Predictive control - In our DNA?
written in response to the themes in:
The article refers to the use/abuse of "DNA"
I think it a human coded model of interjection and control imposed to what is really the biofield interacting through 'living waters' or the nature of structured water.
So yes to the medium of translation for giving & receiving energetic information that ultimately forms the patterns of physics and biology.
But noticing the psychic 'hack and hijack' or a replicant-competent identity-complex running within and yet as if over and apart from All That Is.
Separated life as a concept believed, holds the Promethean or indeed the Prodigal journey of s mis-taken 'life' running of false inheritance - or gas-light - that is by definition set in defence against awareness of true Inherence, in which Life as Source-Nature is masked out and distanced as a contagion of undermining and undoing of defences for survival in terms of the face of control.
Note the nanotech operates the physical hacking of the biofield, that virus performs only as concept or model, and mRNA only as the lab produced anthropogenic 'mutation' of the marketing , mindshare of the securitised model.
The nature of interaction of consciousness - thought aligned in desire of emotional focus - on the biofield, water & 'cells', is also largely background and backstage to the engaging in the durface consciousness of the experience given by our current or active core beliefs & definitions - that effectively run as tacit agreements through which to share the experience of the world as a 'separate' domain for separate ones to explore, define and seek possession as control. As a sense of self made 'real' by it external associations of significance - that reflect both collective and personal meanings.
'Doing time' in the mortal coil as a specific take from eternity or the timeless, non-physical qualitative nature of our Source-Nature is necessarily set in a dramatic tension of tragi-comic contradictions. Yet the turnabout of the self-sense from false premises following false profits is the release of the identifiction in the masking defence of autonomy or self-control set in thinking.
Whatever 'thinking' is, we can notice by its fruits - what it does, The thinking that separates or rather segregates and partitions to mask over conflicts as control can seem to boost a sense of self-agrandisement from a release of awareness of pain or dissonance. But the 'hit' or 'fix' is transient and must be repeated, yet also diminishes with repetition as the hollowing out of inner connection or integration to an externally derived identity in dependence that extends to physical adaptation and psychic withering of faculties, as an extension or puppet to the 'control mindset' to which it has chosen to live through.
Yet thought can also connect us directly without any intermediary across place and time to - as as one with the quality of love - in any and all of the qualities of resonance of being self-aware.
So to put this into the reflecting genie of identity theft seeking control though wished or virtual experience, are we or an I the puppet (mere effect) of a 'Getting' mind-set of a sense of self-lack seeking external boosters? Or a unique appreciation of a Universal love through being not more and not less than myself - always becoming new?
Our human experience aligns in life when true qualitative function guides and informs our quantitative weighting of structural or systemic tools or thinking.
That “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! is a reflection to our securitised or protected narratives, by which lies are set in power of priority over truth.
In terms of pay as you go - this is the definition of sin. For within its logic, betrayal is set irrevocably in guilt by which 'love' must be distanced, masked, and re-presented as control. But logic can only extend a premise, it cannot truly create. You cannot but be of the Creative - regardless the guide you choose to extend and share in. But joining in fear or hate cannot know and be truly known when the very function of the alliance is to reinforce a sense of control over and against knowing that cannot be defined, or controlled or in truth denied, but in concept of conflicted identity set in deferred or delayed decision.
The nature of guilted & guilting conflicts protects fear by giving it to shadows & scapegoats as necessity for self-survival in concept as truth. If we want responsibility externalised, how shall we release what no longer serves us from our field of manifestation? Blame is not responsibility. But what is yours belongs with you, I will no longer carry it for you - nor put on you what is mine to integrate and accept.
Haaretz had a scientist claiming DNA was easy to forge.
The 'discovery' of a code for predictive control might generate a demand for the most rigorous oversight & accountability. Nothing could be further from the truth!
The 'DNA' (metaphorically speaking) of science as mutating, is predictive control or invested technologism masked in scientism. I would rather see it as underlying archetype running in a mask of complex mathematical instruments of obfuscation by which to dump out toxic conflict to a shrinking mind & world as the 'will to power' that runs corrupted over fear of pain of loss.