in response to the themes in:
I write this as in invitation to ponder - not a proscription.
The details of the modelling of life as biology become insanely complex because our minds are predicated to mask in obfuscation, prior to the rational development that then thinks to 'make sense' of the world as seems.
While alignment in integrity of being is directly healing, the mind of judgement (including theoretical modelling) becomes a reverse template for the capacity to look at the mind instead of reacting from its masking filters.
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".
~Michael Ellner
This is a result of minds set in a reversal of cause and effect. 'Determined by symptoms assigned mythical causation'.
Mind - as awareness of intention, value and desire, can generate postulates through which to structure or model fruits or results.
Mind can identify in such a focus, to be-live the experience as a point of view given continuity & support, as an adaptive adjustment to and within self-conditioned results, operating as a consciousness relative to a projected body and world.
But in all the above, an embracing context is discarded or excluded by the selective focus, that then presumes itself autonomous or self-existing in a specifically objected experience of the only reality that is.
A persistent inertial fulcrum arising from an identified or protected pattern of imbalance as a sense of self set against otherness reflecting denial of a greater awareness.
Context or Terrain is thus the true address and nature of what seems to be a self-reinforcing conflict from the objected or defined 'self'.
An objected or split sense of self is set by dividuation to seek wholeness externally as the driven sense of lack resulting from dissonance, disconnection, & struggle in fear of pain of loss. The intent to individualise is then a unique expression of life set in specific patterns of relational orientation as strategies of self-surviving within a relational expression of unrecognised or addressed wholeness - experienced as conflicted self-contradiction in motion.
Defences hold the memory of their invocation or conflict as a worldview/identity or masking filter for conditioned perception-response, as a reiteration of conflicts projected but not truly addressed.
The patterning of the body is not a result of body parts or pustules exercising creative
autonomy as 'minds of their own', but alignment within nested fields of our own currently unfolding experience of core themes and definitions.
Hamer's 'new medicine' has relevance for a psycho-physical appreciation in place of a myth of physical determinism.
Follow up response by 'reante':
I don’t agree with you regarding said ‘physical determinism,’ which is what we’re haggling over, here. But I’m open to being wrong in accordance with Reason which itself, we agree, is based on cause and effect in the ecology. (I just want to say generally how pleased I am that the Viroliegy commentariat seems to understand implicitly the animal nature of Reason. That really places us out onto rangeland.)
I’ve not read much German New Medicine at all. Hardly any. So I have work to do. But here’s what the self-organizing of animism has shown me:
The patterning of the body *is* the result of body parts exercising creative autonomy with minds of their own, and the terrain or context of the total ‘organism’ and, by extension, the organism’s mind (metaconsciousness) is nested *within* that collection of autonomous, minded creatures we call cells. From the collective, symbiotic cell culture consciousness that is the multi-cellular organism comes a meta- — comes a nested — consciousness. To the civilized metaconsciousness, great misunderstanding arises over its own nature. In truth, mind is indeed determined by ‘body’ which is the evolved collective of automous, single-celled creatures having first learned, long ago, to divide into two in order to become two-as-one, and then learned to decide to differentiate into another ’tissue type’ while dividing as a result of having reasoned that doing so would be to improved effect. That’s natural selection.
We grew in life (evolved) from single-celled autonomous creatures. That is our foundation. Foundations are forever. We can call bacteria and fungi our oldest ancestors, and that would be true, but the deepest truth is that ‘we’ ourselves are just profoundly nested, evolutionary, symbiotic cultures of ‘our oldest ancestors.’ ‘We’ are hyperadapted cultures of single-celled organisms. Look at the mitochondrial endosymbionts in every one of our cells, nested within the differentiated eukaryotic cell body.
Response to reante:
The idea of physical determinism discards infinity to focus an object as 'thing-in-itself'.
This perception reflects the notion of 'self-in-itself'. The lens of 'mind' through which we 'see' determines the measure or evaluated meaning of the 'seen'.
The shift to such a focus as the splitting of Cause/Event to a linear causality of cause & effect as object-persistence is part of our learning to 'see' and adapt to our human world. Beneath or within our experience is a purely qualitative nature, that is in a sense given limited representation and reflection in tangible and visible experience OF what can never itself be objectified or defined.
This can be called 'separation trauma' - by which a mind or minding of active focus seems to split from a whole to a pattern of persistence, as a boundaried condition - like an eddy in a river flow. A pinch-point within Infinity, resonates with all other pinch-points or vortices - each according to its kind.
The physics of plasma dynamics as resonant charge domains - with properties of angular spin that effect instant or synchronous 'communication' is an expansion and fulfilment to the particle/impact & force based thermo-dynamic physics pertaining to an object-model of self and World. (Itself built upon a 'face' of pattern recognition in archetypal symbols that mutate and yet reiterate as core definition/beliefs of Self-Other in shifting and broken constellations).
The argument between Mind and matter - or Matter and mind is an artefact of our thought.
'Nocebo' can sicken, weaken and kill without any material substance. Fear of miscreative or destructive thought actively invokes a 'masking mind & reality' of filtered and ruled containment to a representation of 'externalised' conflicts in distancing as time and space.
We have enough of a resonance in sharing perspectives to look at not just what is or seems to be, but at how we (choose to) see it. While the belief in physical medications serves to protect from overwhelming fear (psychotic reaction), they are well advised as a temporary expedient.
But healing is a reintegrative release of otherwise unrecognised conflict set into relational patterns or habits of mutual reinforcement. Awakening true responsibility is releasing a false 'mind-control' of attempt to control life - that attracts & aligns experience of 'being controlled'.
GIGO. Except we are likely to not accept our feedback as feedback to our own realm of responsibility, but as attack - that calls for response in like kind.
'For every action is an equal and opposite reaction' also points to a fulcrum or equilibrium representing the Field or Terrain of which such polarities express and embody in motion.
The richness of expression is a living consciousness - or if you want - ecosystem, though my relationship is in Spirit - not in concept.
I appreciate your interaction, as a cocreative endeavour within an already Creative that cannot be known but by resonant alignment in like kind. Any symbol or metaphor can be taken in vain.
Phished by our own image & definitions to run off like a prodigal Eddy with a mis taken identity set by unnatural selection, given protection and support against disclosure.
#2 To the revealing of psuedoscience or invested fallacies given funding, allegiance and basis to build from.
Though I appreciate my posts may seem ‘dense’ a key theme is that the
masking mind is serving a function relative to a current belief or
accepted ‘reality’. If clinging to a lie is the only way to ‘survive’
within an active terror – guess what happens?
That we are framed in a complex masking of beliefs is not at all obvious
to a surface appearance. But for many now the revealing of complex
devices of coercive or seductive deceits as a web of lies underneath the
‘world we thought we knew’ is a crash course in re-establishing sanity –
within or despite the experience of an insane world.
There is a lot of scope for triggering further conflict in an already
conflicted situation, as if THIS time we must act now or it will be too
late!!! In other words react first and divert our own sense of conflict
away from us as a (temporary) escape under Notional Security Dictate.
The fear thing runs a lot deeper than masking rationalisations might
suggest. Many are thrown when reasoned empirical facts cannot reach
others who are more than able to understand but will not. So we are
learning more of what runs beneath – as well as undoing destructive
dogma that ran in our own minds as if fact.
The other thing is that revealing the lie & the father of it, opens
to the innocence of curiosity and wonder in uncovering the desire to ask
and find what, then Is recognisably true?
#3 To the idea of Cosmic influence for Black Death.
Those looking at plasma cosmology/electric universe find a commonality to the cosmic terrain -such as comets and other alignments as part of fluctuations in the electromagnetic flux in which an electric (relatively charged) Earth is nested. This not only embraces cosmic rays/particles and influx of ionic matters (space dust/waters) but also corresponding earth/telluric currents - that underlie quakes and volcanic actions - spewing nanoparticulates and modifying weather (famine). In more or intense charge events through our atmosphere (leaky capacitance) plasma shifts to glow mode - and in extreme discharge events to arc-mode - such as storms that literally 'move mountains'. Plasma tech is industrially used to instantly coat, sort and layer various elements - and also associated with transmutation and petrification (Safire project). In a period of charge balance or equilibrium, such events no longer.
Such events are species memory (Separation/activation trauma). The period for the stability of developing what we take to be consciousness is of an control set over feared chaos, such that ancient symbols operate below the conscious level.
This is all to say there is every reason to consider the total terrain in terms of events such as Black Death - but also to observe the psychic-emotional charged reactions compound a toxic challenge/adaptation with reiterating themes from ancient apocalyptic fears. Along with opportunistic power grabs where check and balances are lost to 'self-vindications' set by grievance, envy and resentment.
Our currently stable Solar System moves through domains of varying plasma charge density (not a vacuum). Everything does not revolve heliocentric in plan view and more than it revolves around an Earth perched on a Turtle. But what we don't get now is that the Ancients mapped felt qualities of resonance to Powers with symbolic representations such as turtle shell, fish scale, horse or lion's manes, serpents with petrifying gaze.
Aboriginal Australians hold racial memory for where the Rainbow Serpent, rose out of the Earth and where it returned. Where do you think all the gold, diamonds and rare transmutations are found...
In many ways, we already 'live' in a computer. Our reality simply reflects this back, The core programming is not being done to us, so much as something we do to ourselves via proxies - such as to attack ourself unwittingly under narratives that capture and compel the minds that are invested in them.