penelope pitstop
someone mentioned on here yesterday that all these new variants UK, South Africa and Brazil are all countries where the Phizer trials were conducted.
Coincidence or causation we will never know, not one to be a conspiracy theorist or anything but i found it rather interesting.
Consider that IF such a malice was intended there are no checks or defences against it being carried out and assigned to wild mutations, and blamed on a lack of public zeal for self-destruction.
One can identify poliovirus in children that is a vaccination strain as distinct from wild. But under a Cartel Pharmasorcery, where is the means or the will to independent accountability and transparency?
The population is being normalised to constant threat as the basis for total control. Alex Thompson at UK Column started a series on the mind control process called disinformation by the then KGB. It will illuminate some sense of the mind as a targeted proxy for a destructive and coercive intent.
Reply to penelope pitstop
Its an interesting point, it plants a suspicion in my mind certainly. But I dont know how it could be proved or disproved.
That's where science begins. Asking questions and refining the questions.
How might we prove vaccines help more than hinder?
That's where the science is aborted. Such studies are not funded, allowed or published.
A belief in anything can be so forcefully cherished as to be protected from question, and fear of negative consequence provides the force, and the funding of allegiance and support.
Our self-invested identities are a complex of such 'beliefs' and operate as invisible structures of presumed and defended 'reality'.
Those who question their 'reality-experience' are those whose masking persona has failed to hide or cover what lies beneath.
The suppression and inhibition of fear and hate results from perceiving it as threat, and defends against 'threat' by masking over and projecting or diverting away from self-responsibility. Blame as redistribution of psychic energy, along with penalty of pain or exclusion.
Maintaining defences must needs hold such hate as righteous or justified by grievance, and to this end, all that is of love is likewise perceived as threat to the capacity to protect a broken, wounded or betrayed 'love'.
The feelings and insights of love are thus equally perceived as threatening, treacherous, fickle and deceitful and thus demonised and denied in the frame of the hated and feared 'self-conflict'.
Love of truth must then be chosen over fear of love set in frame of denial and deceit, IF a mistaken identity or 'love of fear as protector', is to be released. The nature of the defence is something we have 'made' that runs as a machine mind, that knows not who and what you are, for it is made to masked over, distance and deny your awareness of a fear, hate of guilt whose origin lies beneath a complex of defences against disclosure.
If we choose to heal, then the action element of hate calls for inhibition, but the action element of love needs to be disinhibited. Instead of sacrificing love to a futile, depleting and destructive defence that can not work, we need learn of love anew, by bringing the fear or hate into the light of an awareness that heals our perception and restores perspective.
This simplified sketch does not indicate just how entangled and fragmented our 'defences' of conflicts have become. But a universal key is 'release and be released'. This does not relate to behaviours, but to the projection and perception of our own motives and judgements onto other lives, and to our world.
How can we prove or become certain that anything is true of false?
As distinct from becoming captured or controlled by a belief that WANTS it so?
Self-honesty is a transparency to true account at the level or quality of our being, regardless of the measuring stick and hierarchies of judgements that 'make' a world to mask out and cover over 'separation trauma' within Mind - that take on physicalised partitions as the Human Conditioning.
To the 'mask', there is no other reality than life under threat of death as the struggle for power. But you can recognise this is not your reality by the simple grace of noticing it in act. And open the basis to ask and receive answer that is growing Conscious from a mind renewed.
“I do not know what anything is for.”
To me, the purpose of everything is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. It is for that purpose that I attempt to use everyone and everything. It is this that I believe the world is for. Therefore I do not recognize its real purpose. The purpose I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of it. Let me open my mind to its real purpose by withdrawing the one I have given it, and learning the truth about it. ACIM.
The idea that choosing to not act, is an absence of the presence of conscious communication is the reaction of a driven and coercive compulsion to DO SOMETHING.
The latter is the means by which we choose to give up choice to a private and protected identity set in fear and attack.
Most everything said about viruses represents a projection of such a human psycho-pathological set of conflicted 'meanings' (sic).
The underlying psychic NEED to assign demonic or malign intent onto Life - and normalise it, is the unwillingness and perhaps unreadiness to own, face and live through fear as a transformative desire to heal.
Instead, fear is fed with sacrifice of life and lives as if the power of protection in distancing, locking down and masking narrative by which to raise a parody of life from fear of death under blind 'controls' that can never have enough 'control'.
Once it passed its tipping point, the mask of virtue could no longer be maintained. It's a death cult under mind control.
Hence I listen in the heart for the movement of being that knows life by sharing it.
The modelling mind can serve practical function. But to invest identity there is to dissociate to a fixated fascination with our own 'reflection'.
No one who walks the world in form but has fear striking at his breast.
But the expression of fear called ‘control’ is mistaken for Power.
Worshipping control is a death cult seeking power over feared Life.
Making entertainment from fear is another way to limit and dissociate or distance from what we choose not to look on.
That our choices can become conditioned reactions or normalised behaviourally set ‘thinking’ is a programming by the past upon the present so as to escape reliving a past trauma. The word trauma here is used for the psychic split and not any physical associations. Nor is it used to elicit sympathies of emotional reactions that play out private conflicts on others as if to use them for one’s own agenda as a paramount concern.
If as would seem reasonable to assume, fear, is recognised as a tool of manipulation underlying a global collapse or power grab, then why are we not addressing fear in all its deceits?
For the most part because fear runs the mind we think is ours alone, and that we protect as a private sense of control, by seeking social and perceptual reinforcements by which to seem to join, but always on the basis of a prior claim to separate. In such a world, freedom is assigned to the body as the limit of the mind, and as the currency of locked down minds. Escape into fantasy masks over the pain of loss in symbol and substitution for lost love and its separation trauma. Perhaps for a while the dream seems real and full of hope, but only until the fear from which it hides is masked out.
The mask disintegrates to reveal the ‘escape’ unreal or deceitful, and the underlying disturbance rises to be healed. But fear cannot see this because it blocks seeing as its new normal of ‘control’.
Fig leaves represent covering over a sense of self-lack conflict and shame. God can be represented to those who don't think in such terms as nakedness to an intimacy of being. Nothing added, nothing taken away. But to a masking mind God is distanced, locked down and masked.
There is no truth in the masking mind of fig-leaf thinking - but what we choose to give.
The adage of 'Give unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar and give unto God what is due unto God' is applicable to a fundamental choice that did not exist until the choice for masking or hiding from God, remade all things in our own image.
What is not apparent in mythic representation is the terror that arose from self-hatred and shame. If God mandated coercively, there would be no free will. Hence under a false god of tyranny under fear and deceit free will is denied and replaced by 'granted freedoms' for compliance to arbitrary and shifting 'rules' or 'moral guidances'.
Fear inherently misinterprets everything, including Scriptures of true teachings, insights and inspired thought and endeavour. Fear cannot be separated from self-doubt and division. The attempt to become certain by acting as if to earn or become worthy propagates the original error of self-judgement given priority over God as your very being. Here is the 'private mind'. Who can reach the minds of the self-convicted?
The idea of the Holy Spirit is of a gift of discernment within Life and not set over and apart as 'my thinking' under official authoritative judgements or identity set in reaction to any externalised authority.
Choosing one is to let the other go. Trying to choose both results in conflicts that effectively deny awareness of any real choice. Resting and releasing the mind of conflict is actively giving faith to Life or being instead of to our own fears and thinking. Making the conditions in which love can register in our awareness is not 'creating love' nor the guidance and direction as to how the movement of being extends, expresses or simply shines as a quality of unselfconscious presence.
A mechanical mind sees a mechanical world - and thinks that to understand is to align in prediction and control. But what you truly understand you love and appreciate the gift of (being one with).