What is really happening?
I ask this within Life - not within a theoretical conflict of models of thought and invested identity.
And what is each our own part of moment by moment responsibility with relation to the narrative beliefs being enacted or given power by our own and our social or collective mindset of belief - that is for the most part a reactive and un-evaluated mechanism of internalised structures that frame and determine our perception of our world and sense of self within it?
Part of what I see is the Revealing of our self to our Self - for what could a 'reset' be in truth but a reset to Truth!
The attempt to evade and delay Disclosure of an 'alien will' is the persistence in flagging our own decisions as reactions to 'alien' threats, be they invisible medical models, asteroids, CO2 - or ANY form of scapegoat on which pretext to 'justify' attack on truth so as to persist in the private agenda - masked in secret.
That we can identify against different forms of 'shadow self' is our capacity to cancel or erase consciousness in polarised futility that fuels conflict as 'righteousness' - from the nurtured and treasured condition of being grievously wronged. There is no end to this - but death - and even so the life that rises fresh in hope of shared endeavour meets the stamp of a death culture masked in socially normalised and thus 'invisible' and unspeakable conflicts or fear, hates and hidden shames or guilt that CANNOT be eradicated by 'whack-a-mole' strategies - no matter how expertly or cunningly our toxic debt is repackaged and repurposed to instruments of control.
Understanding how deceits happen, may still deliver us to the deceits as truth accomplished.
We have to open pattern recognitions that transcend their 'compartmentalisation' so as to recognise the whole in its parts - or indeed the lack of whole substance in its apartness.
Compression is a necessary and vital phase of true harvest and renewal - but contraction as a strategy of recoil, collapse and sacrifice - in order to maintain a private sense of control against feared and denied chaos - is the refusal to OWN our own conflicts - by projecting and dumping them 'away from self' so as to wall out (ever more) or true Consciousness, for the profits of a world set in illusion of control drawn FROM and fed by fear.
To 'conform and comply with a robotic system of thought, speech and behavioural controls, is hardly a quality of Order. But is simply the masking of coercion and fear of pain of loss in the FORMS of systemically controlled chaos.
The capacity to abide through chaos, conflict or discomfort and distress in some willingness for truth is the opening through which truth reveals itself freely - for if we are set in self-illusion - truth will by definition be misperceived and misinterpreted such that we attack, limit, sacrifice and deny or kill ourselves over and over and yet over again in a binding futility of blind allegiance to 'whack-a-mole' denialism, that inherently accuses and attacks its own motives put into or onto that of the 'other' - whether the other is an inanimate or imagined object-role - or the push-back of those who don't care to be kneeled on or used as footstools.
How can coercive control EVER serve more than a delay of the inevitable?
Excepting I hold truth to be inevitable - but this must be perceived by fear of loss of Face as control - as humiliation, defeat and death.
And this is mortal fear to that which clings to the mask as its 'self'.
Perspective on the mask will not come from the thinking that makes the mask but from looking at it - despite fear.
I point to a quality of being that has been discarded for an exclusively 'objective' conflict of narratives - and subverted by the attempt to possess and control it AS yet another narrative.
Consciousness as a coherent awareness of shared existence - is truly a gift we share in - even in our capacity to generate dreams that turn to nightmares of a mask that wont come off and is thus 'escaped' in further investment in dream as diversionary distraction.