Jacques (Reply to el Gallinazo)
I’m sure that Buddha was an interesting fella and it would be delight to chat with him, but for whatever reason somebody would have his or her life guided by somebody else’s wisdoms, however interesting, I understand not.
I prefer discovering the world on my own.
If you recognise something in another – you are seeing through the same in yourself. It takes one to know one. The conscious integration of what you recognise in another is a matter of active willingness. Because you only make something your own by giving it.
Where did you pick up the idea that you were on your own?
Perhaps from the society of a split mind that says one thing while doing another.
Once inner conflicts are masked over and hidden as a sense of social survival, the masking starts to take over from a directly felt sense of life and the adaptation and learning of the ‘world’ picks up all kinds of strategies and characteristics from those around them and then from stories, films and books.
The re-discovery we are NOT the self and world we made, may or may not arise in later life. Those who suffer deeply open to awareness that those who maintain comforts, instinctively avoid.
For we have a surface ‘level’ to what we take as consciousness, that lids over what runs beneath. Our current predicament is in part the result of deliberately invoking deeper terror as social leverage. What else will be dredged up as a result? Hatred masking as virtue that can so easily set upon hate targets in the most inhuman and blind cruelty. But also the awakening responsibility to the need for a true foundation in place of a masking over denied fears.
Howard (in Reply to wardropper)
Thank you for this wonderful comment. Parenthetically, an aunt of mine could play the piano with absolutely no musical training. Unfortunately, she got Multiple Sclerosis – back when there was no treatment.
I would caution, though, against citing the Buddha. He also said “If on the road a man comes along and cuts off my head, he is a teacher.” I prefer gentler teachers – although I had a very mean Nun for a sixth grade teacher.
You have to recognise the teaching is not ‘in the world’ but To the Awakening.
So like Jesus saying pluck out thine eye if it offends thee, you have to intuit the meaning behind the symbols.
There is a similar Zen saying – “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!”.
Jesus said, ‘Who has seen me has seen the Father!”
If you ‘make special’ you are denying the recognition by distancing, in locked down ‘meanings’ by which to get from the ‘other’ by association – without having to risk the ‘contagion’ of love.
Because the mask of virtue hides a multitude of sins, the ‘nice and safe’ way delivers unto evil, by avoiding the conflicts that are actively running beneath what we ‘say’.
The positive outcome I attend to and look for in the current time is not IN the world but the recognition of the ‘world’ as a teaching device for Awakening.
Starting with awakening responsibility for thought – such as to align thought words and deed. There is no way for a ‘mask’ to awaken, or truly know anything. A dissociation is an active displacement that – as Jesus said – knows not what it does.
Jacques (in Reply to wardropper)
I understand that your comment is of more general nature, but what I’ve found to be the biggest problem as a music student, professional, and teacher is a lack of individuality. Lack of balls to be oneself, to go one’s own way. Just about all jazz musicians adore some of the usual suspects in jazz history, forever trying to imitate them, which is not only impossible but also anachronistically naive. They tragically fail to understand that instead of dissecting, say, every Coltrane solo and absorbing his approach, they should use his novel approach as an inspiration for stepping in a different direction. I encourage the few students I now have – private since I wouldn’t be caught dead working in an institution, not in this day and age – to be themselves, first and foremost. Not to be afraid of their personality, of letting it project through their music.
Yes – the sense I have is of being an ‘instrument of thy joy’ – or whatever the qualities of the music are that are uncovered in myself.
This ‘channelling’ is at its best fully present and unselfconsciously unfolding as a flow of experience.
Our image and form based mentality tends toward technical productions.
Can you imagine a technical system imposed on life humankind in which the ‘conflicts’ are removed such as to ‘perfect’ a new world order?
Nor can I, but I see that ‘control’ thinks conflicts must be suppressed.
The joy and pain of my life is in the presence with which I sing and play.
Music offers an alchemical transmutation of pain to yearning to connected joy.
All life is a dance but we don’t hear it if we are trained to what Parents and Society Says – rather than what is actively communicating.
Transparency to what truly moves us requires conscious focus. Make straight the way for a wholeness of being to be and know itself, by neither pushing or holding back. I see the reintegration of being as the opportunity for the undoing of the disintegrity that fragments and sets a self in conflict, fear and ‘control’ masking of denials.
When this is the conscious and active desire, disintegrity will not find a host.
In the mean while All the king’s horses and all the king’s men are engaged in some version of imposing order upon feared chaos rather than discerning the underlying order that chaos can reveal, because it is no longer being used as a pretext for masking in narrative dictate.
Todd (in Reply to malcolm ripley)
Oh I wish I did have a solution, how I wish I knew. The only one I see is to forge on with the truth. They say eventually it sinks in…but look what the world had to go through before the truth sunk in in 1945, look what Russia went though…on and on.
To release the self-serious drive for solving your problem as they define you (and your world) is to let truth in and abide with you.
This inherently realigns and grows a consciousness that embodies life rather than recoils from fear of life as pain and loss. You live the moment, the day as steps of willingness toward healing – in whatever terms that is represented in you.
There is a point where the goal-driven sense of ‘getting’ subsides to the conscious appreciation of the qualities of Life here and now. Without a set of conditions that must be met or set in place, first.
To truly address the ‘problem’ – is to stop false flagging or displacing it to a diversionary frame of reference.
Researcher has already picked up on the ‘history’.
You cannot make another see what they are currently unwilling to see.
But you can serve the conditions in which the freedom of our being finds acceptance rather than judgement, such that the natural movement of being can register as an extension of curiosity, desire or unselfconscious love.
Feeding the ‘problem’ may seem necessary virtue, but does IT feed on all the energy and attention we give it? Hence the need to recognise what runs beneath the presentations or masking of PR.
Be forged in love of truth!
This is NOT sacrificial or self-denying but the willingness to allow our invested self-illusions to come to light rather than persist unmindfully. The masking of a split off sense of self-evasion is self-denial and sacrifice of love and life to ‘Solutions’ by which to hide inner conflict (from ourself and others who share the same invested illusion).
Howard (in Reply to malcolm ripley)
There is one solution – the only possible solution; the solution that’s always been the solution to everything that has ever happened since time began.
That solution is simply that the thing must play itself out. Not an easy solution, nor a happy, feel good solution; just the only real solution.
Stand outside on a windy day. Try to stop the wind. Or just let it blow until it stops on its own. Yes, if it’s strong, you may lose everything, even your life. But it can’t be stopped. All you can do is keep as far out of its way as possible.
What is the wind that moves all things
yet never itself is seen?
Some say its all just moving air,
but that's all their words have ever been,
and the wind that blows has ever been.
To know you must leap as a bird to the wing,
as one with the wind moving all things.
That poesy is about 30 years old or more, but the underlying gist is of an Intimacy beneath the mind that makes the meanings of it world.
The idea of changing life from a point outside and apart is a dissociative temptation to identify the mind as power over life in expression, that sets up the experience of self inflation and self-limitation or indeed self rejection and denial.
To the subject to a limited sense of powerlessness to external circumstance there is no path to shifting the total experience but the possession and control of the minds of others and leverage over external forces.
But the nature of love as the resonant alignment of all things to serve the whole, is truly whole in all its parts. Rather than all the king’s horses and all the king’s men trying to restore wholeness again.
There is a principle in the storm that is also in the Galaxy and the cell.
But the dissociation from the whole in all its parts, is to be masked off from synchronicity.
There is indeed a playing out or process that cannot be evaded.As I see it. But there is nothing passive in my sense of becoming one with this at it true core.
The compression associated with drawing toward death is the refining of the seed essence from which a new expansion shall unfold. Aligning in highest purpose is coming into sync with what Is. Not trying to force it into compliance with our narratives.