My writing at any length is dense - or rather cannot be read from within a mind-catptured attempt to escape its own predicate, but I have been accepting the tweet character limit for succinct points of sketching a bridge to who we think, model or rehearse ourselves to become, from a relational field that simply Is.
One of my Companions in life is A Course in Miracles.
While its intent is release of mind-trap to awareness and appreciation of true inherence & relationship, its depiction of the 'ego' as a substitution or masking reality distortion, is both without recoil, and with a means to recognise what we are not at the point of true choice.
While I stand in what I value, I don't push or teach so much as embody an integration that teaches and learns by living and giving - for we are always 'teaching' who we believe/accept ourself to be, and learning from our own result.
But to recognise what we are teaching is the grace of noticing - which calls on a perspective from outside our current belief or self-imaged narrative identity.
Safety in lies is a way of delaying or evading truth. But its temporary security is then a pervasive and persistent threat-management system until truth is re-cognised prior to the split or partitioning off of a dissociation.
What we do embodies or automatically follows from who and what we accept ourself to be. The 'freedom' within a locked down mind is then to act out or inhibit the action component.
The Call I share in is to strengthen inhibition of fear in hate and harm, within the active dis-inhibiting of love.
Love is the willingness to be with what is to the point of recognising truth.
Truth cannot be defined yet is the basis for identifying everything truly - hence is never a private agenda or ego-alien encounter.
There is a readiness or ripeness for 'coming out' from self-made identity habits.
But the mind can induce a false start or a fools artifice.
Discernment is the capacity to question 'reality' that tells you you are naked or threatened and lacking. Real questions refine to reveal the answer, perhaps even as we ask, or in some relational event or encounter.
The cock crows thrice and the denials set as personal security suddenly hit home as the self betrayal - ALREADY FORGIVEN! - That's where 'what did Peter do next?' is irrelevant.