Tuesday, 7 July 2015

What to Expect From Aliens When We Make First Contact

What to Expect From Aliens When We Make First Contact

Believing is seeing. That is to say the filters and distortions of our already existing beliefs are exactly what conditions our interpretations and understandings of our own consciousness, that of others, including extra terrestrial civilisations, and of the Multi Dimensional Universe - of which we have a very particular localized and in a sense disconnected perspective. For we generally believe consciousness to separately partitioned within a body that exists in an objective causal ‘Reality’ by which we are defined. In fact all experience is OF an already defined sense of self in relation to its event or actuality.

This sense of segregative and cut off consciousness evolves the mind and abilities of exploitation and conflict in attempt to survive and prevail AS a power unto ourself.

This is also the belief-experience that we are alone. Individually and collectively alone.

Whilst there are already communications and involvements with consciousness or civilisations beyond our own, they are either fringe or cloaked within un-willingness/un-readiness of disclosure. For the reopening of such Consciousness as Contact implicitly brings forth is not merely a meeting of material entities of different shape, culture, or technology. That is simply our surface reflection. What would you expect from meeting a dolphin or a horse or any wild creature in its element? Or someone of another culture or someone you have never met before in a place where you have no ritual habit of recourse? Relationships are what you bring forth. If one brings a fearful agenda and imposes it on any relationship. one will invite a fear-reinforcing outcome. This is no less so if the fears are masked or hidden in ‘unconscious’ conditioning.

The discovery and official disclosure and acceptance of microbial ‘alien’ life will operate a profound symbolic shift in our sense of Everything. More than just thinking about it would suggest. Meanwhile - as with Life Always, one is free to accept Life as one’s own predilections and choices unfold. Is it not already true that the life we meet is through the lens or framing and filters of our own past conditionings and/or present inspirations?

To ‘expect from another’ is to project roles out of one’s own consciousness. Try meeting your fellow humans and other living beings and environments without ritual or habitual expectation. Set Life free to be and communicate in Its Own Terms. Wake up to the limitation of the illusion of coercive control over Life, and reclaim a natural ability to discern and discover for yourself - that is integral within the Totality of which it is an Expression.

The ‘stranger in a strange land’ is but the judgement of a self-specialness seeking self validation. What I originally meant to write here was that  - whatever mind you presume yourself to be, you also presume is true of others. But what Mind IS is not affected by what any expression of mind believes itself to be - though of course that one has a unique perspective and experience within the whole.

Humanity has denied, minimised and overlooked Consciousness in a particular kind of development of experience. Uncovering relations of a higher sphere - so to speak - is one facet of a reintegrating movement of human consciousness within wholeness.

Nothing I said here is addressed to surface thinking. That thinks it already knows and so can only ‘see’ threat or reinforcement to its accepted identity or model.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Hope is an act of willingness

Hope is an act of will - George Washington's Blog about hope amidst a worldthat seems to justify despair.

"To focus on the difficult is to make fear the master, but to share the experience of the easy is to gain the courage to move through fear". This is recalled (paraphrased) from Emmanuel's Book.
Everything  - did I say everything? EVERYTHING! - depends on where we are coming FROM - for this directs our attention and frames our interpretation, generating experience that then reinforces the predicate beliefs and definitions we are operating from.
What we give attention to, we feed and magnify. But note, what we give attention to as a device of diverting attention from our own conflicted and false foundation will have all of the energetic of the denied feelings - BUT seem to be 'out there' in the diversionary tactic.
This is another way of saying one does not escape sin, fear and guilt by projecting it or redistributing it onto others - and then hating, fighting, denying or killing them.
One escapes such dissonance of conflicted self experience by looking straight at the fear and recognizing what is not You as untrue and what is true as the true of you. That is to allow a false sense of self and its consequent self-protections to be brought to awareness and undone.
Hope leaves a way open where despair and cynicism lock in with guilt and powerlessness. Faith and willingness for wholeness and peace reach and yield to the movement of Life - the true movement of our being. As the awakening movement of wholeness is knowing. From such a point one discerns and chooses to act, to stand to extend and express as the simple presence that in a sense Lives You - not as an 'other' but intimately reveals You in and through and as the situation - the moment - the movement. Seek not words for the reminder or who you are. Seek to be stirred and quickened by an innocence of being that is free of the mind-manufactured spin in which attention SEEMS locked and looped into.
Let your goal be to come from a clean place - free of the baiting and deceits of the fear-mind. For they can only be triggered by your own corresponding vibratory resonance. So use the 'causes' of self-judging in blame and anger to reflect the points of one's own mind that are in a sense like back doors through which manipulations are attracted into your experience.

The enslavement of the Athenians?

The enslavement of the Athenians?

I meditated with this issue today and wrote the following to Laura’s Blog - but received “This message could not be accepted”. So I put it here and will add it to my own blog.
I write to the prior awareness - not to the thinking of the world - and so this will make no sense to those who still identify exclusively within what they take as their own thinking. Therefore it is offered freely to be considered or not according to whatever is held to resonate true for the reader. Such resonance is more valuable than words, for one’s own stirring is not really the gift of an ‘other’ but one’s own synchronicity of Self.

Who has ears to hear - let them hear... For a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
(Jesus … and Simon and Garfunkel)

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Crisis can be deliberately or artificially generated as a means to direct the reaction by framing it in terms of fear and guilt. Such is the war of deceit that would bait the mind to abandon it's true function and be usurped by an imposed or interjected 'protector' who is one with the coercive intent that generates the situation of lack or scarcity. Once one reacts from the baited or suggested temptation to fear, then that fear becomes actualised within the consciousness as a core belief or conditioning that then unconsciously frames all that then follows. Ultimately, what we call the human condition is a human conditioning.
Baiting the mind into division and conflict is the operation and agenda of power in the world - or power as is worshipped in the world, for it cannot be true power if it calls upon coercion and deceit to support it.

In following the suggestion to get 'more' by seeking to add to oneself at the expense of others - and in the denial of wilful 'forgetting' of Wholeness or Source, one engages in a journey of 'descent' and fragmentation in an experience of loss until amidst a Prodigal wasteland, one's allegiance to the voice of a fearful separate-self protection, falls away to a true reMembering; to a true Foundation from which to live.
The integrative movement of being rises within the ruins of the segregative 'end-game as a completely different perspective - but one which initially requires conscious desire and willingness to yield through fear-thinking in order to rise AS a Self-Awareness by which to be moved in wholeness of being.

The 'Resource' of our true divinity may SEEM limited and weak or to have abandoned us, when we attempt to fit it to our own 'power' agenda - regardless of our heartfelt identifications with whatever facet of the divine we most identify in as symbol or representation of truth and life and reason.

'Crisis'  - I have been told - is represented in Far Eastern character that contains the meaning of danger AND opportunity. Now the opportunistic mentality of the segregative self-sense is simply seeking a separate self interest in disregard of others or life excepting it is seen to impinge on one's own. But the opportunity of uncovering the bait or trigger point of a falsely framing set of self-definitions or beliefs is the opportunity for healing in place of war and division.

The moneylenders in the template are to be swept out of our OWN consciousness, FIRST. For the template level of mind is what has been allowed to come between us and our true Worth-ship. And without giving or extending true With-ness, and thus sharing Creation in whatever we think and feel and say and do, we are sucked into false currency that is made real by mutual reinforcement of a sense of fear, guilt and lack, that is covered over in ourself by projecting onto OTHER.

The willingness to NOT choose to let the mind of fear and guilt make or set our choices or reactions is the truly receptive space into which the divine moves through us and to us in shared Creation. For the unwillingness to see the light or worth in another is the unforgiveness of self that operates to deny communication in seeking justice in vengeance according to personal and cultural narratives of grievance that are never wholly justified. The force of the anger that would prevail upon its world is the desire and belief that hate is justified. The mind of such justifiction is in wilful blindness to true Presence.

I am not saying that our experience and our feelings are wrong or invalid - but that we are in relation to our feelings and experience according to the thought and perspective we attune to, We are not truly victim to our experience excepting we insist that our focus of attention in thought has NO effect and that ALL cause is outside and apart from us in the act of OTHERNESS upon our body and its hostage mind.

This is merely a description of how the idea of separation interjects itself within a unified Consciousness. Fixating attention within the separation-self IS the loss of conscious awareness of grace, fluidity and innocence of being.

I write in with-ness to the call to Joy. Because joy Speaks my true being in a way I cannot of myself replicate, I am freely willing to question the joy-less sacrifice of Life to the false gods of fear and guilt-thinking. Opening and growing a natural desire for a truly honouring life through a capacity for embrace that is not in and of myself alone but is given me in true willingness to join with another in shared purpose. Fear can SEEM to unite in purpose but always AGAINST and without any true intimacy of undefendedness to the Spirit within.

For every form of Life is an image or symbol through which a deception can operate. Integrity is the groundedness in which discernment comes naturally. The conditions of such 'end-times' as we are meeting are those that call upon a deeper self-honesty than we may have imagined or conceived of. And this is the willingness to challenge and question our fears rather than to seek 'protector powers' to 'take them away' or keep them hidden while we persist in an out-of-true conflicted and dissonant 'life', while leaving others or indeed tomorrow, to pay the cost as a sort of 'delaying the inevitable'.

True currency is revealed through the breakdown of the false - As one is willing to receive and act from what is shared or opened true.