Saturday, 11 November 2023

From Scapegoating to Gaslighting Psychosis

From Scapegoating to Gaslighting Psychosis


 I don't usually transfer my twitter/X output to blog but here's an exception:


1. While some of us are opening eyes that see,
the nature of structural tyranny remains the basis for 'seeing' only as dictated by the 'survival' of its mythically framed identity, relative to false accusation of guilt & penalty of 'justified' collective sacrifice.
2. Accusation of one's own sins in the other runs such a survival mechanism, in escaping them to the goat.
The intent to manually 'lead' the mind of social 'following' becomes a mindset of deceit; the psyop seeking gain of possession & control function by the projection of guilt
3. Corruption of power hides & yet reveals itself in who & what is not allowed to be spoken or brought to question. The question of guilt & penalty of ritual violence is set by grievance, made sacred to the glory now assigned to victory of war & death over life as arbitrary power

in response to:

Prominent anti-lockdown critics like Murray said some useful stuff. Now, he is spouting utter gibberish. Herein lies the danger of "following" anybody. We should always listen to each other but you are the only leader that counts in your life. Your opinions are yours alone.

TalkTV: (Douglas Murray tells Julia what he thinks is the main driver of antisemitism in the West in recent years.

"It's been from the importing of millions of people from the Muslim world.")

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Remembrance - Grievance or Blessings?

Remembrance - Grievance or Blessings?


in response to the themes in:

Neil Oliver: ‘Remember’


Social masking of collective violence runs as part of the nature or nurture of systemic conflicts seeking solution by sacrifice.
Competing for possession and control rooted in fear of dispossession and loss of face - as a direct result of identity in image or symbol - idol substitution for a living relationship.
Live not by lies! - is very laudable, but if we are born into a world where truth meets rejection - do we not each grow a mask for surviving, learning and making or supporting such a world as is our survival?
The lie given power or priority as filtered and ruled permission to think & speak or move - demands sacrifice of truth.
Self-illusions have coasts (oops - but also yes boundary conditions) - but Self-illusions have COSTS in terms of true function - or joy in living.
The dream of a gain of function breaks down to a nightmare entrapment in a machine of death - be that physical or hollowing out of the living to a ghastly parody of life.

It is my faith or intuition that our Holy Spirit - Wholeness of truth masked over but never lost - harvests all that is true from what we live. This Is my beloved!
The sanctity often assigned to the dead is a reflection of the intuiting of the love that they lived (and are) regardless the faults or confusions of a conflicted human existence.
Giving or releasing to God (under any or no name) is the receiving O God - The Comforter is not a 'feel-good' self medication but a restoration and renewal of heart in life - with the love that Is integrally part of who we are.

It is the nature of the masking over conflict to hide in the form or appearances of virtue, and to protect its hiding place in the name of virtue by accusing its exposure to the sin of the Messenger. So the 'glorious sacrifice' for whatever symbols are held up draws on the sanctity of love for support and protection.
And in some ways, the pattern of ritual sacrifice for ongoing survival is part of what has brought us to the freedom to recognise the difference between freely given love in action, and coercive gaslighting to guilted 'virtue signalling' by which to save the Appearances of the established order.

But war masking as righteous serves only the continuity of war by other means. The post WW1 treaty primed the WW2 primed the World Order that few are aware of as a continuation of the same - though is that not revealing just as a WW3 looms as a world reset to locked down dictates under false gods?

Every time awareness grows toward a breakthrough to healing - terrorism claims its own. But we do not 'come here' to 'survive' or to be in 'control'.
But to live and share in the unfolding or our being - as an experience & exploration of all that we are - through the human experience - which doesn't just happen to a subjected victim, nor is it just as we think, claim or believe it to be. We are active participance - perhaps phished by compelling self-illusions set on Plato's Screen of projected Idols?

As we think in our hearts so shall we be-live. Mind-manipulations work to deny the feelings of pain, loss, rage, shame, apathy in exchange for an unconsciousness.
But all these are the fragmented result of a loss of true enthusiasm - joy in living. How to realign but right now - right this instant - without a thought?
When the Game is no longer worth the candle - will we consent to die, fight the dying light or put it behind us in the decision to give light to truth revealed that we do not manufacture?

I has a closing thought on the empty tomb - a bit like Fort Knox. A bit like Jesus.
To let the dead bury the dead is to accept and embrace the living - in Spirit.
If we use the Past as a burden or grievance by which to stamp on the face of the living - is that choosing to live the love that creates new ways to be that honour what we have been rather than demonise and deny the hates that then run dark as shadows of masked & loveless agenda?