Friday, 23 April 2021

Pain is not a Second 'Coming' so much as an Unmasking of the Call to Love  


I put up YouTube videos from day one of this genocidal nonsense saying that every detail of the COVID “science” we are being presented is false. Like many others, after a few months I stopped. I saw that people had chosen sides and positions were fixed for everyone I knew personally. Sometimes friends pretended to agree with me but still took the jab.

In spite of agreeing with CJ Hopkins I still find aspects of cult attitudes baffling. Why would intelligent and self-interested people not bother to investigate the completely new (non-) vaccines, for instance?

We are trapped in bubbles preaching to people who already agree with us, cultists or heretics like ourselves.

Most of my friends have taken the vaccine. In the face of state propaganda my warnings made no difference.

It’s a strange phenomenon. I found the same when trying to make people understand that 9/11 was an establishment crime and if we don’t wake up to it the consequences will be dire.

Well … here we are … these people are still snuggling under the wings of government’s protective but, in truth, pitiless embrace.

Only trauma and deep suffering will change our situation, unfortunately.

Those few with ears to hear can hear. T’was ever so.

As Aeschylus said 2500 years ago, “No man can be made to know what he doesn’t want to know, save by pain.”

It’s coming.

All are called, but few choose to listen - A Course in Miracles

Trauma and deep suffering underlie our human situation, this is not 'coming' so much as the masking lid is coming off!

But our situation is not as we mask it in fear of exposure to pain of loss.

"And WHO told you you were naked?"

A direct attack on truth is baseless and meaningless, except to a mind that believes truth has become false treacherous, as a result of setting its own private creations above truly lived relational being. (Illusions battle only with themselves).

Such that what our mind holds as intent is projected onto God and to the Living, as our own reaping and sowing. (GIGO). But a mind that knows not what it does, assigns its own fearful and hateful intent 'outside and away' from a self-dissociation.
IE: "See what YOU made me (do!)"

A split or masked mind does not know it is split for it experiences this as its world, and its world as the justification for its distancing, or dissociation from relational currency, under locked down narratives invoked for the continuity of the split itself as its 'salvation'. 

Tolerance for pain sets a merciful limit on self-illusion, such as to eventually come to a willingness to question its premise as Reality. But under invested self illusion pain can seem to BE 'truth' set in terror and destruction. The belief God or Life is pain, loss and death is 'deep trauma', given 'reality' by defences set against it, that are 'normalised' as conditions, and unrecognised as conditioning under god of terror. This mind runs a mechanical reactive program of behavioural response to external programming that distorts and masks under manipulative self-evasions, denials and diversionary projections. It is a choice to delay acceptance of truth within freedom to create or think, but not to be free of the consequence of our choice excepting that we cannot make true, only share what is always already true. We do not create our self - excepting in concept of an imaged or virtual reality. 

Pain of dissonance of self and life and is always rooted in the heart of love lost, denied, rejected, abandoned, betrayed. That the mind cannot tolerate such conflict is either its Call to healing within a greater love than its image took in vain, or to double down in lockdown of image and form to save 'the little that ye hath' - within a mindset of denial, that denies its own denial. 

Pain is thus externalised or outsourced to the body, to the world, and to relationships and conditions, such as to be masked in complex divestments. Toxic debts never really leave their rightful owners, but may be compartmentalised and walled off or pushed out by denial that must then dispossess the true mind of the one who thinks to GET for a special self from the denial of others. 

Separation trauma splits from Mind by means of reacting to fear as fact and investing the identity it gives, such as to lose Communication to illusions premised as escape, in invocation of power to overcome or deny the hated and feared. In truth, Communication never actually stops or suffers to be broken, corrupted or lost - excepting the 'mind' of the unwillingness to receive, and give in like kind.

This weaponisation of the mind, needs the body to act out on and with. But the body is the tangibility and visibility of You, at all 'levels' of knowing, feeling and sensing. And the whole mind is an instrument or function of Communication as Extension, which is giving and receiving as one.

Yet we humanly perceive the minds of 'many', set in conflicting and competing identities, because we 'see' through a fundamental split of heart and mind, mind and body, body and world, world and life. Everything is broken - but as if All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, can take unrelated fragments and remodel the whole by reverse engineering - to reapply on Life as a means to force a false 'order' over misperceived 'conflict'.

The idea of Revelation or Apocalypse is inherently the Disclosure of what had been hidden to what has never truly left you. The undoing of illusion is not destruction under alien will, but the willingness to accept healing in place of persisting in pain as if it can become joy by denial and sacrifice. We thus 'revisit' our starting place to know it for the first time, which is to say the trauma and its progeny are brought to a point of acceptance instead of being demonised by denial, such as to restore an instant of awareness as the freedom to release what we no longer choose to identify or live from as our self. Counter to this runs the deep habit of self-judgements, that instantly invoke a mind at war with its very self, and so with everyone. 'Bottoming out' is where the true pain and cost of such a mistaken identity is no longer able to be masked as yet another variant on the theme of self-deceit.

Paradoxically, to truly look upon a false foundation, is to see it is not actually there!

THIS allows truth to instantly replace what had never been, and give the life of a love recognised, accepted, and shared, right where fear and denial set a mind in fantasies of substitution for truth, as 'guide and protector' for Separation.

The 'journey of willingness' is a habit-choice left unchosen or passed by, to freely align in something truly felt, known and lived.

The capacity to discern truth is the willingness to let it be revealed.

Leveraging truth to manipulate outcomes is a mind set in its own substitution for true will. We may call it 'will to power', 'self-will' or 'wilfulness', but surely it is will-less, as the result of denial or dissociation from true desire, under a belief-thief that sets the framework of what we then take as our thoughts, but which block our living thought - that can also be called God's Thought - because nothing else truly Is or lives. But the believed need to see something else will induce giving self-illusion all the life and power it them seems to have as a world unto itself - outside and other to a limited sense of isolation seeking control and connection externally.

I write in the same invitation as A Course in Miracles, but not as a persuasion or fear-driven identity seeking recruit or reinforcement.

Self-honesty or transparency to True and Current Account - is not as a private mind fears to be damned by, but to meet fear unmasked, as the willingness to heal the conflicts that set it up. We are all already expert in A Course in Grievances. But as a heartfelt Choice, is this what we WANT?

That many choose to die rather than wake, is in line with the fact that no living one can be forced to accept truth against their will. And God, being wholly unconflicted and without coercion gives unconditionally, regardless the terms and conditions we set as our own.

It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive. For who can loose the world of all they thought it was, who loves to hate, and think this 'virtue' must then attack and deny a love seen as treacherous, for it does not take sides, or lockstep under a covert ID. Yet is the courage to be, and give true witness, in place of lies and deceits given power to run amok in our thought and reaction.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Covid Narrative Illusions


I would invite a much more specific consideration.

What ‘covid’ infection rate?

Is this a meaningful result of any meaningful analysis of meaningful data or the sliding parameters of ‘cases’ established via all kinds of variable procedures that don’t mean anything?

In terms of the presentation I read this much; the impositions are ratcheting up without any pretence to real threat – hence a ‘community support’ of the mind captured and incentivised compliant, gives the basis for restructuring / destructuring social and economic – and biological functionality and coherence.


When invested self illusion is protected, truth becomes framed as a feared exposure.

The attack on truth for the protection of lies is what ‘sin’ meant.

It sacrifices the living to feed a dead idol.

Its wage or result is spiritual death and within such a denial is a world of death experienced as war against truth. Or rather, against truth blocked by its own projected motives and intent.

The body is used as a distancing, symbol of contraction from relational communication by a split off or dissociated sense of mind that is set in knowing not what its does – aka under denial. The body’s limit, frailty and sickness are all serving to mask from Self-Awareness, such as to serve a narrative identity of Self-evasion.

Sartre observed correctly that the mind’s recoil from truth generates self-illusion that operates mechanically or reactively to conditions that reiterate the meanings or definitions locked in by fear and its denial. There are other ways to see than through the mind of fear, but one cannot release what is actively disowned and masked over by default.

I simply see ‘covid’ as one a a selection of securitised and protected narratives relative to official purvey and sanction. IE – removed from freedom to publicly discuss (and retain any social position of influence).

Faith given to false and destructive narrative dictates is indeed faithless or bad faith.

No matter how opaque the mask, there is a human spark within. This is not about our personality level. Nor about sympathy. But we all have facets of ourself that are deeply denied, and also meet people who are in deep denial.

Release and be released is a spiritual recognition.

I have faith that truth cannot be forever denied and so all self-illusion shall be revealed and undone in its time and timing – which I see as a matter of willingness, not circumstance.


You miss the BBC point, it doesn’t matter if they are caught in the lie, the idea is to get it out there, repeat, repeat etc..then the ” facts” prove otherwise, but it no longer matters the poison is already disseminated and most people don’t bother to ask

Voila, BBC goal achieved, its ” highly likely”

Yes by framing the narrative, the dissenter will generally be used to reinforce it.

This is why I feel not to accept, run or propagate weaponised language – unless in a context that clearly reveals its misuse.

The mechanism assigned to viruses is extremely evident in human minds.


Frieda Vizel

This is different. To believe most lies, all people had to do was not pay too much attention. Covid demanded intense attention and sacrifice. People’s worlds were upended in a way quiet apart from anything in recent memory. And most weren’t drafted by force or swept up in hype. They volunteered, and volunteered for it for over a year now.

The investments were already held, and were summoned or called in by the established order. So the idea I am sketching is that if you stand in a false foundation, when it is edited or manipulated, you have NO basis but to change with it – excepting to release what seemed your self and world to the intuition of Life against all appearances or past assumptions.

The latter is what is occurring step by step in those who could not abide or accept the open dictate of fear.

We all ‘volunteered’ for the human experience by the persistence of the focus by which we have come to living it now. Obviously not as a verbal mental consent, but at a vibrational level, consent is not what we say, but what we give or withhold of our self.

The capacity to doubt and override our own experience is part of the survival masking that fits in. We are social beings. Uncovering and living our own authority is nothing to do with the ego of reaction. Look to Jesus – or anyone else who extends a true witness without fear or favour.

Focusing on what they did or did not do cannot be free of what we ourselves do or don’t do. Under threat, most will feel for how to respond by the acts or not of those they consider more authorised. When no one in any institutional establishment speaks out, almost all voices are silenced. For if they are too fearful to speak – what must they know that frightens them so? Or what are they in support of, that is being carried out under pretext of making you safe?

A lot do not want to look at things that are out of their depth and beyond their sense of capacity to do anything about – while a sense of extreme exposure to pain and loss is associated with anything they may feel could be obliged of them if they let themselves see. And so without even thinking, this risk level is maintained as a strategy of personal survival in a world they adapt to survive – which for many includes consuming diversion, reinforcing their mask, numbing the pain, and attuning to their source of news and direction.

However, to presume some process of observation and awareness is not active at a deeper level would be mistaken. I actually hold an opposite view to your opening; All we need to remain free of lies is not give attention. During the first few weeks I did not let my attention dwell in any of it. Only when it became obvious the bait had been taken did I then choose to take my own education in not just what is presented but the whole psycho-physical bandwagon effect – and the opportunity for an education and awakening that all deceits offer.


You have to prove SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, biochemically characterised and shown to cause disease first. Then once you have achieved that, prove it is infectious. None of these steps have been fulfilled, so talk of long-term side-effects are wholly irrelevant.

Yes I agree – but if the results of ‘treatments’, deprivations, stresses, masking and Nuv@x™ along with any other candidate can be flagged as ‘long covid’, then the novel can be extended with further chapters.

I also wait on sound evidence for truth of any of this covert identity theft. So I need not engage in its narrative assertions but have to be aware of the reactions that have been leveraged or provoked by incitement to hysteria, and a significant element of social support from ‘left’ and ‘green’.



A 99.85% chance of survival without the gene therapy ‘vaccine’.

I wonder what it is with it. I’m seriously wondering if is above 50%. Watching various well respected figures come out about pathogenic priming and other scenarios, the German lawyer, Vernon Coleman, Mike Yeadon etc I do worry.

Why would anyone (aside from possibly the vulnerable groups) even give consideration to it. That’s aside from the risk they are deliberately trying to bump us all off.

I write to the theme - so this is partly responding to 'pathogenic scenarios' bit is not a personal reply.

If you ONLY look within the frame of mortal fear you are effectively locked down in a mind that distances you from other perspectives under a masking narrative/persona.

The outer form of this covid looked at directly is much ado about nothing.

An ants nest has been stirred up by narratives of dissociating fear, and reinforced and locked in by narratives of guilt. The idea of 'build back better' is simply an intent to channel and direct fear, as 'solutions' or defences, that direct and redistribute funding and control - as 'permissioned' by narrative edicts as top down rules induced in the population as social virtue masking over personal survival and social standing.

So fear and guilt set the underlying framework or operating system that all kinds of compartmentalised logic then operates according to the predicates and parameters of the model, worldview or assumed and invested identity.

The perspective on fear and guilt that heals or undoes, rather than reinforces it, is from an awareness that embraces the activity of psychic intent and emotional reaction. This is invited by desisting from investment in identity struggle in its terms, and so watching the mind rather than reactively identifying in thoughts and feelings. Especially when tempted to react in ways that undermine our fundamental trust in self and life.

A parable that came to my mind is of Satan v Job as the witness to human freewill, rather than robotic creatures or programs running blind or will-less.

Satan's role was to seek every and any way to undermine Job's living faith.

Job's fate is to live through experience of persecution and loss to open an Intimacy of being through his own free willing. Satan represents love locked down and masked in image and form as possession and control. Job represents the Spirit and Potential of Man (Humankind) as free alignment in shared will and shared Creation.

The Choice in any and every moment is fear or love, illusion or truth. Conflict or connected peace. BUT illusions may be associated with fear-protections and masking virtues, and Truth with exposure to masked fears that honesty and trust will result in sacrifice, pain and loss.

The mind that set and masked in self-illusion is not a reliable guide for decision as it generates the mask of dissociation to persist as Your guide and 'protection'. Who then are You? Be still and know.

There's a saying, "don't let truth get in the way of a good story". What makes it 'good'? Privately driven self interest, or shared life?

It may seem as if private self interest is set in, as, or under evil, because it generates such polarised and polarising conflicts of ignorance and arrogance. The reintegration of a personal will to a Universal Desire is an undoing of a false foundation, not its destruction. But invested self-illusion will frame truth as destructive, and emulate this as the basis for its own private creations.

If we knew what we do, we would not be freely willing to persist it.

Hiding from ourself is part of maintaining our self/world.

When we bring this to awareness, the self/world changes.

But while we bring a framed awareness to the self/world we reinforce it in all we think, say and do. The choice can seem to be between fear of pain of loss, and death. Many choose to die to escape an intolerable conflict. In life as unconsciousness, or as an ending of life in death. Because freedom is of the Mind, the mind can limit itself in a body or complex of thought. But CAN your thoughts trap you or truly become an 'alien will'?

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Seeing the deceit, releasing the mind of deceit

 In its own specific examples, this reiterates the pattern of the 'Separation' self as an active ignorance or attack on relational awareness that assigns the attack or threat to truth or open honest communication.

That the mind can be captivated by its own thinking, is the invested identity in protected narrative definitions.

Identity is self-recognition, but self image taken as self, sets up a misidentification of self representation conflicted with Current Reality, such as to fear lack and pain of loss of self, that is locked into seeking 'self-protection' as a dissociated or distanced and protected mask or 'face' set in fear of its true life.

This covert ID is by its own accepted definitions a Self-evasion running as armoured and defended deceit that demands sacrifice of the living to seem to have a life of it own - for an imaged identity has all but only the life we give it. This inverted 'religion' of sacrifice works the basis for a 'prison planet' subjected under blind and tyrannous 'alien will' masking as virtues of a life it actively undermines.

That we regard the ego as normal is the degree to which we are locked down, distanced and masked in a self and world of threat, fear, hate, guilt and sacrifice of self and others, as a cover story to divert from true self-honesty, appreciation and the extension of such life to the living of which we are integrally part of - whether accepting this or set in denial.

Integrity of our human being is alignment of thought, word and deed. Dis-integrity is effectively a split or compartmentalised and dissociating and conflicted mind, that projects its conflicts to its relational world and seeks to 'solve' them where they are not. This generates a world of toxic conflicts and denials that SEEMS to have nothing to do with our own thought, intentions or desire. Nothing could be further from the truth - but not in the framing of blame and further attack and dissociation. Truth is the undoing of error by which fear feeds control to usurp the mind. Not its demonisation and destruction.

Opening a true foundation cannot be built on or from a false, and so the false has to be seen as baseless and false rather than attacked as a source of identity reinforcement in acquired 'virtue' taken from vice. Science is an intent to be aware of bias and as far as possible, to remove it from the results by choosing not to use it in the framing of question and the methods and means of exploring and testing answers.

WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #13

“The pharmaceutical industry is manufacturing all these medical journal articles, behind the scenes, for marketing purposes.”

The ability to join in baseless meanings as a source of private gain is the same as making money from money - once money was taken out of context as leverage of truth by deceits. Pharma fraud includes its model of interventions and overriding of the body seen as weak, frail, broken, unworthy, susceptible, lacking, and inadequate. These are attributes of self-image projected onto body that 'separate' you from truth under a managed and protected covert ID. But "WHO told you you were naked?" - is the basis for enquiry. The ability to question our reality is OF a point of awareness that rises as both the freedom to question, and the capacity to recognise and accept truth as resonant coherence. As the foundation from which to live rather than a goal demanding sacrifice for a future that never comes, for a past is stamped over the face of the present to keep truth out.

Presence does not go away when we dissociate, and in truth nor do we 'go' anywhere, but as an active focus within limitation and reactive denial, we be-live our experience as our reality, and seek magical answers to maintain our construct of reality deemed too big to fail, that are destructive and hollowing out, as an addictive compulsion set as social manipulation. Selfishness righty meets the conditions in which the tightness of its mask induces a willingness to question everything, for the foundation, true or false, is in everything we think, say and see clearly, or through a glass darkly. But where you choose to look is up to you.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Masking Ignorance as strategy

To a commenter decrying human stupidity:

The ability to 'stupidify' or limit consciousness is a creative strategy.

Human is creator-being - and can put the mind to serve its own lockdown distancing and masking as an attempt to NOT know or hide feared truth as a 'physicalised' externalisation.

By assigning Creative to external false flags, we divert attention and awareness from the act of doing so.

A poor workman blames his tool, and a poor choice of means to resolve conflicts, creates tools or thinking, that not only repackages 'blame' but becomes identified with and as its tool. So a mask of 'thinking' operates in place of the Divine Child You Are, and shall always Be.

There term 'species' was adapted from the Greek Ideal.

Ways of structuring and evaluating perception set up an operating system.

Within the parameters of the modelling is the vicarious experience of our thought given power - even as groupthink given acceptance to run as a matrix of substitution for living truth - that remains unshared and thus concealed from our awareness while we persist as identity set in hiding.

But WHO told you you were naked? said the Lord?

The cultivation of human self-hating under the groupthink of a blame redistribution system is 'narrative control' or masking dictate. As our fears and denials are revealed, we are 'triggered' by re-enacting Separation Trauma.

Is there another way of resolving self-conflicting contradictions than an attempt to conceal them while flagging them to others and world and attacking them there as if to claim some 'right' from another's wrong?

Stupid is the persistence of futility as if THIS time will be different.

Ingenuity is the means to cast this out as a personal sense of survival set against fear of pain of loss in death.

Both work the illusion together as a protected ignorance.

Creative thought is whole and of a wholeness.

It joins us with All That Is, and so is banished from the mind that thinks it thinks alone.

Sharing being, is a giving and receiving as one.

The getting of being, set in a frame of lack, deprivation and denial, is life taken from another's loss or death.

The horror of such a self set in hate and guilt is its own hell. Stupid sets the mind away from facing the intolerable - so as to make you safe in a hidden matrix of conflict and denial.

Sleeping Beauty was awakened from the spell cast by exclusive protection, by true love.

Anything else meets an impenetrable thorny defence.

Born to chains?

comments in


“…we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe.”

I read the quote as a masking belief by which to deny Everything so as to give life to a nothing that is used to justify and necessitate a private creation.  A myth for a locked down sense of dissociation running along the line of its own narrative dictate.

We can make our own meanings, and be-live them as our experience, including 'a meaningless universe'. That is how free we are!

But we are NOT free to make them true, not change the true source of all Meaning.

Only to set a masking distortion in our own mind of judgement and perception-response.

If we care about more our judgements, than true appreciations, we will suffer (accept) the self and world that arises from them as our life and death. 

What we give sets the measure of our receiving, or Garbage in; garbage out - hence our dissociative indifference to living relationship isolates a sense of disconnection from the power and protection of our true being - which is not a body, but a total relationship or expression OF wholeness, and not a fragmented trauma survivor seeking to regain wholeness externally, or keep even the little that they hath.

Idle thinking can posit anything, but we discover we do care, or that certain things or conditions do matter to us, for we are actively engaged in protecting our identification in them. Running off with a phished or mis-taken identity is self-illusion or identity theft. That which identifies all things truly, restores awareness of wholeness or unconflicted being.

The experience of powerlessness is the result of assigning unto a self-apart, what is due to the whole. We call this our mind or will and freedom, and yet freedom to limit, conflict and deny IS the freedom to receive in the measure of our giving, as a denied will, as mind-trapped in its own thinking, or self-illusion set against feared truth.


"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" ~ Rousseau.

The word ‘born’ relates to that which dies - the body.

Assigning our Creation and Existence to the body is limiting Man to the tip of the mind that corresponds to a surface awareness, set over all that lies beneath.

Freedom is in our created being, but our mortal sense is ALREADY a limiting denial or lockdown in a distanced and masking covert identity.

And so we experience the limitation or chains of our conditions and conditioning as a structure through which we each unfold our own themes of experience.

But note the underlying core beliefs work to limit and filter what CAN be seen or accepted, and so at this time, many cannot begin to hear me because their identification with the body or materially defined sense, is set as the filter through which all else must subordinate to or support - or meet denial.

'New Wine' is the Gift of a true recognition, and the structures of thinking that it undoes or redeems, are hardly the framework into which to pour it. But if we seek for a self in the 'world' we make a masking commodity or weapon of love as if to make identity for ourself instead of let love identify truly.

Freedom is our Spirit. Its chains are our mind, by which a body/world is made a prison in which the Child of God comes to die. But where you choose to give your attention is up to you.