Saturday, 9 January 2021

Our mind can run as a 'psyop' - question 'reality'

 Scepticism is an intelligent response to the questionable when it asserts as presumption to be truth.

When all this started the manner of its tiggering and employment fear and guilt keverage told me what I needed to know; firstly that the sources were manipulative and without integrity or worthiness and secondly that the global nature of the propaganda was orchestrated by a common purpose pushing one core agenda.

I had already learned during my education in life about financial and pharmaceutical fraud and regulatory capture along with much else that allows a recognition of the use of a captive and controlled media to push narrative manipulations. Other instances have revealed the Media is either compelled or bought by top down agenda under whatever narratives induce them to comply and support official lies as mainstream fodder.

Once it became clear that the unparalleled propaganda had found its target and tipping point, I stopped ignoring it and became willing to look at the claims being made and took on the research to uncover what is going on in any way that pertains - ie biology or politics as well as social and spiritual dimensions.

Once certain truths are established in my understanding, there is no basis to be 'sceptical' or persist in futile lines of thought and communication failure. To put it simply there is no point in parley with a liar and the father of it. In this case this is the decision to use the narrative as a necessary lever to 'agenda' that I find loveless, deceitful and inhuman.

That those whose identity is targeted and captured or garnered from the lie 'believe it' is then their 'necessity' to mask over, mask out, mitigate and protect their fear - as a dissociation given all the power of their emotional conflict.

In this sense there are those who employ the lie and those who are are framed by and become used by the lie. The lie is the 'psyop' and whether anyone really wields the lie is questionable, because it to do so an expression of the father of the lie - which is the wish that truth be different than its is - given priority over truth and thus at war with or as attack on truth.

Those who take their identity from a false sense of self and reality are running a mistaken identity as if it is true and thus believing what it gives them as if self-evident. Invested identity can run as automatic habit without any conscious intimacy or connection with Life.

It is then programmed by conditioned response to adapt and conform to social dictates, demands or rules - most of which are tacitly learned from behaviours.

Questioning our experience is only possible from a willingness to look at the thoughts and beliefs that are running. While incongruity can prompt reason to seek for the self-contradictions and resolve them, it can only do so within the frame of its presumed reality and in the courage to question its own predicates or presumptions and beliefs even though encountering self-conflict, fear and deep prejudice against asking the question and listening or receiving answer. The other approach is intuitive as a recognition of a fundamental dissonance that is unacceptable in the heart of honesty of being, and yet this can be sidetracked by seemingly more true or hopeful identities in which the dissonance has been masked over, and so only a persistent discipline in love of life or intimacy of being will challenge such 'identity' or groupthink, to release the seeming virtue for a direct appreciation of the source of virtue which is living truth as distinct from formulated, imaged or conceptualised 'truths'.

All of this relates to our heart and mind and to that our mind can run as a 'psyop' with or without Billionaire clubs and mainstreamed 'identity'.

If 'sceptic' becomes identity, one is lost to self-illusion no less than to cynical disregard for truth set as gloat or sightless and hollow assertion.

The gullibility is to our own thinking - as the belief it represents our true will and true thought. Thinking in the heart is DIFFERENT to the automatic conditioned response. It is not difficult as such but goes against all that we have learned or been trained to use as a masking identity running as defence against disclosure to truth FEARED.

Friday, 8 January 2021

First they came for the smokers

I don't choose to defend smoking - but point out that the 'defeat' of the tobacco lobby* opened the means to a more insidious ploy - for the medical intervention of State as the removal of rights and freedoms came in via 'smoking' - and worked a fear a guily media campaign that funded and supported the findings that drobe a narrative such that where once fags were the currency of sharing they became a symbol of craven social outcasts, who had no lobby of public support at all when the regulatory structure ratcheted up to ban it. The arguments for passive smoking are pushed such as to almost lock down smokers.

The fusion of a socially nurtured emotional narrative with a top down 'making you safe' worked as far as I know without a whimper.

The pathological ability to direct a negative focus on one thing to the exclusion or subordination of all else is the demonisation from which to claim virtue as Protector. The evidence that is found is what is wanted to be found and much research was already framed - as with climate science or virology - to address an already framed arena in which turning up the wrong (sic) results woould be counter to social acceptance and ongoing funding or career prospects.

The healthy body is also a detoxifier.

The toxin here may be considered a trade off with a stimulant, pleasure or ritual - as with driving and fumes, alcholol, or screen based pathways of communication or play.

Guilt and fear are effectively toxic in biochemical effects.

Junk food is lacking nutrients and contains chemical poisons or grossly imbalanced demands on the body - ie high sugar content.

So the tobacco element was made special, demonised and 'defeated' as a way to provide the leveraging not just to deny human rights under state regulations, but to a state endorsed safe moral high ground to call on for bolstering any argument - as is persistently done by the climate scam of the 'defeat' of the evil energy cartels and the 'Capitalism' they symbolise by Billionaire clubs wielding Al Gore ithms that mine and harvest our psychology so as to use it against us.

I found it ironic that one of the ways to evade the 'covid complications risk is to be a smoker. It was found by mountain climbers in the old days that one cigarette would allay altitude sickness for about 3 hours as nicotine aids the oxygenation of the blood. No I do not smoke or intend to, but I hold that information about nicotine in mind. One can simply pop a supplement if needed and unlike Vit D doesn't take a couple of weeks to become actively available for those T cells to do their thing.

The binary good v evil mind created evil by judgements that limit and divide or specially select to inherently reject and deny the discards - and then bolsters its selection in defence set against the perceived evil of unwanted and unrecognised feedback.

'Resist ye not evil' makes no sense to the masking in virtue signalling. But nor does persisting in or aligning in it to a love of Life. And does not prohibit self defence as the right to be. The crux is in not falling into the hate that seeks to live upon the death and denial of the hated, or we become the thing we thought to defend against. We can teach ourselves this sorry fact over and over, over and the attempt to escape a hate or fear falsely flagged or assigned to a symptom - as if to 'escape us' from loss of face in a realm of masking personae made real by the measuring stick of blame, under narratives of its redistribution.

Blame substitutes for an awakening responsibility that IS and knows freedom regardless the outer symptoms or circumstances. Regaining a living discernment requires releasing the blame and shame to a genuine curiosity within a willingness to heal.

(*I focus this term on on pesticide soaked and chemically treated ultra processed 'tobacco').

What was largely hidden is now an open secret 


I feel to zoom out from details and state that 'narrative leverage' is being given priority of attention, intention, funding and invested identity.

On one level this is as simple as 'Simon Says' and does so as a lockstepped authoritarianism masking as public concern. The lockstepping is the result of the setting up of drills under the aegis of a consortium of interests over many decades. The regulatory structures that are set in place were ostensibly for effective emergencies, with considerable funding from private public partnerships that constitute the capture of the public sector to financial and corporate entities and elitist private networks of active social engineering. The PR of such regulatory mission creep has been orchestrated via the use of the Media and key opinion leaders, to set up narratives that are similar to those of Banksters selling repackaged toxic debt in the guise of complex financial instruments posing as appreciable assets. This use of a manipulative narrative deceit is pervasive and endemic to corporate and captive political leverages as a captive revenue stream of a managed human 'system' or 'stock'.

The pretext of a deadly virus threat is more of a novel than a real threat, but by leveraging fear and panic to preempt a grounded and considered response, a split off 'dissociative' identity is generated as an effectively hypnotised identity or personality disorder that has made the fear and threat real BY its emotionally invested reaction to some level of a complex narrative that is actively self-concealing and evasive of any real process of evaluation or communication.

While greed (itself an addictive disorder) can be seen as the never satiated drive for more and more control. this is associated with the most flagrant plunder and waste of resources, while the driving force for any addictive and manipulative lie is the underlying disconnection, lack and compulsive overriding of relational honesty to both get 'fixed' and to protect the complex of presentations and narratives by which to maintain a face or credibility, authority and social acceptability. It is this complex that can be represented as a corrupted system across such a wide and pervasive economic and social spectrum as to invoke 'too big to fail' in allowing almost ANY of its lack of true substance to be revealed - for the risk of exposing a 'house of cards' that can only 'survive' by being kept secret or under official narratives that are part of a 'control state' of always increasing denial of rights, responsibility and freedom for an opaque and authoritative 'security state' under global of 'transhuman' jurisdiction.

Since WW2, the field of virology - as founded on assigning 'The Cause' of seemingly transmissible disease to information packets, has been locked down and protected by vast financial influence and government regulation . There is no need to attack or defend a theory, but there is the need to remove its status as fact when that status cannot be scientifically substantiated, and other theories and mechanisms for disease are both viable and provide better outcomes of treatment and response for society as a whole - if not for the vested dominant interest.

Even within the opaquely set and computer assisted definitions for this virus, and the shifting definitions of its tests, diagnosis and treatments, the already known safe, effective and readily affordable preventions and treatments render the disease of no special concern to any but those who are so undermined in health as to be 'immunocompromised' - IF such treatments are adopted. The simplest of which is adequate maintained levels of vitamin D (supplements can take 2 weeks to become available as the active form that enables T cell response and many other natural immune response).

The reaction to feared belief is the active and destructive 'disease' condition and represents a 'sickness' of our thought and responsibility for conscious relational responsibility for our selves and each other. But to a patient in shock or recycling trauma, this simple fact is blocked by all the defences set against fear. Such that the issue is about denied and 'escaped fears' in the provided narrative identity of 'escape' or mitigation.
The magicians who make the national budget know that rearranging the furniture to make its seem like some progressive change is 'building a better world' is damage limitation over an always growing MESS that can never be disclosed but only redistributed - essentially from the rich and influential to the poor dependent. The mans of narrative leveraging is fear and guilt, such as to peddle false solutions of protective power and moral salvation or mitigation from whatever version of hell is insinuated as hateful guilt demanding payment and sacrifice.

The 'rulers' so called would externalise or outsource the pain and cost of 'getting fixed' to anyone and anything else. Not because they are special, but because they are tempted by the ability and means to do so - along with a social reinforcement of an insider club that confers a 'fix' to those who forego relational honesty for a sense of self specialness, exceptionalism or privilege subject to conforming and complying with an agenda that can often be tacitly understood as the source of 'power' in the world, for non compliance is understood to result in the withdrawal of such 'freedoms' or 'status'.

What was largely hidden is now an open secret - in fact it presents itself as an offer you cant refuse in the current package of which covid is but the opening move. Relational honesty remains the source of grounded sanity as our inalienable right and freedom to take thought, reflect and evaluate, discriminate and discern. Much of who we are has been 'externalised or outsourced' to conveniences that run automatically as 'normals' of conditioned and acquired adaptation. But in breaking the 'normal', is both the fear and guilts that underlie the human conditioning, and the opportunity to awaken responsibility - not least by the releasing of a false set of narrative beliefs and responsibilities that do not belong to us and work to deny us our right to awareness of wholeness of being. This is on a different level to our invested identity in the world and calls for releasing the 'thinking mind' so as to drop into the heart of honesty. Fear SAYS "No!" or "Stop!" and without the courage of the heart's intuition we will comply.

It isn't non compliance or rebellion, that invokes freedom, nor the breaking of social taboos. That way lies a more insidious and complex self-illusion which characterises an over self-confidence that lacks perspective on its own presumptions. The truth of freedom is at the heart of a wholeness of being that is communication rather than coercion and control. Truly aligned decisions are willingly accepted, and don't require deceits and manipulations, and so are anathema to any alignment in private agenda set over others or indeed at expense of the whole.

The willingness to stand for rights as freedom of responsibility, is not merely a self-seeking act, but the extension of such worthiness to others who - regardless of what they choose - are beings of choice, like ourself. I have no right to set my feelings as facts to which others must sacrifice - but if I have negative results or experience, others may be willing to help in serving to understand the beliefs and choices that result in such feelings, rather than deceive the fearful or aggrieved into a false sense of a 'fix' or protections that evaporate from ever materialising - like the carrot dangling on the stick in front of the ass.

Reality is not as we think, imagine, or model it to be. But that does not mean what we give reality to is without power in our mind and our world. An incoherent or conflicted result calls for correction in the underlying beliefs and definitions, but the attempt to manually force and control life will generate a much deeper dissonance. A pathogenic perspective of Life is a form of 'possession' that properly speaking is a dissociation and dispossession running under mistaken identity. Its fruits are not hidden and its mask of virtue effects a hollow parody of life. You are a being of choice, but that is not the capacity to create our own existence - except as an imagination set in the 'fix' of a sense of life as excepted from moral constraint. Integrity is not a moral system of social correctness, but in the acceptance and alignment of our being. It is also the functional and practical nature of a true workability.

There is no love in the 'control system' being offered via leveraging and manipulation of fear.
It has no power to create - but only ingenuity of evasions and deceits by which to use life against itself. It is at best a developed 'Tool' and as such is to serve Humanity and Life - not a god to sacrifice unto - or else!

I am not seeking to form your thoughts, but to invite your honesty and willingness from which to evaluate and guide your own choices. This is what we have forgotten, and so seek to replace or substitute for 'technologically' - which includes the intent to weaponise psychological insight.
This shall backfire on those who think to gain by it, firstly as a dissociation from reality that secondly generates a subjection to the measure of our desire to make such power real.

The true fruit of an aligned heart is 'nigh' - that is within an expanded and healed perception, now.
The phished identity is always seeking to become and get something else from some form of self- invalidation, framed in a sense of being denied, deprived, lacking, rejected, abandoned or betrayed.
The defences against which then replicate the very fears into experience as if to vindicate and validate its grievance, with clearly distressing effects.
This need not be.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Mass Hypnosis


I see a mass hypnosis.

Another image is of being restrained, medicated and on an operating table, for the installation of a bio-operating system.

For some the unconsciousness is total and willing but for others the anaesthetic only paralyses responses.

We all make choices and yet are part of each others choices because we are all part of each other in ways our little thinking mind cannot grasp.

I stand in the freedom of choice as the core remaining freedom in a world set in false framed or masked choices. We are beings of choice and it is freedom that truly unites us - not in form but in truth. Con-form-ity is set in subconscious patterns of meanings that become currency of exchange as substitutes for the truth the meaning originally pointed to.

The mind can be hypnotised or phished by the forms or things operating as if built in meanings. But there are no built in meanings. You shall give your world all the meaning it has for you and if you use old habits and derivative distortions of meanings that have been twisted to mean anything and nothing then you may have the comfort of a herd identity, but it doesn't truly join you to your Self or others, and the illusion will fail to reveal the discomfort that was allowed to drive such a 'herding' as if more of what cannot work is the only possible 'solution'.

There are some who believe they are your master and controller, and for whom you are as cattle or 'vacca'. Belief is the targeted leverage of control. Conditioned beliefs operates as programs in your mind that run as if your own thinking. The abnegation of denial of the will, seeks power from outside as an augmented 'will'. While we think to get what we want - or are kept in the premise that such profits are meaningful, we give to get.

There are deeper correspondences in our consent to such subjections of the body and its 'mind' than we would think, because thinking is part of a masking over so as NOT to recognise discomfort or dissonance within, but to repackage and frame it as a projection without. I invite looking at our thinking to see if it delivers us unto our Good - or to a self-reinforcing loop of conflict that only winds tighter in conflict that cannot even move to express or release.

No matter what we are currently giving permission to, we are beings of choice. Recognising the active or current choice as a choice instead of acquired habit of permission to run and react in our name, is where the freedom to choose anew is 'hidden'. What we want is leading us, but without critical awareness, thinking can and does run riot with our minds, to which we then sacrifice our body and our love to subject and conform and adapt to as 'normal'.

The idea of 'be still and know' is that Life Itself Moves your true desire when the mask of 'thinking' is rested and released, so as to renew and align in connected meaningful and conscious purpose - relative to who and what you are, rather than fitted into a problem that defines you in driven conflict.

Awakening responsibility for Thought is an inside job. You have to Want your freedom where it truly is - or chase after illusions of freedom that then teach you, what you are not; over and over and yet over again.

What do I truly want?

Notice the mind, but do not get lost there.

Your heart knows, and so... listen there.

When the heart aligns our thought, we are present and connected - regardless the circumstances. We don't need stamp out or eradicate thoughts that do not serve us, so much as learn or retrain in choosing not to use them, while giving a whole appreciation for what does. In A Course in Miracles it is said that

The habit of engaging WITH God and His Creations (Simple Living Presence) is easily made if you refuse actively to let your minds slip away. Your problem is not concentration: it is a belief that nobody, including yourself, is WORTH consistent effort.

How much of what is going on in our world is a result of the worth we both give and receive as our self and that of another like ourselves? Self-hate invites a destructive agenda and self-illusion masks in virtue of seeming to limit and mitigate it as a sense of possession and control - set in conflict.


I don't see an 'argument' but a dictate that refuses to argue, debate or engage in real communication. The illusion of a communication is backed up by 'The Science' and manipulated framing and gathering and presenting of statistics - along with asserting death and destruction that is actually being orchestrated by the measures of 'protection'.

Branding the mind of the cattle is now set to install a biological operating system under a technological Internment of Things (of which we are a dataset).

The psychological operating system is as you say the setting up of polarised 'identities' as if the only choice is set in binary. This is how we support our 'controllers' - by accepting and acting out polarised and polarising identities. In a sense it is a basic electrical battery that can be set up so as to operate as a proxy of 'work done' for a control agenda.

Jesus said resist ye not evil - because this will identify you in what you hate. He did not choose to identify in hate and fear.

In history there will always have been some voice for Sanity, whether given recognition or not, but the telling of history is written by the victors.

There is a work called the secret history of the first world war and if you read it it would enable you to better understand how the world operates beneath the scenes and seeming of even cabinet and politicians.

Coronovirus is the common cold (along with other virus expressions). All respiratory disease is serving a function, and yet in false-flagging symptoms as the 'disease' and blaming pathogens as THE cause, we ignore and attack our own 'immune support' for a protection racket that a mind set in fear WANTS to believe in.

Because fear fuelled belief is in play, communication is blocked - as if ONLY when the fear is externally eradicated or 'controlled' (lidded over and masked in) can we resume normal service - within the ratchet of controls that MUST be protected else the FEAR will rise again! - though the 'fear' will be reset every time the consciousness of humanity starts to open an awareness of true desire and fulfilment. In this sense 'Fear' operates the Guard against letting deeper and more disturbing inner conflict to rise up and 'destroy us'. In terms of psychotic reaction such a lockdown has a timing and a place. But to the willingness for responsibility of thought and action there is a legitimate movement for the expansion of such 'contracts' to a reintegration of wholeness as a willingness to 'serve in my Father's House' instead of running off with a mis-taken sense of social distancing as a private sense of possession and control.

In such willingness, the 'Father rushes to meet his Son'. This is to say that a Living Truth never really left us while we struggled within our own split and polarised conflicts and is revealed to a willingness for seeing and hearing as the heart of honesty or transparency to our being.


It took me about 10 seconds with duck duck and my own 'go' of scanning results to see a link to this site and on that page to:

The commenters who want spoon feeding might reflect they are giving power and responsibility away. Not everyone is a predatory opportunist.

No amount of provided 'information' can substitute for conscious responsibility. And if there is no 'question' in the mind of the deceived there is no willingness or capacity to receive answer - BUT true gifts given shall in their time and timing be received and so we may seed for changes in ways we are unaware - while attempts to force change may associate truths with a coercive agenda, such as to increase defences against listening.

Lockdown into a private-keep out - that seeks social reinforcements and justifications is not something we have never done to others or receive from others.

You are (integral to) the Second Coming. Be the witnessing to a love that you do not mask in or manufacture and grow the spark of its recognition in others.

Or if you prefer see others as those who must be changed OR ELSE!

This pattern is an energetic that is 'contagious'. That is we become the very thing we hate - unwitting. Hate runs the unwitting who know not what they do because they think that love bids them do it - OR ELSE!

Howbeit we are phished

The idea of fishers of men was originally the shared opening to love's recognition as true context for being.

The drift into the forms and behaviours of love is the substitution for truth by a private agenda, that in our world runs as attack on truth. I say in our world, because truth is beyond editing or attack. God is not mocked - but our connection to truth can be blocked. Steiner foresaw vaccinations as psycho-physical lockdowns way back when, but the freedom to deny Our Mind for a managed 'mind' remains open to choose as your experience. But the capacity TO choose is traded for an external 'god' or power set over Life - and what would that be but death or limiting or choking denial of the freedom to know the movement of our very being?

If the actual choice were truly revealed there would be no 'choice' for who would choose denial from within the Re-cognition as light. And so everything is stacked to hide a true Disclosure in choices that buy time for the persisting of a sense of separation that seems to be our life, our 'face', our sense of possession and control against fear believed.

I share a call to learn to abide through fear as a willingness of conscious responsibility for relational being - instead of recoil to lockdown and reset in repackaged fear in deceits given worship (priority in our heart).

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

The right to hold beliefs - and change them 

Beliefs are of course an inviolable right and whatever you choose to believe brings the fruits or results by which you can if you choose revaluate the predicates and bring a different outcome.

Current working models or beliefs can be seen AS modelling and not confused with Fact - which simply is the case regardless any 'war in the human mind' as to claim to establish truth.

If I trust that truth will reveal itself to a simple willingness to learn, then everything becomes at some level feedback from which to discern and align in truth.

The current global situation has within it a very strong emotional conflict that carries the desire to lid or mask over the disturbance of such conflict for a less fearful sense of existence. This reaction is known to provide the opportunity to offer 'solutions' that serve the intent to control outcomes.

This goes back to setting fear into animals to herd them to a cliff edge or staked out trap.

Or to unsettling an adversary so as to take advantage of their confusion to guide or coerce them to your own preferred agenda. There is nothing in such statements that is not readily observable in human behaviour - indeed in our own thought.

The stated intention of tax paid disinfo agents acting online is to introduce division and doubt in a targeted 'enemy of the State' so as to undermine their capacity to act or even become a movement that could act. Sowing fear and division is stated as part of the Gov Nudge unit's guidance for establishing obedience by ramping up fear and inducing public shaming. I haven't begun to address the PPP (Public Private Partnership) regulatory model that has replaced Government, Media, and other public service institutions under what is easiest to describe as a cartel monopolism - of which Banking holds the reins or choke points as the control of accepted currency of worth or value.

A legitimate criticism of so called 'conspiracy theorists' is when fear and distrust feeds upon an evil or hateful imagination to lose all grounding and power of responsibility to a Them. But pause if you will for a moment to consider that all our national security, defence and medical 'defences' are set in fear and distrust of 'enemies or threats to an ongoing role OF such controls - which includes deep decisions as to the organisation and freedom of association, information and decision-making that of course can all stack up to protect the fearful from their own disclosure.

I sought to put this without invoking blame or shame, but rather to identify human beliefs and behaviours that are characteristically in us all at some level and in different ways.

When I write I can often be misunderstood and misjudged as a result of not fitting into or supporting a 'side' or seeming to be relevant to a 'war'. But the war is using our own minds to invoke polarised identity that is then invested in and supporting of conflict and division as a way of saving from or winning against the particular image and form of the threat or enemy we each perceive as the 'problem'.

I didn't follow the conversation you relate to but I appreciate your willingness to return as a willingness to communicate your position rather than to leave something in terms that you recognised were not true or worthy of maintaining.

The phrase 'truth will out' is the corollary of illusions (or indeed lies) are temporary. Protected illusions can persist as long as there is willingness to sacrifice truth to their increasing demands. I see this an an increasing subjection to 'control agenda' or machine-thinking. There is no love in it - for all its masking in terms of 'care and concern'. There is no joy in it - for all its ritualised glamour or media spin. There is no peace in it and in this sense I don't just mean in the world of transience and change, but in our hearts, our families and relational endeavours.

How to reach a mind 'locked down and masked over' in defended beliefs

Perhaps first to accept another where they are as a basis for what may reveal itself in a free willingness. Anti-agendas are made in the image of their 'enemy', this is a form of being conditioned to a normalised dissociation by our own choices.

I have to accept that everyone acts in what at that moment they define and perceive to be their best interests. But that acting from mistaken or dissociated fears runs as garbage in; garbage out. Otherwise we would have no feedback for error correction, but would be convicted of our own illusions without any means of waking from the nightmare.

And WHO told you you were naked? - said the Lord' - says to me that we are innately Given the means to question our experience - which is always a RESULT and not Fact.

Subjective experience is already a virtual representation of Reality and now we are generating a virtual displacement and contraction to a further level of dissociation.

If you are offered coercively framed deceit and choose not to accept it, you may be seen as hard core denialism, obstacle or opposition and threat by those who have accepted or consented to its terms and conditions as their invested belief.

I feel that if we really mean to choose Life, we have to resist the temptation to react in like kind to the dumping of guilt by our accusers - or else we join them in what we say we hate and become the hippocrite they will immediately identify as justification for theirs.

Personally I see a much bigger issue that the ‘great reset’ - and part of this is the attempt of the ego to pre-empt and usur Life for its own ‘survival’ as a sense of private control over Life. In the light of our giving  setting the measure of our receiving, how could this NOT result in lockdown, conflcit and paralysis in ‘hell’ of a convicted hate without escape? There is a Higher Order Event than the attempt to ‘control’ it.

This is always true. But when truth shall come out is when the game is no longer worth the candle. This is an invidual choice and we are all part of each other and so it is a movement of a new way of seeing in the whole - and the old habit seeks to reset the old normal under a redistribution of guilt and fear - by narrative deveopments that add to the problem by repackaging the toxic conflcit into complex evasions. That is what its is and does; a complex of Self-evasions where false premises follow false profits.


Your closing comment gave rise to a knowledge that political process can be distorted by what Ted Heath called 'all the usual means'.

We only see the behaviours of people who appear mad. We don't walk in their shoes.

There are all kinds of coercive factors - real or contrived - that can induce people to act against their own and others Good, under some sense of a lesser evil - which may also be lubricated. We only see the frontside or face.

If you had a gun or the equivalent, pointing at your self or your loved ones' would you write what you were told?

I agree that real effects have yet to be recognised by the corps-state captured, but I also sense that by the time this occurs the ratcheting of controls will already have delivered us to the next phase. I tend to agree with Austin-Fitts that the Plan cannot actually work to hold the conditions for life (the Tower of Babel syndrome), and so growing the seed for the opportunity ad the call to grow from a new place is a refinement to a true foundation from which to live - in the light of all we have lived. The 'How' of it all is at another level. I don't see we have to know how and then apply it, but truly desire to know and be in the way that  aligns in the act and unfolding of its fulfilment. That is to say relational presence rather than systemic strategies that recycle past trauma patterns in 'novel' forms.

Go Deeper by Fearing Not

 Lockdown 'wets' might be more apt.

What possible good has or can be achieved or gained by the various forms of 'lockdown' that are imposed under the pretence of moral sacrifice for 'making safe'?

None - excepting from the agenda of the degradation and replacement of human being, by control systems targeted at every facet of our mind, behaviour and social interactions and cultural endeavour.

Masked over fear and hate drives 'control agenda' to align in capture and control of financial and corporate systems of supply and all institutions of regulation, to feed on fear.

Feeding on our fear and using our hate as a proxy for effecting our own destruction.

Covid scepticism is less hidden within the folds of the 'Church of the Holy Virus' than ineffectually arguing in the long grass of its novel mutations that forever 'rise again'.

Self-censorship operates the 'captured opposition' of a mind that cannot speak directly against a narrative that has protected status within the establishment of the day - which is not just the control class, but the active alignment of the 'controlled class' - both.

Covid scepticism calls on the pusher of it narrative assertions, and decisions regarding the redistribution of wealth and power, to provide evidence rather than rely on already running fears and beliefs in the public mind and in already established funding drives and marketing and power grabs in the corporate sector.

Repeat a big lie often enough and everyone has an invested opinion and reaction that feeds back into it operating as a social and political 'reality' by dint of the structure of social validation and funding or incentive that is generated at expense of the true health of the Body Politic.

This is the intended goal of those who select narratives by which to deconstruct our world as the prerequisite to 'building back' the controllers version of 'better' - who are given control by active support and compliance that is fitted to a deceitful sense of moral purpose masking over a hatred and fear of humanity and of life - that is a driven sense of blindness or dissociation as its salvation from direct exposure to self-hate.

Distancing or dissociation, locked down and fitted to a rule-bound and filters 'mind' (sic) operates a golem or parody of human being that is hollow and sightless to all but its master's voice - which seems to promise freedom and protecting from fear while ratcheting up fear as an insane world calling on insane defences as 'normal.

If you love your life you must also love the same in others. But if you have been phished by a fantasy of escaping who and what you fear or hate as your life, then you have forgotten what love is and who you are. The uncovering of fear or inner conflict needs to be brought to question rather than to frame and kettle the mind to a directed captivity of coercive dictate.

The externalising of our inner conflicts is the result of our capacity to deny them for a diversionary displacement in which some sense of mitigation, relief or escape is invested in, locked in and built upon. The voice for fear's protection does not deliver us unto a peace from which to recognise our Good and align in its fulfilment.

Choices are never locked in - except as an active intent to live from them as if Fact. Questioning the basis of our thought and actions will seem mad or heretical to those driven to protect their fears from disclosure, But first we question within our self - or else we mask in 'woke' agenda to propagate a fear-driven reaction as if a caring or self-validating act and lose honesty of being for a role or identity set against a perceived evil or enemy.

Many bemoan the lack of critical thinking, but I see it as overactive thinking, lacking critical awareness. All of the covid and other narrative manipulations are targeting and using our mind against itself - and therefore setting us against each other. Therefore our primary responsibility is to establish vigilance against deceit - as an ongoing and active responsibility. The phishing of the mind by reactive identity is an old and deep set habit. While it runs unnoticed and unchecked, a mis-taken identity runs in Your Name. Yet in any moment of noticing this in act, is the opportunity to pause and reevaluate.

Awakening responsibility reconnects to freedom in act - not in fantasies acted out upon the body or the lives of others. Which effectively has consented to be subjected in like measure. For by your will is the measure of your giving and receiving - regardless the narrative framework by which to seem to be denied or deprived and abandoned.

The attempt to deny the human will is founded in its demonisation. Self-hate runs a Luciferian agenda that would destroy even that which self in image would possess and control. Tolkien saw that that the corruption of power is never shared for sharing is the condition of the power that gives and support life.

Look for and be found in what can be truly shared, to release hidden allegiance to loveless agenda. To merely mimic and mask in behaviours is to use the name and form of love for vanity and lose the blessing of a true communication for a fantasy of self-image seeking validation. Love extends a sense or worth that knows itself in the giving. Willingness lets love in. Willingness to question the lock on our mind lets inspiration in. If we seek to then package insights as a behavioural insight consultancy, without actually ourselves being transformed and reintegrated to a healing perspective, then we short circuit Life to sell a short changing thinking as if an actual currency for shared being under 'good intentions' masking a refusal to truly receive.



I must be very thick but if children are supposed to be the carriers of a more virulent Covid strain, then how is locking them down at home with their family going to prevent increased infections or deaths?

You will get there. Just keep bashing your mind against meaninglessness designed to thicken your skull until no room is left for thinking anything but what you are told.

The viral nature of thought is self-evident and directly observable, yet this runs unchecked while a projected representation of such active intent can be assigned to almost anything and 'stamped out'.

Your critical awareness is being stamped out by engaging with a mind virus as if it can be rendered comprehensible.

In simple Fear says STOP! KEEP OUT! to wall off no-go areas of your being from free participation. In some ways that is it function, but yours is to evaluate it in the context of what is truly present - rather than react to triggering habit patterns of a past that is not here now - excepting fear stamps it on the face of a presence that would rise to live but for the protection of 'Big Bother'.

In all honesty I see viral and bacterial communication as our Life Support system and our attack on Life as a kind of arrested development - set as a survival mechanism from species trauma that is replicated in each life as our sense of separation by conflicts that are mapped out and lidded over as a 'control' mind that undermines our Call to joy in Life.

In Gt Walsingham (a Christian pilgrimage centre) I saw a shop called 'Let the Children Live!' Which I thought incongruous, for why say the obvious? But whatever adults are having to deal with in this mindfuck, we are herded to the denying of our children in ways that as I see will deliver them to 'State Care' (sic).

There really are people choosing to support such a power grab for a corporately captured 'state' under various hypnotic narratives that have been cultivated throughout our lives.

So I don't allow my mind to 'think' in the frame of lies.

There is no sense in it to give time and energy or response to.

Love the truth.