Saturday, 8 August 2020

Unmasking to a deeper self honesty 

The measures are surely expected to generate a 'pushback'.

The World Economic Forum and other UN fronting organisations indicates well laid plans over generations that pre-emptively set up and manipulate narrative identities - set against a fear or a hate. These are triggered to operate a basis for regulatory capture. In this sense struggle can feed the tightness of the net that we say we are sick of.

Identity set in blame works evasion of identifying in true responsibility.

The gesture of blaming has a self-protective element of mitigating fear, pain and loss. It serves as a 'reality adjustment' mask, of personal and social identity. It seeks and finds something or someone else to judge against, deny or attack, and so makes that definition a support for a chosen or reactive 'identity'.

That the mask runs as if autonomous - and in our own name is 'conditioned, acquired and learned habit'. 

Identification is at root, recognition, relation and communication within being.

'It takes one to know one' holds true at some level.

If this can cast the accuser in the mind they cast or project onto others, it can also reach from beneath the mask as the extension of a recognition of another's being.

While the current situation is defined in social identity struggle of grievance claiming righteous justification to blame and hate, no one will see any basis to question it. But blame and hate is something I can notice and recognise in my own feeling and thought, as a symptom of operating from thoughts that generate feelings that run automatically. This is my own freedom to accept as I am ready and willing to accept and not another's to impose - nor mine to impose upon another.

The idea that everything is a social construct is toxic. But we do perceive everything through the filtering of our minds and can become so attached and invested in our model, as to actively deny empirical and relational reality in 'power struggle' to manipulate the mind as if to generate the reality! By leveraging of emotional manipulations that run as the sense of 'survival' at any cost.

Withdrawing support for the mask or persona as it denies a true relation and communication can still remain open to moments of shared willingness or transparency. But a mind set in grievance will mask out or mask over communication as a means to only see or own that which serves the purpose of grievance, and distort awareness of life rather than bring the conflict to a true and full awareness.

The 'answers' that are not simply repackaging the problem, to buy 'time', rise from a presence of mind that is transparent to all that is here. This seems the hardest thing - to unmask our problem-driven defence of a mind and let our being move us of a wholeness that is also formless - and yet we are moved to action, and to notice the actions as connected, relational and restored sense of self and life - as this moment in flow.

We can be so plot driven as to rush through the book as if its ending is the answer.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Imposition of systemic controls to 'make us safe'

Thanks for 'coming out' more and more clearly in witness for the human spirit against a backdrop of the active and systemic intent to undermine life in favour of systemic controls to 'make us safe'.

I started responding to what came up on reading the 'news' you share - but chose to put it on a link - rather than fill your page!

- - -

The core pattern here is the active willingness of those in positions of trust and authority to use 'untruth' as leverage for agenda ostensibly to force outcomes deemed necessary or desirable such as to justify overriding truth for 'a good cause'.

Exactly what the 'good cause' is becomes unfathomable as the masking of such causes in a leveraging of untruth can and does become anything that can be used to protect the 'good cause' from  transparency and accountability.

And so 'making us safe' is effected against our will and as a systemic undermining and denial of our living will under the pretence of 'consent' and 'trust' that has no basis in relational experience but simply uses terms that once held Meaning as the means to deny it.

Individuality is a unique expression of a Relational Field of which it is integral. But the mind-set of the breakdown of such a felt context to a private thinking bubble, seeks armouring and weaponising or strategic masking against perceived threat in the 'other' and the wholeness of which both or all expressions are truly belonging.

The lockdown and masking of Mind to the image and forms of a world of 'meanings' whose primary function is to reinforce the separateness and distancing of a bubble mind set as private agenda of possession and control.

But in experience, as a survivor of trauma that must be walled out, masked over and denied reliving.

The way the ego, as mind-set of defence, set in fear and separation, subverts and uses insights - that in their moment are valid - works to repurpose all attempt at communication into reinforced armouring and defence against communication, relationship or trust. Because to any captured mind, trust is given to fear for protection, and fear gives its 'meanings' to the forms of anything and everything that it perceives, is offered it or comes to its attention.

This is a communication breakdown.

Offering advice or ‘help’ where there is no shared willingness is our own liability to leverage our outcome in our terms without first checking in. Checking into the relational field is not complex or difficult - because our true being is the most natural response we have - but under adaptation to a world of ‘communication breakdown’ and masking strategies of social and personal survival, or invested indentity can take the place of our natural wellbeing, and demand the overriding of our innate communication or life support and its sacrifice - to a driven need for control set against fears that cannot be allowed into awareness.

I hold truth to be relational resonance, recognition and extension rather than a fixed constellation to be protected against change - or an Ideal to be restored over a world of change seen unfit and unworthy of its perfection, and yet I recognise the mind of judgement in myself as a mis-taken identity that generates and is the idea of conflicted being set over a true but masked over relational communication.

To gain a world but lose the felt awareness of our living Context, from false profits set upon false premises. The idea of releasing and reconciling debts is of allowing a renewal of capacity to express and embody as life lived. But the idea of a ‘global reset’ seeks to repackage toxic debt into a systemic control in which individual, family and cultural unfoldment of Meaning is denied the right to be truly moved. However, the process that is underway is not really ‘control’ of life so much as the worship and sacrifice of life to the idea of control. Once invested in the belief we have it, any releasing is seen as a feared chaos to be walled out. We wall ourselves into the conflict our masking thinks to escape and rule over, systemically neutralize or cancel out. I don't believe the choice for hell is final - but it runs under the conviction of finality, irrevocability and unforgivable grievance.

Hanging from the Lanyards

On the use of a lanyard and card claiming mask exemption on the basis of hidden disability.

If you want a card - just use or make one that claims exemption -  after reading the regulations and recognising that you are indeed exempt. No need to apologise or justify.

The ways deceit induces consent to the undermining of your individuality are many - and can mask as concern.

The shame identity is both social and personally reinforced - even by aggressively protecting against hurt feelings from taking offence. You are first and foremost an Expression of Life - and if you can accept such terms - a Child of God - but what you and we together MAKE of ourselves, is in effect our 'child' or making as a result of judgements ABOUT us that become coverings that hide us from ourselves. It is unpleasant to meet judgements of denial and rejection from others - but it is our own judgement of ourself that kills. If we are still set on covering over and defending - then we have no awareness free in which to pause, question and LOOK at what we are making of ourselves - each other and world. It literally runs as a habit of conditioned responses in reaction to a constantly changing set of circumstance to which we are subjected and thus seeking to protect from and control.

But key to all of this is the Word we give or the core beliefs and definitions that are running as a default 'choice' we never have brought to a conscious re-evaluation.

Note that I seek not to be baited into polarised and polarising reaction - though of course I meet my feelings. But giving feeling ultimate authority is to be unmindful of the beliefs that create them as experience. Hate is a feeling that we want to get rid of - and can be quick to dump on anyone or anything in range. But what goes around, comes around, no matter how ingeniously toxic debts can be masked or presented as valuable assets or complex financial or motivational instruments.

The belief we have to cover over who we are is a sense of self-lack given protection.

"And who told you you were naked?" said the Lord?

the question is given us as the capacity to discern a mistaken identity and release it - but to a freedom in which we can recognise and accept - one step at a time. The intent to destroy a judged identity so as to make new - CANNOT create anything. It can only mask in the virtue of the Living in hollow parody of life - masking over and defended against the inevitable disclosure in truth - for all illusions are temporary.

We may experience this as humiliating to our invested identity, as loss of face, but in release to willingness for life, an un-self-conscious humility rises in recognition of an undoing of who we THOUGHT we were. No one can release that of which they are unaware and actively disowning. Becoming aware of the 'negative' or denied and dissonant with ourself is not a conviction of guilt of disease diagnosis - but even here the nature of fear can be overwhelming and the need to hold in check, necessary as a stepping stone towards a more integrated and aligned sense of self and life. We cannot 'get' this for ourselves alone - or for a lockstep of separated 'selves' set in reinforcement - but we seem to join in hate or fear or covered shame - and that is where the power of sharing is given to maintaining isolation. Its a human thing.

key for me is self-honesty, and love for humanity

I used conservative in the sense of a conservation of energy within a closed system of established order. So in that case I was feeling into the urge to protect against change in fear of loss or reliving fear of pain of loss.

So yes of course it includes those who have most to lose from invested identity - but also those with so little they fear any change will bring total loss.

As for using 'right' or alt-right' as a pejorative is that not part of shutting down the residual of the forces or consciousness that could in some way oppose or hinder the global coup?

I wasn't aware of youtube or twitter being called condervative - rather of being allied with a captured left wing 'progressive' deconstruction of society, identity and individuality.

Whatever we think we are, we are revealed by where our identity and allegiances align. The covid issue has revealed many apparent champions of freedom to be at least presently in full support of the imposition of medical martial laws and loss of rights and freedoms.

Yet those who align in freedom from whatever walk of life are not an 'identity' or movement that can be categorised or followed.

A key for me is self-honesty, and love for humanity.

Corruption is often thought as being bought, or taking bribes and so on and of course includes this. But a deeper corruption that is more insidious is that of our thought, language and comprehension.

Perhaps one of the more disturbing aspects of these times is mind-control. The term sounds unreal but its evidences are all around and within our own assumptions. Where corporates once used 'market share' they now use 'mindshare'. Setting and framing narratives is given priority over any human communication of relationship. This renders its operatives inhuman and conditions the public to be managed dependents unable to think for themselves - or better - to truly feel their relational connection with life in themselves and each other.

Self-honesty or transparency to the presence of awareness is not a weapon, but is a quality in which corrupted thought or deceits and self-illusion are revealed as nothing else and in this sense undone as a basis to persist from unmindfully.Insofar as 'mind-control' is operating - it does so through denied or concealed fears. How doe we conceal our fears? Under narrative identity. There is a correspondence that is a susceptibility or back door.

Power or rather control in the world is consolidating in the idea of the globalist plan - which has been insidiously woven into regulatory structures that have 'mission crept' to reveal an effective coup.

The whole thing speaks to me of control over fear - and indeed of fear AS control. There is no love in it. I do not say that flippantly or in some romantic or sentimental sense. It can be argued that under the most extreme conditions basic survival at all costs serves love. If the measures being orchestrated are somehow to claim justification it would have to be for a global threat of which only insiders are aware.

The principle then being the effective organising of society for obedience under orders under scenarios that are too fear inducing to disclose. This stretches the imagination - but in my view fear is driving the agenda.

Regardless of speculations on the unknown, there is a process of bringing forth an awakening love by the very attempt to deny it in life.

The mind is not the arbiter of reality, and reality is not limited to our models that have become means of possession and control rather than of true significance.

The intent to control sows the reaping of subjection. Our sense of what is really going on will be filtered through our minds - and our narrative beliefs.

'Denial; Anger; Bargaining; Depression ; Acceptance.'

But Acceptance in truth is not pain of limitation and loss.

The idea of life within death is a closed system of depletion and loss.

Our model of life and existence is likewise a lockdown to limitation and distanced or bounded identity. But this is a bubble 'reality' within a greater life. If we no longer choose illusions of safety under masking controls that work by deceit (or narrative instruments for redistributing and managing conflicts) - then we are at Childhood's End.

The awakening of the capacity to challenge and exceed the boundaries of the nursery, initiate a learning experience of growing responsibility.

Everything takes on a different perspective because we are no longer living for ourself or for our ideas of others or ideas of world of life.

I write of what cant be said to indicate our thought is limited and limiting and is not our only means of apprehension.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

HCQ and the Masking Mind 

I have no reason to doubt their story - and understand the HCQ protocol as an intervention that supports cellular health in a specific aspect of the disease process of hypoxia - whatever the actual causes are. It may also replace more dangerous treatments that contribute to adverse outcomes - such as ventilators - but its significance is as a preventative for what is being called the 'second phase' that can become critical in some people for whatever reasons of which there are a few contributing factors.

Note vit D levels are also inversely related to negative outcomes and in critical cases IV high dose Vit C or other antioxidents can have very beneficial effects

Accusations of lying are smear campaigns in my view. If so - demonstrate substance to the claim - not smear. A cover story is a masking narrative. The phrase masking mind points to an underlying strategy rather than a specific example.

HCQ saving lives is great for those doctors and patients and their families - but the issue here is about there being no justification for the measures imposed or the vaccine being shoehorned - or perhaps more critically the permanent biosecurity state of humans as managed infection vectors allowed limited 'privilege' according to medical and carbon compliance.

Truth frees you from a masking or narrative identity.

You might ask how do people free themselves from deceit, self-illusion or false thinking? Well for a start there has to be some recognition of being deceived, conflicted and in need of a deeper self honesty or transparency. Otherwise the masking mind' is running unwatched and unnoticed as acquired and inherited habit.

Willingness to see, to listen to be with, are not something you did or achieved and are now free to sleepwalk on a new insight. Responsibility for your life is integral to accepting that you are - as distinct from thinking that you already know who or what you are.

When a child demonstrates a level of responsibility - new areas of life open for the development of that consciousness. This unfolding or growth would continue through life as a natural course if not blocked.

Fear and conflict can block awareness in patterns of conflicted identity that are then masked over as social norms. I have said nothing new. But masking over fear locks it in while 'casting it out' (in the dramatic sense of a projection of the mind).

The stirring of questions that perhaps cannot immediately articulate is  being moved from within the moment at hand - rather than within a thought construct or by reactions to perceptions that are filtered interpretations rather than a present appreciation.

A  mind can ask endless questions that effectively make statements in the form of a question. It is not only the MSM that operates mind control - we already operate a like pattern - and so the world we see can teach us to notice a mind that before was invisibly structured as the beliefs we look out from and interpret through. If joy is in the fruits there is no call to get in our own way - but if our fruits are dissonance or disturbance we have a basis to question the whole experience. What what called sowing and reaping is now also called garbage in garbage out.

I took your asking at face value. In my own way I write to call to notice what is very easily discarded in any dramatic dilemma. Truth is called the first 'casualty of war' - while war is engaged as if a way to determine truth.

But truth simply is. Our mind can mask over awareness of true relation instead of extending relationship, presence, communication.

As masks are somewhat 'in our face' one way of another I feel even more inclined to bring masking to attention - by invitation.

Fig-leaves over a sense of self-lack or self-shame that, fearing rejection, or retribution effect its experience. Fear can operate as believed fact when it is not true - so as to generate its experience by reaction and live from it as a certainty. Collective hysteria operates a collective reality bubble. But a reality perceived through a glass darkly. We can blame it on 'Them' - but what does that serve except to reinforce a blame culture in our own minds and others?

Is revenge sweet? 

Is revenge sweet?

All that glitters is not gold.

the victory that is snatched from the mind even as it seems to achieve it is a gnawing hunger that can never be assuaged.

Revenge is the mind control monster that you meet as the mind seeking control.

Binary choices replace fluid freedom as the conditioned experience of a self split between being and no being - both representing or resulting from fear as control.

While experience can be limited we do not create being, but instead a split-off sense of self specialness masking in image against an Other - that is associated as food, threat or asset, fear of not being covets truth in image and form that covers or veils All That Is in private judgement and is enraged at its sense of rejection denial and betrayal in life - flagged to Other - be it g-d or devil.

To question ‘Is’, from a position that is not - but taken ‘as if’, sets a mind-model through which to fragment into answers that reinforce the questioner as ‘real’. Power struggle of narrative identity fragments works to keep power hidden under guise of private control. Divide and rule out power of aligning in true - for grievance sets a mind in vengeance seeking private vindication in death and denial of its shadowed Other. When thinking in the mind of masking secret is given priority over truth, the power of truth is perceived as demonic, contagious, terror threat from which lock down and distancing denial 'saves' it, to be the thing it hates unknowing under mind control monster fears, given worth-ship as the corruption of power set in death over life, as defiance in revenge taken as a separating life in recoil of fear of Infinity.

Hate is a derivative currency - that is never truly Current - but stamps a past made in anger on the face of presence unrecognised. Death sets the frame of a world of mortal conditioning to which the Son of God comes to die.

Is it sweet?

or is all true sweetness the moment of transparency to a quality of unconflicted being that is lost the very instant a mind rises to grasp, to possess, to weaponise for 'itself'.

Self is what we give to have.

But image is what we think to have stolen or salvaged from the panic and wreckage of loss.

To hatred of life, death is the final reward and it is this that all things are working, under mask of 'saving' or serving life.

Without any complex analysis, vengeance raised on worshipped guilt can be seen as a the false god of a world made for possession, weaponised and used to raise war and conflict over fear of dispossession and loss of face.

As long as truth is feared or hated. judgement is raised to usurp and replace it - and defended against the messengers of truth that are of course the nature of being AS Communication Itself.

The weaponising of communication is a derivative currency in which the mind objects to its own subjection as if at the hand of an Other.

All thought given acceptance will express consequence. The determination to see in terms of self-vindication; distorts, filters and blocks seeing. At some point the capacity to maintain such a 'mind' disintegrates. Perhaps kicking and screaming all the way. Perhaps to a stirring of a deep and native curiosity that calls the premises of its reality-experience into question and to an open present awareness.

True resonance in the heart speaks of being - without a second.

The witnesses we seek are put there by the seeking, in that we will find in the terms of what we are set in looking for.

Truth has a Voice in the world to the willingness to hear it.

But if you cannot marketise or weaponise it for your private gratification - do you want what it gives?

Catching a Narrative Deceit

A local shopkeeper caught fear of killing his aged mother as a result of catching covid from customers. His anxiety became overwhelming and resulted in heart failure and stents - followed by further cardiac events which he has so far survived.

He caught it from the Media and Peer reinforcement.

The chemistry of the body under great strain of anxiety may be mapped out - but if the covid exercise had been delayed until next year this year would have passed off as normal.

It can be argued he was susceptible in dependency on a lockstepped media for his sense of safety and wellbeing.

The disturbing element of the covid narrative unleashed and lock-stepped via previously drilled operational readiness, is  its most characteristic feature. I am not suggesting illness and death are not occurring by the way - so much as subsumed and utilised to a narrative that 'proves' itself by the measures taken in reaction - whereas the measures are long prepared as is evident when taking in the deep and multilayered plans operating under World Economic Forum.

My jury is still out on 'catching' disease. Once a narrative is accepted and built upon very few can even identify it as a belief - because it MUST be true - everyone knows.

The idea that a piece of RNA can do any of the things attributed it - is a signature of the theorist's mind. It is the theory that has caught on. But the idea of a field of communication at many levels including genetic code messaging makes sense to me. And so hijacking a natural clearing and rebalancing process under narratives of war - generates the funding and support.

The blanket term 'immune system' is used  to account for not succumbing to disease - and yet all the focus is given to the theorised and feared pathogen and almost none to the vital intelligence of resilience and functional integrity.

Likewise with theoretical mechanism by which to break into the market and take it over with products that no one wants (margarine and Big-Ag seed oil products' as a vector for food monopolies that have become global).

The ability to generate a narrative and then 'make it so' is the capacity to pre plan a new banking sector - as in the documentary 'Banking Nature' or a Biotech 4th Industrial Revolution - clear the land and grow genetic phoods for genetically modified human tools under laboratory controlled conditions - after setting the conditions for mass starvation under a choked and denied economy. It isn't as if human beings have not done similar in our recent past to others of their kind.

But as the scripted Boris cloned at the UN - after starting out with the package insert warnings; "We can trust Britain to lead the way in biotech".

The idea that we waste money on statins is talking as if there is only one side to a balance sheet - of a closed system called healthcare. But it is a transfer of wealth and health and dependency or power. Careless words cost lives. The NHS is a PPP - as is the (British Gov) excepting key public servants have sold us - the public - to the Corporate sector as partners in crime. 

Regardless the horror of such a recognition - this is 'coming out in the wash'. It is not corruption 'theory' but blatant fact. 

Why would your own mind not run as controlled opposition? (various comments) 

Aspirin overdose is a major contender for the actual means of death in 1917-8 'flu' (as both a marketing to and a demand of fear given to panic). But I take your point.

The demand for 'protections' can and does rush in where angels fear to tread.

A vacuum sucks in whatever is around.

People mouth 'divide and rule' as if they understand the trick. But wholeness is the quality of not buying into the trick. 

The mind-reversal is an amazing trick - based on 'attack' to split the mind.

The split mind then operates the maintaining of the split as salvation, survival and a basis from which to prevail as a 'thing-in-itself'.

'Well Ghengis Khan he could not keep - all of his kings supplied with sleep...' (B Dylan).

But there is a sense in which terror and horror guards the mind of control - set over fear of change as death. Looking for and possessing the 'life out there' as if we have recognised Life where we truly are (and discarded it in search of funded and weaponised fantasy).

To leave a hollow and desecrated wasteland masked over with circus


Awareness of truth is self-honesty brought present.

Identifying as being in possession or control of truth is masking in virtue of right or power.


Follow the fear-framed narratives and see how wealth is redistributed.

Money is being replaced with globally and locally regulated state or 'social' credit -  to carbon guilt units operating as vectors of infection, as dumb terminals under an Internment of Things. For whatever that is worth!


The stress testing of systems is also the insertion of stressors to read and gauge the response as well as to set up appearances of processes of political social intelligence that are used to keep the investment in a framed narrative. The humiliating of  groomed and selected buffoons and muppets works the emotional investment in the circus.

I see the hollow men (and women) locked out of their own lives.

If they are 'winning' I don't want what it is they have 'won'.

Its all very well to play out fantasies of retribution but is that a way of 'adjusting' our reality experience to make our lives more bearable?

I haven't seen the item you mention yet but the underlying truth I listen for and attend is that of a profound sense of self betrayal that must rise no matter who anyone is or was, and no matter how it is repackaged and 'sold' as narratives of deceit that are operating both as personal AND collective 'reality-adjustment' that uses the lives of others and the resources for life support to prop up a bill of conceits.


The undermining of the spirit by guilting has been very strongly directed on the German psyche for both wars but specifically as The evil of the last war. This may have induced actively supported models of social democracy that give freedom and power to the state as long as the bureaucracy is seen as plausibly fair, but NOT if taking on the persona of a totalitarian overriding of human freedoms and basic rights. However it is not a democracy so much as using the 'idea of serving the people' via technocratic regulatory systems that operate through all vectors of social influence.

The UK has been groomed and engineered to a more recent and current  guilting for its existence. Guilting narratives operate the mask of virtue and demand compliance.


Does privileged mean corporated captured - as in 'bubble' reality that finds support from the status quo and so doesn't really question its own reality?

I noticed Fauci facing hard cross examining by a congressman yesterday. He was generally unrattled and more than once used something similar to the phrase 'its not my job to opine'.

(reminded me a bit of questioning the Fed back after the sub-prime crash).

Opinions are his job to manipulate according to the action directive.

The elite are actors - but while crisis actors and fools are emplyed - I mean actions. This is partly because they have the means to orchestrate and effect initiatives as insiders, upstream to the realm of a mind in reaction.

A mind in reaction is a conditioned response that operates from a largely masked off sense of personal and social identity.

As Dubya fumbled his 'fool me twice' quote - he was giving a clue to anyone with eyes to see. Regardless whether that was acting on cue or a revealing through synchronicity.

Waking from a masking identity in reaction asserted as virtue set against vice, is NOT where the drama call or drives and directs attention.

Privilege like power is corrupted to a status of personal specialness rather than individual uniqueness of the whole in its true context. However the idea can be masked in to undermine the true nature of Individuality. But then that is not indivisibly you - but an image taking in vanity.


While fear drives a loveless agenda, even rage can operate a cold and calculated vengeance. The banning of something is also a known way to get a record into the charts.

I join with the witness to truth despite persecution and not as a means of self-glorification.

This can become lost in claiming righteousness from evil.

But we learn by mistakes - yes?


Cellular functioning is not 'the disease'. The scam is the narrative ploy - not the experience of physical disease that has multiple factors - that may include many non viral contribution - though fear is contagious as a narrative hysteria.

There are other interventions for this particular hypoxia condition that are also effective.

Along with conditions that are not susceptible. The weaponisation of biology (which is fundamentally symbiotic in functional nature) operates as psyop over toxic consequence. Or cover story set as foundation from which to grow a new 'order'.

When consequence is feared as 'chaos', order is invoked to 'lord over it'.

But true order rises within chaos and is not a masking reality but a living expression of form and function.

The 'frontline doctors' is not about protecting disease narrative but revealing it is a false pretext for totalitarian subjection of the human spirit. You are not wrong about weforum, but your belief in being 'simply' right is a choice you are making that filters what you will see.

Why would your own mind not be controlled opposition?

(or mine).

The mind is many things and many things can conflict and mask as something else.

(read distraction).

I don't say this to undermine your power of choice and your right to accept it as true for you. But the mind is the capacity to sleep in what it thinks to know.


The crowning achievement of this particular corona

in response to the themes in:
Indeed and well said.
The crowning achievement of this particular corona is in appropriating almost any and every cause of disease and death or potential infection that risks outbreaks of disease and death, to its novel and mutating threat - against which we are powerless and clearly need to lock ourselves into a global biosecurity state by which to make us safe. (Populations can become resistant to being put down). Its all a no brainer.

I have read of canine coronaviral antibodies in flu vaccines resulting in cross reaction with our own antibodies on meeting the conditions that tigger a 'coronaviral response' or 'infection' (which may be the immune response to toxic insult an not 'the disease').
I have also read of attempts at previous coronaviral vaccines where the 'success' of antibodies produced by vaccine cross reacted with the 'condition in the wild' - with very serious and or fatal results.

Invested narratives are very dangerous and can be contagious as a masking over truth by emotional reaction. While Panacea can evangelise itself as The Answer, the rush to escape, avoid or eradicate our fears can generate a psycho-pharma-drama that then reflects all our ungrounded fears and conflicts back to us. The capacity of a false belief to hijack a 'self' is self-evident - but invisible to its host.

Stepping back to observe the 'corona event' as a whole shows that it has a great deal of active support. How much of which is the unwillingness or extreme refusal to face our fears?

'Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story' could hold a deeper truth in terms of a compassionate embrace of our human foibles, but when a 'cover' story is set against a true disclosure and account, in demand for sacrifice of truth for the sake of a narrative deemed 'politically' necessary by the vested interests of the day, then a mad story has possessed the  mind of its own maker. As a mask that locks around its wearer and wont come off - come hell or high water! 

a cover story set over conflicting intention and desire. 

Thankyou for your sharing.

Thinking can represent reality as 'struggle-between' as a cover story set over conflicting intention and desire.

Mutually agreed definitions can reinforce the 'displacement map' of reality as a collective cover story or reality.

We experience through this mind-mapping and take it as reality itself. And the self it gives us - as life itself.

So not strange that we hang on to what we be-live to be our life. i don't hold truth to be IN the world, so much as everything in truth. The capacity to see through a mind made stranger to itself is the idea that some of its thoughts can be more true, closer to truth and therefore establish hierarchies of 'truth'. 

This relates to self-imaged ideal or indeed idol - in which you can judge the forms and appearances as being more or less matching a fantasy of perfection to which reality is brought and found lacking.

In opening a sense of resonance or oneness, the mind is transparent, for in lacking self-reference, (it) has no function but transparency or conductivity. As this is reflecting a loss of habitual or identity as self or of control, the mind interjects as the intent to possess and control a living truth that it can only block or be still to, and serve the knowing of.

This is readily observable. We get in our own way. The attempt to grasp and control life clings to a hollow form - perhaps to enact fantasy over the image and ritual repetitions of the forms. In this way we struggle to maintain an illusion of self, life, love and power against a seeming death or facing of fear, of pain, of loss - yet we never really had it - for life never entered into the image excepting to bless it in the resonance of a true recognition of having and being as one.

Yet in a self-separate masking lockdown of possession and control, mind-struggle induces the giving of allegiance to engage it as all that remains or survives of or within a lost wholeness - as a sacrifice of wholeness to a narrative dictate or identity-driven mind-trap - for regardless what we give to such a mind or world it does not see, know or embrace who we are.

'Hanging onto' the false is the sacrifice of awareness of true. What does it profit a man to gain a world but lose awareness of living Context? It operates false premises given power - as in Garbage in; garbage out.

The willingness to watch or notice and know our thought-in-act as an act of intentional valuing by the giving of attention, is not a judgement of true and false, as a mind referencing itself, but a transparency of minding, to being with what is - as it is.

That we can struggle to be still or struggle to get out of our own way - is a play on words over an active conflict running as identity of resistance or opposition. For whatever reasons we do not at that moment want what we say we want or are trying to tell ourself we should want - and so 'checking in' to uncover the truth, is simply allowing the underlying beliefs to reveal within open awareness - as distinct from the polarising split of one mind controlling another - or self-judgement rising from lack of love as resonant recognition.

To 'behold an see that it is good! - or indeed recognise your beloved as your delight - as your self, is an overflowing of resonance to the extension of love - or the shining of the qualities of being. Not a relative selection in a mind of things. 

Yet even in a world of shifting illusions we can still check in for resonance with who we are - instead of persisting in an outdated identity that makes us a stranger to ourself, each other and our world. In this sense, truth is 'to be' - but 'to be', is redundant. Anything moving or rising directly from being has the qualities' virtue and attributes of being. But anything masking in the forms of the qualities of being is at best a placeholder that points back to its original but has lost the living link and so operates a derivative and counterfeit to the full experience of the truth.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

When is sharing information, another raft of incitement to hysteria? 


When is sharing information, another raft of incitement to hysteria?

It is in the way of it - which is a sign of where we are coming from; love’s honesty or a call to war.

They are in training for the new normal as they have no sense of being able to survive if they dont?

Learning to 'see' the Emperor's new clothes is a survival strategy - either against exposure of invalidity and illegitimacy nowdays called denialism or some similar term that denies a voice and excludes, OR the simple fear of being hit and hurt by a power structure that can smear, cancel, lockdown, diagnose and penalise and lock you out of any social freedoms.

But I also feel that the experience of being terrorised is traumatic and without ability to fight or flight becomes a frozen state that is without any willingness to move consciousness except as does not bring back terror.

In a sense, petrified but with essential services running.

I appreciate that we all project our own thought to others and judge accordingly - but we simply do not walk or jog in another's trainers.

Fear shuts down everything but survival thinking - that may be heightened awareness but filtered through past conditioning, pain, trauma.

Love casts out fear - but I prefer to say there is no fear in perfect love and all attempts to mask in virtue do not extend the healing and wholing qualities of life, but run a hollow parody that shouts to be taken seriously.

To what degree are our 'leaders (sic) paranoid themselves (not about a virus!) but within insider narrative distortions and 'capture' under fear of being hit and hurt if they don't comply and rewarded if they do - but THEN how do you escape?

Yes it is grievous to see and can lead to powerlessness, hate and despair. So we have to live our choice in the recognition others are also in their own way - and honour and acknowledge the being of the power to choose instead of hating to see in them what we cant abide in ourselves. We cannot force the good on an other and the attempt to do just that is what underlies the blind arrogance that delivers unto evil.


The 'job' of the deceiver is to induce you to react from fear under the belief you are acting from truth.

The willingness to release fear is the willingness to see it or face it - and put it behind you - that is - don't feed it or propagate it.

Fear is inner conflict and masking fear is locking it in.

No one can change a choice they are unwilling to own.

When Jesus is translated to have said 'resist ye not evil' he meant something fundamental.

What we resist, persists.

But what we leave un used fades from non use.

Don't take the bait!

But whenever we realise we have - forgive ourselves immediately.

Masking over self-conflict is not wrong as part of a delay in which to learn and grow in trust and willingness.

But to persist as a way of denial and evasion of truth carries a dissonance of self-betrayal - that so quickly discharges to blaming others and giving power away.


@Carrie Allen Become part of the bot-net of vengeance that wreaks destruction as if self-vindicating righteousness.

For the 'mindset' that operates not unlike an inhuman of alien overlord, feeds on emotionally reactive energy by framing the mind to direct the charge in return for a masking identity against fear of being utterly exposed in lack of validity, substance, 'face' control, and life as has been learned and believed under death and terror.


The mind that you hold belief in can be your own or as God created you. Belief is not a magic object to save yourself.

He who would save his life shall lose it. Your life is in recognition of Christ in others and in all life - how?

Yield the mind that you thought to take for yourself to the truth of your being, and hold receptive to the truth that moves as a wholeness of being - including your perception of self and world.

Believe LIKE Jesus in the Father's Will given us in our Creation but covered over in the prodigal error of taking a false inheritance of a living father. The 'father's unified Will is recognised in release of our own judgement as the Holy Spirit of discernment that reveals truth to the willingness and welcome of receiving by sharing it. But we cannot share what we disown in ourselves and so we cannot extend a love our secret thoughts and judgements deny - as if what we have made of ourselves has priority of what God Created - or if you prefer our true Inherence in a Living Universe of which we can in no way separate - except in belief and perception and reaction and pain and masking that locks down, masks out and is compelled to lockstep under fear of pain and loss.