Aspirin overdose is a major contender for the actual means of death in 1917-8 'flu' (as both a marketing to and a demand of fear given to panic). But I take your point.
The demand for 'protections' can and does rush in where angels fear to tread.
A vacuum sucks in whatever is around.
People mouth 'divide and rule' as if they understand the trick. But wholeness is the quality of not buying into the trick.
The mind-reversal is an amazing trick - based on 'attack' to split the mind.
The split mind then operates the maintaining of the split as salvation, survival and a basis from which to prevail as a 'thing-in-itself'.
'Well Ghengis Khan he could not keep - all of his kings supplied with sleep...' (B Dylan).
But there is a sense in which terror and horror guards the mind of control - set over fear of change as death. Looking for and possessing the 'life out there' as if we have recognised Life where we truly are (and discarded it in search of funded and weaponised fantasy).
To leave a hollow and desecrated wasteland masked over with circus
Awareness of truth is self-honesty brought present.
Identifying as being in possession or control of truth is masking in virtue of right or power.
Follow the fear-framed narratives and see how wealth is redistributed.
Money is being replaced with globally and locally regulated state or 'social' credit - to carbon guilt units operating as vectors of infection, as dumb terminals under an Internment of Things. For whatever that is worth!
The stress testing of systems is also the insertion of stressors to read and gauge the response as well as to set up appearances of processes of political social intelligence that are used to keep the investment in a framed narrative. The humiliating of groomed and selected buffoons and muppets works the emotional investment in the circus.
I see the hollow men (and women) locked out of their own lives.
If they are 'winning' I don't want what it is they have 'won'.
Its all very well to play out fantasies of retribution but is that a way of 'adjusting' our reality experience to make our lives more bearable?
I haven't seen the item you mention yet but the underlying truth I listen for and attend is that of a profound sense of self betrayal that must rise no matter who anyone is or was, and no matter how it is repackaged and 'sold' as narratives of deceit that are operating both as personal AND collective 'reality-adjustment' that uses the lives of others and the resources for life support to prop up a bill of conceits.
The undermining of the spirit by guilting has been very strongly directed on the German psyche for both wars but specifically as The evil of the last war. This may have induced actively supported models of social democracy that give freedom and power to the state as long as the bureaucracy is seen as plausibly fair, but NOT if taking on the persona of a totalitarian overriding of human freedoms and basic rights. However it is not a democracy so much as using the 'idea of serving the people' via technocratic regulatory systems that operate through all vectors of social influence.
The UK has been groomed and engineered to a more recent and current guilting for its existence. Guilting narratives operate the mask of virtue and demand compliance.
Does privileged mean corporated captured - as in 'bubble' reality that finds support from the status quo and so doesn't really question its own reality?
I noticed Fauci facing hard cross examining by a congressman yesterday. He was generally unrattled and more than once used something similar to the phrase 'its not my job to opine'.
(reminded me a bit of questioning the Fed back after the sub-prime crash).
Opinions are his job to manipulate according to the action directive.
The elite are actors - but while crisis actors and fools are emplyed - I mean actions. This is partly because they have the means to orchestrate and effect initiatives as insiders, upstream to the realm of a mind in reaction.
A mind in reaction is a conditioned response that operates from a largely masked off sense of personal and social identity.
As Dubya fumbled his 'fool me twice' quote - he was giving a clue to anyone with eyes to see. Regardless whether that was acting on cue or a revealing through synchronicity.
Waking from a masking identity in reaction asserted as virtue set against vice, is NOT where the drama call or drives and directs attention.
Privilege like power is corrupted to a status of personal specialness rather than individual uniqueness of the whole in its true context. However the idea can be masked in to undermine the true nature of Individuality. But then that is not indivisibly you - but an image taking in vanity.
While fear drives a loveless agenda, even rage can operate a cold and calculated vengeance. The banning of something is also a known way to get a record into the charts.
I join with the witness to truth despite persecution and not as a means of self-glorification.
This can become lost in claiming righteousness from evil.
But we learn by mistakes - yes?
Cellular functioning is not 'the disease'. The scam is the narrative ploy - not the experience of physical disease that has multiple factors - that may include many non viral contribution - though fear is contagious as a narrative hysteria.
There are other interventions for this particular hypoxia condition that are also effective.
Along with conditions that are not susceptible. The weaponisation of biology (which is fundamentally symbiotic in functional nature) operates as psyop over toxic consequence. Or cover story set as foundation from which to grow a new 'order'.
When consequence is feared as 'chaos', order is invoked to 'lord over it'.
But true order rises within chaos and is not a masking reality but a living expression of form and function.
The 'frontline doctors' is not about protecting disease narrative but revealing it is a false pretext for totalitarian subjection of the human spirit. You are not wrong about weforum, but your belief in being 'simply' right is a choice you are making that filters what you will see.
Why would your own mind not be controlled opposition?
(or mine).
The mind is many things and many things can conflict and mask as something else.
(read distraction).
I don't say this to undermine your power of choice and your right to accept it as true for you. But the mind is the capacity to sleep in what it thinks to know.