'.
You say that we live in artificial settings - well we can surround ourselves with our own making and yet where IS the living happening?
Life never really leaves Source or Nature.
But we live the experience of a world that in a sense we have made - for the meanings we have derived, assigned and associated with recognisable patterns and conditions, objects and events are at some level, 'artificial' settings. An innocent perception can open wonder in place of a 'familiarity' that no longer even really looks - because it thinks to know.
Judgement operates both ways - but the one who judges thinks to be separate from and set over or apart from what is judged. Judgement splits the mind - indeed fragments the mind. But only in the mind that judges. Not in truth - for the root of mind has no inside or outside in truth and yet we may rarely glimpse or be stirred at that level of awareness - though it is our natural state.
Suffice to say that the mind and world we take as our reality is also a 'mask'. A narrative is a mythic construct. A story is also a casting out. We meet parts of ourself in everyone and can uncover the more of who we are as a result of releasing judgements. Unless you are so locked into story that you are not ready to look at it for what is is and does.
However there are times when, ready of not, major change occurs, and how we experience or adapt to this is a lot to do with how invested we are in our own self-illusions or how present we are with what is truly current.
The attempt to force change is in the realm of action and reaction, but the whole is always changing - and aligning in what is already moving is not trying to push or pull the flow of events.
When we identify in the wish and belief that we can and have - then we lose awareness of the whole for a technologism of thought that ultimately generates such a systemic experience subjection, compression and denial as is operating as a control mindset - dissociated from whole and regarding itself as autonomous and thereby becomes an automaton.
Technologism masks in scientism rather than Natural Philosophy in which science uncovered human significance and not merely marketisable or weaponisable technologies sold under the propaganda of the human good or progress, or power or protection.
Likewise a false thinking runs under a sense of possession and control masked in 'virtue signalling' according to the current identity. I don't only focus on the extreme or obvious examples - I point to systemic corruptions of thought and meaning that leave us defenceless or susceptible to deceit and manipulation.
Experts can be extreme examples of a highly specific focus. But those who are dedicated in the field are always uncovering more that they do not know while those who are self-seeking are more given to mask in knowing more than they do and coming to believe their own spin as both an effective persona and who they are - or depend upon, to be who they are invested in presenting as.
We are all somewhat alloyed - for we all have some sense of investment in self-validation that reveals itself when it is not met.
We will repeat the unlearned lessons of the past until we do not need them. Often under the intent and attempt to avoid them. And so new parents swear not to make the same mistakes that they associate with their own upbringing and though the forms may change, the underlying issues are not often addressed and all kinds of fears, feuds, denials and exclusions flow down the generations as an 'energetic pattern' - not unlike eddies in a river.
At some point the recognition of presence opens a capacity to draw from the past or future what is truly desired - instead of seeking from a sense of lack-driven necessity, to get to somewhere else or away from a past that is not here now - and yet is invoked and brought here by the very intent to escape or overcome it.
Being is already both individual and collective. This will seem to make no sense to a locked down sense of separated or distanced personal control set against fear of undoing in pain of loss.
the idea that you or we have to collectively organise is exactly the way to abort a living movement. It is exactly this divorced and dissociated mentality that judges life as stupid, dumb, broken, weak, and sets itself as the righteous defender of faith in its own thinking. or what it takes as its own thinking - for collectivism demands the sacrifice of living thought. Only what can be marketised or weaponised to serve its agenda is actually seen or taken from an encounter with insight. Unless of course the identity in such a mindset is brought to question in the light of living thought or free awareness.
Life moves us as we are willing to receive. If you want to run your own show, then in a sense our spiritual life is put on hold while we dally in the realm of struggling to become something or someone that we think we want or should be.
I don't for one moment subscribe to the idea of the individual as an ego and so you misread my gist. An individual is of the whole and only as such is whole. You are not a body-bagged mental case set in 'control' of your life - but you are free to have the experience as long as you want.
We all live within each other and within the whole - there is no physical model for this in our current thinking - which assigns life to separated systems but ignores the total environment of which they and we are in expression of and with. There are energetic substratum to the realm of appearances that are in a sense filed-effects or patterns of resonance within One Thing as Many and Many within One. I don't ask anyone to believe this, but I have no basis to disbelieve it.
Lot of people use truth now as if it is a weapon or a movement set against lies, but that is not truth, that is ammunition seeking impact.
Accepting the truth of who you are is the releasing of what you are not. This is never a 'mental' exercise'.
The psyop of the mind (leaving 'Them' out of it for now), is the identification with mental image in place of felt intimacies and qualities of our being. And so we run off with a copy in which love can be broken - because images and idols cannot be maintained against change or the always new. But the grief and grievance can be grievous when what our heart is set upon is rejected, abandoned, and betrayed.
There is infinitely more going on in the moment at hand than its continuity for our story - but even this has a function of serving alignment in wholeness, when released of it separative self-specialness of judging against. If you value freedom, will you acknowledge and honour freedom in others? Or will you 'should' or shame and blame them to comply?
Can you trust the movement of being who you truly desire to be? Or must you force this down and blame it on everything and everyone else for not coming forth?
I haven't focussed on the difficult and in the light of the last paragraph, I suggest there are often hidden reasons why we back off from re-opening old fears of lack of support, rejections, inadequacies or whatever set that aspect of out life into atrophy or under armouring or diversions.
How do we be in the world of fears and coded avoidances under masking defences or disguises? In a sense, best to recognise that you cant, and the attempt will cost you awareness of being. Jesus tought a few directly in love to live from presence that he called the Holy Spirit which is the heart's discernment.
If you want to live from discernment instead of suffer your judgements, you need cultivate the Receptive by resting a dissociated projective mind, enough to let life in - and through you. In making music we might recognise that getting out of the way is a releasing of self-consciousness to being moved.