in response to the themes in:
Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food by Colin Todhunter
The Con Troll of Mythstory
A corruption of thought underlies legal and financial corruption. Unless we recognise our stake in the 'father of the lie' we will persist in its mutating derivatives of false or forced 'solutions'. This is not to say that we cannot address the errors in the evils of the day thereof, but that is where we need identity (and withdraw allegiance from) false routes & branch lines to nowhere running on false premises as if to gain function by following false profits. That frees us to live from a truth we do not manufacture by defining in terms of predictive control.
From here we choose where to stand within the world of our own unfolding in giving and receiving a consciously felt giving & receiving - for in this is true currency for justice of error correction, in place of vengeance worshipped for a 'self-vindication' that delivers us not from evil, nor healed to full flowing gratitude for joy in being.
Maximising love opens a qualitative undoing or healing of the optimal survival strategy running under gain of fiction. For which we have addictive and compulsive patterns of thought,perception & response by which to short-circuit communication as one who 'already knows' and has no need to ask.
And the dish ran away with the spoon!
Intoxicated or phished to mis-taken identity by our own thinking.
If we cant control directly it is othered or distanced to a realm of Other that we seek to manipulate or regain power over by variants of attack, denial & control.
But All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn't put Humpty together again.
That is - a true wholeness of being underlies an a-tempt or wish to force a gain of fiction or grasp reality as possession and ...control.
in response to the themes in:
Manufactured reality is by definition a replica or modelling of and not a substitution for, reality.
Reality is Self-Evident or Self-Revealing - in that it is not withheld.
Manufactured constructs by definition focus on weighted specifics that determine priority, prominence or absence from the model.
A democratic 'reality' shares in its fruits or consequences, according to the aggregate of votes - of captive mindshare - staked in manipulations of a staked investment in divergent models - as IF competing truths rather than competition to take the position of manufacturing the truth to gain the function of a fiction given power by sacrifice.
Saving the model or appearances is a form of 'saving the world' in terms of stakeholder investment.
Jesus parable of the tenant landlords applies.
Killing the messengers of truth is attack on our own true sustenance - regardless they are pre-emptively demonised for targeting unhealed hate.