Saturday, 23 January 2021

Masking over nakedness to fear as if to push and keep it out

Yes - masks as superstitious or magical defence lock the fear into the mind of the wearer who is induced to believe the fear is real, and they are both locking in their imagined but terrifying viral contagion, and masking off from a terrifying world of invisible viral demons that are in anyone and everyone no matter what.

This is the result of the degradation of the human mind by an ongoing media, corporate and socio-political management that replaces human community, and human intelligence. The spread of fear is not at all difficult to see and defend against - unless a mind is already captured BY it to a narrative diversion and displacement in which fears of pain and loss are pictured out in stories that become real in the mind that suckles on them. No one has isolated this virus apart from via computer assisted genome sequencing taken from an indeterminate mass that could as easily have yielded innumerable novels by shifting the parameters and predicates of the search and recombination. Only the most elite and funded specialists can operate such opaque procedures. No claim to casing disease was made for the novel genomic definition. But the unprecedented blitzkrieg of fear porn from a lockstepped media and political manipulation of our mind - which has not stopped but merely switches and reinvents itself, is backed up by an unprecedented and controlled demolition of the global economy alongside and sustained and mounting demolition of social structure and as I said - a degradation of our consciousness. Those who choose to mutate to a degraded and grey parody of life masking over a scream of denial, let them feast on hate set in 'moral self-righteous salvation'. “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". said Michael Ellner back in the AIDS scam. Jesus says, 'forgive them for they know not what they do'. The masking persona is a lid over great fear. All of this can be read at a deeper level, from a perspective of consciousness of love's recognition. It takes one to know one. But if love is redefined to some kind of war against a perceive, believed or flagged evil, war is made 'holy' and wholeness is sacrificed to a fear-driven polarised and polarising futility. What could possible go right? If your identity and function is given or determined by billionaire clubs and their private agenda set over the lives of others, then know this is Your choice, regardless the deceits by which You consent to contract and sacrifice to a system set in hate and denial of life, by which to 'save' your own. I do not need to deny what has not been proven or demonstrated true. That worldly power can assert and weaponise a narrative does not make it fact - even it it sets the basis for resetting the focus and priority of endeavour and funding. Neither virus nor carbon dioxide are causes of evil in and of themselves but are inherent to living function. But hate of unowned and unhealed fear MUST have a target directed away from the mask of control that fear hides in.

Jesus says, 'forgive them for they know not what they do'. How can a mask of self-evasion know Who You truly Are?


Please stop referring to Covid as if it actually exists. You have never provided any proof that it does. Neither has the Politburo. By referring to it consistently for almost one year now as if it does, you have effectively ensured its immortality. It has become symbolic of the idiocracy we know live in where everything that issues forth from the buro is never questioned but taken as a fact. It borders on a mental illness.

Well the 'buro' is a broad spectrum dominance of essentially corporately managed behaviours, and so recognising the underlying intent as one of having been delivered unto evil (by our willingness to be misled), is a big step that is initially extremely disturbing - such that many may cling even to the systemic dictates of an 'abusive parent' rather than lose everything they held true - as the 'devil they know' - but revealing itself as the archetypal Terror demanding sacrifice. The 'god' that devours its own children. The establishment is NOT just the 'control' but no less the invested fear on which it must feed in order to seem to run. Love is not coercive and controlling, but can and does hold the conditions for life. Control would usurp Life as the intent to remake it or redefine and replicate it as a systemic substitution. AS a mind under control we fear, hate and attack and deny love as threat - but blindly under a dissociating sense of mask over fear set in self-protection. Masked again in narrative of moral justification. What - if asked in our heart of hearts - truly exists? The capacity to think for ourself is really the capacity to think with God - or if you prefer - in resonance with the power of Life as Communication, Relation, Recognition, Extension and Exchange. Thinking can run within its own spin to set up an overlay of private or local meanings that mask out universal communication. Fear arises from a conflicted mind, persisted in and protected against healing for fear of loss of invested identity. Our human world is a pile of denials stored up against Heaven (restored true relation). Nor can we 'tell' the deceived they are not in their right mind and be received. But can we live our Right Mind as a witness to theirs - regardless the masking appearances? This puts me on the threshold of recognising and releasing my own masking habits of judging myself in others as if to escape it.

Friday, 22 January 2021

Fundamental Principles 

Crystal Decanter

as a previous poster has mentioned

Fighting against this is a losing battle

acceleration is the key

Do you mean 'mutate now - avoid the rush!'

(An old anti-Nuclear badge slogan).

There are two principles I offer for consideration.

They are likely to remain unrecognised.

  1. What you resist, persists.
  2. What is not used, fades with non use.

Jesus put it as

  1. Resist ye not evil.
  2. Put (the mind of) deceit behind you.

The fundamental phishing of identity by deceit is to elicit reaction by which we are framed in the deceit. Having already taken the bait, the mind seeks answer only as framed by the falsely flagged problem. The conflicts and dissonance is then assigned by the narrative beliefs in which we are already identified, but falsely, as the attempt to save ourselves or our world from threat.

Questioning narrative definitions and assumptions is like looking for the errors that must be there because garbage out (feedback) is witness to garbage in (predicates and parameters).

The human mind is liable to inhabit a virtual dissociation of its own image and collective modelling of reality. But only as an expression of conflict arising from such a misidentification. The pattern of lockdown, distance and mask is the recoil from feared Relationship or indeed feared Reality.

Identity IN the masking persona is completely unaware of Reality and seeks power, love and freedom in a substitution that can never satisfy, but delivers disempowerment, lovelessness and slavery, because these are the underlying 'self-lack' set in fear, that drives the world of the attempt to get or force life to fit our image or mind - willingly supported at cost of a direct and truly felt awareness of Life that is the source and nature of what we seek 'outside ourself' and thereby give power to, and suffer under when invested realities change.

If you allow Life to register as your awareness of being, you will not be addictively thinking, and the thoughts or perspectives that naturally arise to you will be relevant and resonant to who you truly are, rather than what you fear to have become or that fear says you must become.

Or you can persist in what cannot really work as if This Time - it will somehow work. If 'they' can do such tricks on us, is it not because we are all already liable to do this unto our self? We can in this very moment recognise and take responsibility for our thought and experience, without waiting for others or the world to change. That it is in any case always changing will then align with your accepted purpose for you, because you are aligning with Life, rather than telling it what to be. We don't  readily want this because it calls our invested identity into question. But of course!

Globalisation as Dissociated Control Agenda

This comment happened to sprout in comment to illegal migration trafficking on:

#1 Responsibility for speech

 If repeating reports of 'covid outbreaks' without specifying it as test case results, clinical disease, or actual emergency and death, be aware that the reactions in place to such narrative irresponsibility are genocidal in their cascade of effects.

Careless talk and thought is the un-lived life of an unattended mind, running someone else's thinking or someone else's targeting of your habitual thinking, to serve its agenda by denial of true fulfilment for a masking reality.

#2 Globalisation as a Control Agenda

Degrading the social structure by any and all means is part of the 'resetting' of a top down dictate by elitist stakeholders, aligned in systemic capture of institutions originally set in service and protection of the social order.

While 'Big Money' is part of this it is the financial leveraging of legislation  and market controls that effectively leverages the corporate sector as an instrument of social engineering.

It might be noted that technological advantages in the hands of the few opened the vision of an ability to reshape the world in the image of the few, and that the means of such an open global agenda uses the PR and propaganda framing of weaponised language - so as to invoke great fears so as to generate demand and funding support for prepared 'solutions'. 

Mass migration was predicted by James Goldsmith - along with the destruction of social order to an underclass of slave labour set over by blind and heartless system in 1994 interview with Charlie Rose. The true accounting of economic decisions MUST include and not externalise or dump its pain and toxic debts.

The resort to destructive intent as a tool for profit and power in the world also attracts opportunism, and base appetites that are fed and driven by an unowned, unhealed and dissociated self-hatred and hatred for life - set in grievance,  vengeance and hollowness  - and denial of love AS communication and relational being.

The weaponisation of migration resulting from economic and open wars is part of a war on humanity by a psychosis given sympathy and support, alignment and compliance.

We each have our own 'holographic'  participation in outer reality. We also can operate a control mind that by all and any means externalises and projects conflicts out and away from a sense of control that masks in virtues that have no power to save us because they cover a disintegrity unaddressed. The fear-masking mind seeks to blame, attack and deny rather than open to a true account in willingness for aligning in true solutions - or better still, an honesty way of being in which the need for the problem does not exist.

Global 'trade deals' along with NGO fronted regulatory 'solutions' are knowingly, openly and actively destructive to our inherited cultural and traditional social structures. Machine thinking is a dissociated and artificial 'intelligence' and is represented in outer reality in the transhuman or alien agenda - for it represents a hijacking or hacking of a  mind set in its own spin of self-image. A deceit that turns our mind against ourselves - and each other.

We shall not cease from exploration 

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

- T.S. Eliot 

#3 (Send them back comment)

If the conditions in their homeland were released from the globalist and geopolitical corruptions and degradations to life, would they still come, and would many want to return? I am not suggesting we have this available as an immediate recourse but as I see it we are all part of the cause - and I don't say this in the sense of assigning guilt or blame, but looking at the situation with curiosity for truth and desire to heal. Hating the symptoms is all very well, but only pushes the causes deeper by adding more layers of self-serving evasion - that bequeath a world of toxic debt to our children and our children's children. The fact is there is no political will to address this issue in a way that actually does more than pretend to do so - while it is 'open society' that shapes political corruption. There are so many who still think as if there is political representation - when just like in the countries where so many up and run - we have a puppet government under a consortium of stakeholder agenda. This is too big and disturbing for many to allow or own and so its 'safer' to limit down and take out our impotence on anything that still seems to be reachable as a target. Oh - and manipulators know this and use it - and use you.

Thursday, 21 January 2021

By what is a mind undone of false conditioning?


Reply to  Binra
Unless a mind comes clean of programs and conditions it will remain prisoner in a world it does not understand. Grief as impression/expression of loss is of no lesser value than its inseparable counterpart of joy. The attempt to isolate grief is similar to the desire to remove negativity from life. Everything has its place in life. A battery does not work with a single positive pole. It takes both polarities to ‘create’ electricity.
As a non-theist, I have no problem with people believing in any God. It is people who believe in God who are insecure when someone does not share their view. Man created God in his likeness and it is this succumbing to authority that is now exploited by those who put people under house arrest and take away everything a human being needs to be at peace.

Grief indeed serves a function in a mind that grasps and is prisoner to its world.

'Everything' and 'nothing' can indeed be set as polarities - but one has no existence except that you give it yours.

The underlying electrical nature of the universe of manifestation is a polarised expression from a zero.point infinity. Within desire for experience your view is integral to the whole - (Thank you) but if it is out of accord with who and what you are it will render a fragmented and dissonant experience. You are free to engage this forever if that is indeed your freedom.

That 'God Creates Only God-in Extension' is not recognisable to a mind set in mask of division that rules out wholeness to 'separate holes'. Realigning in true Authorship undoes the false substitution or indeed the false god of a man made 'power' set over Life. We can let this be so by desisting active belief in such 'power' in any moment of willingness.

'Believing', and 'God' are words. Such words can be woven into masks by which to signal virtue while hiding secret hate and fear. True word can be invoked and spoken for vanity.

The mind of Man, set in masking division, does not 'create' anything true - least of all his own authoring. But be-lives that limiting, dividing and destruction are power over life by which to make new. But this replicates the wish to create all things in 'self-image' as a mind of a dissociation from 'Is' - that may be indicated as...

 "I Am". 

Which is a Name of God that cannot Be named by the measure that is the mind of Man.

Giving without measure is sharing in the gift of Life. This is what we have forgotten.

Yet as we give, so shall we in truth receive. For the Law of Mind is no less true in faithful feedback to predicates - be they true or false. But who in hate and fear recognises Divine Synchronicity as perfectly in order?

Even as we do - we do unto our Self.

This adaptation of Jesus' saying counters the distanced and locked down world of 'the body as saviour', to a mind set under terror. The mortal conditioning is a 'world' set in fear of pain, loss and death. Attempts to control change by ingenuity of psychic manipulation programs the worship of the image and model over the Living or truly Current relationship. Which is backwards - and renders a 'world' running counter to a truly living will in fear set as a mind of evasion.

I appreciate your comment and for what you drew forth as a freedom of response. The facing and living of fear, pain grief and loss opens the capacity for joy in being. Joy is wholeness of being that knows its freedom as extension or the disposition of radiance. If we short circuit our honesty of being, we set ourself IN the thing we resist.

No one can freely choose to release what they are not the owner of.

While we give authority to an 'outer god' of powers, circumstances and conditions, we are giving life all the meaning it has for us, while suffering the measure of our giving as a recipient of an 'alien' will.

Responsibility for the reintegration of our mind to Mind that is edgeless and infinite, is not an act of the 'mind', so much as a recognition of transparency within Mind - given welcome instead of denial and attack. In this sense a full acceptance is release to Life.

This can be recognised or intuited as a grace of simple noticing - and has nothing to do with intellectual sophistication. The 'Bridegroom' or fulfilment cometh when ye thinketh NOT. Unselfconscious joy is natural flow and alignment of being.

Responsibility for life as energy is not just conservation within a closed system but alignment within an Open 'System' or indeed Creation. Both are operating together. When the inner and outer balance is lost, the cell or self or system breaks down, but the underlying energy and information is not IN its expression.

God (All That Is) is not IN a world of object modelling. The mind of private judgement is limiting, selective and rejecting, for those who choose it, and usurps direct recognition as a masking over of a self-imaged reality.

We might call this a mindtrap or psyop, but how can a mind BE trapped by or rejected and excluded by its OWN thought? Except by choice that can be changed? First it must judge itself, and then suffer it results as IF denied. By reaction are beliefs and convictions set in fear and hate of violation. By such conditioning are 'conditions' set and contracted to as polarised identification.

What others choose is their freedom - even if choosing to deny their freedom. But what I accept is my own freedom by which I join IN freedom of willingness. How can we join in fear and hate masked over by coercion? As sick illusions of life set in parody - driven by denial?

Thanks - but no thanks!

What would you truly Understand?

Karry:  For a long time, I’ve been thinking that Free Masonry and other ancient orders and secret societies are driving this. And I have realised (belatedly) that even though I don’t believe in any of it, they do. Macron is a Jesuit, like the Pope – and they are on-board with all of this. I don’t know where Jesuits meet Old Testament. Can anyone help me to understand?

The world is a maze of false trails that can keep pulling you into its core framing characteristics.

If you instead use what is evident to eyes that see in the evils of the day thereof - ie - as you actually meet life - then you will start to discern patterns that are beneath the realm of appearances and yet shown there in the open once you learn to see them.

If something true could simply be 'told' the truth would be revealed and lies undone.

It isn't like that, you have to be willing and resonant or ready to recognise and accept.

If we seek the truth that serves OUR agenda. Our awareness of truth is sacrificed or subverted a partiality driven by a self-certainty that has not been raised to question... yet.

Religious Narrative holds a Mythic representation of Theological interpretation as a cultural framework through which to hold social order.

Secret societies had to be so in the historical context of persecution and power struggle, but part of the nature of 'secrets and lies' the corruption of a truly human relationship by a sense of self specialness - no matter how 'high' the Calling.

Anything 'cultic' can seem to confer a magnification or reinforcement of self in some areas but at a cost to 'becoming subsumed to the group identity. It may seem impossible to leave - especially where loyalty to the sect is demonstrated by acts that break or are complicit in breaking social taboos.

What do you really want to understand?

Something worthy of love and appreciation?

If you have no business in deep shit - why dig it up to struggle and die in?

If you have some outstanding correspondence or date to keep, it will come up in its time.

Fear 'drives' loveless agenda. If you can get that, then what Calls forth inspiration and joy in life will serve the capacity to move through fear. Would you understand that fear is REALLY a Call to love - but hidden - as if under a complex of denials.

Do Jesuits meet the Old Testament?

Everyone meets their current understanding and interpretation according the the lights by which they are guided. Fear drives a fearful interpretation that may seem to promise protection of a conditional love - while its conditions are met. Love tells you you are safe even in the midst of fear. Nor shall it cease to be, just because a mind of fear is intent on distancing, lockdown and masking narratives that drive a negative economy.

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

WTF is Going On?


Now WTF is Going On? American Meltdown Edition

(Disclaimer - I don't resonate with the channel’s basis for ‘sense-making’ but after looking at the title and some of the comments felt to comment to the attempt to ‘make sense of current events).

The mind capture works under the attempt to make sense of a meaninglessness.

In other words it is framed in an impossible conflict, that is masked in narratives of doublethink.

This is not to say there is no truth, but to say there is no truth in the world as framed in mythic dissociation from it true source and nature.

That we experience true resonance and recognition in our lives is always a shift to a greater perspective from which and as which a direct appreciation extends.

The 'mind-habit' will interject to fit insight into current frameworks - because that is its job description as 'continuity manager' for a masking dissociation. We can also see that as 'possession and control' or weaponising and marketising any new movement of our being.

The mind-habit is not the resting of a mind at one with being, and so is a sense of conflicted being seeking continuity of self-reinforcement as social masking identity.

I offer this as a sketch for curiosity and investigation. Until we catch our mind in act, we operate from its framing unawares. Freedom is then not in the world or at the level of the body, but as the awareness of choice or acceptance of thought believed, and invested by acting from. This will then extend through the body and to the world as a reflection and alignment of 'sense' as sanity or unconflicted and integrative  response - where response is truly called for. Unconflicted choice is of course choiceless, or creative.

When we think to see the world, we always perceive through the filter of our minds and thus what we see says more about our mind and collective agreements of mind than it does of Current Reality.

Learning to read the world as a Revealing of our self or mind-made modelling to our Self or truth of being, is from the recognition and release of a 'thinking' that accepted a nonsense, and persisted in it, to generate an oppositional and polarised 'sense' which has resulted in the current unfolding experience of its themes - and through which we can arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time.



Covid-19 is the umbrella term for a range of 'disease' that includes 'health' (no clinical symptoms). This is presumed to be caused by a new or 'novel' virus codenamed Sars-Cov-2.

Respiratory diseases happen (with seasonality).

Particular features that are loosely called ‘covid pneumonia’ are either the novel set of disease symptoms - or highlighted by the intense media driven spotlight of fear, funding and reaction. The cause or causes of which remain open to question - as do factors of susceptibility and treatments.

Fear is used as an old normal to mobilise a campaign or crusade of both funding and regulatory controls that ratchet always tighter at expense of rights and freedom to exercise responsibilities.

I could challenge you 'mentally' if what you mean is to question whether you are in your right mind or under the influence of a cult or scam. But I trust you are doing the best you can with what you have.

Once anyone takes and makes identity in the frame of the deception, they are emotionally invested into, reinforcing of, and fodder for, it intent.

When you see a new item - so called, you are under offer to enter a contract by engaging in its terms. If you zoom out from liability of being phished by emotional reaction you will see it is a legal document in the framing and phrasing of its qualifying small print as well as around otherwise highly emotive or provocative imager and messaging.

These attempts to capture mindshare and bypass rational thought, are challenges to your integrity. If you do not maintain integrity, you will let it in where it will undo you from within - under illusion of moral justification.

I wrote a bit today on core facts that are mostly unestablished assumptions set as the basis for this whole restructure of economy and human society.


It SHOULD be up to the authorities imposing such restrictions of choking our relational freedoms and business to prove their case at every step. They have not HAD or allowed an 'opposition' or oversight of checks and balances.

This tells me that the institutions are 'bought, corrupted or terrorised into compliance over a long term process that kept the medical avenue as a trump card, and switched lockdowns for established protocols at the critical point of a drilled and lockstepped support for emergency.

Once beliefs are injected into the collective, they will persist against all evidence.

They may be established by fear, but they operate under the belief in masking protection from fear. This is what the refusal or unwillingness to heal demands. And the means by which fear operates a masked agenda of control.

It is not my call to actively 'deny' what has not proven its existence in terms that are empirically anchored. Nor do I accept theory and assumptions as 'the science' or as fact. But I am open to answers and would of course broaden my scope from a virological psycho-pathogenic obsession which fuels a cult-like fear and superstition of cognitive dissociation.

I don't deny that we experience 'colds'. What they are seems to have eluded science for a century or more - but it would appear they have now been redefined as a basis a self-extinction of Humankind - whether or not trans-human carbon units persist. No XrRebellion is mobilised, because we are for the most part prepared, cultivated and ready to abandon our life to a control system that has been growing through a monopolising of technology under corporate 'stakeholders'

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Isolated under machine modelling given worship

The commenter was trolling of disinformation but in pretending to ask a question invited my willingness to address the question.

(Affect a conversational familiarity. Introduce doubt. Plant a lie and the father of it. Bob).

For anyone who still wonders; Isolating properly means separating out only that entity or object - and nothing else mixed in. THEN research can determine if there is any causal role for disease. It can also test sick people for viral load. Koch's laws can be applied as science and reason to fearful superstitions or wishful hypothetical belief.

The computing trick of a reconstituted RNA molecule from short sequences found in a soup of matters that are not specifically identified, is an artifice or construct of the mind or purpose of those paying and paid to 'find it'.

Tom Cowan recently did a talk with Freedom Health Alliance that will be on one or more of the vid channels. He gets it across in a way that serves an understanding, rather than a manipulation to a polarised and polarising opinion or 'identity'.

If weaponised 'virus' is being made and 'released' - is that through the eye of a needle? The hard evidence for transmission is hard to find. Toxic exposures leading to cell death result in fragments that may communicate the toxic experience as part of a collective adaptation. Life is Communication. You could say the idea of vaccination is the intent and attempt to get benefits of a controlled sickness upgrade manually so as to forfend getting sick in the frame of Life feared and demonised. The archetype of sacrifice goes back to species trauma under 'Gods' of Overwhelming Terror for which we have no current reference point excepting as our psychic inheritance and human conditioning.

The invocation and triggering of fear then is itself a 'viral' communication of archetypal pathways of survival strategy that are 'cognitive dissonance' under the 'reptilian' brain of a domination absent doubt, or 'will to power' given acceptance as the imitation and invocation of power over and above all else or 'Terror'.

Terror can operate insidiously. Fear of threat can operate the same kill switch as an actual disease or threat. It is the 'god' or power by which the world that we think we know is made 'real' to the mind of its adaptation.

Isolated 'individuals' are taken out of living context, and normalised to comply under fear and reward for special mitigation of fear. Such is an 'operating system' of broken 'meaning' re-incorporated under narrative dictates by which to serve the 'Caesar' of legal fictions and social mores that mask as the Law of our being.

If you 'read' the world in the discernment of the heart, then the masking mind and world will reveal itself to your release and reintegration to what the mind-made world or 'anteroom' was made to conceal. Fear of death DOES the thing that its mutations 'seem' to protect from - as death in life or a living death. Such a choice is always now, but frames itself in a past stamped on a future that denies the expansion of present to Presence. It IS a choice - no matter how armoured, defended, concealed and aggressively protected against exposure AS a choice by conviction and belief set in driven necessity.

But at the level of our being - and not within the frame of our mask of thinking. Regardless the 'intent' assigned to the seeming causes and effects of a breakdown of what we lived as real, the disintegration is also a revealing of us to ourself - or the bringing of what was hidden to an awareness of self that can no longer hide that it is hiding, and so is brought to an awareness of the choice for fear and hiding as their own willingness - regardless the outer repackaging of self-justifications.

Conscious choices grow conscious-ness and character.

Acquired and inherited judgement, machines 'consciousness' as a golem to a script acting out. In this sense a 'collective' of fragmented 'individuals' runs like a bot-net, on given instructions.

Freedom has to be an inner presence form which to accept and align, or it is locked down and masked as the 'body' as a symbol of distance, withholding and withdrawal from the field of relational being.

Monday, 18 January 2021

Follow the Science? 

The TV medium en-trances to the realm of entrainment and hypnotism. The trained puppets are not intending relationship, or communication but masking a manipulative command in its image and form.

That's a matter of being lured and phished.

We never left the Garden and the tempter whispers yet.

But WHO told you you were naked?

Or susceptible?

Garbage in; garbage out.

Follow the guidance of the heart's discernment - or be phished by the mind in its own spin - set as if against or apart from wholeness.

Appeal to authority is a well known - but often effective claim to right.

Masking in virtue associated with or assigned to authorities is a well known but often effective manipulative disguise.

Insofar as science is the application of reasoned  questioning of our world experience, it is open to empiric evidences that refute or confirm theory or narrative meanings derived from modelling our experience.

But as a scientism of masking narrative deceits, it operates a machine thinking of technologism. 

The tooling of the mind to control is a defence set over fear of loss of innate or natural authority of being to a lockdown of dissociation as a body. As a usurping substitution in symbolic representation it can only cast out from an archetypal patterning that for the most part invisibly structures a 'consciousness'  set in polarised and polarising conflicts.

Love of truth shall reintegrate to the truth of love just as truth of love shall inspire and guide the release of a special or conditioned 'love' to a resonance of timeless being that is not absent our experience of time, so much as masked out.