Saturday, 11 March 2023

Triggered or truly moved?

Triggered or truly moved?

in response to the themes in:

#1- to the article:
The identity politicking is when issues are set into truths to be weaponised in war for personal gain or against personal loss - albeit set in the symbol of idol of such a repurposed or proprietary 'truth'.
Identity conflict is the nature of human conflict and ruins 'dark' or beneath the social masking of seeking position or safety within such a conflicted world.

'Non violent communication' is in my view an unfortunate name for a practice of awakened responsibility for opening, uncovering or real relationship, but as per article, those who take good ideas without truly living their meaning will repurpose its 'methods' to an identity that then assumes some superior basis for framing what is in a version of what should be. Fail.
This is the nature of all spiritual or insightful thoughts brought into a conflict-world as a means to heal it. New wine into old paradigm. The ego of identity conflict is predicated to mask over and look what from what is feared and hated to seek what should be - in its own pattern of shifting  'reality adjustments'

The nature of Family Constellation therapy (also applies to systems) reveals the field of knowing that our adaptation, ego or strategy of living is shaped by as a love that is given to a conflicted family and society that we are then an expression of. A key realisation in the revealing of patterns of denial and exclusion passing down generations & cultures is the deep bond between victim and victimiser. An intent to exclude or deny others will always bring them into our field of manifestation as patterns of failed potentials or fulfilments in life and the passing of that to our children.
Learning to read 'the field' is the gift of the Spirit of a willingness to reintegrate - despite or because of no longer being willing to tolerate sacrifice to grievance, however deeply cherished.

The idea of trauma as underlying cause can set us as victims of a past made in anger, set irrevocably in guilt of pain of loss - however directed. But we are only subject to a present ignorance, that can reveal itself to a willingness to see - as distinct from persisting in what we think and perceive through such a lens darkly.

So the disposition to conflict is itself a defence against seeing, set in fear of what would be revealed. How much of our 'power struggle', or sense of struggle under threat is rooted in fear of disclosure to fear of pain, of loss? But set in proxy symbols of displacement so as not to directly feel and know our condition? This is a masking mind defence that blocks awareness of living presence in others to 'adjust' them in our own judgements that are usually more about ourselves than the other if we had pause of willingness to also look within while engaging any relational situation.

There is a shift from mask to presence that uncovers the always already true to the release of a conflicted insistence of demand that life be on my terms - if only in a realm of private imagination seeking support for being lived and known. Such is the drive of a sense of self-lack that reinforces its own fear in the attempt to boost or become. Such is the felt need to control a life that from within such a mind cannot be imagined to embrace and support, guide and delight in our being.

It will shock when we discover our saviour is our enemy no more (ACIM).
The recognition of love is given and received one.
What we think to use to manipulate or contract to terms and conditions that then break is a 'special love' - which is self-contradiction made normal to a deeper mutual agreement to look away from total or unconflicted love. masked, distanced and boosted by self-attack projected to other, to virus to gene or to false saviour peddling magic solutions for delay and diversion of an unreadiness of unwillingness to let love in - for is that not barbarians at the I also use black box science for insider elitism that sets definitions, parameters and modelling as if to have found or discovered from a position of assigned or asserted authority, such as to frame what can be said, seen ,funded, studied, and used as a framework of meaning ofr significance to life defined in such terms.

So the predictive mathematical modelling extended to computer processing is the usurp of science as Natural Philosophy to a proprietary technologism masking in a scientism that is operating a sealed unit - with no user access - as the determiner or enforced ruleset of what life can be or become and how it can move or relate.

Our error is in attacking a false premise as means to claim right. or to reverse that, ITS persistence depends on our attacking a false premise to protect the error against correction.

The understanding or our world is reflecting within. When Jesus said 'as ye do unto (not just the least) ye do unto Me' - that Me is the witness to true Self.
Our consciousness is split as if running from a black box with no user access (the mortal conditioning) to act out core beliefs and definitions running in dark mode.

What we give out sets the measure of what we get back for this is abundance in life. But if we want to F*ck or some equivalent 'hit' of possession or control by using a living relationship for gratifying a private mind set for getting, we are already invested in forgetting and wont recognise our feedback or learn from it, while the mind can compartmentalise or mask and hide anything to keep a bit on the side out of sight - excepting in social agreement to mutual 'getting' as a socially masking blind eye to the movement of the Soul.

Uncovering integrity is the capacity to stop the inner or outer gaslight of open or masked guilting, to be the unavailability to what has no belonging. If we think to stop 'Them' we will find we have a sympathetic resonance with 'Them' that operates like a back door for we will be triggered no matter how we double down in masking over as rationally or justifiably provoked.

This level of consideration runs beneath what we actually are moved to do. The release of an 'enemy projection' from another is not a blank cheque to treat us or others as a doormat!
Turning the cheek is to not meet in ego, but in equity of Spirit.

#2 - cant find the comment this related to:

Unrecognised feedback as messengers of love are killed or denied by the usurping substitution of invested & defended self-illusion claiming sovereignty under rules and filters of a mindset that seeks the wrong to claim the right. This is what we reverse - we look for what is right. This means to look past the lampshade to the light that is there because we did not create ourselves but are of our Creator - regardless anything we can think or make real to ourselves in each other.The contents of the mind are then secondary to that a mind thinks. That thinking is a choice and that choices have results that can be used to choose or think differently as a more fulfilling and less frustrating outcome.
The alternative to uncovering alignment is to play out roles of reinforcement to every changing never releasing patterns of victim and victimiser, one up-man-ship, blame and shame, 'justifying' hate as virtue that must then hate the love that reveals it hollow.
So choose to pause reaction, and to open to other ways to see the situation from a connected presence, and release temptation to set moral judgement over self or others in desire to see in the light of an integrity of being that is a gift of synchrony, not influence or impact.

#3 in response to the themes on despicable propaganda:

Rosemary B
oh yes.
I think we ALL know many many people.
I have learned, even harshly, that sometimes it is better for me to just step away
..... something like "arguing with idiots" or wrestling with pigs is another one.... on one level or another.

Yes - give it nothing.
The lie is a lie no less for being presented in less despicable forms.
Learning to not engage with or look for truth or meaning in lies is a healthy disregard.
'Many people' is often used to generalise as an expression of a relative exceptionalism. Inferring 'not me'. Without demonising speech, it is always fruitful to pause from stepping back from owning our current sense of self integrity
I don't really know 'many people'.
(I nearly wrote without wishing to demonise speech - but immediately noticed an apologetic deference to  stating an intent directly).

I didn't click on the link, I have looked on horror, I am free to look past it.
And grow freedom by living it without apology or justification.
It says "LOOK AT ME!!!" (A sort of 'Stop sign)
Guardians become guards, when we do not live who we are, the unfolding expression of.

At risk of rambling on - swearing on oath was an invocation of a delayed negative penalty or sacrifice to be meted to oneself and family if that word was broken. That was survival in times more starkly set in fear pain sickness and death.
Jesus admonished to take no oath - for this sets up a god of vengeance, instead of giving or yielding up vengeance to a Lord of love - that lords it not over any living one, & that's how we recognise truth. Absent of conflict or coercion.

#4 Reponding to

Tessa Lena

This is such an incredibly complex chemistry. Conspiracies exist without a doubt, but then making up one mind about the "realness" or at least probability of any given conspiracy is a separate issue from how we treat those who view the world differently, etc. etc.
I think I have worn out my computer keys by writing stories about conspiracies :) Here is one take, a conversation with Charles Eisenstein
I look to original roots beneath the gorgon heads!
Hiding or masking intent or purpose is a private mind set by defences that support a continuity or persistence of a wish to follow or experience and explore what its offers. (A thread of focus)

This is the same as taking self-imaged reality in place of Self and hiding or masking it from truth feared as adversary or unsupport or rejection of  a 'self' that is then 'naked'  to disclosure and self-dissociating from its own inherent Communication.
"and WHO told you you were naked?" - said the Lord - is not about sex-shame so much as miscreative fear set in its own 'thinking'.
But as Lord is Self or life - this question is eternally given us to undo the lie and the father of it - as we are willing to release a will that 'damns as we go' - that is - its penalty is exacted as the loss of sharing in a true appreciation now - by the attempt to become in our own right or judgement.
But the last judgement was in the first; "Who saw the light was verily Good" as in "This is my Beloved who is my delight" and extended  as the recognition of another as our Self. This is the 'rock' or cornerstone of a truly consecrated relationship to life - across all time and space. True worth-ship shared in true with-ness.
How do we give love to haters or rather those we see hateful? We dont. We give willingness that our perception be corrected to reflect something recognisably true or whole, rather than persist the conditions of reactive defence.

Invested self illusion must seek mutual reinforcements that clique and can then become a basis for insider elitism to align from rules, systems, and controls set in the wish to unconscious autonomy - that would know not what it does, so as to persist an experience of self-illusion, that truly conscious awareness undoes.

I have no right to deny another their self illusion or choice. An appreciation of this would save much wasted effort. But I have the freedom to recognise another in their choices as a gift of life or as a call to remember a gift forgotten or denied. What I give to others is also given to myself, so here is the way to access and release what is unconscious or denied awareness in myself BY projection to 'other'. There is no "I' that can 'Do' this, but I can choose not to do the learned habit to let life move though me, and remind me of an Intimacy that cannot be stored in symbolic representations or biological modelling.
Only - but always now.

#5 in response to the themes in:

probably not a lie
molecules, viruses, flat earth, aliens, bigfoot are independent of the models used to describe them
science, the useful spirit, doubts and checks
those checks yield evidence in support of or against a model
the model will always be an idea, a portrait
a portrait of a pipe is not a pipe
The Science is the new mask of the machine. A tired and used rag draped over unfeeling metal.
Discernment is difficult but essential.

Is a thought outside and independent of the mind that holds it?
Can living thought project a self out from love by loving images set in contradiction?
Such is a 'model' of a projective externalisations set over living thought which is living because it is one in all.
Symbols can be traced back to their resonance of origin as the preverbal activation of awareness to self-consciousness.
Mutating derivatives set a mind of shifting and conflicting 'meanings' that render meaningless by conflict they seem to mask over or escape.
Machine thinking must have been insanely difficult to learn, but became as if a second nature.
Now the difficult is to uncover a persistent and consistent willingness to unlearn - or be released of the purpose that made it.
I agree that our essence or core is a discernment within life and not a reaction to images that phish us into trigeroo!


in response to the themes in:


What if the global humanity injured by some calamity, disease or real pandemics has the unwanted purpose to lift us up to a higher leveI of consciousness? I do not value the human body as Saint Francis said brother donkey, my whole life I searched for the ideal homeostasis and to take care of it as long as it holds, but then....there are mystics, Seers, medium and realised people all deadly sick in their body saying that the body is not strong enough to hold, carry an awakening which comes unexpectedly on its own accord and many not wanting it! What if there’s no need for a new world order or a technocracy of which the “elite” disposing of a non affected body, even when that should be possible can never reach because they cling to their material body. If we’re really spiritual beings do we not have to get to that level we’re destined to, even in a condition that it is incurable? Do situations that are irreversible not bring up the best in us? Is only the perfection of health the conditio sine qua non for life as a human in a body? I’m a sociopath or even worse a psychopath but that’s my gut feeling in all this psychodrama of this C19 mind game. The human species can only evolve in shocks and yes triggers are needed not to say welcome.

To use 'what if' or modelling imagination to unstick the mindset and open resonance in fresh appreciation is wisdom when rooted in self-honesty of being.

The ability of the ego-defence or 'stuck mindset' to incrementally absorb and subvert any process of education to better defend its stuckness does call for or rather calls forth shocks of what may seem a violating or humiliating awareness by which to realign or reintegrate with what is, and release what reveals to have never really been as it seemed.

The tangibility and visibility of you as your body - gross through to subtle - is of a unique signature vibration. Like a covenant between you and your Creator. No one else can intrude, but you invite them or accept their invitation. Or put it this way - your life - all of it - is your gift to and of the whole that is beyond all concept. So give freedom to others to their themes or explorations, that serve them as yours you. That doesn't prevent me living such witness as I am moved to share to any moment of a resonance already moving.
I'm not so into human specimens, I see normalising self-hate in regarding ourselves as 'humans' rather than human being. And humans set as cancer or virus on the planet - cast as victim by which our guilt is stamped, coined and sold to slavery.
Human thinking can set predictive modelling (what if) in place of or masking as 'what is'.
Reality never responds to being 'attacked'.
"But don't let truth get in the way of a good story!"

The idea of evolution has application in a 3D linear sense of process or progress from an ignorance to an enlightenment, but creative shift is 'everything shifts'. We have no mind to objectify this - any more than our models really provide more than an illusion of predictive control overlaid on the movement of being.

St Francis loved donkeys too! 


Tessa Lena

I have my own theory about many of those things, maybe I will write about it one of these days. It sounds like we agree on many things. I am not sure from your comment if you think that the notion of viruses is critical to the justification of tyranny or not... on my end, I think that tyrants have found ways to push through propaganda and / or violence for centuries,and they don't depend on whether people believe in viruses or not, they depend on people being generally not free on the inside, for whatever reason. As far as sitting on the fence, I don't think many people on this Substack or any of the ones you listed are in that position :)

The underlying signature theme given representation in the pathogenic hacking hijacking disease contagion can be recognised as a mind-hack using trojan solutions. It can be traced to the tyrannies of thought that essentially marketise and weaponise life seeking control of narratives, currencies and necessities of common need.
The experiential Field of experience is never without our participation.
The word we give corrupts - but we may outsource to 'authority' of a presentation stamped by the past as being 'protected' and receive life through its control filters.
The demonising of life in any scapegoat - real or imagined is the basis to trigger or justify attack as 'righteous'. The modern way uses models that collectivise sacrifice as virtue according to the modelling of 'the science'.
The actual or real nature of resonant communications triggering all kinds of physical and mental response or disease is much richer than 'rogue code' that didn't exist so we had to invent it! (Transfecting mRNA) which Is but another mutation of the WISH to replicate live as an iDoll under Genetic Control. When that is revealed baseless - but not without a spanner in the works/wrench in the gears - we'll become aware if not already of the intent to hack the Biofield using nanoparticulate structures of bi-technical convergence. It is undeway - but is that 'true' just because billions are invested to tout PR to investors of all the wonderful applications?
Theramos is a rare example of losing face in the game.
Genetics is really inheritances assigned to proteins as 'controllers'. Living water folds and mediates structures of informing and energetic information. The Rockefeller 'science' is bent to reduce all to a binary of control under global monopoly. (yes control is running out of control!)
Elitist insiders of institutional or corporate management engage in risk management. But risk modelling soon became a means of predictive control working the mind of fear - set by falsified science into regulatory capture, and self sacrificing denial to a false sense of life, resilience, and adaptive growth - not just survival - but resolving and releasing of conflicted self manifesting toxic conflict (and cover stories)


Great distinctions Tessa. The language aspect is important - words are maps of the territory being discussed, not the territory itself. This itself is important to keep in mind.
It is further complicated by so many of our exchanges being written, and online, and thought out only in our own minds... whereas oral cultures created knowledge by way of negotiation - one person speakes and then the other feeds back their take, until common ground is found.
Further complicating matters still are the biases of particular languages, in particular English, which color our perceptions. This includes the syntax of sentences.
Your point is particularly well-taken that it is helpful to accept how much we don't really know, since so much of what is considered objective are models. Some would argue that objectivity itself is questionable, as it is all based on projections - I think this is one of the complexities humanity is dealing with in general right now.
What I find is that there are a precious few things I actually can know, and they are usually learned through suffering and compassion. When we get down to such root things, we can begin to rebuild a consensus reality. This is why TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION processes are so important, for they take into account the SUBJECTIVE experience of numerous parties, especially victims of violence or genocide. And from these perspectives, we can hone in on a common reality again. Indigneous perspectives are particularly important in so many ways including this one. As we strive to overcome the current push by bosses to colonize all of humanity and life, we can learn much from those who have been resisting this assault for 500+ years. Grateful to you <3

I agree as long as we don't sacrifice the Spirit of the movement of being to methodologies of applied insights.
Reintegration is a releasing of a revealed 'dis-integrity' energised by mutual patterns of reinforcement. No one comes home alone! Release and be released.
And yet the freedom to accept is a recognition of integrality not a requirement of moral guilting. I know there is no sense of this in what you say, apart from perhaps specially addressing victims - which is a primary vector for wielding power as morally proscribed correctness (gaslighting).
The more insightful the tools brought into our world the more insidious their misapplication.
True forgiveness of our sins in others releases both. This is not a double edged sword that turns against its user to trap them in their own making.

I spent the morning in the themes and comments.
I received a morning of shared qualities and resonance of being!
But one last note that conscious resonance could be seen as conscious activation.
While unconscious resonance 'triggers' a reactive pattern in like kind.
If we consent to let it run.