Friday, 13 November 2020

Seeking so as NOT to find, calls on complexity to divert and obfuscate the Obvious 

‘Einstein Was Wrong!’ Scientists Call For New Theory

(I did not engage the controversy so much as pondered its larger context).

Invested identity masks in the casting out - or modelling of reality as a personal experience or result.

The confusion of model and reality is the interjection of self-illusion as the framing of a qualitative awareness within  a particular set of self definitions.

Truth is not merely beyond definition, but is the resonant recognition or synchronicity from which all meaning or definition derives.

The framing of an object reality is the ideational subjection of non-local awareness to its own judgements - that are then lived as if independently existing subject and object in which Relational Existence is 'replaced' by a lockdown to physical limitation set against Infinity - rather than the tangible  recognition of Infinity as this - and every - instance of awareness, as a Field of refractive and reflective 'light' - where light is the very Substratum of Infinity in Expression. Not the spectrum of radiance that we usually refer to in our symbolic experiencing of Life as self-organising patterning of polarising charge relations that includes radiant energy as part of a total Communication.- of which we apprehend the whole in part.

The desire for Experience is thus of Self-differentiation, that does not leave and become something 'else', But the Idea of becoming something 'else' can arise from identifying in the polarised interplay of flow and change as the imaging of identity in possession and control - or judgement of such definition - which polarises against change as the idea of a fixed point held in time against Timelessness or perfect Synchronicity - masked as destructive, or lacking support for the persisting of the exploration of experience 'in the body rather than through the body. AS evidenced in a collapse of attention within thinking, rather than the embrace, observation and tangible discernment of the thought.

The ability to 'be-live' a private experience - seemingly split off from wholeness - is founded in a denied denial that knows not what its does - or else the split could not be lived as a sense of personal getting and becoming, within guilt and fears rendered explicate - or literally cast out as projected 'reality'.

The driven sense of such an invested  personal 'separateness' is the desire to regain lost wholeness - in any or all its virtue - as the redeeming or validating of a self set in lack, loss, and struggle - in external reflection to inner archetypes of separation trauma, that reiterate 'separation' as the protection of the split, under the masking in search for unity set in definition.

Seeking so as NOT to find, calls on complexity to divert and obfuscate the Obvious, while establishing a common focus within the 'discovered reality' that increasing cannot be lived, so much as demand giving life to, so as to protect the model by which archetypal patterns of fantasy are replayed as if a masking in virtue has become real and capable of being boosted or attacked. 

There is no truth IN such a body of thought, so much as derivatives of truth running through it that CAN be redeemed back to their original source and nature - such as to reintegrate that which was be-lived oppositional, distanced and disconnected, masked over and locked down. That we our live through our modelling of reality - owned or accepted in conscious awareness - allows the relational Field of Awareness at Infinity to ground and centre to a peace of wholeness that is on IN conditions so much as unconditionally supporting all conditionality. 

The process of such re-awakening from a sense of driven self-conflict set in struggle, is a Gift unto our Self. And yet is a release of the idea of self set in image and form and can be recognised as unselfconscious joy.

The attempt to 'do' life, gets in our own way, until we recognise centring as the balance of the whole in all its parts, instead of engaging in Humpty Dumpty as the false flag for a principality claiming the Crown for itself.

A theory for unifying All That Is - is redundant. But unifying and integrative purpose is free of conflict - as a result of freely releasing its own invested identity in it.

This must also mean freedom to persist in fear and control as the decision to judge, rather than discern Reality by its fruits. But is not free to make truth or attack and change it - outside its own invested illusion, given priority. The belief that truth attacks is the underlying context for the lie and the father of it - such as to always pre-empt truth by attacking first, and setting this as 'normal' and necessary to protect against the 'messengers' framed as 'disinformation or contagion'.

Einstein the myth - as with any myth - is become invested reality. 

Regardless of the man and the true nature of the ideas he is associated with, is the investment predicated on the mathematical model that held an idealism above empirical transparency.

If Science is hijacked, then the manner of its occurrence is valid and valuable feedback to regaining a truly Human Significance.

The science that uncovers human insignificance is no less a human narrative or myth than any dogma. The ego of self image is set within denial - that automatically denies wholeness as predicate to survival in its own set of mind.



So much science and figures. So many theorists and wanabees. Please tell me why we are still dying from COVID-19. While you statter along on explaining last century’s theory of the universe, humanity is getting plundered by viruses and man made killer deasease. Please get a life.

No one is dying from covid19.

It a theory driven by wannabees. I understand if you cannot hear this. If you are willing to look at your thinking instead of running with it you may 'get' a perspective that restores you to to an embracing Life.

If you choose to engage you are contributing to what you attack and deny..

Accepted theory - like a virus - can be said to replicate and mutate in the human mind.

The hijack of Natural Philosophy by scientism and technologism, is a corporately invested intent to marketise and weaponise the emergent narratives from directed and funded research.

The hijack of a true account, is a cover story given meaning, priority and funding as the basis for a New Solution - by which the bury the still active toxic debts from 'last century' and beyond.

The Pied Piper calls the tune by which to willingly climb into a computer model in place of a relational experience of being moved within life as distinct from a control system imposed upon such freedom of being. Who pays the piper?

Everyone who chooses NOT to know by the persistence in believing they already know - and reacting from such conditioned identity.

Awakening responsibility - not blaming - is re-evaluating a true account as part of a recognition or willingness to accept that we do not know life, but are entangled in our own versions - that are reactively part of other versions.

To get, is in truth to receive. Giving and receiving is the nature of life, but getting, takes one pole and operates monopolistically to deny, overcome, erase or eradicate opposition, obstacle or adversity. It is then a death wish set in misidentification of giving as personal loss and getting as a private gain.

This pattern will persist to the point of recognition and release.

Those who have life - give life - as the nature of sharing the blessing of awareness for being. This extends the opportunity to receive and resonate in like kind. If grievance is valued above healing, the gift will be denied acceptance - but that does not mean it was not given.

While we pile up grievance and toxic debt, all that is truly given us is discarded and in one way or another deferred, delayed and denied a current acceptance.

Then when we find the conditions in which life is Let In - a backlog of unresolved conflict comes in to awareness as IF to rob us as of even the 'little that we hath'.

The seduction into a 'computer model' is a replication of 'where we came in'.

We are in the process of reliving 'separation trauma' without much recognition of the en-trance-ment.

The phishing ruse masks the deceit agenda in some forms of an established 'identification'. such as to induce emotional reaction - by which identity is 'stolen' while the target runs off under a belief thief.

Reclaiming Reason, Sanity and Science from theorists and wanabees, is fundamental. A false foundation guarantees a false result. Garbage in; garbage out. If you want to receive a coherent life experience, look to what you are giving out. Not in 'critical blame' that has already gouged out the eyes the might offend the 'Model', but in the simple and native curiosity of (your) being. It is only yours to share in. Not to get just for yourself under some masking narrative - that is so compelling in its moment - and so soon replaced by another.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Cognitive dissonance is where overcontrol is literally out of control

The idea is to steer INTO the skid so as to regain traction.
Cognitive dissonance is where overcontrol is literally out of control - but CANNOT stop trying to regain it.
If you have ever experienced ANY kind of negative self reinforcing loop or vicious circle - and then received the grace of noticing, you have that release of the 'fear-mind' to a restored and felt sense of presence, connection, and direction - that opens this step now as an expression of  a practical and integrated response - or even release of a presumed need to 'respond'.

Those who initially become aware of such dissonance find it intolerable and have to shut it down - or lid back over, so as to get back to 'normal'. You never shall and the attempt will only seem to work by denying consciousness under systemic 'protections.
But to stop fighting it is to allow a true order to rise from chaos - rather than a thought disorder to mask as domination overt it.
A fundamental quality of intelligence is the arising or pattern recognition, such as to formulate a question or rouse a curiosity, through which what was unable to be recognised comes into a field of relational awareness and appreciation. This is how consciousness expands as the expression of the desire to know. At root, we cannot know what we have no experience of, and so have to find in ourselves a way to be with what is - as is now expressing itself.
The attempt to fit the new into the old when it simply does not and can not, is a learning failure. Past ideas and experience are not to be demonised, denied or erased, to make way for a 'new order' That is NOT how transformation occurs - but we can perceive life as destructive from invested self-illusion, and mimic such themes in our own attempt to 'make life go the way we think we want it to - which leads to the conflicted reality of a split mind that loses connection and seeks control from a chaos of disconnection or broken life, as a mental dissociation, running as the full belief in its own necessity in self reinforcing futility.

The grace of noticing cannot be earned, taught or willed, for it is the mystery and nature of the true or free will - which is never coercive upon its own.
Those who need to mask over, will find ways to NOT see, and those who have awakened in questions that rise from the heart to realign the mind to inspired purpose, shall see. These two 'minds' are not at war - excepting we try to have both and mask their contradictions so as to defer choosing one and letting the other go.
Nothing is so dangerous as the illusion of safety, and nothing so safe as a danger clearly held in awareness. No one can choose for another, and yet no one can choose alone.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Are 'most people' cowards?


It really comes down to this. Most people are cowards. They don't want to take the chance of being removed from the group so they go along with the herd mentality. This is what happens in a world where agreeableness is more highly valued than integrity.

Not quite. It is more a conflict avoidance that is itself a source of fear, which includes fear of loss of control or loss of face - and both.
We are not trained in disagreeing firmly and civilly and if need be, unambiguously - such as to make our communication or decision clear if 'thanks, but no thanks' is not sufficient.
We are not trained in living our own decision as our presence - but instead mask in social acceptability - which can include identity statements that are part of current social norms.

In short we are not for the most part free to live human relationships outside of socially defined conditioning.
Most people who use the phrase most people haven't met and talked and learned from them, but have made blanket judgements. ;-)

Integrity is only valued momentarily in the world, because it shine the light of the heart's honesty in which our masking is exposed and revealed AS masking.
Elitists judge 'most people' as worthless or unworthy so as to protect their bubble from human connections that would change their mind and world to accept.
We all have this judgemental mind that can substitute a narrative masking of self-justification to cover over a lack of love, substance or as you say integrity.

Masking in virtue is prized above and at cost of true virtue.
Maybe you think I am pedantic. But for me there are real issues to consider and that is why I write this and not to pick on what you say.
I also say that experiencing self-betrayal can be a basis for accessing a deeper resource of courage to act - or not freeze into our own lockdown bubble - because the experience of such self-hatred can be intolerable, and so it is not courage as fantasised, but a recognition that we cannot live with ourselves and go along with fear and deceit given power to blight and betray the lives of others.

There is a process. The mind always rushes ahead if not aligned in the heart. the heart is where integrity is recognised - even beneath the masking appearances or presentations of 'most people'.

Context is Everything. Are You Being Framed?

Kabbalah, Occultism, Freemasonry and Jordan Peterson - Stop Being Silly

Jonathan Pageau

 Just as I was about to write (this comment)I saw the theme written where youtube puts its 'content warnings', or rather attempts to reframe any information to official sanctions.

"Context". This referring to the mention in the video of 'Freemasonry' which in a sense underlies Science as the understanding of ratio and geometry in the harmony and integrity of patterns structures through which life embodies and knows itself alive - ie: more than just buildings for the body, but frameworks of Consciousness that are embodied.

Context is everything. Forms in and of themselves are nothing.
Awareness is the living context of every thought or experience - knowingly embraced or unknowing denied.
In the latter is the development of narrative identity as a segregative and boundaried sense of judgement-backed meanings, held apart and masking over a direct appreciation or resonance.
The structure of consciousness in division is a fluidity or disequilibrium of resonances and dissonances - in which a centre and source for identity is taken in reaction to dissonance in like kind.
One way to understand this is the capacity of the mind to become identified in form as reality, such as to identify in image and symbol instead of being one in appreciation of resonant recognition of the living - which is not IN the form.
Saturnian Golden Age or Paradise hearkens back to the idealisation of Form and Symbol with a Divine Intimacy that was 'attacked' lost, broken, betrayed or denied us through 'Separation Trauma' - which have a species history as well as having become the portal to the experience of the 'physical' or material realm as a separate and external experience (though experience can never really be external to the awareness of its embrace).

Consider the capacity in this particular time to look back on pre 'covid' as a golden era of freedoms that were lived as intimacies but taken for granted. The reiteration of our 'separation' patterns is the archetypal patterning of a split mind of dissociation and judgements, masked in defences to save our Face - as our very life. In this sense our Face is our conditional capacity to maintain and tolerate our focus with a frame of 'Separation, conflict, sickness, struggle and death' - as the masking self-justification or personae. For do we not 'make' a self for others in our life and act as if it were so?

How do We live this focus 'through a glass darkly' - such as to experience and react to meanings we have coined instead of sharing in true Current -cy or living Presence?
Firstly is the desire of our heart - for the wish that truth be 'something other than it is' is the father of the lie that operates filtering distortions taken and defended as true.
Secondly is the means of the delivery of experience according to the measure that we set by our giving. For while Awareness is a qualitative appreciation or Intimacy of being, the delivery system of Spirit is the expression of formless virtues to a quantitative experience - when our giving limits our receiving because our unwillingness to wholly receive, generates a false or filtered currency derivative as the basis of the self and meaning we give from.
Garbage in; garbage out is not just 'data' but integrity of purpose - or lack thereof.

The Reintegrative or healing movement of our being undoes, heals and redeems the segregative movement.
This is not other than releasing meanings, wishes and narratives we have learned or acquired under fear (and control), to truth revealing unto its own.
For the act of denial absolutely depends upon that which it denies.

Our world represents a symbolic rendering of Consciousness through the distorting filter of denials, but to be lived - that is extended, recognised and shared in. In any moment truly lived is freedom from a mind of deceit - that may interject after the fact to reframe the New Wine to its old paradigm. We learn by living according to our desire or prayer of the heart - regardless the masking of a mind in fig-leaf thinking. "And WHO told you you were naked?".

The attempt to 'get' Meaning is an expression of a sense of self-lack, but the wish-belief one has gotten possession of it, is the root of guilt and fear both. The Father knows you as Meaning - and this knowledge is Our Holy Spirit. The practical relationship of which requires no such concepts, but simply willingness given to love of truth that reveals truth of love.

The use of 'evil' as the counterpoint to mask in 'good' is a deceit.
"Resist ye not evil" is a variant of "take no thought for yourself'.
For what we resist, persists.
And what we leave unchosen or unused fades from non use.
Misuse of the symbol of the Good, generates evils.
Let the symbol be transparent to the true the desire of the heart - or... mask in symbols of 'good and evil' as the condition in which the Master seems absent, His Messengers demonised and denied, as defence of Principality that has forgotten its true inheritance - by running off with a false.


All these comments, telling one thing: I don’t know what symbolism is.

All telling is in the 'ears' that give attention.

Image and form operating as either a transparency to the Creator, or taken in vanity to be a thing or power unto itself and thus opaquely reflecting a private agenda given mutual reinforcement.

Derivative currencies operate to replace a true Current.
So any honesty of not knowing, allows a true question or desire to move as our willingness to be shown.
This will meet our willingness at the level we can currently accept as a 'work in progress'.

If image and form stand for or represent something beyond conceptual framing, they can also be used to frame conceptual thinking.
A representation is not the thing it stands for.
But the Original has never left its Source and Nature.

To run off with a false inheritance is to take the symbol or form as the reality and be-live its false premise.
To worship the original as perfect set over against and imperfect world is to deny the realm of form, and its Creative source and Nature.
Such is the idol of the ideal - to which life is sacrificed and coerced to compliance.

The Holy Spirit - as I use the term is discernment.
The voice or communication of which may clothe in any thing within your mind (experience) to wake you from the mind of a conditioned reaction - or templated reality-experience.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Vengeance always 'works' but to what end?

 Whatever works for you is to the purpose you assigned and accepted as your own.


Spot on. I answer an insult with an insult. It always works. Occasionally it's possible to make one of them cry.

Vengeance always 'works' but to what end?
You get to feel good about yourself?

For my part I see destruction or undermining of all that is humanly worthy - no matter how imperfect we may be - as incitement to hate - and to take such an identity as morally justified and give IT priority over the truth of the heart - which is always a present discernment and cannot be stamped into a template by a protective 'Big Brother' for your 'security'.

You have your own freedom and your own reward or result, but the capacity to leave the insult in the mouth of the giver, is the capacity to in no way be phished by it to reaction.

The loss of freedom and discernment of truth worthy of conserving, is to a reactive identity running blind conditioning as a 'normal'. In this sense I see that ALL such identities are by definition 'conspiring' to maintain the conditions of conflict, while assigning or flagging such an intent to 'others', enemies and pathogens.

By the way I would be glad for you to feel good about yourself - through and through - and not as a temporary 'hit' that is gotten from bullying a bully - or paying someone in their own coin. There may be times when the love of truth is served by this, but if you takes power unto yourself, you lose your mind. That's what 'power corrupts' means. Corruption is a mind-capture to deceits running as moral justification - or self-exceptionalism.

Being fully present to every situation as unique is a different appreciation of what freedom is.
Most 'allow' a conditioned sleepwalking through life that delivers them to evils that can no longer be airbrushed away - and that always have some resonance in our own hearts and minds or we would not be the experience in such terms. NOTE - I do not blame - but invite awakening responsibility. This can of course mean reflecting back to another the nature of the measure they are choosing to set themselves in, but I would do so to their innate capacity to choose, rather than as the delivery of vengeance in retribution.

Conceptual masking of private agenda as public good

I appreciate your willingness to engage in communication with authorities - or those entrusted with authority, as an expression of caring.

When I read - I generally go to what speaks to me as the underlying issues - which are not really isolatable to another or to a pathogen - but to a breakdown of communication. So when I write it is not necessarily engaging in the personal or even specific points raised, so much as themes that to my view lack awareness, acceptance and articulation, such as to leave us defined within a mask of conflict - that feeds on conflict that can paralyse as well as inflame - ie 'lockdown' and 'pushback'.

I felt to put my response on: (This page):

The selection of otherwise ordinary and unexceptional individuals to a group think-tank is for their willingness to comply with groupthink. 'Common Purpose' is one such basis for selection. They are effectively fronting proxies or a masking ruse for a manipulative intent, but who believe in the good they think they are serving, or have become invested in and dependent upon personal rewards.

This can be seen as part of a neo-marxist framing where a social political agenda is set as the frame to which everything else is fitted or cancelled. The 'convenient truth' is in fact the lie, and transparency to the fact is masked over and ruled out.

It can also be seen as the 'lording over' of a masked mind of fear and control, by which private agenda seeks a split off of separate self-specialness. This 'lord' is never seen but witnessed to in the embodiment of fear as control - and has a resonance with our reptilian 'fight or flight' response as core survival, that in the raw is blind in overriding all else, but set fear as grievance or vengeance and masks in seeming virtue or self justifications seeking social reinforcement.

If it were transparent it could not function as a mask or frame within which to run as a sense of private security and control. Transparency to being is whole, and transparency to observation and fact is to messengers of wholeness. But a private mind defines itself a a whole, and all else of whom it is a part of - as 'other'.

Loss of awareness of wholeness as our sanity, integrity, and basis for communication, is to pride and fear - or to self-inflations and fear of loss of face - or identity. This has long been known but its cultural transmission has been lost to a progressive modernity that set pride and fear into technological framework of a global reach right down to local and biological controls.

The split mind of denied and masked fear generates self-reinforcing experience that in time works its own undoing. 'Truth will 'out!' is a recognition that illusion is by definition temporary, and yet a true reset or realignment to What Is - and who we truly are, is not a shifting or shape-changing of one form of illusion to another - but is the natural or unforced result of willingness for transparency and acceptance of truth instead of masking opacity to protect a fronting out of manipulative agenda.

To seek for who is 'in control' of such a world is to seek for and see such a world.

We learn to see the 'emperor's clothes' as part of adapting to a social construct or frame of meanings to which the living truth is conformed or discarded for a dead letter society.

Fear demands control, and control demands fear. Both operate the denial of awareness as acceptance. The mask over fear is also the mask over loveless or malign intent. No one can force another to accept what they are unwilling or unready to know, but we can serve or create conditions in which choices are recognised beneath the framing in compulsive dictates, such that freedom to choose differently rises of itself - instead of being pushed or impacted under guilt and fear.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Why are They Doing This?

I see the mind clinging to straws - in fact anything - to not recognise its condition or being delivered unto evil or malign and malicious intent.

The great fear that drives this may take different forms.

But is the underlying purpose in the form of control - which is fear, masked over and projected out, away from self.

The lure to wealth, power or fantasy fulfilment sets up it target for an invested identity that cannot easily be escaped such that persisting in what has revealed itself entrapping and corrupt becomes a form of survival, or the lesser of evils.

This is clearly the behaviour of those who front out lies knowingly, who persist in insane and unreasoned word and deed knowingly - and present any masking presentation that offers any plausible escape from open intent openly revealed.

They cannot say why they are acting as they are and yet the belief in the mask that protects from such exposure is all they have to save them from a greater fear than delivering us to evils they thereby hope to delay or mitigate or escape for themselves.

Are we all in 'Fear' together?

No - we are all in fear, apart - and set against our self and each other.

So without us knowing exactly what and who they are afraid of - we project our fear into the 'Room 101' of not knowing. (Orwell 1984 ref).

Orwell and others are said to have warned us.

But does fear seeking to warn, actually operate as predictive programming?

Because it transmits or replicates the core problem under the mask of seeking a solution, that goes viral as a reinforcement to the mask of virtue, while undermining the awareness of connection to a quality of living that is the ground and being of love extended in recognition and gratitude.

Lack of love is a hollowness generated by the masking over of fear. The hollow masked golem becomes the tool and subject of its denied fears under masking illusions that present as if to escape, fix, control or overcome them. It futility is not recognised within the wish to set power over fear - and thereby make it real as a thing to be escaped, overcome or managed - rather than faced, lived through and brought to a wholly present awareness.

Fear of losing our mind is the means by which to 'lose our mind' for a mask of control that is predicated on tyranny or coercion associated with psychic survival, and acted out on the body or our world. This 'old normal' is called the human condition, but is really a verb not a noun. Self replicating hijack of the being by a fear-mind that may recede to a background, but always kicks in if triggered by patterns of threat.

The reptilian brain is a term for our core fear-survival response, which for the most part is mitigated and suppressed by social conditioning or checks and balances against being 'taken over' by destructive impulse and acts.

Yet beneath the surface, such defences run - not only as triggered but as persistent vigilance of a pre-emptive attack or denial to such perceived or believed threats. This effects the lock-down, distancing and masking in narrative identity under fear given power.

How do we give power away to our own subjection to tyranny?

By giving it priority in our thought, word and deed.

Who and what is first in your heart remains your freedom, however you have currently cast your choices.

If your being is established by God, then you need take no thought to make it so.

Yet having done so and believed it, are engaging a struggle of invested self-illusion. The simple presence of being escapes recognition and appreciation under the mind of reaction, emotionally and physically reinforced. Fear does not really create anything, so much as limit and distort the creative to a misperceived and mistaken identity, running in Our Name and calling upon our allegiance and protection to 'save' IT.


The PPP is the elephant in the room - except there is no partnership - but the fronting out of a Corporate Capture - that those who sold us to a predatory system, have a 'stake' in.

Cherished illusions become a democratic no-go area, and so the illusion becomes the trojan horse of our deceit.

The capture is where cartel monopoly becomes the means to set the science and the narratives for funding, development, and undermining of checks and balances to its agenda to which the population and social structure is framed in and fitted. The theme is not new. But Rockefeller 'medicine' is a significant, marker for a medical industrial complex.

We've been 'had'. Far more deeply than we are for the most part ready to even consider. There is freedom to live the experience of our illusions, but not to make them true. A fake world is thus in truth, loveless - and must mask in virtue it does not have or embody - and protect its mask with outrage or grievance of offence. Freedom to choose self-illusion is also the freedom to release such a choice to let truth in, and break the terrible isolation that cannot really be escaped in a world of diversion and conflicted distraction.

Recognising a deceit is the basis for releasing it - not a basis for restating it in vengeance.

Sunday, 8 November 2020

It wasn't my empire mate! 

It wasn't my empire mate!

The bandwagon effect is getting an identity by association with - whatever.

There's who and what we meet.

The Americans I have met have been people. But through the medium of media, I receive all kinds of impressions.

When fresh food - particularly fruits - was discovered to 'cure' the scurvy - it took around 100 years to implement (by those who simply accepted the disease and death of seamen on longer voyages as the way of the world - but didn't have to personally suffer it). Sicily was given a monopoly of the supply of limes and lemons to the Royal Navy. This set the basis for the Mafia and the nickname too.

The mixture of inherited wealth and influence with the marketising and weaponising of science to the establishment of Organised Crime as the basis of human society, is not partial to differences among men so much as predicated on leveraging them as factions by which to undermine and destroy impediment or obstruction to the freedom for Organised Crime to operate in.

A Masked Mafia uses whatever serves to pass off as some scrap of virtue - stolen from or set against the vilification of the Other.

Opinions are like an empty kettle.

The Internet looks to be the new tech for kettling dissent.

It certainly set the infrastructure for lockdown of populations in their own cattle trucks. I can scribe symbols of metamorphosis on my wall...

There is a view that the granting of the Constitution of the Republic of the USA was part of an intent to run the USA by the back door - ie by legal and financial leveraging. However, this cannot be assigned to British people or even governments - but to those who excel in the dark arts of capturing and gaming the system against itself under guise of foreign threat, by which to reduce all to debt slavery - by which to leverage the necessities for life right down to food and water, energy, and freedom of physical association.

Why qualify with 'physical'? Because the mind that is locked down and masked in the physical is the 'mortal sense' and the flesh in the game of power struggle.

But WHO told you you were lacking, defenceless in shame and in need of masking by which to hold the mind apart, special and set apart and over others in judgement? (To embellish an old Bible quote).

How does a mind that is legion or fragmented to many, regain its recognition backstage to the props and personifications of its own casting out?

Perhaps to live a channel of communication in place of a quick, barbed or hurt reaction.