Saturday, 18 July 2020

What is really happening? 

What is really happening?
I ask this within Life - not within a theoretical conflict of models of thought and invested identity.
And what is each our own part of moment by moment responsibility with relation to the narrative beliefs being enacted or given power by our own and our social or collective mindset of belief - that is for the most part a reactive and un-evaluated mechanism of internalised structures that frame and determine our perception of our world and sense of self within it?

Part of what I see is the Revealing of our self to our Self - for what could a 'reset' be in truth but a reset to Truth!
The attempt to evade and delay Disclosure of an 'alien will' is the persistence in flagging our own decisions as reactions to 'alien' threats, be they invisible medical models, asteroids, CO2 - or ANY form of scapegoat on which pretext to 'justify' attack on truth so as to persist in the private agenda - masked in secret.
That we can identify against different forms of 'shadow self' is our capacity to cancel or erase consciousness in polarised futility that fuels conflict as 'righteousness' - from the nurtured and treasured condition of being grievously wronged. There is no end to this - but death - and even so the life that rises fresh in hope of shared endeavour meets the stamp of a death culture masked in socially normalised and thus 'invisible' and unspeakable conflicts or fear, hates and hidden shames or guilt that CANNOT be eradicated by 'whack-a-mole' strategies - no matter how expertly or cunningly our toxic debt is repackaged and repurposed to instruments of control.

Understanding how deceits happen, may still deliver us to the deceits as truth accomplished.
We have to open pattern recognitions that transcend their 'compartmentalisation' so as to recognise the whole in its parts - or indeed the lack of whole substance in its apartness.

Compression is a necessary and vital phase of true harvest and renewal - but contraction as a strategy of recoil, collapse and sacrifice - in order to maintain a private sense of control against feared and denied chaos - is the refusal to OWN our own conflicts - by projecting and dumping them 'away from self' so as to wall out (ever more) or true Consciousness, for the profits of a world set in illusion of control drawn FROM and fed by fear.

To 'conform and comply with a robotic system of thought, speech and behavioural controls, is hardly a quality of  Order. But is simply the masking of coercion and fear of pain of loss in the FORMS of systemically controlled chaos.

The capacity to abide through chaos, conflict or discomfort and distress in some willingness for truth is the opening through which truth reveals itself freely - for if we are set in self-illusion - truth will by definition be misperceived and misinterpreted such that we attack, limit, sacrifice and deny or kill ourselves over and over and yet over again in a binding futility of blind allegiance to 'whack-a-mole' denialism, that inherently accuses and attacks its own motives put into or onto that of the 'other' - whether the other is an inanimate or imagined object-role - or the push-back of those who don't care to be kneeled on or used as footstools.

How can coercive control EVER serve more than a delay of the inevitable?
Excepting I hold truth to be inevitable - but this must be perceived by fear of loss of Face as control - as humiliation, defeat and death.
And this is mortal fear to that which clings to the mask as its 'self'.
Perspective on the mask will not come from the thinking that makes the mask but from looking at it - despite fear.

I point to a quality of being that has been discarded for an exclusively 'objective' conflict of narratives - and subverted by the attempt to possess and control it AS yet another narrative.

Consciousness as a coherent awareness of shared existence - is truly a gift we share in - even in our capacity to generate dreams that turn to nightmares of a mask that wont come off and is thus 'escaped' in further investment in dream as diversionary distraction.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Disclosure may be a winding up of the capacity to maintain a masking 'reality' 
Attack on virtues of western civilisation taking place 'all around us'

Surely the covid delusion has already displaced the CO2 delusion?
Not that colds and flu don't exist  as forms of respiratory response to various conditions - any more than climate is a changing cyclic phenomenon or CO2 a part of the breath cycle of our living planet.
But the weaponising of thought, language and narrative (is effected ) as a block and counter to communication actually occurring!
David Bohm talked of incoherence as getting results that are at odds with intended outcome, but within the identification of mind or thought as a weapon set against wholeness by design, as the cover-up intent or attempt to usurp and mask in passing off as wholeness or true - which sets the mind in judgement, narrative control and the power struggle that consolidates to systemic paralysis of dispossession and subjection to control mentality under a hierarchy of identification in the attempt to leverage control - in absence or lack of  love, lack of power - indeed fear of chaos as exposure OF lack of validity, legitimacy of substance.

Fear given power by reactive identification, passes off as fact in the mind of investment in escaping or overcoming it.
The way out - is then not further reactions of further entanglement in escaping and overcoming false premises MADE real by invested identity for or against - but in opening the premises to awareness. Observing our thoughts and reactions in act, and listening in willingness for the balance points or commonalities beneath differences or antagonisms. This can only operate through willingness - but even those who are generally defended against communication (as threatening to their defences) - can be touched or moved in moments of natural response - because communication is innate or natural to our being. Personal and social masking is an acquired mapping of experience and definitions that lock negative meanings IN as a sense of fear, guilt, threat, and need for evasive deceits or cover stories. We all learn and acquire this but as internalised structures from which we perceive and respond.

Disclosure may be a winding up of the capacity to maintain a masking 'reality' and be-live it.
Invested illusions are thus brought into light of awareness - resulting in doubling down in the attempt to maintain 'possession and control' which has always operated against a true measure of having and being - as in 'what does it profit a man to gain a world...'

Demonising guilts, shames and blames are a form of toxic debt that no one wants to be the recipient or target for - and so the ingenuity of a blocked creative being is purposed to repackaging evaded or denied realities into forms that can be 'sold' or leveraged onto 'others' away from a 'self' or group associated with the possession of such leverages.

“It is proposed that a form of free dialogue may well be one of the most effective ways of investigating the crisis which faces society, and indeed the whole of human nature and consciousness today. Moreover, it may turn out that such a form of free exchange of ideas and information is of fundamental relevance for transforming culture and freeing it of destructive misinformation, so that creativity can be liberated.” — David Bohm

But dialogue - as I understand it is within us and between or among us at once - in truth as one thing - but our mind splits of the inner to present the mask of survival in the outer - and then forgets or discards the inner - to focus exclusively OUT THERE as if problems that have there roots within us in areas of ancient hatreds, conflicts and grievances, must be solves OUT THERE on others, and by manipulating others and world so as to 'feel better' - when the driven feeling of the being is in offence and grievance, masked as justified right. We have rights - but we also have responsibilities - and without a fundamental self-honesty that extends as a culture of support for freedom as the acceptance of responsibility for our OWN choices, we have only the default 'choices' arising from old patterns of a past that is not HERE NOW - except we stamp it on the present under cognitive dissonance of blind or self righteous reaction.

Shaping 'information' is leading a false witness 

Shaping 'information' is leading a false witness. 
Any emotional reaction will effect invested identity and that identity can be fed, nudged, shaped and directed.
The public-private 'partnership' (sic) can be sketched as a Gated government - though Gates is a poster-boy for a much larger movement of invested self-interest set in terms of maintaining and consolidating possession and control. Monopolism masked as global concerns that uses doublespeak as its default.
Fragmentation is the means by which to compartmentalise into a mess of obfuscation through which to effect control under plausible deniability or maximal cloaking.
It's all very well to be exasperated with our world but do we judge it from the same 'self-exceptionalism' that we cry 'Foul!' in others? I don't say that to deflect or deny accountability and responsibility - but to note that the collective is represented in its structures of social organisation - not as personal opinions or views but as the structure of consciousness currently operating.
For the most part persons in their world are not aware of the internalised structure of thought and belief, or socially required 'agreements or definitions' FROM which our human or social and political world operates.
The idea of the 'Reset' is of a private group manipulating this 'template' to remake the 'world' in their own image or to serve their own purposes.
I suggest that we all (already) seek to manipulate or control our consciousness, and our experience - as a result of losing coherency of being to conflict and fear of pain and loss. It only feeds the fear by masking over it as the defence set against an externally projected 'threat, enemy or scapegoat'.
The capacity to split our mind and persist under masking narrative is the mind of grievance and attack or a mythic and dramatic representation of Life's Wholeness, cast in fragments and indeed figments of an enraged or terrified imagination - given power.
That last bit is the key. What we give energy, attention and therefore value to is given power.

The idea of a Reset as a spontaneity of aligning in truth by recognising and releasing false or outworn and useless identities is allowing wholeness of being or Life - to restore a true foundation that we have masked over - and as a masked mind CANNOT OF OURSELVES RESTORE - but can only persist in under increasing burden of conflicted limitation to be 'normalised' until of course the capacity of such structures to serve ANY kind of Life gives way to a true Rest, Refreshment, Regeneration and Renewal - that rises as a living and shared gift - instead of a technocratic mimicry of life as 'controlled sharing' (sic).

Response to emotional blackmailing by self-righteousness
From Toby Young’s blog
Competition to Find Best Riposte to Crazy Masked Lady
A reader has been in touch with an interesting brain teaser:
I’ve just received a stern telling off for not wearing a mask on the tube by a crazy masked lady with a posh voice telling me she’s lost six (I tell you six!) family members to the “virus”. I must admit I was left a bit lost for words but obviously still mask free. What should my response have been?!

My response to Toby’s invitation:

Dear Toby
If you are not inclined to read the full, #2 is the short answer.
If you still are not inclined to read the full, alight in any moment of resonance - if you will (or do).

But once I accepted your invitation I opened a journey of asking and answer - or considered reflection that expand to a wider context relating to masking identity and appearance.

#1 (Perhaps I had to write this to arrive at #2. I left #1 in, as it exemplifies the liability of becoming framed in reaction to the form of what is asserted instead of first noticing the way and the means of its assertion).

I can see you are upset, but after diligent study, I see that the population at large has been deliberately misinformed to foment hysterical overreaction to a not unusual cold and flu season in which an extremely few have suffered immune response anomalies, many have been poorly or wrongly treated, and almost all have been terrified into compliance with authorities that are themselves for the most part compliant to globally applied directives linked to pharmaceutical corporate cartels and billionaire’s clubs.
The wearing of a mask may give you comfort for your fears - if not actual protection, but it does not give you the right to self-righteously bully, shame or intimidate others into supporting a worldview you are masked in as if your own. 

If you believe you have a valid point of view worthy of sharing with others, please consider treating others with courtesy by engaging in communication with respect.
I question what I am told by the WHO, by the media, by politicians and their selected experts, and I make up my own mind with reference to all the resources I have available to me - not least of which is an inherent distrust of anyone in any situation who incites and insinuates fear and guilt to leverage invested reaction and compliance to a masked agenda.

This response of discernment offers essential immunity to deceits and was my initial response to yet another ‘pandemic scare’.
Only when I saw the reactions and measures being implemented did I get involved in the more research so as to be able to meet those under mind-capture with information that raised the ‘official’ assertions and methods to question - from the ‘discovery’ of a novel virus (not at all proved to cause the clinical conditions in Wuhan) - to the misuse of PCR testing - abuse and corruption or simply made up statistics - and medical martial laws that were so severe as to give weight to ‘It must be true or they wouldn't have shut down the global economy!!!’ - which is exactly the wrong way round.

I often use the quote “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. ~ Michael Ellner

The learned ‘normal’ was a world in which the thinking that frames us in ‘backwards' could be significantly masked over, but as the means to maintain appearances disintegrates - a new normal is required to 'Save the Masking Appearances' behind which a system of controls deems itself ‘too big to fail’ - or indeed to be exposed to proper legal scrutiny. Globalists (Monopolists mask in global concern) are right in anticipating ‘Great Reset’, but mistaken in the intent and attempt to manually orchestrate this as a top down framing into a sealed unit of bio-technocratic controls that constitute a state of ignorance set in subconscious compliance to incentivised guilt and fear.

Conditioning sets the framing of our mind, perception and range of response, but the meanings we each and together give to conditions are not built in, nor finally determined by a past made in grievance and locked down as survival requirements - because we have and are the capacity to own our fear and abide it enough to observe or notice the thinking that sets us in its terms and bring it to question or to curiosity and desire of a more coherent experience.

‘Don’t just DO something - Stand there!’

The fundamental framing of the mind is belief framed by emotional reaction. Once we run with the bait of appearances, we are already invested in a polarised identity relative to outcomes set in forms of conflict. The woman on the train has every right to experience the validity, worth or power of her own being, but is seeking it in the frame of giving power to 'the virus', and receiving a righteous sense of being denied and deprived by others who do not give worship by sacrifice there. For whatever the actual role of biological responses and communications of cellular health - 'the virus’ operates as a pseudo-religion in terms of assigning an identity in separation from the inner fear or conflict that it now masks for in substitution or displacement. Not everyone wants to know or is ready to know what lies beneath ‘masking appearances’, and yet to be determined by, or subject to, fear in disguise is hardly the true unfolding of our nature or shared sense of worth and with-ness.
To be unmasked can be to lose face, to suffer humiliation and this desperately seek anything to cover over and hold to as a sense of self. But to release the mask is a freedom that arises from that which identifies truly - through us - as the extension of felt, accepted and recognised life and worth.

It is literally true that we set the measure of our receiving by what we give - but that this is not a measure of definition in form, so much as qualitative appreciation of resonance. The mind of possession and control is associated with defining and locking down ‘meanings’ - such as to become a meaningless fragmentation in search of narrative coherence.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Wholeness and health are being defined and normalised in a frame or identification of lack-seeking-power.
But are given no voice or witness in their own restoration.
Indeed are actively denied - excepting to gather ammunition and support for the mask of a self-exclusion seeking to hide in the forms of truth - yet preloaded in outcome.
The uncovering of guilt and fear as perception-bias is the opportunity to FREELY release it from the acceptance of a greater embrace. hate does not invalidate the love that we are - but points to hurt that has armoured against further experience of denial. Masking in the forms of love is an even deeper armouring in that it uses the forms and appearances of love to mask a hidden - and terrifying - hate. The attempt to eradicate any facet of our being is to WAR on Life. At some point, this becomes Obvious - and THEN we have a basis from which to question the ‘normal’ of the mind and the world that we have developed, adapted to and lived as real - as a reintegrative or healing movement of our being.

Masking the Vaccine Agenda 

(I also posted this to off guardian)

To understand the masking edict you have to understand the thinking that drives the vaccine 'imperative' - I use this term to differentiate from vaccine choice as part of health freedom.

The thinking goes like this.
Vaccination is not once applied and forever protected. But requires periodic 'boosters' to maintain some measure of protection excepting in those who are vaccine resistant (are not protected).

Full protection seeks to either eradicate the virus from the Earth or limit it via the notion of herd immunity as a very high percentage of the population maintaining their vaccination status.

Just as a mask believed effective should be protection against the unmasked, a fully vaccinated person should be immune to the virus and to the unvaccinated - but the vaccination is only considered a full social protection when ninety something percent are up to date with the scheduled requirements.

To choose NOT to wear a mask/or vaccinate is therefore to be socially irresponsible - or as Gates coined it - a 'baby killer' - and in masking - the accusation is that of killing the old and the frail - as if lockdown itself is not achieving this already.

The underlying leverage is to undermine individual consciousness of free association and informed decision - which is the bedrock of any cultural human expression - for the subordination and sacrifice of individuality to imposed groupthink of an imagined or asserted collective - represented by victims that are weaponised to leverage guilt and call for punishment, invalidation or penalty of denial and exclusion from social acceptance or indeed status and permission to basic human freedoms - which are now to be allowed by the state only on condition of compliance with systematically regulated and enforced mandates - which may be presented as if a choice - but one which must be chosen to evade heavy penalty.

The issue of freedom and responsibility is at the core of our human experience.
The attempt to gain or boost freedom or life by dumping our consequence to scapegoated others is the mind of judgement and blame that operates power struggle by stealth and deceit in us all. But the scapegoating or demonising of human beings as viruses - (infection vectors) demanding a bio-security state to micro manage not only speech and behaviour but genetic expressions and its result represents an unprecedented human self-hatred, operating in place of connected and coherent thought, feeling and response.

Fear and hatred are always found together - along with grievance and vengeance.
Blind reactive conditioning operates exactly like an A.I system running as a self-destructive loop to the ones it was originally invoked to protect.

The mask in itself is a prop for whatever play anyone assigns it, you can give and hold the meanings you choose to give, but in its imposition by a corporately captured state mandate it operates as a legal placeholder for further mandates that override and erase individual consciousness to conditioned or normalised compliance.

There is no dialogue with such a 'mind set' in intent to deny, but nor need we respond to the masking presentation of a human being in place of the human being.

To give authority to a masking lie in return for the power of its protection against feared and 'contagious' truth is to choose to die while alive as a self set in isolation from feared exposure to an intimacy of being that undoes self-illusion as the possession of control.

Who told you (that) you were naked?

The 'pandemic' is a mind hack and the reaction is the disease

I recognise this as blatant propaganda - perhaps unmindfully passed on.
Read the opening paragraph. Now pause and question its framing.
The 'pandemic' is a mind hack and the reaction is the disease.
Presumptions and fears operates as concrete and unquestioned belief.
There are NO deaths directly proven to have occurred directly as a result of a virus - but the bigger the lie, the more deeply it dissociates the mind, when the lie is given power by the nature of WHO tells it - which can be astroturfed to seem to arise from life.
There is a sense in which survival can seem to require the elevation of a lie to the status of truth, and in this sense fear and control operate together as one thing in seeming division - each calling forth the other. There's no love of truth in it - nor joy of peace. But instead an identity theft - excepting that all the while we are being phished - we are still here - but too emotionally invested in fear of dispossession or fear of pain of loss.
Everything about this pretext for globally orchestrated medical state dictate is to be questioned.
We suffer our reaction to assertions, appearances, models and narratives - as if FACT - and reaction feeds and fuels further reaction that becomes de facto 'real' by the fact of all the regulations, funding, and invested identity - as a structure of human social interactions.

We are thus being shown how the mind works to mask reality by systemic impositions of arbitrary values that are moveable parameters to the refinement of such systems as possession and control of Mindshare.