Saturday, 16 January 2021

Who is the judge and for what purpose?

The whole thing is who gets to define anything, and for what purpose?

The weaponisation of language undermines the consciousness that accepts it as a framework and currency of communication and exchange.

Who live by the sworded word, dies by their own measure.

Thinking about freedom can seem to be free, in the same way thinking about anything can seem to be free. The mind is on one level an object modelling of meanings as an interface with - and mask over a Reality that has one Quality - designated by such words as being, existence, actuality, presence, but the moment we qualify this Quality that is universal to All That Is - we engage in definition, and generate an experience or result.

The world we 'share' even as a realm of conflicting and competing narrative assertions, is an augmented or modelled and extended experience.

We are free to engage in self-illusion, but we are not free to make it true. 

Reality-bubbles are temporary by definition.

Invested self-definitions lead to desperate and destructive resort as a fear of pain and loss - as both conflict and sacrifice - unless and until those definitions are re-evaluated and released for a more truly aligned sense of self and world relative to who we now accept ourselves to be - rather than as a product of a past made in fear, grievance and anger.

Freedom is not at the body level and therefore not strictly applicable to speech, but the body and the action of expression is the vehicle or expression of a Mind that is free in its original nature - but also free to chain or entrain itself to attachment and identity set in possession and control - which then claim 'freedom' in the terms of whatever context these apply. And so  bound free will, is a doublethink in terms or a self-contradiction of innate conflict operating as Garbage in; garbage out.

Loss of peace and joy in being is the cost of conflicted purpose or mind, and so the correction is to look at the underlying beliefs that give rise to the dissonance. But the habit of chasing investment in the 'world' will seek to change the realm of effects in order to again 'feel better'. This may start out crudely - but will learn the arts of manipulation, and masking disguise in childhood. Those who are most driven will develop these abilities in ways that become, applied behavioural psychology, social engineering, propaganda and stark coercion backed deceits.

I sought to sketch a contribution that is not 'already polarised' in an already wheel rutted futility.

We ARE free to live the consequences of our acts - which have relational reflection and exchange, but in attempt to evade what truly belongs to us - as the fruits of our giving, or as the teaching and learning in shared experience of relationship as Life, we can and do 'redefine' our meanings and mind, as a way to limit and outsource or externalise our conflicts and debts onto others who for their own reasons are willing to 'eat our sin' under narratives that promise the opposite of what they deliver - to the misidentified and confused attempt to find external solution to inner conflicts.

In this the victim and victimiser meet and share in the 'making' of an external separate locked down world of masking meanings that MUST be protected against Disclosure for survival in the context of the 'fear-evasive' manipulation of a mind set over the presence of Life.

The generating of a 'new' mind and world that is being manually attempted is a contraction of the old possession and control (fear) narrative continuity, given more ingenious and sophisticated tools operating systemically as a fear incentivised bias to be set in the minds of 'the Many' as their common purpose of normalised collective sacrifice in return for a lottery of abuse framed as moral salvation.

I am certain there is a better way than mass sacrifice to idols of control as a result of conscious appreciation for freedom of being - as distinct from special personal status within collective agreements that are not at all solid or enduring, such as to set up the fear of threat of loss as the pervasive subjugation that characterises our human conditioning.

Mutating Variants in Fear of Threat


penelope pitstop

someone mentioned on here yesterday that all these new variants UK, South Africa and Brazil are all countries where the Phizer trials were conducted.

Coincidence or causation we will never know, not one to be a conspiracy theorist or anything but i found it rather interesting.

Consider that IF such a malice was intended there are no checks or defences against it being carried out and assigned to wild mutations, and blamed on a lack of public zeal for self-destruction.

One can identify poliovirus in children that is a vaccination strain as distinct from wild. But under a Cartel Pharmasorcery, where is the means or the will to independent accountability and transparency?

The population is being normalised to constant threat as the basis for total control. Alex Thompson at UK Column started a series on the mind control process called disinformation by the then KGB. It will illuminate some sense of the mind as a targeted proxy for a destructive and coercive intent.


Reply to  penelope pitstop

Its an interesting point, it plants a suspicion in my mind certainly. But I dont know how it could be proved or disproved.

That's where science begins. Asking questions and refining the questions.

How might we prove vaccines help more than hinder?

That's where the science is aborted. Such studies are not funded, allowed or published.

A belief in anything can be so forcefully cherished as to be protected from question, and fear of negative consequence provides the force, and the funding of allegiance and support.

Our self-invested identities are a complex of such 'beliefs' and operate as invisible structures of presumed and defended 'reality'.

Those who question their 'reality-experience' are those whose masking persona has failed to hide or cover what lies beneath.

The suppression and inhibition of fear and hate results from perceiving it as threat, and defends against 'threat' by masking over and projecting or diverting away from self-responsibility. Blame as redistribution of psychic energy, along with penalty of pain or exclusion.

Maintaining defences must needs hold such hate as righteous or justified by grievance, and to this end, all that is of love is likewise perceived as threat to the capacity to protect a broken, wounded or betrayed 'love'.

The feelings and insights of love are thus equally perceived as threatening, treacherous, fickle and deceitful and thus demonised and denied in the frame of the hated and feared 'self-conflict'.

Love of truth must then be chosen over fear of love set in frame of denial and deceit, IF a mistaken identity or 'love of fear as protector', is to be released. The nature of the defence is something we have 'made' that runs as a machine mind, that knows not who and what you are, for it is made to masked over, distance and deny your awareness of a fear, hate of guilt whose origin lies beneath a complex of defences against disclosure.

If we choose to heal, then the action element of hate calls for inhibition, but the action element of love needs to be disinhibited. Instead of sacrificing love to a futile, depleting and destructive defence that can not work, we need learn of love anew, by bringing the fear or hate into the light of an awareness that heals our perception and restores perspective.

This simplified sketch does not indicate just how entangled and fragmented our 'defences' of conflicts have become. But a universal key is 'release and be released'. This does not relate to behaviours, but to the projection and perception of our own motives and judgements onto other lives, and to our world.

How can we prove or become certain that anything is true of false?

As distinct from becoming captured or controlled by a belief that WANTS it so?

Self-honesty is a transparency to true account at the level or quality of our being, regardless of the measuring stick and hierarchies of judgements that 'make' a world to mask out and cover over 'separation trauma' within Mind - that take on physicalised partitions as the Human Conditioning.

To the 'mask', there is no other reality than life under threat of death as the struggle for power. But you can recognise this is not your reality by the simple grace of noticing it in act. And open the basis to ask and receive answer that is growing Conscious from a mind renewed.

“I do not know what anything is for.”
To me, the purpose of everything is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. It is for that purpose that I attempt to use everyone and everything. It is this that I believe the world is for. Therefore I do not recognize its real purpose. The purpose I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of it. Let me open my mind to its real purpose by withdrawing the one I have given it, and learning the truth about it. ACIM.


The idea that choosing to not act, is an absence of the presence of conscious communication is the reaction of a driven and coercive compulsion to DO SOMETHING.

The latter is the means by which we choose to give up choice to a private and protected identity set in fear and attack.

Most everything said about viruses represents a projection of such a human psycho-pathological set of conflicted 'meanings' (sic).

The underlying psychic NEED to assign demonic or malign intent onto Life - and normalise it, is the unwillingness and perhaps unreadiness to own, face and live through fear as a transformative desire to heal.

Instead, fear is fed with sacrifice of life and lives as if the power of protection in distancing, locking down and masking narrative by which to raise a parody of life from fear of death under blind 'controls' that can never have enough 'control'.

Once it passed its tipping point, the mask of virtue could no longer be maintained. It's a death cult under mind control.

Hence I listen in the heart for the movement of being that knows life by sharing it.

The modelling mind can serve practical function. But to invest identity there is to dissociate to a fixated fascination with our own 'reflection'. 


No one who walks the world in form but has fear striking at his breast.

But the expression of fear called ‘control’ is mistaken for Power.

Worshipping control is a death cult seeking power over feared Life.

Making entertainment from fear is another way to limit and dissociate or distance from what we choose not to look on.

That our choices can become conditioned reactions or normalised behaviourally set ‘thinking’ is a programming by the past upon the present so as to escape reliving a past trauma. The word trauma here is used for the psychic split and not any physical associations. Nor is it used to elicit sympathies of emotional reactions that play out private conflicts on others as if to use them for one’s own agenda as a paramount concern.

If as would seem reasonable to assume, fear, is recognised as a tool of manipulation underlying a global collapse or power grab, then why are we not addressing fear in all its deceits?

For the most part because fear runs the mind we think is ours alone, and that we protect as a private sense of control, by seeking social and perceptual reinforcements by which to seem to join, but always on the basis of a prior claim to separate. In such a world, freedom is assigned to the body as the limit of the mind, and as the currency of locked down minds. Escape into fantasy masks over the pain of loss in symbol and substitution for lost love and its separation trauma. Perhaps for a while the dream seems real and full of hope, but only until the fear from which it hides is masked out.

The mask disintegrates to reveal the ‘escape’ unreal or deceitful, and the underlying disturbance rises to be healed. But fear cannot see this because it blocks seeing as its new normal of ‘control’.


Fig leaves represent covering over a sense of self-lack conflict and shame. God can be represented to those who don't think in such terms as nakedness to an intimacy of being. Nothing added, nothing taken away. But to a masking mind God is distanced, locked down and masked.

There is no truth in the masking mind of fig-leaf thinking - but what we choose to give.

The adage of 'Give unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar and give unto God what is due unto God' is applicable to a fundamental choice that did not exist until the choice for masking or hiding from God, remade all things in our own image.

What is not apparent in mythic representation is the terror that arose from self-hatred and shame. If God mandated coercively, there would be no free will. Hence under a false god of tyranny under fear and deceit free will is denied and replaced by 'granted freedoms' for compliance to arbitrary and shifting 'rules' or 'moral guidances'.

Fear inherently misinterprets everything, including Scriptures of true teachings, insights and inspired thought and endeavour. Fear cannot be separated from self-doubt and division. The attempt to become certain by acting as if to earn or become worthy propagates the original error of self-judgement given priority over God as your very being. Here is the 'private mind'. Who can reach the minds of the self-convicted?

The idea of the Holy Spirit is of a gift of discernment within Life and not set over and apart as 'my thinking' under official authoritative judgements or identity set in reaction to any externalised authority. 

Choosing one is to let the other go. Trying to choose both results in conflicts that effectively deny awareness of any real choice. Resting and releasing the mind of conflict is actively giving faith to Life or being instead of to our own fears and thinking. Making the conditions in which love can register in our awareness is not 'creating love' nor the guidance and direction as to how the movement of being extends, expresses or simply shines as a quality of unselfconscious presence.

A mechanical mind sees a mechanical world - and thinks that to understand is to align in prediction and control. But what you truly understand you love and appreciate the gift of (being one with).

Friday, 15 January 2021

Self-honesty is the means for uncovering what truly works, serves and aligns a true fulfilment

 False testing for arbitrary definitions set by financial and corporate hegemony means that falsely interpreted stats keep the mind framed in narrative deceit.

This is operating as a death cult or death wish via a denial of truth set as a means for the reversal or inversion of thought, and is pervasive as the intent to evade Disclosure at all and any cost - as damage control or power struggle

The 'House of Cards' is a systemic corruption that by its nature (see para above) projects itself away and onto others, so as to feed on the manipulation of others as means of support, and can allow no real process of communication or relationship to know itself by sharing.

Humankind may now seem to be splitting into 'different evolutionary forks' according to psychic-emotional readiness for Disclosure.

The tern Disclosure is associated with a hidden 'Alien agenda'. But its underlying meaning is of a kind with Revelation and Apocalypse - as the drawing aside of the curtain to reveal what was hidden and still seeks to hide in plain sight.

Alienation from our Self - can be called cognitive dissonance. Or those who know not what they do, for they are completely lost from who and what, in truth, they are. Such is the power of a mind set against itself.

Fear can split the mind. Or rather the denial and recoil from overwhelm of conflict operates as a split mind as a masking over. And thus sets the mind in the role of 'making you safe' as a psychic entity set over and apart from relational being, and yet subject to the measure of its own giving.

In a world where computer modelling is replacing empirical science - and not just in virology and epidemiology - we might heed 'garbage in; garbage out' as the basis to question all and any INPUTS to the result of such thinking or indeed computer assisted 'thinking'.

Mainstream garbage is not just a filtered distortion of truth, but is an active undermining and attack on honesty as the means for uncovering what truly works, serves and aligns a true fulfilment. The only 'post-truth' is the ritual Crucifixion of demonising it and nailing it up as Terror Threat to 'incentivise compliance' by which to set the mind in possession of the means to manufacture 'truths' to suit its underlying compulsions by which a true desire for love and life is perverted to serve private gratifications acted out upon the body and the bodies of others and world.

An addiction allows no free awareness or choice until a 'bottoming out' in which the capacity to hide is lost to a recognition of no longer WANTING the heavy and isolating or 'alienating' burden of such a false and meaningless self-judgement which inevitably and automatically projects out to our relationships as something to get from or get away from - rather than be the unfolding of.

We are beings of choice in a world of choice. Choosing to give this responsibility away to an 'alien will' or system of control is only illusion of escape in a narrative reset of the same fear, pain and loss in a tighter masking dissociation. I cant see any life in it. But I see lives being dedicated to feed and serve its agenda under hope of 'Saving Private Normal' - or 'Jab and Go!'.

Freedom is first and foremost of the mind. To lockdown our mind requires us to consent to give our attention to the voice for fear - which may seem to mask as the voice for love and protection. The Internet is also a realm of phishing, in which appearances and targeted deceits seek profiles of vulnerability. The recognition we are already phished - or running under mistaken identity, is part of honesty to our current state of being. This allows questioning the predicates and parameters we are running on - rather than persisting in a programmed futility that always seems to be reset as if THIS time or THIS vote or outcome will make all the difference. It is much easier to see in 'others' than in act within ourselves, and that is largely how we maintain our illusions in contrast to everything that we so readily see is wrong with everyone and everything else when it does not reinforce or validate what we take to be our self.

Thursday, 14 January 2021

The power behind the puppet theatre


The fact that lies operate openly without being held to account is principally the effect of the power behind the puppet theatre.

Banking or financial leverage is the ability to starve credit - along with unimaginable influence and 'fronts' by which to leverage by hook or by crook.

But without sending an imagination into the 'black box' of what is either hidden or set out of bounds, it is clearly coercion, and the pretext that such coercion is anything to do with any kind of concern for our health, wealth or happiness is at best a form of mind control through those so terrified as to have lost or foregone all reason for compliance under coercion, that then serves as the community support for that which terrorises them with 'solutions' that lock into fear driven hate, and degrade capacity to question or reflect.

Mind capture is not at all a fanciful idea but the fear, hate and denial of our own mind in exchange for a mask by which to seem to escape or mitigate. That 'solutions' are offered by the team that induces hysteria is a well oiled machine that is used all the time in ways that are largely hidden in the 'normal' social order in place of conscious responsibility for communication and outcomes or decision.

My sense is that this choking of freedom to live and move and know our being, will proceed in the direction of destroying the conditions that support life, until inherent responsibilities awaken that re-align within life.

The human mind has a capacity for modelling its reality, and to use the modelling as a vicarious and imaginary substitute for experiencing Reality. Dissociation is clearly possible in mind but not in Reality.

This is to say our self-imaged 'Models' can become so out of sync with Reality as to become a demand for sacrifice of awareness of Reality to its demands.

The 'system' thus becomes the demand for sacrifice of life, in place of being a system conceived and believed to serve life.

It isnt just the Economy of banking sector, but the whole 'worldview' that is in the above sense corrupted and split off as a dissociated and compartmentalised 'house of cards' that is without true foundation and yet deemed too big to fail.

The issues are so deep seated and fundamental as to bring down the tower of Babel - regarding both our sense of communication and coherent reality - and so they are only more deeply denied, evaded and ingeniously pushed out in repackaged society of redistributed blame and pain - along with normalisation to hate as the alignment in the power to 'make you safe' and socially 'responsible'.

However there is always another way of looking at anything than as through a mind locked into fear and conditioned reaction. And this opens through a willingness to see and own fear and conditioned reaction as a current set of choices that we find wilingness to look upon - rather than react to, from the habit of seeking to escape by separating from or dissociating from the hated and feared. To my understanding, only a willingness to heal can release the persistence of a self-reinforcing negative looping experience. And the attempt to mask in the form of virtue will always prove that love is dead - because it seeks to replace life with a hollow parody demanding sacrifice, for its own self-reinforcement and vindication. Love of truth shall uncover the truth of love. The virtues of life are directly known as qualities of being that then inspire and align our thought, word and deed.

It is the nature of the entangled to struggle within entanglement. Fear's reaction sets a mind that then takes priority in fight or flight, as a physical reflex for protection at the physical level. This operates a dissociation at the psychic level as a result of 'physicalising' our thought, or to put it the other way, around; investing identity in an object model or system made and lived as social currency.

When the system breaks down for reasons indicated above, its pattern is to remake or reset itself as the re-establishing of 'control' over life feared as chaos or pain of loss. Power struggle for positions of authority within the emerging order.

The current events show an intent to pre-empt collapse by controlled demolition running as a lockstepping of deemed essential services for the basis from which to discard and remake the world in the image of the old split minded paradigm of fear and control.

There is a deeper reintegration to life as the discerning of order within chaos - rather than seeking order set over and apart from fear of pain of loss. There IS a choice as to where we shall look and listen for what identifies us truly and therefore how we perceive, experience and act. But it is not IN the frame of choice set in and by fear masking as control. There is no love in the mask of coercive deceits. There is no true joy in the life it claims to protect or deliver us to. This is a simple and direct recognition in the heart of honesty. It needs no 'expert authority' to be Human.




 And what about all the various charities also. How come they aren’t out in force about what is being done to us.


Charities and NGOs run in the corporate-sphere.

Note that corporations are no less muted and meek in their downsizing or destruction - though the insiders are all stuffing their snouts in the trough.

Carney said of the new green deal that those not complying WILL go out of business. It came across as a threat and not a prediction.

In 2008 the banks were deemed too big to fail.

By politicians who deemed that they should do what they were told by banking.

So everyone else is set to fail to save the control system.

China is the region most 'freely' developed for the control system.

Is covid a Xi-op?

Ultimately - it is what you do to yourself that counts.

This cant be understood from a sense of grievance and blame.

But we can own what is ours and release what does not belong to us.

Meanwhile by deceits are the sins of the few repackaged and 'sold' to the many. Sin (as self-illusion set over and against truth), works an active death cult that must gain worshippers for its priestly rite to set the rules.

Who is without self illusion?

But sin is not error so much as persisting investment in errors by hiding and concealing them in active lies. Correction is not a matter of eradicating or stamping out 'sinners', but of uncovering and undoing the errors.

This must always firstly be awakening and aligning in our own responsibilities, else the sin stamps out its error on the face of its relationships, its world and its children's children.

'Sweeping out the Temple' relates to our own life.

It can also be seen as releasing or dis investing of whatever has no true belonging in your devotions. The mind that made the error cannot be the arbiter of your true desire - for that is simply error replication or garbage in; garbage out.

Reclaiming our thought is recognising and releasing 'propaganda for fear set in deceit'. It is also always now that we are able to recognise anything. The mind has the capacity to fragment and dissociate in ways that are effectively AWOL or drifting along various and conflicted purposes.

You can wait for others to turn up and speak out or act on your behalf, but what if you are also likewise for on in ways you and they are unaware?

If your mind reacts in thought instead of stilling to listen in the heart, then you are so mind-busy as to be 'engaged' or off to lunch. Without reflection, thinking operates as a jamming signal. Looking within is really a shift of perspective - upstream to 'thinking'.



The key theme I join with is the way that the mind is framed or structured by its own linguistic patterns and definitions.

The manipulation of mind - which is what is running beneath the 'narrative' pretexts for the right to judge reality so as to frame the claim for official funding, support and reaction - is all in the realm of language as a weapon or leverage or indeed masking over and redistribution of meanings.

So of all directions for freedom this is the most fundamental - for running under a false identity is a state of being phished or locked out of your true account by a stolen or mis-taken identity.

Everything is contracting or compressing to Now.

As part of a larger cycle of psychic regeneration.

For as you have rightly said, everything is always a Now - even in that our experience of past and future is a re-collect or anticipate - now).

However the now of a fleeting moment connecting past and future is when presence is so masked over by mental activity as to be 'forgotten' or displaced from a split or compartmentalised sense of awareness - and walled out as an interference to a focus given priority. 

  1. Not now God - cant you see I'm busy!
  2. Don't shine on me while I am in such a terrible state!
  3. Darkness is the new normal.

I cant of course qualify the numbers in my next statement, but for the gist of it I suggest we are using 100% of our brain or intelligence to construct the experience of having only 0.01% available. The idea of the brain as a filtering down of an Infinite is not new.

Looking within is not indulging our thinking as if it will find anything but more to think about, but going 'upstream' to the habit-normal of our thinking processes, is the shift of intuitive recognition which if accepted, opens a perspective from which to live.

The last proviso is against the temptation to marketise and weaponise the 'New Wine' of insight for the invested self-image. See how good ideas or insights are subverted by the need of 'self-lack' to mask in seeming to have substance or signal virtue.

Its a form of addiction that only true Connection and Communication can undo, and only as there is willingness to heal.

Many reading here can relate to deeply disturbing experience of a world gone mad, but are still looking OUT THERE for the connection and communication of Sanity or Answer.

This is not to say there is no help in the world - but that its nature is also a resonance with truth within ourselves and that is a quality of presence and perspective that changes everything as a result of an expansion of perspective. Living from the changed perspective is where valuing ourself and life has to replace old habits. Free will in a realm of 'split choice' means we have to WANT what we truly are. (As a result of masking in who we are not as an identity in a world of forgetting - that can no less serve as a world of remembering).

Questioning our thinking enables Consciousness. A term used like so many to denote anything BUT its original Meaning.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

# Thought Experiment #



- Thought Experiment -

Without backing from extremely powerful and wealthy interests how much of any of the covid operation would or could have stood?

Without such unspoken and largely unreported backing, how differently would critical opposition have mobilised to hold deceitful intent to account and destructive behaviour in check?

How much is a process of intended incentivisation via psychological conditioning to normalise chaos as the condition for totalitarian control/subjection the leveraging of wealth and power as funded leverage? So as to mask in helplessness and incompetence seeking clarity - when it is working as deliberate disinformation of obfuscation and delay?

Be sure it is not wealth that is accountable here but the narrative of its focus and use for leveraging masked agenda rather than fulfilling openly accepted need and desire.

The 'Economic Hit Man' is the 'offer you cant refuse' in the sense of backroom criminal coercion, spelled out or insinuated to the understanding of 'incentives' imposed as 'choice'. Carney indicates a more open assurance of 'power' in the declaration that if you do not comply with the 'Green New Deal' (sic), you WILL go out of business.

Banking and financial controls ultimately operate a choke or a flow of life support. This market capture as a masked and systemic bias expands and extends to likewise control energy dependence and supply, medical dependence and supply and so on as a broad spectrum dominance of dependence and supply on a corporate dominance that is itself hostage to legal and financial 'leveraging' by a weaponised 'law'.

I expect that those who believe they are in control of the world are compelled to attempt to do so, under the model of the world that they are wilfully 'locked into' that distances or dissociates them from a truly felt fully human reality. This dissociation or cognitive dissonance is simply evident as 'mind capture' in the hollow parody of life being presented as 'authority' of either scientific and reasoned evaluations or morally justified imperatives.

Our lack of capacity to recognise, articulate and communicate truth effectively is itself a result of a long term degradation and depreciation of consciousness by means of a capture and framing of educational dependency and supply.

I see that we are framed in dilemma from which we cannot escape except by choosing for wholeness of being, instead of persisting in repackaging the conflict down the generations as a seeming escape in denials masking as 'power over Life' set in the very few by the very many. But such denials and masking deceit operates as TO deny awareness of choice, under the allure of a fantasy fulfilment, and in fear of utter humiliation and invalidation as loss of face, loss of self and loss of control.

Fear operates as Fact believed BY invested reaction from such interpretation given status of 'reality'. Fear is then protected against its own re-evaluation under mask of 'survival necessity' that takes priority over all else as moral right.

To be wilfully locked into a death mask - or indeed death spiral - is fear defined, and fear driven. The Call to Live is true willing presence of relational communication, but the call to dissociation and control is a lock down into narratives of Self evasion - demanding compliance and support - without which they cannot stand.

Curiosity is our Native Intelligence, regardless what then covers over and shapes it, or 'explains it away' as a social masking conformity. No matter how dark and dire our experience, the movement or stirring of curiosity is of a quality of ourselves that is not IN such a frame but able to observe it, and move immediately to where answer reveals.

However this calls for release of the mind of fear and control to a receptive willingness. And there we may also see our invested identity revealed as demands and conditions currently locked in but brought to awareness instead of running under denial or 'unconscious'. This changes everything. You cannot really un-know even if you seek to eradicate the awareness by re-setting narrative controls.

Bringing conflicts and denials to light is how they are transformed and released to reveal truth that can be covered over but never altogether lost. We all have our own time and timing in uncovering willingness and yet are also part of each others experience of unfolding to a recognition of life that cannot be quantified or measured and set as rules. But insofar as patterns of living become structures through which to live they need serve the living or else will 'die'. We can choke off our own Good for the sake of an idealised or idolised structure of seeming 'control' - perhaps to repeat down through generations. Until we change our mind about our mind. That is to say step out of a masking dictate and live from a quality of life recognised, appreciated and loved.


That our experience Is supported as our 'world' suggests a freedom to both teach and learn - that is to set up a learning experience by which to grow or unfold perspectives that serve a greater purpose than is evident to the 'learner' of a limited and distorted reality reflection.


Firstly as I commented on this page already as "# thought experiment #" - wealth as leverage buys the means for compliance or muting defiance.

Emotion does not prove anything. But a firmly communicated conviction can integrate a passionate conviction as a clearly recognisable presence. It is this quality of communication and relationship that is 'under attack' because it is shares the conditions in which lies can no longer mask as if true or valid as a basis from which to think, act or live.

We may note that the 'narratives' that serve the intent to shape and control our minds are given protection and nurture - regardless of veracity, while those that impede or obstruct such a 'mindset' are demonised, denied and attacked. If you should counter attack you will 'prove' that you are in fact the hateful thing this 'Mob' has marked you out as.

When hate and fear are triggerred and nurtured in otherwise ordinary people, you will see vicious and despicable behaviour.

To regain or reclaim our mind from fear-conditioning is not a popular movement. Most want to 'make the bad thing go away' and under extremity will sign up to almost anything if it 'delivers them' from what they have no readiness or willingness to face, own or move through and release. The mind is creative - but set in fear is its own 'destructive' - as illusion of 'making new' or resetting to tighter controls by means of choking, limiting, conflicting and normalising to fear, pain and loss.

Hence the human conditioning (verb) is generally regarded as The Human Condition (noun). Emotional disturbance is implicitly part of denial and controls set to make or break our lives as we then be-live them. There is all the difference between sympathy and compassion. Mind control profiles and target 'sympathies' to set a narrative 'identity' that masks as 'virtue'. Compassion extends a recognition of another AS ourself. This is love - but not as love is socially masked and manipulated to conform and comply.


Most would defer the specifics to the power that protects them. Just as with every other ugly reflection of a loveless existence.

This 'escape' works as the shifting of blame under some claim of mitigation or self justification. The 'power' is then shaped by the unowned mind seeking to deny fear rather than face it.

If you can glimpse this you get a sense that we are generally living a coded reversal of reality that assigns Cause and Authority outside or external to a Self-denial.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner.

Changing the dictionary definitions of everything

Changing the dictionary definition of racism


In whatever way is your own prompting and desire, to be certain of the ground on which you stand is to know your purpose and be whole in what you choose to do - or desist from doing. Conflicting purposes, minds or meanings cannot really unite to become reality.
The masking of hidden conflicts in apparent currency of meaning is a form of 'magic' also called doublespeak by Orwell.
War on truth is not truly possible, but our awareness of truth can be masked over and substituted for by an adjustment layer of filters and distortions or as has been said 'through a glass darkly'. You don't need a 'Matrix' to set a virtual world in which to be unknowingly captive, but merely to WANT truth to be other than as it Is, so as to deny what is as a means to grasp, possess and control a limited and split off 'version'.

Otherism is my sense of where fear generates 'distancing- as withholding, withdrawal and masking projections onto the 'other'.
We could also call this alienation, not just of the experience within us, but of our Self.
This is 'deep' in terms of a world of inherited and acquired 'identities' but none of then truly identify us or others who share the same Life - no matter how differently expressed.
Relationship is the field of communication that also identifies balance points and borders of permission.
The so called mind of a groupthinking correctness is dissociating from relationship under the self-evasion set as the drive to GET or regain what is feels as denial and deprivation or rejection and treachery - but without any sense of the patterns of fear, conflict and trauma that run as an ongoing unresolved 'attack on reality' such as to manifest a tragic and futile reiteration of unrecognised conflict in OURSELVES. NOT blame set by self or others but part of each our own human experience and unfolding within a greater whole.

Giving power to victims is invoking a 'god of vengeance' that shall lay all to waste.
Hate arises from hurt, and yet is not a basis for the devotion or dedication of our lives.
The phrase 'give vengeance to the Lord' - properly appreciated - is to allow the feelings to rise and pass up to a greater awareness. Not to push down and coil into a cobra ready to strike at the slightest offence. Bringing darkness to light, awareness, communication and honesty cannot occur under coercive 'inquisitions' of correctness of ELSE!
I have no issue with the idea of unconscious bias in myself that is 'systemic' because it is hidden as a belief of which I have yet to become conscious. But I hold this idea within the realm of freedom to meet the evils of the day thereof as part of a freely aligned purpose that is fundamentally aligned in joy of being, as with the healing or reintegration of obstacles and ignorance to wholeness that I must be ready to look at and pass through - or else they would truly be 'unconscious'.
That insight can serve healing fully escapes the minds of those who hijack or hack any such idea for the self-inflation by which to cover over a sense of lack.
While lack is easy to perceive in the world we have adapted to survive, there is a basis in life for a self-acceptance that is whole and yet always growing or unfolding as perspective and experience of Life. We may experience this as a flow of fulfilment and regardless its content, recognise a quality of unselfconscious joy in its being. This is aligned purpose as an extension of who we are, rather than the split mind of who we are not, but are trying to either GET or get rid of.

The Word that we give is not just on our lips but the mind or definitions we are living from - and which set the measure for how we then perceive.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

A 'deep state' of dissociation is revealing itself

In this World Script - who isn't playing a role?

If the true power did not support the unfolding of the Script it would be gone.

If true power was in the world it would not be corrupted and corrupting.

The measure you give... sets your receipt.

Why not engage with another rather than play out the role of righteous moral crusader?

The trap I see is 'personalising' everything.

The Script can essentially program us, or we can wake to that it is a Script and read it from a new place.

Revelation, Apocaypse and Disclosure all share a similar meaning.

the revealing of 'the Beast' is the un-masking - or rather the revealing of the masking reality AS a masking reality or personae - cast out - and be-lived.

The illusion of being a power unto ourself is not the 'individual' but its corruption and substitution. Within the exclusion zone of such 'thinking' is the judge set as IF power - but absolutely programmed by its own 'thinking' as the distortion set over a true impulse.

If I am interrupting your drama - I have no doubt you have already dismissed me.

There are many ways of seeing that can break the spell and free attention to the field of awareness that you are and has always been - or perhaps better put, is of a timeless quality that seems to be bounded by time, space and death.

The trap of beliefs is no less in what we set against believing.

A 'deep state' of dissociation is revealing itself.

Does it reach unto replacing 'Heaven' as the False Industrial Revelation' or Fall into a Babel of cacophony?

Who is under a deep state of dissociation while actively pursuing what they THINK is self-interest?

Are we addicted to our own 'thinking'?

All the world's a stage for fools.

But when we learn to take ourselves lightly instead of leaping to being offended - we can laugh at what we took to be ourselves.

Where we look to find our Self is our choosing


I see a lockdown of people so as to suppress coordinated response against mass 'vaccination' or the narrative manipulations for its 'deployment'.

The horror of genocidal scenarios is not in the numbers of dead but in the cold and methodical industrial and technological efficiency and inhuman logic to their setting up, implementation and carrying out as a socially engineered degradation and death.

The additional development of mind control leads to the means to induce people to willingly choose and comply in their own degradation as a moral sacrifice or mask of protective social credit by which to mitigate awareness of pain of loss as a social norm.

The farming of death in the living is not necessarily immediately the loss of life, but the loss of awareness of life as freedom of being to a spiritual death running as an operating system for the playing out of fantasies set over and upon the bodies of the living.

Who would save 'their life' shall lose it, but who would yield such a 'life' to Me shall know Life eternal. A fear-driven existence knows not that is has, and in lack and fear of loss seeks to add to itself and can never 'get' enough. But to them who truly have, more shall appreciate, while those who have not shall lose even the little that they have. This is not punishment, but the law of appreciation or 'what you appreciate, appreciates'. A negative appreciation also goes forth and multiplies as the fruit or result of its predicates. As you sow, so shall you reap.

The spiritual realm is of qualitative meaning that has quantitative forms of expression as our 'world'. The exclusion and reduction to determinism of a quantitative model is a lockdown of the mind to a distanced object 'reality' in which true relational being is denied for the mask of not knowing the fear or conflict that runs beneath.

In this way a mind is en-tranced to a narrative identity or masking persona within a collective willingness or intent to not feel and know the truth of That you are, but through a 'glass darkly' - that is through a multi-layered strategy of defences against disclosure to the underlying complex of fear that has woven its own spell as a web of 'meanings' cast out upon its world.

While we give identity of Self to a narrative, it has all the power we give it to direct our thought and maintain its 'dissociation' of a world from relational being - which Is Communication, which Is relationship - before even Abraham was.

Fear speaks to your mind as "I will make you safe".

Love speaks your being as "You are safe".

There is a stark choice here as to who you accept yourself to be, but once given to a 'mind of thinking', its conflict and division works to rule out listening in the heart of being.

You have to actively want or be willing for the love that is your birthright as a result of having learned a 'new normal' that replaced and masked over love's awareness now.

No matter what it promises, the mind of thinking or 'modelling and propaganda' cannot deliver anything but more of the same conflict - regardless how ingeniously packaged. This is in the nature of a fundamental ignorance of its own origin. The 'mask' cannot know what it was made to cast out or eradicate and deny from awareness. But nor does it actually do so, Fears and denials are merely 'hidden' in a world that runs out of ways and means to evade, hide and persist in, so as to in a sense 'come home to roost'.

Awakening responsibility is from a point of integrity of being - not a claim of personal merit or achievement set over or against others. Fear of blame and penalty shuts down the mind from its true nature in the Formless and Creative - that I called qualitative source of meaning - that is heart and mind as one or working in unison. This is the power of Life - but it does not oppose, and so we cannot reccognise ourselves in opposition and polarised narrative reaction. But where we look to find our Self is our choosing, and our capacity to recognise our freedom in being.