Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The Need to Release Fear

 Those who cant  or are not yet willing or ready to face their fear are controlled by it unawares.

Those who fixate in fear think to understand but are drawn ever deeper into deceit.

The need to look on the desecration of our own altar is the need to realign our dedications and devotions.

This means looking only into the fear or horror to the purpose of releasing the mind or fixation such as to be free to look past it.

This is the gift of the Holy Spirit of true discernment, or the Voice for God - as love. My word-terms do not define truth, but our desire to heal and be healed lets truth in - as your own recognition.

Of all the teachings that serve my recognition of life in Spirit - through the body and mind of the world, A Course in Miracles, reveals to my capacity to look on stark and destructive insanity FROM the revelation of the Miracle - that is from love's nature, shared.

ACIM is a specialised tool and for most probably incomprehensible, but operates on many levels, for ALL inspired teaching can serve a real relationship with Spirit, God, Life or an innate intuit that life is not insane (even if I may be partially so). Partial recocognition is a light from which darkness can be dispelled. Without a point from which to see truly, we only 'see' as fear dictates and thus are not even aware of our own dissociation - except as a world of pain, conflict, sickness and death. IE: Externalised conflicts that have some correspondence with denials that unconsciously project and separate as IF to make safe.

Unless awakened to peace in which love arises of Itself, we are NOT awake.

The quality of peace is not manufactured by human (or inhuman) thinking. Our current mindset is set in getting rid of peace, as conflict is what we get identity from, and thus the need for hate and terror symbols against which to keep a separated sense of self 'alive'.

I have a go at writing toward bridging to a point of intuitive recognition, and not as yet another 'side' of polarised and conflicted identity.

We are now in times that oblige recognising the primary need for truth that releases or heals conflict, in place of our own masking substitutions.

We cannot afford to leave the mind unwatched such as to be baited and hooked by every kind of emotional reaction, if we would hold presence for self as for another, in the dance of relational recognition, synchronicity and exchange, that judgemental, rules and filters would rob us of for illusion of specialness set against and over the judged.

We don't need 'answers' so much as the stirring of true curiosity and desire that we then live as the unfolding of answer in life - not as acquired data, in a system of control masking over fear.

Our 'mindset' is being revealed for recognition and release - if you so will. Much that is denied or unconscious is overwhelming without a foundation in a truly relational willingness, for the mind can rush ahead, and become addicted to the rush of taking life into a vanity of personal bias that effectively dissociates to a false sense of creation. There is no peace in it, and therefore its innate conflicts set everything awry, as a compounding of a sense of opposition, that frames our mind by attempt to get rid of it.

Living survival in a true sense of ongoing unfolding evolving Consciousness, is of the truly fitting. The Relational Field is not an object model of fragmented parts to put together again, but an Implicate Order we actively ignore and  forget by operating from a sense of lack, brokenness, grievance and the driven intent to resolve these 'externally'. Victimhood of self or selected other is not the basis from which to love or restore power and peace in our hearts and our realm of relationship or world.

Willingness to heal begins with recognising we do not know, but can open to That which knows, as we are willing to receive rather than demand under terms and conditions running as acquired or inherited learned responses.

Re-education rises of itself when we un-learn or release what we thought to be our mind and world to a felt Connection. As the now of our living and the timelessness of being.


We shall not cease from exploration 

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

Through the unknown, remembered gate 

When the last of earth left to discover 

Is that which was the beginning; 

At the source of the longest river 

The voice of the hidden waterfall 

And the children in the apple-tree 

Not known, because not looked for  

But heard, half heard, in the stillness 

Between the two waves of the sea. 

Quick now, here, now, always-- 

A condition of complete simplicity 

(Costing not less than everything) 

And all shall be well and 

All manner of things shall be well 

When the tongues of flame are in-folded 

Into the crowned knot of fire 

And the fire and the rose are one.

                 Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot