‘Einstein Was Wrong!’ Scientists Call For New Theory
Invested identity masks in the casting out - or modelling of reality as a personal experience or result.
The confusion of model and reality is the interjection of self-illusion as the framing of a qualitative awareness within a particular set of self definitions.
Truth is not merely beyond definition, but is the resonant recognition or synchronicity from which all meaning or definition derives.
The framing of an object reality is the ideational subjection of non-local awareness to its own judgements - that are then lived as if independently existing subject and object in which Relational Existence is 'replaced' by a lockdown to physical limitation set against Infinity - rather than the tangible recognition of Infinity as this - and every - instance of awareness, as a Field of refractive and reflective 'light' - where light is the very Substratum of Infinity in Expression. Not the spectrum of radiance that we usually refer to in our symbolic experiencing of Life as self-organising patterning of polarising charge relations that includes radiant energy as part of a total Communication.- of which we apprehend the whole in part.
The desire for Experience is thus of Self-differentiation, that does not leave and become something 'else', But the Idea of becoming something 'else' can arise from identifying in the polarised interplay of flow and change as the imaging of identity in possession and control - or judgement of such definition - which polarises against change as the idea of a fixed point held in time against Timelessness or perfect Synchronicity - masked as destructive, or lacking support for the persisting of the exploration of experience 'in the body rather than through the body. AS evidenced in a collapse of attention within thinking, rather than the embrace, observation and tangible discernment of the thought.
The ability to 'be-live' a private experience - seemingly split off from wholeness - is founded in a denied denial that knows not what its does - or else the split could not be lived as a sense of personal getting and becoming, within guilt and fears rendered explicate - or literally cast out as projected 'reality'.
The driven sense of such an invested personal 'separateness' is the desire to regain lost wholeness - in any or all its virtue - as the redeeming or validating of a self set in lack, loss, and struggle - in external reflection to inner archetypes of separation trauma, that reiterate 'separation' as the protection of the split, under the masking in search for unity set in definition.
Seeking so as NOT to find, calls on complexity to divert and obfuscate the Obvious, while establishing a common focus within the 'discovered reality' that increasing cannot be lived, so much as demand giving life to, so as to protect the model by which archetypal patterns of fantasy are replayed as if a masking in virtue has become real and capable of being boosted or attacked.
There is no truth IN such a body of thought, so much as derivatives of truth running through it that CAN be redeemed back to their original source and nature - such as to reintegrate that which was be-lived oppositional, distanced and disconnected, masked over and locked down. That we our live through our modelling of reality - owned or accepted in conscious awareness - allows the relational Field of Awareness at Infinity to ground and centre to a peace of wholeness that is on IN conditions so much as unconditionally supporting all conditionality.
The process of such re-awakening from a sense of driven self-conflict set in struggle, is a Gift unto our Self. And yet is a release of the idea of self set in image and form and can be recognised as unselfconscious joy.
The attempt to 'do' life, gets in our own way, until we recognise centring as the balance of the whole in all its parts, instead of engaging in Humpty Dumpty as the false flag for a principality claiming the Crown for itself.
A theory for unifying All That Is - is redundant. But unifying and integrative purpose is free of conflict - as a result of freely releasing its own invested identity in it.
This must also mean freedom to persist in fear and control as the decision to judge, rather than discern Reality by its fruits. But is not free to make truth or attack and change it - outside its own invested illusion, given priority. The belief that truth attacks is the underlying context for the lie and the father of it - such as to always pre-empt truth by attacking first, and setting this as 'normal' and necessary to protect against the 'messengers' framed as 'disinformation or contagion'.
Einstein the myth - as with any myth - is become invested reality.
Regardless of the man and the true nature of the ideas he is associated with, is the investment predicated on the mathematical model that held an idealism above empirical transparency.
If Science is hijacked, then the manner of its occurrence is valid and valuable feedback to regaining a truly Human Significance.
The science that uncovers human insignificance is no less a human narrative or myth than any dogma. The ego of self image is set within denial - that automatically denies wholeness as predicate to survival in its own set of mind.
So much science and figures. So many theorists and wanabees. Please tell me why we are still dying from COVID-19. While you statter along on explaining last century’s theory of the universe, humanity is getting plundered by viruses and man made killer deasease. Please get a life.
No one is dying from covid19.
It a theory driven by wannabees. I understand if you cannot hear this. If you are willing to look at your thinking instead of running with it you may 'get' a perspective that restores you to to an embracing Life.
If you choose to engage you are contributing to what you attack and deny..
Accepted theory - like a virus - can be said to replicate and mutate in the human mind.
The hijack of Natural Philosophy by scientism and technologism, is a corporately invested intent to marketise and weaponise the emergent narratives from directed and funded research.
The hijack of a true account, is a cover story given meaning, priority and funding as the basis for a New Solution - by which the bury the still active toxic debts from 'last century' and beyond.
The Pied Piper calls the tune by which to willingly climb into a computer model in place of a relational experience of being moved within life as distinct from a control system imposed upon such freedom of being. Who pays the piper?
Everyone who chooses NOT to know by the persistence in believing they already know - and reacting from such conditioned identity.
Awakening responsibility - not blaming - is re-evaluating a true account as part of a recognition or willingness to accept that we do not know life, but are entangled in our own versions - that are reactively part of other versions.
To get, is in truth to receive. Giving and receiving is the nature of life, but getting, takes one pole and operates monopolistically to deny, overcome, erase or eradicate opposition, obstacle or adversity. It is then a death wish set in misidentification of giving as personal loss and getting as a private gain.
This pattern will persist to the point of recognition and release.
Those who have life - give life - as the nature of sharing the blessing of awareness for being. This extends the opportunity to receive and resonate in like kind. If grievance is valued above healing, the gift will be denied acceptance - but that does not mean it was not given.
While we pile up grievance and toxic debt, all that is truly given us is discarded and in one way or another deferred, delayed and denied a current acceptance.
Then when we find the conditions in which life is Let In - a backlog of unresolved conflict comes in to awareness as IF to rob us as of even the 'little that we hath'.
The seduction into a 'computer model' is a replication of 'where we came in'.
We are in the process of reliving 'separation trauma' without much recognition of the en-trance-ment.
The phishing ruse masks the deceit agenda in some forms of an established 'identification'. such as to induce emotional reaction - by which identity is 'stolen' while the target runs off under a belief thief.
Reclaiming Reason, Sanity and Science from theorists and wanabees, is fundamental. A false foundation guarantees a false result. Garbage in; garbage out. If you want to receive a coherent life experience, look to what you are giving out. Not in 'critical blame' that has already gouged out the eyes the might offend the 'Model', but in the simple and native curiosity of (your) being. It is only yours to share in. Not to get just for yourself under some masking narrative - that is so compelling in its moment - and so soon replaced by another.