I am glad to see Frei doing what she is good at - rather than opinions that are inflammatory.
Iatrogenic disease is in my view the most popular means of dying - at least in 'developed countries'. The epithet of 'healing' or 'healer' is now used officially only for PR or pipeline 'cures'.
The biosecurity state (sis) is the logical result of a death cult to which the many cling as if to their life. The choice for death is where a protectionism locks down. dissociates from life and masks as protection from underlying conflicts and contradictions. All of this is from the worship of the body as the frame of a dissociation and lockdown of the mind, under fear. A Course in Miracles offers the understanding for this, but the mind that thinks only as its body and world dictate can not hear or see anything except as its mask dictates.
The masking of oppositional self-illusion as 'virtue' (doublethinking) sets up the management of conflict, set in frames of fear, hate and guilt that are redistributed via narrative magic rather than truly addressed - where healing is.
My sense is that in this sense our 'world' is a mask and a 'power struggle' of competing and conflicting narrative addiction or compulsion. Yet is no longer able to mask it masking or deny its denials - such that always active insanity is coming to an awareness that can no longer be normalised. The limiting of consciousness is the 'answer' to mask out awareness of disturbance that cannot otherwise be flagged to external diversionary 'enemy and threat'. Limited death is thus the attempt at partial sacrifice to appease the god of terror. The idea of the self and its proxies as sacrifice to forfend evil consequence is also the idea that someone ELSE must pay or take as much a share as can be persuaded or 'incentivised' by the application of coercions and deceits set as 'virtues or protections'.
The complexity of entanglements of a mind set in evasion and projection of its own conflict is more than mind boggling - it fragments our mind and perception to operate as 'legion' of compartmentalised conditioning. Such that a narrative 'continuity' operates something like the 'Men in Black' to protect core narrative belief from disclosure.
The disturbance of pain and conflict in heart and mind can be such that death becomes called on as saviour. The industrialisation of sickness as a displacement of 'sin' set in externally defined justifications and entitlements, is set in interventions to a fallen or broken and inadequate 'nature' seen as a machine of death.
What we perceive reveals what we are looking with, through or from.
The usurping of the mind by fear and guilt is no less self-reinforcing as experience than any other ideas given priority of funding, attention. But our experience can be completely dissociated from Reality - which is whole and therefore shares wholeness.
The fragmented mind is Humpty Dumpty under all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, set to an impossible and futile task in degradation and depletion of death as the new normal. This them recurs because it cannot be addressed externally. The addiction model is helpful in my view here. Lack and fear driven Self-blindness.
The 'system' can only operate the modelling parameters. It is blind or dead to the Living Ones. Any system is only as workable as the quality of the people who run it. The willingness to sacrifice the Living Ones (ourselves in wholeness) for the system is backwards, and that is revealed by the valid feedback of a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner).
People say 'what can we DO'? From a place of already accepted powerlessness seeking impact or leverage over life and lives of other and of our world. All doing automatically embodies who you are currently or actively accepting yourself (and world) to be. And so freedom is not in the doing - so much as in the alignment of mind and heart to the expression of a Living One - that you are - even if you 'doings' teach you to lockdown in divisions and doubts.
So whatever you do or choose to leave undone, you already are the freedom and capacity to grow in response-ability for who and what you think or accept as true by acting from it now. The fixation in lack and conflict and a fascination with evil seems to be a mind of its own - as if you cant help it, or they made you do it!. Disease can also seem to have a mind of its own - as if something OUT THERE is seeking to attack or violate you, that has nothing to do with what you think, yet hones in on your doubts and fears as a 'self-fulfilling' expectation.
Science sought to get rid of psychic context to make a 'rational world'. This is how the deceit operates; anything given power as panacea for psychic or relational conflict will BECOME the arena of its unresolved expression! But AS IF a novel set of threats and defences. This is not a reset, but a shift from broken dream to a deeper dissociation whose promise falls away to nightmare.
Truly addressing is bringing it to light, not defining in darkness made normal and then attempting to heroically and pathetically sacrifice light to 'overcome' it.
Protecting masked meanings or a covert narrative ID from light of awareness is a contract to a self-apart - set in lack driven seeking. But nothing taken out of Context is then sharing Life - no matter how many lockstep in its worship. Dead concept, image and forms do not heal, renew, inspire, and share in the wonder and gratitude for being. So why wait for our death bed to grow in the willingness to release unforgiveness set in normals of protected grievance? Our relationship with Self as Life is not our masking adaptation to a broken or loveless world.
The visceral nature of pain can be on any level of our human consciousness. I am not saying it is wrong to mask or distance, but to grow awareness of what we choose, so as to grow in the capacity to make choices from a more aligned awareness.
Do we cling to fear of pain and loss as IF a love of Life?
Are we wanting to be phished?
The tension between knowing and being known truly and a masking presentation seeking reinforcement is the seeming conflict between love and fear - where each can be mistaken for the other. But is resolved by choosing one and letting the other go. There is guidance and support for reintegrative healing, but while we are actively defaulted to fear as a kind of self-love set in a bubble of isolation, we WILL not hear or feel the prompts of the heart and mind as one.
Live this day well.