I wrote this int an OG article on growing transnational tech and financial censorship.
But it wasn't to that article so much as the shared attention in the themes that are working out as the technocratic usurping of human being.
It is not a new idea to posit a world of self-illusion in which we learn to turn a collective blind eye before we learn to think, such that masking adaptations for personal & persona survival in mother, family, and extended social relationships, operate as the self we present, seek to be seen in, and identify as our guardian, guide and protector.
This is not to deny a real world to persona-social constructs, but to recognise that the mind of masking in image and form is a series of shifting patterns overlaid or imposed on 'What Is' - such that we never perceive directly but always and only through a selective and evaluative interpretive set of masking rules and filters.
The patterns of entanglement of competition or conflict for right or just being is then set in archetypal drama of our primary relationships, running undercurrent to beliefs we are autonomous, independent and free. While such belief runs supported we can be-live experience as real that never truly shares, but finds mutual support in both alliances and oppositions. But when such belief is revealed partial, false and lacking substance, the deeper conflicts or fears that it masked over rise as disturbance that cannot be rationalised or understood within its own current mindset, and this results in the various doubling down or resetting of control strategies coercively by force as necessary lies, that are necessarily protected by a blind eye of masking unconsciousness - lest disclosure break the 'little that ye hath' to greater and total loss. Limiting the conflicted ego by denial of consciousness also limits awareness of all that we have and are, and internalises such rules as 'official or socially accepted reality' - the world to which we must adapt, or suffer rejection and exclusion - feared as both loss of face and control to a humiliation, damnation or lack of worthiness for life.
The decision to stay conscious or resist temptation to unconsciousness set in projective denials of self-saving blame, is not really by the mind we think we think in, but a movement of being, recognised, valued and given welcome in place of automatic defences blanking over a moment of felt connection to a reality we do not make and yet are integrally part of. That we cannot turn about to objectify, but can be turned about by so as to receive an expanded embrace or awareness in place of a distanced and masked defence system.
Some of this sketch may offer release from personal identity entanglements that effectively operate as a machined or programmed reaction stamping grievance, attack and fear from a currently attuned 'past' onto the presence that rises in the heart to be all that you are (the unfolding and sharing of). Such as to set 'future' as it repeating, under the illusion of escape, victory, solution - as if this time it will work.
Future is potential as past is experience, but presence is freedom to align in the extension of felt value as willingness to share in freedom lived as our endeavour and relationship in life. The usurping of our true life by a false is part of our current human consciousness, evolution or development. The depth of an invested stake in mis-taken identity cannot be released without uncovering that which truly identifies us - and everything. Attempts to solve conflict externally lock us into systemic conflicts running like a trojan horse - for we wanted to believe where symbols of life, love or power have been invested - and set against symbols of life's reversal as hated evils given power by mutually agreed worth-ship.
The lie and the father of it run as 'the deceiver' or 'Wetiko' or 'mind virus'. Anyone who thinks to judge, attack and deny it in an 'Othered' is not in their right mind, and thinks to stamp out wrongs in the Other - as in witch hunts, inquisitions or the many headed serpent of collectivised wokethink.
We invite and extend awakening from such dispossession or dissociation by the extension or with-ness of right-minded example (as in the sense of being of sound mind - not as being right over a wrong).
Attempts to 'make another see' what they are unwilling or unready to see, are not yet at rest in being, but set in a war that overrides all else - Or Else!
Isn't that the nature of the psyop?
Terrible Evil Threat demands compliance NOW!
Is it not readily observable that we each have our own inner 'gaslighting' - excepting it only reveals cynical, hateful and blind when we move past or challenge it boundary conditions?
Looking within is not navel gazing, but the discarded Field of being to a mind set to look OUT as a mind unto itself, in its own spin.
Repackaging grievance, conflict or trauma puts it out of mind, by holding a split mind into dissociation. We have used this to 'create' with, by believing. Suspension of belief allows questioning what we have made of ourself, another, and world. But persisting as stakeholders to deeply held self-convictions set by fear, has set a collectivised mind in blind reversal as a call to unconsciousness, sacrifice and death as protection against full disclosure.
Yet fear of love, or truth - is fear of what we made of it.
Not knowing is then a self-honesty to that which knows and reveals to a willingness to be shown, rather than manufact a checked 'reality'.