Saturday, 5 September 2020

Scumming and Scamming

I have never understood the readiness and willingness of anyone who knows anything of love and life to use the word 'scum' for other people. It speaks to me of a hatred that would readily consent to erase or eradicate undesirables - which as I understand is part of the nature of the problem - not the answer.

While I have seen a lot of youtube censoring - it is incredibly leaky, patchy and inconsistent.

So it could be other things than it seems.

Part of the internet is the ability to shock test responses - to anything as a basis to then systemically manipulate or marketise and weaponise outcomes - perhaps to the highest bidder.

It is also known that banning things is PR for their promotion.

I do not mean that there is not a narrative control being dictated and to some degree enforced - but so far the threats are much greater than the actuality in what I have so far seen. As compared to death squads, disappearances, torture and systemic genocides that are on record in our collective recent past. That may of course change at any moment - but I don't want to die of fear or what hasn't actually occurred.

While there is life - I feel to stay open and with what is.

How would you express your feeling if you owned them instead of assigning all the power to faceless algorithms set by faceless employees of faceless organisations that front for faceless financial and geopolitical interests? Yes I know we know some of the fronting players - but beneath the surface is a tedious morass of obfuscation. And yes I would prefer to see criminal actions brought to trial, true account and justice seen to be done.

I wonder if 'they' are concerned about a passive-submissive lack of pushback!

A flat battery does not power anything. If there is nothing left to divide what is ruling to do?

In setting the radar so low as to allow no life under it, they will kill the goose that lays the golden egg for they do not create wealth but only steal it to prop up a scam. the Biosecurity state of a the fourth Industrial revolution is a trap - not a source of power and protection for the worth and value of living - but a racket set in fear of facing fear, locking us into guilt and blame so that we police and protect our own slavery or means of degradation and destruction.

But the 'they' are many things that seem to operate a single agenda - as did the tower of Babel, and the promise of globalism (for world order) may be itself a false lure to an unexpected and unavoidable destruction. I haven't seen the foundations for a TRUE order in any of their PR - which masks in virtue while incentivising profits upon false premises. It would appear the slate has to be wiped - Jehovah-style - to make a better world. I don't share that view - but I understand the temptation to deny what we hate rather than open to relationship because I also suffer the human experience.


You could have made valid and constructive points here but trashed your own comment by virtue signalling as an anti-nutter to in a choir of polarised 'normality'.

The general unsoundness of the platform that operated is not addressed by your commenting at all. I could write a page of critical comment so I am not without sympathy for addressing the many faults or lack of clear communication on the day, but have no interest in smear based identity politics.

The fact is that they were the individuals who actually organised it, and did so under duress. (The police presence at the event was more than containment - they confiscated audio and video equipment and arrested Corbyn).  The pretext was uniting for freedom which I felt in the people but not the organisers who - like the BBC - take on the role of telling us what to think, who to boo and when to cheer - a pantomime.

The speakers were indeed poor in focus and delivery - the MC presumed the whole event as her personal last ditch attempt to save the world and interrupted other at will.

But the 'nutterbility' is in the emotional reactivity, lack of discipline and focus, that went way off message - for freedom cannot be mandated or set in negatives.

Freedom to wear of not wear a mask is to be respected but 'nutters' shame it bedwetting etc. Who are 'nutters'? They are not people so much as a dispossession of intelligent awareness to an emotional reactivity coupled with abnegation of responsibility masking as virtue set over scapegoats for their own frustrations.

Factionalism works polarised identity as a sort of unowned collectivism. You could express your desire for Toby to organise or get involved in the organisation of a broad church coalition for a Humanity under attack by extremely organised forces of deceit.

But critical awareness is for decisions into the future - not the demonising of the past from a sense of superior judgement. 

The 'whacky' issues have a valid call for public accountability and transparency. When gov-corp behaviours ignore and override public accountability, they are running hidden or dark agenda, and setting the issue as  outside permission to openly speak of for anyone in public office under penalty of being cancelled. That this incites a negative imagination is hardly surprising - and fearful imagination is - as covid demonstrates -  a very powerful destructive influence.

Attack on Humanity is not the 'nutters' who are 'incentivised' to sign away our freedoms for  personal privileges or under methods of duress that are not openly obvious, but the kind of thinking that is engaged in, tolerated and made currency of exchange. Humans - once defined in terms of invalidity can be treated like lab-rats. The narratives by which humans are induced to destroy their own medium of communication are 'weaponised language'.

The belief that weaponised language is the way to get what we want over others we want to exclude rather than engage is the way human beings are excluded by the ultra rich networks of control that can and have and are operating us like pavlov's dogs.

If we don't want to be treated like lab rats, we have to uncover the resource that makes us truly human - rather than persist the polarised and polarising reactive ego of self in image.

Green Lives Matter

 Green Lives Matter 

Tesla believed himself alone in listening in to background radiation overheard the first secret test of Marconi for the British Navy.

I think it was morse for the letter 'S'.

He knew it was structured information and had no reason to account for it from Earth sources.

The use of existing knowledge to account for new experience is to be expected.

This still applies today with the belief in 'impact craters' as distinct from the action of plasma circuit discharge.

Or indeed thermodynamics as the basis for the known Universe or Earth's Climate as distinct from the action of plasma circuit discharge.

And 'germ' theory' that assigns pathological agency as the anthropomorphic projection of a psychopathic mind.

The ability to imagine a modelling or explicate quantised version of implicate wave function, is our ability to postulate an alien will, and in defence against it, take on the mind we give it and become a stranger to ourself.

A hollow golem walks the Earth, seeing not and knowing nothing but conditioned reactions by which a seeming separation of polarities plays out patterns of separation and discharge.

Narrative identity is a mythological construct through which filtered and distorted shadows come alive - tangible a moment - to pass away.

Why play in stories?

Why play at all?

If the game is not worth the candle, alight in what does resonate true.

But yes the collective 'dreams' operate the willingness to accept them as currency.

Hindsight can show the past was mistaken. It can also open the intuition that the present is no less open to narrative distortions and thus not be truly present at all - but a collective dissociation. This can be challenging, because when most all else are mad, sanity can seem anything but.

Our Covenant with God is not a matter of outer masking narrative of ritual identity assertion - but simply the true resonance of the heart. We have to live with ourselves - and yet by taking a false sense of self, have to live with what we are NOT at expense of a whole and true appreciation.

When the forms of things phish us for what we think we see there, we have already invested identity by reaction.

But when opening from  a masking mind to a long forgotten truth, we interpret a greater Communication that Life Is - as if part of the dream - or indeed, nightmare.


in response to a comment claiming 'all science is institutionalised bullying now'

As soon as massive corporate investments became the marketiser or weaponiser of scientific application or technology - science was captured - but groomed to believe its own self-specialness - unless operating counter-narrative, in which it was suppressed, ignored, ridiculed and rendered quacky or whacky - as a no go area.

The Money tells you what to think or not think along the lines of systemic incentivisation - or perhaps an 'offer you cant refuse'.

Money as control is the ability to groom a sense of self-inflation and then choke the life support to exact 'willingness' to comply to a ratcheting up of terms and conditions that were consented to under deceit.

So science proper cannot bully - but scientists of human endeavour can be bullied. Truth is never coercive upon illusion - but merely replaces what seemed to be but isn't. Conflicts between releasing the narrative - and its seeming benefits - and aligning as an expression of truth accepted, are where the bullying is played out. For the desire to 'stay in the matrix' of illusion operates betrayal of truth that then elicits counter-reation that feeds the matrix as a negatively polarised investment.

Willingness to uncover the already true is not a war, or a gold rush, but a willingness to stand under truth in whole receipt  rather than react from a garbled and distorted conditioned response as if to run ahead of ourselves and become the mask of righteous vengeance - which never was an expression of truth, so much as a survival-mind under fear of destruction.

If illusions are not true - then what does not in truth exist cannot then be destroyed.

If only truth is true, what can assail it?

An invested identity in what we want to be true - or in what we intensely fear and don't want to be true - operates before we have a moment of awareness or noticing - and therefore responsibility of choice'. This is the 'systemic' trap of a mind we are not aware of operating from - because we are so fixated on evidences flagged up out there in the symptoms or effects in which we are deeply attached as outcomes. 

So what we are passing off and accepting as 'science' is become institutionalised currency of thought, value and response - under which we seem to be captive and set to enslavement or destruction.

Confucius - asked on what he would do if in the reigns of power said, " I would redeem the dictionary'.

The meanings we each - and together -  accept and give operate the basis of the narratives played out.

'Careless talk costs lives'. 

Or you can waste life in a seemingly shared mind that actually shared nothing worthy.

A sense of self-unworthiness is inherently programmed NOT to uncover truth.

Look out and see what you shall see - without the mind-masking of fig-leaf thinking that interpreted guilt out of what can still be recognised a simple direct question. Invested knowledge is not curious because it believes it already knows. That also is a 'lock-down', distanced masking that fears contagion as the truth that does NOT support its illusion of control. As in jesus' parable of the tenant pharmas.

The fractal nature of the Living Universe pops up in synchronicities of resonance.

Aligning in presence is the basis of a true discernment - no matter what our modes of searching, evaluating or discovery. The test of truth is the honesty of the heart.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Take care of yourself - but make sure it is the right self!

 umanggargayan commented on The lockdown is NOT a way of beating this virus.

in response to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick:

12th April 2020 Several politicians, including Keir Starmer, the opposition Labour Party leader, have been demanding to know the exit strategy for the lockdown. “We should know what that exit strategy is, when the restrictions might be lifted and what the plan is for economic recovery to protect those who have been hardest hit,” he […]

- - -

Taking care of yourself is key - but make sure it is the right self!

You could research other causes or cofactors of 1918 'flu'.

The assigning of threat and power to invisible enemies is the acceptance of identifying in self-lack. Self-lack takes care of itself by reinforcing itself under the defences and controls that lock down into narrative dictates. Because these are out of sync with the real world they have to be reset every so often... which means a contraction of participation in life as Consciousness to a 'lead role in a cage'.

As for exit strategy. The strategy is a pretext for the the cage of herd controls by which no way out is permitted, but mitigated 'privileges' can be conferred from 'not being given pain' to being the one who gives it or delivers other to it or supports those who do. Those who invest in such policies take care of themselves by directing pain of consequence away from them 'self' to others.

So while calm and clear is the basis for good decisions, the attempt to suppress a genuine disturbance operates the same patterning as that of suppressing dissent. But the form or presentation of the disturbance is usually framed in our already active interpretations as our perception-response in which no present evaluation of default judgements occurs.

Perhaps it is a disturbance that obliges us to walk out in wild places and feel all that we feel to the point of a shifted awareness that is itself the quality of peace or clarity of resolve that simply cannot be 'added' to or rebranded from the thinking that is trapped in its own dilemma.

The power of belief is what all of our reactions embody 

I was told that in the London Night Blitz the people were demoralised by not being able to 'fight back' and that the ack ack guns that were set up were primarily a PR prop for morale that had almost nil effect on the bombers. Along with collecting iron pots, railings etc to make spitfires - A pile of which is still rusting away somewhere off Sheerness.

Stories can be told to the children to placate them. And also to terrorise them to compliance.

I posted a link to a raft of studies on surgical masks as either not effective or as counter-productive. Don't let the EMF issue detract from the studies themselves.

The power of belief is what all of our reactions embody. Perhaps we think our reactions are to reality and anyone who doesn't jump in line has a belief-problem! But our reactions always faithfully reveal our beliefs to our noticing if we are no dead set in protecting them from query or challenge.

For all that there can be more going on than I know. I could imagine all kinds of scenarios in which to lie to people is seen as the kindest way to protect them - when what is REALLY being protected from is too disturbing to disclose - but that is also subjective. There are cases of people who kill their family first to spare them the pain of being left by a suicidal father. We are capable of taking on pain that is NOT our fault as well as taking over the lives of others who are NOT the extension of our own subjective mythological constructs.

I feel accepting what is truly ours enables releasing what is not - and vice versa. How does this word 'truly' become  an active recognition rather than just more 'thinking'? Perhaps as a result of no longer being able to keep a false sense of self and world running as believable or tolerable.

If all is not as I had believed then 'What?'. 

Then are we trying to regain any kind of 'normal' at whatever cost, or are we awake enough within the disturbance to abide it and find the willingness for what truly works or serves and aligns purpose in life - not just for my distress but for us all? Of course we can see that we can be both and shift in and out of both in ways that can increase conflict and in a sense cancel each other out - not unlike the dieter who operates a split identity as a battle of wills rather than aligning in what they truly want consistently.


The viral fear is strong enough to quagmire the minds of many in the complexities of its shifting narratives, and the masking regulation keeps viral fear 'alive' in those who have to be kept on message to bring in the 'second wave'. While from natural cycles I do not see this as the first was not so different from any other year, I see their stated intentions, which may have more to back them up than simply relying on hypnosis and PR.

Quite apart from pipeline covid cell-violating DNA vaccines, flu vaccines may be as trustworthy and reliable as Dr Fauci's advice. Many people are deeply invested into compliance with global 'Medical' advice, fewer openly distrust of not just the 'messengers' but the model. 

Quantity of mindshare to a branded narrative serves group-think, but a qualitative consciousness is integrative as a biodiverse union of shared purpose. Groupthink uses the term 'common purpose' but like its use of language as a weapon, is tooled to a loveless agenda - masked in virtue by setting against  targeted hates, fears and threats. 

Beneath the layers of masking is who we truly and humanly are. Hatred of humanity is an artefact of the mask and is fuelling destructive agenda under identity set in grievance or vengeance that WANTS to bring down what it has been led to believe is the cause of our problems.

There is a fairy tale of a simple but at the time dramatic fear that in being fended, set of a chain of defences that became defended and hidden Terror.

Periodically we are brought to a 'double your money or open the box' moment (Old TV show reference) - excepting we have to double our investment of adjustment to sacrifice of life as normal social expectation and requirement rather than face our fears - which include social exclusion. But how 'normal' do you want to be! 

What does it profit to gain a mask of social acceptance if it costs the Soul of living?

Undoing evils of fighting them?

 @Quiero Marketing  Why not cast out fear by loving instead of masking in virtue set in war against vice? Follow in Jesus' Way rather than co-opting His Name - that is extended to all who open to receive love's awareness now.

I know that if you want spiritual warfare then you shall have your reward - but why GIVE such power to the Feared and take it from True and Living God?

The Deceiver is called such because a deceit in and of itself is a nothing - BUT for the life and power or priority we give it.

Did Jesus put the Tempter IN FRONT OF HIM - and draw sword?

No - he said "resist ye not evil". For what you oppose - you feed or reinforce as your reality. If you truly seek to undo evil and its shadow of consequence - align in True Witness. release your own 'story' to receive the Holy Spirit of a true Discernment and align the Father's Will instead of your own judgements - no matter how well versed in Scripture.

While invoking Jesus holds your alignment in the heart, by all means hold to your heart. But not all who cry 'Lord Lord' are recognisably transparent to love - but are intensely driven to invoke a mask against fear they are unready and unwilling to face, own and release. In Jesus' time the Name and Nature were synonymous. But name-magic sought to hide from Feared Retribution - and this is still going on under complex narratives that mask over a sense of self-lack to hide from what it believes itself guilty of.

"And WHO told you you were without wholeness and immunity? (naked=vulnerable and defenceless) said the Lord".

'War on God' is absurd and insane - but here we are, at war upon God's Living Son - for even as we do unto the least we do unto Christ in All - and so to our own capacity to receive and share in a true recognition.

While we have life we have choice, and can align in self-will seeking its own salvation, or aligned will that shares salvation as the qualities and presence of a love that can only be known by extension and only accepted by the willingness to share it. To take the name of love in vanity is to seek to possess and control love and life and truth - well how can that NOT be a war on God - but does Truth fight illusions? Or does it hold YOUR TRUTH as your true Inheritance while you battle within illusions? For illusion or deceit can cover the true in the mind that so chooses but HAS no power OVER truth.

The 'world ' is a realm of invested self-illusions that are alloys of love and fear.

It's all in the Bible - but the way we now see ourselves and our world is very different. Truth is not in time but every time has its own cultural models - that can become opaque rather than transparent and deliver to evils rather than hold the balance points for an unfolding of Meaning through the experience of a human life.

Replacing Germ Theory

Well you could simply research rather than expect a comprehensive answer in a post online!

Allow that an already accepted theory is already running as the way you think and respond, so as to notice that we are not talking about whether clinical symptoms are real - but what the underlying narrative that best explains or accounts for them is - and therefore the best way to prevent and respond to such events.

Germ theory - as was called  - (but germ (seed) is not used so much medically now) - arose from studies of bacterial 'infections' or ferments. The discovery of airborne yeasts and other biota fitted the popular mind as a replacement for evil spirits , retributions, curses, humoral imbalances or miasmas, with a 'modern scientific rationale' of germs as the agency of sickness. While there is of course some component here, the other side of the story is the terrain. Try introducing yeast into distilled water to create a ferment. The terrain and the 'seed' are the expression of a whole.

Terrain can be called immunity or resilience or simply health. But deficiency or toxic exposure both generate imbalance, loss of function and re-routing of functions to seek to retain core functions while mitigating harm and seeking opportunities for rebalancing or restoring health.

There are many ways by which we can be poisoned in the natural world - but vastly more so in an industrial exploitation of our world which includes social conditions as well as substances that interact with our biology in novel ways as we have no prior evolutionary experience of them.

But substances such as lead, arsenic and mercury have known toxicological profiles and the use of toxins in herbicides and pesticides balances private profit - and the leverages that come with wealth - with disease in those who use it, eat it or are exposed to it.

Likewise the model of virology as an 'heroic' intervention and 'rational' attack on the 'microbiological pests and pathogens' uses biocidal methods that are extremely profitable to those in the business but which suppress and divert or redefine symptoms - that are themselves treated as the disease - rather than valid feedback of an active immune response to deficiency or toxic stress. And the collateral damage or further toxic results are interpreted as a development of the disease or a new disease. This amount to a basis on which to farm disease in human beings for profit under guise of protecting them. But may have developed as a cover story against facing consequences for grievous mistakes along with the wish to be-live the story and role of a saviour, assigned trust, funding, power and privilege.

Old John Rockefeller sold crude oil as a cancer cure and educated his sons in the ways of trickery and deceit. He settled into business with it rebranded as a constipation cure. The development of a pharma based monopoly was often called 'Rockefeller medicine'. Why listen to a scientist when you can buy the training and funding of 'science'? Without the virus as the greatly feared pathological cause, the model collapses. Therefore control of the virus is shifting to 'genetic control' and this Bio-Security State uses fear of virus as if it is THE cause of disease - disregarding and downplaying the terrain (health), so as to be able to manually manage disease symptoms and treatments as a social and pathological regulator. Old John R had his own private and personal homeopath.

Suppressing symptoms can avert death or damage. The complex of defences that the body generates so as to maintain the conditions for life run alongside unresolved stresses, toxic load and ongoing deficiency. All the attention is fed to the 'problem' none on the miracle that is life. Releasing a problem-centric identity is both a responsibility now - and a process over time. But only if we are willing. If the pay-off from the problem outweighs the sense of risk in releasing it, then the 'rational' mind will provide all the evidences needed to justify why the problem is too big to fail. Terrain theory includes the role of biota within an ongoing balance of organism and total environment at cellular, body and species, and biosphere level.

Note - this is not 'there is no virus' diatribe so much as what the term 'virus' is defined and determined to mean and is therefore used for as a currency of accepted meaning. Exactly how extracellular communications operate - and how dead cells are broken down and recycled around the whole body according to signalled needs is a living jigsaw of a wholeness in motion. The belief that we (or our scientifically fed corporates)  can micro-manage this is ignorance and arrogance given power to spanner the works. But even this has it roots back in the moment of a sudden self-consciousness to a sense of lack and chaos that 'demands' to be controlled or at least masked over with fig leaf thinking. I hold that we will arrive at our beginning place by whatever routes, perhaps to know it for the first time.

Freedom to live by release of our grip on control 

If you are not careful you will allow your CURRENT thinking to colour the freedoms and choices or rights of others.

I am in favour of the freedom to MY right to issue a Do Not Resuscitate notice on MY medical record - of my own volition. I am not in favour of a euthanasia program to kill off people who are effectively de-personed by being old and dependent - running no doubt under slogans of concern.

This is a very fraught arena - because keeping people alive who are looking for their 'way out' can be a selfish and blind imposition by the 'sympathetic' who mistake their own projections for  compassion or the staff who can be litigated and even imprisoned for relational discretion within the shared experience of both clinical experience and compassionate commitment - if they deviate from legally defined standard of care - which can and very often operate a blind and uncaring mechanism running counter to a human caring relationship - which has 'life; as its root and context, rather than state mandated regulatory instruments of control.

Life is more than serving corporate utility. For some, there is a process of release of 'control' to an inner acceptance while alive. Fear of death can be also seen as fear of loss of face, story, and control. This runs socially as an avoidance of such a process of true acceptance while alive - as if engaging in self-evasive  fear of loss of face set in 'control' is what life is, and only perhaps recognising a deeper quality of love as our being, within the process of release.

Replacement of love of life with systems of control, 'faced' over with slogans of 'concern', and militated by the protections due unto Life! - is a Mass Bubble of unreality set in denial of fears, guilt and hates, and thus ruled by them. 

Without a fundamental basis for communication that inspires trust, there is no basis or capacity to align in life, health, or functional integrative society. People dream of being 'the one in control' and may get a hit out of seeming to have their moment  but it is no substitute for life.

That everything is going 'out of control' is in my view directly as a result of 'over-control'. One taking over a presumption to control any kind of problem, the seeming power cannot then release it. It ratchets up -  rarely down - to generates crisis - or 'end-times' on one level of another.

Enraged and Powerless 

I am not merely  protesting AGAINST the establishment so much as joining in witness FOR freedom. I have to live with myself. While I meet the effects of the fear in the many that support the few who control them, I don't take identity from them - or I couldn't live with myself.

Rage is very exhausting to swallow and ferment in, and potentially very destructive to self and others.

The Economy was already trashed - but kept on zombie status until the timing was right to switch to social credit based on state directed incentives. I have a different idea of an Economy than control because I have a different appreciation of worth and potentials for growth.

May you find the qualities of life and worth that your sense of outrage would move to protect - for they cant just be your own personal hell. The Left that I hold dear is human solidarity in shared willingness. Not a sacrifice of self to state that then moulds them into virtue signalling hate. I am not denying our freedom to feel the hatred in our hearts - but I am looking to bring into awareness to undo or heal - not to public hate-fests of blame and shame claiming moral high ground.

If we want a better future, we need willingness for a better present from which to SEE and navigate our own mutually reinforcing liabilities. I cant wait for the ruling class. They will have to catch up or find their own way. The more invested in outworn or unfitting illusion, the more truth is fought and resisted. I have to live with myself - but through that - I meet you. Thankyou for your honesty.

Averting Brave New World 

If you want to attract something; expect it, imagine it, weave it into your way of seeing, make it your own. What few recognise is the power of the mind is no less operating by negative fascinations or fixations in horror, than when aligned in the extension of a current appreciation or inspiration.

The role of 'must do something about - but cant help it' - is an ingenious way of exploring negative experience under deniability. 'Trying', masks as virtue when it is wishfully identified in rather than an activating willingness to learn, change and grow the new from within the moment at hand.

A director of a movie or author of a novel can engage their fascination - or even private gratifications with horrors or evils from a position of exploring human themes.

From my view this CAN serve as a modelling out of themes so as not to live them - with the tragic consequences that entails. Any prophet reads the themes or energies and trends of their time to reveal a potential future that is probable if current trends persist.

Taking yourself as your arena of primary responsibility - if you want something other than what you know brings you a negative result - then you have to release what you (think you) know to come from a new place. Many think they do this by polarised reaction, but at some point we realise we repeated the same theme in spite of believing we simply had to deny or reject the old to ‘be the new’. This doesn't address the underlying issue - only the symptoms.

Reconciliation and redemption is the keystone that reintegrates a whole from its polarised and mutually reinforcing denials. You can see this as the uncovering of the true meaning, from under a false sense of self and world that masks in and obscures from our appreciation.

The world as a construct, is our model or imaged and conceptualised mapping of meanings. But to truly inherit the living world is to feel for and find the balance points for a wholeness of being in the world.

The experience of the world as recurring catastrophe is the mind of the attempt to avert it.

The sense of an inevitable can also lead many to align with it as insiders who position themselves to points of control. IE: If human nature is believed fallen and unworthy or lacking intelligence, why not feed upon the ‘weak’  as gaining ‘strength’ from the belief being run?

But no matter how convincing our reality, we see through the lens of our self - for all the fragments of our denied or judged and hated self are not REALLY cast out of our mind. For we each are also a director or author of our own creations.

Yet if each was a ‘lockdown’ into private isolation, communication would be impossible. Cognitive dissonance would be complete!

But we never create alone, and the Creative is the Field of "Infinite Potentials". And so the wish to separate or sustain a private realm of gratification - of escape from our own consequences - operates a filtering rule that allows hardly ANY inspiration to come in - and still less to find welcome or support and ongoing appreciation.

Is this what we WANT?

Be the Living Soil 

You could have initiated your preferred discussion but you choose instead to complain and pronounce your judgement of OG from on high. 

Maybe you could figure it out in peace?

And be the sanity rather than coping with madness?

Problems have a bandwagon effect that initiates a momentum.

Mass cognitive dissonance feeds upon itself.

Maybe many find identity from the problem?

Or fear losing face and control to not adapt to the problem.

But to truly address what is going on for ourselves in relation to anything, we have to find some instant or moment of peace - else we are identified in problem and seeing what it shows us.

I agree that all who were not on board with the CVD mindtrap - ascertained most of what is repeated since in the first few weeks. That it was a deceit was obvious from its framing, presentation and lockstepping unquestioning Media and 'lets all pretend to be incompetent muppet' politicians. Its all FORCED behaviours.

Perhaps OG and others feel to cater for those who had to come out of false flagged shock into a true recognition of deep disturbance that sets off a journey of re-education?

Perhaps people cling to the hope that reasoned and solid fact will have an effect.

I feel this belongs to those who share a re-education and rehabilitiation - and cannot be received by those that most want to change. If they want to change they are already in process. If they are not ready, they are not available to this information. They may be available to connection and acknowledgement in terms they can accept and this may encourage their capacity to ask their own questions and open what they are ready to accept.

But if the answer is seen as forcing change - then what does it matter what faction or side? Forcing change locks us into defending against pushback.

I follow where life prompts me, and while also grateful to OG for staying open, I don't set them up to fulfil my expectations. I appreciate individual contributions of those who are truly moved, not groupthink arising from a bandwagon - or anti-bandwagon effect.

I didn't really have much to comment on the short rant of the article.

FB and others as system control can 'ban' things to evaluate and analyse reaction.

Everything we do is being gathered stored and analysed. Not in any sense that you or I might eavesdrop - but through computer analysis of mass events that refines and grows its capabilities as a system of definition, prediction and control.

For such is the mindset of its programmer.

Now I often say it takes one to know one - and yes I have uncovered and recognise this mindset in myself, but as a result of seeing it, I choose not to use it.

While I could write on what rises when we don't use fear as our guide and protector. It probably hinders as much as helps.

By choosing NOT to participate in madness (recognised within our realm of immediate responsibility), we unmask to what fear keeps hidden. This may be challenging but the act of choosing to abide through the challenging is of a different guide - and there is peace in any alignment with truth - even if a storm of emotion is all about.

People talk of grass roots movements - but 'Mind-control' astroturfs or subverts anything that comes into their radar. So be the Soil - be the microbial living soil of human connection and communication - starting with anything and anyone, now. Because talking about what we will do or should or might do can so easily be another way of persisting a mental substitution for real relationships - like a thought bubble, lacked down, masked off and defended.

Code viruses replicate in their receptive host 

There is a similarity that is NOT recognised. A virus has no agency or ability to DO anything and must be 'received' and must fing the conditions to 'run' - including the conditions to 'replicate' or 'mutate' a variant replication. YOU are the operating system on which it runs.

Vaccination allows the introduction of 'potential hacks' or the presence of foreign antibodies or immune suppressing conditions that show up in the process of a normal respiratory disease episode.

If you have a better 'real meaning' for bits of RNA code in a protein wrapper that encapsulates and fits to receptor cells, then Make sure it isn't just a grim fairy story before presuming it to be true.

The term virus is equated with pathogenic causation and assigned roles that are actually in living cells interacting with such 'information' packets.

Biologists are not limited to pathological witch-hunts and gold rushes and so have studied a symbiotic cellular intra and extra-cellular functions that are inherent to life function. Extracellular 'viruses' are called exosomes and are indistinguishable from presumed 'pathogenic' cellular debris or code-entities - that can be seen under the conditions of electron microscopy - that may well introduce artefacts as a result of its process.

No claim of causation was made by the study that 'discovered' a novel virus. This was explicitly stated. Firemen are also often found at the scene of fires. Eradicating firemen is not the answer to fires (or defunding the police).

But insofar as we have recognised various viruses that are associated with infection in 'susceptible' terrains, Stewart is spot on in saying we could be searching for and finding a range or viruses that are normally found in healthy people in some - oten time quantity - but nonetheless picked up by RT-PCR testing if you set the testing rameters to bring the results that are 'consensually' deemed to mean something significant.

Likewise funding to research climate need not be confined to the carbon dioxide as global warming hypothesis, But there is an underlying control agenda that sets the narrative and thus the frame of thought, funding and reaction. It is more than 'political' bias - but uses political identities to mask in. I see an existential fear in the 'ruling establishment' that uses immense resources to predict or control outcomes well in advance, and actions them in disciplined ways. But do they SEE us?

The abilty to define the code, and the testing and diagnostic parameters as well as regulate treatments as required standard of care, is all opaque and in this case apparently patented and protected. A computer software company can indeed ensure that all sorts of 'back doors' are open by design to 'viruses' or hidden code execution as part of its back end - while fronting itself as the road or tool to every kind of extended ability.

Inducing us to open new 'powers' that then entangle us in ways we are not adapted or in a position to counteract - because they own the systems we depend on and run them as a process of market capture (mindshare) and control rather than as a relational service.

If we do not want to be treated as lab rats we have to uncover what it is to be truly human. For the most part we are predictable, controllable conditioned-responses, being systemed by the reverse engineering or our own psychology. Polarised identities operate from a set of rules and conditions or programs.

And what's behind the use of 'bedwetting' for an active agenda aimed at undermining civilisation as we knew it, operating through the mind-captured? Is that not also masking in virtue as a put-down of weakness seen in others? If they are weak - why not extend strength of solidarity in knowing the choices we are making, so as to be more able to make better ones?

When the Tower of Babel fell, no one could understand each other. Shaming and intimidating will not help. There may be no possibility of reaching another with information associated with deep fear and masking defence, but that doesn't mean we cannot find some human commonality.

The willingness to extend love is the only means to hold the awareness of love in our consciousness. Masking in the forms of love is a sure way to generate a hollow sense of lack that is then open or susceptible to every kind of 'hijacking' thought, because what we react from, is accepted true and made real BY REACTION.

Reaching someone IN reaction is difficult as they are fully engaged in emotionally invested drama that de-prioritises all else as irrelevant or obstructive to their sense of survival.

Crying wolf is a metaphor for how a community defence can be activated on a false basis. These people have done this more than three times and its still 'works' because each time they bring in more regulatory capture, more conditioning to the drills of lockstep, more conditioned acceptance of doublespeak and media obfuscations. (Less critical awareness).

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Otherism is indeed fear 

Otherism is indeed fear. The underlying reality is of fear as inner conflict projected to the 'othered' and defended against - with attack or pre-emptive defence reiterating and 'making the lie a persistent perceptual-response of 'normal' (in newspeak).

Self-otherism is set in the root of our (self) consciousness, but is not native to an underlying self-awareness of un-self-conscious awareness that is like to (but prior to) an innocent perception. What do we actually SEE rather than what do we think we see - which is an adapted acculturated learning of the world we 'need to see' in order to survive our family, our society and our world - in the light of our personal sensitivities or indeed 'separation trauma'.

The persona is a mask of presentations not just to others, but to ourself, in diversion or cover story to hide from or hide in, and being identified as survival, we for the most part become the social mask and forget or bury the native feeling awareness of an intimacy of being - for the world is learned to be a place where revealing yourself is to be attacked, blanked rejected or used. Conditions for love are set internally as those in which the mask of defence relaxes or falls away and we socially negotiate conditions as a trading of attention, reinforcement or stroking for the mask or person as ways to get what we lost, buried and feel as lack (of love, power or peace of fulfilment), and corresponding associations of unworthiness for NOT meeting the conditions in which we are set to seek outside ourselves and which the world of relations cannot possibly more than momentarily fulfil. 

The sense of lack-driven neediness may run invisibly under shared social conditions that maintain a larger sense of social identity, but having no basis in truth BUT evasion of fear and guilt is a manipulative reaction IN fear and guilt that protects itself by social constructs of 'normalised' self illusion or invested identity defended as survival.

The mind of justification seeks and finds reinforcement for its masking defences by accusing its own denials or lovelessness in the 'other' as attempt to get rid of it and 'kill' it in the scapegoat of transference of consequence to someone or something ELSE. The ways in which this is engaged can be open attack through to sophisticated expressions of concern, but the effect is where people join in hate, and take perverse delight in giving pain, deprivation and denial, under the fantasy enactment of 'saving' themselves and their world from their own lovelessness and its consequence. Masked in virtue is hollow to a lack of truth - and runs as those 'who know not what they do' - else what they thought to have gotten rid of will reveal itself and damn them. Thus are they compelled to sacrifice the life and truth of others and self to the masking control of Notional Security set above all else and running without transparency or account. The mask that served to protect our life now becomes a living hell, because its runs as an irrevocable conviction in guilt and sin set under intolerable dread or terror that must seek escape in illusions by which to hide from that which hides or covers the native truth of our being. Special identities, relationships, groups, identities in common hold some sense of conditions in which to join in a bubble that shares an inside to which the hated and feared are walled out. 

But only love identifies anyone or anything truly. Conditional 'love' turns to hate as soon as conditional agreements are betrayed. Masking in love not only deceives, but devalues and displaces a capacity to recognise life with blind judgements that will always reveal more about the one set in judgement than the one being judged.

Seeking righteousness for our sense of denied or deprived self and life is seeking within the frame of displacement that is masking and obstructing our felt and direct appreciation for being. Our true right is in our being, in our existence, as our truth, and not on the set of conditions of what we have done, or not done, or had done to us or been deprived of and denied.

When the mask disintegrates from lack of support (it never was the truth of who we are), denied or hidden fear comes up as the demand to reinstate a LID and control no matter what cost. It operates as if our own thinking - but it doesn't know who we are because it is running on what we fear to be, or fear to exposed in as false or invalid.

This is where we need a miracle. And the willingness to call for truth is the unconditional release if only for an instant, of our attempt to make truth and defend it as our self.  The capacity to listen, and receive is the opening of a willingness to see more of what we are, than a mind set in fear as defence had allowed. Growing Perspective is by embrace and expansion, not by exclusion and limitation. The movement of reintegration in life is restorative to our being and not reinforcement for our thinking.
A lie NEVER becomes truth - but the function of illusion is of passing off as something it is not and thus replacing truth in the mind of the perceiver. Management or control of narratives and perceptions is collectivising the lie and the father of it. What is the 'father of the lie' but the wish to become what we are not? And the belief that we have succeeded!

The Emperor's New Clothes is relevant - but in much more depth than when used to point the finger at others. We all 'learn; to present a covering over our fear of self-lack, as we do to share in it with 'allies' or tear through it to uncover the sin, in the justification for 'othering'.

Withholding and withdrawing to a lockdown bubble mind set in defence and conformed in self-reinforcing lockstep or groupthink interprets criticism or lack of support as attack, and will react to cancel even the right to have any voice but as assigned to the invalid and the hated.

'Even as ye do unto the least... ye do unto Me'... and to yourself.

But those who know not what they do, know not who they are.
Cognitive dissonance runs a mind that cannot know its own displacement.
But we are the capacity to notice our our thoughts, feelings and reactions.
By the grace of being aware. And this is freedom to alight and align in that which truly identifies us in living - instead of in fear of pain of loss.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Free to do as we are told 

Well older people will suffer imprisonment - but the new generations - perhaps with a bit of genetic bio-support - will never have known any different - and the Internet will be remade without any fake articles or histories.

Our own times are our normal - and from a spiritual perspective - we collectively walk about in a state of normalised shock - fragmented offworld fantasy - and evasion of any true intimacy of being. We had a word for the process of separation and loss of love - The Fall - as if it had happened rather than still falling! But its principles are being re-enacted in BOLD as fear, panic, lockdown under lockstep, anti-social cliquing masked over and aggressively defended.

But Intimacy is the nature of our very being and to catch it you have to be early enough to notice the movement BEFORE the mind locks down into meanings that tell you what you are and what to do. 

Don't forget that freedom is the ability to align in a choice and live the consequences. No one has the power to deny us like we do on ourselves. My first wife used to tell me what to do ;-)

Sometimes deeply set relationships have to be questioned rather than persisted in - perhaps to open new life or to move on. Are we free to question?

I agree that it is not comfortable to experience the ongoing intent to remove our freedoms for state granted conditional release on good behaviour. Its a mind virus of manipulated collectivism that seeks to cancel life whenever it falls foul of the new parameters.

The first line of freedom is our thought. Thinking we are free is the sort of illusion by which to enlist willing slaves. Very few recognise this - and of those who do, many seek to use the insight as advantage over others - perhaps under an initially benevolent


There is a hierarchy of values.

Many presume healthcare to be at the top - though anyone with any knowledge of pharmaceutical fraud may wish that were so and endeavour to appeal to reason.

But socio-economic-political agenda are being held to, under any appearances of incompetence or 'panicked' decisions driven obviously by organised media hysteria and less obviously by huge financial incentives behind the scenes.

It is a politics that does not hesitate to pause covid alert for BLM (blame) demonstrations, and if as I suspect XR is to be remobilised to take the protest stage away from the possibility of public outrage, non consent or demand for representative and open political  - and scientific - dialogue - then XR will be protected (again).

The current situation is the persistence and drawing out of the fear and lockdowns (for nothing is actually allowed to restore to conditions of  living as we would otherwise revert to - excepting maybe on a beach or similar). While the current situation to date doesn't merit the insane reaction that has been assigned to virus fear - by the time the shock wears off enough to start to think - some kind of 'second wave' is promised and unlike most politicians promises - this may be made to happen. There is too much committed to this to back off and nowhere to back off to.

R Kennedy Jr's speech in Berlin is short, inspiring and to the point

I don't talk about 'covid deaths' because there are so many lies as to what brought on the deaths,that include over zealous resort to invasive treatments and derivation of effective treatment protocols - and then the actual disease process of those who may have died from it rather than with it may not be covid-19 so much as complications arising from cross reacting antibodies (as a result of recent flu vaccinations) - and a number of other plausible contenders for 

dysfunctional immune response - along with those who were so weakened by other morbid conditions as to be susceptible to losing their life to almost any new strain - including a cold.

Excess deaths to previous averages are likely to rise and rise - especially when the anaesthetic wears off and drip feed removed. Even if we could cast off the corruption we could not go back to what was. Regardless the suggestions and commands of the 'authorities' - I feel to participate in adaptation to life from a sense of shared humanity - rather than by masking in 'concern' while choking the global Economy and destroying the baby and the bathwater of European and Western cultural roots - that at least have some tradition of holding power to accountability. They don't like that sort of regulation, and so they have broken in to set for their own protections at cost of ours.

I don't WANT to believe any of this either! And I stay open to higher perspectives in any case - but the other way of seeing it than a conspiracy to global controls working through multiple fronts over generations is 'insanity'. I do not see the means for a seeding of new life in their 'world order' but a subjugation and denial of the human will - as if human will is the real virus to be flattened and eradicated or conformed to willing comply before being forced - as its new conditioned reflex.