Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares


in response to the themes in:




The cultivation and use of terror threat is 'the power of nightmares' against which can be set the will to power (as 'powerful' solutions that reinforce or glorify the problem that begat them).

When I was a boy cancer was often not said out loud - as in "Voldemorte' (Harry Potter's shadow).
Name magic set in fear of invocation became fear of social exclusion for speaking openly.

The application of 'The Science' to life as biological machines set in battlefields has both a bent and bought aspect. Seeking fame & status to set a career sets intense competition - as in seeking the Nobel to prove radiation caused mutations proved the theory of Evolution (false claimed, later retracted but then shifted to 'causing cancer' as part of the genetic hijack of life by physical determinism. The Science is always socio-politically framed, and philanthropathic  resources masked for the buying of The Science through networks of influence set systemically or behind the scenes, in the framing or focus and selections that deliver the answers that serve its sense of self-interest as the means and the will to power via masking as benefactors.

The use of The Science to discover or define officially/legally accepted facts, is in modelling risks set in frameworks of hidden manipulation. Such risk is then propagated via Media to capture and focus public attention and even demand for marketing 'solutions', investor & tax funding and more insidiously regulatory capture.

Protected or securitised narratives are then set as definers of the distribution of rights and immunities to reasoned or lawful accountability by the power of nightmares weaponised by 'morally' dictated solutions, to gaslighting or social guilting compliance as the parameters of official acceptance. Cancer is a securitised narrative. Whatever cancers are or do in biological function is overlaid by deeply set fears compounded by deeply toxic 'treatments' dictated and protected as 'standard of care' – such as to compound mortal fear as set in a battle with an 'attacker' cast in shifting shadows backed by (fed by) a trillion dollar industrial war on life defined as a closed system under attack (Life=War).
Psychic-emotional(or Spiritual) expression to physical tangibility is ruled out by a closed system of physically defined or caused life & world. In fact such an influx is associated directly or indirectly with deep Separation trauma - that a mindset of control is invoked to mask over and make safe from (in terms of direct awareness of). So our true creative impulse is demonised by the judgements and filters of the mind - that is to a very large degree conditioned or operating without conscious awareness in such a framed set of personal and social meanings projecting as our surface appearances to which we then adapt or align and accept as physicalised or given conditions, rather than conditionings that serve or served us in our past.

This effects a bubble 'reality' defended against greater fear that runs beneath the terror symbols that operate as guardians for who or what we accepted our life and world to be. Such is a 'personal and collective control mindset' that is easy to see and judge in 'Them' or Others and less evident in a self-justified assumption of ongoing normalised self-interest.

No one can pop or rip open another's bubble or mind to force acceptance of what they are as yet unready or unwilling to see, or know, and so regardless - they will 'see' something 'else' in terms of mitigating or substituting for deeper self-attack or self-denial to a dissociating displacement or encapsulated sense of saving a fragment from a lost or broken wholeness of being.

The replication of the 'solution' of dissociating, displacement is fragmentation leading through persistent unhealed crises to unconsciousness & death in life - as a 'saviour' from powerlessness, rage, grief and pain given welcome and function us guide & protector of broken love or love set in war.

Joy in being - as enthusiasm of endeavour is felt presence of connection to qualities that are timeless and therefore deathless - yet forever or by definition behond the grasp of a mind to possess and control - taking in vain.

The Eternally 'Immune' or Holiness of a light unstained runs within the mask of time and place, as a giving & receiving in true with-ness and worth-ship - not as the result of a self and world set for getting.

Who would save his life shall lose it.

"& those who earnestly are lost, are lost and lost again" - The Guests L. Cohen.

Thanks for the 'text box' of comment to the theme!