Friday, 26 November 2021

Let Them Drink Toxic Industrial Waste!


When an 'official' dictate determines the definitions given legal and social currency, it is wise to seek out those who witness outside the box that otherwise we are contracted to and deceived by.
Is one source of views that can serve a freedom to learn and grow in self and shared responsibility.

I'm rereading Szasz's The Theology of Medicine with a much keener sense of its relevance.
Thomas Szasz 2 Volumes Set_ The Manufacture of Madness & the Theology of Medicine.

Argument or debate WITHIN metaphysical, moral or theological theories taken as fact is pointless or a way to persist in missing the point, UNLESS its logical contradictions open a questioning of such presumptions or judgements to an expanded perspective.

I'll quote a salient reflection by Szasz:
"I know, or believe, that life is inherently tragic. In the Greek and Christian sense and tradition, tragedy is our fate. That is a given.
But there is another kind of tragedy, the kind that we, as patients and physicians, as lawmakers and laymen, fabricate by evading the tragic choices thrust upon us by life. The belief that we can have a medico-ethical and medico-legal system that combines the virtues, but not the wickedness, of justifying medical interventions by illness, treatment, and consent is, I submit, such a tragedy. It is, in other words, not a tragic fate we must bear, but a tragic folly we must avoid."

Our freedom to grow and learn and become is through choice. Where disease definitions, claimed efficacy or socially enforced 'consent' are raised as gods to which all must sacrifice, then lies usurp truth under guise of progress, virtue and social duty.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Domination v True Dominion - Emotional Physics



The idea of domination is the usurp of the idea of a dominion or natural domain.

Terrain or field theory is closer to an alignment with a relational expression or world, than any object model - set in materialism or material causation as its predicate of 'mind dominated or controlled by external conditions'.

I haven't listened in yet, but I shall.

I recognise a plasma physic, electric universe idea as a psycho-physical expression.

The charged polarities of reactive interactions are highly complex patterns that cast and catch a core archetypal drama.

The intent or even the idea OF control is a usurping or masking substitution for love - but not as love is masked in by the attempt to manufacture virtue that is innate to the qualities of being. There is a 'blind' Law of giving and receiving that can be pointed to by sow and reap or giving and receiving, judge not lest ye be judged, or Garbage in; garbage out.

But a lawless mind is set in a mask as its self and protector, until recognising and releasing the error.

A masking illusion has all the power or life we give it, while we give it. But none of its own.

So an alien will of a machine-like blind or loveless control set in overwhelming dominance, rises from within and beneath our 'world' to destroy us.

This is the thing about denial - we do not recognise that it remains active regardless of being cast or set 'out of mind' - but once invested, we are conditioned by masking rules and filters to buy time for a sense of conflicted lack and disconnection to seek to boost or ally itself with more 'control'.

Integrative wholeness can be sidelined and discarded while holding a focus in keeping a conflict for fear of pain of loss set in both options. This then is really about who and what you accept yourself to be. A Man cannot serve two masters, for each negates or cancels the other.

There is a true belonging in being, that is witnessed by peace at heart when aligning truly. But false thinking sets this as an option to be attended when more pressing matters have been resolved... so as to be pressed into structure that protects from and denies, direct relational appreciation now. Giving and receiving as one. This cannot be contractually or conceptually defined. That would be a re-presentation in image and concept given binding by agreement.

For the most part we know not what we do, but even a glimpse of such intuitive honesty allows a basis for the release of a masking that dominates by default - as an ancient choice set in separation trauma, that then reiterates itself as a schism or split of wholeness to conflicting levels of body, mind and spirit that become fragmented and reversed as reactive struggle of a sense of separateness driven to GET.